North American Monsters (Bestiary)

Welcome to the North American Monsters Bestiary! This guide features a collection of creatures from North American folklore and legend. From the mythical Sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest, to the terrifying Chupacabra of the Southwest, this bestiary covers a wide range of monsters that have been rumored to roam the continent. So grab your garlic and silver bullets, and join us as we explore the mysterious and terrifying world of North American Monsters.
- A A-senee-ki-wakw (Stone Giant), Adlet, Ahkiyyinni, Akhlut, Alligator, Snapping Turtle, Altamaha-Ha, Argopelter, Aurochs, Avanyu,
- B Baykok, Bat, Batsquatch, Bear Black, Bear Brown, Bear Polar, Beaver, Beaver Women, Bigfoot, Billdad, Bison/Buffalo, Black-Eyed Children, Bloody Bones, Bonhomme sept-heures, Bullywug
- C – Cadborosaurus, Cactoid, Cactus Cat, Cave Lion, Celestial Badger, Celestial Black Bear, Celestial Bison, Celestial Dire Lion, Celestial Dog, Celestial Eagle, Celestial Lion, Celestial Owl, Celestial Porpoise, Cetacean, Whale (Common), Champ (Tanystropheus), Chenoo, Cistern Creeper, Crawvil, Condor, Cougar
- D Dakwa, Dark Scourge, Demon, Malorum, Deer Woman, Delgeth, Dog, Dire Creature, Dire Badger, Dire Bat, Dire Bear, Dire Boar, Dire Dog, Dire Lamprey, Dire Rat, Dire Shark, Dire Snake, Giant Toad, Giant Tortoise, Dire Turkey, Dire Walrus, Dire Weasel, Dire Wolverine, Dire Wolf, Dogman, Dover Demon, Rift Drake, Salt Drake, Dungavenhooter, Dust Devil
- E Eagle, Eagle Giant, Herd Animal, Elk, Enochian Bear, Erqigdlit
- F Fiendish Creature, Fiendish Boar, Fiendish Bear Black, Fiendish Dire Bat, Fiendish Crane Giant, Fiendish Alligator, Fiendish Giant Alligator, Fiendish Dire Rat, Fiendish Dire Shark, Fiendish Dire Wolf, Fiendish Hawk, Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Fiendish Octopus, Fiendish Polar Bear, Fiendish Raven, Fiendish Shark, Medium, Fiendish Snake Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Giant Constrictor, Fiendish Snake Viper, Fiendish Wolf, Flytrap, Giant, Fresno Nightcrawler
- G Giants, Giant Earth, Giant Hill, Giant Stone (A-senee-ki-wakw), Giant Storm, Goatman, Golem, Golem Stone, Golem, Wood, Gougou, Green Slime, Gumberoo
- H Hag, spearfinger, Hawk, Herd Animal, Reindeer, Sheep (Herd Animal), Sheep, Ram, (Herd Animal), Hiyu, Hodag, Hoop Snake, Hopkinsville Goblins, Horse
- I Iktomi, Ijiraq, Isitoq
- J Jogah Ga-hon-ga, Jogah Oh-do-wa
- K Kigatilik, Kokogiak, Kokopelli, Kushtaka
- L Lake Iliamna Monster, Lizard, Lizardfolk, Lizard Monitor
- M Manitou, Mannegishi, Mahaha, Melonhead, Mothman, Musk-Ox
- N Narwhale
- O Ohdowa, Owl, Owl, Great Horned, Giant Owl, Owlbear
- P Pale Stranger, Peccary, Piasa, Platylig (Flatwoods Monster), Porpoise, Pukwudgie,
- Q Qallupilluk
- R Raccoon, Giant, Rakshasa, Amikuk, Rat, Raven, Roperite
- S Sand Squink, Shark, Sheepsquatch, Skunk, Sisiutl, Slide-rock Bolter, Snake Constrictor, Snake Viper, Snallygaster, Slender Man, Skin-walker, Splintercat, Squonk, Swan, Trumpeter Swan
- T Taer, Tailypo, Tariaksuq, Terichik, Thrush, Thunderbird, Thunderbird (Greater) Titan Wild, Tizheruk, Toad, Toad, Giant, Treant, Treant, Elder, Tripodero, Troglodyte, Troll, Troll, Mountain (Chenoo), Tupilaq, Turkey, Twigjack,
- U Underwater panther, U`tlun’ta
- W Wampus cat, Walrus, Wendigo, Wentshukumishiteu, Whale, Whale, Cachalot, Whale, Orca, Whi-lu-gho-yuk, Whimpus, Winter Wolf, Witch Tree, Wolf, Wolverine, Worg