Eris ‘Goddess of Discord’ (disorderly strife)

Goddess of discord known to follow her brother Ares into battle. She frequently helps him to cause quarrels and lawlessness. She helped to cause the Trojan War by tossing her apple of discord into the guests at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis with the inscription to the fairest which started the beauty contest between Aphrodite Athena and Hera. As Enyo Goddess of war she is known by the epithet “Waster of Cities” she is depicted as being covered in blood and carrying weapons of war, a companion of Ares, the chief god of war.
Used with permissiom from Palindrome
As seen in Palindrome thread at Dicefreaks
Eris Bringer of Discord, Sister of Ares, Bearer of Ill Will
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Golden Apple
Home Plane: Strife or Olympus
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Portfolio: Strife, discord, war
Worshipers: Demagogues, rioters, warriors
Cleric Alignments: CE, CN
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Hatred, Madness, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon: Ill Will (+2 longsword)
Eris | |
Barbarian 30/Rogue 30 | |
Medium outsider (Chaotic, Evil, Extraplanar) | |
Divine Rank | 11 |
Hit Dice | 30d12 (Barbarian) plus 30d6 (Rogue) plus 720 (1260 hp) |
Initiative | +21 (+13 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative) |
Speed | 70 ft. |
Armor Class | 70 (+26 natural, +11 divine, +13 Dexterity, +11 deflection), touch 45, flat-footed 70 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +40/+55 |
Attack | +77 melee Ill Will or +66 unarmed strike or +66 melee touch or +64 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +77/+72/+67/+62 melee Ill Will (1d8 plus +33 and Will save DC 22 or disease/19-20/x2 plus +2d6 and Fort save DC 50 or die) or +81 unarmed strike (1d4 plus +15) or +66 melee touch or +64 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | greater rage, Mighty Rage, salient divine abilities, sneak attack +15d6, spell-like abilities, timeless rage |
Special Qualities | Divine aura (1100 feet, DC 32), divine immunities, DR 25/epic and adamantine and DR 8/-, evasion, fast movement, godly realm (10 miles outer plane, 1100 ft. Material Plane), greater teleport at will, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, indomitable will, opportunist, plane shift at will, remote communication, resistance (cold) 16, slippery mind, speak and read all languages and speak directly to all beings with 11 miles, SR 76, trap sense +20, uncanny dodge. |
Saves | Fort +55 Ref +50 Will +42 |
Abilities | Strength 41, Dexterity 36, Constitution 35, Intelligence 29, Wisdom 25 (Insanity Score 5), Charisma 32 |
Skills | Balance +33, Bluff +74, Climb +35, Diplomacy +36, Disable Device +40, Disguise +80 (+86 while observed in character), Escape Artist +40, Gather Information +34, Hide +74, Intimidate +80, Jump +39, Knowledge (local-Olympus) +40, Listen +35, Move Silently +50, Open Lock +63, Sense Motive +74, Sleight of Hand +63, Spot +35, Tumble +39 |
Feats | Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knock-Down, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (insanity), Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Whirlwind Attack |
Epic Feats | Chaotic Rage, Dexterous Will, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Epic Dodge, Improved Combat Reflexes, Incite Rage, Overwhelming Critical, Sneak Attack Of Opportunity, Superior Initiative |
Salient Divine Abilities | Battlesense, Bonus Domain (Madness), Bonus Domain (Trickery), Divine Glibness, Divine Inspiration, Divine Rage (11/day, +10 Strength, +10 Constitution, +5 Will, +10 resistances), Divine Recall (friends arguing), Divine Storm (chaotic and unholy), Divine Weapon Focus (longsword), Divine Weapon Specialization (longsword), Golden Apple (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Lay Curse, Vocal Annoyance (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Wave of Chaos (Will save DC 32). |
Environment | Olympus |
Organization | Unique (Solitary) or Eris and Ares |
Challenge Rating | 55 |
Treasure | Ill Will |
Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
Advancement | — |
Level Adjustment | — |
Alter Reality (Su) Eris exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifested in a number of ways. Eris can use wish when doing so could help her to incite arguments, destroy friendships, cause strife, or otherwise cause hatred and rage in those around her. Note that in the situation where Eris and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.
– Eris can use Alter Reality to cast any inflict spell at will as a standard action; Eris can apply metamagic feats to the spells if desired, but doing so requires him to forego using Alter Reality for 1 round for each level the feat would normally add to the equivalent spell.
– As a free action, Eris can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. Eris can also change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects he touches.
This ability allows Eris to assume any proportions from the size of a grain of sand up to as much as 1,600 feet tall. A radical change in size can have great impact on Eris’ combat ability. Eris’ Strength, Armor Class, attack bonus, and damage dealt with weapons changes according to the size the deity assumes. Eris’ Strength score can never be reduced to less than 1 through this ability. Also note that use of this divine ability does not affect all of Eris’ characteristics.
Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, banishment, binding, death effects, dimensional anchor, disease, disintegration, dismissal, electricity, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, repulsion, sleep, soul bind, stunning, Temporal Stasis, transmutation, Trap the soul, and turning and rebuking.
Domain Powers Casts chaotic and evil spells at +1 level; gains a +2 bonus on attacks, saves, and AC v. 1 opponent for 1 minute 1/day; possesses an Insanity score of 5 that she may use for the purpose of determining bonus spells and save DC’s but penalizes her on Will saves; Weapon Focus (longsword) as a free feat; adds Bluff, Disguise, and Hide to her class skills list.
Spell-like abilities: at will: animate objects, antipathy, bestow curse, blade barrier, blasphemy, bolts of bedevilment, chaos hammer, cloak of chaos, confusion, create undead, desecrate, dispel good, dispel law, disguise self, divine power, doom, Emotion (hate), false vision, flame strike, forbiddance, insanity, invisibility, maddening scream, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, magic vestment, magic weapon, mislead, nondetection, phantasmal killer, polymorph any object, power word (blind), power word (kill), power word (stun), protection from good, protection from law, rage, random action, righteous might, scare, screen, shatter, spiritual weapon, summon monster IX (chaotic and evil spell only), time stop, touch of madness, unholy aura, unholy blight, wail of the banshee, weird, word of chaos.
Eris casts her spell-like abilities at 71st level, except for chaotic and evil spells, which are cast at 72nd level. The save DC’s are 42 + spell level and are Charisma-based.
Possessions: Eris always bears Ill Will, a +6 longsword of masterslaying. Everyone injured by Eris’ Ill Will must make a Fort save DC or else catch the disease Festering Anger as described in the Book of Vile Darkness.
Other Divine Powers:
– As an intermediate deity, Eris may take 10 on any check. Eris treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. She is immortal.
– Senses: Eris can see (using normal vision or Darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 11 miles. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within 11 miles of her worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to ten locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 11 hours.
– Portfolio Sense: Eris is aware of any argument, pointless disagreement, or act of fighting up to 14 weeks in the past.
– Automatic Actions: Eris can use any skill that aids her in causing disagreement or conflict (such as Bluff, in order to convince people, or Gather Information in order to figure out what shall cause maximal irritation) as a free action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower. To use a skill as a free action, Eris must have ranks in the skill, or the skill must be usable untrained. She can perform up to ten such free actions each round.
– Create Magic Items: Eris can create any magical item that creates disagreement, incites conflict or increases tension, or weapons of war as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 200,000 gp.

Golden Apple (Unique Salient Divine Ability): 11 times a day, Eris may create a golden apple which she may throw into a crowd of at least 5 people or beings. Everyone who sees the apple must make a Will save DC 42. Should they fail the save, then they will automatically think that the apple is the most beautiful thing that they have ever beheld, that they deserve the apple more than everyone else who also saw it, and as a result, will do anything it takes in order to acquire it for themselves, even if doing so means breaking any alignment restrictions. Individuals who pick up the golden apple for themselves take 1d8 Wisdom and Intelligence damage/day and are unable to get rid of it unless they willingly give it to someone else which requires a Will save at the original DC, it is taken from them (invariably by force), or unless the curse is lifted. Eris may have up to 11 Golden Apples in existence at once, and the curse inflicted by gazing upon or possessing it may only be lifted by remove curse followed by an Atonement cast by a 31st level caster or higher as a result of any actions committed while under the curse.
Vocal Annoyance (Unique Salient Divine Ability): The sound of Eris’ voice is so irritating that all beings within earshot recieve a -5 penalty on their saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, or attempts to persuade them to kill or bring harm to other beings. This is a mind-affecting sonic effect.
Rage (Ex): The following changes are in effect as long as Eris rages: HP 1560; AC 67; Atk Ill Will +82/+82/+77/+72/+67 (1d8 plus +2d6 (chaotic) plus +38/19-20/x2 plus +2d6 and Fort save DC 55 or die) or +86 unarmed strike (1d4 plus +2d6 (chaotic) plus +20) or +71 melee touch; Grapple +71; resistance (cold) 26; SR 86; SV Fort +60, Will +49; Strength 51, Constitution 45; Climb +55, Jump +59. Eris’ rages last for an hour and she may enter rage 11 times a day.
Eris’ Avatars appear at first as beautiful women with mocking, knowing smiles…at least until she Rages and her full wrath comes to the fore, contorting her face in anger and insanity as she screams every word out of her mouth. This is typically how she is portrayed on the Prime before her martial prowess makes such issues completely irrelevant compared to attempting to survive. Eris particularly enjoys sending her Avatars to the Prime Material Planes for the purposes of wreaking havoc and disrupting the plans of the rest of the Olympians as much as she can get away with (which is quite a bit). Eris is the least popular member of the Olympic pantheon who hasn’t actually been sent to Tartarus.
Eris’ Avatar | |
Barbarian 15/Rogue 15 | |
Divine Rank | 0 |
Hit Dice | 15d10 (barbarian) plus 15d6 (rogue) plus 270 (510 hp) |
Initiative | +19 (+11 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative) |
Speed | 70 ft. |
Armor Class | 43 (+15 natural, +9 Dexterity, +9 deflection), touch 28, flat-footed 43 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +22/+36 |
Attack | +41Ill Will or +36 melee touch or +35 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +41/+36/+31/+26 Ill Will (1d8 plus +19 and Will save DC 22 or disease/19-20/x2 plus +2d6) or unarmed strike +35 (1d4 plus +13) or +35 melee touch or +31 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | greater rage, rage 4/day, sneak attack, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | divine aura (1100 ft., Will DC 20), divine immunities, DR 10/epic and DR 3/-, evasion, fast movement, greater rage, greater teleport at will, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, indomitable will, plane shift at will, resistance (electricity) 5, SR 47, slippery mind, sneak attack +8d6, trapfinding, trap sense +10, uncanny dodge |
Saves | Fort +15 Ref +13 Will +9 |
Abilities | Strength 36, Dexterity 28, Constitution 28, Intelligence 27, Wisdom 22 (Insanity Score 5), Charisma 29 |
Skills | Balance +22, Bluff +33, Climb +20, Diplomacy +27, Disable Device +22, Disguise +33 (+37 while observed in character), Escape Artist +27, Gather Information +22, Hide +33, Intimidate +37, Jump +22, Knowledge (local-Olympus) +25, Listen +25, Move Silently +28, Open Lock +33, Sense Motive +33, Sleight of Hand +37, Spot +15, Tumble +16 |
Feats | Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword) |
Epic Feats | Dire Charge, Superior Initiative, Overwhelming Critical (longsword) |
Challenge Rating | 29 |
Treasure | Ill Will |

Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, mind-affecting effects.
Domain Powers Casts chaotic and evil spells at +1 level; gains a +2 bonus on attacks, saves, and AC v. 1 opponent for 1 minute 1/day; possesses an Insanity score of 5 that she may use for the purpose of determining bonus spells and save DC’s but penalizes her on Will saves; Weapon Focus (longsword) as a free feat; adds Bluff, Disguise, and Hide to her class skills list.
Salient Divine Abilities Bonus Domain (Madness), Bonus Domain (Trickery), Wave of Chaos (Will save DC 22).
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day animate objects, antipathy, bestow curse, blade barrier, blasphemy, bolts of bedevilment, chaos hammer, cloak of chaos, confusion, create undead, desecrate, dispel good, dispel law, disguise self, divine power, doom, Emotion (hate), false vision, flame strike, forbiddance, insanity, invisibility, maddening scream, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, magic vestment, magic weapon, mislead, nondetection, phantasmal killer, polymorph any object, power word (blind), power word (kill), power word (stun), protection from good, protection from law, rage, random action, righteous might, scare, screen, shatter, spiritual weapon, summon monster IX (chaotic and evil spell only), time stop, touch of madness, unholy aura, unholy blight, wail of the banshee, weird, word of chaos
Eris’ Avatar casts her spell-like abilities at 30th level, except for chaotic and evil spells which are cast at 31st level. Saving throws against Eris’ Avatar’s spell-like abilities is DC 19 + spell level. The saving throw DCs are Charisma-based.
Rage (Ex) The following changes are in effect as long as Eris’ Avatar rages: HP 600; AC 43; Atk Ill Will +44/+39/+34/+29 (1d8 plus +22/19-20/x2 plus +2d6) or +38 unarmed strike (1d4 plus +16) or +38 melee touch; Grapple +39; SV Fort +18, Will +14; Strength 42, Constitution 34; Climb +36, Jump +38. Eris’ Avatar’s rages last for 15 rounds and she may enter rage 4 times a day.