Magic Items Wondrous Items

This is a catch-all category for anything that doesn’t fall into the other groups. Anyone can use a wondrous item (unless specified otherwise in the description).
Physical Description: Varies.
Activation: Usually use activated or command word, but details vary from item to item.
Special Qualities: Roll d%. An 01 result indicates the wondrous item is intelligent, 02-31 indicates that something (a design, inscription, or the like) provides a clue to its function, and 32-100 indicates no special qualities.
Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes.
Wondrous items with charges can never be intelligent.
Minor Wondrous Items
Medium Wondrous Items
Medium Wondrous Items | ||
d% | Item Market | Price |
001-010 | Boots of Levitation | 7,500 gp |
011-020 | Harp of Charming | 7,500 gp |
031-034 | Amulet of Natural Armor +2 | 8,000 gp |
035-039 | Cap of Darkness (lesser) | 8,000 gp |
040-044 | Pan’s Crown | 8,000 gp |
045-049 | Golem Manual, flesh | 8,000 gp |
050-054 | Flesh Ring of Scorn | 8,000 gp |
055-059 | Hand of Glory | 8,000 gp |
060-069 | Ioun Stone, deep red sphere | 8,000 gp |
070-074 | Ioun Stone, incandescent blue sphere | 8,000 gp |
075-080 | Ioun Stone, pale blue rhomboid | 8,000 gp |
081-085 | Ioun Stone, pink and green sphere | 8,000 gp |
086-089 | Ioun Stone, pink rhomboid | 8,000 gp |
090-100 | Ioun Stone, scarlet and blue sphere | 8,000 gp |
101-110 | Nipple Clamp of Exquisite Pain | 8,000 gp |
111-119 | Peach Candle of New Beginnings | 8,000 gp |
120-129 | Deck of Illusions | 8,100 gp |
130-139 | Necklace of Fireballs type VI | 8,100 gp |
140-149 | Candle of Invocation | 8,400 gp |
150-159 | Bracers of Armor +3 | 9,000 gp |
160-169 | Cloak of Resistance +3 | 9,000 gp |
170-179 | Decanter of Endless Water | 9,000 gp |
180-189 | Necklace of Adaptation | 9,000 gp |
190-199 | Pearl of Power, 3rd-level spell | 9,000 gp |
200-209 | Talisman of the sphere | 9,000 gp |
210-219 | Figurines of Wondrous Power, serpentine owl | 9,100 gp |
220-229 | Necklace of Fireballs type VII | 9,150 gp |
230-231 | Strand of Prayer Beads, lesser | 9,600 gp |
232- 234 | Symbol of Demogorgon | 10,000 gp |
235-239 | Helm of Alertness | 10,000 gp |
240-249 | Bag of Holding type IV | 10,000 gp |
250-259 | Figurine of wondrous power, bronze griffon | 10,000 gp |
260-261 | Figurine of wondrous power, ebony fly | 10,000 gp |
262-264 | Figurine of Wondrous Power, Slate Spider | 10,000 gp |
265-269 | Glove of Storing | 10,000 gp |
270-271 | Ioun Stone, dark blue rhomboid | 10,000 gp |
272-275 | Maggot Harvester | 10,000 gp |
275-279 | Robe of Deception | 10,000 gp |
280-289 | Stone Horse, courser | 10,000 gp |
290-294 | Cape of the Mountebank | 10,080 gp |
295-299 | Masters Astronomy Book (1000 + years old) | 11,000 gp |
300-304 | Figurines of Wondrous Power, Bloodhound | 11,000 gp |
305-309 | Phylactery of Undead Turning | 11,000 gp |
310-314 | Slime Pot | 11,200 gp |
315-319 | Spheres of Enlightenment | 11,200 gp |
320-324 | Sketchbook | 11,250 gp |
325-326 | Book of Flames | 11,250 gp |
327-329 | Book of Scrolls | 11,250 gp |
330-334 | Gauntlet of Rust | 11,500 gp |
335-339 | Amulet of Euphoric Healing | 12,000 gp |
340-344 | Quiver of Lies | 12,000 gp |
345-350 | Boots of Speed | 12,000 gp |
351-354 | Goggles of Night | 12,000 gp |
355-359 | Golem Manual, clay | 12,000 gp |
360-364 | Honor’s Seat | 12,000 gp |
369-370 | Medallion of Thoughts | 12,000 gp |
371-374 | Pipes of Pain | 12,000 gp |
375-379 | Big Cat Journal | 12,000 gp |
380-384 | See Invisibility Sight | 12,000 gp |
385-389 | Shackles of Silence | 12,000 gp |
391-394 | Shirt of Gentle Repose | 12,000 gp |
395-399 | Blessed Book | 12,500 gp |
400-404 | Boots of Nocturnal Wandering | 13,000 gp |
405-409 | Belt, Monk’s | 13,000 gp |
410-414 | Gem of Brightness | 13,000 gp |
415-419 | Lyre of Building | 13,000 gp |
420-424 | Amulet of Bullet Protection (+3) | 13,500 gp |
425-429 | Sandpaper | 13,500 gp |
430-434 | Avrel’s Lubrication | 13,600 gp |
435-439 | Cloak of Arachnida | 14,000 gp |
440-444 | Hook of Dissolution | 14,400 gp |
445-449 | Stone Horse, destrier | 14,800 gp |
450-444 | Belt of Dwarvenkind | 14,900 gp |
445-449 | Styx Collar | 15,000 gp |
45 | Periapt of Wound Closure | 15,000 gp |
46 | Horn of the Tritons | 15,100 gp |
47 | Pearl of the Sirines | 15,300 gp |
48 | Figurines of Wondrous Power, onyx dog | 15,500 gp |
49 | Amulet of Health +4 | 16,000 gp |
50 | Belt of Giant Strength +4 | 16,000 gp |
51 | Boots, Winged | 16,000 gp |
520-524 | Bracers of Armor +4 | 16,000 gp |
525-529 | Bustier of Beauty (+4) | 16,000 gp |
53 | Cloak of Charisma +4 | 16,000 gp |
540-544 | Cloak of Resistance +4 | 16,000 gp |
545-549 | Codpiece of Comeliness (+4) | 16,000 gp |
55 | Gloves of Dexterity +4 | 16,000 gp |
56 | Headband of Intellect +4 | 16,000 gp |
57 | Pearl of Power, 4th-level spell | 16,000 gp |
58 | Periapt of Wisdom +4 | 16,000 gp |
59 | Scabbard of Keen Edges | 16,000 gp |
60 | Figurine of wondrous power, golden lions | 16,500 gp |
61 | Chime of Interruption | 16,800 gp |
620-624 | Broom of Flying | 17,000 gp |
625-629 | Broom of Flying, Greater | 17,000 gp |
630-634 | Figurine of wondrous power, marble elephant | 17,000 gp |
635-639 | Travel Log | 17,150 gp |
640-644 | The Killing Blow | 18,000 gp |
645-649 | Amulet of Natural Armor +3 | 18,000 gp |
650-654 | Ioun Stone, iridescent spindle | 18,000 gp |
655-659 | Vambraces of Evil’s Warding | 18,000 gp |
660-664 | Broom of Flying, Speed | 18,000 gp |
665-669 | Bracelet of Friends | 19,000 gp |
670-674 | Spiralburst Bottle | 19,000 gp |
675-679 | Harp of Tranquility | 20,000 gp |
680-684 | Carpet of Flying, 5 ft. by 5 ft. | 20,000 gp |
685-689 | Horn of Blasting | 20,000 gp |
690-699 | Ioun Stone, pale lavender ellipsoid | 20,000 gp |
700-704 | Ioun Stone, pearly white spindle | 20,000 gp |
705-709 | Cord of Binding | 20,000 gp |
710-719 | Portable Hole | 20,000 gp |
720-724 | Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) | 20,000 gp |
725-729 | Summoner’s Tales | 20,250 gp |
731-739 | Figurine of wondrous power, ivory goats | 21,000 gp |
740-739 | Rope of Entanglement | 21,000 gp |
751-759 | Golem Manual, stone | 22,000 gp |
761-769 | Mask of the Skull | 22,000 gp |
771-779 | Mattock of the Titans | 23,348 gp |
780-784 | Circlet of Blasting, Major | 23,760 gp |
785-789 | Amulet of Bullet Protection (+4) | 24,000 gp |
790-799 | Amulet of Mighty Fists +2 | 24,000 gp |
800-809 | Cloak of Displacement, Minor | 24,000 gp |
810-814 | Helm of Underwater Action | 24,000 gp |
815-819 | Sure-footed Horseshoes | 25,000 gp |
820-829 | Bracers of Archery, Greater | 25,000 gp |
830-839 | Bracers of Armor +5 | 25,000 gp |
840-849 | Cloak of Resistance +5 | 25,000 gp |
850-859 | Eyes of Doom | 25,000 gp |
860-869 | Pearl of Power, 5th-level spell | 25,000 gp |
870-879 | Maul of the Titans | 25,305 gp |
880-889 | Strand of Prayer Beads | 25,800 gp |
890-899 | Cloak of the Bat | 26,000 gp |
900-904 | Iron Bands of Binding | 26,000 gp |
905-909 | Headdress of the Enticing Dancer (greater) | 26,000 gp |
910-919 | Cube of Frost Resistance | 27,000 gp |
920-929 | Helm of Telepathy | 27,000 gp |
930-939 | Periapt of Proof against Poison | 27,000 gp |
940-949 | Robe of Scintillating Colors | 27,000 gp |
950-959 | Manual of Bodily Health +1 | 27,500 gp |
960-969 | Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 | 27,500 gp |
970-979 | Manual of Quickness of Action +1 | 27,500 gp |
980-989 | Tome of Clear Thought +1 | 27,500 gp |
990-994 | Tome of Leadership and Influence +1 | 27,500 gp |
995-100 | Tome of Understanding +1 | 27,500 gp |
Major Wondrous Items
Ruby Slippers of Teleportation