Set (Sutekh, Setesh, Seteh), Lord of Evil, Defiler of the Dead, Lord of Carrion, Father of Jackals, Outcast of the Gods, King of Malice, Brother of Serpents

Set guards his power and his secrets carefully. He is always looking for ways to recruit new followers and disrupt the churches of the other gods. Despite his loathsome nature, Set takes good care of his followers and will not willingly betray or abandon his people.
A cold and calculating god, Set is the jealous personification of evil. He always acts against the interests of mankind and the gods of Egypt. His followers are a dark and scorned lot who work under of darkness and keep themselves cloaked in treachery and deceit.
Set is the son of Geb and Nut. His birth was horrific by any measure, for he tore himself free from his mother’s womb sprang upon the world as a foul and hideous thing. Although he has the body of a human male, his head is that of a jackal. Set’s supreme act of evil was murdering the god Osiris.
The Lore of the Gods Book 3 – The Egyptian Gods
Lead Designers Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal
SET (Sutekh, Setesh, Seteh)
Lord of Evil, Defiler of the Dead, Lord of Carrion, Father of Jackals, Outcast of the Gods, King of Malice, Brother of Serpents,
Greater Deity
Symbol Serpent, Desert Whirlwind
Alignment Lawful Evil
Superior None
Foes Anhur, Apep, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Thoth, Any good aligned being
Traditional Allies: Am-Ren, Sebek, magical beasts (evil), undead
Servitor Creatures Delphynes, Fiendish Snake Viper, Fiendish Snake Constrictor ,Hell hounds, jackal lords, minions of Set, mummies, Nightmares, risen dead, Snake Constrictor, Snake Giant Constrictor, Snake Viper
Sacred Animal: Asp, Boar, Crocodile, Desert Oryx, Hippopotamus
Manifestations: rattlesnake rattles, jackal skulls, hissing noises in the wind, tracks of serpents in sand or dust, serpent shadows, appearances of mummies, the Set hieroglyph appearing in sand formations
Signs of Favor: rattlesnake rattles, jackal skulls, the Set hieroglyph appearing in sand formations
Worshipers: Reptilian creatures, assassins, jealous mortals
Cleric Alignments: NE, LE, CE
Speciality Priests: Yes (Brotherhood of Set)
Holy Days: Deconsecrations
Portfolio: treachery, the desert, storms, drought, venomous reptiles
Domains: Air, Darkness, Evil, Desert*, Murder, Venom, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Spear of Darkness, an unholy spear
Divine Artifact: Scarab of Chaos
Favored Weapon: Spear, Dagger
Favored Class: Assassin, Cleric, Rogue
Favored Race: Human, Medusa, Delphynes
Benefits: Favored classes of Set gain an additional +1 attack and damage bonus when attacking any good or lawful creature.
Duties of the Priesthood: Priests of Set often oversee the activities of thieves, assassins, and other evil beings. It is not uncommon for an order of assassins to be headed by such an individual. They are not permitted to betray members of their order and must always work to promote “the brotherhood of Set.”
Set is the Egyptian god of chaos who embodies the necessary and creative element of violence and chaos within the ordered world. Originally a sky god, he also became lord of the desert, master of storms, disorder, and warfare. Set represents the principle of hostility and, as most would claim, evil incarnate.
Son of Geb and Nut and brother of Isis, Nephthys, and Osiris, Set is also the husband of Nephthys and sometimes the husband of Taurt
(depending on which cult you believe). Myths claim that Set has been evil since birth, as he ripped himself from his mothers womb by tearing a hole through her side. His greatest infamy comes from murdering his brother Osiris and attempting to kill his nephew Horus. Horus, however, survived and grew up to avenge his fathers death by establishing his rule over all Egypt, defeating Set, and banishing him to the desert for all of time.
He then went to live with the sun god Ra, where he became the voice of the thunder. Set is referred to as the lord of the northern sky, and is held responsible for storms and cloudy weather. Set allegedly protects Ra during his night voyage through the underworld against the Apep snake. However, Set is considered a peril for ordinary Egyptians in the underworld, where he seizes the souls of the unwary.
Despite his reputation, he maintains an important sanctuary at Ombos in Upper Egypt, his reputed birthplace, and has a prominent cult presence in the northeastern region of the Nile delta. During the struggle to unite Lower and Upper Egypt, followers of Set say that he was portrayed as questioning the authority of his brother, Osiris. The Osiris cults took this opportunity to discredit the followers of Set and successfully label the god as Osiris’ evil twin brother and ultimately, his murderer. Set tricked Osiris at a feast in Osiris’ honor, and killed him, and then took his place on the throne as ruler of all the gods. Osiris’ cults also establish that Horus and Set waged an eighty-year war during which Set tore out the left eye of his adversary and Horus tore out Set’s foreleg and testicles. Horus emerged victorious and became the rightful ruler of the kingdoms of both Upper and Lower Egypt, thereby uniting them.
Lately, there has been a resurgence of respect for him, and he is being seen as a great god once more’ the god who benevolently restrains the forces of the desert and protects Egypt from foreigners. He is the controller of the winds and storms that rage across Egypt’s vast deserts and many worship him so that he will prevent the storms causing harm. The current ruling regime in Egypt is said to favor Set due to the presence of red hair in the family and does not consider Set to be the evil god that he is portrayed to be.
Set is usually depicted in human form with an animal head of unknown origin, though it is said to resemble that of an aardvark. He has a long gaunt body; tapering snout, erect square-tipped ears, protruding eyes and a stiff forked tail. No one seems to know exactly what the animal is. Aardvark, antelope, ass, camel, fennec, giraffe, grey-hound, jackal, jerboa, long-snouted mouse, okapi, oryx, and pig have all been suggested as possible animals. He has also been depicted with red eyes and hair, which are said to characterise evil. Set has been represented in entirely animal form with a body similar to that of a greyhound or crocodile and is shown as a hippopotamus or a black pig in his battles with Horus. Among the animals sacred to Set are the desert oryx, crocodile, boar, and the hippopotamus in its aspect as a destroyer of boats and of planted fields.
Scarab of Chaos
This metal scarab amulet is usually worn around the neck. If any Lawful Good creature should wear it for more than 5 minutes it acts as a scarab of death.
The Scarab of Chaos has the following properties:
- The Scarab emits a continual protection against law spell.
- The wearer gains a +6 bonus to all Charisma based skill checks when dealing with chaotic/evil creatures.
- Twice a day, the Scarab can transform into a giant stag beetle of maximum hit points. If killed, it immediately reverts to its normal form.
- The wearer can cast the following spells at will; cause fear, Detect Poison, Entropic Shield, Inflict Minor Wounds, and random action.
- Darkness 5/day.
- Dispel Law 5/day.
- undetectable alignment 5/day.
- animate objects 2/day.
- create undead 2/day.
- Insect Plague 2/day.
- word of chaos 2/day.
- cloak of chaos 1/week.
All spells are equal in effect to those cast by a 20th level cleric.
Used with permissiom from Palindrome
As seen in Palindrome’s thread at Dicefreaks
Set | |
fighter 17/Rogue 13/sorcerer 20/Assassin 10 | |
Medium outsider (Lawful, Evil, Extraplanar) | |
Divine Rank | 16 |
Hit Dice | 17d10 (fighter) plus 13d6 (rogue) plus 10d6 (assassin) plus 20d4 (sorcerer) plus 900 (1291 hp) |
Initiative | +22 (+14 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative) |
Speed | 60 ft., fly 240 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 88 (+31 natural, +14 Dexterity, +16 divine, +17 deflection), touch 56, flat-footed 88 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +39/+71 |
Attack | * +86 Spear of Darkness or bite +71 and 2 claws +66 or melee touch +71 or ranged touch +69 * always rolls 20 |
Full Attack | * +86/+86/+81/+76/+71 Spear of Darkness (1d6 plus +3d6 (unholy power) plus 1 negative level (Fort save DC 23 to remove) plus +60/19-20/x3 plus +2d6 (Overwhelming Critical) plus +9d6 (unholy) plus 3 negative levels (Fort save DC 23 to remove) and Fort save DC 56 or die) or bite +71 (1d4 plus +16 and Fort save DC 53 or die) and 2 claws +66 (1d4 plus +8) or melee touch +71 or ranged touch +69 * * The Spear of Darkness always deals 66 normal damage, 18 unholy, and 1 negative level, Set’s bite always does 20 normal damage, and Set’s claws always do 12 points of damage. Check for criticals. |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | crippling strike, death attack (Fort save DC 44 or die), domain powers, salient divine abilities, sneak attack +15d6 (always does 90 points of damage for two rounds), spells, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | Divine aura (16 miles, DC 38), divine immunities, DR 35/epic and golden and wielded by a mortal that has read The Book of Smiting Set *, evasion, godly realm (100 miles outer plane, 1600 ft. Material Plane), greater teleport at will, hide in plain sight, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, plane shift at will, remote communication, resistance (cold) 36, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings with 16 miles, SR 78, trapfinding, trap sense +4, uncanny dodge |
Saves | Fort +63 Ref +62 Will +54 *always rolls a 20 |
Abilities | Strength 42 Dexterity 38 Constitution 40 Intelligence 38 Wisdom 34 Charisma 44 |
Skills | Balance +61, Bluff +96, Concentration +51, Decipher Script +48, Diplomacy +136, Disguise +85 (+91 observed in character), Escape Artist +56, Gather Information +60, Handle Animal +41, Hide +83, Intimidate +102, Jump +62, Knowledge (arcana) +80, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +35, Knowledge (geography) +36, Knowledge (nature) +52, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +45, Knowledge (religion) +60, Knowledge (the planes) +53, Listen +52, Move Silently +73, Search +60 (+62 find secret doors/hidden compartments), Sense Motive +91, Sleight of Hand +62, Spellcraft +97 (+103 spells on scrolls), Spot +65, Survival +38 (+40 above ground environments, avoid getting lost, extraplanar), Tumble +61, Use Magic Device +63 (+71 scrolls), Use Rope +32 (+36 bindings) * always rolls 20 on skill checks |
Feats | Arcane Preparation, Blind Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Corrupt Spell, Dark Speech, Death Blow, Deft Strike, Dodge, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (longspear), greater weapon specialization (longspear), Heighten Spell, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Mobile Spellcasting, Power Attack, Twin Spell, Two-Handed Mastery, Weapon Focus (spear), Weapon Specialization (spear) |
Epic Feats | Devastating Critical (longspear), Epic Reflexes, Epic Spellcasting, Ignore Material Components, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Overwhelming Critical (longspear), Superior Initiative |
Environment | The Black Pyramid, Ankhwugat, Stygia |
Organization | Set and Retinue (4-6 Fully Advanced Fiendish Viper Snakes), or Set and Courtiers (2 Ancient Dead, 4-6 Minions of Set) |
Challenge Rating | 62 |
Treasure | Spear of Darkness |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Advancement | — |
Level Adjustment | — |

Alter Reality (Su) He exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifested in a number of ways. He can use wish when doing so could help him to express his loathing and resentment for the rest of his former pantheon, promote his own worship by tearing down his rivals, or promote ordered evil under his scaled fists through betrayal. Note that in the situation where Set and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.
– Set can use Alter Reality to cast any inflict spell at will as a standard action; Set can apply metamagic feats to the spells if desired, but doing so requires him to forego using Alter Reality for 1 round for each level the feat would normally add to the equivalent spell.
– As a free action, he can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. Set can also change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects he touches. This ability allows him to assume any proportions from the size of a grain of sand up to as much as 1,600 feet tall. A radical change in size can have great impact on Set’s combat ability. Set’s Strength, Armor Class, attack bonus, and damage dealt with weapons changes according to the size the deity assumes. Set’s Strength score can never be reduced to less than 1 through this ability. Also note that use of this divine ability does not affect all of Set’s characteristics.
Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, banishment, binding, death effects, dimensional anchor, disease, disintegration, dismissal, electricity, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, repulsion, sleep, soul bind, stunning, Temporal Stasis, transmutation, Trap the soul, and turning and rebuking.
Divine Power Set is a living embodiment of power, and ancient divine magics flow through his veins. As such, mortal items are of virtually no use to him, being so much weaker than his own innate powers. Set gains no benefit from a deflection, enhancement, resistance, insight, sacred or profane bonus that is less than +16. Note that this only applies to bonuses that affect Set himself; weaponry and armor is unaffected by this.
Domain Powers: rebukes earth elementals and commands air elementals 20/day; gains Blind-Fight as a free feat; casts evil and lawful spells at +1 caster level; gains a +2 bonus on attacks, saves and AC v. 1 opponent for 1 minute 16/day; rebukes reptiles 20/day; treats Bluff, Disguise, and Hide as class skills.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Automatic Metamagic (Corrupt Spell), Divine Air Mastery, Divine Blast (20/day, 16 miles long, 33d12 points of damage) *, Divine Dodge (66% miss chance), Divine Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Divine Sneak Attack, Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (spear), Divine Weapon Specialization (spear), Eldritch Knowledge, Extra Domain (Evil), Extra Domain (Hatred), Hand of Death (Fort save DC 53 or die, 16d8 points of damage), Increased Damage Reduction, Lay Curse (16/day, Will save DC 53), Lord of Serpents (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Night Magic (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Power of Nature (16 mile radius, up to 16 minutes after Concentration ends), Shapechange, Supreme Damage Reduction
* always does 396 divine damage
** always does 128 points of damage
Spell-like abilities (Sp): at will: air walk, animal growth, animal shapes, animal trance, antipathy, bestow curse, black tentacles, blasphemy, chain lightning, confusion, control winds, control weather, create undead, Damning Darkness, darkvision, Darkbolt, deeper darkness, desecrate, disguise self, mage’s disjunction, dispel good, doom, elemental swarm (air only), eyebite, false vision, forbiddance, gaseous form, greater magic fang, invisibility, magic circle against good, magic fang, mislead, nondetection, obscuring mist, poison, polymorph any object, protection from good, righteous might, screen, scare, screen, shadow walk, shapechange, song of discord, summon monster IX (lawful and evil spell only), time stop, unholy blight, unholy aura, Utterdark, vipergout, wail of the banshee, wall of force, whirlwind, wind wall.
Cast at 76th level, except for lawful and evil spells which are cast at 77th level. The save DCs are 53 + spell level and are Charisma-based.
Possessions: Spear of Darkness
Assassin Spells (Sp) (1st-4th level) 7/7/6/6: Set casts his Assassin spells at 13th level and at 29th level for the purposes of Spell Penetration.
Assassin Spells Known:
- 1st level: critical strike, sniper’s shot, stupor, true strike.
- 2nd level: illusory script, pass without trace, undetectable alignment, wraithstrike.
- 3rd level: deep slumber, false life, misdirection, nondetection.
- 4th level: cursed blade, dimension door, greater invisibility, sniper’s eye.
Lord of Serpents (Unique Salient Divine Ability) Set is one of the beings that has the most sway among reptiles of all sorts, magical and mundane. This influence belonged to Set before he defeated Apep as Sutekh, and extends to the present despite his exile from the Ennead and descent to Perdition as the Outcast of the Gods. Set’s powers not only allow him to command reptiles, but also extend to his taking on some of their traits in the following manners:
Distendible Jaw: As a full round action, he may both unhinge and elongate his jaws massively, enabling him to swallow whole any creature of that is of the same size category as himself or one size larger (although if Set opts for the latter choice, he must take 1 full round for 4 HD of the creature that he is devouring). A being that is completely swallowed by Set in this manner is unrecoverable by mortal magic, and even using means such as forbidden magic or salient divine abilities, beings must succeed on a rank check in order to try and resurrect a being devoured by the Defiler of the Dead. Set will often execute servitors that have failed him previously by devouring them slowly in order to demonstrate to the survivors the consequences of potential incompetence.
Reptilian: Set may bite and claw his opponents in his most natural form. When he chooses to do so, his bite is considered to be a primary attack, and his claws are considered to be a secondary attack.
Serpent’s Eyes: Beings that meet Set’s eyes, which are amber in what is believed to be his true form, find themselves transfixed by them and must make a Will save DC 53 or else be unable to move unless Set commands them to do so. Furthermore, a being that is transfixed by Set’s gaze additionally takes a -8 penalty to all saving throws and skill checks that are intended to help them discern Set’s malign intentions or resist his enchantments. The effects of the Serpent’s Eyes are only reversible through the casting of break enchantment, miracle, or wish by a 31st level or higher caster.
Venomous:His canines are hollow, and connect to a set of venom glands contained within his jaws. As a result, his bite is utterly lethal, and anyone bitten by him must make a Fort save DC 53 or else die instantly as a result. Set may also choose to cause his hands and scales to secrete an extremely potent venom as well, dealing 2d8 points of Constitution damage to any being that is injured by his claws or attempts to grapple him. Set’s venoms may affect divine beings as well upon a successful rank check.
Furthermore, he may choose to spit his venom at his opponents as a standard action. He may either choose to release it as a concentrated stream, hitting opponents up to 60 feet away with it, or he may instead spray it in a cone, hitting everything that is 20 feet in front of him. Set’s venom does not linger if it does not hit a living being and becomes nontoxic within 1 round after landing on an inert surface. While Set may bite his victims at any time in order to inject venom, he must wait 1d4 rounds between either spraying venom or spitting it.
Night Magic (Unique Salient Divine Ability): The power of Set is at it’s greatest in darkness, and it is through darkness he defeated his first, great opponent, Apep. Although Set’s jealousy has twisted his own power into the service of boundless ambition, jealousy, and evil, he still retains some of this power in the following ways:
First, all spells-like abilities that Set uses that create or manipulate darkness are quickened as long as he casts them during the night.
Set additionally receives a +8 profane bonus the saving throws of his Illusionary and Necromantic spells if he is casting them at night. Night, for the purposes of receiving these benefits, refers to a period of darkness that is at least 8 hours long, or is produced through his own divine control over the length of the day and night.
Sorcerer Spells (Sp) (0th-17th level) 6/11/10/10/10/10/9/9/9/9/5/5/5/5/4/4/4/4 Set casts his sorcerer spells at 20th level and at 36th level for the purposes of Spell Penetration. Saving throws against Set’s sorcerer spells are DC 27 + spell level (45 + spell level while casting at night), and all of Set’s spells are Corrupted. Set may cast 6 epic spells/day with a maximal Spellcraft DC of 117. The saving throw DC’s are Charisma-based.
Sorcerer Spells Known: 0th level: arcane mark, detect poison, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, Preserve Organ, read magic, Slash Tongue.
- 1st level: Alarm, Animate Rope, backbiter, Charm Person, Detect Secret Doors, Identify, Expeditious Retreat, Ray of Enfeeblement, Silent Image, Stupor, Unseen Servant ,Ventriloquism.
- 2nd level: Addiction, blindness/deafness, detect thoughts, Entice Gift, gust of wind, knock, phantasmal assailants, spectral hand, wall of gloom, whispering wind, Wither Limb.
- 3rd level: Dread Word, Evil Eye, haste, Hold Person, Illusory Script, lightning bolt, protection from energy, stony grasp, Tongue Serpents, vampiric touch.
- 4th level: bestow curse, Blast of Sand, detect scrying, enervation, Illusory Wall, orb of electricity, Psychic Poison, stone shape, wall of sand, wither.
- 5th level: baleful polymorph, choking sand, cloudkill, flaywind burst, mirage arcana, persistent image, telekinesis, transmute stone to sand, wall of stone, waves of fatigue.
- 6th level: ashen union, chain lightning, desiccate (mass), dispel magic (greater), False Sending, mislead, programmed image, Undeath to Death.
- 7th level: Banishment, Control Undead, Grasping Hand, Invisibility, Mass, Phase door, Reverse Gravity, Scrying, Greater, Sequester.
- 8th level: Bestow Greater Curse, Demand, Discern Location, Horrid Wilting, Maze, Moment of Prescience, Phantasmal Thief, Shadow Evocation, Greater.
- 9th level: Dominate Monster , Energy Drain, Hold Monster, Mass, Imprisonment, programmed amnesia, Reaving Dispel, Shades, superior invisibility.
epic spells known: bile of the betrayer, dissatisfaction, eclipse, epic dimension door, epic dispel magic, forked tongue, greater ruin, minion of set, momento mori, mummy dust, nailed to the sky, ritual mummification, Set’s constrictor, soul scry, true name of the serpent.
Other Divine Powers:
– As an greater deity he recieves the best result on any check. Set treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal.
– Senses: Set can see (using normal vision or Darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 16 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 16 miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to ten locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 16 hours.
– Portfolio Sense: Set is aware of any event involving concerning betrayal, serpents, the desert, or the creation of darkness up to 16 weeks in the past and 16 weeks in the future.
– Automatic Actions: Set can use any skill that aids him in betraying others for power, serpents, creating or studying darkness, or helping to spread the desert such as Diplomacy, Knowledge (nature), or Sense Motive as a swift action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. To use a skill as a free action, Set must have ranks in the skill, or the skill must be usable untrained. He can perform up to 20 such free actions each round.
– Create Magic Items: Set can create any magical item that incites betrayal, relates to serpents or is used by reptilian races, spreads darkness, or concerns the desert, including artifacts.
Set’s Possessions
Set wields the Spear of Darkness, a +9 returning Large longspear of distance, speed, and unholy power. The Spear of Darkness carries two separate curses, either of which Set may employ up to four times a day:
The Curse of the Desert: Any being struck by the Spear of Darkness must make a Fort save DC 53 or else die instantly and be transformed into a pillar of sand.
The Curse of Set’s Favor: This Curse Set uses when Set desires to acquire the service of another being, constricting them in the bonds of their obligation to him. The victim of The Curse of Set’s Favor must make a Will save DC 53 or else find themselves obligated to perform a single favor of Sets choosing as stated by Set.
Set’s Avatars
The Avatar of Set appears as a creature so distinct that scholars have had no recourse other than to name it as a unique exemplar: The Set Beast. Nearly seven feet tall, it is covered in dark brown and closely joined scales. His head possesses a almost-canine snout/muzzle, tall ears similar to those of an ass or donkey, and a red, serpentine forked tongue that flickers in and out of his muzzle whenever he is not speaking, and he looks at the world with unblinking, amber eyes with the iris of a serpent. Despite his great differences from most mortals in his true form, Set speaks with a perfect voice, as convincing as it is filled with unbridled ambition and cold calculation as to how he can better promote him own rule at the expense of all others.
The other form that Avatars of Set typically take is a semblance of the form in which he was still part of the Ennead. In such circumstances, Set appears as a red-haired youth with dark skin and amber eyes at the peak of both physical strength and mental health, with a smooth, convincing manner and whose only indications of real difference from a mortal are that he tends to draw his s’s out slightly, and always smiles in a tight-lipped manner in order to conceal the hollow, venomous fangs lurking within his mouth as a reflection of the treachery lurking within his soul.
Set’s Avatar | |
Medium outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Divine Rank | 0 |
Hit Dice | 10d10 (fighter) plus 6d6 (rogue) plus 6d6 (assassin) plus 8d4 (sorcerer) plus 330 (566 hp) |
Initiative | +15 (+11 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 60 ft. (12 squares) |
Armor Class | 50 (+15 natural, +11 Dexterity, +14 deflection), touch 35, flat-footed 50 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +22/+35 |
Attack | +42 melee +2 shocking burst, unholy longspear or bite +35 melee or 2 claws +30 melee or +35 melee touch or +33 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +42/+37/+32 melee +2 shocking burst, unholy longspear (1d6 plus +1d6 (electricity) plus +17/19-20/x3 plus 2d10 (electricity) and Fort save DC 38 or die) or bite +35 melee (1d4 plus +13 and Fort save DC 34 or die) or 2 claws +30 melee (1d4 plus +6) or +35 melee touch or +33 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5ft. |
Special Attacks | death attack (Fort save DC 27 or die), domain powers, salient divine abilities, sneak attack, spells, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | divine aura (1600 feet, DC 24), divine immunities, DR 10/epic, evasion, greater teleport at will, plane shift at will, resistance (electricity) 20, sneak attack +6d6, SR 46, trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge |
Saves | Fort +26 Ref +20 Will +16 |
Abilities | Strength 36 Dexterity 32 Constitution 32 Intelligence 32 Wisdom 28 Charisma 38 |
Skills | Balance +24, Bluff +47, Concentration +21, Decipher Script +20, Diplomacy +57, Disguise +41 (+45 observed in character), Escape Artist +25, Gather Information +25, Handle Animal +17, Hide +22, Intimidate +43, Jump +20, Knowledge (Arcana) +28, Knowledge (architectureand engineering) +13, Knowledge (Geography) +14, Knowledge (nature) +20, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +20, Knowledge (religion)+15, Knowledge (the planes) +22, Listen +18, Move Silently +27, Search +26, Sense Motive +35, Sleight of Hand +23, Spellcraft +43 (+45 scrolls), Spot +25, Survival +14 (+16 aboveground environments, extraplanar), Tumble +23, Use Magic Device +25 (+31 scrolls), Rope Use+13 (+15 bindings) |
Feats | Arcane Preparation, Blind Fight, Cleave, Corrupt Spell, Dark Speech, Deft Strike, Eschew Materials, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (longspear), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longspear), Weapon Specialization (longspear) |
Epic Feats | Devastating Critical (longspear), Epic Reflexes, Overwhelming Critical (longspear) |
Environment | The Prime Material plane |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 30 |
Treasure | +2 shocking burst, unholy longspear |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Advancement | — |
Level Adjustment | – |
Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, mind-affecting effects.
Domain Powers: rebukes earth elementals and commands air elementals 20/day; gains Blind-Fight as a free feat; casts evil and lawful spells at +1 caster level; gains a +2 bonus on attacks, saves and AC v. 1 opponent for 1 minute 1/day; can use magic items as a wizard of 30th level; rebukes reptiles 20/day.
Salient Divine Abilities: Divine Weapon Focus (longspear), Extra Domain (Evil), Extra Domain (Hatred), Hand of Death (Fort save DC 34 or die), Lord of Serpents
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day: air walk, animal growth, animal shapes, animal trance, antipathy, bestow curse, black tentacles, blasphemy, chain lightning, confusion, control winds, control weather, create undead, Damning Darkness, darkvision, Darkbolt, deeper darkness, desecrate, Disguise Self, mage’s disjunction, Dispel Good, doom, Elemental Swarm (air only), eyebite, false vision, Forbiddance, gaseous form, greater magic fang, invisibility, magic circle against good, magic fang, mislead, nondetection, obscuring mist, poison, polymorph any object, protection from good, Righteous Might, screen, scare, screen, shadow walk, shapechange, song of discord, summon monster IX (lawful and evil spell only), time stop, unholy blight, unholy aura, Utterdark, vipergout, wail of the banshee, Wall of Force, whirlwind, Wind Wall.
Cast at 30th level, except for evil spells which are cast at 31th level. The save DCs are 24 + spell level and are Charisma-based.
Assassin Spells (Sp) (1st-3th level) 6/5/3: Set’s Avatar casts his Assassin spells at 6th level. Saving throws against Set’s Assassin spells are DC 21 + spell level.
Assassin Spells Known: 1st level: Critical Strike, sniper’s shot, Stupor, True Strike.
2nd level: Illusory Script, pass without trace, undetectable alignment, wraithstrike.
3rd level: deep slumber, Misdirection, nondetection.
sorcerer Spells (Sp) (0th-4th level) 6/10/10/8/6 Sets Avatar casts his sorcerer spells at 8th level. Saving throws against Sets Avatars sorcerer spells are DC 24 + spell level. The saving throw DCs are Charisma-based.
sorcerer Spells Known:
- 0th level: arcane mark, Detect Poison, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, Preserve Organ, read magic, Slash Tongue.
- 1st level: detect secret doors, expeditious retreat, magic aura, silent image, ventriloquism.
- 2nd level: Addiction, phantasmal assailants, wall of gloom.
- 3rd level: lightning bolt, Tongue Serpents.
- 4th level: Blast of Sand.
* The Book of Smiting Set
The Book of Smiting Set is an extremely powerful tome of artifact-level magic. It was created by Thoth and Isis themselves after the fateful battle in which Set was exiled from the Ennead. The Book of Smiting Set is a chronicling of Set’s loathesome deeds and methods, intended to fortify it’s reader with the knowledge necessary to fight Set himself.
Reading The Book of Smiting Set requires it’s current possessor to begin reading it at sunrise and complete reading it at sunset for six successive days while taking no other actions except for eating, drinking, and learning of Set’s horrible deeds and how to combat them from its pages. If a single day is missed in the process, then they may start again only once and should they fail again, then the Book becomes permanently illegible to that particular individual.
Upon the completed reading, it’s beneficiary acquires the following abilities:
- A +7 sacred bonus to all saving throws against attacks by Set or his servitors (for these purposes, a servitor of Set is any creature that either receives spells by praying to Set, proxies, or beings that have either been manipulated by Set or summoned by The Lord of Evil.
- The ability to penetrate Set’s damage reduction.
- The ability to prepare a single personal weapon using an invocation from The Book of Smiting Set that is treated as a dread weapon against all servitors of The Lord of Evil, giving it’s wielder a +4 bonus to their attack rolls against them, inflicting an additional +4d6 points of damage with each successful hit, and upon a critical hit, force their opponents to make a Fort save DC 23 or else die.
However, reading The Book of Smiting Set carries a steep obligation. Each time a being that has read The Book of Smiting Set confronts a being that they know serves Set, they must make a Will save DC 47 or else enter into combat with them immediately with whatever weapons they have available. Successfully resisting the suggestion causes the reader to be punished as described in the spell geas, requiring a quest from a cleric of either Thoth or Isis to lift the relevant penalties.
Finally, The Book of Smiting Set will not suffer the touch of any being that defies Ma’at, or Balance. As a result, any being that is evil in alignment that touches the Book of Smiting Set takes 3 negative levels (Fort save DC 47 to remove).
Bile of the Betrayer
Spellcraft DC: 116
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 ft. by 150 ft. bolt
Duration: 20 minutes/permanent
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,044,000 gp; 21 days; 41,760 XP. Seeds: afflict (DC 23) drain (DC 19) Factors: lose both senses of sight and touch (+4 DC) 1-action casting (+20 DC), additional 16 points of Dexterity drain (+64 DC), change from target to area (+10 DC), change area to 10 ft. x 150 ft. bolt (+2 DC), add +12 to save DC (+24 DC). Mitigating Factors: 30d6 points of backlash damage (-30 DC), burn 3,000 XP (-30 DC).
Using this epic spell, Set calls forth a form of venom so potent that doing so even harms him: the bile of the betrayer. Spraying it from his fanged jaws, every being in the path of the venom must make a Fort save DC 32 + spellcasting modifier or else go completely numb and be blinded for the next 20 minutes. Far worse, however, is the damage that the bile of the betrayer does to the bodies of its victims as it also dissolves their muscles and nerves inflicting 20 points of Dexterity drain upon them.
Enchantment [Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 116
Components: V, S, Dark Speech
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 75 ft.
Duration: 10 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,044,000 gp; 21 days; 41,760 XP. Seeds: compel (DC 19) conceal (DC 17) Factors: increase duration by 200% (+4 DC), increase saving throw DC by +25 (+50 DC), unreasonable course of action (+10 DC), cast 10 levels higher (+20 DC). Mitigating factors: Dark Speech (-4 DC).
As Sets own capabilities for understanding anything other than betrayal, ambition, and resentment overwhelmed all other aspects of his personality, he acquired the ability to bring out those same horrible traits in other beings. Through the Dark Speech, Set may speak to another individual of the dissatisfaction and anger that they feel throughout their existence, motivating them to undertake a course of action that will bring them greater power through acts of treachery and betrayal for the duration of this epic spell. The saving throw against this spell is DC 45 + spellcasting modifier, and this spell is additionally cloaked against detection to the point where it is treated as 10 levels higher for the purposes of even determining whether a being is under its effects or not.
Forked Tongue
Transmutation Conjuration [Teleportation]
Spellcraft DC: 121
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 6 minutes
Range: 75 ft.
Duration: 20 hours
Saving Throw: Will
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,044,000 gp; 21 days; 41,760 XP. Seeds: fortify (DC 23), transport (DC 27) Factors: grant +8 profane bonus to Charisma (+48 DC), contingency (+25 DC), interplanar transport (+4 DC), transport unwilling creature (+4 DC). Mitigating Factors: 5 minute casting (-10 DC), 6d6 hp backlash (-6 DC).
Set is one of the most deceitful deities in existence, and he grants no boon that does not serve his greater purpose at the expense of his alleged beneficiary. This is epitomized through the epic spell forked tongue. Upon the completed casting of the forked tongue, Set grants a being a +8 profane bonus to their Charisma for the next 20 hours. At the end of this period, however, the beneficiary of this epic spell is teleported directly to a location of Sets designation at the beginning of the spell. While a Will save is allowed in order to avoid the teleportation aspect of the spell, typically Set acquires their agreement before casting the spell upon them, causing them to be treated as a willing being for the purposes of the planeshifting and so allowing them no saving throw at all.
Minion of Set
Spellcraft DC: 115
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,035,000 gp; 21 days; 41,400 XP. Seed: transform (DC 23) Factors: specific individual (minion of Set) (+25 DC), add fear immunity (+ 10 DC), add alternate form (+10 DC), Spell Resistance(+10 DC), transform into outsider (+5 DC), change from target to touch (+4 DC), add +15 to saving throw DC (+30 DC), 1-action casting (+20 DC). Mitigating Factors: 8d6 hp backlash (-8 DC), burn 1,400 XP (-14 DC).
Through this epic spell, Set transforms a mortal into one of his most valued servitors; a Minion of Set. The Minion of Set created in this manner possesses all of the normal qualities of its kind, and the being to be transformed must make a Fort saving throw DC 35 + spellcasting modifier in order to resist the effects of Sets spell.
Ritual Mummification
Spellcraft DC: 116
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: 75 ft.
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,044,000 gp; 21 days; 41,760 XP. Seeds: slay (DC 19) animate dead (DC 23) Factors: up to 50 HD creature (+30 DC), control 50 HD undead (+45 DC), increase saving throw by +15 (+30 DC) Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), unique material components (-7 DC), Dark Speech (-4 DC)
Set has some of the most powerful of the Risen Dead serving him that are known to exist . He is responsible for their creation through the use of this epic spell; the ritual of mummification. In order to cast this epic spell, Set opens a jar of specially prepared mummifying salts and pours them over his potential victim even while using the Dark Speech to describe their undying servitude to him as their future master. At the end of the casting, the victim must make a Fort save DC 35 + spellcasting modifier or else die, their flesh desiccating and withering away as negative energy transforms them into a Risen Dead bound to serve Set loyally until he destroys them, or until he reaches his limit of controlled undead, and releases them from servitude. Set may mummify a creature with up to 50 HD with this epic spell.
Sets Constrictor
Necromancy [Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 113
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 75 ft.
Duration: 10 hours
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,017,000 gp; 21 days; 41,680 XP. Seeds: heal (DC 19) drain (DC 23) drain (DC 23) Factors: add additional 6 points of Strength drain, (+24 DC), add additional 6 points of Dexterity drain (+24 DC).
Set calls upon the air itself to crush his victim, swirling and turning into a serpentine mass that wraps around them, tightening until it cracks every bone in their body and does an incredible amount of damage to them. The victims of Sets constrictor lose all but 1d4 of their hit points as a result, and furthermore take an additional 10 points of Strength and Dexterity drain apiece due to the damage to their entire body as a result of the casting of this horrific spell.
True Name of the Serpent
Spellcraft DC: 55
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fort
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 495,000 gp; 10 days; 19,800 XP. Seed: transform (DC 21). Factors: add poison immunity (+10 DC), add bite attack (+10 DC), add poison to bite attack (+10 DC), change from targe to touch (+4 DC).
As the Brother of Serpents, he may call upon the true name of the serpent in order to transform one of his worshippers into a form more resembling his own and the creatures which he has claimed rulership over. When Set does so, he grants a being immunity to all forms of poison, while simoultaneously causing the target to grow venom glands even while their canines elongate and develop a hollow channel, allowing them to bite and inject venom into targets that does 1d6 points of both primary and secondary Constitution damage.
Currently in the World

Set, the powerful god of chaos and destruction, has been a force to be reckoned with since the very beginning of time. As the brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, he has always been an outsider, an outcast of the gods. But he has never let that stop him from asserting his dominance over the world.
In the early days, (Sutekh, Setesh, Seteh), Lord of Evil, Defiler of the Dead, Lord of Carrion, Father of Jackals, Outcast of the Gods, King of Malice, Brother of Serpents was known for his wild and unpredictable nature. He would often go on rampages, destroying everything in his path with his great strength and ferocity. But as time went on, he learned to harness his power and use it for his own gain.
Throughout the centuries, he has been involved in countless conflicts and battles with other gods and goddesses. He has even been known to team up with mortal rulers and warriors, lending them his strength and guidance in their times of need.
In the present day, Set remains a powerful and imposing figure, feared and revered by many. He spends much of his time in the deserts and wilderness, where he can unleash his primal nature without fear of reprisal.
But despite his fierce exterior,he is not without his weaknesses. He has a tendency to act impulsively, often putting himself and those around him in danger. And his fierce loyalty to his own desires and goals can often blind him to the needs and desires of others.
In the 1450s, Set’s goals are simple: to expand his power and influence, and to assert his dominance over the other gods and goddesses. He is constantly searching for new allies and minions to do his bidding, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his objectives.
But even as he works to solidify his place as one of the most powerful beings in the world, Set is haunted by the fear that he will always be an outsider, forever cut off from the rest of the divine community. It is a fear that drives him to ever greater heights of power and ambition, even as it threatens to consume him from within.