Prince Belial, (Devil of Pain) Lord of the 4th
Unveiling the Enigmatic Belial, Lord of the Fourth Realm: Secrets and Power Beyond Imagination!

The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
The flames raged in a cacophonous din but they couldn’t drown out the screams of the women. Such an inferno would normally draw a crowd, yet tonight those who frequented such places remained hidden from sight. The area about the old brothel was deserted, the roads silent. Save for six men, in whose eyes the blaze was reflected clearly. One stood apart from the others, closest to the flames. The fiery light illuminated the look of grim satisfaction on his face.
Brother Ficiant, local preceptor of the Order of Mercy, listened to the whores cries for help as the fire devoured their flesh. The damnable wantons would no longer plague society with their carnal ways. No longer would they tug at the unholy desires of the decent men of town. He permitted himself a small smile at the fate of the unrighteous before he nodded to those behind him. In unison, they began to chant and undulate, performing the ritual that would send the damned souls into the furnaces of Hell to be cleansed of their sins.
A blast of flames exploded from the house, sending the brotherhood reeling. Ignoring the gasp and moans of his brethren, Ficiant pushed himself up on his elbows. The vision he saw caused him to gape. Even from so far away, he recognized the wings, the flawless form, the unearthly beauty and grace. Although partially obscured by the smoke and debris, an angel hovered in the doorway of the burning brothel. In his arms, the angel cradled the charred, barely living body of a young prostitute, her face a grimace of pain. Ficiant struggled to focus on the being’s face, to properly place the emotion he was seeing there. Was it condemnation? – Vengeance? Or did he spy satisfaction? – Pleasure? These that were punished were not women. They were unworthy wretches, cursed witches who beguiled man with their vile ways. Surely his actions were good and pure!
The angel’s lips barely moved, but Ficiant heard every word inside his head. The holy being’s voice was so pure and melodious, he felt lost in the words and their meaning. A sharp stabbing pain in his elbow it was broken to be sure reminded him of his situation. The angel had spoken; he expected a response. Helplessly, Ficiant tried to formulate what he hoped was an intelligent response.
Holy One, what service may I offer you?” He tried to blink the blood and tears out of his eyes; if only he could see properly this wouldn’t be so awkward. Warmth and pleasure spread from his loins at the sound of that voice. “My daughters cried out to me in their suffering and anguish. And now I have answered the faint call of my faithful child. What is the meaning of this?”
Gasping for air, Ficiant tried to dissemble. “My lord? Your daughters? I thought them to be mere whores, debased creatures of sin and iniquity! How was I to know?” Oh, would he gain the mercy of this heavenly agent?
“By their actions they were named whores by you. By their inner-most thoughts they were named my daughters. Perhaps you look on the outside, but I look to the heart.”
Ficiant’s heart was pounding wildly: he thought it would burst from his chest. “No, my Lord, you misunderstand my intent. I wished to burn the sin from these women! I only wished to help their souls find the peace that all deserve! I only wished to make them worthy! Please, my Lord!”
“You will be judged, Brother Ficiant – by your own measure.”
The angel was suddenly hovering over Ficiant. In spite of himself, Ficiant could not help but drink in the unearthly beauty that loomed above him. Silken flesh like the sun flowed over smooth muscles. Flaming wings fluttered in the night. A perfect face full of love and promise of incredible sensation gazed at him. The Brother of Mercy was all too aware of the celestial being’s utter maleness, making his own shell seem crude and base. He trembled as the angel bent down to whisper in his ear, shamed and awed at his arousal by the contact. The being’s eyes burned with white-hot flame as he proclaimed his sentence.
“Well done, my good and faithful son.”
BELIAL, Lord of the Fourth | |
Master of Pains and Suffering | |
Healer 15/Rogue 10/Shadowbane Inquisitor 10 | |
Large outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fallen, Lawful) | |
Symbol | A black trident rising out of a lake of fire on a black, inverted triangle |
Cosmic Rank | 13 (16 in Phlegethon (Phlegethos)) |
Hit Dice | 57d8 + 10d6 + 10d10 + 770 (1386 hp) |
Initiative | +20 (+16 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 70 ft., Fly 200 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 73 (-1 size, +20 deflection, +16 Dexterity, +19 natural, +9 profane), touch 54, flat-footed 73 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +60/+76 |
Attack | Pain’s Pleasure +78 melee (2d6+25 plus 3d6 (fire)/x3 plus 9d6 (fire)); or spell +71 melee touch or +75 ranged touch. |
Full Attack | Pain’s Pleasure +78/+73/+68/+63 melee (2d6+25 plus 3d6 (fire)/x3 plus 9d6 (fire)); or spell +71 melee touch or +75 ranged touch. |
Space/Reach | 10 ft. /10 ft. |
Special Attacks | Aura of Hell, call devils, cleansing, crippling strike, Eternal Torment, Hell’s Fire, Might of Hell, rebuke/command fire creatures 23/day, sacred stealth, smite, sneak attack +8d6, Soulfire, spell-like abilities, spells, Whispers of Pain and Passion. |
Special Qualities | Absolute conviction, damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, Darkvision 60 ft., Diabolical Decree, Diabolical Empowerment, Diabolical Prowess, effortless healing, evasion, fallen, healing hands, immunity to fire and poison, improved uncanny dodge, Infernal Nobility, Lord of the Nine, Low-Light Vision, magic circle against good, merciless purity, Purifying Pain, regeneration 20, resistance to acid 40 and cold 40, righteous fervor, Supreme Sadist, Spell Resistance 69, trapfinding, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge. |
Saves | Fort +50 (+54 vs petrification), Ref +56, Will +54 (+60 vs. mind affecting effects) |
Abilities | Strength 35, Dexterity 42, Constitution 30, Intelligence 31, Wisdom 39, Charisma 50 |
Skills | Appraise +20, Balance +47, Bluff +112, Climb +12 (+18 with ropes), Concentration +80, Diplomacy +118 (+116 with good beings, +124 |
Feats | Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B , Dark Speech B , Devoted Inquisitor, Divine Metamagic (Reach Spell), Extra Smite (x2), Flyby Attack, Force of Personality, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Persuasive, Power Attack, Reach Spell, Sacred Healing*, Staggering Strike, Stunning Fist (19/day, save DC 77), Trustworthy, Violate Spell-Like Ability. *For the purposes of Eternal Torment, this feat has a save DC of 60. |
Epic Feats | Epic Evil Brand B , Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Epic Skill Focus (Heal), Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate), Epic Smiting (x2). |
Environment | Abriymoch, Phlegethon (Phlegethos), Fourth of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary (unique), quartet (Belial and three Erinyes, Maximum HD), or troupe (Belial, Naamah (Lady Fierana)) , Gazra and 16 Devil Barbed (Hamatula)) |
Challenge Rating | 61 |
Treasure | Pain’s Pleasure plus quintuple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |

It is a common misconception that the Realms Above do not accept physical pain as part of concepts associated with holiness. Most would presume that complete health and wholeness are what the Sarim seek to provide exclusively to all that would follow in the paths of light. Yet, across the Realms Above, particularly in the Seven Heavens, there is the recognition that the need to struggle is often an essential aspect of recognizing the value of joy, freedom, justice, or any combination of the three. The need to struggle, to experience discomfort in pursuit of righteousness strengthens the soul and builds endurance of the spirit. It broadens the appreciation of what has been achieved and ensures that nothing is taken for granted. Pain is not experienced for its own sake and certainly not because pain is perceived as good in and of itself or to the delight of others. The pain is merely a byproduct of the difficulty in training the body to exceed its accepted limitations. In the Realms Above, more so that any place in the Cosmos, the body is expected to be a servant to the soul and, in order for the soul to grow and become stronger in its holy conviction, the body must be made to move beyond what is often expected. Whether through fasting, rigorous exercise, or chastity, the carnal must be moved aside in order for the spiritual to extend into the Light From on High.
Thus, pain is a necessary component in those seeking to grow firmer in their resolve to goodness. In the end, however, the pain will disappear as the body learns to transcend its limitations and as the soul expands and assumes greater oneness with the body. Pain is the resistance of the carnal to the spiritual and for those who overcome that resistance, the soul and the body ultimately benefit.
It is for this reason that angels rarely directly get involved in the physical aspects of mortal existence. Having by and large transcended the carnal, angelic beings can scarcely comprehend the limitations that mortals accept in their own lives. Still, if gods can seek physical experiences despite their almost entirely spiritual natures, so too can angels. The vast majority of angels limit their carnal experiences to simply living among mortals, dining, exercising, and loving in a purely mortal sense. Those that experience the mortal way do so in order to better guide mortals on the path of righteousness. Unfortunately, there have been those who scoffed at mortals weaknesses and needs. These angels, initially curious or perhaps even envious, took their first tentative steps into abuse and cruelty at the expense of mortals. Among the first such angels were those known as the Voyeurs. These angels, led by Semyaza and Azazel, looked on mortals as small, weak things beholden to their own fleshly lusts. For the Voyeurs, the desire was to force mortals to literally worship them, to become dependant upon them. As suddenly as the Voyeurs perversions began they were ended when they were cast out of the Realms Above by the Celestial Hosts. Still, there remained others who still wished to know mortals and, by knowing them, control them. Chief among these was one of the greatest kerubim, Belial.
Belial was a powerful servant of the Virtues of Heaven, although he was not associated with any one in particular. Instead, he served as the greatest healer in the Heavens, granting knowledge and wisdom to other angels as they flew like motes of light across Creation, bringing relief and health to those infested with the darkness of the Depths Below. Belial was offered the status of seraph countless times, but always refused. He was perceived as the most honorable and beautiful of the angels for his humility as he claimed that he could not in good consciousness abandon the mortal coil that relied on his healing hands. And indeed, Belial was beautiful even if he did not have the same powerful force of personality exhibited by Beelzebul; there were none as glorious to behold as Belial who was also known for his chasteness, for his only pleasure was said to be seeing the relief on the face of those to whom he brought peace. Cults dedicated to Belial blossomed across the mortal coil and even into the Realms Beyond themselves as mortals who had been touched by Belial sought to spread news of his pity and mercy to all that would hear. And, although Belial deplored such adoration, even the Seven Virtues could find little fault with the mortals who sought to recognize the kerubim that healed them. Belial was the silent hero, the friend to all, and among the most blessed of the Celestial Host. He was also the greatest liar and darkest threat to ever reside in Heaven.
It is not known when it occurred or how, but Belial was evil long before The Great Fall. To this date, not even Asha, the Virtue of Justice, knows how Belial managed to conceal his perversion from the rest of Heaven. It is now known that Belial’s routine declines for advancement to seraph status as due to his desire not to be any closer to the Virtues than necessary, who -after a short period of time -would have quickly ascertained his true nature. Belial’s nature was to bring pain and torment to all in Creation, but especially mortals. There is no doubt that Belial offered healing to mortals throughout the Cosmos and that he did indeed provide that healing. What healing he granted was only after he tortured those that depended on his mercy, on his gift. He would make them commit all manner of vile acts to be free of their afflictions. Yet this was but the pale beginnings of Belial’s sins. The Lord of Light, as he was called in Heaven, sought to impose a strict guideline for living based upon his own ideals.
Mortals, to Belial, were little more than vermin. They were created to serve and nothing more. However, they could not serve properly if they were not forced to constrain themselves, to live precisely as Belial thought they should live. Mortals possessed too many freedoms, too many choices. Belial was not interested in creating perfect slaves, empty of their individuality, as Beelzebul was; rather, the Lord of Mercy wished to see mortals forced to abandon their wants, knowing what they have lost, and serving those greater than themselves. The best means to accomplish this was to constrain their carnal desires, to strip them of their ability to control their own bodies. Pain was the best means to accomplish this. Through suffering and torment, mortals would learn to do what they were bid. Through occasional treats of mercy and pleasure, mortals would be the well-behaved pets, currying to their master’s desires for fear of pain. Belial represented an obscene twist on what the Realms Above taught about suffering. For Belial, suffering was as much the goal as the means, for the eternal threat of pain resulted in the kind of behavior he desired.
Perhaps most troubling of all, Belial equated pain with love. Love was an illusion as far as Belial was concerned, a weakness of dependency on others. Unlike Semyaza and the others who preceded him, Belial did not want mortals to depend on him as much as he wanted them to fear him. Sex, perhaps the most intimate aspect of carnal independence, became a tool, a weapon, for Belial to force mortals to do his bidding. The body would be punished in the very same way it would be pleasured for rape was just another form of power and Belial learned this well with his millions of victims prior to The Great Fall. There is no love, just obedience. There is no independence, just servitude. There is no Heaven, only Hell.
It is unclear at what point suspicions began to arise concerning Belial. It is now known that he had so thoroughly created dread in his victims that they would not ever divulge what they had experienced to their gods. While Belial was cautious not to oppress clerics and other divine servants, he knew that upon death, the memories of life would be purged from new petitioners, disappearing into repositories in the Realms Above or being devoured elsewhere across the Cosmos. The Virtue of Justice, Asha, became wary of Belial’s growing legend and was beginning to investigate when the uprising started with Eblis and Beelzebul. Believing that he had nothing to lose, Belial joined with them, revealing his true nature. Arrogantly, Belial released his miserable slaves from their bonds of silence, allowing them to finally reveal the torment they had undergone. Belial hoped that his outburst would cow the Bastions of Righteousness. Instead, they redoubled the efforts of those angels that remained true and Belial soon found himself the personal target of the Celestial Hosts. He was seen finally in the correct light as a fiend and predator, anathema to all that is good and holy. When The Great Fall occurred, Belial fell the swiftest and the hardest, becoming the first to land in Hell due to the great weight of his evil.
Like the other leaders of the celestial insurrection, Belial was called to the fortress Malsheem in Nessus where he stood before Asmodeus, King of the Ninefold Realm. There, Belial finally witnessed a being that could appreciate what he himself represented, a creature that could respect what he sought. Second only after Beelzebul, Belial knelt before The Overlord of Hell and was damned as a Duke of Perdition. Furthermore, Asmodeus offered Belial an opportunity to acquire even more power in the Fourth Perdition, suggesting that the environment would be to his liking even if he served under the original ruler of Phlegethon (Phlegethos), Adrammelek.
Belial was not displeased with Asmodeus‘ suggestion. Phlegethon (Phlegethos) was more than to Belial’s liking: it was the physical personification of all that he represented. Although Phlegethon (Phlegethos) was a place of intrigue and brutal sophistication, it was also the center of purification and punishment in Hell for here boiled the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. Here, all of what Belial sought to impose on mortals in life could be forced upon them in the afterlife. All he needed to do was eliminate a simple threat to realizing his perverse dreams: Adrammelek
The original Lord of the Fourth had long since abandoned his purely Lawful Evil nature in favor of Neutral Evil in a desire to ascend into true divinity rather than remain subservient to the will of The Overlord. Unfortunately for Adrammelek, he could not serve two masters (namely, himself and Asmodeus) and the King of Hell could not tolerate a less than Lawful nature ruling one of his Perditions. The arrival of thousands of fallen angels was just what he needed to institute some adjustments to his fiefs and Belial would be a far more appropriate Lord of the Fourth. Thus, through Martinet, Asmodeus granted Belial with information and some of the resources he would need to lead a successful coup against Adrammelek. Belial revealed to the various devils of Phlegethon (Phlegethos) the disease of Chaos that Adrammelek had allowed into his being and promised these devils a place in a new order if they would follow him. He promised sweet pleasure and greater adherence to law and order in the Fourth. Belial even laid bare his soul to reveal that he was telling the truth, a seeming sign of weakness to the politically savvy Dukes of Phlegethon (Phlegethos). The Dukes, viewing Belial and his Fallen allies as easy prey for the future, agreed to aid him in destroying Adrammelek only if Belial faced the current Lord of the Fourth alone.
Before Adrammelek was aware of what had happened, he found himself without allies when Belial and his Fallen fell upon Abriymoch. Even as the Fallen decimated the few devils loyal to Adrammelek, Belial confronted the original Lord of the Fourth. Filled with newfound power from the depths of Nessus, the two did battle, one of the few such conflicts among cosmic entities in Hell. Belial quickly gained the upper hand and was prepared to slay Adrammelek when the wily hellspawn fled for his life, never to be seen in Hell again. Belial retained the power he had received and was swiftly named the new Lord of the Fourth. When the Dukes of Hell emerged to demand their reward for their support, they received it. Belial never lied to the Dukes, but after dealing with Adrammelek for so long, their greed and their complacency blinded them to Belial’s simple double-speak. Belial said that the pleasure in Hell was a new rule in Phlegethon (Phlegethos) in which pain and suffering would strengthen Perdition’s cause. He ordered most of the Dukes cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone wherein they would suffer and burn until they became slaves to Belial’s wants. Soon to be recognized as the Master of Pains and Suffering or the Dark Light of Hell, Belial granted Duke of Hell status to those Fallen who were bound to his will, eager to do anything to escape his punishments. His status in Phlegethon (Phlegethos) solidified; Belial was a Lord of the Nine.
Like his former leader Beelzebub, Belial hoped to expand his authority throughout Hell. He looked to both the Third and Fifth for possible incursions. Belial swiftly earned the enmity of both Mammon and Geryon and found himself forced to accept occasional aid from Beelzebub as a result to stave off the predations of both more experienced Lords. However, Belial proved as capable of taking what he delivered and revealed great talent as a general and diplomat, enough to convince Mammon to leave well enough alone for most of the eons preceding the Dies Irae. Such would not be the case with Geryon, against whom Belial would engage in a persistent, yet subtle, war.
Belial’s desire to spread his oppressive nature across the mortal coil did not prove as successful as he would have liked. Belial found that any indication of his presence resulted in the immediate reaction of the Realms Above. Nevertheless, Belial oppressed many mortal worlds through pain and torment, fathering many children in the process. Among these offspring would be Naamah (Lady Fierana), whom he actually sired before The Great Fall. Although devoid of anything as pathetic as love for his daughter, in her Belial saw a great source of power, pleasure, and potential. One of a few made into Dukes of Hell, Naamah (Lady Fierana) proved to be the only child of Belial that would become an arch-devil. The other children are relegated to positions of authority in Phlegethon (Phlegethos), fearful of their father’s power and knowing that at any time he may call them to service him and suffer his vile touch.
Belial is likely the most feared among the Lords of the Nine. While Leviathan is the most hated, largely because it is obvious what he wants to do to the others (destroy them), none – not even Beelzebub – truly know what Belial is thinking. It is known that Belial seeks to oppress, that he wishes to torment others into servitude; simultaneously, Belial comes across as a constant friend, a shining light in the depths of Perdition. His beauty is such that all the other Lords, knowing full well the extent of his depravity, find it difficult to equate his evil with his appearance. Only Asmodeus has the ability to cow the Lords in such a manner, and that Belial should exhibit such ability engenders great fear. On the other hand, all Belial sees when he looks at his fellows are pressure points, orifices, and weak spots, areas ripe for his abuse and manipulation. Just as he is the most beautiful of the Lords to behold, he is also the most purely evil. Unlike Adrammelek and Sammael, who allowed too much Chaos into their beings, Belial’s evil is composed not of Chaos but by his natural inclination to focus on the Evil aspect of his soul rather than the Lawful. Belial believes whole-heartedly in order and regulation; however, to the Dark Light, order comes after suffering.
Within Phlegethon (Phlegethos), Belial is rarely seen beyond Abriymoch. Before the Dies Irae, Belial was regularly seen across the Perdition, rallying troops for incursions into the mortal coil or into Stygia. He often traveled to neutral locations to meet with his diabolical allies, Astarte, Beelzebub, and Moloch, to discuss new attempts to increase their holdings. Belial was steeped in intrigue almost as deeply as the Lord of the Flies. With the Dies Irae, this proclivity ceased. For reasons Belial has yet to discern, Asmodeus commanded that Naamah (Lady Fierana) share the rulership of Phlegethon (Phlegethos) with him in order to retain his regency. Belial had no choice but to accept, but upon returning to the Fourth after the Dies Irae, he made it clear to his daughter – who did not receive greater power from Asmodeus despite her “promotion – that he was still the true Lord of the Fourth. In order to reduce any further problems from his liege, though, Belial receded into the background of Phlegethon (Phlegethos), allowing Naamah (Lady Fierana) to take the spotlight and grow in political power. Even in this, Belial has found the means to increase his strength. There are many in the Fourth Hell that believe that Belial has fallen yet a second time; these fools do not realize that Naamah (Lady Fierana) does nothing without Belial’s leave for fear of the pain he will visit upon her. What is more, Belial can conduct his designs on the mortal coil with limited interruptions since he takes very little active role in the intricacies of the layer. Across the Cosmos, many have thought for centuries that Belial was dead and focused their attention on Naamah (Lady Fierana) when signs would otherwise point to Belial. The Arch-Duke of Phlegethon (Phlegethos) can engage in all manner of torture, any retaliation directed against his daughter. Watching her in pain thrills Belial to no end; still, he is cautious with her as he knows that, eventually, Asmodeus‘ goal with her will be revealed.
Aside from Naamah (Lady Fierana), Belial has limited dealings with the rest of the Phlegothan court. While Naamah (Lady Fierana) manages matters on the cosmic end of things, the governor of Abriymoch, Gazra, deals with the city and -to a limited degree – aspects of court. Belial is aware that Gazra has some sort of interest in Naamah (Lady Fierana) beyond traditional lust but he is incapable of suspecting that the pit fiend is in love with the Arch-Devil of Passion. Of course, Belial dwells little on Gazra, even while knowing that the pit fiend hates and seeks to unseat him. Belial knows that when the time comes and Gazra attempts his coup, he will not only fall, but he will never cease to die, existing in torment until the End of Days for his insolence.
Belial continues to maintain close ties with Beelzebub, the Lord of the Seventh. Belial is well aware of the spies that his former leader has scattered across Phlegethon (Phlegethos) and silently allows them to remain for the time being. Belial knows that in a war of intrigue he is no match for Beelzebub. However, he also knows that Beelzebub needs him a great deal more than ever before due to the fall of their allies, Astarte and Moloch. Belial rightfully assumes that Beelzebub would not use his spies to weaken Belial’s control and that he would have no means of controlling Phlegethon (Phlegethos) through Naamah (Lady Fierana) since she is so utterly dominated by her father. Belial views Beelzebub as a failure, but not to the same degree that he views Dispater, Mammon, and Mephistopheles as fools. To Belial, the devils true are impotent fools with no sense of vision and without the will to accept the pain necessary to take the necessary actions to rule. Yet, with the return of Leviathan to Stygia, Belial has been forced to consider a threat far different from that of either Mammon or the Fifth’s former ruler, Geryon. With Leviathan, Belial suspects that he may well have a foe that could threaten him were he ever freed from his icy prison. Indeed, shortly after Leviathan‘s appointment as a Regent, Belial sent troops into Stygia to test the Prince’s mettle. Not a one returned. To date, the two have only interacted when they have been called to Nessus. Lilith likewise views Belial as a foe, partially due to his association with Moloch, partially due to his desire to oppress the weak. While Belial wants to oppress creatures of any (or no) gender equally, Lilith has noticed that most of those that Belial tortures are women. While she has no love for women, her attitude is that males should suffer more. Belial views Lilith as ideal for domination, suspecting that she would have never returned to regency had he been the Fallen to have taken Malbolge; he is eager to test his theory. Aside from the Lords, the only other powerful diabolical figure with whom Belial has any dealings is Semyaza, the Arch-Devil of Sensuality. Belial craves after the Voyeur, hoping to take him and consume him. Belial has made many offers to Semyaza over the centuries in the form of lucrative deals to rule by his side in Phlegethon (Phlegethos). Semyaza has wisely declined all offers (never in person) and remains as far from Phlegethon (Phlegethos) as possible despite his own cravings for Belial.
Like Dispater, Belial is heavily invested in the mortal coil. While Dispater wants to corrupt mortals by eroding their ethics, Belial wants to own their flesh, their physical being, and make them suffer in servitude. Much of this desire rests with Belial’s hatred for the Realms Above and their divine allies who created mortals; however, as much rests with the fact that Belial loves to abuse those weaker than he. More than any other Lord, Belial has traveled to the mortal coil where he has brought untold misery to countless millions. It is for this reason that Belial likely has the most enemies beyond Hell. Chief among these are the Virtues of Heaven. All detest Belial to the last and seek to make him pay for his evil. Likewise do the Heralds of Holiness and the Defenders of Freedom loath Belial. Indeed, his greatest adversary among the Bastions of Holiness is probably Sanoi, the Holy Mother herself, as Belial is her clear opposite. While she champions freedom and love through physical pleasure, Belial seeks to oppress and damn those through physical torment. Belial has, for his part, wisely avoided a direct confrontation with the Divine Feminine. Belial has enemies among the Scions of Anarchy and counts the apathetic Nether Fiends as foes. He likewise hates the demons of The Abyss; however, he has an unsaid competition with the Demon Prince of Shadows, Graz’zt. These two creatures of lust have likewise never met in person, but keep tabs on each other’s conquests. It is believed that Graz’zt is slightly ahead of Belial in terms of personal accomplishments while the Lord of the Fourth has corrupted far more souls through association than the Dark Prince.
Belial is the most beautiful creature in Hell and one of the most beautiful beings in Creation. He appears as a tall, broad shouldered, slender but athletically built man with delicate facial features, high cheekbones, clean-shaven face, and large, burning-red eyes. His skin seems to be made from white flames, and a brilliant nimbus of orange flames surrounds his head, mimicking hair. Two pairs of great flaming wings burst from his back. Belial moves with a grace unsurpassed by most and speaks in a deep, lustful voice that is simultaneously pure and leaking with the greatest evil. The Lord of the Fourth dresses in black leather outfits that leave nothing to the imagination. He always carries Pain’s Promise, his trident that he routinely stabs himself with to ensure that he never grows soft in accepting pain. It is rare to see Belial mad. Indeed, it is said that when Belial offers his warmest smile that the souls of Phlegethon (Phlegethos) will soon howl in anguish. Belial often smiles.
Belial has no qualms about entering combat; he does not fear pain and loves to prove his superiority over others, toying with them and eventually dominating them. He often begins combat by activating the adoration aspect of his Aura of Hell (a free action); he enjoys seeing creatures fighting over him, and so is not unpleased should only a portion of the enemy succumb to the aura. If the number of foes unaffected by the aura significantly outnumbers those who are affected, the Dark Light of Hell will move close enough to affect Sacred Healing on as many foes as possible, forcing them to save against his Eternal Torment power. Those who manage to save are targeted with attacks designed to inflict damage as quickly as possible and leave lingering pain, further boosting the Lord of the Fourth’s efficacy. Rather than trying to lessen his own chances of being hit by means of Combat Expertise, Belial will instead Power Attack creatures with a lower armour class, coupled with judicious uses of smiting and blasts of Hell’s Fire, aiming to deal more than 400 points of damage as quickly as possible so as to activate his shield as per Supreme Sadist. Particularly strong foes can be assured of Belial using his Whispers of Pain and Passion on them, usually after he has first used the Might of Hell to put a dimensional anchor in effect in a 1,260 foot radius. His intent is to have all his foes helpless so that he can call in an assortment of devils, strip his foes of all clothes and gear, shackle them in the most humiliating positions possible, and then abuse them to demonstrate his power. It is not unusual for him to spend some time breaking more powerful foes, leaving them a shell of what they once were and markedly insane for what they have been put through, before offering them Soul Fire and a chance to feel whole again by means of dominating others. At other times, he merely throws such captives into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, denying their souls rest and condemning them to Hell.
Aura of Hell (Ex): Belial’s Aura of Hell can affect all creatures within 900 feet of him, with a Will save DC 60 (DC 69 in Hell) allowed to negate the effects. Apart from the usual Cower and Induce Fear effects, Belial also has the option of an Adoration effect, as described below.
Adoration: Belial’s celestial beauty causes beings affected to defend him from all harm to the best of their ability. They immediately attack anyone who attempts to harm Belial in their presence.
Call Devils (Sp): As a move equivalent action, Belial can call devils. Belial may call, up to nine times a day, a Duke of Hell, 9 pit fiends, or 18 or any lesser type of devil; devils so called have triple standard Hit Dice, to a maximum of 45 Hit Dice. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their descriptions allow. Despite the fact that Belial is not a coward, he enjoys watching others writhing in misery and pain. As such, he is quick to call devils if he suffers more than 200 points of damage. Belial favours hamatulas due to the amount of blood their victims shed when struck. However, he will not hesitate to call on a pit fiend and a squad of cornugons if he is pressed. Finally, Belial has a mental link with his daughter, Naamah (Lady Fierana) , and can call her once per week. Diabolical Empowerment: Belial uses his Charisma modifier for all special abilities and special qualities involving a mental ability.
Eternal Torment (Ex): Belial retains his heavenly healing abilities, but they have been tainted by his sadism. When he casts any healing spell (or uses a spell-like ability or supernatural ability that mimics a healing spell), the target must also succeed on a Fortitude save against the spell or suffer a horrid wracking pain. The victim is rendered helpless for four minutes as they are doubled over in incredible agony, supernatural flames bursting from his pores and orifices. The burning flames blind the victim as per the blindness spell, and the victim is also considered slowed during the effect’s duration. While this lasts, the victim is covered in white-hot flame that rejects healing attempts. Any such spells or effects cast on someone suffering from Eternal Torment cures no damage, instead dealing an amount of damage to the caster equal to what they would have otherwise healed. Thereafter, every time the victim is threatened, he must make the save again or suffer the effect once more. This persists until the victim has made four consecutive successful saves. For the purpose of this ability, being threatened is defined as being forced to roll initiative, make an opposed skill check, or make a sudden out of combat save.
Belial cannot choose when Eternal Torment occurs; it happens every time he uses a healing spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability, including when healing himself.
Hell’s Fire (Su): Belial may use Hell’s Fire 23/day, a 10 ft. wide line of diabolical energy dealing 23d12 points of damage, up to 2000 feet away. Victims receive a Reflex save DC 60 for half damage. Belial’s Hell’s Fire appears as a line of scalding, red liquid surrounded by orange and yellow flames. The liquid is said to be his seed, although some insist that it is simply blood.
Infernal Nobility (Ex): As the Lord of the Fourth, Belial has a status equivalent to that of the gods. Belial possesses a virtual divine rank of 13. While in Phlegethon (Phlegethos) (and anywhere else on Hell that Asmodeus allows), Belial functions as a greater god with a virtual divine rank of 16.
The Might of Hell (Su): Belial’s presence is so terrible that he can corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Thrice per day as a free action, Belial may unhallow an area equal to 1260 feet (associated spell effects function as though caster level 51 st ).
Purifying Pain (Su): Belial may attack, harm, or order suicidal actions of those charmed or dominated by him without breaking the spell effect.
Soul Fire (Su): Those with the power and inclination · and desiring more power over others by means of pain and affliction · will seek out and summon the Dark Light of Hell. To such creatures (and often those with whom he beds), Belial offers the boon of the Soul Fire. A creature under the influence of the Soul Fire gains the following benefits. First of all, she becomes exceptionally beautiful for her race (in game terms, her Charisma score gains a profane bonus sufficient to place her as if they had rolled an 18 for Charisma before adding racial modifiers; thus a human that had an initial score of 11 would gain a +7 profane bonus to Charisma, even if inherent bonuses and level bonuses to Charisma had raised her score above 11 before gaining the boon). She also becomes exceptionally cruel, wilful, and able to Intimidate others through threat of pain, gaining the benefits of the Epic Reputation feat even if she would not normally qualify for it (if she has already taken, or subsequently takes the feat, the benefits stack). She cannot be magically aged and never appears a day older than in her prime; indeed, the Soul Fire means that the creature no longer needs to eat or drink or even sleep (although if a spellcaster, she still requires eight hours of rest before preparing or regaining spells), and does not take penalties to ability scores as she ages (although she still dies when her time is up).
The Soul Fire must be fed, though, at least once every four days, a fact of which the summoner is most cognizant. It requires fuel, fuel in the form of pain. Those blessed with it tend to become both sadists and masochists, their attitudes becoming more and more like the Master they have taken. In each four-day period the beneficiary will harm themselves (by means of ritual cutting as part of prayers taught to them by Belial when Soul Fire is conferred) or others; each +1 part of the profane bonus to Charisma requires 4 hp damage to some other creature under the beneficiary’s control (such as through magic or imprisonment, or simply through fear), or 8 hp damage if the beneficiary is instead harming herself. The beneficiary cannot be magically healed of this damage, and fast healing or regeneration likewise does not heal it; others harmed heal normally. To continue to gain the benefits of the Epic Reputation feat as well as no longer aging, needing to eat, drink or sleep requires psychological damage dealt to another creature of no less than 4 points of Wisdom (if you are using Sanity rules, 12 points of sanity damage). This is most easily done through emotional, sexual and physical abuse all combined into one. Each day that the beneficiary feeds the Soul Fire in this manner, her alignment shifts one point along the alignment axis towards Lawful Evil. Once the creature has become Lawful Evil, the Soul Fire consumes the last of her soul, and she remains a soulless husk, empty and yet devoted to that emptiness. Should she, in that soulless state, cease to feed the Soul Fire for more than four days, her life immediately ends with no hope of resurrection under the hands of any save (possibly) an overpower.
A summoner can opt to increase the profane bonus to Charisma at the time of the granting of the Soul Fire boon; Belial can grant up to a +9 bonus in all, and can likewise increase the bonuses granted by Epic Reputation to up to +9. For each additional bonus granted the requirements in terms of feeding the Soul Fire double (note that two doublings equal a tripling and so forth). Thus a creature that was not satisfied with a +7 profane bonus to Charisma could increase that to +9, requiring that she also feed the Soul Fire by dealing 48 points of damage to other creatures, or 104 points of damage to herself (base bonus of +7, multiplied by 4, plus additional bonus of +1 multiplied by 8, and additional bonus of +1 multiplied by 12). Alternately, having Epic Reputation increase its benefits from +4 to +6 would require that she inflict Wisdom damage of 9 to another creature (or 27 points of sanity damage). Summoners that opt to increase the benefits in this way are also rewarded with the ability to cast the epic spell tyranny as a spell-like ability once per year.
A creature under the influence of Soul Fire feels hotter than usual for its race, and, if gazed upon under the effects of true seeing, appears to have flames of fire in place of eyes. Scholars suggest that the Soul Fire is a manifestation of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone within a creature; it certainly appears to embody the same principles. This much is true, though; for each creature that succumbs totally to the Soul Fire, Belial’s power increases. It is no surprise to note that many of Belial’s greatest dominators are under the effect of the Soul Fire.
Spell-Like Abilities:
- At will – animate dead, baleful polymorph, blasphemy, charm monster, continual flame, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, detect chaos, detect magic, dominate monster, flame strike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear, restoration, resurrection, speak with dead, suggestion, symbol of pain, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy smite, wall of fire;
- 9/day – burning hands, destruction, fire Elemental Swarm, fire seeds, fire shield, firestorm, greater restoration, incendiary cloud, meteor swarm, produce flame, resist fire, true resurrection;
- 6/day – accursed, hellball, oppress, tyranny;
- 3/day – blade barrier, waves of fatigue, wish;
- 1/day – earthquake, greater restoration, mass charm monster, waves of exhaustion.
Caster level 51 st ; save DC 39 + spell level.
Belial also casts spells from the Fire Domain; these are included in the list above. He can command or rebuke creatures with the fire subtype (or turn/destroy creatures with the water subtype) up to 23/day.
His turning check is 1d20 + 20, with turning damage at 2d6 + 51 + 20 (Belial is treated as a 51 st level cleric for this ability.
Spells per day: Cleric: 6/9/9/7/6/5; Caster level 51 st (caster level 52 nd for spells with the Evil or Lawful descriptor); DC 33 + spell level.
Spells typically prepared:
- 0 – Cure Minor Wounds (x2), mending, resistance (x2);
- 1st – cure light wounds (x4), deathwatch E (x2), divine favor (x2), protection from chaos D L ;
- 2nd – bull’s strength, calm emotions D , cure moderate wounds (x2), eagle’s splendor (x2), Resist Energy (x2), Spiritual Weapon;
- 3rd – Cure serious wounds, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle Against Chaos D L , mass lesser vigor CD , Masochism VD E , Sadism VD E , Wrack CD E ;
- 4th · assay resistance CA , cure critical wounds (x2), Damning Darkness VD E , order’s wrath D L , poison;
- 5th -blistering radiance CA , Dispel Good D E , greater vigor CA , mass cure light wounds, true seeing, wall of stone.
Healer: 6/10/10/9/9/8/8/6/5; Caster level 55 th ; DC 39 + spell level. Spells typically prepared:
- 0- Cure Minor Wounds (x5), deathwatch;
- 1st – cure light wounds (x9), Goodberry*;
- 2nd – cure moderate wounds (x4), delay poison, Remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, Lesser restoration (x4);
- 3rd – close wounds M (x3), Cure serious wounds (x3), Neutralize poison, restoration, status;
- 4th – cure critical wounds (x3), death ward, freedom of movement, mass cure light wounds (x3), Panacea M ;
- 5th – mass cure moderate wounds (x3), raise dead, revivify (x3), true seeing;
- 6th – greater restoration (x2), heal (x4), mass cure serious wounds, regenerate;
- 7th –mass cure critical wounds (x4), repulsion (x2);
- 8th – discern location (x2), mass heal (x3).
* Eternal Torment applies to those who eat any berries Belial has affected with Goodberry
Supreme Sadist (Ex): Belial draws power from the suffering of others, eagerly seeking to cause more pain and suffering. The Lord of the Fourth receives a +1 bonus to his attacks for every 5 points of damage he has dealt to every creature with 60 feet of his person. For every creature within 60 feet of his person who is currently under the effects of a pain effect (whether one Belial has caused or not), Belial receives a +1 bonus to melee damage per spell level of the effect. These bonuses disappear if the creatures move more than 80 feet away from Belial, cure their hit point damage, end the pain effect, or die.
Furthermore, Belial is able to draw upon the pain he has inflicted to shield himself. For every 400 points of damage Belial deals, he may activate a personal force shield once per day. This shield absorbs up to 200 points of damage from all sources directed against Belial before collapsing. While the shield is active, Belial’s regeneration rate is doubled. An aggressor dealing melee damage to the shield must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 60 or be disarmed and knocked prone as pain spasms through his limbs (a deity or cosmic entity is immune to this aspect except upon a successful opposed rank check). The shield is immune to negative energy damage, but takes double damage from positive energy such as cure or heal spells. Belial cannot adjust the shield to ignore attacks to which he is immune.
Whispers of Pain and Passion (Su): Belial knows how closely pain and pleasure are tied and he has the ability to blur that distinction in the minds of lesser creatures. Nine times per day Belial can Whisper to any and all beings within 400 feet of him, or within 400 feet of his remote sensing ability; a creature does not have to hear the Whisper to be affected, as the effect is communicated telepathically as well as verbally. Each creature that – hears- the Whisper feels racking pain across their bodies, growing worse as time goes on. This pain deals a cumulative 4d6 points of damage each round that Belial continues the Whisper (a free action that prevents him nonetheless from further spellcasting or activities that have verbal requirements) and a cumulative -1 penalty on all checks and rolls. Thus a creature exposed to Belial’s Whispers for four rounds would suffer, in the fourth round, 16d6 points of damage and a -4 penalty on all checks and rolls. Any creature within range of the Whispers can make a Fortitude save DC 60 to halve the damage and ignore the penalty for that round. Note that the damage caps at a maximum of 16d6 points of damage per round, and the penalty caps at a maximum of -9.
Belial’s Whispers do more than inflict pain, however, for Belial’s intent is far more insidious than to merely harm others physically. Each round that a creature is within range of the Whispers, it must also make a Will save DC 60, or believe that the pain it is experiencing is deserved. So strong does a creature feel this that it will actively try to resist being healed, and, if healed, will do all in its power to re-inflict the damage originally caused by the Whispers on itself. Failure of this Will save also means that the creature will no longer attempt to resist the affects of Whispers of Pain and Passion, suffering the full damage and penalties for each round within the effect. A creature affected in this manner comes to experience pleasure from pain, both that it has experienced itself, as well as by harming others. It will seek out means to cow and dominate others in order to satisfy its newfound sadistic desires. Each day it feels compelled to inflict physical pain equal to the damage it took from Whispers of Pain and Passion, or psychological pain (in the form of Wisdom damage) equal to the total penalty inflicted by the Whispers (through torture, rapine, etc). In doing so, the creature feels fulfilled, experiencing a type of sexual pleasure, and granting the creature a
morale bonus on all checks equal to the ongoing penalty from Whispers of Pain and Passion, as well as temporary hit points equal to the amount of hit points lost due to Whispers. This is the only way that the creature can feel whole, although a miracle followed by remove
curse, Atonement and greater restoration can end the effect, so long as the caster succeeds on a caster level check against DC 62.
Deities and cosmic entities are immune to the psychological aspects of Whispers of Pain and Passion except on a successful opposed rank check.
Pain’s Pleasure: Belial carries this trident made of white-hot flame with him at all times. In addition to functioning as a +7 trident of fiery blasting, those struck by it must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 60 or suffer the effects of a symbol of pain. Those who strike Belial in melee suffer half of the damage they deal him. Damage dealing spells that harm Belial backlash against their caster for 1d4 per caster level.
Summoning Belial
In summoning Belial, the prerequisites are quite simple: pain and suffering in the name of the Lord of the Fourth, though he demands that this is done is a precise fashion. The room into which the Dark Light of Hell is summoned must bear the anguish of forty days and forty nights of torture and abuse, all at the hands of the chief invocant. The bloodstains on the walls should bear mute tribute to the lengths that he went to in order to perpetuate order in his realm, and the depths to which he understands the need for pain and suffering to bring that order. The gibbets of dried, desiccated flesh hanging from hooks, pokers and other cruel implements should underscore the psychological and spiritual abuse that was perpetuated in that place. The cold stone floors must be carpeted with the still living, anguished bodies of those whom the invocant has proved his domination over; they must be commanded to say nothing throughout the process of bringing Belial to the Prime,
with any infractions swiftly punished. Two thirds of them must be absolutely naked and chained or tied into place, their contortions used to create some of the required symbols and writings necessary for the summoning. The remainder of the slaves so used must be dressed in leather harnesses, masks, and similar perversely sexual clothing, and must be tied into place so that they are forced into almost engaging
in perverse acts, whilst simultaneously restraining any of them from indulging any dark desires.
If the invocant is using a summoning circle it, along with the other sigils and diagrams necessary for the invocation, must be inscribed directly onto the flesh of the creatures underfoot; note that the diagrams must be freshly inscribed, and not merely tattoos or scars from previous invocations. At four points around the room an additional prisoner must be strung up, so that he (or she) is spread-eagled with his hands tied to feet, his face to the centre of the room through his parted legs. A symbol of pain must be inscribed in the flesh upon each of these four
prisoner’s backs, and they must be gagged so as to prevent speech. Each gag should bear the infernal symbol representing obedience in speech. Note that each prisoner must be comely (at least Charisma 16), and of noble birth or high station. They should be outfitted with leather masks (including gags), gloves and boots, but nothing that conceals the loins and the humiliation of exposure.
Rare incenses are then sprinkled over the wounds that form the circles, sigils and symbols needed for the invocation, so that a fire is set in the flesh. As per the commands, the prisoners must restrain their cries, but whimpering behind clenched teeth is the symphony to which Belial arrives. The very centre of the room, an area 16 feet in radius, erupts in white-hot flames that sear the souls of those prisoners in that part of the room, though it does not physically harm them. Even with commands to keep silent, they will almost certainly have no choice but to scream out in pain and anguish. In the midst of these flames, Belial coalesces, his mighty wings shimmering with a heat too terrible to imagine, and his beauty more scorching than that of the sun at noon. His very presence heightens any and every pain, always to the very threshold of unbearability, and somehow keeping every creature in the room from slipping over the edge into the relief of oblivion.
Belial spends the entire audience moving about, treading carefully so as to inflict as much pain as possible with each step, whilst still appearing to be the epitome of grace and poise. He will deliberately stop proceedings to physically and sexually abuse the four strung-up prisoners from time to time, with eyes that tell the invocant that he may be but a step from such a fate himself. He demands that the invocant likewise perform obscene acts to demonstrate the obedience instilled in the slaves present. If satisfied in the behavior and desires of the invocant, he will offer Soul’s Fire as a boon. Rare indeed is the invocant who, having come to that point, does not take up the offer.
Being who he is, Belial does not waste time – bargaining- with those he believes do not deserve his attentions. Instead, he will promptly restrain – either mundanely or magically – the invocant, violate him, inculcate in him a sense of worthlessness, and then leave him to determine what was done wrong. As many of those abused do, such an invocant will generally try the invocation again and again as soon as possible, either to succeed and gain the blessing, or at least to experience again the torment that has become the centre of his life.
Belial leaves in a cloud of fire that rises suddenly towards the ceiling, before raining down in a scorching white liquid ash on the backs of those beneath, spraying them with his searing seed.