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Alert Bebilith

When in the presence of a demon, the caster conjures a Bebilith – a demon that hunts other demons – to kill or chase off the original demon.

Book of Vile Darkness 3.5  
By Monte Cook

Conjuration (Calling) [Evil]

Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One Bebilith
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Check ResultOutcome
9 or lowerBebilith and demon both attack caster.
10-12Bebilith ignores demon and attempts to grab another random creature (possibly caster) within 100 feet of where it appeared. It tries to grab the creature, then retreat to the Abyss to feed, never returning.*
13-18Bebilith flees without taking action.
19-21Demon flees, and Bebilith attempts to grab another random creature (possibly caster) within 100 feet of where it appeared. It tries to grab the creature, then retreat to the Abyss to feed, never returning.*
22-30Demon flees, and 1 round later the Bebilith starts hunting for it.
31 or higherBebilith grabs demon, and the two disappear.* The demon is never seen again.
*Bebilith attempts to start a grapple with its target. On a successful grapple check, bebilith and its victim are both affected by the Bebilith’s plane shift ability (this ability allows the Bebilith to take a creature with it, which it can’t otherwise do).

This spell is a risky proposition, however. To determine the effect of the spell, subtract the Hit Dice of the demon from 12 (the HD of the Bebilith), add the result to a caster level check, and consult the above table.

If this spell is cast while not in the presence of a demon, the Bebilith acts as if the caster level check result was a 10.

Material Component: A bit of demon’s flesh and a lump of iron.

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