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Hellenic Bestiary

Hellenic Bestiary

The Hellenic Bestiary is a collection of mythical creatures that have captivated people for generations. This list features fascinating beasts, both fearsome and wondrous, that exist independently in the world of ancient Greek lore.

Explore the rich and diverse world of Hellenic myth and legend through the unique legends and stories of each creature, such as the Chimera, Sphinx, Griffin, and Centaur. This bestiary provides a glimpse into the fascinating world of mythical creatures in the Hellenic tradition.

A Actaeon, AegipanAmazon, Amphisbaena, Anemoi, Ant giant, Angel Agathion, Angel Virtue, Animated object, Arachne, Archon Fell, Archon Lantern, Archon, Sibyl, Arimaspi, Azata, Putto,

Basilisk, Bat, Bear Black, Boar, Boar Calydonian, Boar Erymanthian, Boubo (Clockwork Owl of Athena), Bull Cretan, Bull Ethiopian,

CacusCaladrius, Callicantzaros, Cat, CampeCatoblepas, Celestial Advanced Pegasus, Celestial Owl, Celestial Porpoise, Centaur, Centaur ( Advanced Half-Fiend ), Centaur Ichthyocentaurs, Cerastes, Cerberi, Ceryneian Hind, Cetus, Charybdis, Charybdis, Legendary, , Chimera, Chimera, Legendary, Cockatrice, Colossus Iron, Colossus Stone, Crane Giant, Crocotta, Cynocephali, Cyclops Greater, Cyclops Lesser,

Dactyl , Daemon, Daemon Arcanadaemon, Daemon, Astradaemon, Daemon, Cacodaemon, Daemon, Ceustodaemon, Daemon Derghodaemon, Daemon Hydrodaemon, Daemon, Leukodaemon, Daemon, Meladaemon, Daemon Mezzodaemon, Daemon Nycadaemon, Daemon, Olethrodaemon, Daemon Piscodaemon, Daemon, Purrodaemon, Daemon, Thanadaemon, Daemon Tritone, Daemon Ultrodaemon, Daemon Yagnodaemon, Unique Daemons, Daemon Alastor, Daemon Charon, Daemon Oinodaemon, Demon, Demon Succubus, Demon Vrock, Unique Demons, Demon Ardat the Unavowed, Demon, Demogorgon, Demon Eurynomus, the Corpse Eater, Demon Hacamuli , Demon Prince Orcus, Devil, Devil Erinyes, Devil, Erinyes (Glasya’s Elite), Devil Lemure, Devil Lemure, Max HD, Unique Devils, Devil Archdevil Dispater, Devil Glasya, Dog Small, Dog Medium, Donkey, Dire Bear, Dire Boar, Dire Rat, Dire lion,  Drakainia, Drakainai Campe, Dracaenae Echidna, Drakainai Scylla, Dragon, Dragon Orichalcum, Dragon Ladon (Ancient Dragon, Orichalcum), Dryad, Dwarf,

E Eagle, Eagle- White Eagle of Zeus, Eagle Caucasian, Echo, Effigy Creature, EleionomaeElementalElemental Air, Elemental EarthElemental FireElemental WaterElemental Air PrimalElemental Earth PrimalElemental Fire PrimalElemental Water PrimalElemental Time, Empusa

F Faun, Fiendish Minotaur, Fiendish Snake Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Giant Constrictor, The Furies

G – Ghost, Giants, Giant Argus Panoptes, Giant Bronze, Giant, Gegenees, Giant Geryon, Giant Gaean, Giant Gigantes, Giant Hill, Giant Laestrygones, Goat, Golem, Golem ClayGolem ClockworkGolem CopperGolem CrystalGolem FleshGolem IronGolem StoneGolem TallowGolem, WaxGolem, Wood, Gorgon, Graiae, Griffin

HHag, Night Hag, Hag Sea, Half God Template, Hamadryad, HawkHarpyHecatoncheires, Hell Hound, Hellhound of Hecate, Hippocampus, Horse, Hydra, Hydra of Lernaean

I Inevitable, Keledon



L Lamia, LampadesLeopardLion, Lion Anarchic, Lion Nemeian, Lizard

M –  Maenads, Man-Eating Ewe, Man-Eating Ram (Golden Sheep), Mares of Diomedes, Medusa / (Gorgon), Medusa (Unique, True Gorgon, Medusa), Medusa (True Gorgon, Euryale), Medusa (True Gorgon, Sthenno), Minotaur, Monitor Lizard, Giant Bee, Giant Bee, Queen,  Giant WaspMuse, Myrmecoleon,

NNaiad, Nereid, Nightmare, Nymph

O – Oceanid, Oneiroi, Ophiotaurus, Oread, Orthus, Owl

PPegasus, Peryton, Pony, Porpoise, PothosPsychopomp, Psychopomp Kere, Psychopomp, Vanth, Pygmies, Python

R Rat,

SSatyr, Scylla, Serpentfolk, Shadow, Sheep, Sheep Giant, Siren, Snake constrictor, Snake, Giant Constrictor, Snake Viper, Spectre, Spartoi, Sphinx, Stirge, Stirge Swarm, Strix, Stygira, Stymphalian Birds, Swarm Wasp  

TTalos, Thriae, Thriae Dancer, Thriae Queen, Thriae Seer, Thriae Soldier, Titan, Titan Chthonian, Titan Elder, Titan, ElysianTitan Wild, Triton, Turtle Giant, Tympanios (template), Typhoeon, Typhon

VVampire, Vampire Spawn, Vrykolakas


x – Xanthos


Z – Zephyr, Zitiron, Zombie, Zombie, Apocalypse, Zombie, Fast

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