Hero’s and Villains (NPCs)
Heroes and villains from historical, literary and mythological sources to add flavour to your games.

- A NPCs– Abarbarea, Abaris ‘the Hyperborean‘, Acastus, Sir Accolon of Gaul, Achaemenides, Adam Bell, Adam “The Leper”, Adapa, Admetus, Aegisthus, Aeneas, Aesop, Aethalides, Afonso V of Portugal, Agamemnon, Sir Aglovale de Galis, Agne, Sir Agravain, Margaret Aitken, Ajax, Ajax the Lesser, Alberich, Alcestis, Alcmene, Alcyone, Alice Kyteler, Alan-a-Dale, Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria,. Alcyoneus, Alcibiades, Allan Quartermain, Alexander Selkirk, Alexander the Great, Alvíss, Alcyone, Amphion, Ancaeus of Arcadia, Anchises, Andromache, Andvari, Angantyr the Berserker, Malik Ambar, Amelia Dyer, Ami Perrin, Ancaeus of Arcadia, Ancaeus of Samos, Andromeda, Angelica, Anne Dieu-le-Veut, Antaeus, Antenor, Antigone of Phthia, Aramis, Argus, Ariadne, Arngrim the Berserker, Areithous, Jack Dawkins “The Artful Dodger”, King Arthur, Arthur a Bland, Ascalaphus, Ascanius, Aslaug, Astolfo, Athos de la Fère “Athos”, Atreus, Atlantes, Jerry Abershawe, Peter Alston, Augeias, Augustus the Strong, Autolycus, Awilda
- B NPCs –King Bagdemagus, Bahorel, Sir Balan la Savage, Sir Balin la Savage, King Ban, The Barbarossa Brothers, P.T. Barnum, Bartholomew Roberts, Bass Reeves, Elizabeth Báthory, Beauchamp Bagenal, Belle & Adam ‘Beauty and the Beast‘, Benkei, Jeremy Bentham, Beowulf, Theresa Berkley, The Witch of Berkeley, Bevis of Hampton, Billy Bones, Billy the Kid, The Bishop of Hereford, Edward Teach “Blackbeard”, Black Caesar, Black Hawk, Black Knight, Philibert François Rouxel de Blanchelande, Blind Pew, Bluebeard, Captain Blood, Anne Bonny, Boreads, Sir Bors de Ganis (Bors the Elder), Sir Bors the Younger, Bradamante, Britomart, Brokkr, Mercy Brown, Brunello, Brangaine, Burke and Hare, Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI), Cesare Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia, Briseis, Sir Brunor le Noir (La Cote Mal Taile), William Buckley (convict), Paul Bunyan, Butes, Brynhildr
- C NPCs – Squire Richard Cabell, Cadmus, Cador, Caelia, Calchas, Calogrenant, Calico Jack Rackham, Canthus, Captain Alexander Smollett, Caradoc, Sir Jean de Carrouges, Giacomo Casanova, Cecrops I, Louis Dominique Bourguignon “Cartouche”, Cassiopeia, Professor Challenger, Charles de Batz-Castelmore d’Artagnan, Charles Mohun, Charles Sedley, Ching Shih, Chiron, Chryseis, Cinderella, Circe, Clytemnestra, Rosa Coote, Combeferre “The Guide”, Comte de Rochefort, Micheletto Corella, Jeronimus Cornelisz, Coronus, Ichabod Crane, Cosette (“the Lark”), Courfeyrac “The Center”, Catalina De Los Rios Y Lisperguer ‘La Quintrala’, Copernicus, Crazy Horse, Elizabeth “Old Mother” Cresswell, Cyrano de Bergerac, Cytisorus
- D NPCs – Daedalus, Julie d’Aubigny, Damaris Page, William Dampier, Danaus, Daniel Dancer, Dardanus, Deianira, Timothy Dexter, Diogenes, David of Doncaster, Detective Frederick Abberline, Dietrich Schenk von Erbach, Dioscuri, Jenny Diver, Dorian Gray, Doctor John Dolittle, Doctor Victor Frankenstein, Doctor Fu Manchu, Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Doctor Livesey, Don Juan, Dorothy Gale, Francis Drake, Dutty Boukman “Book Man”, Claude Duval, Dvalinn
- E NPCs–Eadric the Wild, Wyatt Earp, Ebenezer Scrooge, Echion, Egil, Egill Skallagrímsson, Eleanor of Portugal, Holy Roman Empress, Electra, Eribotes, Erginus, Esmeralda, Euphemus, Eurydamas, Eurylochus, Euryalus, Eurytion king of Phthia, Eustace Folville, Eustace The Monk, Enjolras ‘The Chief’, Éponine Thénardier(the Jondrette girl), Emperor Jingtai of Ming, Henry Every
- F NPCs – Faerie Knight, Doctor Johann Georg Faust, Judge George Jeffreys, Guy Fawkes, Feuilly, George “Fighting” Fitzgerald, Captain Flint, Doctor Victor Frankenstein, Joannes Frollo “jolly”, Mary Frith “Moll Cutpurse”, François l’Ollonais, Francesca da Rimini, Francis Charteris, Francis Dashwood, Friar Tuck, Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (The Peaceful), Claude Frollo, Jakob Fugger, Fūma Kotarō, Fu Manchu
- G NPCs – Galileo Galilei, George Selwyn, Gilbert Whitehand, Lady Godiva, Guy of Gisbourne, Gotz Of The Iron Hand, Laurens de Graaf, Grace O’Malley, Grace Sherwood, Grantaire, François Grimaldi, Doctor Hawley Griffin “The Invisible Man”, Pierre Gringoire, Gavroche Thénardier, Gilles Garnier (The Hermit of Bonnot, The Werewolf of Dôle), Christman Genipperteinga, Count of St. Germain, Girolama Spera, Giulia Tofana, Urbain Grandier, Ben Gunn, Belle Gunness, Gunther/Gunnar, Gwenhwyach, Gwyn ap Nudd, Gwythyr ap Greidawl
- H NPCs – Hagen, Mary Hallet, Hansel and Gretel (Hag Hunters), John Wesley Hardin, Hasan Sabbah, Kaspar Hauser, Hector, Sir Hector de Maris, Hecuba, Heidrek, Helgi Hundingsbane, Abraham Van Helsing, John Henry, Prince Henry the Navigator, Heinrich Kramer, Hercules, Hereward the Wake, King Herla, Hernan Cortes, Hervor, Hiawatha, Amazon Queen Hippolyta, Charles Hitchen, Hjalmar, Hlod, Matthew Hopkins, Benjamin Hornigold, Hreidmar, Huckleberry Finn, Harpe brothers, Honda Tadakatsu, Hylas
- I NPCs – Icarus, Idas, Idmon, Idomeneus of Crete, Igor the “Heretic”, Igraine, Ikey “The Fagin” Solomon, Ileana Cosânzeana, Ilmarinen, Iolaus, Fomorian queen, “Inciona, the Malevolent.” Iphicles, Iphiclus, Iphigenia, Iphitos, Isabella of Castile, Israel Hands, Ivan Barkov, Ivan IV Vasilyevich “Ivan the Terrible”, Isabella of Portugal, Duchess of Burgundy, Iseult of Ireland, Wilfred of Ivanhoe, Ivar the Boneless, Ixion
- J NPCs – Jack the Ripper, Jacob Marley, James Lowther, Jan van Leiden, Jason, Prince of Ioclus, Jean Prouvaire,
- Mark Jeffrey ‘Big Mark’, Mary Frances Jeffries, Jocasta, John Carter, John Domingo, John Fian, Jonathan Wild, Joseph Montferrand, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, Joulupukki (Santa Claus), Jean Laffite, Long John Silver, Lady Katherine Ferrers “The Wicked Lady”, Daniel Johnson (pirate) “Johnson the Terror”, Liver-Eating Johnson, Philip Javert, Jasper Hanebuth, Joukahainen,
- K NPCs – Sir Kahedin, Edmund Kean, Ned Kelly, Johannes Kepler, Khutulun, Kullervo
- L NPCs– Laertes, Laocoön, Madame Delphine LaLaurie, Sir Lancelot the Great, Launfal, Marie Laveau, Lemminkainen, Leodegrance, Leonardo da Vinci, Leonora Dori, Lesgle, The Eagle, Lionel, Little John, Lohengrin, Lola Montez, Lorenzo de’ Medici “the Magnificent”, Lancelot Blackburne (Archbishop of York), Louhi, Louis IX, Duke of Bavaria (The Rich), Captain Edward “Ned” Low, Captain George Lowther, Lucan the Butler, Martin Luther, Lynceus of Messenia
- M NPCs – Niccolò Machiavelli, James MacLaine, Sir Maleagant, Fredericka “Mother” Mandelbaum, Maid Marian, Marfisa, King Mark of Cornwall, Christopher Marlowe, Marie de Médicis, Marquis de Sade, Mary Frances Jeffries, Mary Poppins, Mary Read, Malin Matsdotter, Medea, Megara, Mehmed II ‘the Conqueror’, Melas, Meleager, Menelaus, Menestheus, Merlin (Myrddin Wyllt), Michelangelo, Milady de Winter, Milo of Croton, Minos, Daniel Montbars “Montbars the Exterminator”, Madame de Montespan, Charles François d’Angennes, Marquis de Maintenon, Mopsus, Sir Mordred, Henry Morgan, Morgan le Fay, Professor James Moriarty, Morholt, Sir Morien the Moor, Ursula Southill “Mother Shipton”, Much the Miller’s Son, Muma Padurii, Fanny Murray, Joaquin Murrieta, “Mad” Jack Mytton,
- N NPCs – Naciens, Nauplius son of Clytoneus (Nauplius the Wrecker), Captain Nemo, Nestor, Niklaus Stuller, Peter Niers, Ninon de l’Enclos, Gertrude Of Nivelles, Joshua Norton, Nostradamus
- O NPCs – Oenone, Oileus, Olga Of Kiev, Orestes, Orpheus, Otrere, Örvar-Oddr, Ótr
- P NPCs – Niccolò Paganini (The Devil’s Violinist), La Païva, Palaemon, Palamedes, Paracelsus, Paris, The Pappenheimer Family, Patroclus, Alexander Pearce, Peleus, Pelleas, King Pellinore, Pelops, Penelope, Penthesilia, Pentheus, Periclymenus, Petar Blagojević, Bjorn Petursson, Phalerus. Phillip Duke of Wharton, Philip the Good, Philoctetes, Phlias, Captain Phoebus de Chateaupers, Phrontis, Pied Piper of Hamelin, Pier Gerlofs Donia, Pirithous, Pocahontas, Poeas, Marco Polo, Polyphemus, Madame de Pompadour, Marius Pontmercy, Poriclymenus (Periclymenus), Porphyrion, Porthos, Bartolomeu Portugues, , Prester John, King Praim, Protesilaus,’Puss in Boots, Pythia (Delphic Oracle)
- Q NPCs– Qagwaaz, Quasimodo, Don Quixote
- R NPCs– Lady Ragnell, John “Sixteen String Jack” Rann, Rapunzel, Grigori Rasputin, Red Legs Greaves, Cardinal Richelieu, Rip Van Winkle, Little Red Riding Hood (Werewolf Hunter), Renfield, Regin, Rerir, Richard at the Lee, Richard III of England, Robert the Devil, Gerrit Gerritszoon “Roche Braziliano”, Robin Hood, Roland/Orlando, Rosa Coote, Rostam, Ruggiero, Sarah Rachel Russell “Madame Rachel”, Gilles de Rais
- S NPCs– Salmoneus, Samuel Bellamy “Black Sam”, Sarah Rachel Russell “Madame Rachel”, Sarpedon, Sawney Bean, Andre-Louis Morea “Scaramouche “, Scheherazade, Franz Schmidt, King Shaka, Shamhat “The Magnificent One”, Sha Wùjìng (Sandy), William de Wendenal, High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire (Epic Toll Warden of Mammon), Jack Sheppard, Sherlock Holmes, Skirnir, Colonel Sibthorp, Sibyl Hellespontine, Sibyl Phrygian, Sibylla of Jerusalem, Siduri, Siegfried, Sigi, Sigmund, Sigurd Stefánsson, Silenus, Simon Foreman, Sinbad the Sailor, Sinfjotli, Sinon, Sinis, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Stede Bonnet, Stoneribs, Henry Strangways, Peter Stumpp the ‘Werewolf of Bedburg, Subutai, Svafrlami, Michael “burning water” Scott (The wizard of the North),
- T NPCs– Talaus, Lawrence Talbot “The Wolf Man”, Taliesin, Tarrare, Tarzan, Telamon, Telemachus, Telephus, Teucer, Thersites, Thoosa, Timothy “Tiny Tim”Cratchit, Tiphys, Monsieur Thénardier and Madame Thénardier (the Jondrettes), Thetis, Tituba, Tomás de Torquemada, Tom a Lincoln, Tristram De Lyonesse, Clopin Trouillefou, King of the Court of Miracles, Richard “Dick” Turpin, Captain Daniel Tucker (Governor of Bermuda), Richard “Dick” Turpin ,Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Tamerlane, The Werewolves of Poligny, Tomoe Gozen, Turquine, Tycho Brahe
- U NPCs– Ulugh Beg Sultaniyeh, Urien
- W NPCs – Sir Francis Walsingham “The Spymaster”, Agnes Waterhouse, Wayland the Smith, Lucy Westenra, William Jackson, William Kidd, William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, William Tell, Will Scarlet, William Plunkett, Dr. John H. Watson, Johann Adam Weishaupt, Wild Bill Hickok, Oscar Wilde, Milady de Winter, Woodes Rogers
- V NPCs – Vainamoinen, Prince Valiant, Jean Valjean, Captain Charles Vane, La Voisin, Völsung, Vortimer
- Y NPCs – Yasuke, Earl Yniol, Ysbaddaden, Ywain the Bastard, Ywain “Knight of the Lion”,
- Z NPCs – Zheng He, Anna Zippel, Zhu Bajie Pigsy, Zorro