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Sir Mordred

“Sir Mordred — The Last Battle”, from The Book of Romance, edited by Andrew Lang. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1902.

Mordred the notorious traitor who fought King Arthur at the Battle of Camlann, where he was killed and Arthur fatally wounded. He is Arthur’s illegitimate son by his half-sister Morgan le Fay.

Mordred’s background

The incest is accidental; the participants are ignorant of their kinship. Arthur rapes his sister, overtaken by lust for her. The discovery of the incest is disastrous; after hearing a prophecy that a child born on May Day, as Mordred was, will destroy him and his kingdom, Arthur rounds up all the noble May Babies and sends them away on a rickety ship. The ship sinks, and the only child to survive is Mordred, who is rescued and eventually returned to his parents.

Mordred in Arthurian legend

Arthur left Mordred in charge of his throne as he crossed the English Channel to wage war on Emperor Lucius of Rome. During Arthur’s absence Mordred crowns himself king and marries Guinevere, forcing Arthur to return to Britain. The Battle of Camlann is fought, and Mordred dies while Arthur is taken to Avalon. Arthur’s successor, Constantine III of Britain, has to deal with the remainder of Mordred’s army, led by his two sons.

Mordred committed the “Three Unrestrained Ravagings of the Isle of Britain” – he came to Arthur’s court at Kelliwic in Cornwall, devoured all of the food and drink, and even dragged Gwenhwyfar (Guinevere) from her throne and beat her. Medraut is never considered Arthur’s son in Welsh texts, only his nephew, though The Dream of Rhonabwy mentions that the king had been his foster father. However, Mordred’s later characterization as the king’s villainous son has a precedent in the figure of Amr, a son of Arthur’s known from only two references.

In Geoffrey and certain other sources such as the Alliterative Morte Arthure, Mordred marries Guinevere, seemingly consensually, after he steals the throne. However, in later writings like the Lancelot-Grail Cycle and Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, Guinevere is not treated as a traitor and she flees Mordred’s proposal and hides in the Tower of London. Adultery is still tied to her role in these later romances, however, but Mordred has been replaced with Lancelot.

Mordred is succeeded by his two sons. Arthur’s successor Constantine tracks them down and kills them in their sanctuaries; in the Lancelot-Grail, the elder son, Melehan, is killed by Bors, while Lancelot slays his brother.

D&D 5E Mythological Figures: Mordred

Sir Mordred DnD 5E BANNER.jpg

D&D 5E – Mythological Figures: Mordred | EN World | Dungeons & Dragons | Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Mordred (also known as Modred, Medraut, Modrot, or Medrawt) first appears in Annales Cambriae (a Welsh chronicle including the Battle of Camlann in 537), but in the centuries since has gone from being positively regarded as King Arthur’s son to much more traitorous ends, a brother (or half-brother) of Gawain bastard child begat with Arthur’s half-sister (the Queen of Orkney, whether that’s Anna, Morgause, or Orcades depends on the telling; sometimes he’s just Arthur’s nephew and the details of Mordred’s relatives vary widely). What doesn’t change so much between tellings is Mordred’s fate—to engage in a duel with Arthur, dying himself and mortally wounding the king.

In the 1136 Historia Regum Britanniae (“The History of the Kings of Britain”) Mordred takes the crown for himself when King Arthur is across the English Channel and begins a forbidden romance with Queen Guinevere. When the true king returns they fight in the Battle of Camlann, and Arthur goes on to Avalon where he dies from the injury sustained during the duel. This book also might refer to Mordred as one of the perpetrators of the “Three Unrestrained Ravagings of the Isle of Britain”, arriving in the royal court at Kelliwic in Cornwall where he ate and drank all he could then beat Guinevere. Frustratingly, this book might also talk about Mordred being a man “of such gentle, kindly, and fair words that anyone would be sorry to refuse them anything”, which is supported by an account in the Mabinogion two centuries later that describes him as courtly, calm, and pure.

Things change for Mordred in the 13th century’s Lancelot-Grail (also known as the Vulgate Cycle). Merlin tells Arthur a prophecy that a newborn will grow to one day overthrow him, so he orders all May Day children to either be expelled or killed (it’s not clear which and in any event they all die at sea). A feud is born between the royal families of the Lot and Pellinore afterward when King Lot takes up arms against King Arthur only to be slain by Pellinore. Merlin and Arthur’s efforts to stop the prophecy fail all the same, Mordred survives, and is raised to adulthood by a fisher and his wife. After some squiring Mordred becomes a Knight of the Round Table, but his tendencies to womanize and engage in unnecessary violence become worse until he becomes a close ally of Lancelot. Mordred’s villainy here begins when he learns of the prophecy—angrily slaying the priest telling him of it before he can hear it all—and when Lancelot takes up war against King Arthur, he takes the crown as his own and the true ruler’s return ends in a great battle. In any event this is where Mordred is slai by Arthur, whether by decapitation, a terrible wound, an impaling spear, or at the end of another weapon upon meeting the charge. In the Post-Vulgate version, Mordred’s body is ripped apart by horses and his head hung by the Archbishop of Canterbury upon the Tower of the Dead where it warns against treason for centuries. His children (always numbered two) try to take the throne from Arthur’s successor Constantine but he defeats them, tracks them down, and kills them before being smote by God in the form of his nephew Aurelius Conanus.


Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil fighter (banneret) 18
Armor Class 19 (scale mail, shield, defensive fighting style)
Hit Points 153 (18d10+54)
Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4)14 (+2)​16 (+3)​12 (+1)​11 (+0)​14 (+2)​

Saving Throws Str +10, Con +9; Proficiency +6
Skills Athletics +10, Deception +8, Insight +6, Intimidation +14, Perception +6, Persuasion +14; gaming set (dice), vehicle (land)
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Anglo-Saxon, Cymric (Celtic-Welsh)
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Background: Soldier. Mordred commands respect from other warriors. Soldiers loyal to the same forces view him as their superior, and Mordred can use his influence to temporarily requisition simple equipment or horses, possibly even gaining entrance to military fortresses and outposts.

Feat: Heavy Armorist. Mordred reduces any nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage he takes by 3 while he is wearing heavy armor.

Feat: Intimidating. Mordred can replace an attack when taking the Attack action to try to frighten a humanoid he can see within 30 feet of him that can hear him. Mordred makes a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the target is frightened until the end of Mordred’s next turn. On a failure, Morded can’t frighten the target for 1 hour.

Feat: Master of Intrigue. Mordred can replace an attack when taking the Attack action to try to fool a humanoid he can see within 30 feet of him that can hear him. Mordred makes a Charisma (Deception) check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. On a success, the target is fooled until the end of Mordred’s next turn or until he attempts to fool a different target. Mordred doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from movement around a fooled target and he has advantage when attacking a fooled target. On a failure, Mordred can’t fool the target for 1 hour.

Feat: Soldier Tactics. A creature hit by Mordred’s opportunity attack reduces its speed to 0 until the beginning of the next round and disengaging from Mordred still provokes opportunity attacks. In addition, Mordred can use his reaction to make a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet when it makes an attack against a target other than Mordred.

Indomitable Bulwark (3/Long Rest). Mordred can reroll a saving throw that he fails but must use the new roll. When he is not incapacitated and uses this feature to reroll an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, Morded can choose an ally within 60 feet. If his ally can see or hear Mordred, his ally can reroll its saving throw, using the new roll.

Inspiring Action Surge (2/Short Rest). Once on his turn, Mordred can take an additional action on top of his regular action and a possible bonus action. In addition, he chooses up to 2 allied creatures within 60 feet that can see or hear him. A chosen creature can use its reaction to make a melee or ranged weapon attack.

Remarkable Athlete. Mordred adds +3 to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check he makes that doesn’t already use his proficiency bonus. In addition, when he makes a running long jump, the distance he can cover increases by 3 feet.

Second Wind (1/Short Rest). On his turn, Mordred can use a bonus action to regain 1d10+18 hit points. In addition, he chooses 3 creatures within 60 feet that can see or hear him. Each target regains 18 hit points.

Extra Attack. Mordred attacks three times when he takes the Attack action.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10+4) slashing damage if wielded with two hands.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

Name Mordred
Human Half-Fiend CR 15
XP 51200
Any Medium Humanoid (Outsider) Native Subtype
Fighter level 4 (skill points 24) Knight (Cad ) Antipaladin level 13 (skill points 78) Antipaladin
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60; Perception +2


AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+1 Dex, +1 Natural, +10 armour, +3 shield)
hp 136 (0d8+4d10+13d10+34+4);
Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +11
Damage reduction 10/magic, Immunity to poison, Resist Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10, Fire 10, Spell Resistance HD + 10


Speed 20ft., fly 40ft.
Melee +2 Viridium Unholy Longsword +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d8+8/19-20), MWK Claw +17 (1d4+4) , Bite +16 (1d6+4)
Ranged MWK Crossbow, light +20 (1d8 /19-20 X2) range 80
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks

Smite good 1/day extra damage = to HD
Aura of Vengeance (Su) 2 uses of smite good to grant smite good to allies within 10 feet, using his bonus for 1 minute
Channel negative energy (Su) Consumes two uses of his touch of corruption ability. As a cleric of antipaladin level
Dirty Maneuvers (Ex) Skilled at deceiving and discomfiting his opponents. The cad gains a bonus on disarm, dirty trick, and steal combat maneuver checks. The cad also gains a bonus to CMD when attacked with the disarm, dirty trick, and steal combat maneuvers. Bonus = 1
Fiendish Boon (Sp) SA increase weapon enchantment for 1 minute by 3
Smite Good Add CHA bonus to hit , +1/level to damage. Per day = 5
Touch of Corruption (Su) 1/2 his antipaladin level + his Charisma modifier /day. 1d6 dam /2 levels

Spell-Like Abilities

1-2 HD 1/day Darkness DC(18) , 3-4 HD 1/day Desecrate DC(18) , 5-6 HD 1/day Unholy Blight DC(20) , 7-8 HD 1/day Poison DC(20) , 9-10 HD 1/day Contagion DC(20) , 13-14 HD 1/day Unhallow DC(21) , 11-12 HD 1/day Blasphemy DC(23) , 13-14 HD 3/Day Unholy Aura DC(24) , 15-16 HD 1/day Horrid wilting DC(24) , 17-18 HD 1/day Summon Monster IX (fiends only) DC(25) ,

Spells Known:

Antipaladin Spells: CL 13 Concentration 19

  • Level 1 (5) DC 17: Bleeding Strike, Cloak Of Secrets, Dancing Darkness, Magic Mouth, Obscure Poison, ; 
  • Level 2 (4) DC 18: Abyssal Vermin, Desecrate, Summon Monster II, Undetectable Alignment, ; 
  • Level 3 (2) DC 19: Accursed Glare, Contagion, ; 
  • Level 4 (1) DC 20: Poison, ;


Str 19, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 20 + 2 = 22
Base Atk +17; CMB +21; CMD 33
Feats Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Cruelty (Su) – Blinded, Cruelty (Su) – Fatigued, Cruelty (Su) – Shaken, Cruelty (Su) – Sickened, Animal Affinity, Armour Prof Light, Catch off Guard, Cleave, Deceitful, Leadership, Martial Weap Prof, Mounted Combat, Mounted Combat (Mythic), Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Selective Channeling, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Trample;
Skills Bluff +28, Climb -2, Disguise +26, Fly -4, Handle Animal +23, Intimidate +22, Know Arch & Eng +3, Know Dungeon +3, Know Nobility +7, Know Religion +12, Perception +2, Ride +23, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +13, Survival +4, Swim -8
Languages Common


Environment Any
Organization Company 10-20, Band 30-100, Squad 4-8
Treasure Standard


ITEMS: +1 Full-plate, Fire-forged steel Heavy Armor fire resistance 2, Cloak of charisma (+2) +2 CHR, +1 Shield, heavy steel, +2 (+2 special ability) Longsword, Viridium Weapon : Any successful hit with a viridium weapon causes the target to contract leprosy (Fortitude DC 12 negates). On a successful critical hit, a tiny fragment of viridium breaks off within the target, affecting it as though with greenblood oil (Fortitude DC 13 negates)., Unholy : +2d6 damage against good alignment, Masterwork Claw, Masterwork Crossbow, light,

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