Archdevil, Beelzebub (Baalzebul)

Beelzebub is the name of a one of the nine princes of Hell..
Apocryphal literature
Beelzebub claims to cause destruction through tyrants, to cause demons to be worshipped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause jealousies in cities and murders, and to bring on war.
Later accounts
Beelzebub is commonly described as placed high in Hell’s hierarchy; he was of the order of cherubim. Beelzebub led a successful revolt against Satan, and is the chief lieutenant of Lucifer, the Emperor of Hell, and presides over the Order of the Fly. Similarly, the 17th century exorcist Sebastien Michaelis, in his Admirable History (1612), placed Beelzebub among the three most prominent fallen angels, the other two being Lucifer and Leviathan, whereas two 18th century works identified an unholy trinity consisting of Beelzebub, Lucifer, and Astaroth. John Milton featured Beelzebub as seemingly the second-ranking of the many fallen cherubim in the epic poem Paradise Lost, first published in 1667. Wrote Milton of Beelzebub “than whom, Satan except, none higher sat.” Beelzebub is also a character in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, first published in 1678.
Sebastien Michaelis associated Beelzebub with the deadly sin of pride. However, according to Peter Binsfeld, Beelzebub was the demon of gluttony, one of the other seven deadly sins, whereas Francis Barrett asserted that Beelzebub was the prince of false gods. In any event, Beelzebub was frequently named as an object of supplication by confessed witches. After being accused by the Pharisees of possessing Jesus, he has also been held responsible for at one famous case of alleged devil activity occurred in Loudun involving a nun by the name of Sister Madeleine de Demandolx de la Palud who named one Father Jean-Baptiste Gaufridi as a bewitcher of young nuns. Beelzebub was also imagined to be sowing his influence in Salem, Massachusetts: his name came up repeatedly during the Salem witch trials, the last large-scale public expression of witch hysteria in North America or Europe, and afterwards Rev. Cotton Mather wrote a pamphlet entitled Of Beelzebub and his Plot.
In the aftermath of the Loudun possessions, as the priest Urbain Grandier was burnt at the stake, onlookers saw a fly appear and alleged it was Belzebub fetching his soul.
Lord of the Flies
Originally worshiped as a a God of the whose statue was constantly dripping with blood, attracting flies and thus he came to be known as “The Lord of the Flies.”
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Full netbook can be found on the following website
BEELZEBUB, Lord of the Seventh | |
The Lord of the Flies | |
Evangelist 5/Rogue 10/Shadowbane Stalker 20 | |
Huge outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fallen, Lawful) | |
Symbol | A crowned, dark green fly on an inverted, red triangle |
Cosmic Rank | 16 (19 in Malodomini) |
Hit Dice | 52d8 + 15d6 + 20d8 + 1131 (hp 1797) |
Initiative | +14 (+8 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative, +2 Quick Reconnoiter) |
Speed | 90 ft., Fly 200 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 73 (+21 deflection, +8 Dexterity, +27 natural, +9 profane, -2 size), touch 46, flat-footed 73 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +70/+93 |
Attack | Hand of Perfection + 83 melee (2d8+15 and rotting wrath); or spell +83 melee touch or +76 ranged touch |
Full Attack | Hand of Perfection + 83/+78/+73/+68 melee (2d8+15 and rotting wrath); or spell +83 melee touch or +76 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 15 ft. /15 ft. |
Special Attacks | Aura of Hell, call devils, Hell’s Fire, Might of Hell, Rotting Wrath, Song of Perfection, sacred strike, sneak attack +11d6, spell-like abilities, spells |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, Diabolical Decree, Diabolical Empowerment, Diabolical Prowess, fallen, fast talk, discover subterfuge +14, great orator (convert the unfaithful DC 36, inflame the righteous, inspire dread), immunity to fire and poison, improved uncanny dodge, Infernal Nobility, inspire allies, Locked Within the Gates, Lord of the Flies, Lord of the Nine, Lord of Lies, Master of the Web, opportunist, Price of Perfection, regeneration 26, resistance to acid 40 and cold 40, sacred defense, sacred stealth +12, see in darkness, skill mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Sense Motive), Spell Resistance 77, telepathy 1,000 ft., trapfinding, trap sense +3 |
Saves | Fort +58 (+62 vs petrification), Ref +53, Will +66 |
Abilities | Strength 40, Dexterity 26, Constitution 37, Intelligence 37, Wisdom 45, Charisma 52 |
Skills | Appraise +15 (+17 alchemical items, +17 carpentry, +19 sculptures), Bluff +123, Concentration +88, Craft (alchemy) +23, Craft (carpentry) +23, Craft (sculpture) +35, Decipher Script +33, Diplomacy +118 (+116 with good beings, +124 with evil beings), Disguise +61, Escape Artist +65, Forgery +35, Gather Information +123, Heal +24, Hide +59, Intimidate +98 (+105 against evil beings), Knowledge (Arcana) +78, Knowledge (Architecture and engineering) +38, Knowledge (Local [The Nine Hells]) +48, Knowledge (Local [The Seven Heavens]) +28, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +28, Knowledge (The planes) +98, Knowledge (Religion) +98, Listen +104, Move Silently +63, Perform (acting) +68, Perform (dance) +68, Perform (oratory) +68, Perform (sing) +65, Search +114 (+118 for secret doors), Sense Motive+123, Sleight of Hand +51, Spellcraft +96, Spot +114, Survival +17 (+27 on other planes, +27 following tracks), Use Magic Device +33 (+43 with scrolls), Use Rope +8 (+14 with bindings). |
Feats | Cleave, Corrupt Spell, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B, Craft Magic Arms and Armour , Craft Wondrous Item, Dark Speech B, Deceitful, Eschew Materials, Force of Personality, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Investigator, Leadership, Negotiator, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quicken Reconnoiter, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Silent Spell, Versatile Performer. |
Epic Feats | Automatic Silent Spell (x3), Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Epic Evil Brand B, Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Epic Skill Focus (Gather Information), Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate), Epic Skill Focus (Spot), Epic Spellcasting, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Multispell, Violate Spell. |
Environment | Malagard, Cocytus (Maladomini), Seventh of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Unique (Solitary) or troop (Beelzebub, 1 Duke of Hell, 1-12 cornugons, 2-24 osyluths) |
Challenge Rating | 65 |
Treasure | Quintuple Standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |

an illustration from the Henry Altemus edition of The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, published in 1678.
Illustrations by Frederick Barnard, J.D. Linton, W. Small, etc. Engraved by Dalziel Brothers.
Perfection. The desire to achieve the pinnacle of development is shared by mortals across the Cosmos.
This insatiable desire has prompted the greatest acts and works within the mortal coil. The wisest mortal teachers extol the pursuit of perfection in form, intellect, understanding, and spirituality as the greatest desire a person can have. The wisest also know that perfection can never truly be attained for there is no such thing as ‘perfect’ among mortals. It is not ‘perfection’ in and of itself that one should seek, but dedication to constant improvement and never settling for just ‘good enough.’ Among the righteous, perfection is recognised as seeking to attain a degree of holiness that is simultaneously selfless and filled with self-love. Whether such mortals dedicated to ultimate righteousness believe in order or value liberty, all that seek perfection under the banner of holiness cast aside their pride in pursuit of perfection, carefully and studiously studying their own hearts against conceit.
Of all the Realms Above, the Seven Heavens are perhaps the most associated with perfection. The wisest clerics of heavenly gods and the Virtues have been blessed with visions of seven mounting heavens, each glorious in their bounty, eternal in their goodness, pure in their commitment in service to and unity of all. Here, the souls of the noble dead seek the next path of enlightenment that will vault them higher up the Eternal Tower until they reach the unknowable pinnacle of Chronias where they disappear into Glory. All the while, such blessed souls are surrounded and guided by angels of order, the hashmallim, who sing encouragement. These same angels are the examples upon which living mortals turn to in seeking to live their lives properly. Of the angels, the servants of gods and Virtues alike, it is often thought that they are as close to perfection as any being short of divinity can hope. Simultaneously, it is said that these angels possess no haughtiness in their bearing. These spirits know their limitations and seek to help others achieve greatness at the top of the Endless Mountain.
Like many beliefs, that of angelic perfection is not entirely accurate. The wisest and most knowledgeable mortals suspect even among the angelic, flaws can and have appeared. Through material gleaned from texts older than many worlds, some are aware of a distant past in which a relative handful of angels grew proud of their light. These ancient writings reveal that these angels believed they were the standard upon which mortals seeking perfection in ordered righteousness were based. And they believed that none could ever achieve the reality they thought they represented. Religious texts from across a multitude of worlds tell of The Great Fall when these angels persecuted a celestial revolt against the powers of the Realms Above. After achieving early victories, these rebel angels were overwhelmed by the combined might of the Celestial Host and were cast into the Depths Below. Thus, the wisest know that not even the angelic is infallible and that all must guard against the darkness that can creep into the heart of the self righteous.
Texts from Hell, however, expand upon the legends. Diabolical propaganda claims that from among the Fallen there was one who was too perfect for the Eternal Tower. In being cast out, this one would find liberation from the imperfections of Heaven. In this one, Hell would gain its greatest asset. And, it will be from this one that the Heavens, the Hells, and the entire Cosmos will one day come to know true perfection. This one is Beelzebub, the Lord of the Seventh, Lord of Lies, and Lord of the Flies.
One of the greatest of the Lords of Perdition, Beelzebub’s history across the Cosmos is long and filled with accolades to both goodness and evil. According to legends, Beelzebub was also known as ‘Triel,’ although it is largely believed by most scholars that his name was a title of some sort related to his duties. His real name was Beelzebul, ‘Lord from on High.’ This name was indeed an accurate one. He once served as a great seraph, possibly directly under the will of the Supreme Virtue herself. As he bore her standard and sung her praises, he became the standard upon which other angels were measured. His wisdom was unquestioned, his beauty unparalleled. Only two other angels came close to rivaling Beelzebul’s glory: Metatron and Eblis. While Metatron all but served as an avatar for the Supreme Virtue and Eblis was clearly the strongest of the seraph, neither was as holistically accomplished as Beelzebul. Of the Angelic Choirs across the Realms Above, his was the brightest light, the greatest song. For countless millennia, Beelzebul was filled with light and love. Across Creation, he offered wisdom, insight, and guidance to mortals and immortals alike, from the lowliest peasant to the greatest of rulers. Never one to fear confronting evil, the Lord from on High also directed mortals against chaos and neutrality, pointing out that either were just one step from decadence and villainy. He cast his gaze everywhere, always seeking out new challenges in the war against evil, always looking for opportunities to aid those less fortunate than he. It was in this that the darkness began to creep into his soul. It was in this that his pride got the better of his Wisdom. Beelzebul not only came to believe that his perfection was one of his own making but that he had a mandate to make others live up the perfection he embodied. He saw how the various gods and celestial cosmic entities had allowed not only the creation of imperfect mortals, but an entire Cosmos. Like the Demon Prince of Destruction, Apollyon who preceded him into the Depths countless eons before, Beelzebul believed that the Defenders, Heralds, and Virtues were likewise imperfect. However, unlike Apollyon, Beelzebul did not believe that the Cosmos needed to be destroyed. Instead, the Cosmos needed to worship him.
Beelzebul would find that there were other angels with similar attitudes regarding their own infallibility. The likes of Belial, Eblis, Moloch, and others soon found each other and Beelzebul. While they all had varying reasons for their disdain for mortals and their status within the Realms Above, only Beelzebul really believed that what he sought was not only for his own good but for the good of all. Unlike Belial, Beelzebul was not interested in physical and sexual oppression and, unlike Eblis and Moloch, he did not feel resentment to the lesser beings he was made to help. Beelzebul believed that mortals and immortals alike needed a firm hand to move them in the right direction. They needed a symbol upon which to base their growth. He would be that hand and he would be that symbol. While Eblis would rise to prominence by stoking the resentment of angels that shared similar attitudes about mortals and the Celestial Hosts, Beelzebul asked the other Fallen to recognise that what they did was for the good of Creation. Beelzebul’s became the eloquent voice, passionate and reasonable, energetic and convincing, that would aid Eblis in his bid to tear down the restrictions in the Heavens.
Of course, the revolt in the Realms Above failed and Beelzebul, along with his allies, was cast out during The Great Fall. Into Hell he arrived. However, unlike his former ally Eblis, Beelzebul did not view his new station as one of defeat nor did he turn his ire toward the Heavens immediately. Beelzebul believed that there was an opportunity in Perdition that would lead him closer to his goal of perfection. Beelzebul believed that it was better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven. After all, Hell was as organized as Heaven, but did not practice foolish ideals that pampered the weak and encouraged imperfection. In Hell, the strong and wise survived to grow stronger and wiser while the weak and stupid served their betters. Though this philosophy did harbor some foolish perspectives, like needless violence, Beelzebul believed he would do well to watch, wait, and learn from the creatures he once viewed as foes. Thus, when he was called to the Serpent’s Throne in Nessus, Beelzebul eagerly accepted The Overlord’s offer to serve as a Duke of Hell.
For centuries, Beelzebul served as a Duke under the original Lord of the Seventh, Sammael. While the Poison of Perdition sought to increase his powerbase by becoming more purely evil, Beelzebul slowly began to consolidate his place in the Seventh. Beelzebul became an honored, if not trusted, servant within Sammael’s court when the Lord of Venom named him chancellor. Beelzebul sought out and took a wide array of responsibilities, even those that seemed mundane, like the tabulation of records and note keeping. Beelzebul restructured Sammael’s court, making it more organized and streamlined. He placed other Fallen into positions of authority across the Seventh Perdition, slowly weeding out true devils that were loyal to Sammael and avoiding his master’s wrath by revealing their inefficiencies. Although Sammael was aware of the threat Beelzebul’s burgeoning authority could pose to his hegemony, the cautious Lord of Venom was swayed by his servant into believing that everything being done was for his own good. As he did in Heaven, not only did Beelzebul use his sweet words and his convincing arguments to maintain just enough of his liege’s trust, he also could prove the value of his work’s benefit to Sammael. The original Lord of the Seventh gained victories against his hated foe, Mephistopheles; he established ties with various fiends in Hades; he toppled empires dedicated to good gods. All of these things were accomplished due to Beelzebul’s dedication to perfection. He and his allies became aware of everything that transpired in the Seventh Perdition and, eventually, throughout The Pit. Across Hell, those angered at Beelzebul’s actions claimed that he had cast a web across Perdition fine enough to catch even a fly. Indeed, he was drawn to the filth of diabolical intrigue like a fly, eagerly devouring the offal of the Nine-Fold Realm. Some began to call him Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies; this moniker, initially despised by Beelzebul, soon became embraced by those loyal to the Duke of Pride.
Even as Beelzebub was gathering his own power in Cocytus (Maladomini), he was carefully maintaining alliances across Hell with the other Fallen. Chief among these was his relationship with Moloch, whom he kept close to him at all times. Through Beelzebub’s guidance, Moloch was becoming a powerful warlord among the Fallen. Likewise, Beelzebub kept in contact with Belial, who had become a rival to the Lord of the Fourth, Adremmalek. While he believed that he could accomplish his goals without allies, Beelzebub knew that he could reach his goals much faster and with greater success if he forged beneficial relationships with those of a similar background. Even as he aided Belial in his bid to overthrow a standing Lord, so too did Belial aid his former leader.
Sammael was ill-prepared for Beelzebub when he struck. Sammael recognized that his station was threatened when he realized that all of his Dukes had disappeared or been replaced, and found himself surrounded by Fallen. He knew that his time was at an end when he saw his lover Lilith, Lord of the Sixth, being threatened by Moloch, his own servant’s viceroy. He saw Adremmalek destroyed by Belial. Thus, when Beelzebub arrived at The Venal Fortress, Sammael did not waste time fighting but fled. At that instant, Asmodeus himself appeared in Cocytus (Maladomini), congratulated the Duke of Pride with his success, and remade him as a Lord of the Nine.
Since his ascension to the near pinnacle of diabolical power, Beelzebub has pursued his desire to spread his brand of perfection across the Cosmos. Having consolidated his authority in Cocytus (Maladomini) shortly after Sammael fled, Beelzebub quickly turned his attention to Malbolge. After filling Lilith’s court with spies, who in turn shrank her armies and assassinated her most loyal servants, the Lord of the Flies sent his viceroy Moloch into Malbolge. Through Beelzebub’s perfect strategies and Moloch’s impressive skills as a field commander, Lilith soon found herself trapped in Malbolge at her foes’ mercy. However, Beelzebub ordered Moloch to keep her alive as an example of how imperfection in rulership can lead to defeat. In truth, Beelzebub wanted her alive in order to avoid giving Asmodeus an excuse to promote Moloch to complete Lordship over the Sixth. Thus did Beelzebub become the Lord of two Perditions; he directly ruled Cocytus (Maladomini) and indirectly ruled Malbolge through Moloch, who was named Imperial Duke of the Sixth. At no point did Beelzebub concern himself with the possibility of Moloch seceding from his authority for the very same spies he had placed in Malbolge that facilitated Lilith’s overthrow remained in place and loyal to their master.

Beelzebub had spies scattered across all of Hell by the time Malbolge was his. In short order, this massive spy network, known as The Order of the Fly, was not only in Hell, but was scattered across the Depths Below like a swarm over a rotting corpse. The only places in the Depths Below free of Beelzebub’s prying eyes were the personal demesnes of gods and powerful cosmic entities, and Nessus itself. Not even Cania, the Perdition controlled by Mephistopheles, was completely free of the buzz of Beelzebub’s order. Beelzebub wasted no time in attempting to repeat the same success that led to his victories in the Sixth and Seventh Hells. However, his own pride blinded the Lord of the Flies from recognizing why he was so successful in his bids against Lilith and Sammael: Asmodeus. Unlike the deposed Lords of the Sixth and Seventh (and Fourth), who willingly corrupted their lawful natures with Chaos, Mephistopheles‘ for all his limitations and failures – was still a creature of tyranny and oppression to a fault. Beelzebub never learned that Asmodeus in part was responsible for his victories, and even if he had, it is unlikely he would have accepted the truth as it would have contradicted his own personal perceptions. In the end, there would be no victory for Beelzebub in Cania, although it is said that the beginnings of Mephistopheles‘ problems with the pit fiends and some Dukes of the Eighth can be traced back to Beelzebub’s attempts at attaining more power in Hell. It is certain that Mephistopheles was well aware of The Fallen’s actions and that this would begin the formal enmity of the two Lords that in many ways would define the political atmosphere in Hell until the Dies Irae.
Of all the Lords, none know more about external ongoings than Beelzebub. However, Beelzebub does not pursue knowledge through his Order of the Fly for the sake of knowledge. Beelzebub’s interest in the happenings across the Cosmos is to feed his own disgust for the lives imperfect beings live. Often referred to as the Lord of Lies, this aspect of Beelzebub better represents his own attitude regarding the ‘lies’ others live rather than his own tendency to mislead. Beelzebub watches because the information he gathers validates his attitudes about the ‘lesser beings’ that lurch about Creation; their pathetic existences serve an eternal reminder of how much they need his rulership, his control. When opportunities present themselves, Beelzebub forces his way, his desire, on those who have offended his perfect perceptions about how existence should be maintained. Beelzebub wishes to impose his strictures on others because he knows that others are weak and incapable of doing what is right without the proper motivation. Persistent watchfulness and reminders of imperfection are essential to ensuring adherence to the rules and regulations Beelzebub institutes. There is no individuality under Beelzebub’s law since individuals are incapable of recognising the value of others. There is no freedom as freedom leads to chaos. Existence is predicated upon the ability to follow the guidelines Beelzebub and Beelzebub alone institutes; those that fail to adhere to Beelzebub’s rules are a disease that must be purged from the Cosmos. Only through persistent observation, programs, and purgings, can the dream of a perfect Cosmos be achieved. This can only occur through Beelzebub’s guiding hand. This is the Hell that Beelzebub represents.
Beelzebub is certain of his position and his own perfection. He has no doubt that he is the closest thing to the ultimate power in Creation although he does recognise that there are a few who have found the means through magic or possessions to challenge his natural and rightful hegemony. Beelzebub is incapable of seeing his own flaws or limitations; he is likewise unable to recognize or value the strengths and works of others. In Beelzebub’s mind, his way is the only way, his will the only will. However, Beelzebub believes that those incapable of achieving the level of perfection he represents cannot hope to so if not encouraged. An excellent example of this lies in the numerous cities across Cocytus (Maladomini) that have been constructed since Beelzebub became Lord of the Seventh. Beautiful in design, each of these cities was constructed at Beelzebub’s behest to serve as his capital in Cocytus (Maladomini). To date, Beelzebub has never remained in a single city for longer than a millennium. While the Lord of the Seventh commissions these constructions, he always finds flaws in the end result since his slaves and servants build the cities based upon his perfect plans. Still, Beelzebub will not sully his own hands in such work and has no problem ordering the building of a new city if only to force the imperfect to work towards becoming as close to perfect as possible. It is believed that Beelzebub will soon order the construction of a new city as he has found too many flaws with his current capital, Malagard.
In any event, Beelzebub controls every aspect of the Seventh Perdition. He knows who enters, who leaves (in both cases, knowing from which gates and portals), and monitors his servants regularly. Nothing happens in Cocytus (Maladomini) unless he wills it. He holds court regularly, reminding others of his past and the perfect future he foresees when he rules all. Beelzebub tends to refer to himself in the third person, and spends the bulk of his time developing incredible, infallible plots to bring down the Seven Heavens or destroy the demons of The Abyss. Once he deals with Mephistopheles and Asmodeus, all of his dreams will be perfected.
It is safe to say that Beelzebub has no allies beyond Hell. Other beings simply cannot abide his arrogant self righteousness. Of the few non-devils or Fallen with whom he is willing to work with, most have no idea that they have dealings with the Lord of the Seventh. In this sense, Beelzebub rivals Asmodeus in his ability to manipulate countless individuals as he works towards a goal. Beelzebub maintains an incredible amount of pent up hatred for the Realms Above, particularly Heaven. However, he counts his most significant foe outside of Hell as the Herald of Holiness, Mikhail. It was Mikhail who personally shattered Beelzebub’s weapons during The Great Fall and cast him low. To this day, Beelzebub enjoys tracking the activities of those special to the Herald of Valor, striking them with diseases, madness, and worse. The Lord of Lies also holds a deep hatred for the Virtue of Justice who is almost a Lawful Good mirror of Beelzebub, using his own spy networks to overcome The Order of the Fly. There is no one Defender of Freedom that Beelzebub counts as a primary foe, but all of them detest him to the last. Of all the Lords, Beelzebub is the only one known to have a personal enemy in the Scions of Anarchy. As he values symmetry and equilibrium. Among divine beings, Beelzebub has gained the enmity of the Faerie courts. Beelzebub hates Faeries because they represent everything against which he is opposed even while creating some of the most beautiful works of art and magic. Even the unseelie and their court, find cause to put aside their differences with their light-worshipping kin when it is determined that Beelzebub’s shadow is near.His Order of the Fly has orchestrated countless holocausts against Faeries over the centuries and there are continued plans for more such actions. Beelzebub detests Titania, who values independence of form and expression, finding her an insufferable, talentless fool.
In Hell, Beelzebub’s alliances are based upon his own political needs. Aside from Asmodeus, Beelzebub wields the greatest political power among the Lords of the Nine. His Order of the Fly offers information to Dark Minister Corin’s spy network and often participates with the Ministry of Morale in finding potential rogue devils. He has so much blackmail information on Dukes across Hell that he has little trouble calling in a favor or two when he needs something done. It is possible that without his political power, Beelzebub would have long since lost to the slightly stronger and better established Lord of Darkness, Mephistopheles, centuries ago. Still, Beelzebub does not abuse his political power, knowing that to do so would bring the combined wrath of the other Lords and possibly Asmodeus as well. The Lord of the Flies’ greatest ally is undoubtedly Belial, the Master of Pains and Suffering. Although these two Lords are not as strongly bound as Dispater and Mephistopheles, they were clearly the most successful of the Fallen. Indeed, this is the only reason Beelzebub maintains the alliance as he needs Belial to offset the threat of Mephistopheles‘ camp. With the Dies Irae, Beelzebub saw the loss of two of his other allies, Astarte and Moloch. He recognizes that Mephistopheles‘ camp, which already has the benefit of longevity and experience, may grow if Bael and Lilith decide to take up with a fellow ‘pure’ devil. To that end, Beelzebub has made it very clear to the Lord of the Fourth that their continued alliance is essential to both of them maintaining their stations in Hell. However, neither Lord trusts the other and Belial is wary of his former leader’s spies in Phlegethon (Phlegethos) while Beelzebub in turn frowns upon Belial‘s carnal desires. Among the other Fallen, Beelzebub is something of a legend. In spite of their respect for him as a group, the other Fallen know better than to expect Beelzebub’s aid unless he can acquire something of value from them. The one Fallen with whom Beelzebub maintains little contact is Eblis, the Nemesis of the Heavens. After The Great Fall, these two paragons of angelic might parted company as Eblis was removed from Hell and Beelzebub embraced Perdition. There are occasions that Beelzebub finds it convenient to provide his former companion with information regarding the Heavens as they both continue to despise their initial masters. It is important to note that by ‘Fallen,’ one does not mean the Voyeurs as they were cast out long before Eblis and the others. The few Voyeurs in Hell loathe Beelzebub, who partook in casting them out of the Realms Above.
Even as Beelzebub considers the threat of Mephistopheles increasing his diplomatic associations with Bael and Lilith, the Lord of the Seventh has never turned away overtures from the Warlord of Avernus. Beelzebub respects Bael’s political savvy and his ability to overcome the odds and overthrow a former Lord, even a Fallen. In this respect, Beelzebub has not forgotten the fact that Bael is treacherous and is slowly filling the Bronze Tower with spies with the future intent of blackmailing the Lord of the First. Beelzebub all but ignores the Heirs of Perdition. Of the two, the only one to have overtly made offers to him was Lixer, the Prince of Hell. Interestingly, it is in Glasya that Beelzebub has an interest. He respects the Princess of Hell’s ability to effortlessly manipulate other Lords and wonders how much valuable information she could provide to him regarding her father, Asmodeus. With the other Lords, Beelzebub bears no special emotion, hating them all equally; it is known that Lilith blames him for her subservience to Moloch and plans to avenge herself. Needless to say, Beelzebub still counts Sammael as a foe. Although Beelzebub has not bothered with trying to assassinate him, the Lord of the Flies has plans for destroying the Poison of Perdition at the earliest possible time. Sammael, in return, takes any opportunity to assault Beelzebub or his activities. Although Beelzebub does not know it, he also has an enemy in Adremalech. While he remains ignorant of the true nature of his opponent, Beelzebub does know of the mysterious Order of Lie and its Hidden Lord. The idea that there is another, even more shadowy order in Hell besides his own Order of the Fly infuriates the Lord of Lies. It is said that Beelzebub has almost uncovered the identity of the Hidden Lord four times.
In all his dealings, Beelzebub is a study in courtesy, charm, and patience. In all his dealings save those with Mephistopheles and Asmodeus. Beelzebub’s hatred for the Lord of the Eighth borders on obsession. The Lord of the Flies sees so much wasted potential in his frigid neighbor that it offends him. In his mind, Mephistopheles is a prime example of why lesser beings should not be granted power or authority. Simultaneously, Beelzebub is unable to understand how Mephistopheles has managed to stymie his plots, how he has managed to counter his every move. Beelzebub cannot accept the possibility that Mephistopheles may be his equal in most ways, and may actually surpass him in others. There are few things the Lord of Lies wishes more than to crush Mephistopheles. One, of course, is his ultimate intent to rule the entire Cosmos. However, Beelzebub’s most immediate and important goal beyond taking Cania and destroying Mephistopheles is to rule Hell and kill Asmodeus.
If Beelzebub sees wasted potential in Mephistopheles, he sees the evil reflection of the very same faults he laid at the feet of the Supreme Virtue in Asmodeus. Like his first mistress, Asmodeus is nothing more than a fool who unwittingly stifles perfection. True, Hell comes far closer than Heaven since it does not coddle, but surely, Beelzebub believes, Asmodeus must recognize that he is not capable of bringing about the kind of revolution the Cosmos needs. After all, Beelzebub looks to the fact that Asmodeus allows the other Lords to challenge him, and that he has created a situation that keeps Hell from spreading across the Depths Below. So many centuries and no successes reflect Asmodeus‘ inability to rule, his own imperfection. Yet, most importantly, Beelzebub tires of having to answer to anyone but himself. His humiliation at the hands of Asmodeus at the end of the Dies Irae revealed to him the clear possibility that his view of himself is wrong and this possibility must be confronted. The only means to do this is by destroying Asmodeus and taking the Serpent’s Throne.
There are varied depictions of Beelzebub. This is expected considering that the Arch-Duke of Pride rarely leaves Malagard where he spends his time spying and dreaming. It is known that before his fall, Beelzebub appeared as a six-winged seraph that towered some 21 feet tall. Enveloped by soft, golden light, in this form Beelzebub wore a platinum crown and sung, rather than spoke, when he uttered a word. Upon his fall, Beelzebub retained most of his beautiful appearance, although there were some adjustments. Chief among them were his eyes; formerly exuding a soft golden glow, they become glass like and were multi-faceted like a fly’s. Rather than gold light, he was surrounded with black and blue mist that was actually formed by thousands of small flies; when he spoke, his powerful voice often droned like a gnat. His wings lost their feathers and became clear like that of a giant insect. His crown melted away and, in addition to a pair of bull-like horns, two antennae also appeared on his forehead. It is unclear whether or not Beelzebub recognizes that his features have changed and most that see him do not immediately recognize his vermin-like qualities. In the end, it does not really matter as Beelzebub believes that, regardless of his form, he is the ultimate standard that none can ever meet.
Beelzebub does his best to avoid physical confrontation, finding it beneath his station. Instead, he believes that his foresight and planning should allow him to avoid such nonsense. However, in the event that he ‘allows’ for leeway in his plans that do bring about combat in which he is involved, Beelzebub is a lethal adversary.
Beelzebub always calls devils before calling on his Aura of Hell and retreating to the rear. Those beings that manage to withstand Beelzebub’s Aura of Hell are then subjected to his crown of vermin. Those still standing after this second round are barraged by Hell’s Fire and creeping doom. A fight that progresses past this point results in Beelzebub unleashing another blast of Hell’s Fire and using his Song of Perfection. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, he will then repeat the process from the beginning anew. Only if pressed will Beelzebub engage in direct melee combat.
Aura of Hell (Ex): Beelzebub’s Aura of Hell can affect all creatures within 900 feet of him, with a Will save DC 66 allowed to negate the effects.
Call Devils (Sp): As a move action, Beelzebub can call devils. Nine times a day, Beelzebub may call a Duke of Hell, 9 pit fiends, or 18 lesser devils; devils so called have triple standard Hit Dice, to a maximum of 45 Hit Dice. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their descriptions allow. Beelzebub has always been of the opinion that great generals lead from the rear, instructing their troops with the proper strategy and utilizing the appropriate tactics to ensure victory. As such, Beelzebub will call devils as soon as he finds himself under attack before retreating to the rear to cast all manner of terrible spells and effects. Beelzebub calls on cornugons over all others, valuing their extreme loyalty (as far as devils go), their healthy array of powers, and their organized and dependable nature. All cornugons are then expected to summon a troupe of hamatulas who then form an infantry. Beelzebub will call gelugons if it appears that his cornugons are not up a task, but tries to avoid them since he knows that they are the favored devil of Mephistopheles. Only under extreme duress will Beelzebub call pit fiends, whom he perceives as spies for Asmodeus.
Diabolical Empowerment: Beelzebub uses his Charisma modifier for determining DCs for all saves.
Hell’s Fire (Su): Beelzebub may use Hell’s Fire 24/ day, a ten-foot wide line of diabolical energy dealing 24d12 points of damage, up to 2100 feet away. Victims caught in the blast may Reflex save DC 66 for half damage. Beelzebub’s Hell’s Fire appears like a black bolt of negative energy surrounded by thousands of horribly buzzing and stinging flies.
Infernal Nobility (Ex): As the Lord of the Seventh, Beelzebub has a status equivalent to that of the gods. Beelzebub possesses a cosmic rank of 16. While in Cocytus (Maladomini) (and anywhere else on Hell that Asmodeus allows), Beelzebub functions as a greater god with a cosmic rank of 19.
Lord of the Flies (Ex): Having grown accustomed to this once hated title, Beelzebub has embraced the idea of being Lord of the Flies. No manner of vermin will attack Beelzebub unless compelled to do so by a being that makes a successful rank check against him. Furthermore, no manner of insect-related spell, be it insect swarm, creeping
doom, or crown of vermin, can harm, distract, or otherwise be a detriment to the Lord of the Flies.
Lord of Lies (Ex): So great is Beelzebub’s ability to tell people what they want to hear, so dreadful is his ability to proselytize the most decadent of thoughts into the grandest of dreams, that all that hear his voice risk falling under his power. When Beelzebub speaks, a barely audible buzzing or droning sound fills a radius of 700 feet extending from his person. All those the Lord of Lies selects within the radius must succeed in a Will save DC 66 or feel compelled to do whatever the Lord of the Seventh decrees for the next seven days. This effect is similar to the suggestion spell except that the victim believes that what he is doing is for the best and will promote the general good (or whatever is beneficial to the victim if the victim is of neutral or evil alignment). Any deed that does not directly and immediately betray the victim’s morals is considered acceptable. Cosmic and divine beings may seek to avoid this power through a successful rank check. The Lord of Lies may call on this power 7/day and may be used through his Master of the Web ability.
Master of the Web (Ex): Of all the Lords of the Nine (save Asmodeus), Beelzebub has the widest network of spies and informants. Spread across the Cosmos like maggots on a colossal corpse, this network is further bolstered by Beelzebub’s extremely powerful remote sensing ability. As a standard action, Beelzebub can perceive everything within a 16-mile radius at up to 16 locations 16/day for an hour at a time. This supernatural effect can take place anytime Beelzebub’s name or one of his titles is spoken and for up to an hour after it is spoken. Master of the Web crosses planar boundaries and penetrates all barriers. In order to breech an area blocked by beings of divine or cosmic rank, Beelzebub must make a successful rank check against them. He suffers a -9 penalty when attempting to use this power against the personal abode of a Lord of the Nine and the Lord in question is immediately alerted to the intrusion on a failure. The exception to this rule is Nessus, into which Beelzebub cannot see. This ability is not affected by Misdirection or nondetection or similar spells; however, seven flies always appear in the given area, generally settling on a nearby surface, causing some to feel a terrible, oppressive presence as if they were being scryed upon. Additionally, while Beelzebub can attempt to use this ability in an area protected by the hallow spell, he must penetrate the area as stipulated The Might of Hell ability; if he succeeds in breeching the area, the god is not alerted of his presence.
The Might of Hell (Su): Beelzebub’s presence is so terrible that he can corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Thrice per day as a free action, Beelzebub may unhallow an area equal to 1560 feet.
Price of Perfection (Ex): Beelzebub can aid a being in growing closer to perfection for a minor price. 7/day, Beelzebub can grant a being an additional level in the highest applicable class, or grant a person a level in a class if that person possesses an NPC (aristocrat, commoner, etc.) class. When this occurs, the client receives the maximum hp, skill points, any feats or bonus feats, and most other class benefits. However, the client does not receive any bonuses to saves and actually receives a -3 penalty to her Will save with each increase. These effects are cumulative and kept secret from the client.
Usually, Beelzebub will then send a servant to tempt the foolish client to a terrible, Lawful Evil act, hastening the client’s death and descent into Cocytus (Maladomini). Occasionally, Beelzebub will instead allow the victim to rise to 21st level, or until she reaches a -21 penalty on her Will save. At this point, the victim is immediately required to make a Will save 66. If the victim fails, cornugons burst from the ground (or the sky, or the ocean, or from some other part of the surroundings) and drag the victim down into Hell. If the victim succeeds, she is required to make this save every day, incurring a cumulative -1 penalty each day. Only an Atonement spell and a quest cast by a 31st level cleric can absolve the fool who agreed to the Price of Perfection. While the Atonement eliminates the penalties and stalls the impending doom that awaits the victim for 21 days, the victim also loses all levels gained from the Price of Perfection while on his quest. If the victim does not complete the quest within 21 days, she is immediately dragged into Hell and is subjected to the Song of Perfection.
Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, Beelzebub can surround himself with a cloud of buzzing flies with a 20 foot radius. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against good and as a minor globe of invulnerability, both at 52nd level. The aura can be dispelled, but Beelzebub can create it again as a free action on his next turn.
Rotting Wrath (Ex): In the unlikely event that Beelzebub actually engages in melee combat, not only do his powerful strikes deal damage, but they also confer his Rotting Wrath. Similar to the effect of a rod of withering, this horrible attack is more potent, causing maggots to explode from a terrible, magically induced wound. While it deals the same 1d4 points of temporary Constitution and Strength damage (permanent drain on a critical hit), there is no save to avoid the effect.
Song of Perfection (Ex): Although Beelzebub has long since lost his angelic voice, the Lord of the Flies still finds power in song. Once every 1d4 rounds, Beelzebub may sing his Song of Perfection as a move action. All within a 70-foot cone, stunned with the quality of the Lord of Lies’ voice, feel their souls purged of impurities when faced with the miniscule amount of the perfection Beelzebub delivers. A victim comes ever closer to the perfect servant envisioned by Beelzebub, one with great physical prowess and limited intellect and personality: the perfect slave. A victim that succumbs to the Song of Perfection, must make a Will save DC 66 to withstand the effect. If the victim fails, he immediately receives a +7 bonus to his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, while simultaneously suffering a -7 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The effect lasts for seven rounds as the victim attempts to deal with utter, diabolical perfection. Encores of the Song of Perfection cause the bonuses and penalties to stack. If either the victim’s Wisdom or Charisma reaches 0, he is immediately struck dead; he retains the physical bonuses and takes on construct traits, but is otherwise utterly and totally subservient to Beelzebub. Only the direct intervention of god or cosmic entity can hope restore the victim. Such an attempt requires that the entity first make a successful rank check against Beelzebub, and then a successful caster level check against the Lord of the Flies.
Spell-Like Abilities: Constant – detect good;
- at will – aid, animate dead, animate objects, baleful polymorph, bestow curse, blasphemy, charm monster, commune, contagion, continual flame, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, detect chaos, detect good, detect magic, dimensional anchor, dominate monster, flame strike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, imprisonment, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, resist energy, restoration, resurrection, summon monster VII (as an evil or lawful spell only), speak with dead, suggestion, symbol of pain, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire, waves of fatigue;
- 3/day – blade barrier, earthquake, mass charm monster, permanency, waves of exhaustion;
- 9/day – divine favor, demand, destruction, discern lies, enthrall, firestorm, geas, greater command, greater restoration, magic vestment, meteor swarm, repulsion, storm of vengeance, true resurrection;
- 6/day – accursed, hellball, oppress, tyranny;
- 3/day – wish;
- 1/day – power word blind, power word kill, prismatic spray.
Caster level 78th; save DC 40 + spell level.
Beelzebub gains the granted power of the Nobility domain, allowing him to inspire his allies as a standard action to grant them a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack and damage rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. His allies must be able to hear him speak for 1 round. This effect lasts 21 rounds and can be used once per day.
Keen Vision (Ex): Beelzebub has Low-Light Vision and 60-foot Darkvision.
Spells: As a fallen solar, Beelzebub retains the ability to cast divine spells as a 65th-level cleric. Spells per day: 6/11/10/10/10/10/8/8/8/8/4/4; save DC 40 + spell level.
Typical Cleric Spells Prepared:
- 0- Create Water, Guidance (x2), Mending, Resistance (x2);
- 1st – Bane, Cause Fear (x2), Curse Water, Deathwatch, Divine Favor (x2), Doom, Entropic Shield, protection from good*, Resurgence, Shield of Faith;
- 2nd – Align Weapon, Calm Emotions *, Cure Moderate Wounds, Death Knell, Desecrate, Eagle’s Splendor, Find Traps, Restoration, Lesser, Shatter, Silence , Status;
- 3rd – Bestow Curse, Blindness/Deafness, Contagion, Cure Serious Wounds, Invisibility Purge, Locate Object, Magic Circle against Good*, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Wrack (x2);
- 4th- Cure Critical Wounds, Dimensional Anchor, Discern Lies, Dismissal (x2), Divination, Divine Power,Giant Vermin (x2), order’s wrath*, Poison;
- 5th- Break Enchantment, Dispel Chaos*, Insect Plague , Righteous Might (x2), Slay Living, subvert planar essence, Symbol of Pain , True Seeing (x3);
- 6th- Banishment, Cometfall, Find the Path, Geas/Quest , Heal (x3), hold monster*, Word of Recall l;
- 7th – Bestow Greater Curse, Dictum*, Ethereal Jaunt, Scrying, Greater, reaching slay living, Regenerate, Slime Wave, quickened dispel magic, violated blade barrier, violated harm;
- 8th – Antimagic Field, Brain Spider, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location (x2), Earthquake, reaching harm (x2), Shield of law*;
- 9th – Energy Drain (x2), Etherealness, dictum*, Implosion, Miracle, Storm of Vengeance, violated fire storm, violated mass inflict critical wounds;
- 10th – dictum*, quickened Cometfall CD, quickened heal (x2), quickened violated flame strike;
- 11th – dictum*, quickened blasphemy, quickened destruction, quickened violated harm (x2).
* Domain spells. Domains: Evil and Devil (cast evil and law spells at +1 caster level).
Epic Spells: 8 per day. Epic spells known: contingent true resurrection, create living vault, crown of vermin, curse of apostasy, damnation, demise unseen, dreamscape, enslave, epic counterspell, epic dispel magic, epic repulsion, esoteric aegis, greater epic mage armor, greater ruin, kinetic control, lord of nightmares, lure of loquacity, miasma of hatred, momento mori, nailed to the sky, peripety, Pestilence, ruin, soul hold, soul scry, tyranny.
All-seeing Eye of the Fly:
This major artifact allows Beelzebub to use the remote sensing and godly senses abilities as a god of his cosmic rank. The remote sensing is not linked to an area with his name spoken, or a site dedicated to him, but instead any location that Beelzebub chooses. However, the power does not function within 1 mile of any creature with divine rank.
Seven times per day, Beelzebub may spy upon someone who has spoken his name or title that day. He may freely view and sense through this person, regardless of defenses against mental effects, scrying, or even divine intervention. This power does function in the presence of beings of cosmic or divine power. However, Beelzebub is limited by the being he is sensing through. If that creature cannot see in darkness, Beelzebub cannot while using this power.
Once every seven days, Beelzebub may instantly slay someone by using this power. The targeted being must have spoken his name or title within the last 24 hours. They must succeed on a Fortitude save DC 66 or their internal organs are transformed into infernal flies. A number of hell-fly swarms equal to their HD pour forth from their facial orifices and attack all living creatures in the area. Beelzebub usually reserves this use of the power to punish traitors.
The origins of this potent artifact remain nebulous even to those that are unaware of its existence. Certain scholars claim that it was presented to Beelzebub by Asmodeus when the Lord of the Flies first bowed his head to his new master. Others claim that he possessed it before his Fall and that the Eye was corrupted into its current state in a manner paralleling Beelzebub’s own disgrace.
Summoning Beelzebub
Beelzebub’s summons is arguably the most exacting of the Lords of the Nine in terms of requirements and attention to detail. Some scholars have noted that the exact procedure has changed over time in minor ways, and thus those determined to treat directly with the Lord of the Flies are warned to use only the most credible, informed sources in ascertaining the specific rites necessary for his summons. Indeed, Beelzebub is aware long before the time of attempted summons of an individual’s desire to speak with him; it is always with the aid of the Order of the Fly that an invocant is able to determine the most elusive elements of the procedure.
A successful summons demands that the place of summoning be fit for Beelzebub’s august presence. Three magic circles must be prepared: one using the typical silver dust, a second within dusted instead with carat gold, and the innermost circle prepared using dust of platinum. Within the innermost circle, perfectly aligned so that it is central to the magic circles, must be prepared a dais of polished marble precisely seven feet in diameter; the closer the dais is to being of perfect proportions, the better it will go for the invocant. Wise summoners understand that magical aid is required to achieve the truest results in this matter.
The room itself must be a perfect cube, or as close as the summoner can achieve to this ideal. As with the dais, imperfections, however slight, will disappoint and possibly insult the Lord of the Flies; magic aid should once again be sought. Beelzebub allows no more or less than nine invocants; of those nine, all save the chief invocant must be blindfolded (or blinded), unworthy as they are to look on the perfection of the Lord of the Seventh. Even the chief invocant, upon the arrival of Beelzebub, must look away unless invited by the Lord of the Flies to do otherwise; this is achieved simply by prostration before the dais (and has the added affect of possibly pleasing Beelzebub).
Each phrase must be enunciated perfectly; the slightest flaw in pronunciation ruins the incantation, bringing calamity upon the invocant (see below). Of course, those in the room may not know this until the last rites have been observed. Should the invocants survive a ruined incantation, they are free to try again, however all materials used in the failed rite are visibly corrupted and thus unsuitable for a second attempt – even the room and dais will have warped away from their proper shapes.
Should the rite prove successful, a single, resonating note will sound throughout the area, followed in succession by six more notes, forming into a perfect chord; behind this marvel of music, a slightly irritating buzz will be heard. From the four corners of the room, motes of light will flash in towards the dais, gathering there and swarming. The buzzing sound will seem to grow in volume, though it never actually drowns out the choral effect, as the swarm of light grows; the light will steadily fade from the swarm until an immense column of flies remains in its place, bereft of glory. In a final, stunning note, light will flash one last time from the column; when it fades, Beelzebub can be seen in its place.
There is no doubt as to who controls the audience. Beelzebub is quick to dominate conversation, correcting pronunciation, philosophy and purpose, and using his knowledge of the invocant’s imperfections as leeway when determining the nature of any contracts. He will, of course, seek to offer his Price of Perfection boon; however, he is able to aid in other ways by means of his other powers and, of course, his network of spies and political power.
The audience having drawn to the conclusion to which the Lord of the Flies must have pre-determined, Beelzebub points dramatically to the dais upon which he stands, rising a little from the floor. The dais disintegrates into a fine dust; none may stand upon the footstool graced by the Lord of the Seventh. He opens his mouth and begins to sing an unholy hymn, and his voice is terrible in its perfection. Once again, the buzzing noise grows; as he hits the crescendo, the Lord of Lies seems to burst apart, as an immense swarm of flies quickly fills the room. This swarm persists for exactly seven rounds, during which time any creature in the room must make a Fort save DC 66 or be nauseated as a result of swallowing some of the flies (1d6+1). These flies are otherwise harmless, but live indefinitely within the creature, and allow Beelzebub to offer a suggestion to the creature 1/ day with a Will save DC 66, or to dominate the creature once per year (Will save DC 66; lasts seven days); he need not be in the presence of the creature to do so, and is able to concentrate and determine the location of the creature. One fly dies for each time that the creature is dominated; when all flies have died, this particular influence of Beelzebub ends.
In the event that the summoners mar the invocation, the swarms deal 7d6 damage each round to all in the room; failure on the Fort save DC 66 not only leave the creature retching as it swallows flies, but also drains it of 1d6+1 points of Constitution. A successful save halves the Constitution damage.