“Meet Mnemosyne, the Titan goddess of memory and mother of the Muses, who weaves the threads of remembrance in the tapestry of existence.”
Mnemosyne was the personification of memory, this titaness was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia and the creator of the Muses by Zeus
Kings and poets receive their powers of authoritative speech from their possession of Mnemosyne and their special relationship with the Muses.
Zeus and Mnemosyne slept together for nine consecutive nights and thereby created the nine orginal Muses. Mnemosyne also presided over a pool in Hades, counterpart to the river Lethe. Dead souls drank from Lethe so they would not remember their past lives when reincarnated. Initiates were encouraged to drink from the river Mnemosyne when they died, instead of Lethe.

Mnemosyne (Elder Titan) | |
Colossal outsider (Extraplanar) | |
Hit Dice | 70d8+700 (1,015 hp) |
Initiative | +0 |
Speed | 150 ft. |
AC | 58 (-8 size, +32 natural, +24 insight) |
Base Attack/Grapple | +70/+104 |
Attack | Colossal +5 warhammer +87 (4d8+30/19-20 (+2d6 on critical hit)) melee; or Colossal +5 javelin +70 (2d10+22/19-20) ranged |
Full Attack | Colossal +5 warhammer +87/+82/+77/+72 (4d8+30/19-20 (+2d6 on critical hit)) melee; or Colossal +5 javelin +70/+65/+60/+55 (2d10+22/19-20) ranged |
Space/Reach | 30 ft./30 ft. |
Special Attacks | Spell-like abilities, spells |
Special Qualities | DR 20/epic, SR 40 |
Saves | Fort +47, Ref +37, Will +50 |
Abilities | Strength 45, Dexterity 10, Constitution 31, Intelligence 33, Wisdom 37, Charisma 26 |
Skills | Concentration +83, Craft (any five) +45, Decipher Script +84, Diplomacy +45, Gather Information +87, Intimidate +56, Jump +90, Knowledge (all) +66, Listen +86, Sense Motive +86, Speak Language (any five), Spellcraft +90, Spot +86 |
Feats | Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (warhammer), Improved Critical (javelin), Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (warhammer), Weapon Focus (javelin) |
Epic Feats | Automatic Silent Spell (0- through 9th level spells), Automatic Still Spell (0- through 9th level spells), Devastating Critical (warhammer), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus (warhammer), Epic Weapon Focus (javelin), Overwhelming Critical (warhammer), Polyglot |
Climate/Terrain | Mount Olympus |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 30 |
Treasure | Standard |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
Advancement | 71-140 HD (Colossal) |
Spell-Like Abilities At will-alter self, analyze dweomer, commune with nature, cure critical wounds, eyebite, freedom of movement, fly, fog cloud, produce flame, protection from energy, read magic, remove curse, sanctuary, sending, speak with animals, soften earth and stone, speak with plants, summon monster VI, greater teleport, wind wall;
3/day–antilife shell, astral projection, contact other plane, greater dispel magic, greater scrying, invisibility purge, plane shift.
Caster level 29th; save DC 18 + spell level. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Spells Mnemosyne can use arcane spells as a 29th-level wizard or divine spells as a 29th-level cleric, from the cleric list and from the Eloquence and Music domains. She will also possess the knowledge of at least three epic spells and the means by which to develop them, though he may not have done so himself.
An Mnemosyne’s natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.