Mammon, Lord of the 3rd (Devil of Avarice and Greed)

Mammon is used to describe material wealth or greed, his itself is a transliteration, which means “money.”
Mammon is commonly personified as the devil of avarice, richness and injustice. “Riches are called by the name of a devil, namely Mammon, for Mammon is the name of a devil, by which name riches are called.”
Mammon oversees a cave of worldly wealth a fallen angel who values earthly treasure over all other things. Mammon is Hell’s ambassador to the Kingdom of England.
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Full netbook can be found on the following website
There are many different attitudes regarding the distribution of wealth across the Cosmos. In some places, the wealthiest are those who have inherited a divine mandate. In these cultures, the acquisition of wealth is limited to the wealthy or to the lucky. In other places, wealth is granted to those who, through strength of will, perseverance, and dedication to a task, are allowed to keep the fruits of their labour. In still other places, no one individual is wealthier than another. All share in the bounty of success equally. There are many other examples across the Cosmos, some dictated by the gods and others determined exclusively by mortals. And yet, there is one constant: financial strength results in political and social hegemony. Financial independence grants the wealthy the ability to dictate their own terms and to influence the decisions and behaviours of others. The wealthy do all they can to maintain their financial power. While some do so in order to help their family and their community, others do so because they are consumed with a love of money. Conflicts, wars, and other kinds of turmoil spring from the control of capital, from the distribution of wealth for the ability to control money invariably leads to the ability to control lives. This terrible fact, this lamentable truth, has led some to believe that money is indeed the root of all evil. There is one that could not agree more and this one has taken it upon himself to make sure that none, from the lowliest mortal to the greatest god, has an opportunity to further soil their souls in avarice. That one is Mammon, the Lord of the Third.
Mammon, Lord of the Third | |
The Arch-Duke of Minauros | |
Large outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Symbol | Three gold coins bearing diabolical faces on a dark green inverted triangle. |
Cosmic Rank | 13 (16 in Minauros) |
Hit Dice | 45d8 (outsider) + 25d6 (rogue) + 10d6 (perfect wight) + 880 (1450 hp) |
Initiative | +27 (+19 Dexterity, Superior Initiative) Speed: 120 ft., Fly 250 ft. perfect |
Armor Class | 71 (+11 deflection, +19 Dexterity, +34 natural, +9 profane, -1 size), touch 37, flat-footed 71 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +63/+75 |
Attack | Avarice + 80 melee (1d6+18+2d6 (axiomatic) + 2d6 (unholy)/18-20/x2); or Greed’s Breath +87 ranged (2d6+18+2d6 (unholy)/19-20/x3); or claw +74 melee (4d6+12) |
Full Attack | Avarice + 80/+75/+70/+65 melee (1d6+18+2d6 (axiomatic) + 2d6 (unholy)/18-20/x2; or Greed’s Breath +87/+82/+77/+72 ranged (2d6+18+2d6 (unholy)/19-20/x3); or 2 claws +74 (4d6+12), 2 wing buffets +69 melee (2d6+6), and tail +69 melee (4d8+6). |
Space/Reach | 10 ft. /10 ft. |
Special Attacks | Aura of Hell, call devils, Carnal Covet, Hell’s Fire, Might of Hell, Lien, sneak attack +18d6, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | Abomination traits, Blindsight 500 ft., Crippling strike, damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, defensive roll, Diabolical Decree, Diabolical Empowerment, Diabolical Prowess, displacement (50%), divine immunities, immunity to fire and poison, improved evasion, greater invisibility 2/ day, improved legerdemain 2/day, improved uncanny dodge, incorporeal 2/day, Infernal Nobility, Infernal Rogue, Infernal Usury, Lord of the Nine, opportunist, Property of the State, regeneration 22, resistance to acid 40 and cold 40, shadow form 2/day, Spell Resistance 71, telepathy 1,000 ft., trapfinding, trap sense +6. |
Saves | Fort +52, Ref +60, Will +56 |
Abilities | Strength 35, Dexterity 48, Constitution 33, Intelligence 44, Wisdom 39, Charisma 31 |
Skills | Appraise +86, Balance +65, Bluff +93, Climb +12 (+16 with ropes), Concentration +71, Decipher Script+31, Diplomacy +107 (+113 with evil creatures), Disable Device +60, Disguise +93 (+101 when acting in character), Escape Artist +102 (+106 with ropes), Forgery +66, Gather Information +61, Hide +102, Intimidate +91 (+97 against evil creatures), Knowledge (Arcana) +70, Knowledge (History) +51, Knowledge (Local [Hell]) +66, Knowledge (Nature) +23, Knowledge (The planes) +75, Knowledge (Religion) +78, Listen +98, Move Silently +102, Open Locks +62, Search +101, Sense Motive +75, Sleight of Hand +122, Spellcraft +71 (+75 to decipher scrolls), Spot +98, Survival +37 (+43 on the planes, +45 while tracking), Tumble +108, Use Magical Devices +45 (+55 for scrolls), Use Rope +40 (+48 with bindings). |
Feats | Alertness, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B , Dark Speech B , Dodge, Far Shot, Improved Critical (composite longbow), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (mass hold monster), Quicker than the Eye, Snatch Weapon, Spring Attack |
Epic Feats | Additional Magic Item (ring), Blinding Speed, Epic Evil Brand B , Epic Skill Focus ( Sleight of Hand), Lingering Damage, Improved Sneak Attack (x2), Self Concealment (x5), Superior Initiative, Tenacious Magic (greater invisibility), Uncanny Accuracy |
Environment | Castle Minauros, Minauros, the Third of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Unique (Solitary), team (Mammon, 1 – 6 Devil Barbed, 1 -4 nightmares, 2 – 16 Advanced Hellhounds), or squad (Mammon, 1 Duke of Hell, 1 – 6 Devil Barbed, 2 -16 barbazu, 2 -16 Advanced Hellhounds) |
Challenge Rating | 59 |
Treasure | Avarice, Greed’s Breath, quintuple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |

The Arch-Duke of Minauros has developed quite a reputation over the millennia. When most hear his name or read about him, they immediately think about greed. Indeed, the name Mammon has become synonymous with lust for gold. In some circles, ‘Mammon’ is used to describe an unnatural desire for material gain beyond all other concerns. Numerous religious texts equate the edacious lust for gold and silver to be a spiritual affliction, a perversity of the soul. Like a plague, the quest for material possession has spread throughout the mortal coil and has reached beyond the mortal coil and into the realms of gods and cosmic entities alike. Mammon’s name continues to be dragged through filth as the increasing desire for gold threatens civilizations and souls across Creation. Yet Mammon, in a magnanimous manner, ignores these insults for he knows that he is the only one capable of providing assistance to mortals and immortals alike. He knows that his way, his plan, is the one that will bring peace and stability to the soul and flesh alike. In order to stave off the predations of greed, Mammon believes that all beings are better off with nothing in order to better understand the value of money. Until such time, Mammon has taken it upon himself to hold · in perpetuity · onto the gains of others across Creation. A difficult task, he knows, but someone has to do it.
According to Mammon’s worshippers, the Lord of Avarice (an unfair appellation, but one that does not bother Mammon since he is above such concerns) believes that the love of money is not just the beginning of all that is foul and loathsome, but that such a love distracts all sentient beings from a far more important truth. Wealth is and has always been distributed unevenly. Even in cultures in which everyone supposedly benefits equally, there are some who do more than others and receive some sort of compensation for their extra effort, be it greater authority or special perks. This unfairness, this gross inequity, is a deplorable consideration to one such as Mammon. The wealthy continue to grow in power and influence while the poor scuttle about like vermin, willing to do anything to acquire the very same dirty gold that the wealthy hoard for themselves. As far as Mammon is concerned, the best option is for all to have nothing and be equal in nothing. All must pay a surplus of whatever they have gained to something greater that allows them to live and breathe. This agency, always an official entity that works for the greater good for all involved, is where the repository of all material gains should go as far as Mammon is concerned. Since Mammon knows that all other beings are incapable of taking possession of wealth without becoming enamoured with it, he believes that it is in his vaults that the wealth of the Cosmos would be the safest.
Mammon does not equate his behaviour as a lust for wealth despite what others have and will continue to say. Rather, he perceives it as a meaningful sacrifice. He is more than willing to be unpopular and unloved as he takes that which others have no right to have. He knows that his goal, equality in all, is a just one. As importantly, Mammon knows how to spend and redistribute the wealth that others so foolishly squander. He knows how to grant those in need the proper amount, how to make sure that all have the right amount in order to live.
Yet, the wise see through to Mammon’s true nature. In the end, Mammon, with all of his high-minded rhetoric of equality, is only interested in the possession of all that is considered of material value. True, he does believe that equality for all is right; yet, his true mission is to make all others subservient to his will and influence as all will be equal in poverty and impotence as they just barely scrape by a life. Mammon believes that financial strength is indeed the driving force of power. By controlling the most capital, Mammon believes that he will control the souls of mortals and,through them, eventually the entirety of Creation. This ultimate investment, the only worthy investment, will grant Mammon complete independence from the Hierarchy of Hell and the power to define Creation in his own image: him at the top with all others grovelling and begging him for succour. That is the equality Mammon seeks, that of the State taking everything that beings have · earned through hard work or not · earned and using it for his own ends. That is the threat of Mammon.
Beyond Hell, Mammon is viewed as one of the more sinister and dangerous Lords. Mammon routinely ·selectively redistributes· (steals) from any number of beings. Gods and powerful cosmic entities are not excluded from this pursuit. To date, Mammon has few allies. However, Mammon is often approached by unscrupulous demi-gods and lesser cosmic entities seeking access to greater power. With these weaker beings, Mammon is something of a business partner. Although his fees are astronomical, once a contract is signed, most expect to get something of value out of Mammon before the business arrangement concludes. It is not unusual for powerful gods to seek out Mammon when they need for something important to disappear or reappear for that matter. These arrangements are always kept under a fog of secrecy as few are interested in being associated with the Arch-Duke of Minauros. It is important to note that Mammon’s most dangerous foes beyond Hell are gods of thieves and greed. As Mammon believes that they have more than their fair share of wealth, he targets the majority of his redistribution efforts on their worshippers. Mammon has made an enemies of all of them. The only prominent god of greed Mammon has steered clear of offending is Tiamat due to her uncomfortably close proximity.
In Hell, Mammon is isolated from the other Lords of the Nine, a situation that suits him just fine. Nevertheless, this is an interesting position for the Lord of the Third for he is numbered among the original hellspawn and Lords of the Nine. Since before the Dawn of the Gods, Mammon was an ally of Dispater and Mephistopheles, as he ‘like the Lords of the Second and Eighth’ sought to solidify power and authority through elitism. Dispater enforced the toil of the masses and heretics; Mephistopheles enforced the will of the cold, ruling intellectuals; and Mammon enforced the consolidation of wealth to those at the head of the table. These three, opposed to the likes of Adrammelek, Sammael, and Lilith, reaped a great deal of power, catapulting them to the forefront of Hellish politics. Yet, neither Dispater nor Mephistopheles placed much trust in Mammon for they saw that his interests were limited to what he could gain financially in their pursuits. Dispater rightfully assessed that if Mammon believed he could gain by switching sides, he would do so. Still, this alliance between the three Lords would last for countless millennia. It would not be until the Dies Irae that Mammon’s treachery would be revealed to his allies. Not only did Mammon succeed in sending his servants into Dis and Cania to ·redistribute· a great deal of treasure as the Lords· armies descended into Nessus, he also betrayed them to Asmodeus when The Overlord stripped his vassals of their power. This dual treachery forever shattered any union between Mammon and Dispater and Mephistopheles once the three were allowed to return to their stations as Regents of Hell. Mammon, the first to grovel at Asmodeus‘ feet, was the first to return to his fief and the first to receive a full pardon. Mammon has not looked back and has done nothing to try to re-establish ties with his former allies. As far as he is concerned, he acquired what he needed from them and now it is time for him to invest in new opportunities.
Mammon is often confused with his former ally, Dispater. Many scholars and sages have viewed Dispater as being interested in the acquisition of wealth, thereby creating difficulty in distinguishing him from Mammon. However, the difference between the two Lords is simple enough. Dispater is the personification of the corrupt business man who seeks to increase his wealth, political power, and military power through doing as little work as possible while hiding behind rules and laws, his servants accomplishing all of the work with little or no gain for themselves. He supports conservative practices that maintain the status quo with him at the top. In contrast, Mammon represents the power and greed of the State that overtaxes, always has an outrageous share to take, and is never satisfied with its gains. He is the ultimate materialist, often claiming that his need for more wealth will eventually trickle down to benefit others, when all he does is hoard it himself. Mammon is uninterested in business and could care less how he receives his ·share· as long as he receives it. He is not above selective redistribution (what most would call ·stealing·) to increase his holdings, and is more than willing to get his hands dirty to do so. Dispater is the faceless, iron-shod corporation while Mammon is the money-hungry State.
There are some legends that insist that Mammon is not truly a scion of Hell, but a fallen angel. There are a number of religious texts that point to an angelic being who fell for want of material gain, his avarice like lead on his soul that dragged him screaming and spitting into Hell. However, few believe this possibility for it would be unlikely that Mammon would have ever have been allied to Dispater or Mephistopheles who are acknowledged bigots with regards to angelic beings. Interestingly, Mammon was never threatened by the Fallen after The Great Fall. Mammon’s court, filled with greed-stricken bureaucrats, has lead many to believe that Minauros would have been easy pickings for any number of fallen angels or even powerful devils. Many point to the former presence of Glasya, the Princess of Hell, as the reason for Mammon’s continued control of the Third Perdition. Still, Mammon never forged a beneficial relationship with The Fallen, although he has had numerous skirmishes with the sadomasochistic Belial and the forces of Phlegethon (Phlegethos) over the eons. Precisely what Belial wants out of Minauros is anyone’s guess; after all, Mammon has never sought to face Belial or any other Lord or arch-devil in combat, so it is probable that Belial wants to expand his power base by taking over another Perdition. It is known that Mammon has no relationship with
Bael, Leviathan, or Lilith beyond the occasional need to be diplomatic during Processions of Perdition. However, Mammon has been contemplating establishing an alliance with Beelzebub. Through the Lord of the Flies, Mammon believes he could expand his ability to ferret out hidden troves of treasure across the Cosmos, greatly expediting his goal to make the rest of Creation bitterly poor. So far, however, Mammon has not approached the Lord of the Seventh as he does not trust that an alliance with the overweening Beelzebub would be balanced on the front end.
Mammon continues to lust after Glasya, the Princess of Hell; however, since The Overlord decreed that the Princess of Hell’s time would be better spent elsewhere after the Dies Irae, Mammon had little choice but to quietly acquiesce. What these two horrible creatures saw in each other is simple enough to determine; Glasya desired Mammon’s considerable wealth, and Mammon was obsessed with Glasya’s background and connection to Hell’s ultimate power. Mammon is so fearful of Asmodeus· wrath that he does not even send secret messages to Glasya. Mammon has no relationship with the Prince of Hell, seeing no value in meddling with an annoying, insufferable, half-mortal brat. Indeed, the only other arch-devil with whom Mammon has any relationship is Geryon, whose form Mammon has been known to mimic when entertaining guests in Minauros, ruthlessly mocking the former Lord of the Fifth. Simply, if none of the arch-devils or Lords offers him anything, Mammon sees no reason to treat with them, especially if he continues to enjoy his own success.
Within his court, Mammon keeps a watchful eye on his Dukes. Mammon knows that each of them keeps a bit of whatever they bring in, but so long as the amount is less than 3%, the Lord of Avarice does not bother to retaliate. After all, he is capable of tracking down their treasure vaults if he were so inclined and plans on doing so one day once he has risen to a point to challenge Asmodeus for the Serpent’s Throne. Mammon’s is the least organized Court, his servants spread across stinking Minauros like scattered gold pieces. All of the Courtiers of Minauros spend their time, in their own way, enriching Mammon. That is their only goal as far as he is concerned and Mammon could care less how they accomplish this task so long as they do so without wasting · or stealing · needlessly.

Mammon has few qualms about spending the money that he has redistributed from others. One of his favourite pastimes is betting. If he cannot win in a bet, Mammon will find a way to bend the end result to his favour (some would call this cheating, a term Mammon despises). If he still looses, Mammon beats a hasty retreat to avoid paying up his side of a debt, claiming the need to process the winnings. Another one of Mammon’s favoured excursions is hunting, on which he often bets. Many scholars have cited that Mammon hunts himself, but this is not entirely accurate. Mammon rarely rides a horse (or in Hell, a nightmare), but sits in an elaborate open litter pulled by nightmares, where he watches his servants hunt. He often unleashes his team of Nessian warhounds in these times, sometimes wounding the target with Greed’s Breath before the hounds give chase. Most of the targets are former servants that have displeased Mammon or else powerful mortals who lost their souls to Mammon.
Mammon rules from Minauros, the Sinking City. Mammon takes no time to shore up the city’s foundation, believing that there is no point in wasting money on it. Rumours abound that Minauros sinks because of the tremendous weight of Mammon’s hoard. The city is filled with all manner of destitute soul shells and lemures. These creatures are cursed with eternal starvation as they wallow in poverty. Mammon never enters the streets of the city without a hunting party, fearing that the destitute souls will try to rob him.
Mammon’s Appearance
Mammon appears as a plump malefircarim with a large, toothy smile, red moustache, and a forked red goatee. His skin is a shimmering, reddish gold, and his short red horns and talons are capped with diamond studs. The Lord of Avarice often wears an elaborately designed kilt that descends from below his ample stomach and stops over his cloven hoofed feet. His huge wings glow a warm golden colour from the coins he has had grafted
to them, their weight having no apparent effect on Mammon’s ability to fly with surprising speed. He speaks with a supreme amount of arrogance in a high-pitched, grating voice. His beady eyes, which glow a warm gold, twinkle any time he senses that someone has more than 100 gp in value in possession. Most who would meet with Mammon tend to do so almost naked.
Mammon is a coward. Even if he is facing clearly weaker adversaries, Mammon will seek to avoid any kind of violence if he can help it, ordering his servants to deal with threats. Mammon never travels alone and typically has the company of at least his pack of Nessian warhounds. These beasts and any other servants will be ordered in combat while Mammon flees for safety that is, unless his aggressors are in possession of extremely valuable magic items or wealth. Essentially, if Mammon’s foes are in possession epic magic weapons or major artifacts of any kind, he is guaranteed to remain in combat.
When forced into combat, Mammon will seek to retreat to high ground at least 100 feet away after he calls either one Duke of Hell or 18 advanced barbazu. While these beings summon additional support, Mammon will use his Hellish Aura to force his foes to cower. Then, he will follow up with his Audit centred on the wealthiest creatures in the area. In most cases, Mammon will opt to transfer the enhancement values of magic items into coin; if he finds that his foes are resilient, he will transfer the enhancement powers into DC increases. If Mammon finds that his foes are willing to pursue him, he will call in Nessian pit fiends before attempting either another Audit or he will use Property of the State to make them relinquish their most powerful weapons. In any case, Mammon will seek not to kill his adversaries unless they clearly have nothing of value. If they seem wealthy, Mammon will take them back to Minauros where they will be interviewed· for information on the whereabouts of more treasure before Mammon turns them into lemures.
Audit (Su): The Lord of Avarice believes that all creatures, great and small, possess far more than their equal share. This is especially the case for those in possession of well-crafted or magical items and a great deal of treasure. Mammon frowns upon such foppishness, viewing those that have the audacity to own such items as having extreme bad taste. When confronted with such beings, Mammon usually believes that he must take it upon himself to relieve them of their ill-gotten, undeserved gains for future redistribution. In such circumstances, Mammon will exact an Audit.
Up to nine times a day, Mammon can target a 30-foot radius within his line of sight (or, in Minauros, within 16 miles) and elect to Audit either items or currency. Any and all masterwork or magic items within the area must make a Fortitude save DC 58 (items in the possession of another may use their own save or the save of their possessor, whichever is the highest). Failure indicates that masterwork items immediately become mundane while magic items lose 50% of their enhancement bonus. Furthermore, the amount lost is immediately transferred into gold pieces of the appropriate value and deposited into Mammon’s Gilded Vault; alternatively, the amount taken is added to the DCs of one of Mammon’s abilities or spell-like abilities. Such bonuses last for nine rounds. Mammon does not gain DC bonuses from masterwork items, only from magical items. Thus, if Mammon were to audit a +2 holy short sword, he could either take 16,000 in gold pieces or he could increase his spell-like ability DCs by 2 points. While Mammon may elect to return enhancements to the original item (or enhance a mundane item with the Audited enhancement), he may not do this if he has used the enhancements to empower his own DCs.
Mammon may also use his ability to Audit coins. Unclaimed coins or other forms of currency (including jewellery, expensive art pieces, and the like) within the area of effect are immediately taken. Claimed coins receive the owner’s Will save against a DC of 58 or else they are also taken. For every 10,000 gp Audited, Mammon may increase a DC for an ability or spell-like ability by 1 point.
Finally, Mammon may also Audit artifacts. In auditing an artifact, Mammon cannot permanently strip it of its powers; however he can borrow any one power for up to nine rounds. The artifact receives a Will saving throw DC 58 for each Audit attempt. Mammon then gains the ability to select which power he hopes to use. There is some risk for Mammon, however; if the artifact in questionis not Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil in alignment, at the end of the nine round period there is a 30% chance that Mammon will suffer a reduction in all of his abilities as though suffering from nine negative levels. This ailment lasts for nine days. Needless to say, Mammon does not use this aspect of Audit lightly. It is known that Mammon cannot affect so-called signature weapons or artifacts that are in the physical possession of any cosmic or divine being (including those with divine rank 0).
Aura of Hell (Ex): Mammon’s aura can affect all creatures within 900 feet of him, with a Will save 58 allowed to negate the effect.
Call Devils (Sp): As a move equivalent action, Mammon can call devils. Nine times per day, Mammon may call a Duke of Hell, 9 pit fiends, or 18 lesser devils; devils so called have triple standard Hit Dice, to a maximum of 45 Hit Dice. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their Monster Manual descriptions allow. Despite his size and tremendous strength, Mammon, more than any other Lord of the Nine, is a true coward. Only dedicated to the balance and spread of wealth (to himself, mostly), Mammon hates being in the middle of a fight once he realizes that one is imminent. It is fitting, then, that Mammon will call on the most violent devils in Hell to kill his enemies at the first sign of a threat: barbazu. If matters continue to deteriorate, Mammon will then bring in pit fiends and hamatulas. Mammon is often in the company of nine Nessian warhounds that are willing to die to defend Mammon.
Carnal Covet (Su): It is the nature of all sentient beings to be selfish. From the greatest god who covets the worship of mortals, to the lowly peasant who steels even the smallest grain from the fields of his master, creatures across the Cosmos reflect their selfishness everyday. This attitude, this gross violation of the natural order in which all must lend aid, in which all must share equally, is one that greatly offends Mammon. Indeed, he has found that those who would are to challenge him are often covered in all manner of gain that they have only because of their selfishness and greed. On these, Mammon forces them to share whether they will it or not through his Carnal Covet.
Three times a day, Mammon can cause Carnal Covet in all beings within 300 feet of his person (Mammon can select which beings he wishes to effect). Similar to a confusion spell, Carnal Covet forces those who fail the Will save DC 58 to seek out any random item they either see or know about that is considered valuable that they do not currently possess. Mammon may determine if certain locations or being within the area of effect can be targeted by those infected with Carnal Covet (he often ensures that his own guards and his person are not subject those under the influences of this power). While the target of the infected is determined randomly, the victim of Carnal Covet will always attempt to take the item with the most value. It does not matter if the item in question is of any immediate or even future benefit so long as its value is at least 100 gp. Thus, a wizard may attempt to steal his paladin ally’s holy avenger, while a cleric may attempt to pry loose valuable jewels attached to an altar dedicated to her god. Any attempt to stop the coveting victim results in the victim’s retaliation that only lasts as long as someone or something is between the victim and the object of desire. Once the victim acquires what he covets, he turns his attention to another item. Carnal Covet lasts for 45 rounds.
Diabolical Empowerment: Mammon uses his Intelligence modifier for determining DCs for all saves.
Hell’s Fire (Su): Mammon may use Hell’s Fire 20/ day, a ten-foot wide line of diabolical energy dealing 20d12 points of damage, up to 1700 feet away. Victims caught in the blast may make a Reflex save DC 58 for half damage. Mammon’s Hell’s Fire appears like a blast of scalding, liquid gold and silver that burns into the body and the spirit of those caught in the effect.
Infernal Nobility (Ex): As the Lord of the Third, Mammon has a status equivalent to that of the gods. Mammon possesses a cosmic rank of 13. While in Minauros (and anywhere else on Hell that Asmodeus allows), Mammon functions as a greater god with a cosmic rank of 16.
Infernal Rogue (Ex): While Mammon certainly does not perceive himself as a thief every other being that has dealt with him would not hesitate to name him one. Indeed, Mammon possesses a number of qualities that makes him almost as frustrating as various gods of thieves across the Cosmos.
When Mammon is struck by an attack from an opponent he has designated as his Dodge target, Mammon may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + damage dealt) to negate all damage from the attack.
Mammon also knows the exact value of any treasure he can see. He can immediately determine what any creature is carrying and where each carried item is. Any attack of opportunity Mammon makes is considered a sneak attack. Mammon also receives 3d6 additional points of damage on his sneak attacks.
Infernal Usury (Ex): Of all the Lords, Mammon has the most precise offering to mortals: the acquisition of wealth. Mammon does not have elaborate schemes nor does he offer strange agreements in his offerings. If a mortal client wishes to do business with the Lord of the Third, that business will revolve around the client becoming wealthy. What the mortal does with his wealth is his business. Finance an orphanage or a war; it is all the same to Mammon so long as the client remembers one important thing: anything given by Mammon is not a gift but a loan. And loans must be repaid. In Hell, repayment is always not as simple as it seems.
If Mammon (or one of his Courtiers on his behalf) is summoned to the mortal coil, Mammon can offer Infernal Usury up to three times a day. Infernal Usury is as simple as it sounds. Mammon may grant a mortal one wish to become wealthy. The amount of wealth is a base of 5000 gp per character level (NPC classes count as ¾ levels for the purpose of this effect). The client receives an additional 1000 gp per level as he works out the loan arrangements with Mammon in a Diplomacy check (Mammon will set the check during each parley; see below for more). The client explains the details of his wish to his own satisfaction as the entirety of his request is drawn up on a contract written on parchment made from the ·flesh· of angels. The contract is signed and written in the client’s blood, imposing 1d3 points of Constitution damage. Once signed, the contact immediately disappears from sight and is magically transferred into the Ledger of Melchom, the Duke of Profit. The loan proceeds are given to the client in the appropriate number of bags of holding (the value of the bags is taken out of the client’s proceeds and may well be far larger than the client needs unless the client stipulates that he wants a bag of the proper size).
Payment for the loan is simple. The client has to make good on three requests issued by Mammon at a moment and time of the Lord of the Third’s choosing. These requests can be of any sort, although they tend to revolve around assisting the monetary acquisition of Dukes of Minauros or servants of Mammon in the Prime. Mammon has up to three years to make this request either personally or through a servant. If the client states that this was never part of the contract, Mammon typically will say that it was never discussed or never explicitly stated that such a payment would not be in the contract. The client does have a choice in the matter but only if he succeeds in a Will saving throw with a DC 58 plus 3 per 1000 extra gold pieces that the client successfully bartered out of the original bargain. Failure indicates that the client is under the effects of a geas as cast by a 54th level caster and will comply with Mammon’s requests. This geas cannot be removed by normal means; only the direct intervention of a cosmic entity or god with divine or cosmic ranks greater than 16 can end this curse, and then only on a successful rank check. The client will have three weeks to complete each request. Once completed, the client finds that he gets to keep his ill-gotten gains but that such gains are cursed in a manner identical to that of Scax’s Sins of the Father. If the client cannot complete the request, his soul is immediately forfeited to Mammon who may slay the client at any time and across planar boundaries in a manner identical to that described in Lien.
Two possibilities exist should the client save against the initial request. First, he may offer to repay the loan. Mammon always agrees to this, although he will require that that loan is not only repaid within three days, but with 50% interest. Failure results in the client’s soul being forfeit to Mammon (who can kill the client’s mortal body and take possession of the soul at any time, anywhere within the same limitations as described in Lien). The client may borrow the money from others. If this occurs, upon transference of the proceeds, those that loaned the money are immediately cursed in a manner identical to the client’s curse under Infernal Usury. Those who loaned the money must be repaid by the client, with the same interest, or their souls are forfeit (as is the client’s soul since he had to borrow the money). The second option is that the client immediately sells his soul to Mammon. The loan is immediately considered paid off and the client will not receive any requests from Mammon. However, there are different end results for this option. If the client possesses at least 15 class levels or HD, he will grow more in wealth as his death from old age approaches, thereby increasing the chance that the wealth left over after his death causes more greed. Conversely, a client with fewer 15 class levels or HD quickly become destitute (within 3d6 months), his money disappearing (and possibly magically transported to Minauros). In either case, upon his death, the client’s soul is consigned to the Third Perdition of Hell. The effects of Infernal Usury can only be ended by an Atonement cast by a 40th level, good-aligned cleric followed by a quest. This quest usually involves divesting oneself of the loan proceeds into a direction that has nothing to do with the client’s initial requests or interests, but simultaneously promoting holiness and freedom. Those under the quest must complete it within three months; failure indicates that the victim dies immediately, his soul taken to Minauros; the entirety of his loans and any works accomplished through the proceeds are also lost.
Lien (Ex): Mammon believes that all other beings are obsessed with ownership. This obsession is often due to the fact that such beings often see what others possess and then try to acquire such possessions themselves. Over the countless millennia, Mammon has found that if lesser creatures cannot see the desires of their hearts, they would soon forget about such things and move onto more important considerations. The Arch-Duke of Minauros will attempt to place a Lien on items, locations, and even individuals until such time as they can be safely released into a more mature environment. Thrice per day as a standard action, Mammon can place a Lien on up to three items or individuals, or a single place, protecting them from all forms of detection, scrying, or tracking. Mammon need only be aware of the item in order to affect it. If Mammon has an official ·right· to the individual (like a worshipper), place (a temple dedicated to him), or thing (an item he has owned at one point or one that a servant of his has taken in his name), he may effect his Lien from any distance and across planar boundaries. Such items, individuals, and locations do not receive a saving throw from the effect unless they are within the realm of a cosmic entity, deity, or a location not subject to cosmic or divine power (like areas within The Outlands and Sigil). Items, individuals, and locations in such areas or not officially tied to Mammon receive a saving throw; furthermore, such items must be within three miles of Mammon’s person. Living beings receive a Will save. Items either receive their own saving throw or, if they are in the possession of someone unwilling to part with them, they receive the individual’s save modifier. Locations receive a base save modifier of +20 plus 5 for every 100 square yards Mammon attempts to place a Lien. Mammon may affect up to three square miles of a location in this way. He seems to have no limit in size for sentient beings. Items exceeding 100 square feet are considered locations for the purpose of Mammon’s Lien. In all cases, the Will save is made against a DC 58.
If Mammon attempts to affect anything within a cosmic or divine realm, he must first succeed on a successful rank check against the entity concerned. Even if he succeeds, the object receives a save as described above. Locales that stunt cosmic or divine power also grant objects or persons within a save against Mammon’s power.
Mammon does have an upper limit on things on which he places a Lien. He may Lien up to 81 items, 27 beings, or three square miles of location. If Mammon ever places a Lien beyond his limit, he immediately must give another possession up within the same category. Possessions under a Lien are kept in a demiplane within Minauros know as the Gilded Vault. The Gilded Vault can only be entered by Mammon’s leave or through an extremely well worded wish (miracles and Alter Reality can also grant access); beings possessing divine or cosmic ranks cannot enter the Vault without Mammon’s explicit allowance (Asmodeus is the only such being besides Mammon that can enter the Vault). Even if the Gilded Vault is breached, it is impossible to leave with anything without alerting Mammon of an attempted theft. Upon leaving the Vault, one finds oneself in the fortress Minauros; attempts can be made at this point to flee the Third Perdition as per usual. Mammon can enter the Vault at any time and he may pull anything from the vault that he chooses as a standard action. All items within the Vault are in stasis, so there is no damage or wear on them (sentient creatures are treated as if imprisoned as per the spell). Mammon often places elaborate traps on whatever is in the Vault, the most common being a unique form of maze that lasts for a year and a day on any that dares to touch an item under Lien (this maze can be escaped by means of an Intelligence check before then as per usual, but the DC is increased to 58). Mammon is willing to release a Lien under a variety of arrangements, most which require some kind of tithe or sacrifice of a valuable. In most cases, after centuries have past and those interested in what was taken are either dead or have given up on looking, Mammon will end the Lien. He is under no obligation to do so nor is he required to return the item, person, or location to the place from which it was originally taken.
The Might of Hell (Su): Mammon’s presence is so terrible that he can corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Thrice per day as a free action, Mammon may unhallow an area equal to 1350 feet (associated spell effects function as though caster level 54 th ).
Property of the State (Su): Mammon can demand that those before him relinquish their valuable possession on the spot. 3/day, Mammon can declare any one valuable on each and every being within 30 feet to be Property of the State if they fail Will saves against DC 58. Mammon must first succeed on a successful rank check to affect deities or cosmic entities of greater cosmic status. The victims will then deliver the item of Mammon’s choosing to the Lord of the Third. Mammon can pick precisely which item he wants and can do with it as he pleases, including use it against its former owner. Any item so stolen by Mammon in this fashion allows Mammon to use it as a spell completion device even if the Lord of the Third does not possess the necessary caster levels; however, Mammon cannot necessarily use similar or identical items that he just happens to come across.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will – animate dead, baleful polymorph, blasphemy, blur, charm monster, create greater undead, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, detect chaos, detect good, Detect Magic, dominate monster, flamestrike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 1,000 pounds only), hallucinatory terrain, hold monster, Magic Circle Against Chaos, magic circle against good, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, produce flame, pyrotechnics, read magic, restoration, resurrection, scrying, suggestion, symbol of pain, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire;
9/day – Cheat, destruction, emotion, Entice Gift, fabricate, firestorm, greater restoration, guards and wards, knock, meteor swarm, Phantasmal Thief, sympathy, true resurrection, vanish;
6/day · accursed, hell-ball, oppress, tyranny;
3/day – wish.
Caster level 54th ; save DC 36 + spell level.
Mammon also casts spells from the Greed Domain from the Book of Vile Darkness; these spells are included in the list above.
Avarice: Avarice is a thin blade of sparkling, white steel; its hilt is a length of silver and gold celestial bone. The pommel of the blade is sturdy and adorned with a lustrous, nameless black jewel of unknown quality. Ava-rice is a +6 axiomatic, unholy Dagger.
Avarice seeks to steal the best qualities from those that feel its blade. First, Avarice maims its victims, robbing them of their health. All random damage Avarice deals is always doubled, the surplus replacing any lost hit points to Mammon (for instance, if he dealt 24 points of damage and an additional 28 points of sneak attack damage, the victim would suffer 48 + 56 points of damage and Mammon would be healed 52 points of damage). Second, Avarice drains 1d6 points from any ability score of Mammon’s choosing on a successful critical hit; Mammon adds half the drain dealt (to a minimum of 1) to the appropriate ability score for the next six rounds. Avarice cannot be disarmed or sundered and any such attempt always provokes an attack of opportunity. Despite its powers, Mammon is loath to use Avarice as he is, in the end, a craven coward and uninterested in melee combat.
Greed’s Breath: Greed’s Breath, a +6 unholy composite longbow of unerring accuracy, is a curved length of iron forged with the subtle power of Hell. Most familiar with infernal lore believe that the iron was a gift from Dispater himself during the centuries the Lords of the Second, Third, and Eighth were allied. Who forged it is anyone’s guess, but most believe that the Princess of Hell may have at the very least commissioned the undertaking. Greed’s Breath has a pull equal to Mammon’s Strength modifier. Furthermore, Greed’s Breath generates its own arrows. Once an arrow finds or misses a target, it instantly disappears.
Greed’s Breath automatically redistributes money from its targets to Mammon. Anything considered as currency by those struck by Greed’s Breath is transported instantly to one of Mammon’s deep treasuries after a successful critical hit. There is no save against this effect, but it only drains cash money carried on the target’s person (including those hidden in extra-dimensional spaces, like a bag of holding). The amount taken is equal to the damage dealt x 5.
Mammon has been known to discontinue attacks on those who manage to live long enough after they have been drained of their coin. So far as the Lord of the Third is concerned, the poor and destitute are beneath his notice.
Mammon’s Possessions
As he is obsessed in making sure that everyone is equal in ownership, Mammon has taken upon himself to sequester all many of wealth from those that he believes have too much. From truly singular items to baubles that have no value to anyone but the person from whom it was taken, Mammon has a larger store of treasure than most greater gods and certainly more than any other Lord of the Nine save Asmodeus himself. The Archduke of Minauros has access to every mundane and magical item (save artifacts) listed in the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and any other source allowed by the DM. Indeed, he likely has thousands of different copies of the same items. Since Mammon did not procure these items personally, he probably cannot use many of them. It is clear to most that Mammon also has many minor and major artifacts, although he has taken pains to keep the identity of such things classified. Mammon has a very thorough ledger of each item, from whence it came, and what it can do.
In any case, Mammon is never without Avarice; he only carries Greed’s Breath when he is conducting official business across Minauros (essentially, when he goes hunting).
Summoning Mammon
The summons of Mammon is an extravagant affair. The location of the summons must be in a place known for its current wealth. City treasuries and the vaults of the wealthiest rulers are preferred, but Mammon will not shirk at the dens of wealthy merchants or thieves· bosses. Each participant must be dressed in finery of silk, satin and lace; embroidery done with thread of gold or silver should likewise be in abundance. The floors and columns of the room used should be the finest marble and porphyry, and the ceiling should be a baroque affair of intricate murals broken by delicate filigree worked in the most expensive of metals. The room must be brightly lit so as to cause a glittering effect throughout. Creative invocants will use glass prisms to cause the light to twinkle and shimmer. Finally, while all other Lords can be summoned with silver, Mammon demands nothing less than platinum, the value of which is equivalent to the silver that would otherwise summon him. Mammon is certain not to respond to a summons if platinum is not used. Those summoning Mammon should note that they need not own the room to be used, nor the clothing or other ornamentation that is required. Indeed, canny supplicants will ensure that as little as possible of their own belongings are on hand throughout the ceremony.
The chief invocant must supply a single item of great worth · an item that the creature values above all else. It may be a weapon, or a piece of jewellery. It might be a title to land or a cherished family heirloom. Precisely what is largely irrelevant, although it must be of more than of simple ·sentimental· value. The invocant can technically offer his own soul, although Mammon places a value on it of only 500 gold pieces per Hit Dice; this can place the invocant in the unpleasant position of having offered a less than worthy gift to entice the Lord of the Third. Any unworthy gift is transported to Mammon during the invocation before he decides whether to appear or not. There are more than a few tales of creatures that have sought an audience with Mammon and that have lost their souls without ever getting anything in return; the Lord of the Third rightly feels that those that summon him cannot truly value their immortal souls, and he is always open to further attempts to summon and deal with him in order to buy the soul back · the value of the soul generally increases tenfold or more in value in such situations.
The verbal components of the invocation required to summon Mammon comprise exactly twenty-seven stanzas; whether by chance or design, each stanza is located in a different location scattered across the mortal coil and the Realities Beyond. Furthermore, each stanza is actually a part of another Power’s sacred texts, and the summoning of the Lord of the Third thus happens by stealing a portion of each of those Powers’ divine might. Once each stanza has been read aloud, gold, silver, and other precious metals (along with any gems in the room) are torn from their places to mesh and coalesce into the form of Mammon in the midst of the room. He looks over the room with a glittering smile, weighing up the value of all that remains (the initial despoiling should account for no more than 18,000gp worth of materials); each round that the audience continues, he sends more of the wealth in the room to his Gilded Vault (3,000 gp allotments). Should Mammon believe that the invocant will not prove to be a worthy deal, he will generally delay proceedings long enough to take everything of value, even the clothes of the summoner and his underlings, before informing all present that he must leave to attend to -matters of state-, giving the invocants a chance to gather more wealth for next time.
While it seems that a meeting with Mammon is expensive · and it is · for those that plan well it can also be extremely profitable (at least while mortality continues). The founding fortunes of some of the wealthiest mortal families have been attributed, at least in part, to Mammon’s -patronage-. Likewise, the sudden reversal of such economic good fortune has been laid at the feet of dealings with the Lord of the Third.
As the audience draws near its close, the gems and finery which sparkle over Mammon’s great girth begin to dull and then disappear, as if the stars in the firmament were being whisked away. Thus he disappears by degrees, until not a red penny remains of his form. When he finally vanishes, his last act is to purloin the expensive architecture of the very room that he was summoned into; without the supporting pillars, the ceiling generally collapses in 1d3 rounds. Wise invocants prepare for such an eventuality by specially designing the room to be used to avoid such a fate, or merely staying within an easy dash of an exit. It is typical that the room in which Mammon was summoned to be completely empty of anything of value once the interaction is concluded.