Glasya, Princess of Hell
“Meet Glasya, the Fiendish Princess of Hell: Ambition, Cunning, and Infernal Intrigue Await!”

- Pantheon: Infernal Hierarchy of the Nine Hells
- Title: Princess of Hell, The Progeny
- Symbol: A pair of alluring, dark, feminine eyes superimposed on a red pentagram
- Home Plane: Nessus, the Ninth Layer of Hell
- Level: Demigod (Divine Rank 5)
- Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Aliases: None significant
- Superior: Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine
- Traditional Allies: Asmodeus, other Arch-Devils, powerful devils loyal to Hell
- Traditional Foes: Celestial beings, champions of good, enemies of Hell
- Divine Artifact: “Caress” (short sword)
- Servants:Devils, particularly erinyes, mortal cultists
- Servitor Creatures: Pit fiends, gelugons, cornugons, other powerful devils
- Sacred Animal: Serpent
- Manifestations: Dark mist, whispers of temptation, illusions of grandeur
- Portfolio: Intrigue, manipulation, lust, subterfuge, corruption
- Domains: Evil, Law, Trickery
- Favored Weapon: None (relies more on spells and manipulation)
- Favored Class: Sorcerer
- Favored Race: Tieflings (due to their infernal heritage)
- Gender: Female
- Abode/Base of Operations: Dis, second of the Nine Hells of Perdition
- Affiliation(s): Ruler of the erinyes, member of the Hellish hierarchy
- Significant Others: None officially recognized, although rumored dalliances with powerful devils like Mammon and Fierana
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
In many mortal worlds, the king is the single greatest individual. Although he often functions in an orderly environment in which he has to consider the implications of his decisions, it is generally thought that his rule is absolute. However, most kings are only as strong as the advisors they surround themselves with. The wise king listens to the suggestions his court offers for he knows that they have a stake in whatever decisions he makes. The unwise king either listens too infrequently or too much and it is here that the Mortal Coil could learn something from Hell.
To many scholars, the Nine Hells of Perdition are a warped reflection of the feudal system common to many mortal worlds. Huge swaths of commoners do the will of the various nobles, hoping to be rewarded for their efforts and loyalty. The various nobles occupy different ranks, each answering to a slightly more powerful noble. Across the top of this pyramid are the Lords of the Nine, the ruling dukes of the largest lands. The Lords do as they will in their Perditions, promoting the cause of tyranny and oppression in various ways and based upon their own desires. However, even the least observant person knows that this reflection only goes so far for, aside from truly extraordinary circumstances, the various rulers never die. As a result, they have no real need to perpetuate their line. They have no need for heirs. In Hell, tyranny is eternal in part due to the eternal presence of the same ruler. The same horrible attitudes. The same deplorable goals. The same stifling existence. The various rulers do not live on in their children; they live on in themselves and have no intention of ever giving up their power.
Yet, the various Courtiers of Perdition have created offspring. The Dukes of Hell have sired countless marquis half-fiends, littering the Cosmos like piles of dung where they fester until either overthrown by mortal agencies or they are taken into Hell to suffer the vile wills of their diabolical parents. Even the Lords of the Nine have spawned offspring; Lilith has spat out scores of diabolical whelps and Belial’s own voracious sexual appetites doubtlessly have created numerous offspring. Even the likes of Mephistopheles is thought to have children. Yet, none call these offspring heirs. At worst, they are fodder, bit players in some diabolical campaign; at best, they are valuable possessions to be used and, if necessary, discarded if ruined. They will struggle all the while to become the devils their parents have ever been but will never meet their parents’ expectations, never make their parents proud.
Yet, every rule has an exception and such remains the case in Hell for, at the top of the hellish pyramid of power, Asmodeus himself has fathered two offspring. The Infernal Highnesses, Glasya and Lixer, have long been prominent participants in Hell’s machinations. Slightly higher in rank than the greatest Grand Dukes and just shy of the political power of the Lord-Regents, the Princess and Prince of Hell are not just Asmodeus‘ children, they are his heirs. To the rage of the eight lesser Lords, theHeirs of Hell are guaranteed the Serpent’s Throne should anything ever happen to their father. Glasya the Progeny, the elder of the two, is considered by most to be but a pale reflection of her father. Many presume that Lixer the Scion-Emperor is closer to his father’s image. And this is precisely the way Glasya wishes it to appear for, despite the superficial, the Princess of Hell has all of her father’s subtlety and ability to manage intrigue. She cares not if her father is proud for she is proud of herself.
Glasya is one of the greatest mysteries in Hell but one of the most frequently debated, discussed, and desired of Hellish beings to the sages and scholars that study such material. While the source for desire is obvious enough, it is her precise nature and background that is the source of much discourse. According to legend, Glasya is the child of Asmodeus through his now deceased consort, Benzosia. The source of debate is multi-tiered. First, many sages argue that Glasya is not the true offspring of Asmodeus or, if she is, she cannot be the offspring of Benzosia. It has been commonly held that devils are incapable of procreating among each other and, given this, Glasya cannot be related to both devils if she herself is a devil. Furthermore, some point to the question of why Asmodeus would risk creating an heir when such has never occurred in Hell. He already has to deal with the machinations of his most powerful vassals, so why introduce another potential threat to his power?
What is not commonly known is that the Dukes of Hell, arch-devils, and the Lords of the Nine are more than capable of procreating with other spirits, even devils, if they so desire. This is greatly frowned upon by most nobles as it does little else than create an immediate threat to both parents station, something jealously guarded by the canniest movers and shakers in Hell. Such offspring are certainly greater than a lowly half fiend. Fortunately, Courtiers of this level of power are capable of determining whether or not a coupling with another devil will result in the creation of a new spirit. Thus, Asmodeus The Lord of the Nine and Bensozia once a powerful arch-devil would have been capable of creating a child. Furthermore, even if such procreation was impossible between devils, what most do not know is that Asmodeus is hardly a normal devil, but the avatar of an overpower; in essence, the expected for other devils often do no apply to him.
However, it is commonly accepted that Glasya is indeed Asmodeus daughter and her arrival was no accident. Benzosia was a courtier within the Court of Nessus when Lucifer still ruled and of middling import. Known for her almost angelic beauty and her inscrutable, cold demeanor, she was left to her own devices by the Dukes of Nessus. Her interests laid in ruling from behind the throne, offering subtle urges and encouragements to allies and even foes that seemed unrelated, when in truth, acceptance of the suggestions would ensure that her goals were met. It was in this vein that Bensozia eventually grew attached to Asmodeus, the Treasurer of Nessus at the time. Through her unrelated contacts and advice, Bensozia redirected thousands of souls from Hell’s treasury into Asmodeus hands, Lucifer never the wiser. Her skill at manipulation ensured the support of Astaroth and Beherit and kept the various Lords competing with each other rather than watching the growing political might of Asmodeus. Eventually, the souls Bensozia diverted found their way to various parties to pay for the support of the Dukes of Nessus when Asmodeus publicly revealed his desire to overthrow Lucifer. At the end of the Battles of Light and Greed, Lucifer was cast down and Asmodeus emerged from Malsheem as the new Overlord of Hell. In return for her almost invisible support, he took Bensozia as his bride.
It was ever Bensozia’s intent to manipulate Asmodeus. He would be at the forefront of politics, the Overlord in name, but she would be the true power of Hell, although he would never know it as she would use her scheming nature to promote her wants. Alas, Bensozia swiftly learned that Asmodeus was not going to be a mere figurehead. As all devils, there was never any consummation of their binding and Bensozia thought she allowed Asmodeus to believe that she had no interest in his rule of Hell. However, every plot, every arrangement, every ploy Bensozia encouraged was undone before it germinated any fruit if Asmodeus would not reap the bulk of the benefits. From the destruction of Beherit, whom Bensozia planned on using for future goals, to the promotion of Tiamat as the Lord of the First, a decision Bensozia felt against the cause of Hell, if Bensozia attempted to stifle it using blackmail, extortion, or other means, it would fail. Frustrated, Bensozia began to consider learning more about her new king. Through her powers, her cosmic and divine contacts, and her willingness to use information culled from less lawful sources, Bensozia began to believe that there was more to Asmodeus than she initially thought. To learn more, she offered the unspeakable in Hell: spiritual coupling. During this single act, Bensozia saw into the depths of Perdition. She saw Lucifer and she saw the creation of Hell. And she held the mind of The Overlord. Only the fact that Asmodeus willed otherwise did Bensozia not go mad from the knowledge and Asmodeus will was motivated for one reason: the act created Glasya, the couple’s only offspring.
Realizing that she had been masterfully played, Bensozia swore that she would never again speak the nature of Asmodeus, that she would never again attempt to manipulate him. Fear drove her and little else. She would not speak without his leave. For nine long years, Bensozia carried the seed of her husband and, when it was time, Bensozia fled to the Pit of Darkness. There, after nine months of labor, Bensozia vomited blood from her mouth and womb into the Pit. In short order, her only child gurgled up from the depths, fully formed and mature. Even more beautiful than her mother, Glasya was immediately aware of her power.
Glasya would remain in Nessus for a short while. In a grand procession, she was hailed as the Princess of Hell, although it would not be until Lixer‘s arrival that she would be recognized as an Heir of Hell. While her mother had long since become little more than a mouthpiece for Asmodeus, Glasya took on many of Bensozia’s characteristics, if not powers. She played the Courtiers of Nessus like a violin, plucking one string for a certain sound, stroking another to create a different tone, all to a melody unapparent until the end. She caused much mischief in Nessus, although always to her own favor and never to the detriment of her father; indeed, he occasionally benefited from her intrigue. Bensozia, little more than a shell of her former self shackled to a knowledge that froze her, had been replaced by her own daughter.
Eventually, Asmodeus decided to offer Glasya the choice of Lords to serve. She selected Mammon, Lord of the Third and the Arch-Duke of Avarice. She departed Nessus eagerly, pleased to be away from her father and his court. Precisely why Glasya joined forces with Mammon is unknown, especially when one considers her interest in intrigue. Or perhaps it was because of this interest that Glasya joined Mammon‘s court. The court of Mephistopheles was far too rife with traitors behind every corner, not to mention the mechanisms of Mephisto himself, her fathers greatest rival. Sammael, another master of intrigue, would have sought to use Glasya as part of his goals, and clearly was far more capable than she. Dispater was too distant and she had had few dealings with him. So, Mammon‘s court, rife with constant talk of usurpers and the pursuit of greater gold and wealth was an ideal, and relatively safe, place for Glasya.
Bensozia was left behind. Perhaps Glasya’s absence had a role in her decision, perhaps not; whatever the case, the Queen of Hell decided that she had to purge her mind of what she knew. She sought out the one Lord who could ensure this – the Prince of Stygia, Leviathan, Lord of the Fifth. For the last time, she used her manipulative nature and ensured through Asmodeus own servants that the Prince would learn of her travels in the Fifth. She was taken to Tantlin where she did her best to give the appearance of hesitancy, of reluctance to reveal all the secrets she knew of Nessus and its Dark Lord. She knew that she could easily escape Leviathan upon his taking her memory of the darkness she feared, but she did not know that Asmodeus was as much a participant in her ploy as she was. Just as she was about to offer the truth to the traitorous Lord of the Fifth, Geryon who had long since been ordered by Asmodeus to do so blew his horn. Even as the panicked Leviathan rose his massive claws to slay her, Bensozia felt her power wither. Even as Leviathan lowered his huge talons, she realized that she was never more than a tool to be used and discarded, an incubator for her only child. Even as she was ripped to pieces, Bensozia knew that her fate was to fear for eternity in the maw of that which she had fled, knowing that whatever plan it had for her daughter would be safe. The Queen of Hell was dead.
Glasya learned of her mother’s assassination swiftly and reacted to it in her singular manner: feigned pain, guaranteeing that the various Powers of Hell would see her as weak and pathetic for caring about her mother’s death. Mammon attempted to find the means to bring his consort encouragement. She encouraged him to set up the framework to eventually betray Dispater and Mephistopheles. She encouraged him to weaken his own defenses in order to provide her with gifts. She even suggested that she would eventually allow him to bed her if he would do as she wished. Through her behavior, Glasya caused a great deal of trouble for Mammon and his allies, so much so that it is rumored that Mammon almost lost his Lordship a number of times. Some think that these behaviors were intended by Glasya so she could attain her own Lordship; however, the reality was that Glasya was simply testing her own abilities. She believed that if she could manipulate a Lord, she could eventually work her way to having enough power to address her father.
After her mother’s death and the Dies Irae that followed millennia after, Glasya was taken from Minauros and Mammon by her father’s decree. For reasons still unknown to any but Asmodeus, Glasya was set up as the head of the erinyes, a role previously filled by the Lord of the Second, the Arch-Duke Dispater. Now the two share the responsibility, Glasya taking a direct role overseeing the erinyes in the Prime while Dispater keeps track of their numbers and controls precisely which targets are chosen. Currently, as head of the erinyes, Glasya spends much time traveling to the Mortal Coil where she has likewise used her manipulative nature on mortals. Since their pairing, the Lord of the Second and the Princess of Hell have been extremely productive.
Like her mother before her, Glasya represents that Power behind the Throne, the hidden agency that manipulates matters in pursuit of some end that reveals itself when it is too late to be stopped. Her interest does not lie in direct power for that way ensures that others will want to take it from her. Instead, Glasya promotes the authority of the bureaucrats and the advisors that stand behind the throne, that make the real decisions, who have the real contacts; while rarely publicly recognized for their work, they reap the greatest benefits with the least risk. Blackmail, extortion, backroom dealings, promises of power and pleasure; all these are part of the intrigue upon which Glasya feeds. The fact that others are rolled over and crushed by the apparently vying positions, the fact that others suffer as some shadowy force quietly advances some plot, the fact that only a select few truly benefit, the fact that the manipulation ensures the perpetuation of tyranny, only make the ploys all the more meaningful. Glasya loves to see mortals led down the path of Perdition due to their inability to control themselves. She enjoys manipulating them and events in their lives that seem to lead them to a point in which they have no other options but to commit acts of evil. Sex is little more than an additional incentive, although in the end it means nothing to Glasya. There must always be something others want and, in her mind, this is the one thing they will never have. Sex and sensuality are simply another set of tools Glasya uses to weaves intrigue. Unlike Fierana or Belial, who oppress the physical body through sex, Glasya uses the promise of sex to curry favors, acquire information, uncover secrets, sow gossip, and achieve more power.
Glasya has had affairs with numerous Powers of Hell. These affairs are all one-sided for Glasya has yet to be touched by mortal or immortal. She is a diabolical virgin, her purity superficial for she is nothing less than rotten through and through. Of her dalliances, the best known of these was her time with Mammon. Glasya perceived and continues to view Mammon as beneficial for the material wealth he lavished (and continues to lavish) on her; however, Glasya viewed (and views) Mammon with nothing but contempt and, generally speaking, a traitor to her father. Aside from Mammon, Glasya has numerous contacts across Hell, most of them with devils who believe they will eventually dominate her. One of her strongest allies is Fierana, the Grand Duchess of Phlegethon (Phlegethos). While the Arch-Devil of Passion believes their alliance is mutually beneficial and lusts after the Princess, Glaysa has not once shared anything untoward with Fierana while she has learned a great deal about Phlegethon (Phlegethos) and diverts such information to her father. Her relationship with Dispater is largely congenial and professional; however, not even the Iron Duke has been immune to her wooing, although she has never so much as let him touch her (while she touches him all the time). Glasya possesses no formal relationships with the other Lords of the Nine; she is on reasonably good terms with most of them, although she and Beelzebub have conversed a few times with him implying the benefits of an alliance. She has no interest in such, but has not indicated as much to the Lord of the Flies.
However, there is one devil for whom Glasya does have actual feelings, although none know of it and even she refuses to admit it. Merorem the Darkwind, the powerful Grand Duke of the Ebon Vale, has witlessly drawn Glasya’s inhuman and unholy affections. Of course, being a devil, Glasya has no idea how to cope with her feelings and, as a result, toys mercilessly with the Darkwind’s own emotions. Glasya hopes, perversely, to push Merorem to the point of rape, knowing full well the implications for her status and, as importantly, her father’s reaction to such a violation. The source of this behavior is unknown, although it is possibly due to the manner in which she was conceived. In any event, this capacity to love however perversely makes Glasya unique in Hell.
There is little love between Glasya and her brother Lixer, the Prince of Hell. Glasya detests her brother for two reasons: first, he is not a true devil due to his mortal heritage; and second, she despises the fact that he is more intelligent and makes no attempt to hide it. Still, Glasya is very capable of manipulating others to cause interference to Lixer‘s plans and is intimately aware of most of his major activities. The truth is Glasya is far more motivated to do well when she competes with Lixer and this is precisely what their father wants to see. Glasya does not dwell much on the loss of her mother, Bensozia. When the Queen of Hell was alive, she taught her daughter a great deal about intrigue and Hell, but never shared her dread secret. Glasya perceived her mother as weak and witless and with a great deal of contempt and disappointment. Still, she counts both Leviathan and Geryon as foes for their rolls in the Queens’ murder. She has no idea that Bensozia’s death was orchestrated by Asmodeus.
It is known that Glasya fears her father immensely and that she has no interest in trying to betray him… at least not until she is absolutely certain that such an act would result in his death. Still, while she does not love her father, he is the only thing in Hell to whom she is as loyal as a devil can be. Likewise, Asmodeus does not love his daughter, but she is one of his most prized possessions, made by him for some unknown purpose, and any who would dare to soil or damage her would be the target of his infinite rage. So far, while Glasya instinctively knows that she, her brother, and her father are something different from the rest of Hell’s cosmic powers, she has not bothered to investigate further.
Glasya is unbelievably beautiful despite her obviously diabolical appearance. It’s likely that, aside from Belial, she’s the most attractive devil in Hell. Glasya appears as a human woman just under 6 feet tall. Every aspect of her body somehow exceeds the desires of every male (and some females) of every humanoid race and subgroup while at the same time maintaining the same general perception. Glasya tends to wear long, white gauzy gowns that do nothing to hide her voluptuous form. She tends to go about barefooted, each toe adorned with a ring, much like her long fingers. Her wrists are bejewelled with bangles and bracelets, most beautifully crafted but mundane. She has long, black hair that reaches the small of her back, from which spread her large bat-like wings. Her skin is coppery, although she can change the color easily enough, and she has a pair of small copper colored horns on her forehead. Her diabolical appearance is culminated with a long forked tail. Glasya speaks with a voice that communicates only pleasure, often punctuating her comments with by rolling her tongue across her teeth. Its a shame that such beauty also houses such immense evil.
Glasya, Princess of Hell 5e
Glasya, Princess of Hell
Glasya, Princess of Hell

Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
Hit Points 580 (40d8 + 400)
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.
26 (+8) | 28 (+9) | 30 (+10) | 35 (+12) | 30 (+10) | 46 (+18) |
Saving Throws Dex +17, Con +18, Wis +18, Cha +26
Skills Deception +34, Insight +26, Persuasion +34
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 30
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP)
Infernal Majesty. Glasya can cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: charm person, detect thoughts, invisibility, major image
3/day each: dominate person, suggestion
1/day each: geas, mass suggestion
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Glasya fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. Glasya has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. Glasya’s weapon attacks are magical.
Multiattack. Glasya makes three attacks with her short sword “Caress”.
“Caress” Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) piercing damage plus 21 (6d6) poison damage and 21 (6d6) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Charm Gaze. Glasya targets one creature she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can see Glasya, it must succeed on a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys Glasya’s spoken commands. If the target suffers any harm or receives a suicidal command, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Legendary Actions
Glasya can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Glasya regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Command. Glasya targets one creature charmed by her or in her line of sight and commands it to move or attack.
Teleport. Glasya magically teleports, along with any equipment she is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space she can see.
Fiendish Charm (Costs 2 Actions). Glasya targets one creature she can see within 30 feet of her. The target must succeed on a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by Glasya for 1 minute or until Glasya harms the creature.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Glasya can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; Glasya can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
- Glasya casts phantasmal killer (save DC 26) targeting one creature she can see within 60 feet of her.
- Glasya casts mirror image on herself.
- Glasya casts dimension door on herself or one willing creature she can see within 60 feet of her.
Regional Effects
The region containing Glasya’s lair is warped by her magic, creating one or more of the following effects:
- Shadows within 1 mile of the lair move on their own and sometimes whisper in infernal or depict scenes of past treacheries.
- Gold and other precious metals within 1 mile of the lair seem to glow with an enticing light, potentially leading creatures to greed and conflict.
- Creatures within 1 mile of the lair have nightmares of betrayal and deals gone wrong, preventing restful sleep and causing them to wake up fatigued (disadvantage on ability checks).
If Glasya dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d10 days.
Summoning Glasya
Summoning Glasya is a perilous endeavor that should not be taken lightly. To summon Glasya, the following conditions must be met:
- The summoning must take place in an area of exquisite beauty that exudes a subtle sensuality, such as a royal garden or grand ballroom.
- The summoner must possess royal or noble blood, traceable within three generations.
- A marble statuary depicting a noble female figure or a stately throne must be present.
- The area must be surrounded by 99 white candles burning saffron, lilacs, black orchids, or similar expensive herbs and flowers.
Failure to meet these conditions can result in Glasya’s displeasure or her refusal to appear. If summoned successfully, Glasya will emerge from behind the statue or throne, and the summoning area will transform with a warm breeze and the floor turning into black marble. The summoning concludes with Glasya leaving through a fiery pentagram, leaving behind the burnt husk of the statue or throne.
Favored Weapon: “Caress” (+6 poisonous, unholy power short sword)
Glasya, Princess of Hell | |
The Progeny | |
Medium outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Divine Rank | 5 |
Symbol | A pair of alluring, dark, feminine eyes superimposed on a red pentagram |
Portfolio | Intrigue, Lust, Subterfuge |
Cleric Alignments | LE, NE, LN |
Domains | Evil, Law, Trickery |
Favored Weapon | “Caress” (short sword) |
Hit Dice | 45d8+405 (765 hp) |
Initiative | +19 (+11 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative) |
Speed | 120 ft. (24 squares), Fly 240 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 84 (+11 Dexterity, +18 deflection, +5 divine, +34 natural, +6 profane), touch 50, flat-footed 73 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +45/+60 |
Attack | Caress +61 melee (1d6+16 +1d10 Constitution (poison Fort DC 36) +3d6 and 1 negative level (unholy)/19-20/+6d6 and 2 negative levels (unholy)); or claw +55 melee (3d6+15) |
Full Attack | Caress +61/+56/+51/+46 melee (1d6+16 +1d10 Constitution (poison Fort DC 36) +3d6 and 1 negative level (unholy)/19-20/+6d6 and 2 negative levels (unholy)); or 2 claws +55 melee (3d6+15) and 2 wings +50 melee (1d8+10) and tail slap +50 melee (3d8+10) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Call devils, diabolical aura, domain powers, the Presence of Hell, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities. |
Special Qualities | Abomination traits, arch-devil qualities, Blindsight 500 ft., damage reduction 30/epic, good and silver, Diabolical Prowess, divine aura (50 ft., DC 33), godly realm, divine immunities, greater teleport at will, immunity to acid, cold, fire and poison, nondetection, plane shift at will, remote communication, resistance to sonic 25, regeneration 18, see in darkness, speak and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 5 miles, Spell Resistance 57, telepathy 1,000 ft. |
Saves | Fort +38, Ref +40, Will +39 |
Abilities | Strength 30, Dexterity 33, Constitution 28, Intelligence 35, Wisdom 30, Charisma 46 |
Skills | Balance +20, Bluff +80, Concentration +57, Diplomacy +82 (+88 with evil beings), Disguise +58 (+62 when acting in character), Escape Artist +59, Gather Information +25, Hide +59, Intimidate +72 (+78 against evil beings), Jump +52, Knowledge (Arcana ) +50, Knowledge (History ) +45, Knowledge (Nature ) +21, Knowledge (Nobility and royalty ) +47, Knowledge (The planes ) +60, Knowledge (Religion) +53, Listen +48, Move Silently +54, Perform (dance) +45, Perform (sing) +50, Sleight of Hand +40, Search +50, Sense Motive +58, Spellcraft +62, Spot +52, Survival +48 (+52 on another plane, +52 while tracking), Tumble +57, Use Rope +20 (+22 to bind someone) |
Feats | Alluring, Charlatan, Combat Expertise, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B, Dark Speech B, Deft Hands, Flyby Attack, Improved Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (charm monster), Trustworthy. |
Epic Feats | Blinding Speed, Epic Evil Brand B, Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Superior Initiative. |
Salient Divine Abilities: | Alluring Gaze*, Dark Desire*, Divine Blast (21/day, 23d12 damage), Divine Glibness (DC 52), Divine Dodge (55%), Know Secrets (DC 52). *Unique Salient Divine Abilities; see below for details. |
Environment | Dis, second of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 49 |
Treasure | Quadruple standard plus Caress |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |

Glasya detests physical altercations, fearing that blood and gore may soil her clothes. Indeed, Glasya’s likely to teleport or planeshift at the first sign of danger regardless of whether or not the threat can actually harm her.
Glasya believes that, as the Princess of Hell, she must represent demure sophistication that disallows stooping to such a base level as fighting. However, if Glasya is offended or interrupted in a major operation, not only will she fight, but she will reveal the full terror of her infernal heritage.
Glasya will begin every combat round by calling on her Diabolical Aura to induce fear and calling in three pit fiends. In the next round, she will use dark desire or Divine Glibness to offer a suggestion, often encouraging those who succumb to her wiles to overthrow their foolish allies who seek to impede the progress of an ordered society.
In the next round, Glasya will usually target the most powerful adversary with a Divine Blast; she rarely seeks to destroy handsome rogues or bards. If she still finds that she faces stiff opposition, Glasya will call in more pit fiends and offer another suggestion.
Once Glasya commits to a fight, she will not stop until her foes are dead or until she has lost a notable amount of hit points (over 1/5th), at which point she will planeshift or teleport away with little else on her mind save revenge.
Alluring Gaze (unique salient divine ability): Glasya may transmit any of her enchantment spell-like abilities through her gaze, using the normal rules for gaze attacks. The range of this ability is 60 ft. Changing the current effect of her gaze is a swift action; suppressing her gaze is a free action. The Will save DC to resist any of the effects of Glasya’s gaze is 52. Glasya typically has her gaze transmitting charm monster.
Alter Reality (Su): Glasya exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Glasya can use limited wish with regard to her portfolio.
This ability costs her no XP, and requires a standard action to implement. In effect, Glasya can duplicate practically any spell effect of up to 6th level, so long as the effect promotes intrigue, lust, or subterfuge. When she attempts to Alter Reality in opposition to another deity, she must succeed at an opposed rank check. As a free action, Glasya can assume any size from Tiny to Huge. She can also change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects she touches. Glasya’s Strength, Armor Class, attack bonus, and damage dealt with weapons changes according to the size she assumes. Her Strength score can never be reduced to less than 1 through this ability.
Call Devils (Sp): As a standard action Glasya can attempt to call devils. She may attempt to call up to three times a day, 3 pit fiends, 9 gelugons or cornugons, or 18 of any lesser type of devil except erinyes, of which she can call 27. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their Monster Manual descriptions allow. Unlike many arch-devils, Glasya is not restricted in her ability to call devils. After all, Glasya is the Princess of Hell and no devil is stupid or crazy enough to risk offending her or her dreaded father, Asmodeus. Having been placed in charge of the erinyes that haunt the Prime Material plane in pursuit of mortal souls, Glasya prefers to call these devils over all others. In fact, this is the reason she can call such a high number. Like these devils, though, Glasya detests physical confrontations not so much because shes concerned about getting hurt but because she frets about damaging her nails or dishevelling her hair. Thus, Glasya is almost always in the company of a polymorphed pit fiend or two. There are persistent rumors that Glasya has the ability to call on her father as well. Whether or not Asmodeus can actually appear to assist her is unknown, but to draw his attention in any fashion is probably fatal at best for those who offended or threatened his daughter.
Dark Desire (unique salient divine ability): Possessing inhuman beauty, the Princess of Hell can cause all kinds of beings, from the lowest of mortals to gods and cosmic entities, to be drawn to her and, furthermore, to do her dark bidding. Not only do targets seek to become physically intimate with Glasya, they will do one service for her if they fail the save against the effect (Will save DC 52) as if under the effects of a suggestion spell. (Gods and cosmic entities are susceptible to this power regardless of their cosmic or divine rank). Those unable to quench their desire rapidly lose their composure and senses over the next nine rounds. During this time, they suffer a cumulative -1 penalties to their Wisdom and Charisma and are unable to take 10 (much less 20) on any skill, and must make Concentration check in order to cast spells or spell-like effects. Glasya may use this ability five times per day, and may target up to five creatures at a time. She frequently targets powerful mortal males, often having them sign their souls to Hell.
Diabolical Aura (Ex): Glasya’s Diabolical Aura can be ignored on a successful Will save DC 59.
Divine Immunities: Glasya is immune to ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, and transmutation. Interestingly, perhaps due to her diabolical heritage, Glasya is not immune to banishment or imprisonment.
The Presence of Hell (Su): Glasya’s Presence of Hell has a 1,350-foot radius, and all effects are as those cast by a 54th level sorcerer.
Spell-Like Abilities:
- At will – blasphemy, calm emotions, change self, charm monster, confusion, create undead, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, detect chaos, detect good, dictum, dispel chaos, Dispel Good, dominate monster, false vision, flame strike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, Hold Person, invisibility, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, major image, mirage arcana, mislead, nondetection, order’s wrath, persistent image, polymorph self, polymorph any object, protection from chaos, protection from good, raise dead, screen, Shield of law, summon monster IX (as a lawful evil spell only), symbol of pain, time stop, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight;
- 3/day – destruction, fire storm, meteor swarm;
- 1/day – hellball, wish.
As a demigod, Glasya has access to the Evil, Law, and Trickery domains in addition to spells granted by the arch-devil template. All spells are cast as a 54th level sorcerer except Evil and Law spells, which are cast at 55th level (save DC = 37 + spell level; mind affecting, language dependant save DCs = 39 + spell level).
Other Divine Powers
As a demigod, Glasya treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. She is immortal.
Senses: Glasya can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of five miles. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within five miles of her servants or worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one her titles or name was spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to up to two locations at once. She can block the sensing powers of deities or cosmic entities of her rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for five hours.
Portfolio Sense: Glasya is aware of any act of intrigue or subterfuge guided by a lust for greater power within a social (lawful) environment that involves one thousand or more people.
Automatic Actions: Glasya can use any Charisma based skill, or a skill that promotes intrigue, as an immediate action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. Glasya can also cast any Enchantment or Illusion spell-like ability as a swift action. To use a skill in this way, Glasya must have ranks in the skill, or the skill must be usable untrained. Glasya cannot do anything as am automatic action if the task would involve actual movement. Glasya can perform up to two such swift actions each round.
Lixer can use any Intelligence-based skill, or any skill that deals with arcane knowledge, as an immediate action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. Lixercan also cast any necromancy spell as a swift action.
Create Magic Items: Glasya can create any wondrous item with an enchantment effect so long as it does not exceed 4,500 gp.
Possessions: Glasya frequently carries Caress, a +6 poisonous, unholy power short sword.
Summoning Glasya
The Princess of Hell is perhaps the most frequently summoned of the arch-devils as she has taken pains to ensure that the means to transport her to the mortal coil are widely distributed across the Cosmos. Her interest is transparent enough: Glasya seeks more power from mortal souls and knows that the more fools allowed to summon her draw their souls ever closer to eternal damnation in Hell.

Glasya has very particular requirements for her summons. First, Glasya must be summoned in a place of exquisite, physical yet stately beauty. Such locations must also exhibit a subtle degree of sensuality without being coarse. Typical locations that will draw Glasya include royal gardens, castle grand ball rooms, and the waiting chambers of royal concubines or noble women. If such locations are not used, Glasya will simply not respond to the summons at all. Second, Glasya expects to be called by one with royal or noble blood. The summoner need not know of her royal heritage, but must be able to trace such lineage no further back than three generations. If one without royal blood attempts to summon Glasya, the DC on the summon increases by 90. Third, there must be some manner of marble statuary depicting a noble female figure or else a stately throne or chair. Lack of such an item increases the summoning DC by 30 points. In these latter two requirements, successful summoning Glasya yet not fulfilling her expectations results in Glasya arriving in a less than pleased state. Finally, the area must be surrounded with 99 white candles that burn saffron, lilacs, black orchids, and similar expensive, pleasant smelling herbs and flowers (this essentially lays just outside the perimeter of the magic circle against evil).
Once the summoning ritual is completed, the summoning area is filled with an indescribable, somehow forbidden, yet intoxicating odor as the candles and incense immediately burn down into small reddish-purple tongues of flame. A warm, comfortable breeze will descend into the area even as the floor of the summoning area turns into black marble. If there is a statue in the area, Glasya will abruptly emerge from behind it; if there is a throne, she will likewise materialize from behind.
The Princess of Hell will always address the summoner if she possesses royal blood, although she will not necessarily ignore the presence of others. If there is no such person in the area, The Progeny will be terse and catty, although not precisely rude. So long as she is treated with deference and respect, Glasya will be extremely polite and diplomatic, answering any and all questions (although she is certain to bend the truth to suit her). She will pay a great deal of attention to the interests and reactions of her summoners, seeking to learn any weaknesses they may have or discover anything to increase her bargaining posture. Glasya will move about the summoning area in a casually seductive manner, never doing anything particularly sexual yet somehow exuding a great deal of calm passion. If she deems it useful or necessary, Glasya has the power to use her Dark Desire power without having to breach the summoning area; she may target only one individual in this manner per summons. If at any time Glasya is treated disrespectfully, she will leave immediately although she will note those who angered her for future (and certain) reprisals.
Once the summons is concluded, Glasya will slowly walk towards the edge of the summoning area towards the most attractive summoner (gender does not matter), a sultry look on her face. Just before she reaches the magic circle against evil, she will turn to her left, waving a lazy hand at each flame. Each flame creates a huge fiery arch towards either the statue or the throne.
Once all flames are connected, a tremendous pentagram opens over the statue or throne, turning it into a burning effigy. With a wink or some other subtle motion, Glasya will enter into the pentagram, dissolving into ashes. The pentagram will suddenly disappear, leaving the burnt husk of the statue or throne behind.