Sorcerer/Wizard, Spells

Table Of Contents
0 Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (Cantrips) | |
Abjuration | |
Resistance | Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
Conjuration | |
Acid Splash | Orb deals 1d3 acid damage. |
Divination | |
Comprehend Writing | Your can make sense of foreign writing and strange symbols. |
Detect Poison | Detects poison in one creature or small object. |
Detect Magic | Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. |
Read Magic | Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
Read the Guilty Face | This simple divination enhances your ability to interpret the expressions and body language of a single individual. |
Enchantment | |
Daze | humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action. |
Cloud the Guilty Mind | This spell affects a single creature; it warps her perceptions, subliminally encouraging her to ignore you. |
Evocation | |
Candlelight | You cause an object to glow like a candle, shedding light in a 5-foot radius from the point you touch. |
Dancing Lights | Creates torches or other lights. |
Flare | Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls). |
Light | Object shines like a torch. |
Ray of Frost | Ray deals 1d3 cold damage. |
Illusion | |
Agony | This minor spell heightens the victim’s sensations of pain, sending illusionary signals of agony throughout his nervous system. |
Endure Pain | |
Ghost Sound | Figment sounds. |
Silent Portal | This simple cantrip negates the sound of opening and closing a single portal (door, window, gate, drawer, chest lid, or the like). |
Unnerving Gaze | Subject takes -1 penalty on attacks for 1d3 rounds. |
Necromancy | |
Bleed | You cause a living creature that is below 0 hit points but stabilized to resume dying. |
Disrupt Undead | Deals 1d6 damage to one undead. |
Preserve Organ | Protects one detached organ from decay for 24 hours. |
Touch of Fatigue | Touch attack fatigues target. |
Transmutation | |
Amanuensis | You cause writing from one source (such as a book) to be copied into a book, paper, or parchment. |
Depilatory | This spell enables you to selectively shave hair and prevent its regrowth for 24 hours. |
Grope | This variation of the mage hand spell lets you “feel” a creature from a distance as if you were actually touching it. |
Mage Hand | 5-pound telekinesis. |
Mending | Makes minor repairs on an object. |
Message | Whispered conversation at distance. |
No Light | Prevents normal light from illuminating. |
Open/Close | Opens or closes small or light things. |
Pull of the Earth | This spell doubles the weight of the selected item. |
Slash Tongue | Subject takes -1 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks for 1 round. |
Univ | |
Arcane Mark | Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible). |
Prestidigitation | Performs minor tricks. |
1st Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells | |
Abjuration | |
Alarm | Wards an area for 2 hours/level. |
Block the Seed | You are incapable of getting someone pregnant or becoming impregnated for the duration of this spell. |
Ectoplasmic Armor | You gain a +5 armor bonus to AC. |
Endure Elements | Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. |
Hold Portal | Holds door shut. |
Ironguts | You make a creature more able to fight the effects of poison. |
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. |
Shield | Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles. |
Suspend Disease | Keeps disease from harming creature for 24 hours. |
Conjuration | |
Air Bubble | Creates a small pocket of breathable air that surrounds the touched creature’s head or the touched object. |
Black Bag. | Creates extradimensional bag of torture tools. |
Corrosive Grasp | Your hand becomes coated with a thick layer of acid that does not harm you or your equipment. |
Extract Drug. | Creates drug from inanimate object. |
Grease | Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery. |
Little Dipper | A small ladle of glittery lights pours water at your command. |
Mage Armor | Gives subject +4 armor bonus. |
Mount | Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level. |
Nether Trail | Creates a trail compelling evil outsiders to follow. |
Obscuring Mist | Fog surrounds you. |
Phantom Musician | This spell causes a Musical instrument to hover above the ground and allows it to animate and play. |
Summon Monster I | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Summon Undead I | Calls undead creature to fight for you. |
Unseen Servant | Invisible force obeys your commands. |
Wall of Smoke | This spell creates a thin wall of black smoke. |
Divination | |
Anticipate Peril | A creature affected by anticipate peril gains a preternatural sense of danger. |
Comprehend Languages | You understand all spoken and written languages. |
Critical Strike | Upon uttering the ancient phrase that completes the spell, you feel the weapon in your hand drawn toward a creature standing nearby. |
Detect Secret Doors | Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. |
Detect Undead | Reveals undead within 60 ft. |
Identify M | Determines properties of magic item. |
Sniper’s Shot | While muttering a short chant you focus your awareness, looking only at the areas of your foe that seem most vital to its survival. |
True Strike | +20 on your next attack roll. |
Enchantment | |
Charm Person | Makes one person your friend. |
Distract | The targets are distracted as they study anything and everything gets their attention, if just for a moment. |
Drug Resistance | Subject is immune to Addiction. |
Hypnotism | Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures. |
Sacrificial Skill | Caster gains +5 bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks made during sacrifice. |
Sleep | Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. |
Stupor | One helpless subject is put in a state that allows him to be moved but take no other actions. |
Evocation | |
Acid Orb, Lesser | An orb of acid about 2 inches across shoots from your palm at its target. |
Aid of the Wind | Doubles a weapons’ range increment. |
Burning Hands | 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). |
Darklight | Creates 5-ft.-radius area where all can see without light. |
Floating Disk | Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lb./level. |
Hot Foot | With a successful ranged touch attack, magical flames spring to life on the target’s feet. |
Magic Missile | 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5). |
Shocking Grasp | Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6). |
Illusion | |
Animate Image | This spell creates a visual representation of a piece of text or static graphic. |
Change self | You make yourself-including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment-look different. |
Color Spray | Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures. |
Disguise Self | Changes your appearance. |
Magic Aura | Alters object’s magic aura. |
Mystical Void | Surrounds a creature with a field that absorbs the background emanations of magical items or effects. |
Relative Identity | This spell prevents those not related to you from recognizing you. |
Serene Visage | You gain an insight bonus equal to one-half your caster level (maximum +10) on Bluff checks. |
Share Sensation | This spell enables you to feel physical sensations just like your target feels. |
Silent Image | Creates minor illusion of your design. |
Ventriloquism | Throws voice for 1 min./level. |
Vertigo | Subject dizzied, -4 to Dexterity |
Undetectable Aura | The spell allows you to mask a magic item’s aura from detection. |
Necromancy | |
Cause Fear | One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. |
Chill Touch | One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Strength damage. |
Contact Shade | This spell allows you to contact a specific spirit of the dead by name, although it does not bring the spirit before you. |
Death Grimace | Caster leaves a magical calling card on corpse. |
Fury Eyes | Your fiery eyes give you an intimidating presence. |
Hamstring | The target suddenly feels a shooting pain in his leg or arm (your choice), and has difficulty moving that limb properly. |
Mute | The subject cannot speak or make any sound from his throat and mouth for the duration of the spell. |
Ray of Enfeeblement | Ray deals 1d6 +1 per two levels Strength damage. |
Transmutation | |
Aberrate | Subject becomes an aberration. |
Animate Rope | Makes a rope move at your command. |
Bestow Wound | Caster transfers 1 hp/level of wounds to another. |
Cheat | Caster rerolls when determining the success of a game of chance. |
Cloth of Flame | You imbue a selected piece of cloth or single cloth garment with flame. |
Decorate Item | You can add detail to a crafted item, or alter existing details. |
Enhanced Taste | Makes tasting ability more sensitive. |
Enlarge Person | Humanoid creature doubles in size. |
Erase | Mundane or magical writing vanishes. |
Expeditious Retreat | Your speed increases by 30 ft. |
Fist of Stone | You transform one of your hands into a mighty fist of living stone. |
Glamour | Makes target appear more attractive or ugly |
Feather Fall | Objects or creatures fall slowly. |
Jump | Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. |
Magic Weapon | Weapon gains +1 bonus. |
Quickswim | This spell increases your base swim speed by 10 feet; this adjustment counts as an enhancement bonus. |
Raging Flame | This spell inflames existing fire, giving it a passion to burn. |
Ray of Clumsiness | The energy of the ray stiffens the subject’s muscles and joints, making it more difficult for the subject to move. |
Reduce Person | humanoid creature halves in size. |
Remove Scent | With a touch of a wax-covered finger to the subject, you inhale deeply and smell nothing. |
Slow Burn | Fires consume less of the physical fuel that sustain them. |
Snapdragon Fireworks | A favorite display at midsummer festivals, this spell lets you create fireworks in the shape of tiny dragons. |
Sonic Blast | 2d4 sonic damage, deafens for 1d6 rounds. |
Tongue Tendrils | Caster spits out tendrils that grapple. |
2nd Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells | |
Abjuration | |
Arcane Lock M | Magically locks a portal or chest. |
Filter | An invisible bubble of protection around the recipient’s body that filters out all noxious and toxic elements in the air. |
Gaze Screen | This spell creates a mirrorlike area around the recipient’s eyes. |
Obscure Object | Masks object against scrying. |
Protection from Arrows | Subject immune to most ranged attacks. |
Resist Energy | Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. |
Scapegoat | This spell transfers your bad luck to another. You nominate a creature within range to be the scapegoat, or recipient. |
Touch Me Not | This spell charges your body with protective energy. |
Unheavened | Subject gains +4 save bonus against powers of good outsiders. |
Conjuration | |
Acid Arrow | Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/three levels. |
Big Dipper | A large ladle of glittery lights pours refreshments at your command. |
Fog Cloud | Fog obscures vision. |
Glitterdust | Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. |
Inky Cloud | The cloud created by this spell billows out from your location. |
Summon Monster II | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Summon Swarm | Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders. |
Summon Undead II | This spell functions like Summon Undead I, except that you can summon more powerful undead. |
Web | Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs. |
Divination | |
Detect Thoughts | Allows “listening” to surface thoughts. |
Gold Finder | You can sense the presence of gold within the range of the spell. |
Locate Object | Senses direction toward object (specific or type). |
See Invisibility | Reveals invisible creatures or objects. |
Enchantment | |
Addiction | Subject becomes addicted to a drug. |
Beguile | As Charm Person, except target is romantically inclined towards you. |
Daze Monster | Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action. |
Discord | Hidden hostilities become prevalent. |
Elation | Your allies become elated, full of energy and joy. |
Entice Gift | Creature gives caster what it’s holding. |
Friendly Face | Everyone you meet sees you as friendly and nonthreatening. |
Hideous Laughter | Subject loses actions for 1 round/level. |
Insomnia | The target cannot sleep for the duration of the spell. |
Masochism | For every 10 hp damage caster takes, he gains +1 on attacks, saves, and checks. |
Mindless Rage | You fill the subject with so great a rage that it can do nothing but focus on engaging you in personal physical combat. |
Sadism | For every 10 hp damage caster deals, he gains +1 on attacks, saves, and checks. |
Sap Strength | Subject becomes exhausted. |
Silver Tongue | Gain +10 bonus to 1 Charisma based skill check, affects 1 sentence only |
Touch of Idiocy | Subject takes 1d6 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage. |
Evocation | |
Continual Flame M | Makes a permanent, heatless torch. |
Darkbolt | Deals 1d8 damage/2 levels and stuns 1 round. |
Darkness | 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. |
Flaming Sphere | Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level. |
Gust of Wind | Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. |
Mystic Anchor | You magically anchor a boat of your choosing. |
Pressure Sphere | This spell suddenly causes the water around a target to take on the terrible, bone-crushing pressure of the deepest ocean trenches. |
Scorching Ray | Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3). |
Shatter | Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures. |
Snowball Swarm | A flurry of magic snowballs erupts from a point you select. |
Illusion | |
Approaching Wizard | Whenever someone other than you touches the designated target, the sound of approaching voices and footsteps fill the area. |
Blur | Attacks miss subject 20% of the time. |
Broca’s Curse of Babble | One subject can speak only babble. |
Culture Identity | As the spell relative identity, but you can designate one social group (warriors, men, women, Thebans, priests, etc.) that is immune to the illusion. |
Fool’s Gold | This spell makes metal objects, such as a bronze statue or a handful of copper coins, appear to be made of gold. |
Haunted | The victim will believe that he is going mad or the world around him is. |
Hypnotic Pattern | Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures. |
Invisibility | Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks. |
Irritating Sniveler | Subject appears to be continuously sniveling. |
Magic Mouth M | Speaks once when triggered. |
Minor Image | As silent image, plus some sound. |
Mirror Image | Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8). |
Misdirection | Misleads divinations for one creature or object. |
Phantasmal Spirit | Creates illusory phantasm, permanent until touched (but not attacked). |
Phantom Trap M | Makes item seem trapped. |
Necromancy | |
Blindness/Deafness | Makes subject blinded or deafened. |
Command Undead | Undead creature obeys your commands. |
Dance of Ruin | Nondemons take 2d20 points of damage. |
Death Armor | Skin becomes acidic, 2d6 acid damage when touched. |
False Life | Gain 1d10 temporary hp +1/level (max +10). |
Freezeblood | Your touch freezes the blood. |
Ghoul Glyph | You inscribe a glyph that paralyzes any living creature of Large or smaller size that enters, passes, or opens the warded area. |
Ghoul Touch | Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened. |
Pernicious Poison | You weaken the target’s defenses against poison. |
Scare | Panics creatures of less than 6 HD. |
Shriek | Subjects within burst are shaken. |
Shriveling | Subject takes 1d4 damage per level. |
Slow Consumption | Caster absorbs health and sustenance from helpless subject. |
Spectral Hand | Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks. |
Spirit of Confession | You can command the spirit or intelligent undead of any sort to speak truthfully and to withhold nothing. |
Wither Limb | Caster reduces subject’s speed to 5 ft. or makes it impossible for subject to use objects or cast somatic spells. |
Transmutation | |
Alter Self | Assume form of a similar creature. |
Aura of Glory | You invoke the holy words and a soft golden light radiates from you. You feel surer of yourself, bolstered by the power of your beliefs. |
Bear’s Endurance | Subject gains +4 to Constitution for 1 min./level. |
Body of the Sun | By drawing on the power of the sun, you cause your body to emanate fire. |
Bull’s Strength | Subject gains +4 to Strength for 1 min./level. |
Cat’s Grace | Subject gains +4 to Dexterity for 1 min./level. |
Darkvision | See 60 ft. in total darkness. |
Disrobe | The creature’s clothing, including undergarments, belts, and footwear, loosen and fall off, leaving it naked. |
Eagle’s Splendor | Subject gains +4 to Charisma for 1 min./level. |
Energize Potion | This spell transforms a magic potion into a volatile substance that can be hurled out to the specified range. |
Escape of the Snake | Skin becomes flexible, +10 bonus to Escape Artist checks. |
Fins to Feet | This spell transforms tails, tentacles, or finned extremities into humanoid legs and feet. |
Fleet Feet of Hermes | This spell increases your base land speed by 60 feet. |
Fox’s Cunning | Subject gains +4 Intelligence for 1 min./level. |
Graz’zt’s Long Grasp | Caster’s hand flies from her arm to make grapple attacks. |
Guard Watch | Target doesn’t need to sleep for the night. |
Jaws of the Moray | This spell grants the subject a bite attack. |
Karma | You become more charismatic, more intelligent, and wiser. |
Knock | Opens locked or magically sealed door. |
Indelible Mark | A powerful variation of Arcane Mark, this ritual allows you to brand a living creature with a message, symbol, or sigil. |
Levitate | Subject moves up and down at your direction. |
Merciful Weapon | The caster causes one weapon to loose its sharpness or hardness so that it deals subdual damage instead of normal damage. |
Owl’s Wisdom | Subject gains +4 to Wisdom for 1 min./level. |
Physique | You become more agile, more resilient, and stronger. |
Pyrotechnics | Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke. |
Rope Trick | As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space. |
Scent | You give the target an enhanced sense of smell, equivalent to the Scent ability of some monsters. |
Sculpt Simulacrum | You create cosmetic changes to a simulacrum, similar to disguise self, except the changes are physical rather than illusory. |
Spider Climb | Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. |
Whispering Wind | Sends a short message 1 mile/level. |
Whirling Blade | As you cast this spell, you hurl a single slashing weapon at your foes. |
Wraithstrike | Your weapon becomes translucent almost to the point that you cannot see it, though it still weighs as heavily in your hand. |
3rd Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells | |
Abjuration | |
Avoid planar effects | You gain a temporary respite from the natural effects of a specific plane. |
Dispel Magic | Cancels magical spells and effects. |
Explosive Runes | Deals 6d6 damage when read. |
Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law | As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. |
Nondetection M | Hides subject from divination, scrying. |
Protection from Energy | Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. |
Scapegoat Other | As scapegoat, except that you may nominate another person to be protected by this spell. |
Conjuration | |
Acid Breath | You breathe forth a cone of acidic droplets. |
Ball Lightning | You create glowing balls of electricity. |
Contagious Fog | This spell functions like fog cloud, except as noted here. |
Corpse Candle | The ghostly hand carries a lit candle that sheds light in a 5-foot radius. |
Continual Fire | Creates real flame that doesn’t die out through normal means. |
Drown | Subject begins to drown or takes 2d6 damage. |
Haboob | A thick haze of swirling dust and sand swirls out from the point you designate. |
Phantom Steed | Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level. |
Regal Procession | You toss a bit of horsehair into the air, and as it drifts toward the ground, an array of finely adorned mounts appears. |
River of Blood | A river of globular, black blood spews from the books pages dousing everyone within a 10-ft. radius of the book. |
Sepia Snake Sigil M | Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader. |
Sleet Storm | Hampers vision and movement. |
Stinking Cloud | Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level. |
Summon Monster III | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Summon Undead III | This spell functions like Summon Undead I, except that you can summon more powerful undead. |
Vipergout | A churning in your stomach overtakes you as you complete the spell. Something slithers up your throat, and you vomit serpents. |
Wall of Chains | Creates barrier of woven chains that has 20 hp/4 caster levels. |
Divination | |
Analyze portal | You know the sizes and locations of any magic portals in the area. |
Arcane Sight | Magical auras become visible to you. |
Circle Dance | You divine the relative direction and condition of another creature. |
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance | Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. |
Detect Metal and Minerals | The spell will detect everything from a vein of iron ore to a pile of gold coins. |
Devil’s Eye | Caster can see in even magical darkness, up to 30 ft. |
Eyes of the Zombie | Caster sees through a zombie’s eyes. |
Glimpse of Truth | Caster gets an answer to a yes-or no question. |
Lesser Telepathic Bond | You forge a telepathic bond with another creature with an Intelligence score of 6 or higher. |
Limited Telepathy | This spell enables you to create a connection with one other creature with an Intelligence score of 6 or higher within range. |
Spark of Insight | Rememberence some forgotten piece of lore or information that pertains to the situation at hand. |
Sweet Whispers | You can hear anything that your target says, regardless of how far the person moves from you. |
Tongues | Speak any language. |
Enchantment | |
Deep Slumber | Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep. |
Dolorous Motes | This spell creates flickering motes of light that cause intense mental anguish. |
Evil Eye | Subject takes -4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks. |
Heroism | Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks. |
Hold Person | Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level. |
Mystic Sleep | As sleep, but affects caster level +1d4 hit dice of creatures. |
Rage | Subjects gains +2 to Strength and Constitution, +1 on Will saves, -2 to AC. |
Suggestion | Compels subject to follow stated course of action. |
Witch Wail | 5 HD or less take 4d6 sonic damage, and will save to avoid scare affects. Greater than 5 HD take 2d6 sonic damage. |
Evocation | |
Billowed Sail | This spell provides wind for a boat’s sails, even on a calm day. |
Blacklight | The caster creates an area of total darkness. |
Daylight | 60-ft. radius of bright light. |
Dread Word | 1d3 Charisma drain on one target. |
Fireball | 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius. |
Flashburst | Flashburst creates a blinding, dazzling flash of light. |
Hydraulic Torrent | You call forth a powerful stream of water that batters all creatures and obstacles in its path until it strikes something it cannot push past. |
Lightning Bolt | Electricity deals 1d6/level damage. |
Northwind | Creatures within the effect must make a Fort save or take 2d4 points of cold damage. |
Pain strike | Racks the targeted creature with agony. |
Thunderstrike | The caster commands a powerful jolt of energy to erupt at the point of origin. |
Tiny Hut | Creates shelter for ten creatures. |
Vile Lance | Creates +2 shortspear that deals vile damage. |
Wind Wall | Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. |
Illusion | |
Animal Camouflage | You take on the appearance of a member of an animal or magical beast of 5 HD or less, but only to members of that species. |
Cruel Disappointment | Fools subject for 1 round, then -4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks. |
Curse of the Putrid Husk | Subject is unconscious for 1d10 minutes. |
Curse of the Suspicious Mind | Renders subject completely paranoid for 1 hour per level. |
Displacement | Attacks miss subject 50%. |
Illusory Glue | The affected pages bond to one another as if smeared with incredibly potent glue. |
Illusory Script M | Only intended reader can decipher. |
Invisibility Sphere | Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. |
Major Image | As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. |
Oozing Script | If an authorized reader attempts to read the book, the ink apparently alters its shape, forming oozing streams of liquid that pour down the page. |
Rainbow Spray | A spray of rainbow colors stuns and blinds your enemies. |
Reality Blind | Subject can take no actions and afterward does not heal naturally. |
Witch Writing | Disguises writing so it can only be seen under certain terms. |
Necromancy | |
False Confidence | The target is filled with confidence, perceiving himself to be competent in every social and sexual aspect of life. |
Gentle Repose | Preserves one corpse. |
Halt Undead | Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level. |
Ray of Exhaustion | Ray makes subject exhausted. |
Spider Poison | You inflict a paralyzing poison upon the subject by making a successful melee touch attack. |
Vampiric Touch | Touch deals 1d6/two levels damage; caster gains damage as hp. |
Transmutation | |
Arctic Grasp | Touch attack, 1d6 cold damage / level and target can only take partial actions. |
Augment Object | This spell adds +20 to the break DC of the object and doubles its hardness and hit points. |
Babau Slime | This demon-inspired transmutation causes the subject to secrete a slimy red layer of jelly that coats her skin, armor, and equipment. |
Babble | Victims in 20+5 ft per caster level cone speak babble |
Beast Shape I | When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the animal type. |
Blandness | The target’s Appearance score is lowered or raised to the average Appearance score of that creature’s race. |
Blink | You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. |
Corrosion Arrow | Your missiles are imbued with acidic energy. |
Cursed Orgasm | The next time that the subject achieves orgasm, he is wracked with incredible pain. |
Diamondsteel | Enhances the strength of one suit of metal armor. |
Dire Charge | The recipient becomes capable of terrible charge attacks. |
Distilled Joy | You draw forth the material essence of joy from a creature experiencing great bliss. |
Flame Arrow | Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage. |
Fly | Subject flies at speed of 60 ft. |
Gaseous Form | Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. |
Haste | One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. |
Keen Edge | Doubles normal weapon’s threat range. |
Liquid Form | The subject and all its gear become translucent liquid. |
Magic Weapon, Greater | +1/four levels (max +5). |
Reforge | You target a particular metal item with this spell and you can then reshape it into any desired form. |
Repulsiveness | The target becomes hideous to gave upon, taking 1d6 points of Appearance damage per caster level (maximum 5d6). |
Reverse Gender | Reverse target’s gender for 1 hr./level. |
Rite of Remote Seeing | Caster can see through her familiar’s eyes. |
Secret Page | Changes one page to hide its real content. |
Shifting Sand | You cause an earthen or sandy surface to shift and churn within the area. |
Shrink Item | Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size. |
Slow | One subject/level takes only one action/round, -1 to AC, reflex saves, and attack rolls. |
Tongue Serpents | Caster spits out one Tiny viper/4 levels. |
Undead Anatomy I | When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium corporeal creature of the undead type. |
Water Breathing | Subjects can breathe underwater. |
4th Level | |
Abjuration | |
Dimensional Anchor | Bars extradimensional movement. |
Fire Trap M | Opened object deals 1d4 damage +1/level. |
Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser | Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects. |
Guarded Form | You fix the target’s true appearance and attributes in place. |
Know Thy Master | You mystically mark a given item as claimed by a person of your choice. |
Psychic Poison | Poisons those casting divination spells or mind-affecting spells at object, creature, or area. |
Remove Curse | Frees object or person from curse. |
Scapegoat, Greater | As scapegoat, except that you may transfer multiple poor rolls to the target. |
Stoneskin M | Ignore 10 points of damage per attack. |
Wall of Good | You create an immobile barrier that inhibits evil creatures. |
Conjuration | |
Abyssal Might | Caster gains +2 to Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, and SR. |
Black Tentacles | Tentacles grapple all within 20 ft. spread. |
Blast of Sand | Sand sprays from your outstretched palm with enough force to strip flesh from bone and scour surfaces. |
Caustic Mire | You cover the ground in an acidic slime, roughly the consistency of thick mud. |
Dimension Door | Teleports you short distance. |
Hell’s Power | Caster gains +2 AC and +1 to existing DR. |
Minor Creation | Creates one cloth or wood object. |
Orb of Acid | An orb of acid about 3 inches across shoots from your palm |
Orb of Force | You create a globe of force 3 inches across, which streaks from your palm. |
Phineus’ Writhing Tentacles | Whenever anyone but one touches or opens the book, writhing gray tentacles emerge from the ground in a 5 ft. radius. |
Secure Shelter | Creates sturdy cottage. |
Solid Fog | Blocks vision and slows movement. |
Summon Monster IV | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Translocation Trick | You and the other target switch locations, as if simultaneously using dimension door spells and exchange appearances. |
Wall of Deadly Chains | Creates barrier of woven chains that has 20 hp/4 caster levels and deals 3d6 damage to all within 5 ft. |
Wall of Water | This spell creates a 10-foot-thick wall of fresh water or seawater (as selected by you). |
Divination | |
Arcane Eye | Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. |
Detect Scrying | Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. |
Locate Creature | Indicates direction to familiar creature. |
Mind to Mind | This spell links the caster with one other individual. |
Scrying F | Spies on subject from a distance. |
Enchantment | |
Charm Monster | Makes monster believe it is your ally. |
Confusion | Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level. |
Crushing Despair | Subjects take -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. |
Geas, Lesser | Commands subject of 7 HD or less. |
Orgasmic Vibrations | A grand, shuddering orgasm overwhelms a living creature that fails its saving throw, making the creature dazed for the duration of the spell. |
Moonstruck | You invoke the mystical power of the moon to drive the target into a mad, bestial frenzy. |
Siren’s Call | The targets of this spell hear a sudden, distant song that instills in them a longing for the sea. |
Evocation | |
Acid Orb | One or more orbs of acid about 3 inches across shoot from your palm at their targets. |
Battering Ram | You project ram-headed beams of force. |
Damning Darkness | Darkness deals either 2d6 or 1d6 damage per round |
Fire Shield | Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold. |
Ice Storm | Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. |
Mirror Sending | Caster sends her image to a mirror and can see and speak through it. |
Purifying Flames | Burns a foe every round until extinguished. |
Resilient Sphere | Force globe protects but traps one subject. |
Shooting Star | You shoot a fiery sphere of fire and force. |
Shout | Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage. |
Wall of Fire | Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level. |
Wall of Ice | Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside. |
Illusion | |
Deceptive Object | Subject believes that an item is something else that it really is. |
Hallucinatory Terrain | Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like). |
Illusory Wall | Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through. |
Intangible Cloak of Shadows | creates shadow form, inaudible, intangible, partial invisibility, +7 to Hide. |
Invisibility, Greater | As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. |
Phantasmal Killer | Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage. |
Rainbow Pattern | Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures. |
Shadow Conjuration | Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real. |
Necromancy | |
Animate Dead M | Creates undead skeletons and Zombies. |
Bestow Curse | -6 to an ability score; -4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action. |
Contagion | Infects subject with chosen disease. |
Crystalskin | You crystallize earth with positive energy to form a flexible skin around you. |
Desperation | Target is filled with self-doubt and lacks confidence, yet, filled with a powerful desire to copulate. |
Enervation | Subject gains 1d4 negative levels. |
Fear | Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. |
Grim Revenge | Tears hand from target, dealing 6d6 damage, then hand attacks target. |
Jealousy | You place a curse on the subject. If the target attempts sex with any creature other than yourself, she experiences wracking pain. |
Liquid Pain | Extracts one dose of liquid pain from tortured victim. |
Venomous Pages | Your touch coats a number of pages equal to your level with a virulent contact poison. |
Wrack | Blinds subject and renders it helpless for 1 round/level, then -2 on attacks, saves, and checks for 3d10 minutes. |
Transmutation | |
Beast Shape II | This spell functions as Beast Shape I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large creature of the animal type. |
Bite of the Werewolf | A howl erupts from your lips as your face contorts and expands into a wolf-like form. |
Cat’s Grace , Greater | This spell functions like cat’s grace, except as noted above. |
Corporeal Instability | Your touch transforms a living creature into a spongy, amorphous mass. |
Distort Summons | Creates area where only evil creatures can be summoned. |
Dancing Chains | Animates one chain per level. |
Darsson’s Potion | You transform the water in a flask so that it is capable of storing a spell in the manner of a potion. |
Eagle’s splendor, Greater | This spell functions like eagle’s splendor, except as noted above. |
Enlarge Person, Mass | Enlarges several creatures. |
Improved bull’s strength | As bull’s strength, but with a longer duration. |
Improved Cat’s Grace | As Cat’s Grace , but with a longer duration. |
Improved eagle’s splendor | As eagle’s splendor , but with a longer duration. |
Improved Fox’s Cunning | As fox’s cunning, but with a longer duration. |
Improved Karma | This spell functions like Karma, except as noted above. |
Improved Physique | As physique, but with a longer duration. |
Metal Melt | You alter the physical properties of a metal object so that it runs like water. |
Mnemonic Enhancer | Wizard only. Prepares extra spells or retains one just cast. |
Mortal Cloak | The provider is used as a mask for the recipient, who is polymorphed into the provider’s form as if by the polymorph spell. |
Polymorph | Gives one willing subject a new form. |
Reduce Person, Mass | Reduces several creatures. |
Sandform | This spell transforms your body, along with all equipment worn or carried, into living sand. |
Separate but Equal | You can touch an object composed of two blended elements, and separate them back out. |
Stone Shape | Sculpts stone into any shape. |
Voice of the Dragon | You gain a +10 enhancement bonus on your Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. |
5th Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells | |
Abjuration | |
Break Enchantment | Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification |
Dismissal | Forces a creature to return to native plane. |
Duelward | The caster feels as if their link to the arcane has increased, filling them with confidence and a sense of security. |
Imprison Possessor | Subject that can possess creatures is trapped in current body. |
Mage’s Private Sanctum | Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours. |
Scapegoat Other, Greater | As greater scapegoat, except that you may nominate another person to be protected by this spell, transferring her bad luck instead of your own. |
Conjuration | |
Arc of Lightning | You create natural conductivity between two creatures, and a bolt of electricity arcs between them. |
Blackwater Tentacle | You create a tentacle-shaped mass of blackwater, drawn from the deepest ocean trenches, to attack an enemy as you direct it. |
Call Dretch Horde | Summons 2d4 dretches. |
Call Lemure Horde | Summons 2d4 lemures. |
Call Nightmare | Summons a nightmare. |
Cloudkill | Kills 3 HD or less; 4-6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Constitution damage. |
Dragon Ally, Lesser | A large dragon lands nearby. “You wish to discuss something?” it asks, eying your belongings. |
Ethereal Library | Your spellbook exists simultaneously on the Ethereal and Material Plane. |
Mage’s Faithful Hound | Phantom dog can guard, attack. |
Major Creation | As minor creation, plus stone and metal. |
Planar Binding, Lesser | Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task. |
Secret Chest F | Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will. |
Summon Monster V | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Teleport | Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level. |
Toxic Weapon | When you cast this spell, you coat the target weapon with poison. |
Ursa Minor | You summon an axiomatic black bear composed of stars. |
Wall of Ooze | Creates barrier that has 50 hp/4 levels that paralyzes and deals 2d6 damage to all that touch it. |
Wall of Stone | Creates a stone wall that can be shaped. |
Divination | |
Aim of Sagittarius | Your ranged attacks strike with uncanny accuracy. |
Analyze Magic | Study magic item or spell to learn about caster or creator. |
Contact Other Plane | Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity. |
Flowsight | By touching a nearby source of water you can perceive creatures and objects in contact with the water. |
Prying Eyes | 1d4 +1/level floating eyes scout for you. |
Telepathic Bond | Link lets allies communicate. |
Enchantment | |
Amnesia | This spell causes the target to forget who he is and where he is from. |
Animal Camouflage, Greater | This spell functions like animal camouflage, save that the duration is greater. |
Dominate Person | Controls humanoid telepathically. |
Feeblemind | Subject’s Intelligence and Charisma drop to 1. |
Hold Monster | As Hold Person, but any creature. |
Mind Fog | Subjects in fog get -10 to Wisdom and Will checks. |
Schreck | Scream causes Fear. |
Symbol of Sleep M | Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. |
Evocation | |
Cone of Cold | 1d6/level cold damage. |
Emerald Burst | The gemstone explodes on impact, releasing a coruscating pulse of green light. |
Flaywind Burst | This spell produces a brief windstorm (approximately 70 mph), filled with scouring, supernatural grit that literally strips flesh. |
Interposing Hand | Hand provides cover against one opponent. |
Pain Strike, Mass | This spell works like pain strike, except as noted. |
Sending | Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. |
Wall of Force | Wall is immune to damage. |
Illusion | |
Dream | Sends message to anyone sleeping. |
False Success of the Fool | Subject believes that he completed the task at hand despite being not the case. |
False Vision M | Fools scrying with an illusion. |
Mirage Arcana | As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures. |
Nightmare | Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue. |
Persistent Image | As major image, but no Concentration required. |
Seeming | Changes appearance of one person per two levels. |
Shadow Evocation | Mimics evocation below 5th level, but only 20% real. |
Necromancy | |
Black Spot | The black spot is a specific and feared pirate curse. |
Blight | Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature. |
Bloodcurdling Scream | Subjects within burst flee for 1 round/level. |
Magic Jar F | Enables possession of another creature. |
Soul Shackles | Imprison soul of dead creature in talisman from which caster can question it. |
Stop Heart | Subject drops to 8 hp immediately. |
Suffocation | This spell extracts the air from the target’s lungs, causing swift suffocation. |
Symbol of Pain M | Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain. |
Thalassemia | This spell thins the target creature’s blood to little more than seawater, dealing 1d6 points of damage per level (maximum 15d6). |
Waves of Fatigue | Several targets become fatigued. |
Transmutation | |
Airy Water | This spell turns normal water (or watery solutions) into a frothy substance that is as breathable as air. |
Animal Growth | One animal/two levels doubles in size. |
Baleful Polymorph | Transforms subject into harmless animal. |
Beast Shape III | This spell functions as Beast Shape II, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge creature of the animal type. |
Bitter Vintage | You transform wine into the poison of your choice. |
Create Poppet | Creates a small construct to perform tasks for the witch. |
Draconic Might | Upon casting this spell, your ally’s face is covered briefly with a fine pattern of yellow scales, the scales, fade, but the golden radiance remains. |
Fabricate | Transforms raw materials into finished items. |
Lucent Lance | The light erupts in a coruscating beam of radiance shaped like a needle-sharp lance. |
Impotency | A male creature that is touched by the caster becomes permanently impotent. A female becomes frigid and completely disinterested in sex. |
Improved Erase | This spell functions as erase except that it can affect all magical symbols, including all symbol spells. |
Keepsake | You bind a particular item to you. The item affected by this spell cannot be lost, and cannot be separated from you by more than ten feet. |
Overland Flight | You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances. |
Passwall | Creates passage through wood or stone wall. |
Resonating Resistance | Foes must check Spell Resistance twice against caster. |
Telekinesis | Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature. |
Temper | You supernaturally temper metals, strengthening them and refining them. |
Transformation of the Deeps | The creature you touch undergoes a transformation that allows it to survive in the terrible lightless depths of the oceans. |
Transmute Mud to Rock | Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. |
Transmute Rock to Mud | Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. |
Tsunami | A massive animated wave is created from any body of water large enough. |
Undead Anatomy II | This spell functions as undead anatomy I, except it also allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large corporeal creature of the undead type. |
Univ | |
Permanency X | Makes certain spells permanent. |
6th Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells | |
Abjuration | |
Anathema | Arcane spellcasters use this ritual incantation to strip priests of their power. |
Antimagic Field | Negates magic within 10 ft. |
Dispel Magic, Greater | As dispel magic, but +20 on check. |
Globe of Invulnerability | As lesser globe of invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects. |
Guards and Wards | Array of magic effects protect area. |
Impotent Possessor | Subject that can possess creatures is rendered powerless. |
Repulsion | Creatures can’t approach you. |
Snare Astral Traveler | Captures one astral creature and holds it motionless. |
Starmantle | This spell manifests as a draping cloak of tiny, cascading stars that seem to flicker out before touching the ground. |
Symbol of Sealing | This spell allows you to scribe a potent rune of power upon or above a door or other opening. |
Conjuration | |
Acid Fog | Fog deals acid damage. |
Acid Storm | Acid rain deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to each creature in the area. |
Alert Bebilith | Summons bebilith to deal with a demon. |
Planar Binding | As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD. |
Spirit Bow | A phantom bow fire magical arrows at your enemies. |
Stormwalk | As teleport, save that you draw upon the power of a storm to teleport yourself and a number of others from one place to another. |
Summon Monster VI | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Wall of Iron M | 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes. |
Divination | |
Analyze Dweomer F | Reveals magical aspects of subject. |
Legend Lore M F | Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. |
Method of Madness | Mentally compute vast amounts of information. |
Probe Thoughts | Read subject’s memories, one question/ round. |
True Seeing M | Lets you see all things as they really are. |
Enchantment | |
Geas/Quest | As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. |
Heroism, Greater | Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. |
Primal Scream | 5 HD or less take 6d6 sonic damage, greater than 5 takes 4d6, all subjects must save or Scare. |
Sirine’s Song | All within the area must make a Will save or become mesmerized by the music and be drawn to it. |
Suggestion, Mass | As suggestion, plus one subject/level. |
Symbol of Persuasion M | Triggered rune charms nearby creatures. |
Evocation | |
Chain Lightning | 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage. |
Contingency F | Sets trigger condition for another spell. |
Fires of Purity | The creature you touch bursts into magical flames that do not harm the target, but can harm anyone else who comes into contact with them. |
Forceful Hand | Hand pushes creatures away. |
Freezing Sphere | Freezes water or deals cold damage. |
Ray of Light | You direct a short ray at the eyes of a target. |
Sirocco | A blast of furnace-hot wind blasts downward, inflicting 4d6 fire damage +1 point per caster level to all creatures in the area and knocking them prone. |
Wind Shear | You cause a 30ft. diameter cylinder of pummeling winds to bash down on an area. |
Illusion | |
Dream Casting | This spell functions like dream, except you can alter the sleeping person’s dreams to produce a specific desired effect. |
False Sending | As sending, except caster imitates someone else. |
Mislead | Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. |
Permanent Image | Includes sight, sound, and smell. |
Programmed Image M | As major image, plus triggered by event. |
Shadow Walk | Step into shadow to travel rapidly. |
Veil | Changes appearance of group of creatures. |
Necromancy | |
Blackwater Taint | When this spell is cast, you call up the cold blackness of those stygian depths, infusing the waters in the spell’s area with negative energy. |
Circle of Death M | Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures. |
Create Undead M | Creates Ghouls, Ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs. |
Ectoplasmic Enhancement | Incorporeal undead gain +1 AC, +1d8 hp, +1 on attacks, +2 turn resistance for every 3 levels. |
Eyebite | Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. |
Ghoul Gauntlet | Convert Victim to a ghoul under your control. |
Shared Fate | Allows a meeting between two rivals to be as safe as possible. |
Symbol of Fear M | Triggered rune panics nearby creatures. |
Undead Destruction | Destroy undead as good cleric. |
Undead Enslavement | Rebuke undead as evil cleric. |
Undeath to Death M | Destroys 1d4/level HD of undead (max 20d4). |
Withering Curse | You reach out magically and drain the life force from one humanoid, animal, giant or magical beast. |
Transmutation | |
Bear’s Endurance, Mass | As bear’s endurance, affects one subject/level. |
Beast Shape IV | This spell functions as Beast Shape III except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large creature of the magical beast type. |
Bite of the Weretiger | You snarl, and your features shift into those of a tiger. |
Blandness, Greater | As Blandness, except that the duration is permanent. |
Bull’s Strength, Mass | As bull’s strength, affects one subject/ level. |
Cat’s Grace, Mass | As cat’s grace, affects one subject/level. |
Cloak of the Sea | The subject retains his or her form but takes on a blue-green watery appearance. |
Control Water | Raises or lowers bodies of water. |
Curse of Lycanthropy | Causes a person to become infected with lycanthropy. |
Disintegrate | Makes one creature or object vanish. |
Eagle’s Splendor, Mass | As eagle’s splendor, affects one subject/level. |
Fiendish Quickening | Caster’s ability to teleport without error is quickened. |
Flesh to Stone | Turns subject creature into statue. |
Fox’s Cunning, Mass | As Fox’s Cunning, affects one subject/ level. |
Glasstrike | You transform the target into glass. |
Hardening | This spell increases the hardness of materials. |
Immunity | Target becomes immune to poisons. |
Karma Mass | As Karma, but affecting multiple creatures. |
Mage’s Lucubration | Wizard only. Recalls spell of 5th level or lower. |
Malediction | A malediction is a more severe form of bestow curse. |
Mortal Cloak Forced | As mortal cloak , save that the provider is not a willing participant (though he must be within range of the spell). |
Move Earth | Digs trenches and build hills. |
Owl’s Wisdom, Mass | As owl’s wisdom, affects one subject/level. |
Physique Mass | As physique, but affecting multiple creatures. |
Sever from the Source | Strips arcane spellcasters ability to perform magic. |
Stone Metamorphosis | You can change an existing piece of rock to another type of rock. |
Stone to Flesh | Restores petrified creature. |
Transformation M | You gain combat bonuses. |
Undead Anatomy III | This spell functions as undead anatomy II, except it also allows you to assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge corporeal creature of the undead type. |
7th Level | |
Abjuration | |
Antimagic Aura | The target creature is impervious to most magical effects including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. |
Antimagic Ray | The target, if struck, functions as if it were inside an antimagic field. |
Banishment | Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures. |
Sequester | Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose. |
Spell Turning | Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster. |
Conjuration | |
Champion of the Tome | Whenever any creature approaches the protected spellbook, a magical warrior materializes. |
Come to Me | The spell instantly transports a willing ally to you. |
Dragon Ally | This spell functions like lesser dragon ally, except you can call a single dragon of up to 18 HD. |
Instant Summons M | Prepared object appears in your hand. |
Mage’s Magnificent Mansion F | Door leads to extradimensional mansion. |
Phase Door | Creates an invisible passage through wood or stone. |
Phantom Ram | You conjure a phantom ram of terrible might. |
Plane Shift F | As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. |
Summon Monster VII | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Teleport, Greater | As teleport, but no range limit and no off-target arrival. |
Teleport Object | As teleport, but affects a touched object. |
Wall of Eyes | Creates barrier that caster can see through and that paralyzes and consumes those that touch it. |
Divination | |
Arcane Sight, Greater | As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects. |
Fiendish Clarity | Caster sees in even magical darkness, sees invisible up to 60 feet, and can detect good. |
Scrying, Greater | As scrying, but faster and longer. |
Vision M X | As Legend Lore, but quicker and strenuous. |
Enchantment | |
Hold Person, Mass | As Hold Person, but all within 30 ft. |
Insanity | Subject suffers continuous confusion. |
Power Word Blind | Blinds creature with 200 hp or less. |
Sleep of Ages | You throw the targeted creature into an endless sleep. |
Symbol of Stunning M | Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures. |
Evocation | |
Delayed Blast Fireball | 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for 5 rounds. |
Forcecage M | Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside. |
Grasping Hand | Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples. |
Mage’s Sword F | Floating magic blade strikes opponents. |
Prismatic Eye | You create a visible orb that can produce ray effects duplicating the beams of a prismatic spray spell. |
Prismatic Spray | Rays hit subjects with variety of effects. |
Whirlwind of Teeth | Creates moving 5-ft./level cylinder that deals 1d8 damage/2 levels each round. |
Illusion | |
Blind Love | Subject falls in love with any creature that you want him to. |
Invisibility, Mass | As invisibility, but affects all in range. |
Project Image | Illusory double can talk and cast spells. |
Shadow Conjuration, Greater | As shadow conjuration, but up to 6th level and 60% real. |
Simulacrum M X | Creates partially real double of a creature. |
Necromancy | |
Control Undead | undead don’t attack you while under your command. |
Finger of Death | Kills one subject. |
Symbol of Weakness M | Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures. |
Waves of Exhaustion | Several targets become exhausted. |
Transmutation | |
Bite of the Werebear | You become a half-bear creature. |
Control Weather | Changes weather in local area. |
Ethereal Jaunt | You become ethereal for 1 round/level. |
Eye of the Beholder | Caster’s eye gains random beholder ray. |
Gold Finger | You can transform normal nonmagical objects into gold. |
Mend Fortifications | As with the Make whole spell, mend fortifications allows the caster to repair damaged objects. |
Mirror Walking | You or the one you touch may pass through any mirror or reflecting surface of sufficient size onto the Plane of Mirrors. |
Reverse Gravity | Objects and creatures fall upward. |
Statue | Subject an become a statue at will. |
Teleport without Error | This spell instantly transports the caster to a designated destination. |
Vitrify | This spell transforms normal sand of any depth into crude glass. |
Univ | |
Limited Wish X | Alters reality-within spell limits. |
8th Level | |
Abjuration | |
Dimensional Lock | Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level. |
Eye of the Storm | creates a zone that nullifies all weather related effects. |
Mind Blank | Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying. |
Prismatic Wall | Wall’s colors have array of effects. |
Protection from Spells M F | Confers +8 resistance bonus. |
Restored Form | This spell changes the subject back to its true form, no matter how it was altered. |
Conjuration | |
Incendiary Cloud | Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round. |
Maze | Traps subject in extradimensional maze. |
Phantasmal Thief | Creates an unseen force that steals from others. |
Planar Binding, Greater | As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD. |
Plane Shift, Greater | This spell functions like plane shift, except that if you have visited the desired location, the spell takes you to the precise location. |
Summon Monster VIII | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Trap the Soul M F | Imprisons subject within gem. |
Divination | |
Discern Location | Reveals exact location of creature or object. |
Moment of Prescience | You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save. |
Prying Eyes, Greater | As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing. |
Enchantment | |
Antipathy | Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. |
Binding M | Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature. |
Charm Monster, Mass | As charm monster, but all within 30 ft. |
Demand | As sending, plus you can send suggestion. |
Desert Binding | This spell functions like binding, except as noted. |
Irresistible Dance | Forces subject to dance. |
Maddening Scream | The subject cannot keep him or herself from behaving as though completely mad. |
Orgasmic Vibrations, Mass | As orgasmic vibrations, except this spell affects multiple creatures. |
Power Word Stun | Stuns creature with 150 hp or less. |
Splinter the Mind | Shatters the conscious and subconscious minds |
Symbol of Insanity M | Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane. |
Sympathy F | Object or location attracts certain creatures. |
Wrathful Castigation | You brandish the whip, and your target begins to shake uncontrollably, then collapses on the ground, its spasms eventually fading as it dies. |
Evocation | |
Clenched Fist | Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes. |
Depthsurge | The water within the area suddenly explodes outward in a massive surge, as if driven by a powerful explosion. |
Polar Ray | Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage. |
Shout, Greater | Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects. |
Sunburst | Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. |
Illusion | |
Scintillating Pattern | Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious. |
Screen | Illusion hides area from vision, scrying. |
Shadow Evocation, Greater | As shadow evocation, but up to 7th level and 60% real. |
Telekinetic Sphere | As resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically. |
Necromancy | |
Clone M F | Duplicate awakens when original dies. |
Create Greater Undead M | Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers. |
Gutwrench | Kills subject and gives caster 4d6 temporary hit points and +4 Strength. |
Horrid Wilting | Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft. |
Steal Life | Caster drains 1 ability score point per round and becomes younger. |
Symbol of Death M | Triggered rune slays nearby creatures. |
Youth and Beauty | You return the vigor of youth. |
Transmutation | |
Axiomatic Creature | This spell transforms the target into an axiomatic creature- a perfect version of itself. |
Bestow Greater Curse | Subject takes 6 penalty to two abilities; 8 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks; or 75% chance of taking no action. |
Bull’s Strength Greater | Subject/level gains +4 to Strength for 1 hour/2 levels. |
Bull’s Strength Mass Improved | As mass bull’s strength, but with a longer duration. |
Grotesque Polymorph | Subjects get ugly deformities, resulting in impediments and aversion. |
Iron Body | Your body becomes living iron. |
Polymorph Any Object | Changes any subject into anything else. |
Scourge | An extremely powerful form of bestow curse. |
Soul’s Treasure Lost | Disintegrates subject’s most valuable object. |
Temporal Stasis M | Puts subject into suspended animation. |
Undead Anatomy IV | This spell functions as undead anatomy III, except it allows you to use more abilities. |
9th Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells | |
Abjuration | |
Freedom | Releases creature from imprisonment. |
Imprisonment | Entombs subject beneath the earth. |
Mage’s Disjunction | Dispels magic, disenchants magic items. |
Prismatic Sphere | As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides. |
Reaving Dispel | This spell functions like greater dispel magic. |
Conjuration | |
Arrow of slaying | You create a magic arrow that kills the creature struck. |
Gate X | Connects two planes for travel or summoning. |
Interplanetary Teleport | This spell functions as teleport, except there is truly no range limit and you do not need to have seen your destination. |
Obedient Avalanche | You summon an avalanche of snow out of a rift in midair, burying your foes and sending them to a frosty death. |
Raise Structure | You conjure a fortress or other structure from the ground. |
Refuge M | Alters item to transport its possessor to you. |
Stone Warriors | You transform nearby rocks and stones into animated stone figures that fight for you. |
Summon Monster IX | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Teleportation Circle M | Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. |
Ursa Major | You summon an axiomatic dire bear composed of stars. |
Utterdark | 100-ft./level radius of darkness that evil creatures can see through. |
Divination | |
Foresight | “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger. |
Unveil the Truth | Subject’s true identity, personality, and deeds are revealed to witnesses. |
Enchantment | |
Dominate Monster | As dominate person, but any creature. |
Hold Monster, Mass | As Hold monster, but all within 30 ft. |
Mindrape | Caster learns everything subject knows and can alter its memory or knowledge. |
Power Word Kill | Kills one creature with 100 hp or less. |
Programmed amnesia | You see the target’s memories like stories and know that you can rewrite them as a master bard rewrites the inferior works of his apprentices. |
Symbol of Strife | All creatures within the radius of a symbol of strife are compelled to attack the nearest conscious creature. |
Evocation | |
Crushing Hand | Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes. |
Crushing Fist of Spite | Fist deals 1d6 damage/level each round. |
Meteor Swarm | Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage. |
Reality Maelstrom | You tear a temporary hole in reality itself that sucks all loose material and living creatures into it, sending them to a random plane. |
Spell Meld | This spell joins the caster and a willing, spellcasting subject with a strong, mystical connection. Their spellcasting abilities pool together. |
Winds of Vengeance | You surround yourself with a buffeting shroud of supernatural, tornado-force winds. |
Illusion | |
Shades | As shadow conjuration, but up to 8th level and 80% real. |
Weird | As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft. |
Necromancy | |
Astral Projection M | Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane. |
Energy Drain | Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. |
Gemini’s Twin | You create an exact duplicate of yourself. |
Soul Bind F | Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. |
Suffocation, Mass | This spell functions as suffocation except as noted. |
Wail of the Banshee | Kills one creature/level. |
Transmutation | |
Awaken Construct | This spell awakens a humanoid-shaped construct to humanlike sentience. |
Etherealness | Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. |
Shapechange F | Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round. |
Time Stop | You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds. |
Univ | |
Wish X | As limited wish, but with fewer limits. |