Thanatos (God of Death)

The Lore of the Gods
Book One: The Greek GodsLead Designers
Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director
Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal
God of Death
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Chaos, Death, Evil, Knowledge
Symbol: Grey Skull
Traditional Allies: Nyx, Doom, Fates, Nemesis, and Sleep
Traditional Foes: Helios
Divine Artifact: vorpal Scythe of Death
Favored Weapon: Scythe, Staff, Sword
Favored Class: Assassin, Barbarian, Blackguard, Cleric, fighter, Rogue, sorcerer, Wizard
Benefits: Favored classes of Thanatos gain Darkvision to a range of 60ft.
Residence: The Underworld, Hades, Tarterus
The offspring of the goddess Nyx, who created him without consort. He is a creature of bone chilling darkness; a horrible, painful, cruel, brooding, mocking and malignant being.
Artifact of the Gods that the Avatar may possess:
Vorpal Scythe of Death:
Thanatos’ favored weapon, this Scythe is reason to run in fear should one ever be presented with it. A black, gleaming ever sharp blade imbued with incredible magic gives this weapon a +5 bonus in addition to the following properties:
- vorpal, wounding, ghost touch, Chaotic
- Fear active at all times in a 10ft. radius.
- Slay Living at will
- create greater undead at will
- summon monster IX – 1/day
- unholy aura – 1/day