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Class Astrologer

stars space astronomy abstract 3187445

An astrologer seeks the truth in the study of the heavens and celestial charts. A believer in destiny, he seeks to find the most auspicious times to do things, and tries to predict the result of actions and the events of the future.

Occult Lore

Author Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and Elton Robb

Series Lore

Publisher Atlas

Publish date 2002

Astrologers have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Intelligence is the key ability for astrological magic. Astrologers gain bonus spell formulae per day based on their Intelligence. To attempt a spell formula, an astrologer must have an Intelligence equal to 10 + the spell’s level.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d4.


The astrologer’s class skills (and the key abilities for each skill) are Alchemy (Intelligence), Astrology (Intelligence), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Intelligence), Concentration (Constitution), Craft (Intelligence), Gather Information (Charisma), Profession (Wisdom), Scry (Intelligence), and Spellcraft (Intelligence).
Skill points at 1st Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) x 4.
Skill points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

LevelBABFSRSWSSpecialFormula 0th1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1+0+0+0+2Summon Familiar30————————
2+1+0+0+3 31————————
3+1+1+1+3 420———————
4+2+1+1+4 421———————
5+2+1+1+4Bonus Feat4320——————
6+3+2+2+5 4321——————
7+3+2+2+5 53320—————
8+4+2+2+6 54321—————
9+4+3+3+6 543320————
10+5+3+3+7Bonus Feat544321————
11+5+3+3+7 5443320—— — 
12+6/+1+4+4+8 5544321———
13+6/+1+4+4+8 55443320——
14+7/+2+4+4+9 55544321——
15+7/+2+5+5+9Bonus Feat555443320—
16+8/+3+5+5+10 555544321—
17+8/+3+5+5+10 5555443320
18+9/+4+6+6+11 5555544321
19+9/+4+6+6+11 5555544332
20+10/+5+6+6+12Bonus Feat5555554443


By Szymon Buchbinder -, Public Domain,, Class Astrologer
By Szymon Buchbinder –, Public Domain,

All of the following are class features of the astrologer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Astrologers are skilled with the club, Dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff. Astrologers are not proficient in any type of armor or shield.

Arcane spell failure chances are incurred only when the astrologer attempts to prepare a spell formulae for a spell with a somatic component. Invoking (casting) a spell never results in an arcane spell failure chance.

Spells: Astrologers cast arcane spells by drawing on the energies radiating from the celestial realms. Because the physical heavens are in perpetual motion, these energies constantly change, giving astrologers great flexibility when working their magic. This same flexibility, on the other hand, requires astrologers to prepare unique spell formulae for each spell they attempt to cast.

Astrologer spellcasting has three basic elements: creating a spell formula, using an astrological fetish (if necessary), and invoking the spell. Each step is discussed in turn below:

Spell Formulae: Astrologers do not learn spells from books or from meditation. Instead, they use their knowledge of astrology to create spell formulae that take advantage of the present and future positions of the stars and planets. Astrologers can create a number of spell formulae per day based on class level (and bonus formulae based on Intelligence). Creating a spell formula requires intensive, tiring astrological computation. Once an astrologer has used up all her spell formulae slots for the day, she must get a good night’s rest before trying again.

An astrologer’s own nativity horoscope is an important part of every spell formula. Spell formulae, therefore, are only usable by the astrologer who computes them. Astrologers have been working on ‘universal spell formulae’ for centuries, but so far the magic of astrology has proven far to delicate and personal to generalize.

The first step in creating a spell formula is to choose the desired spell. The astrologer can choose any spell on the astrologer spell list (within the astrologer’s level and Intelligence limits). Any verbal, somatic, or focus components are used during the creation of the spell formula. Any material, XP cost, or other components are used when the spell itself is invoked.

Next, to attempt to create a spell formula, an astrologer must have an Intelligence equal to 10 + the spell’s level and make an Astrology check. The total Astrology DC for creating a spell formula is 10 + the level of the desired spell + duration modifier + the target bonus (if any).

A formula remains effective for the length of its duration; it can be invoked at any time within its duration. Once the duration expires, the formula expires as well, and the spell can be no longer invoked. Duration is chosen by the astrologer, and modifies the DC of the Astrology check for creating a spell formula as listed in the table below:

DurationDefinitionDC ModifierSpecial
Solar diameter*3 minutes-5 
Solar phaseNext sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first+0 
Lunar phase3 days (at moonrise)+5Requires fetish
Lunar monthUntil current lunar phase repeats (at moonrise)+10Requires fetish
SeasonNext equinox or solstice, whichever comes first+15Requires fetish
Solaryear 4 seasons+20Requires fetish

* A ‘solar diameter’ is the time it takes the sun to travel its own diameter across the sky. Invoking  the spell does not require being outdoors or in daylight.

An astrologer can also specify a target for the spell formula if the target remains within the astrologer’s sight during the time it takes to compute the spell formula, or if the astrologer has some knowledge about or connection to the target. If a target/subject is specified, invoking the spell against anything else results in automatic failure. Specifying a target earns bonuses to the Astrology check for computing the spell formula, as shown in the table below:

to Target/Subject
In sight+2Yes 
with target “You” do not gain bonus
Target name+2YesApplies
to known creatures, objects, and locations*
Target birthplace+2YesApplies
to creatures known** and objects
Target birthday+5YesApplies
to known† creatures, objects, and buildings
Representation+2Yesof target††
part of target
+10YesMust have
nativity interpreted/created nativity

* Examples: “Arith
the Dracon,” “Mount Greylock,” “Orb of Asphodel,” etc.

** The “birthplace”
of an object is the location in which an object was created.

† The “birthday”
of objects is the day their creation began. The “birthday” of buildings
is the start of their construction.

†† Examples:
a picture, sculpture, written description, etc.

Examples: blood or a lock of hair for creatures, a piece of masonry for locations, a sliver of wood or metal for objects

Other connections may also provide bonuses at the GM’s discretion.

Once the Astrology check has been made, taking these modifiers into consideration, record the check result if successful. If the check fails, the astrologer abandons the formula after spending a number of minutes equal to the modified DC. In other words, it takes the DC amount in minutes for the astrologer to realize that he made a fatal error in computing the formula.

If the Astrology check succeeds, the astrologer finishes the formula in an amount of time no greater than a “base time” of DC x 10 in minutes. If something interrupts the formula’s creation, the astrologer makes a Concentration check against a variable DC as if casting a spell. If the Concentration check fails or if the astrologer voluntarily stops computing, the spell formula automatically fails. If the Astrology check is at least twice the DC, the formula takes half the base time to complete. If the Astrology check is three times the DC, the formula takes a third of the base time, and so on.

Astrological Fetish: A spell formulae with a duration longer than a solar phase requires the
creation of an astrological fetish. Fetishes are intimate constructions that
cannot be made for other characters. Only the fetish’s creator can invoke
the spell contained within.

An astrological fetish
is a small assemblage of materials designed to capture stellar arcane energies
for later use. Fetishes can easily fit in the palm of a hand, and astrologers
typically wear them about their necks, pinned to their clothes, or even wound
into their hair. Typical components include burnt incense or aromatics, rare
wood, polished rocks or minerals, strips of fine cloth or ribbons, and bits
of bone and leather. The cost of raw materials for a fetish is based on the
level of the spell and the formula’s duration.

DurationRaw Material Cost
Lunar phaseSpell’s level in gp
Lunar monthSpell’s level in gp x 5
SeasonSpell’s level in gp x 10
Solar yearSpell’s level in gp x 100

For example, Asphodel carries 50 gp worth of fetish raw materials in a gunnysack. He wants to create a formula for a 3rd-level spell with a lunar month duration, requiring a fetish costing 15 gp. He pulls a handful of pretty baubles from his gunnysack, which now contains 35 gp worth of fetish raw materials.

The astrologer assembles a fetish during the spell formula creation process. Doing so takes no extra time. To invoke a spell contained within a fetish, the fetish must be touching the astrologer’s skin. If a fetish is destroyed before the spell can be invoked, or if the formula’s duration expires, the fetish is rendered useless. A useless fetish is worth at most one half its original cost in raw materials, less if damaged. Invoking a Spell: Invoking a spell formula can be faster or slower than typical spellcasting, depending upon the situation. Using a fetish while invoking a spell counts as a partial action (in addition to any other time requirements) that provokes an Attack of Opportunity.

Invoking any spell with a material or XP component takes at least one action. Spells with such components take their listed casting times.

A spell with a listed casting time of 1 action, however, is invoked as a free action, as long as no material or XP components are required. Verbal, focus, and somatic components are supplied during the creation of the spell forumula itself, and are not needed when the spell is invoked. Spells with casting times longer than 1 action take their listed casting time.

The DC of a saving throw against an astrologer’s spell is equal the Astrology check result for creating its spell formula.

Familiar: An astrologer can summon a familiar in exactly the same way as a sorcerer, with the same benefits.

Bonus Feat: Every five levels an astrologer gains a bonus feat. This feat must be a metamagic feat, an item creation feat (including Compute Spell Inception, or Create Spell Talisman; only an astrologer can take the special feat Create Spell Talisman from the alchemy section.

School Specialization Astrologers study the heavens’ effects on the different types of magic. An astrologer can specialize in a school of magic in exactly the same way as a wizard, except that astrologers cannot pick “illusion” as their prohibited school. Astrology magic is already weak with illusions, and astrologers gain no benefit from not studying the stars’ effect on them.

Extra-Planar Weakness: Although astrologers are masters of planar magic while in familiar territory, their reliance on the physical heavens cripples them when journeying to different realms of existence. While in any plane other than the Material, Astral, or Ethereal Planes, astrologers
suffer the following penalties: after preparing a spell formula, the astrologer must make a Knowledge (the planes) check with a DC equal to the Astrology check result for creating the formula. If the Knowledge (the planes) check fails, the formula is useless and the spell formula per day slot is wasted. At the GM’s discretion, the DC and base time for creating spell formula may be increased to reflect the otherworldliness of the astrologer’s surroundings. If in a realm without a sky or stars, creating spell formula may simply be impossible. In addition, all spell formulae with a duration of solar phase immediately expire upon the astrologer’s entrance into the other-world.



* Resistance. Subject gains +1 on saving throws.


* Summon Monster I. Summons an outsider to fight for you.



* daze. Creature loses next action.


* Light. Object shines like a torch.


* disrupt undead. Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.


* virtue. Subject gains 1 temporary hp.







  • * Bane Enemies suffer –1 attack, –1 on saves against fear.
  • * Bless Allies gain +1 attack and +1 on saves against fear.
  • * Charm Person Makes one person your friend.
  • * Command One subject obeys one-word command for 1 round.
  • * Doom One subject suffers –2 on attacks, damage, saves, and checks.
  • * hypnotism Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
  • * Random Action One creature acts randomly for one round.
  • * Sleep Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber.


* divine favor You gain attack, damage bonus, +1/three levels.




  • * erase Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
  • * magic stone Three stones gain +1 attack, deal 1d6+1 damage.
  • * Magic Weapon Weapon gains +1 bonus.
  • * Message Whispered conversation at distance.






  • * Aid +1 attack, +1 on saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hit points.
  • * calm emotions Calms 1d6 subjects/level, negating emotion effects.
  • * Enthrall Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
  • * Hold Person Holds one person helpless; 1 round/level.
  • * hideous laughter Subject loses actions for 1d3 rounds.


  • * Darkness 20-ft. radius of supernatural darkness.
  • * daylight 60-ft. radius of bright light.


  • * Misdirection Misleads divinations for one creature or object.


  • * ghoul touch Paralyzes one subject, who exudes stench (–2 penalty) nearby.
  • * scare Panics creatures up to 5 HD (15-ft. radius).







  • * charm monster Makes monster believe it is your ally.
  • * suggestion Compels subject to follow stated course of action.





  • * bestow curse –- 6 to an ability; –- 4 on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
  • * Blink * You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
  • * greater magic weapon** +1/three levels (max +5).
  • * keen edge Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
  • * magic vestment Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement/three levels.
  • * secret page Changes one page to hide its real content.



  • * dismissal Forces a creature to return to native plane.
  • * Minor Globe of Invulnerability Stops 1st through 3rd-level spell effects.
  • * Negative Energy Protection Subject resists level and ability drains.
  • * spell immunity Subject is immune to one spell/four levels.



  • * arcane eye Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
  • * discern lies Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
  • * Divination Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.
  • * scrying Spies on subject from a distance.




  • * displacement Attacks miss subject 50%.
  • * Invisibility Subject is invisible for 10 min./level or until it attacks.


  • * Contagion Infects subject with chosen disease.
  • * death ward Grants immunity to death spells and effects.
  • * enervation Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.
  • * Fear Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.




  • * break enchantment Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
  • * dispel chaos/Evil/Good/Law +4 bonus against attacks.





  • * Sending Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
  • * Wall of Force Wall is immune to damage.



  • * Poison Touch deals 1d10 Constitution damage, repeats in 1 min.
  • * Magic Jar Enables possession of another creature.


  • * ethereal jaunt You become ethereal for 1 round/level.
  • * fabricate Transforms raw materials into finished items.
  • * passwall Breaches walls 1 ft. thick/level.
  • * plane shift. Up to eight subjects travel to another plane.
  • * Polymorph Other Gives one subject a new form.
  • * Teleport Instantly transports you anywhere.
  • * Universal permanency Makes certain spells permanent; costs XP.







*contingency Sets trigger condition for another spell.


* greater invisibility As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.



  • * control winds Change wind direction and speed
  • * disintegrate Makes one creature or object vanish.
  • * etherealness Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.
  • * eyebite Charm, fear, sicken or sleep one subject.
  • * Transmutation You gain combat bonuses.
  • * word of recall Teleports you back to designated place.






* Insanity Subject suffers continuous confusion.


  • * Forcecage Cube of force imprisons all inside.
  • * Sword Floating magic blade strikes opponents.



  • * control undead Undead do not attack you while under your command.
  • * Finger of Death Kills one subject.
  • * greater restoration As restoration, plus restores all levels and ability scores.


  • * control weather Changes weather in local area.
  • * Refuge Alters item to transport its possessor to you.
  • * reverse gravity Objects and creatures fall upward.
  • * Statue Subject can become a statue at will.
  • * Teleport without Error As teleport, but no off target arrival.
  • * Vanish As teleport, but affects a touched object.


* limited wish Alters reality-within spell limits.





* discern location Exact location of creature or object.


  • * antipathy Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
  • * Binding Array of techniques to imprison a creature.
  • * Demand As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
  • * Mass Charm As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.
  • * irresistible dance Forces subject to dance.
  • * sympathy Object or location attracts certain creatures.


* sunburst Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 3d6 damage.


* screen Illusion hides
area from vision, scrying.


* create greater undead Mummies, specters, vampires, or ghosts.



* Symbol Triggered runes have array of effects.



  • * Freedom Releases creature suffering imprisonment.
  • * imprisonment Entombs subject beneath the earth.
  • * mage’s disjunction Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.



* Foresight “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.


* Dominate Monster As dominate person, but any creature.


* Meteor Swarm Deals 24d6 fire damage, plus bursts.


* Simulacrum Creates partially real double of creature.




* Wish As limited wish, but with fewer limits.

Create Spell Talisman [Item Creation, Exclusive]

Your mastery of certain spells allows you to create spell talismans, special reusable fetishes.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 12+, astrologer class
Benefit: You can Craft a number of spell talismans equal to your Intelligence modifier. A spell talisman can only hold one spell; you must specify the spell to be held while creating the talisman. A spell talisman costs the chosen spell’s level x 100 gp to make, and is crafted like an astrological fetish. If a spell talisman is lost or destroyed, the astrologer can create another for the same spell without having to take the Create Spell Talisman feat again. Like fetishes, spell talismans work only for their creator.

A spell talisman functions like a reusable astrological fetish. It can be reused indefinitely, an unlimited number of times per day. It can only be used for the spell specified during its creation. Additionally, the base time for creating formulae of the spell chosen is the formula’s DC x 5, rather than x 10. You must have the spell talisman on your person in order to gain this additional benefit. For example, Asphodel takes Create Spell Talisman as his bonus feat at 10th level. His Intelligence modifier is +3, so he can make 3 spell talismans. He chooses to make talismans for the spells flame strike (costing 500 gp), Hold monster (400 gp), and prayer (300 gp). As long as he possesses those spell talismans, he no longer needs
to make fetishes for those three spells.

You may take this feat
more than once to create more talismans.

Star Worship

Alignment: Any
Domains: Knowledge, Luna, Sidereal, Sacred Geometry, and Sovereignty
Typical Followers: Star Worshipers
Description: Rather than serving a single deity, some clerics worship the heavens themselves. Star-worshiping clerics can be of any alignment, although neutral is the most common. The religion’s symbol is a bright star aloft in the heavens. A star worshiper’s favored weapon is the quarterstaff, as it is useful both for combat and for scratching sacred marks and calculations into the ground.


Deities: Gods and
goddesses of Wisdom, protection, and the hearth; star worship.
Granted Power: Astrology is a class skill. Automatically gain Extend
metamagic feat.

Geometry Domain Spells
secret doors
Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
2zone of truth Subjects
within range cannot lie.
3glyph of warding Inscription harms those who pass it.
sturdy cottage.
5Hallow/unhallow Designates
location as holy/unholy
6guards and wards Array
of magic effects protect area
7Forcecage Cube of
force imprisons all inside.
8antimagic field Negates
magic within 10 ft.
9Teleportation Circle
Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot.


Deities: Gods and
goddesses of the moon, madness, secrets, and the underworld; star worship.
Granted Power: Astrology is a class skill. If cleric is of lawful or
good alignment, Turn or Destroy chaotic evil outsiders (such as demons) as a
good cleric Turns undead. If cleric is of any other alignment, Rebuke or Command

chaotic evil outsiders as an evil cleric Rebukes undead.

Luna Domain
1 Undetectable Aura Masks magic item’s aura.
2hideous laughter Subject loses actions for 1d3 rounds.
3bestow curse –6 to an ability; –4 on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
4nondetection Hides subject from divination, scrying.
Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
shadow evocation
As shadow evocation, but up to 5th level.
Subject suffers continuous confusion.
8antipathy Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
9weird As phantasmal
, but affects all within 30 ft.


Deities: Gods and
goddesses of magic, travel, knowledge, and destiny; star worship.
Granted Power: Astrology is a class skill. All clerical spells prepared
directly under a clear, night-time sky are cast at +1 caster level. All clerical
spells cast directly under a clear, night-time sky are cast at an additional
+1 caster level. (These do not stack.)

Domain Spells
1identify Determines single feature of magic item.
2glitterdust Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
Cures all diseases affecting subject
Directs lightning bolts
(1d10/level) during storms.
shadow conjuration
As shadow
, but up to 4th level and 40% real.
6geas/quest As lesser geas, plus it affects
any creature.
As Legend Lore, but quicker and
8sympathy Object or location attracts certain creatures.
Connects two planes for travel or summoning.


Deities: Gods and goddesses of the sun, war, nobility, Leadership; the ruling gods of a pantheon; star worship.
Granted Power: Astrology is a class skill. Rebuke or Command humanoid creatures (or monstrous humanoid if cleric is a monstrous humanoid) with the same alignment as the character as an evil cleric Rebukes undead. Will saving throw vs. turning check negates.

Sovereignty Domain Spells
1True Strike – Adds +20 bonus to your next attack roll.
2Aid – +1 attack, +1 on saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hit points.
3suggestion – Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
4divine power You gain attack bonus, 18 Strength, and 1 hp/level.
5Righteous Might Your size increases, and you gain +4 Strength.
6Hero’s Feast Food for one creature/level cures and blesses.
7Demand As sending, plus you can send suggestion.
8sunburst Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 3d6 damage.
9Mass Charm
As charm
, but all within 30 ft.
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