Slavic Monsters

The folklore and mythology of the Slavic people is filled with a rich cast of creatures, both frightening and fascinating. From mischievous spirits to powerful gods, these creatures have played a crucial role in shaping the beliefs and stories of the Slavic people for centuries. In this list, we will explore some of the most well-known and intriguing creatures from Slavic mythology and folklore, each with their own unique personalities, abilities, and motivations. Whether they are malevolent demons or helpful spirits, these creatures have left an indelible mark on Slavic folklore and continue to captivate the imagination of people to this day.
A Aitvaras, Alp, Anarchic Creature, Animated object, Assassin Vine, Axiomatic Creature
B Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga’s Riders, Badger, Bat, Batlings, Bear Black, Bear Brown, Bear Polar, Beaver, Bee, Honey Bee Swarm, Bibi, Black Cat, Boar, Bodak, Boruta, Brumal Pinemaiden, Bruxsa
C – Cat, Caliban, Cat, Celestial Creature, Celestial Badger, Celestial Black Bear, Celestial brown bear, Celestial Dog, Celestial Eagle, Celestial Griffon, Celestial Owl, Celestial Porpoise, Celestial Advanced Unicorn, Chastity, Clockwork, Clockwork Dragon, Clockwork Familiar, Clockwork Goliath, Clockwork Leviathan, Clockwork Mage, Clockwork Servant, Clockwork Soldier, Clockwork Spy, Clockwork Steed, Cockatrice, Colossus Iron, Colossus Stone, Crawling Hand,
D –Daemon, Arcanadaemon,Demilich, Demon, Cambion, Hezrou, Nalfeshnee, Quasit, Schir, Shadow, Succubus, Uridezu, Vrock, Unique Demons, Lord Koschei , Devil, Accuser, Barbed (Hamatula), Bearded (Barbazu), Bone Devil (Osyluth), Contractor (Adramelei), Doll Devil (Arusities), Devil, Handmaiden,, Devil Hellsmith (Hierrmagon), Devil Horned (Cornugon), Malebranche, Spined (Spinagon), Scaly Devil (Squamugon), Tormentor Devil, Devil Torturer, Dhampir, , Dire Creature, Dire Badger, Dire Bat, Dire Bear (Cave or short-faced), Dire Boar (Daeodon), Dire Dog, Dire Frog, Giant, Dire Lamprey, Dire Rat, Dire Weasel, Dire Wolf, Dog, Bloodhound, Dog medium, Dog Small, Doll, Soulbound, Domovoi, Donkey, Doppelganger, Dragon, Dragon Black, Dragon Green,Dragon Red, Drake, Forest, Drake, Frost, Drake, Ice, Drake, Mist, Drake, Spire, Drekavac, Druther, Duergar, Dwarf,
E – Eagle, Eagle Giant, Elemental, Elemental Air, Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire, Elemental Ice, Elder, Elemental Ice , Greater, Elemental Ice, Huge, Elemental Ice, Large, Elemental Ice, Medium, Elemental Ice, Small, Elemental Water, Elemental Air Primal, Elemental Earth Primal, Elemental Fire Primal, Elemental Water Primal, Ercinee, Executioner’s Raven,
F – Familiar, Leopard Slug, Familiar, Mole, Fell Flotsam, Fetchling, Fiendish Creature, Fiendish Boar, Fiendish Bear Black, Fiendish Small Fire Elemental, Fiendish Medium Fire Elemental, Fiendish Large Fire Elemental, Fiendish Huge Fire Elemental, Fiendish Greater Fire Elemental, Fiendish Elder Fire Elemental, Fiendish Dire Rat, Fiendish Dire Wolf, Fiendish Hawk, Fiendish Raven, Fiendish Snake Viper, Fiendish Wolf, Fish, Pike, Giant, Fox,
G – Gallowdead, Gamayun, Gargoyle, Geist, Ghost, Ghoul, Ghast, Giants, Giant Hill, Goat,Golem, Golem, Alchemical, Golem, Cannon, Golem Clay, Golem Clockwork, Golem Copper, Golem Crystal, Golem Flesh (Frankstein’s Monster), Golem Ice, Golem Iron, Golem Megalith, Golem Oak, Golem Razorwire, Golem Stone, Golem Tallow, Golem Wax, Golem Wood, Gorynych, Grandfather Time, Green Slime,
H – Hag, Hag Alley, Hag Annis, Hag Green, Hag Gullveig, Hag Lesser (Template), Hag Night, Hag Sea, Hag Wood, Hag Winter, Half-celestial, Half-Fey, Half-fiend, Hanged Man, Hangman Tree, Haunt, Hawk, Hedgehog, Hell Hound, Hell bat, Hell Moth, Herd Animal, Elk, Herd Animal, Deer, Herd Animal, Reindeer, Homunculus, Honeybee, Honeybee Swarm, Horse, Horses of Diomedes, Hungry Fog,
I Imp, Imp Maximum, Imp Patron,
I – Imp, Imp (Ear of Hell), Imp Patron, Imp Shoulder, Inevitable, Infernal, Invisible stalker,
J –
K Kikimora, Krampus,
L – Leshy, Leshy, Fungus, Leshy, Gourd, Lich, Linnorm, Linnorm Flame, Linnorm Forest, Linnorm Frost, Linnorm Midgard, Linnorm Rain, Linnorm, Sea, Liopleurodon, Living Wall, Lizard, Lurking Ray, Lurking Ray, Executioner’s Hood, Lurking Ray, Lurker Above, Lurking Ray, Trapper, Lycanthrope, Werebat, Werebear, Wereboar, Werecat, Wererat, Werewolf,
M Mandragora, Mara, Mermaid/Merfolk, Mold Brown, Mold Slime, Mold Yellow, Mole, Mouse, Mule, Murder of Crows,
M- Mage Hound, Magmin, Maladomini Buzzer, Maladomini Slug, Malebolge, Mandragora, Man-Eating Ewe, Mara, Mermaid/Merfolk, Mold Brown, Mold Slime, Mold Yellow, Familiar, Mole, Mule, Murder of Crows,
N – Nightmare, Nightmare, Cauchemar, Nixie, Nixie Wassernixe, Nosferatu,
O – Ogre, Old Man Winter, Orc, Common, Orc Worg Rider, Otter, Owl, Owl, Giant, Owlbear, Oxen,
P Pig, Poludnica, Pony, Pony (War Trained), Poppet, Porcelain Doll, Psoglav, Psychopomp
P – Pig (Familiar), Poludnica, Poltergeist, Pony, Pony (War Trained), Poppet, Porcelain Doll, Pseudodragon, Psoglav,
Q – Quickling
Rabbit, Rat, Rat King, Rat Swarm, Ratfolk, Raven, Red Jester, Rumpelstiltskin, Rusalka,
S Samodiva, Sandman, Scarecrow, Screaming Skull (Cacophony Golem), Shadow (Shade), Shambling Mound, Sheep (Herd Animal), Sheep, Ram, (Herd Animal), Sheep Giant, Skeleton, Skvader, Snake Viper, Son of Perdition,Soulbound Mannequin, Spectre, Squirrel, Squirrel, Flying, Stirges, Stirge Swarm , Swan, Swan, Trumpeter Swan, Swarm, Swarm Bat, Swarm Cockroaches, Swarm Mosquito, Swarm Rat, Swarm, Raven, Swarm Snake , Venemous, Swarm Spider, Swarm Wasp,
Samodiva, Sandman, Scarecrow, Screaming Skull, Serpentine Dragon, Shadow, Shambling Mound, Sheep (Herd Animal), Sheep Giant, Skeleton, Skvader, Snake Viper, Son of Perdition, Soulbound Mannequin, Spectre, Sprite, Sprite, Liminal, Squirrel, Squirrel, Flying, Stirge, Swan, Trumpeter Swan, Swan maiden, Swarm, Swarm Bat, Swarm Centipede, Swarm Cockroaches, Swarm Mosquito, Swarm Rat, Swarm, Raven, Swarm Rot Grub, Swarm Snake, Swarm Snake, Venomous, Swarm Spider, Stirge Swarm, Swarm Wasp,
T – Thrush, Toad, Toad, Giant, Tooth Fairy, Touched Template , Treant, Treant, Elder, Twigjack,
V – Vampire, Vampire Spawn, (Unique Vampires – Elizabeth Báthory, Dracula, Count, Graf Orlok), Vila, Vilkacis, Vodyanoi, Vulture, Vulture, Giant (Argentavis),
W Weasel, Whimsycap Toadstool, Wight, Winterwight, Winter Wolf, Witch Tree, Woodwose, Wolf, Wolpertinger, Wolverine, Worg, Wraith, Wyvern,
Z – Zombie, Zombie, Apocalypse, Zombie, Fast, Zomok,