Graz’zt, The Dark Prince

Standing nine feet tall, Graz’zt appears as a lithe, muscular humanoid. His skin shines like polished obsidian, and his eyes glitter with malevolent green light. He has yellowed fangs, pointed ears, and six slender fingers decorating each hand. He is sometimes described as having six small black horns half-hidden amid his thick black hair. These fiendish traits are apparent, regardless of whatever form Graz’zt chooses to take. He is considered the comeliest demon in the Abyss, and dresses in the most expensive and elegant finery on the entire plane.
Wielding an acid-drenched greatsword in one hand and a profane tower shield in the other, the Dark Prince is a veritable killing machine when loosed upon the hordes of the Abyss. What’s more, he has a vast repertoire of spell-like abilities at his disposal, making him a deadly magical opponent as well. Graz’zt’s greatest weapons, however, are his mastery of seduction and guile. He entertains the notion that he is the most cunning and intelligent creature in the Abyss; indeed, there are few who could possibly contest such a claim. Graz’zt is a skilled politician, and when possible he prefers to solve confrontations with diplomacy and deals. Graz’zt enjoys the game of using words and false promises to trick his foes into serving his needs, especially when he can convince them that they have gotten the upper hand. His preference for political solutions and talking his way out of confrontations is in no way born of a need to avoid combat, though, for Graz’zt is among the deadliest demons of the Abyss.
In combat, Graz’zt does not hesitate to use his spell-like abilities, favoring charm and domineering effects to turn enemies into allies, or unholy blights to weed out lawful and good foes. He utilizes a quickened dispel magic at the start of any combat, attempting to catch as many of his more powerful foes at once, but saves the other two quickened uses for targeted dispels against foes with numerous defensive spells. In the second round of combat, he favors the use of tyranny to order the strongest-looking of his foes to fight by his side while he himself moves into melee to strike the weakest of his foes with his sword. Thereafter, Graz’zt prefers to fight in melee, retreating via teleportation if brought below 200 hit points. Once he recovers, he returns to finish the fight.
Graz’zt’s Goals
It has been said that, like his triple realm, Graz’zt maintains thrice the number of plots and goals as any one other demon lord. While this may not exactly be the case (Malcanthet certainly has an impressive number of entangled concurrent plans), Graz’zt is certainly among the most scheming and plotting of his kin. Those who seek to particularly insult the Dark Prince have used his love of plots and politics to compare him to an archdevil, or have referred to his triple-realm of Azzagrat as “the Little Hells.” Most of those who insult the Dark Prince publicly in such a manner do not survive long, since they are spirited away in equally public venues by shadowy demons, shrieking lamias, or worse.
Although Graz’zt participates in wars, his true interests are closer to home – he is much more comfortable (and skilled) at manipulating, allying with, and betraying his fellow demon lords than anything else, and he has perfected these skills to a point where he is now the only demon lord in the Abyss not only to completely command more than one layer of the Abyss, but to retain command of this triple realm for centuries, despite the fact that he recently spent several years imprisoned on the Material Plane.
Graz’zt’s allegiances with other demon lords generally last only as long as the Dark Prince needs them to last, but in a few cases his allegiances are long indeed. The strongest (and longest) of these ties is with Verin, an incredibly intelligent humanoid demon lord with pale skin, angular features, and no body hair of any kind. His flesh oozes a sort of spiritual slime that unnerves mortals, but otherwise a casual observer might not even recognize him for what he is. Certainly, Verin is the most mild-mannered and easygoing of demon lords, and in his role as Graz’zt’s chief diplomat, his silver tongue is at the root of most of Graz’zt’s often unlikely alliances. During Graz’zt’s recent imprisonment on the Material Plane, Verin took his place as ruler of Azzagrat and successfully defended the triple realm from numerous assaults by other demons. That Verin graciously stepped down from the throne immediately upon Graz’zt’s return speaks volumes of his decidedly un-demonic nature. Yet Verin is said to have another aspect to his existence, a mirror of his white-skinned incarnation known as Ztefano, an equally brilliant diplomat whose specialty lies not in forming alliances but in promoting schisms and fueling wars.
Other notable alliances include the long-standing ones between Graz’zt and his mysterious sister Rhyxali, Queen of Shadows, and a curious allegiance with the Demon Queen of Fungi, Zuggtmoy. The Queen’s Causeway in Fogtown, the “uppermost” third of his capital city of Zelatar, is named in Zuggtmoy’s honor, though none understand the true reasons for this, especially given Zuggtmoy’s strong ties to one of Graz’zt’s greatest enemies, Demogorgon. And of course, he maintains a cordial alliance with Pale Night, although he visits her realm infrequently.
Graz’zt has even been known to maintain alliances with those who have failed him – the most notable of these being the demon lord Ebulon, who once served Graz’zt as a general. When Ebulon was defeated by Demogorgon. and then imprisoned in the Wells of Darkness, Graz’zt sent his armies into the Wells of Darkness in a daring rescue attempt but failed. Now and then, the Dark Prince sends champions into the Wells to attempt rescues, but the humiliation of his initial failure has kept him from making additional massive forays into the prison plane.
Yet despite his numerous alliances, it is for his wars that Graz’zt is best known in the Abyss. He has warred with his brothers Lupercio and Vucarik at times, as well as against countless other demon lords. Once served by the strange patron of the xvart race, Raxivort, Graz’zt now hunts the simpering demigod with increasing frustration. Graz’zt’s long-running feud with Malcanthet, Queen of Succubi, is well documented, although the cause of this war is not known(many believe Graz’zt attempted to woo the beautiful demoness only to be spurned, but those who postulate this theory within Graz’zt’s earshot don’t live long thereafter to ponder the repercussions). He has also long warred with Orcus, one of the few demon lords in the Abyss who can match his power. Yet the most notorious of Graz’zt’s wars have been against Demogorgon. Often, these conflicts put him in uneasy alliances with Orcus alliances that invariably erupt in their own confrontations and leave Demogorgon wracked with mirth and delight.
One need only look back over the past few decades for numerous examples of Graz’zt’s plots. He lured Waukeen, goddess of wealth from Faerûn, into his city and imprisoned her for years in hopes of replacing her place in that world’s pantheon with his own daughter Thraxxia. He deposed fellow demon lord Adimarchus from the Abyss and engineered his imprisonment in the asylum of Skullrot on Tartarus. And most recently, he nearly weakened Lolth herself in an attempt to trick her into uniting the demon lords under his leadership. Rumors even hold that Graz’zt is preparing to absorb a Material Plane world into the Abyss, trapping it in the parched realm of the Nerebdian Vast (the desertlike 48th layer of the Abyss, bordered on the far side with his sister Rhyxali’s realm of Shaddonon, and with whom he has had much aid in preparing the Vast for this eventual capture) and turning it into a fourth kingdom.
And these are but examples of his more blatant schemes. Few living today know, for example, that he fathered his son Athux with none other than Eclavdra, then an up-and-coming priestess of Lolth who was growing increasingly dissatisfied with her role in that priesthood. It was Graz’zt who exposed Eclavdra to the cult of the Elder Elemental Eye and thus engineered a terrific schism in the drow city of Erelhei-Cinlu that resulted in chaos all the way up through the Demonweb itself. When Eclavdra fled the church of Lolth, Graz’zt was there to accept her again, and even now that the infamous drow priest has returned once again to Lolth’s fold, who can say if Graz’zt’s plans for her have come to full fruition?
Yet Graz’zt does have one central goal in mind, and this primary goal drives all other goals and all other plans, including his eternal war against Demogorgon for the role of Prince of Demons and his plot to absorb a Material Plane world into the Abyss. This goal is nothing less than uniting all the fiends of the Lower Planes (not just the Abyss) and leading them in an unthinkable army into the Upper Planes to raze them to the very foundations of the multiverse. Every one of Graz’zt’s plans, in some way or another, takes him one infinitesimal step closer to this unthinkable goal.
Graz’zt’s Relationships
The Dark Prince is a deeply sexual, erotic being. He is known on many worlds only in legend, as a dark figure who visits witches and sorcerers, granting them sexual favors as well as magical powers. As a result, his female consorts have populated the multiverse with a depraved host of half-fiend children. Some learn of their father’s identity and delve into the Abyss, hoping to usurp his power. His dark elf son, Athux, leads Graz’zt’s demonic army, while his daughter Thraxxia serves as a private assassin. His son Arzial, the Blooded Baron, serves him as a vassal. Other children of Graz’zt include Belyara and Rule-of-Three.
For a time, Graz’zt was trapped on the Material Plane by the witch-queen Iggwilv, who used his insight to elevate her own power. Eventually, however, she succumbed to the Dark Prince’s charms, and their story was made infamous by the products of their romance: the vile demigod Iuz and an unnamed child. Graz’zt ultimately returned to the Abyss, but rumors abound that he did, in fact, fall in love with his captor.
Ancient texts claim that Pale Night is the mother of Graz’zt, Lupercio, and Vucarik in Chains, which would also make him related to those demons. The demoness Rhyxali is rumored to be his sister.
The god Raxivort was once a servant of the Dark Prince. He stole powerful artifacts from Graz’zt and escaped to the howling chasms of Pandemonium, where he became the divine patron of rodents and bats. Raxivort even has his own chosen race, a goblinoid horde known as the xvarts.
Through his own schemings and mischief, Graz’zt has become the chief enemy of Waukeen, a goddess of wealth and merchantry. The deity bargained for safe passage across Zelatar with information regarding a secret horde of treasure. Graz’zt readily accepted the offer, but betrayed Waukeen as soon as she arrived in the Abyss. His goal was to usurp her power. Imprisoned in the Argent Palace, the goddess was forced to witness profane celebrations held in her honor. Her rescue is detailed in the campaign module For Duty or Deity.
But even the wrath of a god cannot compare to the hatred and spite of the Dark Prince’s chief rivals, Demogorgon and Orcus. The violence of the eternal war between these three demons rivals that of the Blood War, and costs them unthinkable resources that could be put to use in the battles against the baatezu. Graz’zt covets Demogorgon‘s title as the Prince of Demons above all else, and throws army after army at his most hated enemy in hopes of claiming it.
Graz’zt wars with many other lords of the Abyss as well, including Baphomet and Yeenoghu. Thanks to the efforts of his son Athux, he recently overthrew the demon prince Adimarchus, who ruled Occipitus, the 507th layer of the Abyss, though he has yet to actually conquer that particular layer.
The Court of Graz’zt
Graz’zt’s most powerful servant is a mysterious, hyper-intelligent demon named Verin. Like Graz’zt, Verin appears almost human, but his skin is deathly pale, and he constantly oozes spiritual slime. Verin can change his form at will, and often elects a black-skinned mirror image of himself, known as Ztefano. He serves as the Dark Prince’s major domo and chief ambassador to the other demon lords.
Graz’zt is always attended by six powerful lamias, and his marilith escorts, Unhath and Reluhantis, are never far from his side. When at his palace, the Dark Prince keeps many attractive demons at hand, to feed his voracious sexual appetite. Bodaks and similar horrors are the only other occupants of the Argent Palace.
Technically, every demon living within Graz’zt’s world-spanning empire is considered one of his loyal servants; those who prove otherwise are fed to the carnivorous plants in his perfumed hanging gardens. Noteworthy minions include a hulking goristro named Orwantz, who acts as Graz’zt’s personal border control for Azzagrat, Arzial, ruler of the barony of Vulderpayne, and Rule-of-Three, a cambion who meets secretly with other fiends of the Lower Planes, to plot an attack against the celestials.
The Cult of Graz’zt
Although he has not yet achieved divine status, Graz’zt is worshiped by many monstrous races, most notably the lamias. Many of his high priests, known as the Chosen, are female, and the rituals they perform are violent and involve themes of darkness and betrayal.
Some sources claim that Graz’zt was the creator of the Vasharans, a breed compared to humans as the drow are compared to elves. Deemed cruel and soulless by the gods who created him, the Vasharans’ Adam-like ancestor was destroyed. But Graz’zt breathed new life into the corpse, long before he attained his present status. It is a terrifying legacy, for the Vasharans are obsessed with deicide, and destroying all gods has become the reason for their existence.
Kain’s 5e Monstrous Manual – Page 18 – Dicefreaks
Large fiend (demon, shapechanger), chaotic evil
Armor Class 25 (natural)
Hit Points 540 (36d10 + 180)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 22 (+6) DEX 25 (+7) CON 21 (+5) INT 23 (+6) WIS 21 (+5) CHA 26 (+8)
Saves Dex +15, Con +13, Wis +13
Skills Deception +24, Insight +21, Perception +13, Persuasion +24
Damage Resistance cold, fire, lightning
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 23
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Treasure Angdrelve
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP)
Fast Heal: Graz’zt regains 10 hit points at the start of his turn. If Graz’zt takes radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of his next turn. Graz’zt dies only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate. If Graz’zt is in darkness, he regains 20 hit points.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Graz’zt fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. Graz’zt has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. Graz’zt’s weapon attacks are magical.
Shapechanger. Graz’zt can use a bonus action to polymorph into any Small, Medium or Large creature, or back into his true form. Other than his size and movement speeds, his statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. He reverts to his true form if he dies.
Innate Spellcasting. Graz’zt’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 24). He can innately cast the following spells as 9th level spells, requiring no material components:
At will: charm person, crown of madness, detect magic, dispel magic, dissonant whispers, magic missile, telekinesis, unhallow
3/day each: counterspell, darkness, dominate person, sanctuary, teleport, true polymorph
1/day each: disintegrate, dominate monster, greater invisibility, shapechange
Multiattack Graz’zt makes three attacks with Angdrelve.
Angdrelve. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 10) slashing damage plus 21 (6d6) acid damage.
Sneer. All creatures within 30 ft. of Graz’zt must make a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed and frightened for 1 minute. A creature that successfully saves against this effect has advantage on all future saves against Sneer for 24 hours.
Summon Demons Graz’zt summons one of the following: three glabrezu, six succubi or a balor. If Graz’zt uses this ability multiple times, the previous demons return from whence they came.
Teleport. Graz’zt magically teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying, to an unoccupied space he can see.
Graz’zt can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Graz’zt regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Attack. Graz’zt makes an attack with Angdrelve.
Dance My Puppet Any creatures charmed by Graz’zt must use their reaction to move up to their speed as Graz’zt directs.
Magic. Graz’zt uses an at will innate spell.
Teleport. Graz’zt uses his teleport action.
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Graz’zt takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; he can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
• Graz’zt casts the command spell on every creature of his choice in the lair. He needn’t see each one, but he must be aware that an individual is in the alir to target that creature. He issues the same command to all the targets.
• Smooth surfaces within the lair become as reflective as a polished mirror. Until a different lair action is used, creatures within the lair have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.
The region containing Graz’zt’s lair is warped by his magic, which creates one or more of the following effects. If Graz’zt dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d10 days.
• Flat surfaces within 1 mile of the lair that are made of stone or metal become highly reflective, as though polished to a shine. These surfaces become supernaturally mirrorlike.
• Wild beasts within 6 miles of the lair break into frequent conflicts and coupling, mirroring the behavior that occurs during their mating seasons.
• If a humanoid spends at least 1 hour within 1 mile of the lair, that creature must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or descend into a madness determined by the Madness of Graz’zt table. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw can’t be affected by this regional effect again for 24 hours.
Madness of Graz’zt
A creature that goes mad in Graz’zt’s lair or within sight of the demon lord gains a character flaw as listed below.
1-20 | “Nothing is more important to me than admiring my own reflection. Anyone who doesn’t appreciate my beauty is a fool.” |
21-40 | “Sex is a great solution to all of life’s problems. Why doesn’t anyone else get this?” |
41-60 | “My appetite for delicious, pleasurable substances knows no bounds. I’ll do anything to get more.” |
61-80 | “To properly honor my dark beautiful lord, I must prepare intricate, debauched rituals.” |
81-100 | “Anyone who doesn’t do exactly what I say deserves no happiness.” |
Graz’zt, The Dark Prince
Originally Posted by RAGNAROKISCOMING2007 of the Wizards Community forums.
Graz’zt, The Dark Prince | |
Large outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar, tanar’ri) | |
Symbol | Graz’zt’s six-fingered hand or a black silhouette of his head with glowing green eyes |
Cosmic Rank | 17 (20 in Azzagrat) |
HD | 93d8 + 1,674 + 120 (2,538 hp) |
Initiative | +23 |
Speed | 90 ft. |
AC | 97 (+18 armor, +21 deflection, +15 Dexterity, +35 natural, -1 size) touch 44, flat-footed 82; displacement (50 % miss chance) |
BAB/ Grapple | +93/+113 |
Attack | +9 acidic blast, keen, speed, unholy power, vile, greatsword, Zelumicor +121 melee (3d6 + 41 + 3d6 acid + 3d6 unholy + 1 vile/17-20/x2) |
Full attack | +9 acidic blast, keen, speed, unholy power, vile, greatsword, Zelumicor +121/+121/+116/+111/+106 melee (3d6 + 41 + 3d6 acid + 3d6 unholy + 1 vile/17-20/x2) |
Space/reach | 10ft./10ft. |
Special attacks | Breath Weapon, Constrict, Epic Spell-like Abilities, Fear, Flames of Azzagrat, Graz’zt’s Arcane Fire, Improved Grab, Shadow Jump, True Mastery of the Elements, True Spell Power of Grazzt, Tyrannical Stare, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Field, Spell-like Abilities, Summon Lamia, Summon Tanar’ri, Summon Shadows,Toss |
Special qualities | Darkvision 120ft., DR 40/Epic Good and cold iron, Energy Resistance to Cold 50, Fire 50, Immunity to Acid, Electricity and Poison, Immunity to Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Energy Drain, Mind- Affecting Effects, Petrification, and Polymorphing, Fast Healing 30, Item Master, Low-Light Vision, Prince of Shadows, Prince of Tyrants, Ravaged Form (Acidic Blood), Ravaged Form (Dark Beauty), Regeneration 35, SR 103, Telepathy 1000 ft., true seeing |
Saves | Fort +72, Ref +69, Will +71 |
Abilities | Strength 43, Dexterity 40, Constitution 46, Intelligence 47, Wisdom 44, Charisma 52 |
Skills | Appraise +114, Balance +111, Bluff +129, Climb +112, Concentration +114, Decipher Script +114, Diplomacy +132, Disguise +117, Forgery +114, Gather Information +117, Hide +122, Intimidate +132, Jump +136, Knowledge (Arcana) +114, Knowledge (history) +114, Knowledge (religion) +114, Knowledge (the planes) +114, Listen +113, Move Silently +111, Search +114, Sense Motive +115, Spellcraft +114, Spot +113, Survival +113, Tumble +111, Use Magic Device +113 |
Feats | Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Greater Spell Penetration, Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Leadership (93), lightning reflexes, Magical Aptitude, Mobility, Negotiator, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (eagle’s splendor), Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Graz’zt’s Long Grasp), Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Penetration, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Whirlwind Attack |
Epic Feats | Blinding Speed, Epic Fortitude, Epic Leadership (93), Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Epic Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate), Epic Spellcasting, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Toughness (x6), Epic Weapon Focus (greatsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Epic Will, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Whirlwind Attack , Legendary Commander, Superior Initiative |
Environment | Azzagrat (Abyss) |
Organization | Solitary or Group (Graz’zt, 5 marilith (40 HD), and 10 succubus) |
CR | 70 |
Treasure | Zelumicor, Graz’zt’s Armor and Quintuple Standard |
Alignment | Chaotic Evil |
Graz’zt loves to cause destruction with his spell-like abilities. However, for those who are foolish enough to face him in melee combat he will not back down. If out numbered, hell summon help.
Breath Weapon (Su): Graz’zt can spit forth a 150 ft. line of glowing, green acid. It deals 40d8 points of violated acid damage. Half is acid, while the other half is unholy. Reflex save DC 79 halves. He can use this once every 1d6 rounds.DC is Constitution-based.
Constrict (Ex): If Graz’zt successfully grapples an opponent with his sword, he deals an extra 6d6 + 61 points of damage.
Fear (Su): As a free action, Graz’zt can invoke a fear effect at will. Will save DC 82 negates. DC is Charisma-based.
Flames of Azzagrat (Su): Graz’zt controls the flames the cover his triple realm, Azzagrat.
As a standard action Graz’zt can let loose one of the following.
- -He can launch a 160 ft. cone of burning hot green flames from his hand. It deals 27d12 points of violated fire (half fire, half unholy) damage plus 2d6 Constitution damage as it burns both body and soul. Reflex save 82 halves damage. If the targeted creature’s Constitution reaches 0, their soul is destroyed. Only a greater god can restore the creature back to life. DC is Charisma-based.
- -He can launch forth a 160 ft. cone of purple flames from his hand. These flames are the very flames stored in Graz’zt’s ovens, which dot his triple realm. Thus, the flames deal 27d12 points of violated cold (half cold, half unholy) damage plus 2d6 Dexterity damage as it freezes its victim. Reflex save 82 halves damage. If the targeted creature’s Constitution and hp reaches 0, they are frozen in purple ice and their souls are trapped within as if by a Trap the soul spell. If the targeted creature’s Constitution reaches 0, they are merely frozen in purple ice. Only a miracle or wish spell can unfreeze the victim. As a free action on his next turn, Graz’zt can send his all who are frozen in this fashion, straight to Azzagrat. Once they reach the layer they are still frozen, whether they are dead or alive. DC is Charisma-based.
Graz’zt’s Arcane Bolt (Su): As a full-round action, Graz’zt can unleash a devastating bolt of green and purple flames, which intertwine with each other. The bolt is 20 ft. wide and 600 ft. long. It deals 66d6 points of damage plus 6d6 Constitution damage. Reflex save DC 87 halves damage. If the targeted creature’s Constitution reaches 0, their soul is utterly destroyed. Only a greater god can restore the creature back to life. Even then, they have a 66% chance of failing. Graz’zt can use this power 16 times per day. DC is Charisma-based.
Improved Grab (Ex): When Graz’zt attacks with his sword, he can cause it to grapple his target. If successful, he can constrict or toss them.
Item Master (Ex): Graz’zt can use any magic item, but he does not create them.
Prince of Shadows: As the Prince of Shadows, Graz’zt gains total concealment when in the shadows. He also gains +2 bonus to DC of shadow-based spells such as shadow blast, shadow fade,etc.
Prince of Tyrants: As the Prince of Tyrants, Graz’zt enchantment spells are hard to ignore. He gains a +6 bonus to DC of spells that are in the enchantment school.
Ravaged Form (Acidic Blood): Graz’zt’s blood is highly acidic. Slashing and piercing weapons that strike Graz’zt cause his blood to spew forth from his wounds dealing 6d6 points acid of damage to the attacker. So potent is Graz’zt’s acidic blood, that it ignores any acid resistance or immunities a creature may have. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. Bludgeoning weapons do not cause his blood to spew forth.
Ravaged Form (Dark Beauty): Graz’zt’s infernal beauty is undeniable. Those looking at him must succeed a Will save DC 82 or be affected as if by a charm monster/person spell. If the creatures successfully save against this effect, they are immune to it for the next 24 hours.
Regeneration (Ex): Graz’zt takes normal damage from epic, good, and cold iron weapons. He takes normal damage from good-aligned spells.
Shadow Bolt (Su): As a standard action, Graz’zt can unleash a blackish-purple bolt of energy. It is 300 ft. long and deals 100 points of damage. Reflex save DC 82 halves.The targeted creatures must then succeed on a Fortitude save DC 82 or gain 3d6 negative levels. For each negative level a creature gains, Graz’zt gains 15 temporary hit points. These hit points cannot exceed his normal hp limit. DC’s are Charisma-based.
Shadow Field (Su): As a full round action, Graz’zt can erect a barrier of shadows around himself. Graz’zt creates a 30 ft. radius of shadows around himself for 60 rounds.
Light- or fire-based spells aimed at Graz’zt are impeded unless the caster succeeds a Spellcraft check DC 82. Any creature stepping into the shadow field, step into absolute coldness. They take 10d6 points of cold damage per round (no save).
Creatures must succeed a Fortitude save DC 82, each round they are within the shadow field, or gain 1d6 negative levels. For each negative level a creature gains, Graz’zt gains 15 temporary hit points. These hit points cannot exceed his normal hp limit. Graz’zt also gains total concealment while the field is active, and he can disperse the effect at anytime as a standard action. DC’s are Charisma-based.
Shadow Jump (Su): Graz’zt can jump between shadows as a shadow dancer. Only he uses his cosmic rank, 17, to determine how many miles he can shadow jump, meaning he can shadow jump up to 17 miles.
Spell-like Abilities: CL 105; DC 48 + spell level; DC 56 + spell level (enchantments); DC 50 + spell level (shadow-based)
At will – acid breath, astral projection, bestow curse, blasphemy, charm monster, damning darkness, darkbolt, daze, daze monster, deeper darkness, demand, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect thoughts, discern location, eagle’s splendor (quickened), eyebite, feeblemind, fireball, fox’s cunning, fly, Graz’zt’s long grasp (quickened), dispel magic, greater, greater dispel magic, hold monster, hold person, ice storm, insanity, lightning bolt, magic missile, charm monster mass, mirror image, owl’s wisdom, scorching ray, shades, shadow blast, shadow fade, shadow walk, shapechange, suggestion, telekinesis, teleport without error, tongues (self only), touch of idiocy, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, water breathing, wall of fire, wall of ice, wall or iron, water breathing, wretched blight
6/day – antimagic field, bestow greater curse, disintegrate, dominate monster, dominate person, meteor storm, symbol of persuasion, symbol of weakness, trap the soul, veil, wish
Epic Spell-like Abilities: Graz’zt can cast up to 11 epic spells per day.
Summon Lamia (Sp): 6/day, Graz’zt can summon 3d6 lamia
Summon Tanar’ri (Sp): 12/day, Graz’zt can summon 6 succubi (bard 20), or 1d6 + 1 advanced mariliths (36 HD), or 1d4 advanced glabrezu (sorcerer 20), or 1 advanced balor (45 HD)
Summon Shadows (Sp): 6/day, Graz’zt can summon 6d6 + 6 greater shadows.
Toss (Ex): If Graz’zt successful grapples an opponent he can toss them 100 ft. in any direction dealing 10d6 points of falling damage. The tossed creature must then succeed a Fortitude save DC 77 or be knocked prone for 6 rounds. He can only toss creatures of Huge or smaller size. DC is Strength-based.
True Mastery of the Elements (Su): Graz’zt is none throughout the cosmos as one of the strongest magic-users who isn’t a sorcerer or wizard. He can alter the type of energy his spell-like abilities.
True Spell Power of Graz’zt (Su): Graz’zt is none throughout the cosmos as one of the strongest magic-users who isn’t a sorcerer or wizard. Like an archmage, Graz’zt can cast spells at a higher level the actually he is. He gains a +6 bonus to his caster level.
Tyrannical Stare (Su): Graz’zt can target one creature with his gaze as a standard action. A creature who gazes into Graz’zt eyes must succeed a Will save DC 82 or bend to his will. At this point, Graz’zt can cause 1 of the following effects:
- He can cause the creature to obey his commands as if they were affected by a dominate person monster spell of 93rd level.
- He can hold the creature in place as if they were affected by a Hold Person monster spell of 93rd level.
- He can cause the creature to cower in fear in front of him for 6d6 minutes.
- He can hypnotize the creature as if they were affected by a hypnotize spell of 93rd level.
Graz’zt’s Possessions:
Zelumicor: This foul blade is a wavy, jagged greatsword, which drips profusely with acid. It function as a +9 acidic blast, keen, speed, unholy power, vile, greatsword. With each strike, the acid from the blade splashes out in a 10 ft radius of the struck creature. Any creature within range takes 3d6 points of acid damage, even if Graz’zt fails to strike his target. On a successful critical hit, acid pours into the victim’s wounds. For 6 rounds the acid eats away at the victims innards, dealing 5d6 points of acid damage plus 1d6 Constitution drain. Fortitude save DC 82 (Charisma-based) halves damage. Even if successful, the creature still takes a -6 penalty to attack, damage, and saves from the terrible pain. If unsuccessful, the target doubles over in pain for 1 round and is considered helpless. If the creature’s Constitution score reaches 0, it dies and becomes a puddle of acid, blood, and liquefied flesh. A miracle or wish spell restores the creature’s body, but it is still dead (-10 hp). After its body is restored, it can be raised normally. Graz’zt can also turn the sword into a black viper, which he can then use to constrict or toss a foe.
Graz’zt’s Armor: This shiny, silvery full-plate is glamered to appear as lighter armor, which reveals more of his ‘flawless’ body. It functions as a +10 cold warding, fire warding, glamered, greater shadow, mithral fullplate . He receives no penalties for wearing this armor. Any acid damage done to Graz’zt is absorbed and converted to temporary hit points as long as he wears this armor. These hit points cannot exceed his normal hp limit.