Hades, “King of the underworld, God of the dead and riches”

Ruler of the Ebon Throne, Lord of the Underworld
He is the son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. When the three brothers divided up the universe after they had deposed their father, Cronus, Hades was awarded the underworld. There, with his queen, Persephone, whom he had abducted from the world above, he rules the kingdom of the dead. Although he is a grim and pitiless god, unappeased by either prayer or sacrifice, he is not evil. In fact,he was known as lord of riches, because both crops and precious metals were believed to come from his kingdom below ground.
The underworld itself was often called Hades. It is divided into regions: Erebus, where the dead pass as soon as they die, Tartarus, the deeper region where murders and evil people reside.you have lived an exemplary life you will end up in the Elysian fields. Hades appears as a bearded man.
Used with permissiom from Palindrome
Greater Deity
Symbol Black ram’s head, Scepter or horn of plenty
Home Plane The Underworld
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Portfolio Death, the afterlife, wealth
Worshipers Relatives of the recently deceased, Morticians, Necromancers, Hadean Striders, Undead hunters
Servitor Creatures Shadows, Cerberi,
Cleric Alignments LN, TN, LE
Domains Death, Darkness, Earth, Underworld
Favored Weapon Two-pronged trident (trident +1)
Some Major Temple Sites Necromanteion (“Oracle of the Dead”) on the River Styx
Pets Cerberus the three-headed dog
Hades | |
Rogue 30/Cleric 25/Divine Trickster 10 | |
Medium outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Divine Rank | 17 |
Hit Dice | 30d6 (Rogue) plus 25d8 (cleric) plus 10d4 (divine trickster) plus 1040 (1480 hp) |
Initiative | +25 (+17 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative * always goes first) |
Speed | 90 ft., burrow 60 ft., run 450 ft. |
Armor Class | 89 (+32 natural, +17 Dexterity, +17 divine, +13 deflection), touch 57, flat-footed 89 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +37/+54 |
Attack | *+83 Necromacheion or +72 melee touch or +84 Necromacheion (ranged) or +71 ranged touch*always rolls 20. |
Full Attack | *+83/+78/+73/+68 Necromacheion (1d8 plus +28/19-20/x2) or +72 melee touch or +84 Necromacheion (1d8 plus +28/19-20/x2) or +71 ranged touch*always receives a 20 on attack rolls; roll die for critical check |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5ft. |
Special Attacks | crippling strike, Domain powers, impromptu sneak attack (2/day), sneak attack (+23d6 damage)*, spells, spell-like abilities, ranged legerdemain (3/day), rebuke undead and outsiders 16/day* always does 138 damage for two rounds |
Special Qualities | defensive roll, Divine aura (17 miles, DC 40), divine immunities, DR 30/epic and silver, evasion, godly realm (100 miles outer plane, 1700 ft. Material Plane), greater teleport at will, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, plane shift at will, remote communication, resistance (electricity) 22, slippery mind, SR 101, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 17 miles, trapfinding, trap sense +9 |
Saves | Fort +61, Ref +67, Will +59 *always receives 20 on saves |
Abilities | Strength 46,Dexterity 44, Constitution 43, Intelligence 34, Wisdom 42, Charisma 36 |
Skills | * Appraise +60, Balance +41, Bluff +85, Concentration +50, Decipher Script +40, Diplomacy +34, Disguise +40, Gather Information +60, Intimidate+93, Knowledge (arcana) +49, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +49, Knowledge (history) +49, Knowledge (the planes) +49, Knowledge (religion) +85, Listen +85, Move Silently +85, Open Lock +85, Ride +40, Search +60, Sense Motive +65, Spellcraft +93 (+101 on scrolls), Spot +60, Survival +30 (+34 extraplanar, +34 underground, +36 find/follow tracks), Tumble +55, Use Magic Device +85 (+89 scrolls) * always recieves a 20 on skill checks. |
Feats | Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Improved critical (trident), Improved Initiative, Persistent spell, Quicken Spell, Run, Twin Spell, Weapon Focus (trident) |
Epic Feats | Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Epic Speed, Epic Spellcasting, Epic Weapon Focus (trident), Expeditious Metamagic, Improved Metamagic, Multispell, Planar Turning, Spectral Strike, Spell Stowaway (timestop), Superior Initiative |
Salient Divine Abilities | Challenge of the Pomegranate (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Condemnation (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Dead Men’s Tales (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Divine Blast (16/day, 17 miles, 30d12 damage), Divine Earth Mastery, Divine Dodge (67% miss chance), Divine Recall (petitioner arrives in the Underworld), Divine Rogue, Divine Sneak Attack, Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (trident), Extra Domain (Earth), Hand of Death, Increased Spell Resistance, Know Death, Life and Death, Mass Life and Death, Supreme Initiative, Undead Mastery |
Environment | Halls of the Dead, The Underworld |
Organization | Hades and Chariot |
Challenge Rating | 62 |
Treasure | Helmet of Darkness, Ebon Sceptre, Necromacheion |
Alignment | Lawful Neutral |
Advancement | — |
Level Adjustment | – |
Domain Powers Hades may rebuke, command, or bolster earth creatures 16/day; adds Bluff, Disguise, and Hide to his skill list; gains Blind-Fight as a free feat; may make a death touch once a day that kills a creature with fewer than 180 hp.
Spell-Like Abilities At will animate dead, armor of darkness, blacklight, blindness, cause fear, chain lightning, charm monster, confusion, create greater undead, create undead, cure critical wounds, daylight, death knell, death ward, destruction, disguise self, earthquake, elemental swarm (earth elementals only), false vision, fire storm, greater dispel magic, hold monster, holy smite, iron body, invisibility, invisibility purge, levitate, magic stone, mislead, nightmare, nondetection, obscuring mist, persistent image, polymorph any object, polymorph (humanoid forms only, duration 1 hour), power word (blind), power word (kill), prying eyes, remove curse, screen, slay living, soften earth and stone, spike stones, stoneskin, stone shape, summon monster V (1d3 shadows only), time stop, wail of the banshee, wall of stone.
- 3/day: etherealness, summon nature’s ally IX.
- 1/day: gate, maze, meteor swarm, greater restoration.
Hades casts his spell-like abilities at 82nd level. Saving throws against Hades spell-like abilities is DC 50 + spell level.
The saving throw DC’s are Charisma-based.
Alter Reality (Su) Hades exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifested in a number of ways. Hades can use wish when doing so could help him to judge the dead or find any being that has attempted to evade his judgement, control the petitioners of the Underworld, or control the land of The Underworld itself. Note that in the situation where Hades and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered. – Hades can use Alter Reality to cast any cure spell at will as a standard action; Hades can apply metamagic feats to the spells if desired, but doing so requires him to forego using Alter Reality for 1 round for each level the feat would normally add to the equivalent spell.
– As a free action, Hades can assume any size from Fine to Colossal. Hades can also change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects he touches. This ability allows Hades to assume any proportions from the size of a grain of sand up to as much as 1,600 feet tall. A radical change in size can have great impact on Hades’ combat ability. Hades’ Strength, Armor Class, attack bonus, and damage dealt with weapons changes according to the size the deity assumes. Hades’ Strength score can never be reduced to less than 1 through this ability. Also note that use of this divine ability does not affect all of Hades’ characteristics.
Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, acid, banishment, binding, death effects, dimensional anchor, disease, disintegration, dismissal, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, repulsion, sleep, soul bind, stunning, Temporal Stasis, transmutation, Trap the soul, and turning and rebuking.
Challenge of the Pomegranate (Unique Salient Divine Ability) 17 times a day, Hades may offer a being that is already not beholden to him a challenge in the form of a symbolic contest. Typically this takes the form of Hades offering a gift which in turn binds them into accomplishing a task that Hades wishes to be done. Targets of Hades’ challenge must make a Will save opposed by Hades’ Bluff check, or else should they fail the save then they are bound to a promise of Hades’ choosing. Hades may additionally choose to enact his Condemnation SDA in combination with his challenge.
Condemnation (Unique Salient Divine Ability): Hades may choose to condemn the soul of any living being that has died within his sensory range, even deities of lower deific rank than himself, and force them to spend eternity with him. Targets must make a Will save DC 70 in order to avoid their fate. Should a being fail the save their soul is condemned to spend eternity in the Underworld as a petitioner. Deities of higher Divine Rank than Hades may reverse this effect with the Mass Life and Death SDA, although they are naturally loath to even attempt such a tasking and even Zeus prefers negotiation with Hades over incurring the wrath of the Lord of the Underworld.
Hades has been known, in truly exceptional circumstances, to allow for the release of a soul from the Halls of the Dead, but doing so requires something of, at a minimum, equivalent value to him. This can turn out to be the soul of the requester…as some individuals have found out the hard way.
Dead Men’s Tales (Unique Salient Divine Ability): When Hades gazes upon a being that, by his standards, has cheated death (either through seeking undeath, prolonging itself through epic spells, et cetera), they must make a Will save DC 50. Should they fail the Will save then Hades may discern the exact nature of their history of extended longevity (this would include details such as the age of a lich, any magical items or potions they may be using to prolong themselves, et cetera).
Hades when he is travelling wears the Helmet of Darkness crafted for him by the Cyclopes. While wearing the Helmet of Darkness, Hades is not only effectively invisible as the greater invisibility spell but is additionally undetectable by the means of any divination spells except those based upon the epic seed reveal, and even then they must breach his incredible Spell Resistance. It provides no armor class benefits otherwise. Hades’ Helmet of Darkness is a bit of a misnomer, as it is actually a headdress made from the head of a black ram.
Hades also possesses the Ebon Sceptre, a magical staff which allows him to call upon the soul of any being interred in the Underworld and ask them questions which they are bound to answer for 17 rounds. He may also use it to see through the eyes of any deceased creature (whether animated dead, or petitioner) within the range of his godly realm. Once a week he may choose to reclothe one of the dead in flesh, causing them to arise as a Corpse Creature which he may command to do his bidding for that particular week; at the end of this period or if the reanimated creature is slain early the soul leaves the body which Hades has created for it and returns to its place in the Underworld.
Hades’ weapon, the Necromacheion is a two-pronged +8 trident (treated as a trident for the purposes of damage) of undead dread which Hades uses when he finds a creature that has broken his laws. When used as a ranged weapon it can pass through up to 50 feet of stone or earth and still hit a target on the other side undamaged.
Other Divine Powers:
As a greater deity, Hades automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and saves). He is immortal.
- Senses Hades can see (using normal vision or Low-Light Vision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of seventeen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within seventeen miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to twenty locations at once. Hee can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours.
- Portfolio Sense Hades senses any event involving death, wealth, or the movement of earth or underground activity 17 weeks into the future and 17 weeks in the past.
- Automatic Actions Hades can use Bluff, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, or Knowledge (religion) as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can perform up to twenty such free actions each round.
- Create Magic Items Hades may create any magical item, including artifacts, related to death or controlling the dead, stealth, or subterranean realms.
- Cleric Spells (Sp) (0th-16th level): 6/9+1/9+1/9+1/9+1/8+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/6+1/3/3/3/2/2/2/2:
Hades casts his clerical spells at 35th level and at 52nd level for the purposes of Spell Penetration. Saving throws against Hades spells are DC 26 + spell level. The saving throws are Wisdom-based. Hades may cast 9 epic spells/day with a maximal Spellcraft DC of 129. Hades may rebuke/command undead and outsiders 16/day.
- Ranged Legerdemain Three times a day, Hades can use either Disable Device, Open Lock, or Sleight of Hand at a range of 30 feet. This increases the normal skill check DC by 5. Any object to be manipulated must weigh 5 pounds or less. He may make one check along these lines per day.
- Impromptu Sneak Attack Twice a day Hades can declare one melee or ranged attack he makes to be a sneak attack (the target can be no more than 30 feet distant if the impromptu sneak attack is a ranged attack.
The most recognized avatar of Hades appears as an imposingly tall and muscular human male with solid black, iris-less eyes and a permanently grim demeanor who rides a chariot driven by four black horses. At the same time, it is believed that like many of the other Olympians he has adopted other forms when it has suited his purposes for him to do so.
Hades Avatar Rogue 12/Cleric 10/Divine Trickster 10 Divine Rank 17 Hit Dice 12d6 (Rogue) plus 10d8 (cleric) plus 10d4 (divine trickster) plus 320 (512 hp) Initiative +21 (+13 Dexterity, +8 Supreme Initiative *always goes first) Speed 90 ft., burrow 60 ft., run 450 ft. Armor Class 49 (+15 natural, +13 Dexterity, +11 deflection), touch 44, flat-footed 36 Base Attack/Grapple +21/+45 Attack +56 Necromacheion or +35 melee touch or +55 Necromacheion (ranged) or +34 ranged touch Full Attack +56/+51/+46/+41 Necromacheion (1d8 plus +22/19-20/x2) or +35 melee touch or +55 Necromacheion (1d8 plus +22/19-20/x2) or +34 ranged touch Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks crippling strike, Domain powers, impromptu sneak attack (2/day), sneak attack (+13d6 damage), spells, spell-like abilities, ranged legerdemain (3/day), rebuke undead and outsiders 14/day Special Qualities divine aura (1700 ft., Will DC 21), divine immunities, DR 10/epic, evasion, greater teleport at will, improved uncanny dodge, plane shift at will, resistance (electricity) 5, SR 48, trapfinding, trap sense +5 Saves Fort +15 Ref +15 Will +15 Abilities Strength 38, Dexterity 36, Constitution 31, Intelligence 30, Wisdom 35, Charisma 32 Skills Appraise +30, Balance +31, Bluff +35, Concentration +20, Decipher Script +30, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +20, Gather Information +35, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +25, Knowledge (the planes) +35, Knowledge (religion) +35, Listen +35, Move Silently +35, Open Lock +35, Ride +20, Search +35, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +39 (+41 on scrolls), Spot +60, Survival +15 (+19 extraplanar, +19 underground, +19 find/follow tracks), Tumble +20, Use Magic Device +35 (+39 scrolls) Feats Blind-Fight (B), Combat Reflexes, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative, Reach Spell, Run, Weapon Focus (trident) Epic Feats Epic Speed, Epic Weapon Focus (trident), Superior Initiative Challenge Rating 31 Treasure Helmet of Darkness, Necromacheion
Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, mind-affecting effects.
Domain Powers Hades may rebuke, command, or bolster earth creatures 14/day; adds Bluff, Disguise, and Hide to his skill list; gains Blind-Fight as a free feat; may make a death touch once a day that kills a creature with fewer than 20d6 hp.
Salient Divine Abilities Divine Dodge (50% chance), Divine Earth Mastery, Divine Sneak Attack, Know Death, Supreme Initiative
Spell-Like Abilities 3/day animate dead, armor of darkness, blacklight, blindness, cause fear, chain lightning, charm monster, confusion, create greater undead, create undead, cure critical wounds, daylight, death knell, death ward, destruction, disguise self, earthquake, elemental swarm (earth elementals only), etherealness, false vision, fire storm, greater dispel magic, hold monster, holy smite, iron body, invisibility, invisibility purge, levitate, magic stone, mislead, nightmare, nondetection, obscuring mist, persistent image, polymorph any object, polymorph (humanoid forms only, duration 1 hour), power word (blind), power word (kill), prying eyes, remove curse, screen, slay living, soften earth and stone, spike stones, stoneskin, stone shape, summon monster V (1d3 shadows only), summon natures ally IX, time stop, wail of the banshee, wall of stone.
1/day gate, maze, meteor swarm, greater restoration.
- Hades casts his spell-like abilities at 22nd level.
- Saving throws against Hades’ spell-like abilities is DC 21 + spell level. The saving throw DC’s are Charisma-based.
- Cleric Spells (Sp) (0th-9th level) 6/8+1/8+1/8+1/8+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1
- Hades’ Avatar casts his clerical spells at 22nd level.
- Saving throws against Hades’ Avatar’s spells are DC 22 + spell level.
- The saving throws are Wisdom-based. Hades may rebuke/command undead 14/day.