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Arthurian characters

The Arthurian legend features many Arthurian characters, including the Knights of the Round Table and members of King Arthur’s family.

Sir Accolon of Gaul
Sir Accolon of Gaul

Knight Errant

Sir Agravain edited
Sir Agravain “Knight of the Hard Hand”

 Knight of the Round Table

Sir Aglovale de Galis edited
Sir Aglovale de Galis, The Gallant Knight of Galis

Knight of the Round Table

King Arthur
King Arthur Pendragon

“Once and Future King”

King Bagdemagus, The Noble Guardian
King Bagdemagus, The Noble Guardian

King of Gorre, Knight of the Round Table

Sir Balan le Savage edited
Sir Balan le Savage

Knight of Renown

Sir Balin le Savage, The Knight with Two Swords,
Sir Balin le Savage, The Knight with Two Swords

Knight of Renown

King Ban of Benwick
Sir Bedivere, By Aubrey Beardsley -, Public Domain,
Sir Bedivere the One Handed

 Knight of the Round Table

The Black knight edited
Sir Lysander of Camelot

 the Black Knight

Sir Bors de Ganis edited
Sir Bors de Ganis (Bors the Elder)

Knight of the Round Table and noble ruler,

Sir Bors the Younger

Knight of the Round Table

Brangaine 1
Brangaine, the Unswerving Guardian of Love

Maid and Confidante


Knight Errant

Sir Brunor le Noir edited
Sir Brunor le Noir (La Cote Mal Taile)

Knight of the Round Table

Sir Cador1
Sir Cador 

“Knight of the Round Table, Knight of the Crimson Rose”

Una and Lion by British painter Briton Rivière (1840-1920). Faerie Queen

Faerie Queen

Sir Calogrenant edited
Sir Calogrenant

Knight of the Round Table

Sir Caradoc edited
Sir Caradoc Vreichvras

Knight of the Round Table

Sir Cligès 
Sir Cligès 

Knight of the Round Table

Constantine III of Britain
Constantine III of Britain, “The Last Defender”

King of the Britons

Sir Dagonet the Foolish
Sir Dagonet the Foolish

(The Court Jester, The Fool of Camelot)

Sir Daniel von Blumenthal
Sir Daniel von Blumenthal

Sir Daniel of the Flowering Valley, Knight of the Round Table

Sir Dinadan, The Jester Knight
Sir Dinadan, The Jester Knight

( Knight of the Round Table, Entertainer)

Sir Ector the Kind
Sir Ector the Kind

Knight, Mentor

Elaine of Astolat
Elaine of Astolat, ‘Lady of Shalott’

Weaver and maiden

Queen Elaine of Benoic edited
Queen Elaine of Benoic

Queen of Benoic, Nun.

Elaine of Carbonek
Elaine of Carbonek 

The Tragic Mother of the Holy Grail’s Chosen

Elaine the Peerless
Elaine the Peerless

Princess, Noblewoman

Sir Elyan the White
Sir Elyan the White

Knight of the Round Table, Heir to the Emperor of Constantinople

Sir Erec and Lady Enide
Sir Erec

Knight of the Round Table

King Esclabor of Babylon
King Esclabor of Babylon

Noble, Knight of the Round Table

testimonial 2
Faerie Knight,

Executive Director

Feirefiz 1 edited
Sir Feirefiz

The Striped Knight

Gwenhwyach: The Shadowed Sister of Guinevere
Lady Gwenhwyach

The Shadowed Sister of Guinevere

King Gwyddno Garanhir
King Gwyddno Garanhir

The Tragic Lord of Cantre’r Gwaelod

Gwyn ap Nudd
King Gwyn ap Nudd

King of Annwn, Lord of the Otherworld, Leader of the Wild Hunt

Gwythyr ap Greidawl1 edited
Sir Gwythyr ap Greidawl, the Noble Knight

Knight, Warrior, Noble Prince

Sir Gaheris the Quiet
Sir Gaheris the Quiet

Knight of the Round Table

Sir Galahad
Sir Galahad the Pure

Knight of the Round Table

Sir Galahaut
Sir Galahaut

The Noble Knight of Great Deeds


Seeress, Sister of Merlin

Sir Gareth
Sir Gareth of Orkney, ‘Beaumains, the Fair’

Knight of the Round Table

Sir Garlon
 Sir Garlon “The Invisible Knight”

Once a respected Knight of the Round Table, now a phantom of the shadows.

Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain

Knight of the Goddess, of Sovereignty, Sun hero, Gawain of Orkney, Hawk of May

Sir Gingalin
Sir Gingalin (The Fair Unknown)

Knight born in the Fey

Sir Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr
 Sir Glewlwyd Gafaelfawr

The Mighty Guardian

Sir Gornemant de Gohort
Sir Gornemant de Gohort

The Wise Knight Mentor

Sir Gowther
Sir Gowther

The Demon-Born Knight of Redemption

The Green Knight
Sir Bertilak de Hautdeser

The Green Knight

Sir Griflet edited
Sir Griflet

Knight of the Round Table

testimonial 1
Queen Gwendolen

Additional Director

Queen Guinevere
Queen Guinevere

Queen of Camelot

Hector de Maris edited
Hector de Maris, the White Knight

Knight of the Round Table

Igraine, Lady of Cornwall

Queen of Cornwall, mother of Arthur, Morgause and Morgana

By Gaston Bussière -, Public Domain,
Iseult of Ireland

Wife of Mark of Cornwall , adulterous lover of Sir Tristan, daughter of King Anguish of Ireland

Jack the giant killer edited
Jack the Giant Killer

 Former farm boy turned legendary giant slayer

Sir Kahedin
Sir Kahedin

The Unsung Knight of Tragic Loyalty

Sir Kay the Tall
 Sir Kay the Tall

Knight of the Round Table, Seneschal of Camelot

Walter Crane (British, 1845-1915) La Belle Dame Sans Merci
La Belle dame sans merci,

Additional Director

By Speed Lancelot (1860-1931) - The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights, 1912., 9th edition. Ed. Sir James Knowles, K. C. V. O. London; New York: Frederick Warne and Co., 1912, Public Domain,
Lady of the Lake


Sir Lamorak de Gales
Sir Lamorak de Gales

‘The Valiant Gales Knight’

 Sir Lancelot the Great
 Sir Lancelot the Great

Prince of Brenton, Fair Foundling, a warrior of the Round Table.

Sir Launfal (The Knight of Gifts)

Ex Steward, Ex Knight of the Round Table

King Leodegrance
King Leodegrance

 The Loyal Ally and Father of a Legend

Sir Lionel
Sir Lionel

The Tragic Knight of the Round Table

Sir Lohengrin 2 edited
Sir Lohengrin, The Swan-Knight of the Feywild

The Knight of the Grail, 
 Knight of the Swan

testimonial 1
Lucan the Butler

Additional Director

Maleagant edited
Sir Maleagant


Mark of Cornwall, By Edward Burne-Jones - 5AEcNXat6Vxd3g at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum, Public Domain,
King Mark of Cornwall

Executive Director

Merlin the Enchanter (Myrddin Wyllt)

Sage, Advisor, and Court Magician

testimonial 1
Sir Mordred

Additional Director

By Frederick Sandys - [1], [2], Public Domain,
Morgan le Fay

Sorceress, Queen, Noblewoman.

Morholt edited
Morholt, the Irish Champion

Warrior and Champion of the Irish King

Morien the Moor edited
Sir Morien the Moor, Knight of Valor

Knight of the Round Table

By Adolf Pirsch -, Public Domain,
Naciens the Eternal Wanderer

Penitent, Seeker of redemption, guide

Sir Palamedes edited
Sir Palamedes

 Knight of the Round Table, Adventurer

Sir Pelleas edited
Sir Pelleas

Knight of the Round Table

King Pellinore
King Pellinore

Marketing Director

By – image, Public Domain,
Sir Percivale

Additional Director

testimonial 4
Lady Ragnell


testimonial 2
Sir Safir

Executive Director

Taliesin1 edited

The Radiant Bard

Tom a'Lincoln
Tom a Lincoln (The Red Rose Knight)

Knight of the Round Table

By Rogelio de Egusquiza - – image, Public Domain,
Sir Tristram De Lyonesse


Sir Turquine 1 edited
Sir Turquine the Cruel


testimonial 3
King Urien of Gore

Marketing Director

testimonial 1
Prince Valiant

Additional Director

Vortimer edited

Former King of Britain

testimonial 2
Earl Yniol

Executive Director

Ysbaddaden Bencawr
Ysbaddaden Bencawr

“Chief of Giants”

testimonial 1
Ywain the Bastard

Additional Director

testimonial 2


testimonial 2
King Matur

Executive Director

testimonial 3
Johnathan Doe

Marketing Director

testimonial 1
Johnathan Doe

Additional Director

By Unknown author - International Studio Volume 76, via http:/, Public Domain, Arthurian characters
By Unknown author – International Studio Volume 76, via http:/, Public Domain,