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Sir Feirefiz, The Striped Knight

Feirefiz, The Striped Knight
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  • Alias – The Striped Knight (due to his distinctive infernal appearance)
  • Gender – Male
  • Race – Tiefling
  • Occupation – Knight, warrior, adventurer
  • Religion – Open to multiple beliefs, but not devout to any one faith; respects higher ideals of honor and valor
  • Allies – Parzival (half-brother), knights who respect his valor, Queen Belacane (mother)
  • Enemies – Prejudiced knights, those who oppose his quest for honor, rival factions from his travels
  • Abode/ Base of operations – Nomadic, travels extensively across different lands; no fixed base
  • Nationality – Mixed heritage; born in the kingdom of Zazamanc (mother’s homeland), with ties to Western knightly realms
  • Languages – Common, Infernal, various trade languages, possibly Celestial (learned through questing)
  • Alignment – Lawful Neutral (committed to honor and duty, regardless of the personal cost)
  • Affiliation(s) – None formally, though he loosely associates with Parzival’s knightly circle
  • Significant others – Unnamed romantic interests; no confirmed long-term partner, but he forms deep bonds during his journeys

Feirefiz, a Tiefling of noble birth and fierce skill, is a character of rich complexity, torn between two worlds. Born to a human knight and a queen from a distant land, his infernal appearance often caused him to be viewed with fear and suspicion. However, Feirefiz’s story is not one of defeat by prejudice, but of triumph over it—both in the eyes of others and within himself. His journey is defined by his search for honor, identity, and a place in a world that often judges him by his heritage. Through his exploits as a warrior and his quest for meaning, Feirefiz transforms into a symbol of resilience and self-acceptance.

Early Life and Dual Heritage

Feirefiz was born to Gahmuret, a famed human knight, and Queen Belacane, a ruler from a distant land where the infernal bloodline runs strong. As a result, Feirefiz was born a Tiefling, with horns, red skin, and a tail—a stark contrast to his father’s human heritage. Growing up in his mother’s kingdom, Feirefiz was surrounded by wealth, power, and tradition. Yet, despite his royal upbringing, he always felt like an outsider, both because of his infernal appearance and the absence of his father, who had left shortly after his birth.

The stories of his father’s legendary exploits as a knight fascinated and haunted Feirefiz. He longed to meet Gahmuret, to understand the man who had shaped so much of his life from afar. Even more, he yearned to meet his half-brother, Parzival, who had followed in their father’s footsteps and become a knight of renown. Feirefiz grew up with a deep hunger to prove himself, not just as a warrior, but as someone worthy of the same respect his father and brother commanded, despite his infernal bloodline.

The Beginning of the Journey

As Feirefiz matured, he became a formidable fighter, training in both the martial and arcane arts of his homeland. His Tiefling nature granted him a unique combination of physical prowess and magical ability. Yet, despite his skills, Feirefiz struggled with how others perceived him. Wherever he traveled, his infernal appearance made him a target of suspicion and fear. While this fed his insecurities, it also fueled his determination to rise above such judgments.

Eventually, the call to adventure became too strong, and Feirefiz left his mother’s kingdom in search of his half-brother Parzival. He knew that only by confronting his lineage and proving himself in the world of knights could he reconcile the two sides of his identity. Feirefiz’s journey was not just about finding Parzival—it was about finding his place in a world that often dismissed him based on his appearance.

Trials and Battles

Feirefiz’s journey was marked by numerous trials, both external and internal. He traveled far and wide, participating in battles, tournaments, and duels to earn his reputation as a warrior. Time and again, Feirefiz found himself judged by his infernal heritage, but he never allowed this to diminish his resolve. His combat prowess, coupled with his mastery of infernal magic, made him a fearsome opponent.

In one early encounter, Feirefiz was challenged by a band of knights who sought to bring him down, believing a Tiefling could never be an honorable knight. Feirefiz fought valiantly, defeating his attackers and proving not just his strength, but also his sense of honor and discipline. This victory marked the beginning of his rise to prominence as a warrior, though he knew that earning true respect would require more than just winning battles.

Despite his growing fame, Feirefiz continued to wrestle with the stigma of being a Tiefling. He feared that no matter how great his deeds, he would always be seen as an outsider, a creature of infernal descent. This fear drove him further into the pursuit of honor and recognition, but it also sowed doubt in his heart. Could he ever be accepted for who he was, or would his infernal bloodline forever overshadow his achievements?

Meeting Parzival: The Duel of Brothers

The most pivotal moment in Feirefiz’s life came when he finally met his half-brother, Parzival—though at first, neither knew of their familial bond. They encountered each other on the battlefield, each a stranger to the other, and engaged in a fierce and evenly matched duel. Feirefiz fought with all his strength and cunning, while Parzival, renowned for his own skill, matched him blow for blow. The fight was more than just a clash of warriors—it was a symbolic struggle between the two halves of Feirefiz’s identity.

After an intense battle, the two knights were forced to halt, neither able to best the other. It was then that the truth of their shared bloodline was revealed. Feirefiz, who had always seen himself as a stranger in his father’s world, realized that Parzival was not only his rival but his brother. This revelation marked a turning point for Feirefiz. For the first time, he felt a sense of belonging—though he knew that his journey was far from over.

The Quest for the Grail and Self-Acceptance

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Though Feirefiz had earned his brother’s respect, he still sought something deeper: a sense of peace within himself. His quest led him toward the legendary Holy Grail, a mystical symbol of ultimate achievement and fulfillment. Feirefiz did not pursue the Grail for spiritual reasons, but because he believed that attaining it would prove his worth, not only to others but to himself. He saw the Grail as a way to transcend the limitations imposed on him by his infernal heritage.

As he continued his quest, Feirefiz faced numerous challenges, both physical and emotional. His fears of rejection, the weight of his infernal bloodline, and the doubts about his place in the world all surfaced as he journeyed deeper into the unknown. Yet, through every trial, Feirefiz remained steadfast. He began to realize that his worth was not defined by his appearance or heritage, but by his actions and character.

Feirefiz’s journey culminated in his arrival at the Grail’s sanctuary, where he stood alongside Parzival. While the Grail was traditionally thought to be beyond the reach of those of infernal descent, Feirefiz was allowed to approach it, not because of his bloodline, but because of the nobility and purity of his heart. In that moment, Feirefiz understood that true honor and worthiness came from within, not from external validation.

Achievements and Legacy

Feirefiz’s achievements were many. As a warrior, he earned the respect of knights across the land, his infernal powers and combat skills making him a legendary figure. However, his greatest victory was not on the battlefield, but in his personal journey toward self-acceptance. Feirefiz’s story is one of overcoming the prejudices of others, as well as the doubts within himself. By the end of his quest, he had proven that true honor and greatness are not dictated by one’s bloodline or appearance, but by the choices one makes and the strength of one’s character.

Character and Motivations

Feirefiz is a deeply driven and complex character. At the core of his journey is a desire for recognition and validation, shaped by the prejudice he faced as a Tiefling. His greatest fear is that he will never be seen for who he truly is—that the world will always view him as an outsider, defined by his infernal bloodline rather than his actions. This fear drives much of his early life, pushing him to seek glory in battle and honor through deeds. However, as Feirefiz matures, he begins to understand that true worth is not something that can be given by others. It must be claimed by embracing every aspect of who he is.

Ultimately, Feirefiz seeks inner peace and fulfillment. His quest for the Grail becomes a metaphor for his journey of self-discovery—a journey that teaches him that acceptance must come from within. By the end of his story, Feirefiz has not only earned the respect of those around him, but he has also found a sense of belonging and pride in his dual heritage.


Feirefiz, as a Tiefling, is a character of great strength, complexity, and nobility. His life story is one of triumph over prejudice, personal doubt, and the challenges of identity. Through his battles, his quests, and his eventual understanding of true honor, Feirefiz becomes a symbol of resilience and the power of self-acceptance. His legacy is not only that of a great warrior but of a character who transcends the boundaries placed on him by society, embracing every part of his heritage to become truly whole.

Feirefiz, The Striped Knight
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Medium humanoid (tiefling), lawful neutral

Feirefiz, the son of a demon-blooded eastern queen and a noble knight, stands as a figure of honor, strength, and mysticism. His striking, marbled skin of black and white—hence the name “Striped Knight”—and his dual heritage create an imposing yet noble figure. As a master warrior who straddles two worlds, Feirefiz is both a mighty knight on the battlefield and a skilled duelist on foot. His infernal lineage gives him magical strength, while his adherence to a strict code of honor defines his actions. Feirefiz seeks to reconcile his heritage with a path of righteousness, walking the fine line between honor and the infernal blood coursing through his veins.

  • Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)
  • Hit Points 225 (30d8 + 90)
  • Speed 30 ft. (mounted 60 ft. while on horse)

20 (+5)14 (+2)18 (+4)12 (+1)14 (+2)18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Strength +10, Constitution +9, Charisma +9
  • Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +9, History +6, Insight +7, Perception +7
  • Damage Resistances Fire
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
  • Languages Common, Infernal, Celestial, Elvish
  • Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)


Infernal Legacy (Tiefling Heritage).
Feirefiz can cast Hellish Rebuke (2nd level) once per long rest, requiring no components. His spell save DC is 17.

Magic Resistance.
Feirefiz has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Knightly Honor.
Feirefiz will always attempt single combat with an honorable foe and disdains fighting unfairly. He has advantage on attack rolls against a single foe if no other creatures interfere, but loses this advantage if others engage.

Fierce Duelist.
When wielding a weapon with two hands or no shield, Feirefiz can add +2 to his damage rolls with melee weapons.

Lance Mastery.
When mounted and wielding a lance, Feirefiz can make three attacks with it when he uses his Multiattack feature.

Warrior’s Resolve (Recharge 5–6).
As a bonus action, Feirefiz can regain 40 hit points. He cannot use this feature again until he completes a short or long rest.

Infernal Aura (1/Day).
Feirefiz can release a wave of infernal energy from his body in a 30-foot radius. Each hostile creature in the area must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or take 27 (6d8) fire damage and be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Infernal Steed (Legendary Mount).
Feirefiz’s warhorse is an infernally-empowered creature. While Feirefiz is mounted, the steed has resistance to fire damage and advantage on saving throws against magic. If Feirefiz is dismounted, he can use a bonus action to teleport onto the horse if it’s within 60 feet.


Feirefiz makes three melee attacks with his lance (when mounted) or two attacks with Balisarda and one with his shield (when on foot).

Lance of the Striped Knight (Mounted Weapon). Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (1d12 + 8) piercing damage or 22 (3d12 + 8) piercing damage while mounted and charging at least 20 feet.
This lance is infused with infernal energy, dealing an additional 10 (3d6) fire damage on a hit while mounted.

Balisarda (Magic Greatsword). Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage, plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage.
(Balisarda is a legendary blade, passed down through Feirefiz’s bloodline, and glows with a soft silver radiance. The sword is imbued with celestial power, reflecting Feirefiz’s struggle between his infernal and noble heritage.)

Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Infernal Command (Recharge 5–6).
Feirefiz summons a spectral, infernal figure to aid him. This figure can either:

  • Fiery Steed. Feirefiz summons an infernal mount (warhorse) with 30 temporary hit points. It remains for 1 hour or until reduced to 0 HP.
  • Demonic Knight. Feirefiz summons a spectral knight within 30 feet. This knight uses the stats of a Wight, dealing an additional 10 (3d6) fire damage per hit. It vanishes after 1 minute or when reduced to 0 HP.

Legendary Actions

Feirefiz can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Feirefiz regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

  • Strike of Honor. He makes one melee attack with Balisarda or his lance against a creature that has damaged him in the past round.
  • Knights’ Shield. He raises his shield to block an incoming attack, increasing his AC by +3 until the start of his next turn.
  • Hellfire Step. Feirefiz uses his infernal heritage to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space he can see, leaving a burst of flame behind him. Any creatures within 5 feet of his departure point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) fire damage.
  • Mount Attack. He commands his infernal steed to make a Trampling Charge or Hooves attack.

Mount: Infernal Warhorse

Large fiend (mount), lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20)
  • Speed 60 ft.

18 (+4)12 (+1)16 (+3)6 (-2)12 (+1)6 (-2)

  • Damage Resistances Fire
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Hellish Flame (Death Burst). When the warhorse dies, it explodes in a burst of fire. Creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half on a success.

Trampling Charge. If the warhorse moves at least 20 feet toward a target and hits with a hooves attack, the target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Lair Actions

When fighting in his chosen territory, Feirefiz can take the following lair actions:

  • Infernal Joust. Feirefiz’s warhorse glows with infernal fire, allowing him to move an additional 30 feet. His lance deals an additional 10 (3d6) fire damage when charging.
  • Flames of the Ancestors. Feirefiz calls on the spirits of fallen knights. Until the start of his next turn, Feirefiz and all friendly creatures within 30 feet gain advantage on saving throws and add Feirefiz’s Charisma modifier (+4) to their damage rolls.


  • Balisarda (Legendary Greatsword): Feirefiz’s ancestral sword, which deals radiant damage.
  • Lance of the Striped Knight: A magical lance that deals additional fire damage while mounted.
  • Plate Armor of Infernal Resilience: Fire-resistant plate armor.
  • Shield of the Striped Knight: A shield that allows Feirefiz to cast Shield once per long rest.


Feirefiz is a knightly champion on both foot and horseback, adept at shifting between roles. When mounted, he uses his lance to deal devastating charges while keeping enemies at a distance. He can make multiple lance attacks in a single turn due to his Multiattack feature, representing his skill and prowess as a knight. On foot, Balisarda becomes his weapon of choice, inflicting both physical and radiant damage. He summons his infernal warhorse when mobility is required but prefers dueling with honor, often challenging foes to single combat. Feirefiz uses his legendary actions and spells to control the battlefield, relying on his shield and Infernal Aura to protect himself.

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