Sir Launfal (The Knight of Gifts)
“Meet Sir Launfal: A Knight of Arthurian Legend Caught in a Web of Love, Betrayal, and Mystical Secrets!”
- Alias: The Knight of Gifts
- Gender: Male
- Race: Human
- Occupation: Steward, Knight of the Round Table
- Religion: Celtic Pantheon
- Allies: Potentially other knights and nobles at King Arthur’s court
- Enemies: Guenevere (briefly), Sir Valentyne (during his adventures)
- Abode/Base of Operations: Initially Camelot then Carlisle or Caerleon, later the mystical realm of Faerie
- Nationality: British
- Languages: English, Sylvan
- Alignment: Initially lawful good, later possibly neutral or chaotic good depending on interpretation
- Affiliation(s): King Arthur’s court, the realm of Faerie
- Significant Others: Tryamour (his faerie lover)
Sir Launfal’s journey begins amidst the grandeur of King Arthur’s court, where he serves as the esteemed steward, orchestrating lavish celebrations and upholding the noble ideals of chivalry. For ten years, he basks in the glory of his position, esteemed by all who know him. However, the arrival of Guenevere, accompanied by rumors of her scandalous past, disrupts the tranquility of the court. Despite his misgivings, Launfal witnesses King Arthur marrying Guenevere, a union that marks the beginning of his downfall.
Disillusioned and disheartened by the new queen’s influence, Launfal finds himself ostracized and marginalized, his once-prized status stripped away. With no other recourse, he retreats to his hometown of Caerleon, where he descends into poverty and obscurity, his noble lineage overshadowed by his newfound destitution.
Yet, amidst the darkness of his circumstances, a glimmer of hope emerges. One Trinity Sunday, while wandering the forest, Launfal encounters two maidens who lead him to a mystical lady named Tryamour, the daughter of the King of Faerie. Entranced by her beauty and grace, Launfal accepts her gifts of untold wealth, a magical bag that produces endless gold coins, and an invisible servant named Gyfre. In return, he must keep their relationship a secret, a pact that binds him to the realms of faerie.
Emboldened by his newfound prosperity, Launfal returns to Caerleon, where he becomes known for his acts of charity and generosity. Yet, his happiness is short-lived as he faces new challenges, including a confrontation with the giant Sir Valentyne and a trial at King Arthur’s court. Despite the obstacles, Launfal remains steadfast in his quest for redemption, guided by his unwavering sense of honor and justice.
In the end, it is Tryamour who comes to his rescue, revealing herself to the court and clearing Launfal’s name of the false accusations leveled against him. With his honor restored, Launfal rides off into the sunset with Tryamour and her retinue, leaving behind the realm of mortals to dwell in the mystical land of Faerie, where he finds everlasting happiness and peace.
Sir Launfal
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
Armor Class 18 (plate armor, shield) Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60) Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) | 12 (+1) | 16 (+3) | 10 (+0) | 12 (+1) | 18 (+4) |
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7, Cha +8 Skills Athletics +7, Insight +5, Persuasion +8 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Senses passive Perception 11 Languages Common Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Brave. Sir Launfal has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Indomitable Spirit. He can’t be charmed or frightened while he can see a friendly creature within 30 feet of him that isn’t incapacitated.
Multiattack. He makes two longsword attacks, or one lance.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Lance (Mounted Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage.
Parry. Sir Launfal adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit him. To do so, Sir Launfal must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Legendary Actions
Sir Launfal can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Sir Launfal regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Attack. He makes one longsword attack.
Move. Sir Launfal moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Inspiring Word (Costs 2 Actions). Sir Launfal inspires an ally within 30 feet who can see or hear him. The ally gains temporary hit points equal to Sir Launfal’s Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
- Plate Armor
- Shield
- Longsword
- Lance
Magic Items
- Bag of Infinite Gold (limitation: can only produce a maximum of 100 gold coins per day)
- Warhorse (named Blaunchard)
Bound to the realms of faerie, Sir Launfal accepted gifts including untold wealth, a Bag of Infinite Gold, and an invisible servant named Gyfre. This pact has tethered him to the fae, influencing his actions and decisions.
Fey Pact
The pact that tethers Sir Launfal to the fae is a binding agreement forged in secrecy and enchantment. It is a contract whispered between the realms, where words carry the weight of fate and promises are bound by magic’s unyielding thread.
Terms of the Pact:
- Secrecy: Sir Launfal must keep his relationship with the fae hidden from mortal eyes, veiling it in shadows and whispers. To betray this secrecy is to risk the wrath of the Otherworld.
- Obligation: In return for the gifts bestowed upon him by the fae, he is bound to serve their whims and desires when called upon. Whether in deed or word, he must answer their summons without question.
- Faithfulness: Loyalty to the fae must reign supreme in Sir Launfal’s heart. He must not falter in his allegiance nor waver in his devotion, for the fae are possessive beings, quick to punish any hint of treachery.
- The Veil: The boundary between mortal and fae must remain intact. Sir Launfal is forbidden from revealing the secrets of the Otherworld to those who dwell in the mundane realm, lest chaos and discord ensue.
Consequences of Violation:
- The Curse of the Lost: Should Sir Launfal break the terms of the pact, he risks becoming lost in the labyrinth of faerie, a fate worse than death where time holds no sway and memories fade like mist.
- The Mark of the Banished: Those who betray the fae are marked with an indelible stain upon their soul, forever branded as outcasts from both worlds, condemned to wander the lonely paths between realms.
- The Echo of Regret: Even if Sir Launfal were to escape the immediate consequences of his betrayal, the echo of his transgression would haunt him for eternity, a reminder of the price paid for trifling with the powers of faerie.