Lemuria/Hollow Earth/Lost World Bestiary
“Unearth the Secrets of Lemuria! Dive into the Mysteries of the Hollow Earth and Encounter the Enigmatic Creatures of the Lost World Bestiary – Beyond Imagination!”

Embark on an unparalleled odyssey into the heart of uncharted realms with the Lost World Bestiary—an awe-inspiring compendium that unveils the cryptic inhabitants of Lemuria, the enigmatic Hollow Earth, and other hidden domains. As the pages unfold, prepare to be enthralled by the rich tapestry of creatures that defy explanation, thriving in forgotten landscapes untouched by the passage of time.
From the luminous depths of Lemuria’s hidden oceans to the sprawling subterranean jungles of the Hollow Earth, this bestiary invites you to witness the staggering diversity of life that has evolved in splendid isolation. Marvel at the majestic guardians that have stood watch for centuries, and shudder at the elusive and fearsome denizens lurking in the shadows.
Each entry in this compendium is a portal to the extraordinary, a glimpse into a world where the fantastic becomes reality. As you journey through these pages, you’ll find yourself immersed in the wonders and perils of these lost worlds, where mystery and marvel coexist in a delicate dance. Prepare to be captivated, for the Lost World Bestiary is your guide to the astonishing creatures that roam the forgotten realms, waiting to be discovered by those daring enough to venture into the unknown.
A –, Aboleth, Aboleth Greater, Aboleth Noble, Aboleth Ruler, Acanthostega, Achaierai, Aepycamelus, Agriotherium, Ambulocetus, Amebelodon, Ammonite, Amoeba, Giant, Amphicyon, Amphiptere, Amphisbaena, Anancus, Anarchic Creature, Andrewsarchus, Anglerfish, Ankheg,Anomalocaris, Ant, Giant (Drone), Ant, Giant (Knight), Ant, Giant (Queen), Ant, Giant (Soldier), Ant, Giant (Worker), Arctognathus, Arthropleura, Ascomoid, Aspidochelone, Assassin Vine, Astrapotherium, Aurochs, Axe Beak, Diatryma, Axe Beak (Phororhacos), Axe Beak, Terror Bird (Brontornis),
B – Baboon Dire, Dinopithecus, Basilosaurus, Beelzebufo, Behemoth, Behemoth Gorilla, Behemoth, Tempest, Behemoth, Thalassic, Behemoth, Thunder, Belemnite, Bladderwort Giant, Bloop, Brontotherium,
C – Cacops, Cadborosaurus, Carnivorous Blob, Castoroides, Cave Fisher, Cave Lion, Charau-ka, Crab, Shark-Eating, Crocodile, Crocodilian, Deinosuchus, Crocodilian, Marine Crocodile, Crocodilian, Saltwater Crocodile, Cryptoclidus, Cynodont, Cynognathus, Cynodont Diademodon, Cynodont, Exaeretodon, Cynodont, Thrinaxodon
D – Dakwa (Froghemoth), Desmatosuchus, Dicynodont, Dicynodon, Dicynodont, Diictodon, Dicynodont, Lystrosaurus, Dimetrodon, Dimorphodon (pterosaur), Dinosaurs, Acanthopholis, Acrocanthosaurus, Allosaurus, Amargasaurus, Anatotitan, Anchisaurus, Anhanguera (pterosaur), Ankylosaurus, Archaeoceratops, Archaeopteryx, Argentinosaurus, Avaceratops, Avimimus, Bambiraptor, Baryonyx, Beipiaosaurus, Bellusaurus, Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, Buitreraptor, Camarasaurus, Camptosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Carnotaurus, Centrosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Cetiosaurus, Charonosaurus, Clidastes, Coelophysis, Coelurus, Compsognathus, Compsognathus Swarm, Dacentrurus, Daspletosaurus, Deinonychus, Dilophosaurus, Diplodocus, Edmontosaurus, Elasmosaurus, Eoraptor, Epanterias, Epidexipteryx, Eshanosaurus, Euparkeria, Eustreptospondylus, Gallimimus, Gasosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Gigantoraptor, Giraffatitan, Gorgosaurus, Halticosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Huayangosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Kentrosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Leptoceratops, Lexovisaurus, Maiasaura, Mamenchisaurus, Mapusaurus, Masiakasaurus, Massopondylus, Megalosaurus, Megaraptor, Micropachycephalosaurus, Microraptor, Microvenator, Monoclonius, Mononykus, Nodosaurs, Nothosaurus, Notoceratops, Ornitholestes, Ornithomimus, Ouranosaurus, Oviraptor, Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Paleocinthus, Panoplosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Pawpawsaurus, Pentaceratops, Piatnitzkysaurus, Pinacosaurus, Plateosaurus, Postosuchus, Prenocephale, Prosaurolophus, Protoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Rugops primus, Saltasaurus, Saurolophus, Sauroposeidon, Scelidosaurus, Scutellosaurus, Segnosaurus, Seismosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Shunosaurus, Shuvuuia, Sinocalliopteryx, Sinornithosaurus, Sinraptor, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Stokesosaurus, Struthiomimus, Struthiosaurus, Tsintaosaurus, Styracosaurus, Suchomimus, Tanystropheus, Teratosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Torosaurus, Torvosaurus, Triceratops, Tuojiangosaurus, Tylosaurus (Mosasaur), Tyrannosaurus, Utahraptor, Velociraptor, Vulcanodon, Xiaosaurus, Yangchuanosaurus, Zuniceratops, Diplocaulus, Diprotodon, Giant Wombat, Dire Creature, Dire Ape (Gigantopithecus), Dire Badger, Dire Bat, Dire Bear (Cave or short-faced), Dire Boar (Daeodon), Dire Capybara, Dire Dog, Dire Frog, Giant, Dire Lamprey, Dire Jaguar, Dire Lion (Spotted/Cave Lion), Dire Piranha, Dire Rat, Shark, Dire (Megalodon), Dire Snake, Dire Tiger, Dire Turkey, Dire Walrus, Dire Weasel, Dire Wolverine, Dire Wolf , Dodo,
E –Echinochimaera,Edaphosaurus, Eel Giant Moray, Elasmotherium, Elemental, Elemental Air, Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire, Elemental Ice, Elder, Elemental Ice , Greater, Elemental Ice, Huge, Elemental Ice, Large, Elemental Ice, Medium, Elemental Ice, Small, Elemental Water, Elemental Air Primal, Elemental Earth Primal, Elemental Fire Primal, Elemental Water Primal, Elemental, Ruin, Elemental Time, Common, Eogyrinus, Epigaulus, Eryops, Estemmenosuchus, Euchambersia, Eucladoceros, Eurypterid, Eurypterid, Bluetip,
F – Familiar, Blue-Ringed Octopus, Familiar, Leopard Slug,Familiar, Tuatara, Fish, Archerfish (Giant), Fish, Blowfish Giant, Fish, Dunkleosteus (Dinichthys), Fish, Pike, Giant, Fish, Swordfish, Fish, Tiger Fish, Fish Viper (Giant), Flail Snail, Flumph, Flytrap, Giant, Frog, Poisonous (Giant), Fungoid,
G Gerrothorax, Gigantopithecus
Gambado, Garappa, Gargantua, Humanoid, Gargantua, Insectoid, Garuda, Gargoyle, Gargouille, Gashadokuro, Geist, Gelatinous Cube, Gerrothorax, Giants, Giant Hill, Giant Mountain, Gloomwing, , Goat, Gorynych, Gougou, Gnoll, Gnomes, Graiae, Grandfather Time, Grani, Great Old One, Great Old One, Bokrug, Great Old One, Cthulhu, Great Old One, Hastur, Great Old One, Tsathoggua, Greenfolk, Green Slime, Greog, Grendel, Grendel’s mother, Grick, Griffin, Grig, Grim Reaper/Death, Grimlock, Grindylow, Grippli, Grodair, Grootslang, Grove seneschal, Guecubu, Gumberoo, Gwyllion,
H Haast’s Eagle, Hallucigenia, Hippopotamus gorgops, Hyaenodon, Hyracotherium,
Haast’s Eagle, Hallucigenia, Hakutaku, Harionago, Harpy, Haunt, Hawk, Hecatoncheires, Hedgehog, Heikegani, Herensugue, Hibagon, Hiderigami, Hiisi, Hippocampi, Hippogriff, Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus gorgops, Honeybee, Honeybee Swarm, Hungry Fog, Hyaenodon, Hyracotherium
I Ichthyosaur small, Ichthyosaurus, Indricotherium, Inostrancevia, Irish Deer,
Ichthyosaurus, Idol, Bone , Idol, Wood, Id Manifestation, Ifrit, Iguana, Giant, Inostrancevia, Inevitable, Marut, Infernal, Invisible stalker, Intellect Devourer, Inugami, Inulpamahuida, Invunche, Isitoq, Irminsul, Issun-bo-shi,
Jelly, Ochre, Jorogumo, Jubjub Bird, Jubokko, Juggernaut, Julunggali, Jyoti
K Keratocephalus, Kolponomos, Koolasuchus, Kronosaurus,
Kamadan, Kamaitachi, Kanaima,Kawa Akago, Kelpie, Keratocephalus, Keukegen, Khalkotauroi, Kharisiri, Kigatilik, Kokogiak, Kolponomos, Kongamato, Koolasuchus, Kookaburra, Korred, Koshi Serpent, Kraken, Kronosaurus, Kuchisake-Onna, Kushtaka,
L Lizard,Giant Frilled, 5, Lizardfolk, Locathah, Lycanthrope (Template), Lycanthrope Werecrocodile Leptictidium, Liopleurodon, Lycaenops
L Leng Spider, Leptictidium, Leshay, Leshy, Leshy, Fungus, Leshy, Gourd, Leucrota, Lich, Liopleurodon, Living Mirage, Living Wall, Lizard, Lizard, Giant Frilled, Lizard Monitor, Lizardfolk, Llorona, Locathah, Lukwata, Lurker in Light, Lurking Ray, Lurking Ray, Executioner’s Hood, Lurking Ray, Lurker Above, Lurking Ray, Trapper, Lusca, Luveceviere, Lycaenops, Lycanthrope, Lycanthrope Werebear, LycanthropeWereboar, Lycanthrope,Werecat, Lycanthrope, werecrocodile, Lycanthrope, Dire Werelion, Lycanthrope, Werehyena, Lycanthrope WereJaguar, Lycanthrope, Werelion, Lycanthrope, Wererat, Lycanthrope, Wereshark, Lycanthrope Weretiger, Lycanthrope Werewolf, Lycanthrope Template, Lynx,
M Mastodon, Mastodonsaurus, Megafauna, Archelon, Megafauna, Arsinoitherium, Megafauna, Baluchitherium, Megafauna, Chalicotherium, Megafauna, Deinotherium, Megafauna, Moa (Dromornis), Megafauna, Uintatherium, Megalania, Megantereon, Megatherium, Meiolania, Metridiochoerus, Monstrous Bumblebee, Monstrous Beetle Bombardier, Monstrous Beetle Diving Adult, Monstrous Beetle Diving Larva, Monstrous Beetle Fire, Monstrous Beetle Stag, Monstrous Beetle Stink, Monstrous Beetle Tiger, Monstrous Caterpillar, Monstrous Centipede, Monstrous Daddy Longlegs, Monstrous Dragonfly, Monstrous Trilobite, Monstrous Fly Bluebottle, Monstrous Fly Horsefly, Giant Mantidfly, Monstrous Grasshopper, Monstrous Mosquito, Female, Anopheles, Monstrous Mosquita Female Culex, Monstrous Mosquito Male, Monstrous Mosquito, Wriggler, Monstrous Orthocone, Monstrous Preying Mantis, Monstrous Scorpion, Monstrous Spider, Monstrous Spider Jumping, Monstrous Wasp, Moropus, Mosasaurus, Moschops,
O Ophiacodon, Ornithosuchus, Ornimegalonyx
P Paracyclotosaurus, Pelorovis, Placerias, Platyhystrix, Platybelodon, Plesiosaurus, Potamotherium, Priscileo, Procoptodon, Psychopomp, Pterodactylus, Pteranadon
R Rhamphorhynchus, Rhynchosaur, Robertia,
S Sarkastodon, Shambling Mound, Shark, Shark, Dire (Megalodon), Shark, Helicoprion, Shonisaurus, Simosuchus, Skum, Smilodon, Smilodon, Homotherium, Sloth, Dire, Sphenacodon, Squid,Giant, Stagonolepis, Stethacanthus, Stomatosuchus, Swarm, Swarm Centipede, Swarm Cockroaches, Swarm Locust, Swarm Mosquito, Swarm Rat, Swarm Piranha, Swarm Spider
T Temnodontosaurus, Terrestrisuchus, Thylacine, Thylacoleo, Tiktaalik, Titanoboa, Titanosuchus, Titanothere, Titanotylopus, Tullimonstrum, Tusoteuthis