Devil, Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth

Mephistopheles is best known for his association with Doctor Faust a scholar who wagered his soul against this devil.
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Full netbook can be found on the following website
In the Eternal Pit of Hell, there is nothing that does not serve the promotion of organized Evil. Whether it is war, meaningless toil, wealth, sex, hunger, nature, or the need to improve, all things can find their dark side in Hell. Of all the elements of existence warped by Hell, knowledge is perhaps the most affected. To many, the pursuit of knowledge has become an end unto itself. Knowledge for the sake of greater understanding or deeper Wisdom has caused many, mortal and immortal alike, to disregard the emotion, the value, of their pursuits. To these, emotion is a shackle that drags them down, limiting their ability to look objectively, coldly at what lies before them in order to learn more. Of course, many such seekers believe that what they are doing is, at the very least, beneficial to the rest of the Cosmos if not necessarily righteous. For the healer, new insights in strengthening the body without magic is far greater than caring about the annoying pleas of the test subject who undergoes excruciating pain in the name of knowledge. For the lawyer, who uncovers ways to manipulate the law to the benefit of his crooked client, never concerned about those who suffer from his client’s wiles. For the wizard who seeks to peer into the Realms Beyond, having no need for faith, companionship, compassion, or love as she seeks to ascend the pinnacle of Wisdom. To these, knowledge in pursuit of a greater, objective meaning is what drives them. For these, who seek to eliminate the lingering shackles of morality and light, Hell often opens its lusting maw, wherein countless others who likewise sought to know at the expense of loving now dwell. In Hell, in the endless expanse of cold, waits the lord of those who seek to know and abandon light in their goal. In the freezing depths of Cania, they too late realize the fallacy of their pursuits, the sophistry in their arguments. The see that in seeking to gain, they have done nothing but lost. Yet, in Cania they find that their patron, powerful though he may be, is no better than they in this regard.Like his victims and servants, Mephistopheles, the Lord of the Eighth, in the depths of his damned heart knows naught but loss.
Mephistopheles Lord of the Eighth | |
Arch-Duke of Cania | |
Wizard 10/Loremaster 20/Archmage 5 | |
Large outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Symbol | A stylized, diabolical dark-blue head encased in a silver diamond on an inverted black triangle. |
Cosmic Rank | 16 (19 in Cania) |
Hit Dice | 53d8 + 25d4 + 1,056 (1,620 hp) |
Initiative | +17 (+13 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 120 ft, Fly 250 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 79 (+13 Dexterity, +34 natural, +13 deflection, +9 profane, +1 Dodge, -1 size), touch 45, flatfooted 66 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +70/+86 |
Attack | Cold Soul +89 melee (2d6+26 plus 2d6 unholy plus 3d6 elemental/x3 plus 9d6 elemental and 3 negative levels); or claw +81 melee (4d6+12); or wing +81 melee (2d6+6); or spell +82 melee touch or +83 ranged touch |
Full Attack | Cold Soul +89/+84/+79/+74 melee (2d6+26 plus 2d6 unholy plus 3d6 elemental /x3 plus 9d6 elemental and 3 negative levels); or 2 claws +81 melee (4d6+12) and 2 wings +76 melee (2d6+6); or spell +82 melee touch or +83 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 10 ft. /10 ft. |
Special Attacks | Aura of Hell, call devils, Cold Shoulder, Hell’s Fire, Might of Hell, Soul Freeze, spell-like abilities, spells, Spiritual Desolation |
Special Qualities | Abomination traits, Blindsight 500 ft., Damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, Diabolical Decree, Diabolical Empowerment, Diabolical Prowess, divine immunities, Dread Secret, greater lore, high arcana (arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping, spell power), immunity to fire and poison, Infernal Pact, Lord of the Nine, lore, regeneration 24, resistance to acid 40 and cold 40, secrets (applicable knowledge, dodge trick, secret knowledge of avoidance, secret of inner strength, the lore of true stamina), Spell Resistance 79, Stoic Spellcaster, telepathy 1,000 ft., true lore |
Saves | Fort+59, Ref +60, Will +57 |
Abilities | Strength 34, Dexterity 36, Constitution 35, Intelligence 53, Wisdom 30, Charisma 36 |
Skills | Appraise +97 (+107 alchemical items), Balance +41, Bluff +89, Climb +37, Concentration +108, Craft (alchemy) +117, Craft (bookbinding) +77, Craft (calligraphy) +77, Decipher Script +117, Diplomacy +95, Disguise +13 (+21 when acting in character) Escape Artist +43, Gather Information +84, Hide +42, Intimidate +107, Jump +41, Knowledge (arcana) +127, Knowledge (geography) +90, Knowledge (history) +117, Knowledge (nature) +85, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +95, Knowledge (local [the Nine Hells]) +117, Knowledge (the planes) +117, Knowledge (religion) +117, Listen +70, Move Silently +43, Perform (oratory) +53, Search +97, Sense Motive +96, Spellcraft +135 (+145 for scrolls), Spot +81, Survival +40, Swim +37, Tumble +39, Use Magic Device +99 (+119 for scrolls). |
Feats | Chain Spell, Corrupt Spell-like AbilityB, Corrupt Spell, Craft Magic Arms and Armour , Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Dark SpeechB, Delay Spell, Empower Spell, Energy Admixture (cold), Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Maximize Spell, Repeat Spell, Silent Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (all)B, Still Spell, Twin Spell, Violate Spell. |
Epic Feats | Craft Epic Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Enhance Spell, Epic Evil Brand B, Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Multispell (x6). |
Environment | Mephistar, Cania, the Eighth of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) |
Challenge Rating | 66 |
Treasure | Cold Soul, quintuple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |

Mephistopheles is the quite possibly the most powerful of the Lords of the Nine after Asmodeus. Within Hellish lore, it is often said that he is the oldest as well. According to frigid dirges occasionally sung in Cania, the Lord of Darkness was said to have risen deepest and first in the pit among the malefircareim. The very same songs claim that he was the first to gather others to him in a bid to cast down lesser hellspawn. He was Verrier’s most terrible rival and, according to the songs, would have cast down Hell’s Pawn had not Lucifer appeared. The greatest of intellect among the hellspawn, Mephistopheles did not prove to be the wisest as he was prepared to battle against the Lightbringer. However, the power of The Overlord overwhelmed him and forced him to his knees with a choice – eternal oblivion or serve under but one other. The Arch-Duke of Cania selected the latter option and, in doing so, he became the first to receive his own layer, the first to be served by various Dukes of Hell and other lesser devils, and the first to condemn mortals to Hell. He was the first to openly challenge The Overlord of Hell for the Serpent’s Throne and the first to fail. He is also the first and only one of the Lords and probably all of Perdition to recognize that, in the grand scheme of things, nothing matters and that in the darkness in which he and his peers dwell, nothing ever will. And, like the fool he knows himself to be, Mephistopheles strives to create meaning by seeking out a deeper meaning in the organized Evil he serves, all the while knowing that this knowledge cannot and will never exist.
Mephistopheles is a cold-hearted tyrant. Utterly merciless, he is almost completely devoid of emotion and spends as much of his time computing, experimenting, reading, and studying as possible. When not engaged in these activities, he seeks out mortals that lust for power and knowledge or else initiates a new plot to cast down his rival Beelzebub or overthrow his hated master, Asmodeus. One thing Mephistopheles never does is consider how pointless his pursuits are or consider the darkness that has gnawed his soul for as long as he can remember. To do so, he unconsciously knows, will cause him to descend into the despair that he just barely keeps at bay. One could say that all of what Mephistopheles does is to ignore the darkness that he sees hovering just beyond his gaze. His dedication to knowing, to understanding, is utterly empty of compassion and Wisdom and it is due to this that Mephistopheles shall eternally find no solace through his great mind. Still, as a paragon of Hell, Mephistopheles cannot help but become embroiled in the intrigue and violence of the Pit and few have ever bested him.
During the rule of Lucifer the Satan, Mephistopheles was very open and aggressive with his desire to rule Hell. He concocted countless plots to bring about Lucifer’s downfall and was among the first Lords approached by Asmodeus when it was clear that the flames of Hell were about to change. However, Asmodeus betrayed Mephistopheles and took the Serpent’s Throne for himself. Although Mephistopheles still does not hide his ambition, he is far more subtle about his goals and desires. He remembers how Asmodeusmanipulated and used him to achieve his power, and he has seen the likes of Adrammelek, Astaroth, and Sammael removed from their lordships by The Overlord of Hell, and quietly fears that such a fate could happen to him if he is not more careful.
It was this new discretion that saved Mephistopheles from being overthrown in the not too distant past. For untold centuries, the pit fiends and some Dukes of Hell that lived in the Eighth challenged Mephistopheles, as they were well aware of his desire for Asmodeus‘ throne and the political weakness this created for their Lord. Their interference and intrigue cost him dearly as he tread carefully to maintain Cania lest some arch-devil or other Lord of the Nine decided to take advantage of Mephistopheles’ tentative control. Eventually, such a devil did indeed appear, one Duke Molikroth. In short order, Molikroth overthrew Mephistopheles with the help of the pit fiends and a few Dukes of Hell. For a time Molikroth ruled until, upon hosting a grand celebration with his accomplices, he revealed that he was truly Mephistopheles. With the proof of their insurrection revealed, the few who continued to be loyal to the Lord of Cold overcame the traitors who have since disappeared from Cania.
The success of this plot temporarily bolstered Mephistopheles, who eagerly pushed his rivalry with Beelzebub to its limits. It could be argued that Mephistopheles was responsible for the beginning of the Dies Irae for without his increased aggression against the Lord of the Flies, it may never have started. In any event, Mephistopheles’ actions in the Dies Irae cost him almost everything. Like most of the other Lords, Mephistopheles was allowed to maintain his status as Regent and now concentrates most of his internecine interests exclusively against Beelzebub and, on occasion, Leviathan, as he seeks more subtle means to address his hated master. Indeed, Mephistopheles has redoubled his efforts to increase his supply of powerful souls, believing that he may find the means to rid himself of his diabolical enemies
through their power.
Mephistopheles Cult

Among mortals, Mephistopheles is best known for his temptation of powerful, brilliant men and women. Two of the tales that have spread across the Cosmos revolve around Theophelus and Faust. In both cases, the Lord of Loss was summoned to the mortal coil by these powerful men, both wizards. In both cases, Mephistopheles agreed to broaden their intellects in return for their souls after a certain period of time. And in both cases, Mephistopheles’ gifts corrupted their souls and destroyed their mortal lives. However, their ends were not identical. In Theophelus’ case, the great wizard overcame his despair and set aside aside his pride even as he fell in love with a poor woman (called Gretchen by some and Margaret by others). These acts of contrition and his willingness to make right the wrongs he caused in his pursuit of cold knowledge allowed Theophelus to atone for his sins and, upon his death bed, a wrought Mephistopheles was denied his prize – Theophelus’ soul – by the presence of Theophelus’ world’s god of justice and mercy. However, most of Mephistopheles’ contracts end in a manner similar to that of Faust. While Theophelus abandoned pride and despair, Faust – having seen the depths of Hell and balking at the limitation of righteousness – embraced his despair and continued to seek knowledge, although all too soon even what he knew failed to please him. In his world, Faust would die alone and in terrible agony, his body found in neatly stacked pieces in his castle chamber, ice and snow covering the entirety of the room. Most know the lesson of deals with devils and deals with Mephistopheles are among the most deadly. Still, these tales have not stopped those seeking to expand their minds from calling on the Lord of Darkness.
Mephistopheles is probably the Lord most frequently called to the mortal coil and the Lord personally responsible for casting the most souls into Perdition. He values knowing for knowing grants understanding which leads to the ability to control which in turns leads to power. Mephistopheles caters to those who have scorned physical strength (and were perhaps abused by it) and seek to bring Creation to its knees through their understanding. Of course, many would be servants of Mephistopheles fail to recognize this aspect of their being. To be sure, there are many that pursue knowledge for other ends, who truly wish to make the life better for others, who are filled with love or at least compassion, recognizing that the reason to know is to improve the soul. Yet, those that fall to Mephistopheles way of thinking are not interested in their souls. They are interested strictly in their minds and their ability to impose their minds on others. Yes, many believe that they are driven to know because they can make lives better, but they will not offer those they deem as lessers a choice in accepting their discoveries for such are too ignorant and stupid to recognize that they have no idea what is good and right for them. All those of this mind are unwitting servants of the Lord of Loss, unwitting servants of Hell.
Between searching for more mortals to damn, Mephistopheles does little more than study and pursue greater knowledge and power. Within Hell, the Arch-Duke of Cania is feared and hated more than any other Lord save Asmodeus, his cold countenance and frigid arrogance having insulted everyone. Still, there are a few that are willing to tolerate the Cold Lord’s insufferable arrogance from time to time. Chief among these is the Lord of the Second, Dispater. Of all the Lords, Mephistopheles and Dispater have the closest relationship and are fairly loyal to each other. Still, Mephistopheles can barely tolerate his brother’s lethargy and cowardice and only deals with him when necessary. The Lord of No Mercy rarely finds a reason to deal with lesser nobles beyond his court, although he has a mild and growing interest in the Prince of Hell. While Mephistopheles could care less about Lixer himself, he suspects that the Emperor Scion’s knowledge of necromancy would be extremely useful in his hands. So far, Mephistopheles has allowed a chilled diplomatic relationship to form between him and the Prince as he considers how he could get away with consuming Lixer and his knowledge without raising Asmodeus’ ire. Beyond Hell, Mephistopheles has passing acquaintances with gods and cosmic entities of knowledge. He counts none of them as allies, but quite a few as rivals and foes. He loathes Mystra (in all of her incarnations) as he has yet to uncover the secrets behind her control of her world’s Weave, which he believes if duplicated in Hell would catapult him to the bottom of Nessus. He finds no cause to begin an enmity with Boccob, although his stoics have often run awry of the Uncaring’s servants. Within The Abyss, Mephistopheles has no allies and counts all of the ravening hordes as foes although he holds a special hatred for Diabolus, a former servant that robbed him millennia ago. He also detests Grazzt, who stands as his evil antithesis. While Mephistopheles scorns emotion and physical lust in his pursuit of knowledge, Grazzt offers both knowledge and sex to those who would accept his embrace. It is unknown whether these two evil creatures have ever met in person, but if such a day ever arrives, it will be a dreadful one. Although he claims that The Wastes have little to offer him or his servants, Mephistopheles has secretly wondered if he would find kindred spirits in the plane of despair. Since Mydianchlarus took the Siege Malicious and became The Oinodaemon, Mephistopheles has contemplated establishing a secret alliance but has yet to do anything for fear of what happened to Sammael happening to him.
It is within Hell that Mephistopheles finds his most hated foes. One of his greatest is Leviathan, the selfstyled Prince of Stygia. Since the time that the Eternal Traitor originally ruled the Fifth Perdition, he has mocked Mephistopheles by taking cold as one of his totems. Furthermore, not only does Leviathan seek to overthrow Asmodeus, he has also routinely sabotages Mephistopheles’ plots. Since the Prince’s return, the Lord of Loss has filled Stygia with many spies and does all he can to stymie Leviathan’s attempts to escape his icy prison. Yet, while Mephistopheles hates Leviathan, his true loathing is reserved for Beelzebub and the feeling is mutual. These two devils have hated each other since the latter’s arrival in Hell untold millennia ago. It was this rivalry that led (at least in part) to the Dies Irae, and many scholars believe that if there is a change in Hell, it will be due to the machinations carried out by either or both of them. Mephistopheles’ cold hatred for the former seraph stems from a variety of factors. On the surface, Beelzebub and his ilk brought offensive change to Hell. The only changes Mephistopheles wishes to see are those which he institutes; to have these upstarts appear and so quickly transform the face of Hell (and to do so with such success, no less) is an insult Mephistopheles claims to be unable to abide. Furthermore, Mephistopheles has always known that Beelzebub desired the Serpent’s Throne for himself, a desire Mephistopheles fears could undo him. In order to combat his rival, Mephistopheles has established alliances with other “true” devils, chief among them Dispater. He also maintains contacts with deposed Lords like Geryon and Sammael. Although he does not trust him, Mephistopheles is considering the strategic advantage having Bael as an ally would bring and may eventually succumb to the Pretender’s overtures for alliance. However, these rationalizations for his enmity with Beelzebub are utterly false. In a truth Mephistopheles is barely subconsciously aware of, the Lord of No Mercy sees how pervasive despair is if it can cast down one as formerly good as Beelzebub. The fear of this being a universal truth deepens Mephistopheles’ own meaninglessness and forces him to confront it. It could be said that, aside from his pursuit of the Serpent’s Throne, the Lord of Loss’ war with Beelzebub is the only thing that keeps him from destroying himself.

It must be wondered why, if Mephistopheles finds nothing but despair in his quest for knowledge, he seeks to take the throne of The Overlord. The truth is, while in the depths of his being he knows otherwise, Mephistopheles hopes that the pinnacle of organized Evil will grant him the answers to his questions. Mephistopheles believes that he can make a reality of the illusion of meaning that Asmodeus and his predecessor provided if he sat on the Serpent’s Throne. It is unclear if Mephistopheles has given much thought to the tremendous power both Asmodeus and Lucifer have exhibited. Just as he knows how meaningless his evil is deep in his subconscious, it is probable that Mephistopheles has long since realized that he has no chance of ever defeating Asmodeus and that the current Lord of the Ninth and Lucifer are one and the same. However, as overthrowing Asmodeus is the means to his assuming the ability to truly give meaning to Evil, Mephistopheles continues to lie to himself about this as he has about many other things. Asmodeus is fully aware of Mephistopheles’ struggle; after all, The Overlord himself knows that what he represents is an illusion to give meaning to meaninglessness. Asmodeus allows Mephistopheles to exist because the Lord of Loss is the pinnacle of what corrupt knowledge in the name of an illusion represents. Besides, Asmodeus feels that allowing Mephistopheles to die would be a release for the Lord of the Eighth and he much prefers seeing his oldest child and servant suffering.
Mephistopheles Appearance
Mephistopheles is perhaps the most classically diabolical of the Lords of the Nine. Nine feet tall, Mephistopheles has long horns jutting from his forehead, over his slanted, glowing ice-blue eyes. His body is almost always covered in grandly elaborate and flowing pristine white robes and capes (studded with diamonds), concealing his slender, but athletically built, utterly blue-black body. He sports two massive, dragon-like wings, and his long hands end in hooked talons. A frigid mist surrounds his body; small plants have been known to perish from frost in his passing. Mephistopheles speaks with a chilling whisper, his breath escaping with frigid plumes of smoke. It is said that Mephistopheles has never laughed and that the only time he shows any emotion is when a plot of his failed, unleashing a blizzard of rage, or on the rare occasion a chilled smirk cracks his face when he damns a soul to Hell.
Mephistopheles in Combat

Mephistopheles hates fighting. Although he is not a coward, he finds hand-to-hand combat barbaric and lacking any sense of decorum or style. However, if it is obvious that fisticuffs are necessary, Mephistopheles does not hesitate to bloody his claws.
Mephistopheles will begin every combat with Spiritual Desolation, seeking to eliminate as much competition as possible. Then, he will call on his Aura of Hell and his Might of Hell (usually attached to dispel magic). From there he will cast greater dispel magic, Reaving Dispel, or mage’s disjunction on his adversaries, depending on what he has prepared. He will then unleash a salvo of Hell’s Fire along with corrupted delayed blast fireball, polar ray, and meteor swarms. Mephistopheles will often convert his elemental spells to the cold descriptor with his mastery of elements; if his foes resist cold, he will select whichever element he believes will be most effective. Against foes that seem particularly difficult to affect with cold spells, the Lord of No Mercy is quick to unleash his first taste of winter upon them followed by Mephistopheles Frore Blast. His incredible Intelligence allows Mephistopheles to determine the most dangerous threat quickly, and he likes to concentrate on one foe at a time if at all possible. If it becomes clear that he is actually taking substantial damage (if he loses ¼ of his hit points), Mephistopheles will call 18 gelugons and instruct them to summon more devils. If he feels it necessary to retreat, Mephistopheles will always call 18 more gelugons before greater teleporting away to safety; there is a 25% chance that he will Soul Freeze a group’s most powerful spellcaster, believing that for any group to come so close to defeating him, such a prisoner may have information he could use in his desire to overthrow Asmodeus.
Aura of Hell (Ex): Mephistopheles’ Aura of Hell can affect all creatures within 900 feet of him, with a Will save DC 67 allowed to negate the effects.
Call Devils (Sp):As a move equivalent action, Mephistopheles can call devils. Nine times a day, Mephistopheles may call a Duke of Hell, 9 pit fiends, or 18 lesser devils; devils so called have triple standard Hit Dice, to a maximum of 45 Hit Dice. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their Monster Manual descriptions allow. Mephistopheles detests physical confrontations and is certainly not interested in fair fights, so he will begin calling devils as soon as he loses ¼ of his hit points. Although he has managed to quell the pit fiend uprisings in Cania, Mephistopheles still harbors no trust for these devils, so he is unlikely to call on their aid. He prefers gelugons to all other devils.
Cold Shoulder (Ex): Mephistopheles enjoys making his servants, clients, and other fools suffer the same kind of desolation he suffers. Any creature engaged in some manner of official business with Mephistopheles, whether through his Dread Secret, Horrific Secret, Infernal Pact, or some other contract, runs the risk of suffering from the Cold Shoulder. During the time of the contract or up to eight days after the contract ends, Mephistopheles can cause, as a standard action, his client to exude an odd enchantment that causes the client’s friends and loved-ones to quickly despise him. When Mephistopheles issues a Cold Shoulder, the client receives a Will save DC 66 as he feels the air around him chill (the client may cast or have cast divination magic to determine if he’s been enchanted; determining the enchantment requires a Spellcraft check DC 66 and another Spellcraft check DC 75 to determine the precise nature of the curse). When the client encounters a friend or loved one for the first time after Cold Shoulder takes effect, he receives a Will save DC 66. If he fails, the loved-one’s attitude immediately becomes Indifferent. Each day afterward, a new save is allowed; when failed, the attitude reduces by one rank. When the attitude reaches Hostile, the loved-one will attack the client or else find the means to bring harm to him. The only way to eliminate Cold Shoulder is to abandon Mephistopheles as described in the accompanying special abilities or, in the case of some other contract, to have Atonement cast by a 31st level good cleric and to successfully complete a quest in the service of a good cause. Thereafter, the client must make successful Diplomacy checks against a DC of 20 each day to move the attitude of his loved-one (s) in the positive direction. Mephistopheles can make only one Cold Shoulder attempt on a client per contract, which is why most of his arrangements have multiple, separate clauses attached.
Diabolical Empowerment: Mephistopheles uses his Intelligence modifier for determining the save DCs of his special attacks.
Dread Secret (Ex): Up to 9/day as a move equivalent action, Mephistopheles can reveal a Dread Secret to those with whom he’s established an Infernal Pact. Essentially, Mephistopheles grants his ‘client’ a +2 bonus to any one ability score, saving throw, attack (with one type of weapon only), or skill per request by sharing with them some dreaded, mysterious secret about the Cosmos (these bonuses stacks with any other bonus, but should be considered a temporary modifier). For the first three bonuses, the ‘client’s’ Will save decreases by 1 point each. For the next three bonuses, the victims Will save modifier decreases by 2 points each. For the remaining three bonuses, the Will save modifier decreases by 3 points each. These penalties are a result of the hideous nature of the secrets Mephistopheles shares as he reveals ‘truths’ about Creation no being has the right to know. The victim, impressed with his newfound knowledge, never notices his soul slowly slipping into Perdition. The penalties are calculated separately and kept from the victim; furthermore, they apply only when dealing with Mephistopheles or the servants of the Lord of the Eighth. Once the victim has used all 9 bonuses, he is immediately required to make a Will save DC 66 or be affected by Spiritual Desolation. Even if the victim never succumbs to Mephistopheles’ Dread Secret, so long as he retains the benefits, he will suffer the Will save modifier penalty and be forced to save against the Spiritual Desolation every nine days. The only way to eliminate the penalty is to have Atonement cast by a 31st level good cleric and to successfully complete a quest in service of a good cause. Upon successful Atonement and completion of the quest, the victim regains his Will save modifier and loses the ability bonuses. paladin’s who take advantage of Dread Secret lose their class features upon taking the fourth bonus; clerics with access to the Good or Chaos domains lose access to said domains and domain powers upon taking the third bonus.
Hell’s Fire (Su): Mephistopheles may use Hell’s Fire 24/day, a ten-foot wide line of diabolical energy dealing 24d12 points of damage, up to 2,100 feet away. Victims caught in the blast may Reflex save DC 66 for half damage. Mephistopheles’ Hell’s Fire appears like shards of razor-sharp ice surrounded by a freezing mist.
Infernal Nobility (Ex): As the Lord of the Eighth, Mephistopheles has a status equivalent to that of the gods. Mephistopheles possesses a cosmic rank of 16. While in Cania (and anywhere else on Hell that Asmodeus allows), Mephistopheles functions as a greater god with a cosmic rank of 19.
Infernal Pact (Ex): Mephistopheles can draft a Pact with anyone who calls him or an official intermediary empowered by him. When this Pact is formed, the client promises to provide anything Mephistopheles wants at any time after the Lord of the Eighth has provided said client with three wishes. Mephistopheles is willing to draft and sign all manner of documents to make this official so long as the victim verbally accepts the stipulation that he will provide the Lord with anything he wants later. These wishes are actually akin to the salient divine ability Alter Reality, granting the client precisely what he asked for. Although most beings expect Mephistopheles to try and corrupt the request, he usually does not because he is more interested in the aftermath than the present situation (especially when dealing with a Lawful Evil client). Each time a wish is granted, the victim suffers a -9 profane penalty to their Will save modifier (as with Dread Secret, these penalties apply only when dealing with Mephistopheles and his servants). As soon as Mephistopheles grants the three wishes, the victim is struck by Spiritual Desolation and the fruits of the wishes slowly and naturally dissolve. On a successful save, the victim must make another Will save every day there after, the penalty increasing by one each day. The only way to avoid this fate is for good cleric of at least 31st level to intercede on the victim’s behalf. If the god deems it worth its while, it can attempt to wrest control of the victim’s soul from Mephistopheles’ grasp. The victim must undergo all of the same challenges, Atonement, and quest of Dread Secret, the stacking Will penalties stalled for nine days. If the victim cannot accomplish the quest in this time frame, he instantly dies and is sent to Hell’s eighth layer. Those who do not fight against the end result of Infernal Pact are usually met by Mephistopheles himself, who rips the person’s body limb from limb by means of his arcane arts, his face a study in stoicism all the while, before returning to Hell with his prize: the victim’s immortal soul. Note that for the purposes of claiming such a victim’s soul, Mephistopheles is able to enter the Prime and ignore the usual restriction of being Locked Behind the Gates.
The Might of Hell (Su): Mephistopheles’ presence is so terrible that he can corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Thrice per day as a free action, Mephistopheles’ may unhallow an area equal to 1,590 feet.
Soul Freeze (Su): Mephistopheles values the power of souls. There are few things that give him more pleasure than condemning mortal and some immortal souls to torment in Hell. On occasion, though, Mephistopheles requires that mortals to do his bidding and sometimes has to offer the proper motivation for their utmost performance. Three times per day, Mephistopheles can call on Soul Freeze. Mephistopheles can target any one creature with his Soul Freeze; any creature with divine rank 1 or greater cannot be affected, but must make a save or be banished to its home plane for 8 days. Those who fail the Will save (DC 66) feel an indescribable coldness as their soul is sucked from their body and deposited into Mephistopheles’ clawed hand in the form of an ice-covered diamond. This ability essentially functions as a Trap the soul with the following modifications. First, the being is still alive in their body. They suffer neither level loss nor any adverse affect (unless Mephistopheles so wills it; see below). Second, although he cannot compel the actions of those whose soul he has stolen in this fashion, Mephistopheles can instantly kill their physical body and keep their soul trapped in the diamond. Two results occur if the diamond is smashed. First, if the being is still alive, he dies instantly (no save) but his soul is freed and travels to the appropriate Realm Beyond unless the body was in Hell at the time, in which case the soul is trapped in Hell as a petitioner in the Lake of Fire on Phlegethon (Phlegethos). If the being is dead when the diamond is smashed, the soul is released into Cania where the soul is subject to Mephistopheles’ terrible whims. Mephistopheles apparently has no limit to the number of souls he can freeze, but he does not use this power lightly for reasons he stoically equates with ‘honor.’ Mephistopheles often sells the souls to night hags, powerful liches, and other vile entities. The diamonds are worth 1000 gold pieces for every Hit Dice/class level possessed by the trapped soul. The diamonds shatter as normal diamonds.
Spell-like Abilities:
- At will – animate dead, baleful polymorph, blasphemy, blur, charm monster, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, detect chaos, detect good, detect magic, dominate monster, flame strike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, hallucinatory terrain, hold person, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, pyrotechnics, read magic, restoration, resurrection, scrying, suggestion, symbol of pain, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire;
- 9/day – clairaudience/clairvoyance, destruction, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, discern location, divination, find the path, firestorm, foresight, greater restoration, Legend Lore, meteor swarm, true resurrection, true seeing;
- 6/day- accursed, hellball, oppress, tyranny;
- 3/day- wish.
Caster Level 78th, save DC 40 + spell level. Mephistopheles also casts spells from the Knowledge Domain; these are included in the list above.
Spells (Wizard): Spells per day : 4/10/9/9/9/8/7/6/7/8/4/4/4/4/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2; base DC 41 + spell level.
Caster level 84th.
As one of the oldest of the original Lords of the Nine, Mephistopheles has access to all wizard spells in the Player’s Handbook and any other source the DM chooses, including many as yet unfound by mortals. Mephistopheles prefers spells that cause a numbing cold in his victims.
Typical Spells Prepared:
- 0- Mending, Open/Close, Preserve Organ, Prestidigitation;
- 1st – Alarm, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, Hold Portal, Magic Aura, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Good, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism; Evoc
- 2nd – Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Darkbolt, Knock, Phantom Trap, Shatter, violated magic missile, Whispering Wind, Wither Limb;
- 3rd – Blink,Gaseous Form, Haste, Keen Edge, Reality Blind, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, violated Darkbolt;
- 4th – Arcane Eye, bestow curse, Black Tentacles, Dimension Door,Ice Storm, maximized magic missile, Psychic Poison, Stoneskin, Wrack;
- 5th – corrupted violated lightning bolt, dismissal, false vision, hold monster, improved blink, nightmare, passwall, telekinesis;
- 6th- disintegrate, False Sending, Fiendish Quickening, flesh to stone, maximized lightning bolt, maximized violated Darkbolt, mislead;
- 7th-corrupted maximized violated Darkbolt, corrupted violated cone of cold, forcecage, mass hold person, maximized Grim Revenge, spell turning;
- 8th-maze, mind blank, moment of prescience, protection from spells, repeating Stop Heart, reverse gravity, soul’s treasure lost;
- 9th-corrupted violated delayed blast fireball, Foresight, hindsight CA, imprisonment, maximized disintegrate, mind rape, superior invisibility CA, Utterdark;
- 10th-corrupt silent violated delayed blast fireball, corrupted violated polar ray, maximized violated disintegrate, silent still Bestow Greater Curse;
- 11th-corrupted violated meteor swarm, maximized horrid wilting, maximized polar ray, silent still mage’s disjunction;
- 12th – maximized meteor swarm, maximized time stop, repeating mage’s disjunction, repeating Reaving Dispel CA;
- 13th – corrupted delayed violated polar ray, corrupted enlarged maximized violated delayed blast fireball, delayed violated meteor swarm, twinned sphere of ultimate destruction CA;
- 14th – delayed maximized polar ray, intensified violated disintegrate, empowered maximized time stop;
- 15th – delayed maximized meteor swarm, heightened wail of the banshee, intensified violated delayed blast fireball;
- 16th – delayed maximized violated meteor swarm, intensified energy drain, intensified time stop;
- 17th – corrupted intensified meteor swarm, corrupted intensified violated polar ray, intensified silent energy drain;
- 18th – corrupted intensified violated meteor swarm, intensified twinned delayed blast fireball;
- 19th – chained maximized twinned violated polar ray, intensified twinned polar ray;
- 20th – intensified twinned violated polar ray, intensified twinned energy drain;
- 21st- heightened wail of the banshee, intensified twinned violated meteor swarm.
Epic Spells: 8 per day. Epic spells known: accursed, animus blast, animus blizzard, cold anchor to the soul, condemn, create living vault, damnation, demise unseen, dreamscape, enslave, epic counterspell, epic dimension door, epic dispel magic, epic repulsion, esoteric aegis, eternal freedom, first taste of winter, greater epic mage armor, greater ruin, hellball, kinetic control, Leonars thaumaturgic boost, lord of nightmares, lure of loquacity, Mephistopheles’ frore blast, miasma of hatred, momento mori, nailed to the sky, raise island, ruin, soul hold, soul scry, tyranny.
Mephistopheles has access to additional epic spells beyond this list; the actual extent of his knowledge of epic magic is unknown.
Spiritual Desolation (Su): Thrice per day, Mephistopheles has the ability to reveal to others the insignificance of their beliefs and faith against the darkness of cold, orderly logic. With a chilling glance, Mephistopheles can cause feelings of intense inferiority and hopelessness to all within 1600 feet of him if they fail a Will save (DC 66). Those who fail initially obey simple demands issued by Mephistopheles or those in the Arch Duke’s command in a manner similar to a suggestion spell. If there are no foes present, there is a 25% chance that the victim proves unable to take any action except to hold its ground. If the victim remains free to act, there is a 25% chance it retreats from the site where it failed its save at normal speed. In either case, the victim can defend normally if attacked. If the victim is not killed by Mephistopheles or one of his servants, the feeling of insignificance lasts for 24 hours. After this time elapses, the victim is allowed an additional Will save (DC 66) with a penalty based upon the amount by which they failed their initial save (i.e. if the victim failed the save by 20, the second save would be against DC 86). One of two events occurs if the victim fails again. There is a 50% chance that the victim will commit suicide, renouncing his god or faith, and paying homage to Mephistopheles who revealed to him the truth of life’s meaninglessness without a cold, orderly heart. Such victims, upon their death, are consigned to the Eighth Perdition. The other half swear allegiance to Mephistopheles in life, taking on the Soulsworn feat at that moment and pursuing whatever goals Mephistopheles or his accomplices command. Mephistopheles cannot use Spiritual Desolation on those he is not actively engaged with in some kind of immediate conflict, be it physical, magical, or mental. Scholars believe that Mephistopheles’s source of this power is his own sense of meaninglessness.
Stoic Spellcaster (Su): Mephistopheles is without doubt the greatest practitioner of the arcane arts within Hell. His untold millennia of mastery of The Word grant him access to levels of magic that rivals the gods. Mephistopheles automatically gains access to spells over 9th level as befits his station and Intelligence he gains one base spell slot per day at each spell level above 9th in which he would receive bonus spell from his Intelligence score (he also gains those bonus spell slots). In addition, his spells are more difficult to resist – he gains a virtual Spell Focus feat for all schools of magic. Furthermore, Mephistopheles automatically gains the benefits of the Quicken Spell feat upon all spells he casts. For the purposes of his Lore ability, he uses his total caster level to determine the bonus (usually +115).
Mephistopheles’ power also waxes in those areas of extreme cold, whether literal or emotional. In any area where the temperature is below 30 degrees Fahrenheit or where at least nine individuals within 160 feet are emotionally distant (such as those suffering from Mephistopheles’s Cold Shoulder ability), Mephistopheles gains a +9 bonus to his caster level and the save DCs of his spells.
Finally, Mephistopheles has long since discovered knowledge that allows him to spontaneously cast arcane spells (i.e. he does not need to prepare spells ahead of time). While this knowledge does not allow him to spontaneously apply metamagic feats (such spells require that he prepare them in advance), he can spontaneously convert any number of prepared spells into other arcane spells as a standard action (thus an empowered polar ray could be converted into an imprisonment spell).
Cold Soul:
This beautifully crafted ranseur appears to be made from a single shard of crystal, its surface covered with elegantly carved runes. Each tip glows, the sides like flame or electricity, the center a nimbus of cold mist. Mephistopheles rarely uses Cold Soul in combat, preferring to use it as a symbol of his status as Lord of the Eighth. Cold Soul is a +8 , unholy, souldrinking, ranseur of elemental blasting. It deals 1d6 points each of cold, electricity, and fire damage, or 3d6 points of each on a critical hit.
On a critical hit, one must succeed in a Fortitude save (DC 66) or die. Those slain in this manner have their souls trapped in one of the eight gems that decorate the weapon. Each gem can hold 80 souls. Souls provide the weapon with 10 charges per HD of the soul.
Mephistopheles can draw out the knowledge and experience of the souls within Cold Soul. For every 10 souls within the weapon, Mephistopheles receives a +1 insight bonus to all his Knowledge and Spellcraft checks. When the gems are full, which they usually are, this grants him a +64 bonus to each (these bonuses are not included in his stat block).
By expending a charge, Mephistopheles can negate 100 xp or 1000 gp of a component cost or 1d6 points of backlash damage when casting spells (particularly epic spells). He may also expend a charge to gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks to penetrate Spell Resistance.
By expending a number of charges equal to the spell level increase, Mephistopheles may apply a metamagic feat to any spell he casts. For instance, if he were to expend three charges, he could maximize a spell without having prepared it as such. He may only apply metamagic that he actually knows to his spells in this manner.
By expending a number of charges equal to twice the spell level, Mephistopheles can cast a spell without using the spell slot for the day. He must still have the spell in his memory to do so. For instance, if Mephistopheles had prepared a fireball as one of his third level spells, he could expend 6 charges from Cold Soul to cast it and still retain his fireball spell in his mind.
By expending a number of charges equal to thrice the spell level, Mephistopheles can counter a spell cast within 800 feet of him. He need not have prepared a counter action to do so (he may act out of turn up to three times per round in this fashion), and the charges spent replace the need to use a specific spell for counterspelling purposes. Conversely, Mephistopheles may expend the same value in charges to prevent one of his spells from being countered. The caster who intends to counter his spell fails in the attempt (and losing the spell used for counterspelling purposes), but may make an immediate counter attempt provided he is able (i.e. has another spell appropriate for counterspelling). This action is resolved when the caster can or will not continue to expend spells to counter Mephistopheles’s, or when Mephistopheles can or will not continue to expend charges from Cold Soul. Mephistopheles can activate this power in response to a counter attempt – he need not do it beforehand.
There is no limit to the number of charges Mephistopheles can expend in a round other than the total number of charges within Cold Soul. Mephistopheles typically has 640 charges within Cold Soul. If there is a way to free the souls trapped within Cold Soul, no one, not even greater gods, has discovered it. Fortunately, Mephistopheles usually fills the ranseur with the souls of devils that angered or betrayed him (really, one and the same to the Arch-Duke of Cania).
Each negative level bestowed by the souldrinker power of Cold Soul provides ten temporary charges that last 24 hours if they are not used. Also, the souldrinker property works on creatures normally immune to energy drain, provided that Mephistopheles’s succeeds on an opposed rank check.
Possessions: As the Arch-Duke of Cania, Mephistopheles has access to the wealth of a dozen worlds. He has access to legions of major magic items, scores of minor artifacts, and at least a dozen major artifacts.
Summoning Mephistopheles

Mephistopheles has set very particular requirements for those seeking to summon him into the Prime; for all this, he is the one of the most frequently summoned of all the Lords of the Nine, especially by those who desire great power and knowledge irresponsible of the cost.
First, the Lord of Loss prefers to be summoned into the presence of only one mortal at a time. Secondary casters or invocants do not actually prevent the success of the summons, but must make a Fortitude save against DC 66 or else die of fright when Mephistopheles first appears. Such creatures immediately turn to ice statues, though their hearts turn to stone instead; mortal magic cannot reverse this effect.
Secondly, the room into which the Lord of No Mercy is summoned must be a stone chamber lacking both windows and heat sources. Only one door can provide entry to this room, and that door must be made of cold, clinical steel. Light is allowed so long as it sheds no warmth; alchemical mixtures providing alien glows have often been used. Fixtures in the room must be made of cold iron, and lead must replace silver in magic circles and the like (but to the same value). At eight points around the room, equidistant from each other, the symbol of Mephistopheles must be inscribed, each such inscription then surrounded by an additional eight symbols representing power borne of knowledge. These symbols are not readily available and require research costs of at least 72,000 gp (9,000 gp for each ‘additional’ symbol), with a successful Knowledge (Arcana) check against DC 33 demonstrating the success of that portion of the research. If a check is failed, that 9,000 gp portion of costs must be paid over and the check tried once again.
Finally, the temperature of the room must be below the freezing point of water.
When the final words of the summons are uttered, the entirety of the summoning chamber shudders. The stone of the floor splits asunder, ice quickly engulfing the edges of the rent with frigid steam blasting into the room. The Arch-Duke of Cania slowly rises from the pit, wrapped in chilling darkness and bearing a visage terrible to behold, composed of the stuff of nightmares and utterly devoid of hope or mercy. Although this is not his true form, it may well be the best reflection of what Mephistopheles really is as he breaches the wards between the Realities. So frightening is the experience for those that summon him that they must make a Will save against DC 66 or plead with Mephistopheles to appear in a less horrific form. Having tested the mettle of his summoner and, by this point, generally being alone with that creature – Mephistopheles coalesces into his ”normal’ form; whether the summoner was cowed by his appearance or not never seems to faze the stoic devil.
Mephistopheles is easy to bargain with in a sense. His immense power and knowledge allow him to give most anything that the client desires of him, and he readily offers what appears to be a generous fulfillment of his side of the terms. All he asks in return is that the client provides payment, at some future date, for the desires so granted; though he may dress his words well, he rarely spells out specifics for such payment, though there are some already beyond feeling and willing to surrender their souls in an effort to better define what is otherwise a meaningless existence.
Throughout the summons, the chamber becomes increasingly inhospitable. During the first two minutes, the room is considered to be cold; unprotected characters must make a Fortitude save DC 66 or suffer 1d6 points of cold damage each round. The room becomes severely cold during the third and fourth minutes of the summons, requiring that unprotected summoners to make a Fortitude save DC 66 or suffer 2d6 points of cold damage per round and 2 points of Constitution damage each minute; additionally, such creatures are considered slowed for the next 1d8 rounds. By the fifth and sixth minutes, the room is extremely cold, automatically dealing 2d6 points of damage each round and slowing characters for 1d10 rounds; characters are also required to make a Fortitude save DC 66 to avoid 4 points of Constitution damage each minute. Furthermore, characters in the chamber wearing metal armor or coming into contact with cold metal are affected as if by a chill metal spell. During the seventh and eighth minutes, the room is unearthly cold. All effects are doubled as described above. In the ninth and final minute, those in the chamber must succeed on a Fortitude save DC 66 each round; failure results in death. Mephistopheles has been known to resurrect those with whom he established an arrangement. Upon the Lord of Loss’s return to Cania, the cold effects reverse themselves minute-by-minute.
Once all has been arranged to the client’s (temporary) satisfaction, Mephistopheles floats out over the pit from whence he came, and then descends gradually into it, whilst the frigid steam swirls around him. When at last he disappears, the chasm which opened to allow him entry slams shut. Any secondary casters or invocants that had been transformed into ice and stone shatter at the impact.
Any creature (including the summoner) that lives through an audience with Mephistopheles must succeed on a Will save DC 66 or suffer the effects of Spiritual Desolation. If the summoner made an ‘arrangement’ with the Lord of the Eighth, he is temporarily immune to this effect.