Eastern Monsters

Eastern Monsters is a collection of Asian legendary creatures.
A Abaasy 7, Agharrma ,Akaname, Ame-Onna (Storm Hag), Aoandon, Asura, Asura, Adhukait 7, Asura, Aghasura 11, Asura, Andhaka 15, Asura, Asurendra 20, Asura, Tripurasura 2, Asura, Upasunda 9, Aswang, Ayakashi 19, Azuki Arai 3,
AAasimar, Abaasy, Abaia, Abhartach, Abiku, Aboleth, Aboleth Greater, Aboleth Noble, Aboleth Ruler, Abúhukü, Abyssal Larva, Acanthostega, Achaierai, Actaeon, Adar Llwch Gwin, Adaro, Adh Sidhe, Adlet, Adze, Aegipan, Aepycamelus, Aerial Servant, Agathion, Avoral, Agathion, Bishop, Agathion, Cervapral, Agathion, Cervinal, Agathion, Cetaceal, Agathion, Chelonidal, Agathion, Draconal, Agathion, Leonal, Agharrma, Agriotherium, Ahkiyyinni, Air Maidens of Ukko, Aitvaras, Akaname, Ajatar, Akata, Akhlut, Akop, Al, Alicanto, Al-mi’raj, Alligator Snapping Turtle, Allip, Altamaha-Ha, Alp, Alpluachra, Alraune, Alven, Alven Lord, Alû, Amadan , Amazon, Ambulocetus, Amebelodon, Ame-Onna (Storm Hag), Ammit, Ammonite, Amoeba, Giant, Amphicyon, Amphiptere, Amphisbaena, Anancus, Anarchic Creature, Anarchic Lion, Andrewsarchus, Android, Angel Unique, Angel, Af-Hemah, Angel of Wrath, Angel Ariel, Lion of the Righteous Gods, Angel, Gabriel, Angel, Michael, Angel, Nemamiah of the Chalice, Anglerfish, Anemoi, Ankheg, Ankou, Animal Lord, Cat Lord, Animated object, Anomalocaris, Ant, Giant (Drone), Ant, Giant (Knight), Ant, Giant (Queen), Ant, Giant (Soldier), Ant, Giant (Worker), Antelope, Anunnaki, Aoandon, Arachne, Archons, Archon, Bastion, Archon Fell, Archon Lantern, Archon, Sibyl , Arctodus simus, Arctognathus, Argopelter, Arthropleura, Ascomoid, Aspidochelone, Asrai, Assassin Vine, Astrapotherium, Asura, Asura, Adhukait, Asura, Aghasura, Asura, Andhaka, Asura, Asurendra, Asura, Tripurasura, Asura, Upasunda, Aswang, Athach, Athanor, Atomie, Atropal, Attic Whisperer, Attorcroppe, Aughisky/Each uisge, Aurochs, Aurumvorax, Avanyu, Axe Beak, Diatryma, Axe Beak (Phororhacos), Axe Beak, Terror Bird (Brontornis), Axiomatic Creature, Ayakashi
B Badger , Baigujing, Bakekujira, Baku, Bajang, Basan, Bat, Bear Black, Bear Brown, Bebarlang, Bhuta, Boar, Buru
Badger, Baigujing, Baku, Bajang, Balaur, Bakekujira, Basan, Basilisk, Basilosaurus, Bat, Bat Dire Fiendish, Batlings, Batsquatch, Baykok, Bear Black, Bear Brown, Bear Polar, Beaver, Beast of Busco, Beaver Women, Beheaded, Flaming, Beldam, Bee, Honey Bee Swarm, Beelzebufo, Behemoth, Behemoth Gorilla, Behemoth, Tempest, Behemoth, Thalassic, Behemoth, Thunder , Behir, Belemnite, Belker, Bendith y Mamau, Bergeist, Beula, Bhole, Bhuta, Bibi, Bigfoot, Biloko/Eloko, Billdad, Bison/Buffalo, Black Cat, Black Dog, Black Shuck, Bladderwort Giant, Bleeding Spirit, Blemmyae, Blink Dog, Blodeuwedd, Bloody Bones, Bloody Handed Jack, Bloop, Boar, Boar Calydonian, Boar Erymanthian, Bodak, Bogey, Bogeyman, Boggart, Boggle, Bogun, Bonhomme sept-heures, Bonnacon, Boobrie, Bog Slain, Boruta, Boto Ocota-de-Rosa, Brainiac, Brontotherium, Brownie, Brumal Pinemaiden, Bruxsa, Buggane, Bulette, Buraq, Buru, Butterfae,
C Carp Giant, Cat, Celestial Elephant, Celestial Monkey,
Cacops, Cacus, Cadborosaurus, Cailleach, Caladrius, Caliban, Callicantzaros, Camel, Campe, Card Soldier, Cariad Ysbryd, Carnivorous Blob, Carp Giant, Castoroides, Cat, Cat Sith, Cat, Wildcat, Cat Folk, Catoblepas, Cave Fisher, Cave Lion, Celestial Creature, Celestial Badger, Celestial Black Bear, Celestial brown bear, Celestial Bison, Celestial Dire Lion, Celestial Dog, Celestial Eagle, Celestial Elephant, Celestial Giant Bee, Celestial Griffon, Celestial Lion, Celestial Monkey, Celestial Owl, Celestial Porpoise, Cephalophore, Cerastes, Cerberi, Ceryneian Hind, Cetacean, Whale (Common), Cetus, Chained Spirit, Champ, Chaneque, Chaos Beast, Changling, Charau-ka, Charybdis, Charybdis, Legendary, Chastity, Cheetah, Chemosit, Chenoo, Chuul, Cistern Creeper, Clurichaun, Cloaker, Clockwork, Clockwork, Clockwork Dragon, Clockwork, Clockwork Familiar, Clockwork, Clockwork Goliath, Clockwork, Clockwork Leviathan, Clockwork, Clockwork Mage, Clockwork, Clockwork Servant, Clockwork, Clockwork Soldier, Clockwork,Clockwork Spy, Clockwork, Clockwork Steed, Cockatrice, Coelacanth, Colossus Iron, Colossus Stone, Colour Out Of Space, Coeurl, Cooshee, Crab, Shark-Eating, Crane Giant, Crawling Hand, Crawvil, Crocodile, Crocodilian, Deinosuchus, Crocodilian, Marine Crocodile, Crocodilian, Saltwater Crocodile, Crocotta, Cryptoclidus, Cuchivilu, Curucu, Cú Sídhe, Cyclops Lesser, Cyclops Greater, Cynocephali, Cynocephali,
D Demon Marilith , Demon Shikome, Dhole, Dire Ape, Dire Frog, Giant , Dire Tiger, Dragon Oriental, Dragon Eel, Dragon Horse, Dragon turtle, Deva,
Demon Aeshma (Rage), Demon Asakku, Demon Bebilith (Tsuchigumo), Demon Gello, Demon Locust, Demon Marilith, Demon Shigidi (Nightmare Demon), Demon Shikome, Demon Utukku, Div Aghash, Div Akvan, Div Pairaka, Doppelganger (as obake or fox spirits), Dragon Ladon (reinterpreted with Eastern aesthetics), Dragon Lung (Eastern Dragon), Drakainai Echidna, Drakainai Scylla, Drider, Dryad, Dullahan (Gan Ceann, reimagined as Nukekubi), Phoenix (Fenghuang), Qilin/Kirin, Dire Frog (mythological version), Dire Snake, Dire Tiger, Dire Wolf.
Demon, Demon, Rage (Aeshma), Demon Asakku, Demon Babau, Demon Balor, Demon Baphitaur, Demon Bebilith (Tsuchigumo), Demon, Brimorak, Demon, Cambion Demon, Coloxus, Demon Daeobelinus, Demon Dretch, Demon Gello, Demon Glabrezu, Demon, Hala, Demon Harlequin, Demon Hezrou, Demon Incubus, Demon Inmai, Demon Irecundia, Demon Jahi, Demon, Kerit, Demon Locust, Demon, Malorum, Demon Marilith, Demon Nabasu, Demon Nalfeshnee, Demon, Omox, Demon Quasit, Demon Retriever, Demon, Schir, Demon Shadow, Demon Shigidi (Nightmare Demon), Demon Shikome, Demon, Shrroth (Squid Demon), Demon Succubus, Demon, Uridezu, Demon Utukku, Demon Vrock, Unique Demons, Demon Lord Template, Demon Abrasax Demiurge of Knowledge, Demon Aldinach, Demon Alvarez, Demon Apollyon, Demon Arachnadia (Demon Queen of Spiders), Demon Ardat the Unavowed, Demon Baltazo, Demon Belcheresk, Demon The Cathezar, Demon Cresil the Impure, Demon Darkness Given Hunger, Demon Decarabia, Demon Prince Demogorgon, Demon Eurynomus, the Corpse Eater, Demon Flauros, Demon Fraz-Urb ‘Luu (Prince of Deception), Demon Gamigin, Demon Graz’zt, The Dark Prince, Demon Ashetha, Concubine of Graz’zt, Demon Drosophila, Concubine of Graz’zt, Demon Euosha, Concubine of Graz’zt, Demon Khadija, Concubine of Graz’zt, Demon Megaera, Concubine of Graz’zt, Demon Melia, Concubine of Graz’zt, Demon Hacamuli, Demon Juiblex, The Faceless Lord, Demon Lord Koschei , Demon Ilsidahur, Demon Ipos, Demon Lynkhab, Lady of Regret, Demon Malcanthet, Demon Marbas, Demon Mastiphal The Hunting Sovereign, Demon Miska (The Wolf Spider), Demon Nocticula, Demon Prince Orcus, Demon Orwantz , Demon Pale Night, Demon Pazuzu Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms, Demon Lord, Punchinello, Demon The Queen of Chaos, Demon The Radiant Sisters, Demon Raum, Demon Red Shroud, Demon Reluhantis and Unhath, Demon Rhyxali, Demon Seere, Demon Shaktari, the Queen of Poison , Demon Shami-Amourae, Demon Socothbenoth, Demon Lord, Tsathogga, Demon Vepar, Demon Yeenoghu Prince of Gnolls, Demon Zuggytmoy Demiurge of Parasites, Demon Queen of Fungi, Demonic Knight, Derro, Desmatosuchus, Devilfish, Devil Monkey, Devourer, Dhampir, Dhinnabarrada , Dhole, Dicynodont, Dicynodon, Dicynodont, Diictodon, Dicynodont, Lystrosaurus, Dimetrodon, Dimorphodon (pterosaur), Dingonek, Diplocaulus, Diprotodon, Giant Wombat, Dire Creature, Dire Ape (Gigantopithecus), Dire Badger, Dire Bat, Dire Bear, Dire Boar, Dire Capybara, Dire Dog, Dire Frog, Giant, Dire Lamprey, Dire Jaguar, Dire Lion, Dire Piranha, Dire Rat, Shark, Dire (Megalodon), Dire Snake, Dire Tiger, Dire Turkey, Dire Walrus, Dire Weasel, Dire Wolverine, Dire Wolf , Disenchanter, Divs, Div, Aghash, Div, Akvan, Div, Doru, Div, Ghawwas, Div, Pairaka, Div, Sepid, Div, Shira, Div, Vaporighu, Dodo, Dog, Bloodhound, Dog medium, Dog Small, Doll, Soulbound , Dolphin, Dolphin, Popoto, Domovoi, Donkey, Doppelganger, Drac, Dragon, Dragon Black, Dragon Blue, Dragon Brass, Dragon Colchian, Dragon Copper, Dragon Eel, Dragon, Faerie, Gold Dragon, Dragon Horse, Dragon Ladon, Dragon Green, Dragon, Orichalcum, Dragon Lung, Dragon, Planar, Planar Dragon, Infernal, Dragon Red, Dragon (Primal) Umbral, Dragon turtle, Dragon White, Dragon Whale, Dragonne, Dragonnel, Drakainai, Drakainai Campe, Drakainai Echidna, Drakainai Scylla, Drake, Coral, Drake, Desert, Drake, Elemental, Drake, Ether, Drake, Fire, Drake, Forest, Drake, Frost, Drake, Ice, Drake, Jungle, Drake, Lava, Drake, Mist, Drake, Rift, Drake, River, Drake, Salt, Drake, Sea, Drake, Shadow, Drake, Spire, Drake, Star, Draugr, Dream Host Self-image (Template), Dream larva, Dream Lich (Template) , Drekavac, Drider, Druther, Dryad, Dullahan, Dullahan, Gan Ceann, Duergar, Dungavenhooter, Duppy, Dust Devil, Dustform Creature (Template), Dwarf, Dwarf, Dwerg, Dybbuk, D’ziriak
E Elephant, Asian , Enenra,
Eagle, Eagle Giant, Echeneis, Echidna, Giant, Echinochimaera, Echo, Edaphosaurus, Edimmu, Eel, Electric, Eel Giant Moray, Eer-Moonan , Effigy Creature, Ego Manifestation (Template) , Elasmotherium, Eleionomae, Elephant, Common, Elemental, Elemental Air, Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire, Elemental Ice, Elder, Elemental Ice , Greater, Elemental Ice, Huge , Elemental Ice, Large, Elemental Ice, Medium, Elemental Ice, Small, Elemental Water, Elemental Air Primal, Elemental Earth Primal, Elemental Fire Primal, Elemental Water Primal, Elemental, Ruin, Elemental Time, Common, Elemgassen, Elohim, Ekaltadeta, Emela-ntouka, Empusa, Emu , Enenra, Entulla, Eogyrinus ,Epigaulus, Ercinee, Ergotine, Erlking, Eryops, Estemmenosuchus, Ethereal Filcher, Ethereal Marauder, Ettercap, Euchambersia, Eucladoceros, Eurypterid, Eurypterid, Bluetip, Executioner’s Raven,
F Fenghuang , Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Fiendish Octopus, Fox, Funa-Yurei,
Falajitax, Falcon, Giant, Familiar, Blue-Ringed Octopus, Familiar, Kakapo, Familiar, Leopard Slug, Familiar, Mole, Familiar, Pufferfish, Familiar, Puffin, Familiar, Sloth, Familiar, Tuatara, Fell Flotsam, Fetchling, Fenghuang, Fiendish Creature, Fiendish Boar, Fiendish Bear Black, Fiendish Dire Ape, Fiendish Small Fire Elemental, Fiendish Medium Fire Elemental, Fiendish Large Fire Elemental, Fiendish Huge Fire Elemental, Fiendish Greater Fire Elemental, Fiendish Elder Fire Elemental, Fiendish Crane Giant, Fiendish Crocodile, Fiendish Giant Crocodile, Fiendish Dire Rat, Fiendish Dire Shark, Fiendish Dire Wolf, Fiendish Hawk, Fiendish Gorgon, Fiendish Kraken, Fiendish Minotaur, Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Fiendish Monstrous Spider , Fiendish Octopus, Fiendish Raven, Fiendish Shark, Medium, Fiendish Snake Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Giant Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Viper, Fiendish Wolf, Archerfish (Giant), Fish, Blowfish Giant, Fish, Pike, Giant , Fish, Swordfish, Fish, Tiger Fish, Fish Viper (Giant), Flail Snail, Forlarren, Fox, Frog Goliath, Frog Poison dart, Frog, Poisonous (Giant), Funa-Yurei , Fungoid,
G Gaki, Garappa, Gargantua, Humanoid , Gargantua,Insectoid, Garuda, Gashadokuro, General of the Animal King, Ox, General of the Animal Kings, Tiger, Giant Hanzaki, Giant Preying Mantis,
G Gaki, Gallowdead, Gambado, Garappa, Gargantua, Humanoid, Gargantua, Insectoid, Garuda, Gargoyle, Gargouille, Gashadokuro, Geist, Gelatinous Cube, General of the Animal King, Ox, General of the Animal Kings, Tiger, Genie, Genie, Abasheen, Genie Dao, Genie Dev, Genie Djinni, Genie Efreeti, Genie, Hawanar, Genie Janni, Genie Marid, Genie, Shaitan, Gerrothorax, Ghost, Ghoul, Ghoul, Ghast, Ghul, Gibbering mouther, Giants, Giant Hanzaki, Giant Hill, Giant, Jack-in-Irons, Giant Laestrygones, Giant Mountain, Giant, Shadow, Giant Stone (A-senee-ki-wakw), Giant Storm, Giant Mantidfly, Giraffe, Glaistig, Gloomwing, Goanna Mythic, Goat, Goblin, Goblin, Great, Goblin Dog, Golem, Golem, Alchemical, Golem, Cannon, Golem Clay, Golem Clockwork, Golem Copper, Golem Crystal, Golem Flesh (Frankstein’s Monster), Golem, Ice, Golem Iron, Golem Megalith, Golem Oak, Golem, Razorwire, Golem Stone, Golem Tallow, Golem, Wax, Golem, Wood, Gorgon, Gorynych, Gougou, Gnoll, Gnomes, Graiae, Grandfather Time, Grani, Great Old One, Great Old One, Bokrug, Great Old One, Cthulhu, Great Old One, Hastur, Great Old One, Tsathoggua, Greenfolk, Green Slime, Gremlin, Gremlin, Fuath, Gremlin, Jinkin, Gremlin, Nuglub, Gremlin, Pugwampi, Gremlin, Vexgit, Greog, Grendel, Grendel’s mother, Grick, Griffin, Grig, Grim Reaper/Death, Grimlock, Grindylow, Grippli, Grodair, Grootslang, Grove seneschal, Guecubu, Gumberoo, Gwyllion,
H Hakutaku , Harionago, Heikegani, Hibagon, Hiderigami, Hyena, Hyosube,
Hakutaku, Hamadryad, Hanged Man, Hangman Tree, Harionago, Harpy, Haunt, Hawk, Hecatoncheires, Hedgehog, Heikegani, Hell Hound, Hellhound of Hecate, Hell bat, Hell Moth, Herd Animal, Elk, Herd Animal, Deer, Herd Animal, Reindeer, Herensugue, Hibagon, Hiderigami, Hiisi, Hippocampi, Hippogriff, Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus gorgops, Hoary Hunter, Hobgoblin, Hodag, Hoop Snake, Homunculus, Honeybee, Honeybee Swarm, Horned Hunter, Horse, Horses of Diomedes, Hound of Arawn, Hound of Tindalos, Huecuva, Huldra, Humbaba, Hungry Fog, Hydra, Hydra of Lernaean, Hyena, Hyaenodon, Hyracotherium
I Inevitable, Marut, Inugami, Issun-bo-shi,
Inevitable, Inevitable, Arbiter, Inevitable, Keledon, Inevitable, Kolyarut, Inostrancevia, Inevitable, Marut, Invisible stalker, Inugami, Inulpamahuida, Invunche, Isitoq, Irminsul, Issun-bo-shi,
J Jikininki, Jinmenju , Jorogumo, Jubokko, Juggernaut,
Jaculus, Jaguar, Jelly, Ochre, Jikininki, Jinmenju, Jorogumo, Jubokko, Juggernaut, Jyoti
K Kaiju , Kaiju, Agyra, Kaiju, Bezravnis, Kaiju, Mogaru, Kamaitachi, Kami, Kami Binbogami, Kami Dorotabo, Kami, Jinushigami, Kami Jakotsubaba, Kami Kerakera-onna, Kami-kiri, Kami Kodama, Kami Shikigami, Kami, Toshigami, Kami, Zuishin, Kappa, Kapre, Keukegen, Kawa Akago, Kiseichuu Yuurei, Kitsune, Koshi Serpent, Kuchisake-Onna, Kyton, Kyton Hashihime, Kyton Wa-Nyudo,
Kaiju, Kaiju, Agyra, Kaiju, Bezravnis, Kaiju, Mogaru, Kamadan, Kamaitachi, Kami, Kami Binbogami, Kami, Disir , Kami Dorotabo, Kami, Jinushigami, Kami Kerakera-onna, Kami-kiri, Kami Kodama, Kami Shikigami, Kami, Toshigami, Kami, Zuishin, Kanaima, Kangaroo, Kappa, Kapre, Kawa Akago, Kelpie, Keratocephalus, Keukegen, Khalkotauroi, Kharisiri, Kigatilik, Kirin, Kiseichuu Yuurei, Kitsune, Knocker, Koala, Koala, Drop Bear, Kobold, Kokogiak, Kolponomos, Kongamato, Koolasuchus, Kookaburra, Korred, Koshi Serpent, Kraken, Krampus, Kronosaurus, Kuchisake-Onna, Kushtaka, Kyton, Kyton, Augur, Kyton, Ephialtes, Kyton, Eremite, Kyton Hashihime, Kyton, Interlocutor, Kyton, Max HD, Kyton, Ostiarius, Kyton, Sacristan, Kyton, Termagant, Kyton Wa-Nyudo,
L Lau,Leopard, Lion, Lizard, Lizard Monitor, Lycanthrope Weretiger,
L La Belle dame sans merci, Lambton Worm, Lamia, Lammasu, Lammasu, Greater, Lampades, Lau, Leanan Sidhe, Leopard, Leng Spider, Leprechaun, Leptictidium, Leshay, Leshy, Leshy, Fungus, Leshy, Gourd, Leucrota, Lich, Lion, Lion Nemeian, Linnorm, Linnorm Flame, Linnorm Forest, Linnorm Frost, Linnorm Midgard, Linnorm Rain, Linnorm, Sea, Liopleurodon, Living Mirage, Living Wall, Lizard, Lizard, Giant Frilled, Lizard Monitor, Lizardfolk, Llorona, Locathah, Lukwata, Lurker in Light, Lurking Ray, Lurking Ray, Executioner’s Hood, Lurking Ray, Lurker Above, Lurking Ray, Trapper, Lusca, Luveceviere, Lycaenops, Lycanthrope, Lycanthrope, Werebat, Lycanthrope Werebear, Lycanthrope Wereboar, Lycanthrope, Werecat, Lycanthrope, werecrocodile, Lycanthrope, Dire Werelion, Lycanthrope, Werehyena, Lycanthrope, Werelion, Lycanthrope, Wererat, Lycanthrope, Wereshark, Lycanthrope Weretiger, Lycanthrope Werewolf, Lycanthrope Template, Lynx,
M Mambabarang, Mananggal, Manggus, Men-shen, Mikoshi, Monkey, Monstrous Centipede, Monstrous Dragonfly, Monstrous Scorpion, Mayura,
Manggus, Manitou, Manta Ray, Manticore, Mara, Mapinguari, Mayura, Megantereon, Meiolania, Men shen, Mermaid/Merfolk, Merrow, Metamorph, Metridiochoerus, Mihstu, Mimic, Mohrg, Mold Brown, Mold Slime, Mold Yellow, Familiar, Mole, Mokele-Mbembe, Monkey, Monocerus, Monstrous Bee, Monstrous Bee, Queen, Monstrous Bumblebee, Monstrous Beetle Bombardier, Monstrous Beetle Diving Adult, Monstrous Beetle Diving Larva, Monstrous Beetle Fire , Monstrous Beetle Stag, Monstrous Beetle Stink, Monstrous Beetle Tiger, Monstrous Caterpillar, Monstrous Centipede, Monstrous Cockroach, Giant Hissing, Monstrous Daddy Longlegs, Monstrous Dragonfly, Monstrous Fly Bluebottle, Monstrous Fly Horsefly, Monstrous Grasshopper, Monstrous Leech, Monstrous Mosquito, Female, Anopheles, Monstrous Mosquito Female Culex, Monstrous Mosquito Male , Monstrous Mosquito, Wriggler, Monstrous Orthocone, Monstrous Preying Mantis, Monstrous Scorpion, Monstrous Slug, Monstrous Spider, Monstrous Spider Jumping, Monstrous Trilobite, Monstrous Wasp, Morlock, Moropus, Moschops, Mothfolk, Mule, Mummified Cat, Murder of Crows, Muscaliet, Myrmecoleon,
N Naga, Namazu, Nang Tani, Neglected Ancestral Spirit, Nekomata, Ningen, Ningyo, Nittaewo, Noppera-bo, Nozuchi, Nue, Nuppeppo, Nure-onna, Nuri-botoke, Nurikabe, Nurihyon,
O Oni, Oni,Ama-no-jaku, Oni-Bi, Oni,Earth Yai, Oni,Fire Yai, Oni,Hitotsu, Oni, Ice Yai, Oni,Kijo, Oni, Kuwa, OniMage, Oni, Nogitsune, Oni, Sazae-oni, Oni, Spirit Oni, Oni, Void Yai, Oni, Ushi-Oni, , Oni, Water Yai, Oni, Yamabushi Tengu, Okubi, Orangutan, Oseichu Creature, Otter,
P Panda, Penanggalen (Human Witch 5), Phoenix, Porcelain Doll, Psychopomp, Psychopomp, Yamaraj,
Q Qilin
R Raiju, Rakshasa, Rakshasa, Common, Rakshasa, Dandasuka, Rakshasa Maharajah, Rakshasa, Marai, Rakshasa, Raktavarna, Rakshasa, Tataka, Rat, Ratfolk, Rokurokubi,
S Sagari , Samebito, Samsaran, Satori, Sha Wùjìng, Shinigami, Shi-Shi, Tsukumogami Shogoro , Shojo, Siyokoy, Snake Constrictor , Snake Giant constrictor, Snake Viper, Suiko, Sundel Bolong, Sun Wukong (Monkey King), Swarm Bat, Swarm, Centipede, Swarm Cockroaches, Swarm Crab, Swarm Locust, Swarm Mosquito, Swarm Rat, Swarm, Raven, Swarm Sikari Macaque, Swarm Snake , Swarm Snake , Venemous,
T Tanuki , Taotieh, Teke Teke, Tenome, Tengu , Terra-cotta Archer, Terra-cotta Horseman, Terra-cotta Soldier, Todomeki, Tesso, Tigbalan, ,Titanoboa,Giant (Bashe), Tsuchigumo, , Tiangou, Tiger, Toad Spined, Tsuchinoko, Tsukumogami , Tsukumogami Bake-Zori, Tsukumogami, Biwa-bokuboku, Tsukumogami, Chōchin-obake, Tsukumogami Eri-tate-goromo Tsukumogami, Ittan-Momen , Tsukumogami Kasa-obake, Tsukumogami Minowaraji, Tsukumogami Shogoro ,
U Umibo-zu , Umibozu Yokai,
V Vampire, Jiang-shi , Vanara, Vargouille, Varuka, Vetala, Vishkanya,
W Wakwak, Wolf, Wani, Water monkey, Wayang,
Y Yaksha, Yakshini, Yama-jijii, Yaoguai, Yeti, Yuki-Onna,
Z Zephyr, Zin, Zitiron , Zombie, Zombie, Apocalypse, Zombie, Fast, Zomok,