Oceania Monsters
Oceania Monsters – this category covers Australian, Melanesian, New Zealand and Polynesian legendary creatures
Welcome to the wondrous and diverse realm of Oceania, a region teeming with mythical creatures and legendary beasts that have captivated the imagination of generations. This bestiary is a compendium of extraordinary creatures that roam the lands, soar through the skies, and dwell in the vast oceans surrounding Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands.
Within these pages, you will encounter a myriad of fantastical beings, each deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Oceania’s cultural heritage. From the dreamtime legends of Australia’s First Nations to the Maori myths of New Zealand, and the enchanting folklore of the Pacific Islanders, these creatures have long been part of the collective consciousness of the region’s inhabitants.
Prepare to embark on a journey through enchanted forests, volcanic peaks, and coral reefs teeming with life. Uncover the mysteries of the Taniwha, guardians of the sacred waters, and the cunning Trickster Spirits that dwell in the shadows. Learn of the awe-inspiring powers of the Rainbow Serpents and the legendary battles of the Sky People.
This bestiary aims to delve into the intricate details of each creature, sharing their origins, unique abilities, and the folklore that has kept their stories alive for centuries. From the formidable creatures said to bring prosperity and protection to those that strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors, the creatures of Oceania embody the essence of the region’s mythology and beliefs.
Whether you seek inspiration for your next storytelling adventure or simply wish to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Oceania’s mythical beings, this bestiary promises to ignite your imagination and invite you into a realm of magic and wonder. So, join us as we traverse this mystical realm, where the boundaries between reality and myth blur, and where the creatures of Oceania come to life in all their splendor and mystery.

A Abaia, Adaro, Aepycamelus, Ambulocetus, Amebelodon, Ammonite, Amoeba, Giant, Amphiptere, Amphisbaena, Anancus, Anarchic Creature, Anarchic Lion, Andrewsarchus, Animated object, Anomalocaris, Archelon , Arctodus simus, Arctognathus, Argentavis, Arthropleura, Aspidochelone, Assassin Vine, Astrapotherium magnum, Axiomatic Creature,
B Bandersnatch, Basilosaurus, Bat, Bat Dire, Bat Dire Fiendish, Bee, Bee Swarm, Belemnite, Bhole, Black Cat, Bladderwort Giant, Bogun, Boruta, Brontornis, Brontotherium, Bunyip
C Carnivorous Blob, Celestial Eagle, Celestial Owl, Celestial Porpoise, Crab, Shark-Eating, Crocodile, Crocodilian, Deinosuchus, Crocodilian, Marine Crocodile, Crocodilian, Saltwater Crocodile
D Devilfish, Dhinnabarrada, Diprotodon, Giant Wombat, Dire Creature, Dire Bat, Dire Frog, Giant, Dire Lamprey, Dire Rat, Shark, Dire (Megalodon), Dire Snake, Dog medium, Dog Small, Donkey, Drake, Coral, Drake, Desert, Drake, Elemental, Drake, Ether, Drake, Fire, Drake, Forest, Drake, Frost, Drake, Ice, Drake, Jungle, Drake, Lava, Drake, Mist, Drake, Rift, Drake, River, Drake, Salt, Drake, Sea, Drake, Shadow, Drake, Spire, Drake, Star, Dwarf,
E – Eagle, Eagle Giant, Echidna, Giant, Eel Giant Moray, Eer-Moonan, Elemental, Elemental Air, Elemental Earth, Elemental Fire, Elemental Ice, Elder, Elemental Water, Elemental Air Primal, Elemental Earth Primal, Elemental Fire Primal, Elemental Water Primal, Elemental Time, Common, Elf, Emu ,
F – Falcon, Giant, Familiar, Blue-Ringed Octopus, Familiar, Kakapo, Familiar, Leopard Slug, Familiar, Pufferfish, Familiar, Tuatara, Fell Flotsam, Fiendish Creature, Fiendish Crocodile, Fiendish Giant Crocodile, Fiendish Dire Rat, Fiendish Dire Shark, Fiendish Hawk, Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Fiendish Monstrous Spider , Fiendish Octopus, Fiendish Raven, Fiendish Shark, Medium, Fiendish Snake Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Giant Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Viper, Fiendish Wolf, Fish, Archerfish (Giant), Fish, Blowfish Giant, Fish, Pike, Giant , Fish, Swordfish, Fish, Tiger Fish, Fish Viper (Giant),
G Goanna Mythic, Ghost, Giant Hill, Goanna Mythic, Goat,
H Haast’s Eagle, Haunt, Hawk, Honeybee Swarm,
K Kangaroo, Koala, Koala, Drop Bear, Kookaburra,
L Lizard, Lizard, Giant Frilled, Lizard Monitor , Lycanthrope, Wereshark ,
M – Man-Eating Ewe, Megafauna, Moa (Dromornis), Megalania, Mermaid/Merfolk, Monstrous Scorpion, Monstrous Slug, Monstrous Spider, Monstrous Spider Jumping, Mule,
O – Owl, Owl, Giant,
P Parrot, Parrot Undead, Patupaiarehe, Ponaturi , Priscileo, Procoptodon,
Qallupilluk, Qasogonaga, Qilin , Qlippoth, Qlippoth, Chernobue, Qlippoth Hydraggon, Qlippoth, Khorazim, Qlippoth Lord, Obox-Ob, Quetzalcoutlus, Quickling
S Scorpion, Screaming Skull (Cacophony Golem), Sea Serpent, Shadow (Shade), Shambling Mound, Shark, Shark, Hammerhead, Sheep (Herd Animal), Sheep, Ram, (Herd Animal) , Sheep Giant, Skeleton, Snake Constrictor, Snake, Giant Constrictor, Snake Viper, Swarm, Swarm Bat, Swarm Bullet Ant, Swarm Centipede, Swarm Cockroaches, Swarm Crab, Swarm Locust, Swarm Mosquito, Swarm Rat, Swarm, Raven, Swarm Rot Grub, Swarm Snake, Swarm Snake , Venemous, Swarm Spider, Swarm Wasp,
Sagari, Sakina, Salamander, Salamander, Fire, Samebito, Samodiva, Samsaran, Sand Cat, Sandman, Sand Squink, Sarkastodon, Sard, Satori, Sayona, Scarab Beetle Giant, Scarecrow, Scie, Sceaduinar, Scitalis, Scorpion, Greensting, Scorpion, Black, Scorpionfolk, Screaming Skull (Cacophony Golem), Scylla, Scytale, Sea-Pig, Sea Serpent, Sea Serpent, Deep, Sea Worm, King Ragworm, The Seasons, Selkie, Seelie/ Unseelie Template, Seneschal Spirit, Seps, Serpentfolk, Seugathi, Shadow, Shambling Mound, Shantak, Shark, Hammerhead, Shark, Helicoprion, Shark, Great White, Shark, Stethacanthus, Sheep (Herd Animal), Sheep, Ram, (Herd Animal) , Sheep Giant, Sheepsquatch, Shield Guardian, Shining Child, Shoggoth, Shojo, Shonisaurus, Shulsaga, Seilenos, Skeleton, Skinwalker, Skum, Skunk, Skvader, Siyokoy, Simosuchus, Siyokoy, Slaad Lord Of Entropy, Slenderman, Slide-rock Bolter, Slime Crawler, Larval, Slime Crawler, Mature, Snake, Cobra, Snake Constrictor, Snake Viper, Son of Perdition, Soucouyant, Soulbound Mannequin, Snallygaster, Spartoi, Spawn of Yog-Sothoth, Spectre, Sphenacodon, Squid, Squid Giant, Squirrel, Squirrel, Flying, Squonk, Stagonolepis, Star-Spawn of Cthulhu, Stirge, Stirge Swarm, Stomatosuchus, Strix, Stygira, Stymphalian Birds, Suiko, Sundel Bolong, Superego Manifestation (Template), Swan, Trumpeter Swan, Swan maiden, Swarm, Swarm Bat, Swarm Centipede, Swarm Cockroaches, Swarm Crab, Swarm Locust, Swarm Mosquito, Swarm Rat, Swarm, Raven, Swarm Rot Grub, Swarm Piranha, Swarm Scarab Beetle , Swarm Sikari Macaque, Swarm Snake, Swarm Snake, Venomous, Swarm Spider, Swarm Wasp, Sylio, Sylph, Sylphide,
T Thylacine, Thylacoleonid Marsupial Lion, Troglodyte,
Vampire, Vanara, Varuka, Vargouille, Vetala, Vilkacis, Vilderavn, Vishap, Vishkanya, Vodyanoi, Voonith, Vouivre, Vrykolakas, Vulture, Vulture, Giant (Argentavis), Vurgens (Giant Gulper Eel),
W Wallaby, Wakaleo, Wonambi, Wulgaru,
X –
Z Zombie, Zombie, Apocalypse, Zombie, Fast,
Zephyr, Zin, Zitiron , Zombie, Zombie, Apocalypse, Zombie, Fast, Zomok,