Freya (Leader of the Valkyries; Goddess of Love and Fertility; Goddess of War; Goddess of Divination and Magic)
“Freya: The Enchanting Norse Goddess of Love, Beauty, and War!”

- Pantheon: Norse Pantheon
- Deity Title: Freya, Goddess of Love and Beauty
- Deity Symbol: A golden necklace or a falcon feather
- Home Plane: Folkvangr, part of Asgard
- Deity Level: Greater Deity
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Aliases: Vanadis, Mardoll
- Superior: None (Freya is one of the prominent Norse deities)
- Traditional Allies: Odin, Thor, Frigg, Njord, Balder, and the Vanir deities
- Traditional Foes: Loki, Hel, Jormungandr, Fenrir, and the giants
- Divine Artifact: Brisingamen, a legendary necklace of great beauty and power
- Servants: Valkyries
- Servitor Creatures: Swans and songbirds
- Sacred Animal: Falcon or Swan
- Manifestations: Radiant aura, ethereal beauty, golden light, captivating voice
- Signs of Favor: Sudden feelings of love, success in romantic endeavors, beauty enhanced
- Worshipers: Lovers, artists, poets, warriors seeking valor, those seeking peace and harmony
- Cleric Alignments: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Good
- Specialty Priests: Lovebringers, Valkyries, Beautyseekers
- Holy Days: Midsummer’s Eve, Winter Solstice, Festival of the Spring Blooms
- Portfolio: Love, Beauty, Fertility, Valor, War, Wisdom
- Domains: Life, Light, Nature, War
- Favored Weapon: Spear
- Favored Class: Bard
- Favored Race: Humans, Elves
- Duties of the Priesthood: Spreading love and beauty, guiding the hearts of lovers, performing marriage rites, honoring fallen heroes, seeking wisdom in fate’s mysteries
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: Temple of Love in Asgard, Shrine of Beauty in Alfheim, Grove of Fertility in Vanaheim
- Benefits: Clerics and followers of Freya gain access to spells and blessings that enhance love, beauty, and valor. They may call upon her for guidance in matters of the heart and seek her protection in times of war. Those who serve her diligently may receive her direct favor and blessings in their endeavors. Additionally, priests of Freya have a special connection with swans and songbirds, who serve as messengers and guides in times of need.
Physical Description: In the realm of the gods, Freya stands as a breathtaking vision of divine beauty. With flowing golden hair cascading like sunlit waves down her back, her radiant presence captivates all who behold her. Her eyes, the color of the clearest summer sky, sparkle with a mix of warmth and mystery. Freya’s features are delicate yet strong, and her flawless skin bears the glow of eternal youth.
Dressed in luxurious garments crafted from the finest silks and adorned with shimmering jewels, Freya exudes regal elegance. A beautiful necklace called Brísingamen, forged by skilled dwarves, graces her neck, enhancing her allure even further. Her graceful movements resemble a dance, and the air around her seems to hum with an enchanting aura, captivating those who come near.
Persona and Purpose: Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love, Beauty, and War, holds a multifaceted role in the divine pantheon. Renowned for her captivating beauty and sensuality, she embodies the essence of love and desire, weaving enchantments that ignite passion in the hearts of gods and mortals alike. Her powers over love and fertility grant her the ability to bring harmony to relationships and blessings to those seeking love.
Yet, Freya is more than just a goddess of love. She is also a fierce warrior, leading the Valkyries, battle maidens who guide fallen heroes to Valhalla. In times of war, her presence inspires courage and valor among her chosen warriors. Freya’s strength and determination are matched only by her compassion, as she offers solace and protection to those who suffer in conflict.
Despite her alluring charm, Freya is known for her independence and assertiveness. As a deity of profound wisdom, she seeks to attain knowledge of the mysteries of the cosmos, harnessing the secrets of fate and weaving them into the tapestry of existence.
Freya’s ultimate goal is to maintain balance and harmony in the realms of gods and mortals. She seeks to protect her people, nurture love and passion, and preserve the bonds that hold the worlds together. With her unyielding spirit and compassionate heart, Freya stands as a symbol of both the tender embrace of love and the unyielding force of war.
Roleplaying Elements from
Deities & Demigods
By Rich Redman, Skip Williams, James Wyatt
The Lore of the Gods Book Two: The Asgardians
Lead Designers Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director Todd Morasch
Illustrations Michael Nickovich Typesetter Joshua Gilchrist
Benefits: Favored classes of Freya gain a +1 bonus to any single ability score of the player’s choice (remains as long as the character worships Freya).
Freya (fray-ah) is the deity of erotic and sensual love, adept at the practice of magic. Some myths say she taught the Vanir art of witchcraft to the Aesir. Freya is the daughter of Njord and the twin sister of Frey. She is known as the priestess who taught prophecy to the Aesir. She is queen of the elves.
Of all the goddesses in Asgard, she is the most beautiful. She is revered as the ‘bride of the Vanir’ and has a reputation as a flirt. Loki has accused her of having an incestuous relationship with her brother Frey (which is known to be acceptable among the Vanir, but not the Aesir). She delights in romantic poetry and is considered the most magnanimous of the goddesses and uses her love lore ability on many gods and creatures of the underworld.
Freya weeps tears of gold when her husband, Odur, goes on his journeys. Her most prized possession is the Necklace of the Brisings, sometimes called Brisingamen, a fantastically beautiful and priceless piece of jewelry crafted by the dwarves. She bartered sexual favors in order to obtain it by promising to spend one evening with each of the four dwarfs who crafted it. There are no magical attributes linked with this piece of jewelry, so therefore vanity alone caused her to treasure it. When Odin had Loki take it away from her, Freya started a war in retaliation.
Like Odin, Freya is a leader of souls as well as a sorceress. She lives in Folkvang (which means battlefield) and each day chooses Freya chooses certain of the slain elves on the battlefield, and all warror women so slain, (whilst Odin gets the others) to come to her hall Sessrumnir as she rides through the battlefield in her cat-drawn chariot with her Valkyries by her side.
Freya’s cults tend to be exuberant and passionate. Whatever they do, they do with full enthusiasm. Racially and culturally one of the most diverse Asgardian cults, they find beauty in magic and vice versa. Physical appearance is irrelevant to those seeking initiation. Instead, they must demonstrate the kind of ardor promoted by the cult.
Clergy and Temples
Freya’s clerics revere her role as a warrior deity. They actively practice the arts of war, including the arcane arts. Many of the clergy are sorcerers or wizards in addition to being priests.
Freya’s temples are lavishly decorated with the gold that is her gift to the world. The doors face the setting sun, since Odur returns to his wife at sunset. The temples contain heavily secured display areas where sumptuous jewelry rests as offerings to Freya. They also contain armories, arcane libraries, training areas, and arcane laboratories.
Visitors to Freya’s temples receive greetings from enthusiastic members of the community or the clergy. The warm welcome quickly dissipates without an offering of jewelry or an honest expression of the passion prized by their deity. Offerings of magical knowledge, items, or songs are accepted as warmly as jewelry.
Fighter 20/Sorcerer 20 | |
Medium-Size outsider | |
Divine Rank | 15 |
Hit Dice | 20d8+160 (outsider) plus 20d10+160 (Ftr) plus 20d4+160 (Sor) (920 hp) |
Initiative | +16 (+12 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 60 ft., fly 200 ft. perfect |
AC | 82 (+12 Dexterity, +28 natural, +15 divine, +17 deflection) |
Attacks | +5 dancing spell storing longsword +69/+64/+59/+54 melee; or spell +63 melee touch or +67 ranged touch |
Damage | +5 dancing spell storing longsword 1d8+19/17-20 or by spell |
Face/Reach | 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities. |
Special Qualities | Elf traits, divine immunities, DR 50/+4, fire resistance 35, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, plane shift at will, familiar (cats), SR 47, divine aura (1,500 ft., DC 42). |
Saves | Fort +55, Ref +59, Will +55. |
Abilities | Strength 27, Dexterity 34, Constitution 26, Intelligence 27, Wisdom 27, Charisma 44. |
Skills* | Alchemy +50, Appraise +45, Bluff +39, Climb +50, Concentration +50, Craft (metalworking) +55, Craft (stoneworking) +55, Diplomacy +58, Gather Information +54, Handle Animal +59, Hide +30, Innuendo +47, Intimidate +54, Jump +50, Knowledge (arcana) +50, Knowledge (nature) +45, Knowledge (the planes) +45, Knowledge (religion) +45, Listen +27, Ride (horse) +56, Scry +46, Search +47, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +51, Spot +49, Swim +50. *Always receives a 20 on checks. |
Feats | Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Endurance, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Combat Expertise, Extend Spell, Eyes in the Back of Your Head, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite longbow), Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite shortbow), Martial Weapon Proficiency (longbow), Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword), Martial Weapon Proficiency (rapier), Maximize Spell, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Power Critical (longsword), Quick Draw, Ride-By Attack, Spirited charge, Spring Attack, Trample, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword), Whirlwind Attack. |
Elf Traits | +2 racial bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells or effects; Low-Light Vision; entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it. |
Divine Immunities | Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment. |
Salient | Alter Form, Alter Reality, Alter Size, Area Divine Shield, Automatic Metamagic (quicken sorcerer spells), Control Creatures (any creature that can cast a spell or use a spell-like ability), Divine Blast, Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Inspiration (love and desire), Divine Shield, Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domain (Charm), Instant Move, Instant Counterspell, Mass Divine Blast, See Magic, Shapechange. |
Domain Powers | 20/day turn or destroy earth creatures, or rebuke or command air creatures; 15/day increase Charisma by +4 for 1 minute; cast good spells at +1 caster level; use spell completion or spell trigger device as Sor20. |
Special Qualities
Elf traits, divine immunities, DR 50/+4, fire resistance 35, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, plane shift at will, familiar (cats), SR 47, divine aura (1,500 ft., DC 42). Saves Fort +55, Ref +59, Will +55. Abilities Strength 27, Dexterity 34, Constitution 26, Intelligence 27, Wisdom 27, Charisma 44.
Alchemy +50, Appraise +45, Bluff +39, Climb +50, Concentration +50, Craft (metalworking) +55, Craft (stoneworking) +55, Diplomacy +58, Gather Information +54, Handle Animal +59, Hide +30, Innuendo +47, Intimidate +54, Jump +50, Knowledge (arcana) +50, Knowledge (nature) +45, Knowledge (the planes) +45, Knowledge (religion) +45, Listen +27, Ride (horse) +56, Scry +46, Search +47, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +51, Spot +49, Swim +50. *Always receives a 20 on checks.
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Endurance, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Combat Expertise, Extend Spell, Eyes in the Back of Your Head, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite longbow), Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite shortbow), Martial Weapon Proficiency (longbow), Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword), Martial Weapon Proficiency (rapier), Maximize Spell, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Power Critical (longsword), Quick Draw, Ride-By Attack, Spirited charge, Spring Attack, Trample, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword), Whirlwind Attack.
Elf Traits +2 racial bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells or effects; Low-Light Vision; entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it. Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment.
Salient Divine Abilities
Alter Form, Alter Reality, Alter Size, Area Divine Shield, Automatic Metamagic (quicken sorcerer spells), Control Creatures (any creature that can cast a spell or use a spell-like ability), Divine Blast, Divine Celerity, Divine Dodge, Divine Inspiration (love and desire), Divine Shield, Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domain (Charm), Instant Move, Instant Counterspell, Mass Divine Blast, See Magic, Shapechange. Domain Powers 20/day turn or destroy earth creatures, or rebuke or command air creatures; 15/day increase Charisma by +4 for 1 minute; cast good spells at +1 caster level; use spell completion or spell trigger device as Sor20.
Spell-Like Abilities: Freya uses these abilities as a 25th-level caster, except for good spells, which she uses as a 26th-level caster. The save DCs are 42 + spell level.
Adoration, Adoring Crowd, Adoration, Overwhelming ,Allure ,Antimagic Field, Ardent Gaze, Calm Emotions, Charm Person, Charm Monster, Demand, Devoted Masses, Devoted Shield, Dispel Magic, Distracting Wiles, Dominate Monster, Eagle’s splendor, Emotion, Enthrall, Fascinate, Geas/Quest, Heroism, Identify, Imbue with Spell Ability, Insanity, Mage’s Disjunction, Mists of Ecstasy, Narcissism, Magic Aura, Protection from Spells, Repulsion, Smitten, Spell Resistance, Spell Turning, Suggestion, Sweet Whispers, Sympathy,
Sorcerer Spells Known (Levels 017; 6/11/10/10/10/10/9/9/9/9/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2; base DC = 29 + spell level):
- 0 – arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, mage hand, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance;
- 1st – charm person, expeditious retreat, jump, mage armor, protection from chaos;
- 2nd – arcane lock, blindness/deafness, blur, bulls strength, cats grace;
- 3rd – dispel magic, fireball, fly, gaseous form;
- 4th – bestow curse, charm monster, confusion, fear;
- 5th – contact other plane, dominate person, dream, wall of iron;
- 6th – chain lightning, control weather, flesh to stone;
- 7th – ethereal jaunt, Mordenkainens sword, reverse gravity;
- 8thclone, demand, etherealness;
- 9thdominate monster, teleportation circle, wish.
Freya’s possessions
Freyas cloak of feathers allows flight (as the fly spell) at will with perfect maneuverability. It also allows Freya to transform into a falcon (use the statistics for a celestial eagle) at will.
Caster Level: 20th;Weight: 1 lb.
Freya’s Chariot
Freya has a chariot drawn by a pair of lions
Brisingamen is the (principally amber) necklace of the goddess Freya . When she wears it no man or god could withstand her charms, which is obviously a matter of great concern to the other goddesses during springtime when she wears it. The necklace also gives support to any army which she favoured on the battlefield, owner of the attractive piece of jewellery Brosingamen (Brísingamen), which she bought from four dwarfs (Dvalin, Alfrik, Berling, and Grer) for the price of a night with her. This necklace is sometimes seen today as embodying her power over the material world. Freya loved jewels so much that she even named her daughter “Hnoss”, a name meaning “jewel”
Other Divine Powers
As an intermediate deity, Freya automatically receives a die result of 20 on any check. She treats a 1 on a saving throw or attack roll normally and not as an automatic failure. She is immortal.
Senses: Freya can see (using normal vision or Low-Light Vision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of fifteen miles. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within fifteen miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of her titles or name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to ten locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Sense: Freya senses anything that involves romance and romantic passion and when anyone creates an object of more than 10,000 gp value the instant it happens and fifteen weeks into the past.
Automatic Actions: Freya can use Appraise, Knowledge (arcana), or Spellcraft as a free action if the DC for the task is 25 or lower. She can perform up to ten such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items: Freya can create any magic weapon, magic armor, or wondrous item usable by fighters, sorcerers, or wizards, as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 200,000 gp.
Freya is a rather vain goddess who enjoys flattery-though she is far from foolish enough to believe it. She is not above using her looks to acquire what she wants, such as her priceless necklace, Brisingamen.
Priestesses of Freya are all “seithr,” itinerant women who travel the countryside telling fortunes. These women are seldom welcomed into a village by wives. They have the ability to change themselves into horses, in which state they have been known to commit acts against the law for human beings.
Avatar of Freya | |
Female Human sorcerer10 fighter10 | |
Medium humanoid | |
HD | (10d4)+(10d10)+80; hp 220 |
Initiative | +4 (Dexterity) |
Speed | 30 ft.(6 squares) |
Armor Class | 28 (flatfooted 24, touch 21) |
Attacks | Dagger +5 (keen/wounding/Distance/Returning) +27/+22/+17 melee +24/+19/+14 20’/ P ranged Dmg: 1d4+12 Crit: 17-20/x2 Spec: Range increment doubled, when thrown will return in time for next round’s attack, threat range doubled, wounds inflicted bleed for 1 point of damage per round until heal (DC 15) or any cure spell, Sword +5 (Long/Bane (Giants)/Brilliant Energy/vorpal) +28/+23/+18 melee Dmg: 1d8+14 Crit: 19-20/x2 Spec: +2 better vs. designated foe and does +2d6 bonus damage, ignores armor and enhancement bonuses, severs opponents head on critical hit, Unarmed Strike +22/+17/+12 melee Dmg: 1d3+7 Crit: 20/x2 |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./ 5 ft. |
Special Qualities | Summon Familiar; Vision: Darkvision 120 |
Saves | Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +14; |
Abilities | Strength 24, Dexterity 18, Constitution 19, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 18, Charisma 20 |
Skills | Alchemy +9, Climb +17, Concentration +19, Handle Animal +15, Hide +11, Jump+18, Knowledge (Arcana) +14, Listen +12, Move Silently +9, Ride (Dexterity)+16, Scry +14, Search +9, Spellcraft +19, Spot +9, Swim +8 |
Feats | Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Combat Casting, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mobility, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Silent Spell, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Spring Attack, Still Spell, Weapon Focus (Sword (Long)),Weapon Specialization (Sword (Long)), Whirlwind Attack |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 20 |
Alignment | Lawful Neutral |
Advancement | As class |
Possessions: Belt of Giant Strength +4, Dagger +5 (keen/wounding/Distance/Returning), Horn of Valhalla (Iron), Leather +5 (Spell Resistance (SR19)/ Fire Resistance/Invulnerability), Ring (Force Shield), Ring +5 (Protection), Rod (Thunder and Lightning), Sword +5 (Long/Bane (Giants)/Brilliant Energy/ vorpal), Wand (fireball/3rd Level Caster), Wand (lightning bolt/3rd Level Caster), Wand (Magic Missle/9th Level Caster)
Spells: sorcerer: (6 /8 /7 /7 /6 /4)
- 0-daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, light, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic
- 1-alarm, detect secret doors, identify, magic missile, shield
- 2-blur, invisibility, knock, web
- 3-Dispel magic, haste, summon monster III
- 4-greater invisibility, polymorph other
- 5-cone of cold
Magical Artifacts that the Avatar May Possess:
Feathered Coat of Journeys
John Bauer 1882-1918 Title: Freja
This is a full-length coat that appears sheer but is made up of thousands of feathers of every type imaginable.
The Feathered Coat of Journeys has the following powers (at 20 th level):
- –fly at will.
- –feather fall, this ability is automatic if the wearer should lose consciousness.
- –pass without trace at will.
- –freedom of movement at will.
- –tree stride at will.
- –plane shift at will.
- –protection from energy 5/day.
- –Antiplant shell 5/day.
- –commune with nature 5/day.
- –death ward 5/day.
- –Liveoak 5/day.
- –Shambler 5/day.
- -The coat softens and absorbs some of the effect of blunt weapons. This provides Damage Reduction 30/- against blunt attacks.
- -The coat provides a natural +5 bonus to AC.
Currently in the World
In the Age of Creation: Freya, the resplendent Goddess of Love and Beauty, emerges from the cosmic tapestry, her radiant presence captivating all who lay eyes upon her. As the realms of gods and mortals intertwine, she becomes a symbol of passion and desire, her essence permeating every corner of existence. Gods vie for her favor, and mortals fall under her spell, but Freya remains a goddess unto herself, cherishing her independence.
Her heart beats with love and valor, for she is not just a muse of beauty but also a warrior leading the valiant Valkyries. As they soar through the heavens, guiding fallen heroes to Valhalla, Freya’s influence shapes the fates of both gods and mortals. Love and war entwine, and she seeks to strike a balance that preserves the harmony of existence.
Age of Strife and Valor: As the realms of gods and mortals entangle, Freya’s presence expands. She embraces her role as a warrior, inspiring bravery and valor in those she favors. When battles rage, her radiant form graces the battlefields, guiding champions to triumph. Yet, she remains haunted by the cost of war, yearning for an end to the suffering it brings.
Freya delves into the mysteries of fate, seeking wisdom to untangle the threads of destiny. She seeks answers to the questions that elude even the gods, driven by a desire to bring about a world where love thrives without the specter of conflict.
The 1450s: In the year 1450, Freya’s presence remains steadfast as the world undergoes transformation. Amidst wars and struggles, her followers call upon her for guidance. Freya appears, a beacon of hope and compassion, offering solace to the weary and strength to the brave. Her love empowers mortals to endure, and her beauty reminds them of the wonder in the world.
As the goddess of wisdom and compassion, Freya takes a more active role in shaping the course of events. She weaves her enchantment to unite hearts and minds, seeking to sow the seeds of peace amidst conflict. Her motivations are clear: to ensure love and beauty reign over chaos and strife.
Goals, Desires, and Motivations: Freya’s ultimate goal is to bring harmony to the realms she cherishes. She desires a world where love and beauty flourish without the shadow of war. In her quest for wisdom, she seeks to understand the intricacies of fate, seeking to ease the suffering of both gods and mortals.
Her heart yearns for a world where love conquers all, and she imparts her blessings to those who cherish it. Her compassion knows no bounds, but it also serves as a vulnerability, for she feels the weight of the world’s suffering, driving her to action.
In Summary: Freya, the radiant Goddess of Love and Beauty, dances through time, her essence woven into the fabric of existence. From the Age of Creation to the 1450s, she guides the hearts of gods and mortals, seeking harmony amid love and valor. Her compassion and strength inspire the world, and she quests for wisdom to unravel the secrets of fate. As the world evolves, Freya remains an unwavering beacon of hope, empowering those who seek love and peace in a tumultuous age. Her goals transcend time, and her desires are as boundless as her beauty, for she is the muse and the warrior, and her legacy endures eternally.