Divine Rage

The deity flies into an awe-inspiring rage when struck by a weapon.
Deities & Demigods
By Rich Redman, Skip Williams, James Wyatt
- Prerequisite: Barbarian level 20th.
- Benefit: This ability is similar to the Barbarian’s rage ability (and it replaces the barbarian rage ability for the deity). The deity can activate this ability only after suffering damage from a weapon, and can use it a number of times per day equal to its divine rank. Once used, the ability lasts 1 hour (though the deity can end the rage at will). While raging, the deity gains +10 to Strength, +10 to Constitution, and a +5 morale bonus on Will saves.
The deity’s Spell Resistance and energy resistances each increase by +10. The deity also can take one extra partial action each round. While raging, the deity suffers a -5 penalty to Armor Class and cannot perform acts that require patience and concentration, such as moving silently, casting spells, and using salient divine abilities.
- Suggested Portfolio Elements: Destruction, rage, Strength, war.