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King Esclabor of Babylon

King Esclabor of Babylon
  • Alias: King Esclabor of Babylon
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Occupation: Noble, Knight of the Round Table
  • Religion: Initially Mesopotamian Pantheon later converted to Celtic Pantheon
  • Allies: King Arthur, King Pellinore, Palamedes, Safir, Segwarides, Galahad
  • Enemies: The Questing Beast, Gawain
  • Abode/Base of Operations: Camelot, Britain
  • Nationality: Babylonian
  • Languages: Babylonian, likely Middle Eastern languages, and later Old English
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Affiliation(s): The Round Table
  • Significant Others: Father of Palamedes, Safir, Segwarides, and several other sons

King Esclabor of Babylon, a revered and enigmatic figure from the mysterious lands of Babylon, is a noble and valiant warrior. He journeys far from his homeland to the grandeur of Rome, a tribute to his people. It is in Rome where he performs a heroic deed, saving the life of the mighty Emperor, showcasing his unwavering courage and selflessness.

Later, Esclabor’s path leads him to the realm of Britain, where fate intertwines him with King Pellinore, and once again, he emerges as a savior. Despite his noble actions, he keeps a profound secret – his pagan faith, a stark contrast to the Christian beliefs of the land he now resides in.

Esclabor’s life takes a significant turn as he enters the service of the legendary King Arthur, becoming a cherished knight of the Round Table. In this new role, he fathers numerous offspring, including notable figures like Palamedes and Safir. However, the weight of his faith weighs heavily on him as he conceals his true beliefs, driven by a desire for acceptance and a place among the Christian knights.

Despite his initial attempts to fit in, Esclabor cannot deny his middle eastern roots, and the conflicting worlds of his faith and his newfound Celtic surroundings become a source of inner turmoil. He yearns to find a balance, striving to achieve a sense of belonging while preserving his heritage.

As he embarks on quests alongside Palamedes and Galahad, the challenges he faces test not only his physical prowess but also his spiritual resolve. The tragic loss of his sons to the fearsome Questing Beast and the heart-wrenching death of his beloved Palamedes at the hands of Gawain shatter his spirit.

In the end, the weight of his grief becomes unbearable, leading him to a tragic decision. His ultimate act of self-sacrifice stems from the profound love he holds for his son and a longing for a world where he can be true to both his faith and the ideals of the Round Table. King Esclabor’s journey is one of honor, sacrifice, and a relentless pursuit of identity in the face of adversity.

King Esclabor of Babylon

Medium humanoid (human), Neutral Good

Armor Class 17 (chain mail) Hit Points 98 (12d8 + 36) Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3)14 (+2)16 (+3)12 (+1)14 (+2)18 (+4)

Skills History +4, Religion +4 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Babylonian, Celestial

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)


Multiattack. King Esclabor makes two melee attacks.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.

Babylonian Charm. King Esclabor can use his charisma to rally his allies. All friendly creatures within 30 feet of King Esclabor gain advantage on their next saving throw or attack roll.

Saracen Noble’s Resolve (Recharge 5-6). When King Esclabor falls to 0 hit points but isn’t killed outright, he can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once he uses this ability, he can’t use it again until he finishes a long rest.


Protective Parry. King Esclabor can use his reaction to add 2 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.


  • Chain Mail
  • Scimitar
  • Turban of Wisdom (Magic Item): This intricately embroidered turban grants King Esclabor advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
  • Medallion of Babylon (Magic Item): A symbol of his homeland, this medallion grants King Esclabor the ability to cast the Protection from Evil and Good spell once per long rest.
  • Cloak of Saracen Valor (Magic Item): This cloak increases King Esclabor’s Charisma score by 2 (to a maximum of 20) and grants resistance to psychic damage.

Legendary Actions

King Esclabor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. King Esclabor regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Attack. King Esclabor makes a scimitar attack.

Saracen’s Leadership (Costs 2 Actions). King Esclabor inspires his allies. All friendly creatures within 30 feet of King Esclabor can make one melee or ranged attack as a reaction, with advantage on the attack roll.

Resilient Spirit (Costs 3 Actions). King Esclabor regains 30 hit points and gains resistance to all damage until the end of his next turn.

Lair Actions

King Esclabor can take lair actions on initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties). He can use only one lair action per turn and only at the end of another creature’s turn. He regains expended lair actions at the start of his turn.

Summon Babylonian Warriors. King Esclabor summons 1d4 Babylonian warrior spirits to aid him in battle. These spirits act on his initiative and follow his commands. They have the stats of a commoner but deal an additional 1d6 damage with their attacks due to their spectral nature. These spirits last for 1 minute or until destroyed.

Currently in the World

King Esclabor of Babylon is a tall and imposing figure, standing with an air of regal authority. His skin bears the weathered look of a seasoned warrior who has seen many battles under the unforgiving Middle Eastern sun. His eyes, dark and intense, hold a glimmer of sadness that speaks of the hardships he has endured. A neatly trimmed beard frames his strong jaw, and his head is often adorned with a turban, a nod to his distant homeland.

Currently, King Esclabor stands in the grand hall of Camelot, clad in chainmail armor that reflects the flickering candlelight. He appears pensive, lost in thought as he contemplates the events of the day. The camaraderie of the Round Table knights surrounds him, but there’s a subtle sense of melancholy in his demeanor, for his heart still aches from the loss of his sons, especially his favorite, Palamedes, who met his end at the hands of Gawain. The memories of battles won and lost linger in his eyes.

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