Hellenic Pantheon

The Fall of the Giants
The Hellenic Pantheon is a complex and extensive system of gods and goddesses, including twelve Olympians led by Zeus, as well as numerous other deities such as the primordial gods who embody fundamental forces of the universe, the Titans who ruled before the Olympians, and the chthonic deities associated with the underworld and fertility.
The primordial gods include Chaos, the first god and embodiment of the void, and Gaia, the earth goddess and mother of all living things. Other primordial gods include Tartarus, the abyss beneath the underworld, Erebus, the darkness of the underworld, and Nyx, the personification of night.
The Titans were the second generation of gods and ruled before the Olympians, led by Cronus, son of Gaia and Uranus. Other notable Titans include Oceanus, the god of the sea, and his wife Tethys, as well as Hyperion, god of heavenly light, and his wife Theia, goddess of sight.
The chthonic deities are associated with the underworld and fertility, including Hades, god of the underworld, and his wife Persephone, goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, as well as Demeter, goddess of agriculture and fertility, and her daughter, the virgin goddess Hestia, who represents the hearth and home. Other chthonic deities include Eris, goddess of strife, Nemesis, goddess of retribution, and the Furies, spirits of vengeance.
The Twelve Olympians
The Twelve Olympians are the principal gods and goddesses in ancient Greek mythology who reside on Mount Olympus and hold supreme power over the mortal world.

(God of wine, vegetation, fertility, festivity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre)

(God of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges, the art of sculpture, technology, and blacksmiths)
Chthonic Deities
Chthonic deities in Greek mythology are gods and goddesses associated with the underworld, death, and fertility of the earth.
Lesser deities
Children of Nyx
The Greek Elder Titans
The Greek Titans were a group of powerful primordial deities who were overthrown by the Olympian gods in a war.