Cernunnos, Leader of the Wild Hunt, King of the Hunters, Horned God, (God of fertility, animals, and the underworld)
Cernunnos is a Celtic god of fertility, nature, animals, and the underworld, often depicted as a horned deity.
- Pantheon: Celtic Pantheon
- Deity Title: God of fertility, animals, and the underworld
- Deity Symbol: Stag antlers, ram-headed serpent, torc
- Home Plane: The Otherworld
- Deity Level: Greater deity
- Alignment: Chaotic neutral
- Aliases: Herne, Cernenus, Belatucadros
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Brigid, Danu, Morrigan, Lugh, Epona
- Traditional Foes: Crom Cruach, Balor, Arawn
- Divine Artifact: Torc of Cernunnos, a powerful amulet that grants the wearer increased fertility and vitality
- Servants:Robin the Hooded man
- Servitor Creatures: cú sídhe, horned hunters, Wild Hunt Archer, Wild Hunt Horse, Wild Hunt Hound, Wild Hunt Monarch, Wild Hunt Scout
- Sacred Animal: Stag
- Manifestations: Cernunnos appears as a tall, muscular man with antlers on his head, often wearing animal skins or draped in leaves and vines.
- Signs of Favor: Increased fertility and abundance, successful hunting and harvests, sightings of woodland creatures, dreams of the god
- Worshipers: Hunters, farmers, shepherds, warriors, and anyone seeking fertility and abundance
- Cleric Alignments: Chaotic neutral, chaotic good, neutral
- Specialty Priests: Druids, shamans, hunters, and healers
- Holy Days: Beltane (May 1), Samhain (November 1), Winter Solstice (December 21), Spring Equinox (March 21)
- Portfolio: Fertility, animals, the hunt, nature, the underworld
- Domains: Animal, Chaos, Earth, Plant, Trickery
- Favored Weapon: Spear
- Favored Class: Druid
- Favored Race: Wood Elves
- Duties of the Priesthood: Perform rituals to ensure fertility and abundance, protect the natural world and its creatures, mediate disputes between humans and animals
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Sacred Grove of Cernunnos in Gaul, the Forest Sanctuary of Herne in England, the Horned Altar in Ireland
- Benefits: Clerics and followers of Cernunnos receive increased fertility and vitality, the ability to communicate with animals and nature spirits, and enhanced hunting and tracking abilities. They also gain resistance to poisons and diseases, as well as the ability to shape-shift into animal forms.
Cernunnos is a mysterious deity revered by the ancient Celts. He is a god of the forest, the hunt, and fertility, with a powerful and enigmatic presence. Often depicted with antlers on his head, he is both feared and revered, embodying the power of nature and the cycle of life and death.
As a god of the forest, Cernunnos wanders the wilds, observing the creatures that inhabit his realm. He is a silent observer, always watchful, and attuned to the natural rhythms of the world. He is a protector of the wild and all its inhabitants, both predator and prey.
Cernunnos is also a god of the hunt, and he revels in the thrill of the chase. He is a master of the bow and the spear, and his skill with these weapons is unparalleled. He hunts not for sustenance but for the sheer joy of the hunt, and he always gives thanks to the animals he kills, honoring their sacrifice and the balance they bring to the forest.
In addition to his roles as a god of the forest and the hunt, Cernunnos is also a god of fertility. He is associated with the stag, a powerful symbol of virility, and his presence is said to bring abundance and prosperity to the land. He is revered by those who seek to cultivate the earth and the fruits of its labor.
Cernunnos is a tall and imposing figure, standing at over seven feet tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He has long, flowing hair that cascades down his back, and a thick beard that frames his chiseled jawline. His piercing green eyes exude a sense of wildness and intensity, and his skin has a golden-brown hue, like sun-kissed wood. He is often depicted wearing a crown of antlers on his head, and adorned with other natural elements such as leaves, vines, and animal skins.
Cernunnos is a complex and mysterious character, embodying the cycles of nature and the interdependence of all living things. His ultimate goal is to maintain the balance of the world, ensuring that life and death, growth and decay, are all in harmony. He is both a force of creation and destruction, and his power is both awe-inspiring and terrifying.
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma | |
Score | 40 | 28 | 38 | 30 | 34 | 36 |
Mod | +15 | +9 | +14 | +10 | +12 | +13 |
Armor Class: 40 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 700 (40d20 + 280)
Speed: 60 ft.
Skills: Perception +34, Stealth +28
Senses: truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 44
Languages: all
Challenge Rating: 35
- Divine Nature. Cernunnos is a deity.
- Magic Resistance. Cernunnos has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
- Innate Spellcasting. Cernunnos’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 32). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:
At will: detect magic, druidcraft, entangle, pass without trace 3/day each: conjure animals, lightning bolt, speak with plants, transport via plants 1/day each: control weather, earthquake, shapechange
- Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Cernunnos fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
- Magic Weapons. Cernunnos’s weapon attacks are magical.
- Regeneration. Cernunnos regains 40 hit points at the start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point.
- Multiattack. Cernunnos can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes four attacks: two with his antlers, one with his hooves, and one with his spear.
- Antlers. Melee Weapon Attack: +26 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) piercing damage.
- Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +26 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
- Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +26 to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 45 (6d10 + 15) piercing damage.
- Frightful Presence. Each creature of Cernunnos’s choice within 120 feet of him and aware of him must succeed on a DC 32 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Legendary Actions:
Cernunnos can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Cernunnos regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
- Attack. Attack. Cernunnos makes one attack with his antlers, hooves, or spear.
- Move. Cernunnos moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
- Fey Step. Cernunnos casts misty step without using a spell slot or needing to concentrate.
Divine Artifact:
Torc of Cernunnos
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a creature of fey or human ancestry)
The Torc of Cernunnos is an ancient and powerful amulet associated with the Celtic deity of fertility and vitality. It is a gold torc, a type of neck ring, decorated with green gemstones and stylized antlers.
While wearing the Torc of Cernunnos, the wearer gains the following benefits:
- Increased Fertility. The wearer gains advantage on ability checks and saving throws related to fertility, reproduction, and childbirth, as well as a +10 bonus to their Charisma (Persuasion) checks when attempting to seduce or charm a creature of the opposite sex.
- Vitality. The wearer gains 50 temporary hit points that last until they finish a long rest. In addition, the wearer has advantage on Constitution saving throws to resist disease, poison, and exhaustion, and can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes.
In addition to its powerful effects, the Torc of Cernunnos is also a powerful artifact that attracts the attention of fey creatures and nature spirits. While wearing the Torc, the wearer may find themselves subject to the following effects:
- Fey Attraction. Fey creatures and nature spirits are drawn to the wearer of the Torc, and may approach them with curiosity, offer them gifts or aid, or attempt to form a bond with them. However, the wearer also risks attracting the attention of mischievous or malevolent fey, who may seek to trick, harm, or exploit them.
- Wild Magic. The Torc of Cernunnos is infused with wild magic, and may sometimes cause strange and unpredictable effects. For example, the wearer may suddenly sprout antlers, grow leaves from their skin, or attract a swarm of bees. Roll a d20 at the beginning of each day while wearing the Torc – on a roll of 1, the wearer is subject to a random wild magic surge, as determined by the DM.
Due to its immense power and connection to the fey realm, the Torc of Cernunnos is highly sought after by those who value fertility, vitality, and the mysteries of nature. However, acquiring and wielding the Torc is not without risk, as it may attract both the blessings and the curses of the fey.
Lair Actions:
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Cernunnos can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects:
- Stampede. Cernunnos summons a herd of his sacred beasts, such as deer, to stampede through his lair. Each creature within 60 feet of Cernunnos must succeed on a DC 32 Dexterity saving throw or take 40 (8d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on the saving throw takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone.
- Blessing of the Hunt: Cernunnos imbues one of his allies within 60 feet with the Blessing of the Hunt. The blessed creature gains advantage on all attack rolls and deals an extra 10 (2d10) damage on a hit with a weapon attack. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until Cernunnos uses this lair action again.
- Nature’s Wrath. Roots and vines erupt from the ground, grasping and restraining creatures in a 60-foot radius centered on Cernunnos. Each creature in the area must make a DC 32 Strength saving throw or become restrained. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Regional Effects:
The region containing Cernunnos’s lair is warped by his divine presence, which creates the following effects:
- Twilight Realm. The region is always dimly lit, as if it were twilight, providing advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Wild Magic. Wild magic surges through the region, causing spells to have unpredictable effects. Whenever a spell is cast within 1 mile of Cernunnos, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the spell fails and the caster takes 10d10 force damage. On a roll of 20, the spell is cast at 9th level without using a spell slot.
- Forest Growth. Plants within a 1-mile radius of Cernunnos become lush and vibrant, with trees growing taller and thicker and wildflowers blooming profusely. This growth provides natural cover and makes it more difficult to move through the forest, granting creatures with a speed of 30 feet or less disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
- Animal Presence. The presence of Cernunnos attracts all manner of woodland creatures to the area, with deer, wolves, bears, and other predators and prey roaming freely. These creatures are friendly to Cernunnos and will not attack him or his allies, but may attack other creatures that they perceive as threats.
Originally Posted by MythMage of the Project Dice Freaks: Black Ops Community forums.
Nature Cernunnos is the most powerful and most prestigious horned hunter alive. Outside of Faerie, he is easily one of the best-known Faerie Lords, second only to the Two Queens. He oversees the Wild Hunt, leading them in pursuit of the most powerful quarry to be found in Faerie (typically), the Mortal World (sometimes), and beyond (rarely). Cernunnos is alpha of the largest cú sídhe pack in existence, which includes some of the most powerful of their race.
Cernunnos is single-mindedly obsessed with his role in nature, with conviction beyond that of any other Faerie Lord. The most prominent and well-known part of this role is hunting; when on a hunt (which is much of the time) he cannot be distracted from his target. He sometimes does not kill but only terrifies or incapacitates victims, depending upon which will earn him the most glory (or provoke the least irritating reprisal, on the rare occasion that that might become a serious issue to him).
In addition to hunting, Cernunnos also concerns himself with all the aspects of druidic practice. In fact, the most learned scholars of the lore surrounding the Horned God consider him to be more intimately related to the cosmic ideal of druidry than any other entity. This includes his strongly true neutral alignment.
On the occasion that Cernunnos is idle, he likes to tell stories of his great hunts and hear good stories of hunts from others. He is not easily impressed, but someone who manages to entertain him might receive a great boon relating to the hunt.
The Hunting Wilds Cernunnos’s realm is a vast swath of highland terrain, largely forested, in Ladinion. It contains a high density of extraordinarily dangerous beasts, such as epic magical beasts and devastation vermin. It also includes a difficult-to-find glade where Cernunnos keeps his trophies and meets with his servants.
Cernunnos’s glade contains some exceptional artifacts among the trophies, but its lord worries little about them. He trusts the ancient magic of the place to protect them; even if an item were stolen, he would not consider the loss a great concern. He might well decide that the thief deserved to be the next quarry of the Wild Hunt, but he would not treat the foe very differently from any other quarry. While trophies are nice, they are not very important.
Relations to other Powers He is sometimes petitioned for aid by other courts or by the Celtic pantheon, and will answer only if he is appeased by their offering or intrigued by the challenge offered by the proposed target. He has good relations with some powers of the Outlands, especially the Tuatha Dé Danann and certain gods of nature.
Cernunnos (CR 52)
Male horned hunter ranger 52
N Huge fey
Init +20; supreme hunter; Senses Blindsense 300 ft., Deathwatch, deeper darkvision (90 ft.), Detect Favored Enemy, greater arcane sight, name attunement, Low-Light Vision, portfolio sense, see invisibility, true seeing; Listen +126 (+144 in natural terrain, +162 in Faerie), Spot +126 (+144 in natural terrain, +162 in Faerie)
Aura faerie glamour (144 ft., DC 83); Languages all; speak with animals, plants, and vermin
AC 99, touch 78, flat-footed 83 (-2 size, +21 natural, +18 cosmic, +16 Dexterity, +15 deflection, +21 insight); Blind-Fight, Dodge, Mobility
hp 1,954 (22d6+52d8+1,406; maximum), fast heal 57; DR 60/cold iron and epic
Immune ability damage*, ability drain*, death from massive damage*, disease*, exhaustion*, fatigue*, fire*, form-altering effects* (if unwilling), mind-affecting effects*, natural grace, Paralysis*, poison*, sonic, temporal effects* (unless willing)
*can be overcome with a rank check
Resist Contingent energy resistance, Endurance, evasion, natural grace; SR 67
Weakness ancient antagonism, nature dependent
Fort +72, Ref +75, Will +74
Speed 80 ft., fly 160 ft. (perfect) (32 squares)
Melee Twilight Harvester +109/+109/+104/+99/+94 (2d8+67 plus 3d6 fire plus poison (DC 85)/19-20/x3 (plus 6d6 more fire and Death of Enemies and Will DC 89 or bound on critical)) and gore +103 (4d6+55/18-20/x3); or
Melee gore +108 (4d6+55/18-20/x3) and 2 slams +103 (2d6+42); or
Ranged Twilight Harvester +100 (2d8+55 plus 3d6 fire plus poison (DC 85)/19-20/x3 (plus 6d6 more fire and Death Of Enemies and Will DC 89 or bound on critical))
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Base Atk +47; Epic Prowess (x8); Grp +80
Atk Options Bane Of Enemies, Blind-Fight, Death Of Enemies (DC 86), favored enemy aberrations +12, favored enemy animals +8, favored enemy dragons +18, favored enemy fey +8, favored enemy giants +10, favored enemy humanoids (elf) +8, favored enemy humanoids (human) +10, favored enemy magical beasts +14, favored enemy monstrous humanoids +8, favored enemy oozes +8, favored enemy outsiders (evil) +10, favored enemy outsiders (native) +8, favored enemy plants +8, favored enemy undead +8, Favored Power Attack, force of nature (fear, fire), Great Cleave, Lightning Offensive, Power Attack
Special Actions bestow boon, call nature’s warriors, decree of exile (base DC 89), fell the prey (DC 63), mark the prey
Combat Gear Cernunnos’s carnyx, devastation scorpion poison (3 uses)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 55th):
- 4th—contingent energy resistance* (x3, SC 52), deeper darkvision* (SC 62), Languor (x2, +71 ranged touch, DC 56, SC 130), mass longstrider (PH2 117), spark of life (DC 56, SC 196)
- 3rd—alter fortune (PH2 101), blade storm (x3, SC 30), mass curse of impending blades (SC 56), plant growth (x2), safe clearing (DC 55, SC 179)
- 2nd—burrow (SC 41), hunter’s eye (x6, +18d6 damage, PH2 114), mass resist energy (SC 174)
- 1st—alarm, blades of fire (SC 31), Detect Poison, guided shot (x2, SC 108), rhino’s rush (x4, SC 176)
*Already cast.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 74th):
Always active—Deathwatch, Detect Favored Enemy (SC 64), detect snares and pits, greater arcane sight, see invisibility, true seeing
- At will—Awaken, banishment (DC 53), Bestow Greater Curse (+80 melee touch, DC 54, SC 27), Bite of the Werebear (SC 28), commune with nature, dancing lights, detect animals or plants, detect thoughts (DC 48), dire hunger (DC 51, SC 65), discern location, faerie fire, greater Dispel magic, greater magic fang, greater teleport (DC 53), harm (+80 melee touch, DC 52), haste, heal, indomitability (SC 121) insanity (DC 53), ironguard (SC 125), life’s grace(SC 131), mark of the hunter (DC 49, SC 138), mass hold monster (DC 55), mirage arcana (DC 51),persistent image (DC 35), polymorph (self only), Reincarnate, shifting paths(DC 54, SC 188), snare (DC 48), solipsism (DC 53, SC 194), Stone Tell, True Strike, veil (DC 52), word of Balance(SC 242)
- 5/day—geas/quest, lightning ring(DC 54, SC 132), mass awaken (SC 28), meteor swarm (+71 ranged touch, DC 55), programmed amnesia(DC 55, SC 162), scrying (DC 50), shapechange, spell turning, subvert planar essence (DC 52, SC 211), superior invisibility (DC 54, SC 125), sympathy (DC 55)
- 3/day—dimensional anchor (+71 ranged touch), mass cure serious wounds, true dispel magic (quickened)
- 2/day—antimagic field (widened, quickened), superb dispelling (+55 dispel bonus), true dispel magic, wish (DC 55)
- 1/day—control weather, mass bull’s strength, waves of exhaustion
Cosmic Rank 18
Abilities Strength 60, Dexterity 43, Constitution 48, Intelligence 27, Wisdom 53, Charisma 40
SQ Alter Size, animal companion, combat style, fade, Faerie Lord qualities, hide in plain sight, hunter court traits, master huntsman, natural grace, natural invisibility, spectral presence, subjective alignment aura, swift tracker, wild empathy +89, woodland stride
Feats Alertness (B), Blind-Fight, Bounding Assault (PH2 75), Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (B), Combat Tactician (PH2 77), Defensive Sweep (PH2 78), Endurance (B), Favored Power Attack (CW 98), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Strike (PH2 79), Keen-Eared Scout (PH2 80), Mobility (B), Overwhelming Assault (PH2 81), Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (true dispel magic), Rapid Blitz (PH2 82), Spectral Skirmisher (PH2 83), Spring Attack (B), Track (B), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats Bane Of Enemies (B), Death Of Enemies (B, DC 86), Dire Charge, Epic Prowess (B, x8), Improved Damage Reduction* (x3), Improved Dire Charge*, Improved Favored Enemy (B, x6), Improved Whirlwind Attack, Legendary Tracker (B), Lightning Offensive*, Spellcasting Harrier
*new feat described below
Salient Cosmic Abilities leader of the Wild Hunt, mark the prey, nature incarnate, primal frenzy, supreme hunter
Skills Concentration +96, Diplomacy +29, Hide +103 (+121 in natural terrain, +139 in Faerie), Intimidate +66, Knowledge (Geography) +85, Knowledge (nature) +93, Listen +126 (+144 in natural terrain, +162 in Faerie), Move Silently +111 (+129 in natural terrain, +147 in Faerie), Perform (storytelling) +53, Sense Motive +98, Search +111 (+129 in natural terrain, +147 in Faerie), Sense Motive +72, Spot +126 (+144 in natural terrain, +162 in Faerie), Survival +124 (+142 in underground natural terrain, +150 in aboveground natural terrain, +160 underground in Faerie, +168 aboveground in Faerie, +150 to follow tracks in underground natural terrain, +158 to follow tracks in aboveground natural terrain, +168 to follow tracks underground in Faerie, +176 to follow tracks aboveground in Faerie), Tumble +67
Teamwork Benefit Crowded Charge (PH2 159)
Possessions combat gear, Twilight Harvester, gold torc
*Alter Size (Su) As a swift action, Cernunnos can assume any size from that of a fly (Fine) to a maximum of Colossal. The Lord can affect up to 100 pounds of objects carried.
*Ancient Antagonism (Ex) Although Cernunnos detests the forces of the divine, he also fears them. As a result, he find it difficult to enter any hallowed or unhallowed site dedicated to a deity other than one of nature. A Faerie Lord attempting to enter such a site must make a rank check against the god (if the deity’s rank is unknown, assume the highest possible numeric value of its divine strata); he cannot use his Spell Resistance to overcome this effect. If Cernunnos succeeds in entering the area, the area’s magic is immediately ended.
Once Cernunnos breaches holy or unholy ground, the god in question is immediately alerted to his presence and will often (DM’s discretion) arrive in person to deal with the intrusion.
Animal Companion (Ex) Cernunnos’s animal companion is a Large viper snake with no name. His effective druid level for the purpose of his companion’s abilities is 31st (23 HD, +23 natural armor, Strength 20, Dexterity 27, 14 tricks, link, share spells, improved evasion, devotion, Multiattack, poison DC 21).
Augmented Critical (Ex) A horned hunter’s gore threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing triple damage on a successful critical.
*Call Nature’s Warriors (Su) Three times per day, Cernunnos may call common fey, animals, plants, and/or vermin. When he calls creatures, they may have up to 3 times their normal racial HD, up to a maximum of 30. When he calls fey, they may have additional class levels, up to the same HD maximum per fey. Cernunnos also has the option to call four max-HD 20th-level cú sídhe scouts per round; this is the option he usually chooses.
Unlike typical calling, this effect does not rely on transitive planes to function, and thus functions normally in Faerie. Cernunnos inspires his servants with the power to take advantage of thin points in Faerie’s planar fabric to come to his aid. One round after the Lord’s call, up to 30 total HD of creatures arrive, seemingly from the surrounding environment, to answer him. Creatures of the same kind arrive each subsequent round for 3 total rounds. A Faerie Lord may only Call Creatures that are willing to answer him.
Combat Style (Ex) Horned hunters have a unique combat style, which they use instead of the combat styles offered in the Player’s Handbook. A horned hunter’s combat style grants it the Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack feats as long as it is wearing no armor or light armor.
Fade (Su) Cernunnos can become incorporeal as a move action. Ending this effect is a free action. While incorporeal, he loses his natural armor bonus to his Armor Class. He may still harm corporeal foes normally, as if his weapons had the ghost touch property.
*Faerie Glamour (Ex) Cernunnos’s presence is so powerful that it can allow him to play havoc on the emotions of weaker beings. All within 144 feet of the Lord must succeed in a Will save (DC 83). Those who succumb to the natural power and beauty the Lord represents suffer one of the following effects as determined by Cernunnos (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action):
Allegiance: Affected beings become charmed with Cernunnos and treat him as a trusted leader, a beloved confidante, or a significant love interest. The Lord chooses the type of relationship inspired without an action whenever a creature is affected by this ability. This ability lasts for 24 hours after the creature can no longer see or hear Cernunnos.
As long as this ability is in effect, all of Cernunnos’s affected allies (including charmed creatures) gain a +3 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Awe: Affected beings cower or gape in awe before the otherworldly beauty and power of the fey. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions. This effect ends when the affected being can no longer see or hear Cernunnos.
Challenge: Affected beings become obsessed with fighting Cernunnos in melee. They attempt to reach him as quickly as possible, and remain within 5 feet of him. If they encounter danger, such as an impossible-to-jump cliff between them and Cernunnos, they may attempt a new save with a +4 circumstance bonus; if they succeed, they seek a safer path to him, and if they fail, they continue recklessly toward him. While adjacent to Cernunnos, they can do nothing other than attack him with melee weapons. This effect ends after 3d4 rounds or when the affected being can no longer see or hear Cernunnos.
Fear: Affected beings become shaken and suffer a -5 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Cernunnos makes them panicked, and they flee from him as quickly as they can. This effect ends 3 minutes after the creature can no longer perceive him.
Cernunnos can make his servants, his allies, beings who worship nature, or any combination of the three immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until he dismisses it.
Once a creature succeeds on a saving throw against Cernunnos’s glamour, it cannot be affected by his glamour for 24 hours.
Deities and cosmic entities are immune to Cernunnos’s Faerie Glamour except on a successful opposed rank check.
Fell the Prey (Ex) As a standard action, Cernunnos may make a single attack that deals normal weapon damage. If he strikes a flat-footed opponent within 30 feet, the creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 63) or be killed or paralyzed (Cernunnos’s choice). Creatures paralyzed by the attack recover after 22 rounds. This attack cannot be made as part of a full attack action. Creatures protected from sneak attacks or critical hits are likewise protected from this effect. This is not a death effect. The save DC is Wisdom-based.
Force of Nature (Ex) Cernunnos can enchant creatures immune to fear effects or mind-affecting effects. Also, any creature with a saving throw bonus which applies specifically against fear effects or mind-affecting effects can only benefit from half of such bonuses against him. Creatures normally immune to fear effects or mind-affecting effect can be affected as if they weren’t immune, but benefit from a +5 bonus on saving throws against his fear effects or mind-affecting effects. Mindless, nonliving creatures are still immune to a Faerie Lord’s fear effects and mind-affecting effects despite this ability.
Cernunnos can affect creatures protected from energy attacks, as well. When employing a fire attack, the Lord ignores energy resistance and deals half damage to creatures with magical immunity.
Leader of the Wild Hunt (Co) Cernunnos is the leader of the infamous Wild Hunt. He can call four max-HD 20th-level cú sídhe scouts per round with his Call Nature’s Warriors ability. When there are a dozen cú sídhe in an area, Cernunnos can form them into a sluagh sídhe as a free action; such a sluagh sídhe has maximum hit points per Hit Die. The Wild Pack is composed of max-HD 20th-level cú sídhe scouts. As long as members of the Wild Hunt can see Cernunnos, they benefit from the allegiance function of his Faerie Glamour.
Whenever Cernunnos targets himself with a spell or effect, he may choose to instead affect all members of the Wild Pack which are within 144 feet, which he has line of effect to, and which are valid targets for the spell (a spell with the target of “you” can target any creature for this purpose).
Mark the Prey (Co) Thrice per day, as a standard action, Cernunnos can mark up to 18 creatures within 1,800 feet that he has line of sight to as his prey. A victim can resist the effect with a Will save; the DC is 83, and includes Cernunnos’s favored enemy bonus for that creature type or subtype, if any. If it is affected, a victim becomes surrounded with faerie fire and is frightened automatically. Cernunnos is constantly aware of the target’s location as if with discern location and gains a +3 bonus on caster level checks to penetrate protections against divination (for a total modifier of +77). He can make a caster level check to penetrate protections even if he wouldn’t normally be allowed to (if he is penetrating a divine or cosmic protection, he makes an opposed rank check instead of a caster level check, and retains the +3 bonus). He can plane shift to within 1d10 miles of a marked prey’s location once per day. When he plane shifts, Cernunnos can bring any number of allies (including charmed creatures) within 1,800 feet along for the ride. Cernunnos can even travel between the layers of the Mortal Coil with this ability, though in that case travel takes 1d4 rounds. Cernunnos and the members of the Wild Hunt each gain a +18 cosmic bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the victim. This effect is a curse, and cannot be removed except by a remove curse spell at caster level 41st or higher followed by miracle or wish. Cernunnos can dismiss this effect as a free action, and can have no more than 18 marked prey at one time.
Master Huntsman (Ex)
Cernunnos can Track creatures protected by trackless step, pass without trace, and similar effects, though the DC to Track them is increased by the caster level of the effect (or the Hit Dice of the effect’s originator, if it has no caster level). In addition, he increases his ranger level by 16 for all purposes, including gaining class features. He gains a +6 racial bonus on wild empathy checks.
Mythic Prowess (Ex)
Cernunnos gains a +21 bonus to the DC of his special attacks, spells, and spell-like abilities, to his saving throws, and to the effective caster level of his spellcasting and spell-like abilities.
*Natural Grace (Ex)
Cernunnos is unaffected and undamaged by natural hazards of all sorts, including difficult terrain, natural magma or lightning, a forest fire, and exposure to naturally cold or windy weather. This ability offers no protection against sentient-made hazards or the special abilities of creatures. Also, Cernunnos’s trail in natural environs is greatly obscured unless he wishes otherwise. This effect increases the Survival check DC to Track him by +55.
Finally, Cernunnos is permanently protected from restraint as if by freedom of movement (caster level 74th).
*Natural Invisibility (Su) A Faerie Lord is naturally invisible. He may cease or resume this effect as a free action. As a supernatural effect, it cannot be dispelled. Even an effect such as true seeing or Invisibility Purge does not reveal the Lord unless the originator of the effect succeeds on a caster level check (DC 67).
*Nature Dependent (Ex) Faerie Lords are more intimately connected to nature than any other beings. While Cernunnos derives cosmic power from the link, it causes him to be weakened when separated from nature’s presence. Cernunnos suffers a -3 penalty on all checks, saves, rolls, and save DCs when not in Faerie, a faerie realm, or a natural ley line of grade moderate or greater. He suffers a greater penalty, -5, when on a plane not connected to the Tree of Life. This penalty applies even to rank checks.
Nature Incarnate (Co) Cernunnos’s link to nature is profound, beyond something that can be taught. However, it is believed by many sects of druid that he introduced to mortals the methods of druidry. Certainly Cernunnos is a master of druidic traditions despite never properly training in them. While the methods of mortal druid are but a pale reflection of the intuitive connection that a Faerie Lord such as the Horned God has, they (along with perhaps the tradition of the spirit shaman) are the closest that a mortal can come to it. Cernunnos has the ability to grant spells to druid, and it is theorized by a few learned scholars that he may be the source of spells for all those druid who revere nature rather than a god.
Cernunnos has powers which resemble but far outstrip those of his mortal druid followers. He can wild shape (as the druid class ability) into the form of any non-unique inhabitant of Faerie (animals, fey, plants, vermin, most oozes, many magical beasts, and so on) regardless of Hit Dice or size. He can produce the effects of any one druid spell as an extraordinary effect without expending a spell slot, but doing so requires a full-round action, or one additional full-round action if the spell already has a casting time of longer than 1 round. He must provide all components for the spell. Each spell is treated as if maximized, empowered, and extended (if applicable), even if not cast in Faerie.
His unusual approach to and power over nature’s magic makes Cernunnos uniquely resistant to destruction among Faerie Lords. If slain in combat, his essence disperses instantly, and he revives (fully restored) in his faerie realm after 24 hours. A god or cosmic entity that strikes the killing blow can prevent Cernunnos from reviving by succeeding on a rank check against him; such a rank check can only be made in the Hunting Wilds. Additionally, when he dies of old age or through a rank check as described previously, Cernunnos is reincarnated 11d4 days later in a form identical to his previous one and retains the significant majority of his memories.
Primal Frenzy (Co) Cernunnos can enter into a frenzied state as a free action once per encounter, which lasts until he chooses to end it or the encounter ends. While in this state, he is immune to mind-affecting effects as if he were mindless. He cannot cast spells or use his spell-like abilities, nor take actions requiring patience (such as applying poison, calling allies, or marking prey, but not blowing his carnyx). He retains his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class even when flat-footed.
In this state, he is intimately connected to the forces of nature, and can become one with them without effort. In response to any attack against which he retains his Dexterity bonus to AC, his body (or part of it) may momentarily disperse into raw natural forces, such as air or fire, then reform when the attack has passed. Any individually targeted attack or effect, or area effect, has a 55% miss chance against Cernunnos in a primal frenzy.
In addition, the frenzied Cernunnos can unleash the raw power of nature. As a standard action, he can produce one of the following effects:
* Firestorm: as the spell, but 74d6 points of damage; Reflex DC 89.
* Lightning Strike: ray deals 74d6 points of electricity damage; all creatures within 30 feet take 37d6 damage unless they succeed on a Reflex save (DC 89). If the attack missed, the targeted creature must contend with the area effect (resisted with a Reflex save as normal).
* Polar Wind: tornado-strength winds blow out in a cone from Cernunnos, dealing 74d4 points of cold damage. A Fortitude save (DC 89) can halve the damage and negate the wind effects.
While frenzied, Cernunnos radiates a dimensional anchor effect to a distance of 18 miles.
Spear of Binding (Su) Any silver spear that a horned hunter wields in battle becomes a +5 weapon of binding if the hunter wills it (this does not require an action). This effect suppresses any extant magical properties the weapon may have until 1 round after the spear leaves the horned hunter’s hands (when this ability wears off). As an exception to this rule, Twilight Harvester has been specially designed to keep its properties while gaining the binding effect.
Any time a blow from the spear would render a creature unconscious or dead, Cernunnos may choose for the creature to suffer no damage but instead become trapped bodily within the spearhead as if by the minimus containment function of binding, except that the effect is transmutation, not enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]. This effect can be resisted with a Will save (DC 89). This effect also triggers on a critical hit.
Spectral Presence (Ex) A horned hunter’s natural armor and natural and manufactured weapons function normally against incorporeal foes as if they had the ghost touch property. Cernunnos can perceive incorporeal creatures and disembodied souls with all his senses normally and interact physically with them.
*Subjective Alignment Aura (Co)
A Faerie Lord is sometimes treated as a creature of a different alignment than his own for the purposes of spells and effects. Whenever Cernunnos is in an area with a resident mortal culture, that culture’s view of his portfolio determines how he appears to detect spells and is affected by blasphemy and similar effects. For example, in frontier areas where hunters often keep dangerous animals at bay, Cernunnos may detect as lawful good. This ability does not function in regions that are home to multiple cultures with different views of Cernunnos’s portfolio, in regions with no resident mortal cultures, or in Faerie.
Supreme Hunter (Co)
Cernunnos is the very symbol of hunting itself. He gains Legendary Tracker as a bonus feat. He can make a Survival check in place of a Knowledge check to identify or learn about a creature. He always acts first in the initiative order, except against beings with the Supreme Initiative salient divine ability or a similar ability; among such beings, normal initiative order applies, and then all remaining beings act according to the initiative order. Because he bears the archetype of fight-or-flight, he can use his Force of Nature ability to overcome immunity or resistance to fear as well as immunity or resistance to mind-affecting effects in general.
Wild Hunt Court Traits Cernunnos, as ruler of the Wild Hunt, has the following traits (they are already integrated into his statistics above).
Blindsense (Ex)
The Lord can sense all creatures within 300 ft. through minute disturbances in the air, soil, or water.
Bonus Teamwork Benefit: All members of the Wild Hunt are treated as belonging to a team gaining the Crowded Charge (PH2 159) teamwork benefit, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.
—Consummate Hunter: Cernunnos gains a cosmic bonus on Hide, Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks equal to his cosmic rank. This bonus doubles in natural terrain, or triples in Faerie.
—Enhanced Natural Weapons: The Hunter Lord’s natural weapons gain a +9 enhancement bonus to attack and damage.
Intuitive Warrior (Ex)
Cernunnos gains an insight bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls equal to his Wisdom bonus (+21).
Skills Cernunnos receives a +8 racial bonus on Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks.
Environment Any Faerie (typically), the Mortal World (sometimes), and beyond (rarely)
Organization Unique
Treasure Possessions
Cernunnos’s Carnyx
Cernunnos uses his carnyx to call forth the Wild Hunt. It extends the range and tenacity of his Faerie Glamour considerably.
Lore: This carnyx is said to have been crafted from the first kill Cernunnos made. It an emblem of the Wild Hunt.
Description: Cernunnos’s carnyx is a large hunting horn. It appears to be that of a massive animal. Though it is unadorned, the carnyx is dyed the deepest of greens, nearly black.
Activation: Blowing the horn is a standard action.
Effect: When blown by Cernunnos, it can be heard for 18 miles with perfect clarity. Cernunnos can will that any who hear his horn are effected as if by his Faerie Glamour (any one function) unless they succeed on a Will save (DC 83). All affected beings remain so for 18 hours or until they hear the sound of the carnyx again. A use of the carnyx does not count as a use of Cernunnos’s Glamour; resisting the Glamour does not render one immune to the carnyx. Nor does resisting the carnyx render one immune to anything; a being may still be affected by the carnyx later if it resisted the sound previously that day.
Aura/Caster Level: Overwhelming enchantment; 74th.
Weight: 18 1b.
Twilight Harvester
Cernunnos’s prized weapon, Twilight Harvester is the only constructed weapon Cernunnos has ever been known to wield in combat.
Lore: It is said to have been forged by the first leader of the Wild Hunt, and is traditionally wielded by the current leader.
Description: This dark, wooden-hafted spear is engraved with eldritch silver sigils and stylized images of snakes. Its gleaming silver head is shrouded in crackling energy.
Activation: Wielding Twilight Harvester in combat will activate its baseline abilities. It is a swift action to alter its energy type. The poison is injury-type, so applies on any hit. Its binding effect triggers on a critical hit, as well as on any blow that would otherwise render a victim unconscious or dead. The binding effect is derived from Cernunnos and so is not available to any other wielder.
Effect: Twilight Harvester functions as a +10 keen returning flaming blast silver spear of speed. It ignores the extraordinary damage reduction of the wielder’s favored enemies. As a swift action, the wielder can change the energy type of the weapon’s energy blast attack to acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Cernunnos normally coats Twilight Harvester with devastation scorpion poison (injury, Fort save DC 85; initial and secondary damage 2d12 Strength damage). Twilight Harvester has been designed to gain the binding property from Cernunnos without losing its own abilities.
Aura/Caster Level: Overwhelming evocation and transmutation; 74th.
Weight: 24 1b.
Cernunnos is always accompanied by members of the Wild Hunt.
Choose a form of damage reduction you possess that can be penetrated.
Prerequisites: Damage reduction that can be penetrated.
Benefits: The chosen form of damage reduction is increased by 5.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Classes: Acolyte of the skin, alienist, apostle of peace, celestial mystic, contemplative, divine agent, divine crusader, favored soul, gatecrasher, initiate of Pistis Sophia, monk, planar champion, primeval, rimefire witch, spirit shaman, swanmay, troubador of stars, walker in the waste, warlock, plus any other class which grants penetrable damage reduction.
Lightning Offensive [EPIC]
Prerequisites: Dexterity 19, Bounding Assault (PHB2 75), Dodge, Mobility, Rapid Blitz (PH2 82), Spring Attack, base attack bonus +24.
Benefit: When using the Spring Attack feat, you may designate up to a number of opponents equal to the number of attacks you can make during a full attack action rather than the usual one. Your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from any of them. While using an attack action with the Spring Attack feat, you may make as many attacks as you could with a full attack action. You may make all attacks against a single opponent, or divide them as you wish between multiple foes.
Classes: Barbarian, dervish, fighter, ranger, scout.
Originally by WarDragon:
Improved Dire Charge [EPIC]
Prerequisites: Dire Charge, base attack bonus +25.
Benefit: You may make a full attack at the end of any charge.
Normal: Dire Charge functions only in the first round of combat.
Classes: Any class that can gain Dire Charge as a bonus feat.
Cernunnos, the Celtic god of fertility and the wild, roams the forests of Europe, disguised as a stag. He watches the changing world with a mixture of amusement and concern. The 1450s have brought new challenges to the old ways, with the rise of the printing press and the growth of urban centers.
Cernunnos observes as the population grows, and the forests dwindle. The balance of nature is shifting, and he feels a deep responsibility to maintain it. He has noticed the increasing persecution of those who still follow the old ways, and the loss of respect for the natural world.
As he watches, he is approached by a group of witches, who seek his help. They tell him of the witch hunts that are taking place across Europe, and the brutal methods used to root out those who practice magic. Cernunnos listens, his expression darkening with anger. He promises the witches that he will protect them and help them fight back against their oppressors.
Cernunnos spends his days moving from forest to forest, building alliances with those who still hold the old ways close to their hearts. He teaches them the ancient rituals of nature worship and urges them to resist the pressure of the new order. He gathers strength, calling on the spirits of the land to join him in his mission.
His ultimate goal is to restore the balance between humans and nature, to ensure that the forests remain protected and the old ways are not lost to history. He knows it will be a long and difficult journey, but he is determined to see it through. Cernunnos, the ancient god of the wild, will not rest until he has achieved his vision for the future.