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Hesperus, “God of the Evening Star”

Hesperus as Personification of the Evening by Anton Raphael Mengs. One of an ensemble of four paintings with personifications of the times of day intended as supraportas for the boudoir of Maria Luisa of Parma, Princess of Asturia, now in the Palacete de la Moncloa as part of the Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid. Oil on canvas, 192 x 180 cm. Date ca. 1765
  • Pantheon: Greek Pantheon
  • Deity Title: God of the Evening Star
  • Deity Symbol: A bright star in the sky, often depicted with a torch
  • Home Plane: Mount Olympus
  • Deity Level: Intermediate Deity
  • Alignment: Chaotic good
  • Aliases: Vesper, Phosphorus
  • Superior: Zeus
  • Traditional Allies: Athena, Apollo, Artemis
  • Traditional Foes: Eris, Thanatos
  • Divine Artifact: The Torch of Hesperus, which can grant a guiding light to those lost in the darkness.
  • Servants: Nymphs and other minor deities, Copernicus
  • Servitor Creatures: Owls, doves, and other birds
  • Sacred Animal: The white dove
  • Manifestations: Appearances as a shining star in the sky or as a glowing figure with a torch
  • Signs of Favor: Bright and clear evenings, stars appearing in unique patterns
  • Worshipers: Sailors, travelers, poets, and lovers
  • Cleric Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good
  • Specialty Priests: Sailor-priests, stargazers, poets
  • Holy Days: The Summer Solstice, Day of the Evening Star (August 31)
  • Portfolio: Navigation, love, beauty, poetry, the evening star
  • Domains: Air, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Protection
  • Favored Weapon: Spear
  • Favored Class: Bard
  • Favored Race: Humans
  • Duties of the Priesthood: Maintaining beacons and guiding lights for sailors, performing rites of love and beauty, composing and reciting poetry
  • Major Cult/Temple Sites: Temple of Hesperus on the island of Rhodes, Temple of the Evening Star in Athens
  • Benefits: Priests of Hesperus are granted the ability to see in darkness and the power to control winds and storms. They are also blessed with inspiration for poetry and song.

Hesperus is a powerful deity of the evening star, revered by many ancient cultures and worshipped as the harbinger of night. As a being of immense cosmic power, Hesperus commands the ebb and flow of the heavens, and is said to be responsible for the beauty of the stars and the mysteries of the universe.

As a character, Hesperus is enigmatic and otherworldly, existing on a plane of existence far beyond mortal comprehension. Despite this, Hesperus is also deeply empathetic, caring deeply for the fate of all living beings and striving to guide them towards their true purpose.

In pursuit of this goal, Hesperus has taken on many forms throughout history, appearing to mortals in dreams and visions, and inspiring great works of art and literature. Hesperus seeks to inspire humanity to reach for the stars, both literally and metaphorically, and to find their own place in the vastness of the cosmos.

Hesperus is a medium celestial with natural armor, standing tall at around six feet. He has a commanding presence and exudes an aura of radiant energy that seems to emanate from within. His body is muscular and perfectly proportioned, with rippling muscles and flawless skin. Their eyes are a bright golden color, and his hair is a shining mass of starlight that cascades down his back. Hesperus moves with grace and fluidity, his wings spreading wide to carry him effortlessly through the air. He is a sight to behold, a true embodiment of celestial power and glory.

However, Hesperus also has a more mysterious agenda, and is said to be working towards some greater cosmic purpose that only the most enlightened beings can begin to understand. To this end, Hesperus keeps a watchful eye on the machinations of mortals and deities alike, seeking to guide them towards a future of harmony and enlightenment.

Hesperus, God of the Evening Star

Hesperus, God of the Evening Star

Medium celestial, chaotic good

Armor Class: 25 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 600 (32d20 + 192)

Speed: 60 ft., fly 120 ft.

30 (+10)28 (+9)24 (+7)28 (+9)30 (+10)30 (+10)

Skills: Perception +22, Insight +22

Senses: truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 32

Languages: all, telepathy 120 ft.

Divine Spellcasting. He can cast any spell from the Light or Knowledge domains (save DC 28, +20 to hit with spell attacks), and can cast any spell from the Sun domain as a 9th-level spellcaster. He does not need material components to cast spells.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If He fails a saving throw, they can choose to succeed instead.

Divine Aura. He sheds bright light in a 120-foot radius and dim light for an additional 120 feet. Creatures within the bright light have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and attack rolls made with ranged weapons.


  • Multiattack. He can use its Fists of Light twice in one turn.
  • Fist of Light. Melee Weapon Attack: +20 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 45 (10d8) radiant damage.
  • Starry Night. He creates a 60-foot radius of twinkling stars. Creatures within the radius must make a DC 28 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by Hesperus for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Divine Intervention. Hesperus can use a bonus action to call out to their followers, who gain temporary hit points equal to Hesperus’s level.

Legendary Actions

Hesperus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Hesperus regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

  • Celestial Flurry. Hesperus can make one additional Fist of Light attack as a Legendary Action.
  • Divine Inspiration. Hesperus can grant a creature within 120 feet the ability to add 1d6 to their next attack roll or ability check as a Legendary Action.
  • Heavenly Shield. Hesperus can use their divine power to protect themselves or an ally within 120 feet. The target gains resistance to all damage until the end of Hesperus’s next turn as a Legendary Action.
  • Radiant Comet. Hesperus charges forward at incredible speed, leaving a trail of radiant energy in their wake. They make a melee weapon attack against a target, dealing 60 (15d8) radiant damage and pushing them back 20 feet. He then continues flying in a straight line for 120 feet, dealing 40 (10d8) radiant damage to any creatures in their path.
  • Cosmic Nova. Hesperus explodes in a burst of radiant energy, creating a 60-foot radius sphere of bright light. Creatures within the area must make a DC 28 Constitution saving throw or take 100 (20d10) radiant damage and be blinded for 1 minute. A successful saving throw halves the damage and negates the blindness.
  • Evening Starfall. Hesperus summons a shower of stars to rain down on their enemies. They create a 120-foot radius area of dim light centered on themselves, and any creature within the area takes 60 (10d12) radiant damage at the start of their turn. The area of effect moves with Hesperus, and they can end the effect as a bonus action.
  • Shooting Star. Hesperus channels their divine power into a radiant projectile that streaks across the sky and strikes their target. They make a ranged spell attack against a creature, dealing 100 (20d10) radiant damage on a hit. On a miss, the projectile explodes in a 30-foot radius, dealing half the damage to all creatures within the area.

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Hesperus can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects; they can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

  • Nightfall. He creates an area of darkness within a 120-foot radius centered on them. Creatures within the area must make a DC 28 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
  • Starburst. He sends a burst of light in a 60-foot radius around them. Creatures within the radius must make a DC 28 Dexterity saving throw or take 80 (10d20) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Regional Effects

The region around His domain is suffused with their divine energy, which creates the following effects:

  • Twinkling Stars. The night sky is always clear and full of stars, and the stars themselves twinkle with a gentle light.
  • Divine Guidance. Creatures within 10 miles of Hesperus’s domain have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and Intelligence (History) checks.
  • **Blessing of the Evening Star. Creatures within 10 miles of Hesperus’s domain gain resistance to radiant damage and can add 1d6 to attack rolls and ability checks made during the night.

In the World

Hesperus, the god of the evening star, rises from the horizon as the sun sets in the west. With each passing moment, his radiance grows brighter, casting a gentle glow over the earth below.

As he ascends into the sky, Hesperus surveys the world beneath him. He watches as armies march across distant lands, as farmers tend to their fields, and as fishermen cast their nets into the sea. He sees the joy and sorrow of humanity, the love and the loss, the hope and the despair.

In the year 1453, Hesperus observes the world with particular interest. He has noticed a growing darkness creeping over the land, a sense of foreboding that weighs heavily on the hearts of men. He knows that something momentous is about to happen, and he wants to be there to witness it firsthand.

So he descends from his celestial perch and takes on human form, walking among the people of the earth. He travels to Constantinople, the great city of the east, which has stood for centuries as a bastion of civilization and learning. But now it is besieged by an army of Ottoman Turks, led by the fierce Sultan Mehmed II.

Hesperus wanders the streets of Constantinople, mingling with its citizens and observing the preparations for the coming battle. He sees the fear and the determination in the eyes of the defenders, as they brace themselves for the onslaught. He also sees the pride and the arrogance of the attackers, who believe they are destined to conquer the city and claim it as their own.

But Hesperus knows that victory is not inevitable. He senses the fragile balance of forces that will determine the outcome of the conflict. He sees the flaws and weaknesses in both sides, and he wonders what might happen if they were to be exposed.

And so he decides to intervene, not to take sides, but to reveal the truth. He uses his powers to influence the course of events, to guide the actions of the combatants in ways they cannot comprehend. He sows doubts in the minds of the Ottomans, causing them to hesitate and falter. He inspires the defenders to acts of heroism and sacrifice, giving them a glimpse of the greatness they are capable of.

As the battle rages on, Hesperus watches from afar, his heart heavy with the knowledge of what is at stake. He knows that the fate of Constantinople will reverberate throughout the world, shaping the course of history for centuries to come. And he knows that he has done his part to help tip the scales in favor of the defenders, to give them a fighting chance against overwhelming odds.

In the end, Hesperus disappears back into the heavens, leaving behind a city in ruins, but also a legacy of resilience and courage that will inspire generations to come. For he knows that, in the end, it is not the gods who determine the fate of mortals, but the choices they make and the actions they take, guided by the light of the evening star.

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