
Originally Posted by Green Giant of the Wizards Community forums.
The Redeemer
Greater Deity
Symbol: Cobra head
Home Plane: Negative Energy Plane/the Vortex
Portfolio: Destruction
Worshipers: Entropists, yavana (barbarians), singh (fighters), dhuka (rogues), the Doomguard
Cleric Alignments: NE, CE, LE
Domains: Corruption, Decay, Destruction, Evil, Force, Grave
Favored Weapon: Tulwar (Scimitar)
Siva should not to be mistaken for the Hindu god “Shiva the Destroyer,” which is a composite of many older gods. Siva is such an important manifestation of Rudra (the destructive god of storms and diseases) that he can be regarded as a separate deity. Siva is power incarnate, a fierce ascetic who repeatedly brings the world to the brink of annihilation by dancing in fire. He is the negative force of the cosmos, destroying whatever he touches in order that it may be reincorporated into unity with the spirit of the cosmos.
Anything that Siva touches is utterly annihilated and can never be reconstructed, raised, or reincarnated. In his true form, Siva is a man with four arms and three eyes, usually wearing a tiger skin and a snake collar.
Clergy and Temples
Priests of Siva are noted for their monthly fire dance. After scouring the countryside in search of sacrifices (which includes everything from furniture to living beings), the priests spend several hours dancing around a huge bonfire. They end the ceremony by throwing everything they have collected into the fire.
Siva | |
Shaman 10/Entropomancer 10/sorcerer 10/fighter 10 | |
Medium outsider (Evil, Spirit) | |
Divine Rank | 18 |
Hit Dice | 20d8+180 (outsider) plus 10d6+90 (Shaman) plus 10d8+90 (Entropomancer) plus 10d4+90 (sorcerer) plus 10d10+90 (fighter) (980 hp) |
Initiative | +13 (+9 Dexterity, +4 Improved Iniative) |
Speed | 60 ft. |
AC | 77 (+9 Dexterity, +18 divine, +31 natural, +9 deflection) touch 46, flat-footed 68 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +40/+73 |
Attack | +5 unholy vicious wounding Scimitar +79 melee; or unarmed strike +73 melee; or spell +73 melee touch or +67 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +5 unholy vicious wounding Scimitar +77/+72/+67/+62 melee and 3 unarmed strikes +67 melee; or spell +73 melee touch or +67 ranged touch |
Damage* | +5 unholy vicious wounding Scimitar 1d6+22/15-20 and 3 unarmed strikes 1d8+7/19-20; or by spell *Always does maximum damage (Scimitar 28, unarmed strike 15) |
Face/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Rebuke undead (+6 to rebuke checks) 12/day, shard of entropy (7d6, consuming) 2/day, entropic field (reroll, wounding) 2/day, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, bypass damage reduction (evil). |
SpecialQualities | Divine immunities, DR 30/epic, fire resistance 23, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 18 miles, remote communication, godly realm, greater teleport at will, plane shift at will, spell weaving, animal companion as druid, spirit sight, spirits’ favor, control sphere, SR 50, divine aura (18 miles, DC 37). |
Saves | Fort +70, Ref +68, Will +70 |
Abilities | Strength 40, Dexterity 28, Constitution 28, Intelligence 32, Wisdom 32, Charisma 29 |
Skills* | Appraise +54, Bluff +52, Climb +53, Concentration +72 (+76 when casting defensively), Craft (alchemy) +54, Craft (armorsmithing) +54, Craft (blacksmithing) +54, Craft (stonemasonry) +54, Craft (weaponsmithing) +54, Diplomacy +60, Disable Device +54, Handle Animal +47, Heal +49, Hide +52, Iaijutsu Focus +52, Intimidate +76, Jump +53, Knowledge (Arcana) +74, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +74, Knowledge (history) +54, Knowledge (local) +54, Knowledge (nature) +54, Knowledge (religion) +74, Knowledge (spirits) +54, Listen +65, Move Silently +52, Profession (engineer) +74, Ride (Dexterity)(horse) +49, Search +54 (+60 with hidden or secret doors), Sense Motive +54, Spellcraft +82, Spot+65, Swim +53, Use Magic Device +29 (+35 with scrolls). *Always receives a 20 on checks. |
Feats | Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Divine Might, Dodge, Eagle Claw Attack, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (Scimitar), Improved Iniative, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, Magical Aptitude, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Multiweapon Fighting, Overwhelming Critical, Power Attack, Power Critical (Scimitar), Profane Boost, Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Weapon Specialization (Scimitar), Whirlwind Strike |
Divine Immunities | Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment. |
Salient Divine Abilities | Alter Form, Alter Reality, Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Avatar, Battlesense, Divine Blast, Divine Inspiration (dread), Divine Shield, Energy Storm (negative), Extra Domain (Corruption), Extra Domain (Force), Extra Domain (Grave), Frightful Presence, Hand of Death, Irresistible Blows (Scimitar), Lay Curse, Life and Death, Life Drain, Mass Divine Blast, Mass Life and Death, Sunder and Disjoin, Wound Enemy |
Domain Powers | 18/day ignore hardness rating of an object when making an attack; 18/day touch of decay (melee touch attack deals 1d4 Constitution damage to living creatures, 2d6+10 to undead, objects, or constructs); 18/day smite (+4 on attack and +10 on damage for one weapon attack); cast evil spells at +1 caster level; 18/day reroll any damage roll; 18/day death touch (if subject touched does not have at least 60 hp, it dies). |
Spell-like Abilities | Siva uses these abilities as a 28th-level caster, except evil spells, which he uses as a 29th-level caster. The save DCs are 37 + spell level. animate dead, Antilife Shell, Befoul, crushing hand, blasphemy, blast of force, blight, blindness/deafness, contagion, create greater undead, create undead, death knell, desecrate, Despoil, destruction, disintegrate, Dispel Good, doom, Earthquake, energy drain, enervation, feeblemind, Forcecage, ghost light, horrid wilting, Implosion, inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, insanity, harm, mage armor, magic circle against good, magic missile, mass inflict light wounds, Morality Undone, resilient sphere, Otiluke’s telekinetic sphere, Pox, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement, repulsion, shatter, slay living, summon monster IX (as evil spell only), unholy aura, unholy blight, wail of the banshee, wall of bones, Wall of Force, withering palm. |
Shaman Spells/Day: 6/9/9/9/7/7/6/5/3; base DC = 21 + spell level; DC 22 + spell level with evocation spells.
sorcerer Spells Known (6/9/8/8/7/5; base DC = 19 + spell level; DC 20 + spell level with evocation spells):
- 0-acid splash, Detect Magic, electric jolt (MAG), Horizikauls cough (MAG), mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance;
- 1st-burning hands, forcewave (MAG), magic missile, shield, True Strike;
- 2nd-battering ram (MAG), darkness, acid arrow, scorching ray;
- 3rd-fireball, haste, lightning bolt;
- 4th-shout, thunderlance (FOR);
- 5th-cone of cold.
Possessions: Siva uses a +5 Scimitar with the unholy, vicious, and wounding special abilities.
Other Divine Powers
As greater deities, Siva automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks and saves). He is immortal.
Senses: Siva can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of eighteen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within eighteen miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to twenty locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 18 hours.
Portfolio sense: Siva sense any act of destruction eighteen weeks before it happens and retain the sensation for eighteen weeks after the event occurs.
Automatic actions: Siva can use Concentration , Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (architecture and engineering), Knowledge (religion), Profession (engineer), and Spellcraft as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can perform up to twenty such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items: Siva can create any magic weapon or item that deals damage or causes destruction.

Siva’s avatar takes the form of a very large, four armed man with three eyes. As he walks, the ground beneath his feet disappears.
Avatar of Siva: As Siva except divine rank 9; Spd 60 ft.; AC 59 (touch 37, flat-footed 50); Atk +40; Grp +64; Atk +70 melee (1d6+22/15-20, +5 unholy vicious wounding Scimitar); or +64 melee (1d8+15, unarmed strike); or spell +64 melee touch or +58 ranged touch; Full Atk +68/+63/+58/+53 melee (1d6+22/15-20, +5 unholy vicious wounding Scimitar) and +58 melee (1d8+7, 3 unarmed strikes); or spell +64 melee touch or +58 ranged touch; SQ DR 20/epic, fire resistance 14, SR 41, divine aura (900 ft., DC 28); SV Fort +59, Ref +59, Will +61; all skill modifiers reduced by 9.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Alter Reality, Alter Size, Battlesense, Divine Blast, Extra Domain (Corruption), Extra Domain (Force), Extra Domain (Grave), Hand of Death, Lay Curse, Sunder and Disjoin
Spell-like Abilities: Caster level 19th; saving throw DC 28 + spell level.
Note: Siva has the spell weaving ability similar to those of spellweavers. He can use his extra hands to cast spells while engaged in melee combat with each hand representing three spell levels. One hand to cast 0-3 levels of spells, two hands to cast 0-6 levels of spells, and three hands to cast 0-9 levels of spells.
Sources: Legends and Lore (2E), On Hallowed Ground (2E), PHB 3.5, DMG 3.5, MM 3.5, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3E), Magic of Faerun (3E), Oriental Adventures (3E), Eberron Campaign Setting (3.5E), Deities and Demigods (3E), Epic Level Handbook (3E), Book of Vile Darkness (3E), Complete Warrior (3.5E), Complete Divine (3.5E), and Dragon Magazine #318.