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Reconstruction of Ceratogaulus hatcheri, Epigaulus
Reconstruction of Ceratogaulus hatcheri

Approximately one foot long with had paddle-like forepaws with powerful claws adapted for digging. This creature has small eyes, and poor eyesight

Originally Posted by Nilbog of the Wizards Community forums.

On this Thread

These bizarre animals are horned gophers — resembling other such burrowing rodents, but with a prominent pair of horns. They dig spiraling burrows.

Size/TypeTiny animal
Hit Dice1/2d8+1 (3 hp)
Speed40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class12 (+2 size)
Base Attack/Grapple+0/-12
AttackGore -2 melee (1d3-4)
Full AttackGore -2 melee (1d3-4)
Space/Reach2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks
Special QualitiesLow-Light Vision
SavesFort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
AbilitiesStrength 3, Dexterity 10, Constitution 13, Intelligence 2, Wisdom 11, Charisma 6
SkillsEscape Artist +2, Listen +2, Spot +4
EnvironmentWarm plains
OrganizationSolitary, pair, or colony (3-18)
Challenge Rating1/8
AlignmentAlways neutral
Advancement1 HD (Tiny)
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