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Spiralburst Bottle

Book of Vile Darkness 3.5
By Monte Cook 

This is a sort of magic weapon contained within a glass bottle until it is used. Opening or shattering the bottle (often by throwing it like a flask of acid or alchemist’s fire) unleashes the spiralburst. The spiralburst is a portal to the Ethereal Plane that is only about 1/2 inch wide. This portal has an almost limitless amount of pull, sucking a single creature or object through the gate unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 30). If the bottle bursts against something, the object it shatters against is the target. If the bottle is opened, the opener is the target. The spiral- burst only pulls up to 10 cubic feet through, so if the object or creature is larger than that, only a portion of it is pulled through.

The weapon gets its name because the target drawn through the portal is sucked through in a spiral pattern. For most living creatures, this is a blood-red spiral as their body is liquefied into a spiral-shaped stream, then drawn through the very small portal in a single round. Objects, unless they are extraordinarily malleable, are destroyed. Creatures die instantly unless they are amorphous (such as oozes). Even objects and creatures that survive are lost on the Ethereal Plane. The spiralburst disappears after a single use.

Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, sympathy, gate; Market Price: 19,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.

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