Devil Haagenti, Arch-Devil of Inspiration ‘the Ultimate Alchemist’

Haagenti is a Great President of Hell, ruling thirty-three legions of demons. He makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine.
Haagenti is depicted as a big bull with the wings of a Griffin, changing into a man under request of the conjurer.
Originally from The Book of Fiends
Designed By Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J. Schwalb
Full netbook can be found on the following website
Layer: Cerebulim-The Hermetic Horizon, Avernus, First of the Nine Hell’s of Perdition
Areas of Concern: Alchemy, Inspiration, wealth, transmogrification, experimentation, progress, creation of artificial life
Domains: Change, Earth, Evil, Metallurgy
Favored Weapon: dagger
To transmute lead to gold or mold flesh like clay is to achieve the divine. The modern alchemist is the inheritor of a proud, ancient tradition that seeks ultimately to elevate mortals to the station of divinity by giving them power over the earth and over life itself. When base metals become precious by the application of sacred chemicals or when weird liquids and complex gestures ignite the spark of life in an artificial being, the alchemist has transcended mortality and has become a god of his own creation.
Nothing must stand in the way of the alchemist’s pursuit -not morality, family, love, friendship, or the boundaries of propriety. Scientific advancement directs the alchemist’s every move. Consequences are irrelevant to the forward march of progress. So holds the lore of Haagenti, and his teachings have great allure for arrogant scientists who would crown themselves enlightened victors overthe bloodied corpse of traditional, repressive religion.
The Ultimate Alchemist appears as a great amber bull with smoldering red eyes that seem to pulsate with the beating heart of the natural world. His raspy voice echoes like wind through abandoned mines, recollecting the toil the uneducated must endure to achieve material wealth. Two great feathered wings, similar to those of a griffon, emerge from Haagenti’s powerful back, representing the limitless bounds to which an alchemist might ascend if he successfully navigates the path to godhead.
Haagenti’s personal city, Cerebulim, teems with the fruits of his followers’ labors. Evidence of scientific progress abounds in the form of cyclopean metal buildings, fantastic vehicles of transport that convey devils and souls alike at frightening speeds, and weapons of unthinkable power that project alchemical bullets with the force of a hundred crossbows. All such technology, however, bears some sign of its terrible cost. Wailing mortals perch like gargoyles atop awe-inspiring skyscrapers and mourn as they consider their own intestines and vertebrae, hardened through arcane procedures and used as cable and mortar to strengthen the structural integrity of the towers upon which they sit. Putrid, cloying smoke plagues the air, blotting out natural light and giving the layer an acidic smell. Vast herds of mortals abducted from the Material Plane clog sanitariums and hospitals, where they are sliced apart by workman-like, analytical doctors and scientists searching for the means to prolong life, no matter the cost of the research. Termed the Hermetic Horizon, Cerebulim gives a glimpse of a technological future unfettered by moral or ethical limitations upon progress.
Followers of Haagenti generally pursue tripartite goals: discover a process of transforming any metal to silver or gold; uncover an elixir to extend life indefinitely; and create artificial life in the form of constructed beings. The very concept of change fascinates them, as any transformation from one form to another might hold the key to attaining their sacred alchemical goals. Their stated ambition -to become divine through transformative power- predictably outrages members of more conservative religions, who hold that certain practices by their nature fall outside the realm of mortals. Truepractitioners of the faith exhibit a great deal of medical and alchemical skill, however, and can be of great assistance to those who don’t know or care to know exactly how they gained their helpful knowledge. Haagentian alchemists view charlatans as a serious threat to their respectability, and persecute them to the best of their ability whenever possible.
Thaumaturges dedicated to Haagenti engage in a daily obedience knownas the Divine Experiment. In this ritual they attempt, through the use of quicksilver, to separate gold and silver from the ‘native matrix’ of some base substance (ranging from lead to elven flesh). Each day they must perform the ritual upon a new material. After doing so, the alchemist must write his observations upon a perfectly square piece of parchment, which is then burned, transferring all that he has learned to a great depository of knowledge on Cerebulim. At the end of the hour-long ritual, the thaumaturge’s spell complement is replenished. The ritual consumes about 3 gp worth of materials per day. Such materials are easily attainable in any settlement large enough to be considered a town (see settlement sizes).
Note: Followers dedicated to Haagenti treat Craft (alchemy) as a class skill. They often create one or more homunculi to act as personal assistants.
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
Haagenti | |
Arch-Devil of Inspiration the Ultimate Alchemist | |
The Dark Dreamer | |
Bard 10/Loremaster 20 | |
Large outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Symbol | A black cloud filled with stars on a dark blue, inverted triangle |
Hit Dice | 45d8 + 10d6 + 20d4 + 675 (1175 hp) |
Initiative | +18 (+10 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative) |
Speed | 120 ft., Fly 240 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 74 (-1 size, +14 deflection, +10 Dexterity, +34 natural, +6 profane), touch 40, flat-footed 64 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +60/+73 |
Attack | Claw +68 melee (4d6+9) |
Full Attack | 2 claws +68 melee (4d6+9), 2 wings +63 melee (4d8+4), 1 gore +63 melee (2d8+4) |
Space/Reach | 10 ft. /10 ft. |
Special Attacks | Call devils, Darkest Dreams, Diabolical Aura, Live the Nightmare, the Presence of Hell, Shattered Dreams, spell-like abilities, spells |
Special Qualities | Abomination traits, arch-devil qualities, bardic music (countersong, fascinate 4 creatures, inspire competence, inspire courage +2, inspire greatness, suggestion Will DC 29), Blindsight 500 ft., damage reduction 30/epic, good and silver; Darkvision 60 ft., Diabolical Prowess, divine immunities, greater lore, immunity to fire and poison, Inspired Addiction, lore +52, nondetection, regeneration 18, resistance to acid 30 and cold 30, see in darkness, Spell Resistance 63, telepathy 1,000 ft., true lore |
Saves | Fort +50, Ref +51, Will +51 |
Abilities | Strength 28, Dexterity 31, Constitution 28, Intelligence 42, Wisdom 26, Charisma 38 |
Skills | Appraise +16 (alchemical devices +41), Balance +16, Bluff +84, Concentration +87, Craft (alchemy) +99, Decipher Script +52, Diplomacy +92 (+98 with evil beings), Disguise +62 (+70 when acting in character), Escape Artist +58, Gather Information +58, Heal +31, Hide +64, Intimidate +72 (+78 against evil beings), Jump +64, Knowledge (arcane) +74, Knowledge (architecture) +52, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +32, Knowledge (history) +64, Knowledge (local: Hell) +74, Knowledge (nature) +22, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +29, Knowledge (the planes) +94, Knowledge (religion) +78, Listen +56, Move Silently +58, Perform (orator) +50, Search +58 (+62 finding secret doors), Sense Motive +66, Spellcraft + 94 (+102 deciphering scrolls), Spot +56, Survival +56 (+60 underground, +64 on another plane, +62 while tracking), Tumble +64, Use Magical Device +96 (+108 with scrolls), Rope Use+13 (+21 with bindings) |
Feats | Brew Potion, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dark Speech B, Energy Admixture (sonic), Energy Substitution (sonic), Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Focus (divination), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (charm monster), Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell Focus (divination) |
Epic Feats | Efficient Item Creation, Epic Evil Brand B, Epic Spell Focus (divination), Epic Spellcasting, Ignore Material Components, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity (7th), Improved Spell Capacity (8th), Improved Spell Capacity (9th), Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Multispell, Polyglot, Spell Stowaway (wish), Superior Initiative |
Environment | Cerebulim-The Hermetic Horizon, Avernus, First of the Nine Hell’s of Perdition |
Organization | Unique (Solitary) or with 2-4 Golems, Alchemical 1-2 Golems, Cannon 4-8 Golems Clockwork and 1-10 Homunculus |
Challenge Rating | 51 |
Treasure | Quadruple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil (Neutral Evil tendencies) |
Every revolution, every change, every act of creation, everything mortals aspire to often geminates from dreams. Dreaming is typically perceived as the ability to think beyond the constraints of the present, to peer into a possible, undiscovered future, in order to bring about something new and innovative. Strongly identified with change and whim, few associate dreams with the suffocating darkness of Hell. In Hell, dreams are ruthlessly stamped out’ Or so many from The Abyss or the Realms Above would have mortals believe. Indeed, there is some truth to the position of Hell’s enemies. Hell despises dreams that seek to bring about change with which Hell disagrees. Essentially, in Hell, dreams must fit into the grand plan, the schemes that will ensure the fulfillment of Hell’s intent to control all of Creation. Any dreams that get in the way of this goal are at enmity with Perdition. As a result, devils and those who serve the will of Hell find it better to hide their dreams, to blanket them under logic, formality, and reason. But, dreams are very much a part of Hell and have been powerful motivators for much of what has happened in The Pit for countless millennia. And, standing at the vanguard of unconstrained dreaming in Hell is the Arch- Devil of Inspiration, Haagenti the Dark Dreamer.
One of the oldest arch-devils, Haagenti can be counted among the malefircareim, the hellspawn that emerged from the blood of The Overlord. From the start, Haagenti was different from his peers. While they sought to impose their own order on each other, Haagenti sought another route. Rather than fight against his brethren, Haagenti sought to do the unthinkable: understand their motivations. Haagenti sought to explore the dreams that moved his brothers, encouraging them to think and perceive beyond their constraints and boundaries. This peculiar behavior cast Haagenti on the periphery of the battles that rocked Hell before Lucifer’s appearance, the other malefircareim regarding the Dark Dreamer as a weak fool not worthy of inclusion in their conflict’ Yet and still, many secretly traveled to Haagenti to find the means to overthrow their self-imposed restrictions, their personal limitations. Grudgingly, many viewed their successes as revelations from their time spent with their outcast brethren, believing that his flawed nature benefited them due to their own perfection. What so many never understood was that Haagenti learned a great deal more about them than they learned about themselves and this knowledge Haagenti coveted not because he planned on using it to rule Hell, but because it provided satisfaction in his own superior ability to exist on a higher plane. Haagenti could do what the others could not: he could ignore the binding impulses of Perdition and carve his own destiny, all the while ensuring that those that met with him witlessly fed his insatiable curiosity about Existence.
Eventually, Lucifer arose and reined in the malefircareim, slaughtering tens of thousands of them. Haagenti remained one of the few unscathed by the first Overlord’s purge. However, when called before Lucifer, Haagenti was simultaneously rewarded and punished. Although gifted with great power as an arch-devil, the Dark Dreamer was also marked as a traitor to his kind and was cast out of Hell. This was of minor importance to Haagenti, for in the countless eons he traveled the Cosmos, seeking to inspire others to unbind their own limitations in favor of a greater cause. Haagenti inspired revolutionaries, offering them glimpses into a future in which all was orderly and all were equal in utopia. He inspired propaganda, allowing artists to subtly encourage unity and hard work in pursuit of a common cause. Haagenti turned the still waters of the mind into the wine from a vineyard of ideas. He forged gold from the iron mind of mortals and immortals alike, never remaining in place too long, always pursuing a new opportunity.
Many wonder if Haagenti is truly evil. After all, he seeks to unbind the creativity, to inspire and grow. What too many do not realize is that Haagenti seeks not to release creativity for the sake of art and expression, but for the purpose of channeling specific attitudes and goals through art and expression. Namely, Haagenti seeks to fulfill the darkest, most tyrannical dreams of mortals. He encourages those strong of mind, but weak in spirit, to attack the joys of independence and freedom in the name of unity. This unity is a façade, for in reality, Haagenti wants nothing less than the binding of the body and emotions of all under a common banner. Although Haagenti seeks not to rule, he himself is as bound by the laws of Hell for all he can do is perpetuate tyranny and oppression. The inspiration he unleashes, the dreams he helps bring to reality always have an end result that promotes evil and order. The revolutionaries impose martial law, overthrow existing democracies or beneficent monarchies in return for massive empires. The artists create music or murals that speak to the heart of the oppressor and open the mind of the demagogue. Haagenti inspires nothing less than Hell.
Although Haagenti has spent the majority of his time traveling the Cosmos, particularly the Prime, since the Dies Irae, he has found his way back to Hell. As time has progressed, Haagenti has slowly abandoned his selfcentered nature as he has become more convinced that the knowledge he has acquired may have put him in a position to inspire change in the changeless places for a greater rule. Thus has Haagenti returned to Hell. Setting up his Infernal Realm of Dark Dawn on Avernus, Haagenti – although still an outcast – has received a pardon from Asmodeus. Haagenti has no allies among the Peerage of Perdition, particularly the oldest Lords of the Nine, ensuring his continued isolation. Dispater and Mephistopheles, in particular, despise him, viewing him as a mutant among their kind, an example of a devil infected with elements demonic. Indeed, Mephistopheles would like nothing better than to consume Haagenti’s knowledge and then cast his lifeless husk into the Pit of Darkness. Dispater fears Haagenti’s ability to give meaning to the most deplorable task, knowing that such an attitude upsets his dedication to the status quo. Haagenti also finds that he is opposed by Belial and Beelzebub; while the Master of Pain and Sufferings regards the Dark Dreamer as a flighty simpleton, Beelzebub’s ideas about perfection cannot support the arch-devil’s promotion of individualism. The only Lord that has any meaningful relationship with Haagenti is Bael who recognizes the value of thinking outside the box. Still, Bael is cautious with Haagenti, knowing that although his exile has been released the Dark Dreamer still remains beyond the bonds of Hell. Interestingly, Haagenti has quite a few allies among the Dukes of Hell, particularly with Caim, Caarcrinolaas, Amdusias, and Carreau. Each of these Dukes inspires change of some sort and sees a kindred spirit in the Dark Dreamer. Still, the Dukes are careful to conceal any alliances they may have with Haagenti and it is unlikely that they are aware of others. Interestingly, Haagenti has no known alliance with other cosmic entities or gods.
Haagenti’s Appearance
Haagenti appears as a hefty humanoid with vaguely bovine features. His flesh is like the moody night sky, dark blue with white and gray clouds perpetually drifting, and his amber eyes are like those of an owl. A pair of bull-like horns juts from the side of his head and a pair of blue and gray wings sprout from his back. Haagenti tends to dress in very stylish black doublets and high, black leather boots. He rarely carries anything other than a medallion (actually an amulet of the planes). Haagenti speaks in a deep, soothing voice and he has never been known to raise his voice; the only way to know that Haagenti is filled with rage is when he is utterly silent an occurrence that happens very infrequently.
Haagenti is not a combatant by any stretch of the imagination. He hates fighting, physical or otherwise and other arch-devils and Lords of the Nine of hellspawn origins point to this aversion as further proof of his weakness. If faced with a situation that requires combat, Haagenti will immediately teleport or plane shift away, rarely taking time to determine who dared to attack him. In a situation that requires combat, Haagenti uses his Diabolical Aura, Presence of Hell, and Shattered Dreams in immediate succession. He will then attempt to curse the most dangerous opponent before taking to the skies in order to maintain distance. From here, Haagenti will concentrate on remaining adversaries with his most powerful spell-like abilities.
Bard spells known:
- 0 – daze, flare, Know Direction, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic;
- 1st – cure light wounds, Extract Drug*, hypnotism, Sorrow*, undetectable alignment;
- 2nd – Addiction*, calm emotions, eagle’s splendour, fox’s cunning;
- 3rd – crushing despair, Cure serious wounds, displacement, glibness, remove curse;
- 4th – detect scrying, dominate person, modify memory, rainbow pattern, zone of silence;
- 5th – dream, false vision, Mass suggestion, mind fog, nightmare;
- 6th – analyse dweomer, Bestow Greater Curse*, Greater Scrying, project image
(4/8/8/7/7/7/7/3/3/3/3/2/2. 60th level caster; base DC 33 + spell level, DC 37 + spell level for divination).
Call Devils (Sp): As a standard action Haagenti can attempt to call devils. He may attempt to call up to three times per day, 3 pit fiends, 9 gelugons or cornugons, or 18 of any lesser type of devil. Haagenti has a 50% chance of success with each calling attempt. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their descriptions allow. Haagenti loathes calling on devils, fearing swift reprisal from Asmodeus or any of the Lords of the Nine. However, if in a situation that warrants it, the Lord of Luster will call on erinyes. He will only call on more powerful devils if his very existence is threatened.
When in a spot, Haagenti will call on axiomatic dream larvae. These creatures represent his own warped values with regards to dreams and follow his will to the spirit and letter. The Dark Dreamer may call one axiomatic dream larvae thrice per day.
Darkest Dreams (Su): As the Arch-Devil of Inspiration, Haagenti often sends dreams to those with delusion of grandeur and those with misguided goals to improve society through propaganda and creativity. Thrice per day, Haagenti may call on Darkest Dreams.
When the Lord of Luster uses Darkest Dreams, he does not necessarily sleep himself and is perfectly able to react to any attack against his person, although in doing so he voluntarily ends the effect. Should Haagenti decide to attempt to continue his assault against an unsuspecting soul, he may receive a Concentration check DC as if he were attempting to cast a spell while being distracted (this effect functions as a 10th level spell).
Ostensibly, Darkest Dreams functions in a manner similar to the dream or nightmare spells and Haagenti can chose between the two. Haagenti can extend his Darkest Dream ability to any being whose name he knows within a one mile radius of his person. The recipient must be asleep when Haagenti contacts him. The victim believes that he is dreaming and has no reason to suspect that he is being contacted by a devil. In the dream, Haagenti uses poetry, music, or speech to convince the recipient of a course of action relevant to the recipient’s goals and desires. In most cases, Haagenti offers dreams that prompt recipients to engage in acts in pursuit of stronger governmental control over creativity, art, and cultural elements. Thus, to a guildsman interested in curtailing artistic expression, Haagenti would provide a dream to bolster the recipient’s Charisma when promoting his position before his peers. In any case, when Haagenti appears in the dream, the recipient receives a Will saving throw DC 55 to refuse the offer and immediately wake up; if the recipient fails, he is affected by a suggestion spell that persists for the next nine days as he does everything within legal means to achieve his goal; Haagenti even offers a wish to the victim, allowing strange coincidences to occur to promote a successful meeting of the victim’s goal. Each day, he receives a +2 bonus to Charisma even as his Wisdom suffers a -2 penalty. Once the victim reaches his goal, the bonuses immediately disappear; unfortunately, the penalties are released by 2 over the next nine days. If the recipient never achieves his dream, then he suffers from the nightmare aspect of the effect.
When using the nightmare aspect of Darkest Dreams, Haagenti sends a disturbing image of a goal or desire being shattered by another or by a weak government. In this version of Darkest Dreams, the victim likewise feels a strong suggestion to do whatever is necessary within legal means to protect his dreams. However, he becomes obsessed with his goal and suffers a -2 penalty to his Charisma for each day as he becomes more forceful; this is coupled with a loss of 10 hit points. Otherwise, this version of Darkest Dream is identical to nightmare. Haagenti finds the nightmare aspect of Darkest Dreams to be beneficial to weed out those in the way of his reforms and propaganda, finding amusement in them knowing what is about to happen to their world but with reduced means to stop the outcome. The nightmare portion of Darkest Dreams can only overcome by a good aligned cleric of at least 31st level.
Diabolical Aura (Ex): Haagentis Diabolical Aura can be ignored on a successful Will save DC 55.
Inspired Addiction (Ex): Haagenti finds that at times, inspiration requires a bit of a push and he is more than willing to provide that push. Haagenti offered Inspired Addiction to those foolish enough to take his offers of help.
Nine times per day, Haagenti may offer a boon to almost any aspect of a clients life. Typical boons include a +2 bonus to ability scores, a +3 bonus to skill
ranks, a new feat or spell, or an enchantment to a magic item (that exceeds the typically limits of said item). Every three days for the next three months, these bonuses increase as the client slowly sees his dreams fulfilling, his inspiration fueling his creativity and success.
However, in return for these boons, Haagenti sees to it that the victim pays. The victim becomes addicted to something related to his dreams, but dangerous to his being or freedom. Thus, a musician may find himself addicted to stimulant drugs or sensations while a sculptor may find herself addicted to acts that harm her body. The addiction must be fed for at least one hour every three days or else the victim suffers from fatigue and takes 10 points of damage each day until the addiction is accepted (for every required time skipped, the client must satisfy the addiction twice).
Haagenti is capable of removing the addiction by rarely does so unless the client swears his soul to the Arch-Devil of Inspiration. Once this occurs, the victim becomes irrevocably Lawful Evil and his soul is consigned to the Infernal Realm of Dark Dawn under Haagentis control. Conversely, the victim may approach a 31st level cleric, receive restoration, atone, and pursue a quest to overcome the addiction permanently; this must be accomplished within three weeks or else the addiction remains permanently.
Live the nightmare (Su): The Arch-Devil of Inspiration knows how to make the dreams of success turn into failures. He also knows how to turn dreams against the dreamer.
Nine times per day, Haagenti can bring nightmares into flesh. This allows him to magnify adverse effects on the targeted creature while belittling beneficial effects. When used in this fashion, Live the nightmare seems to cause all negative effects to function at maximum intensity for the next nine rounds. Thus, if a victim takes damage, he suffers the maximum amount of damage caused by the source; if the victim is forced to make a saving throw to avoid harm, he automatically fails. However, what the victim does not know is that these adverse effects are all in his imagination which now functions under Haagentis control. Thus, real damage is rolled separately and that is truly what the victim suffers although he will not know this unless he makes a successful saving throw against Live the nightmare. Conversely, Haagenti makes beneficial effects seem inconsequential to the victim; thus, healing spells seem to provide the lowest possible benefit, restorative magicks do not function at all and so on. Again, these effects truly work as normal save that the victim does not see it. As a result, a victim of Live the nightmare may die from a poisoning against which he really saved; or the victim continues to lose hit points after a successful heal skill check (the victim does not have to be conscious to avoid Live the nightmare power as it affects the soul, not the mind).
Live the nightmare affects all creatures within 90-feet of Haagenti that fail a Will save DC 55.
The Presence of Hell (Su): Haagentis Presence of Hell has a 1350-foot radius centered on himself, and all effects are as those cast by a 54th level sorcerer. The Will save DC is 55.
Regeneration (Ex): Haagenti takes normal damage from epic good-aligned silvered weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.
Shattered Dreams (Su): Haagenti knows all about the dreams that motivate beings. He knows well that most dreams are built upon the premise of things achieved and earned through hard work, perseverance, and luck. Haagenti knows how to tear down the qualities within beings that forge realities out of dreams.
Nine times per day, Haagenti can call on Shattered Dreams. This power extends in a 90 foot radius from Haagentis person, possesses a Will saving throw DC 55, and actively affects creatures over nine rounds; those that fail their saves are permanently affected by Shattered
Dreams. Shattered Dreams allows Haagenti to make the things gained in pursuit of one’s dreams turn against the owner. This focuses on a character’s
most prized possession or on the most important element of the victim’s life at the time; thus, a cleric in the heat of battle against undead may find his ability to turn them tarnished; the next day, while trying to heal allies, the same cleric finds that he cannot reach his deity. Furthermore, the most prized possession does not necessarily have to be an item; for one wizard it may be his ability to cast spells while for another it may be the ability to use a powerful magic item. A fighter swinging a sword would find himself incapable of attacking with the sword at all, while a rogue may not be able to Climb walls for the duration of the effect. Minor or major artifacts are not affected by Shattered Dreams ability and always function properly.
Shattered Dreams can only be removed by a cleric of at least 31st level casting miracle followed by remove curse.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will – animate dead, blasphemy, blur, charm monster, create undead, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, detect
chaos, detect good, Detect Magic, fear, flame strike, fireball, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, Magic Circle Against Chaos, magic circle against good, major image, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, produce flame, pyrotechnics, raise dead, read magic, suggestion, symbol of pain, telekinesis, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, unhallow, wall of fire;
3/ day – destruction, firestorm, meteor swarm;
1/day – hellball, Implosion, wish.
Caster level 59th; DC 33 + spell level.
Haagenti’s Possessions
Haagenti always carries an amulet of the planes, given to him untold years ago by a witless mortal. Otherwise, Haagenti has little reason to carry anything, although he has access to countless treasures within his realm, Dark Dawn.
Summoning Haagenti
The Dark Dreamer, though ostracized within Hell, is nonetheless one of the most sought after arch-devils in the Cosmos. Those who seek him are hell-bent on defining themselves as something greater and believe that Haagenti will fast track them along this path. Such desires tend to grow over time. Something about such souls allows Haagenti to find them, watching, feeding upon, and eventually entering their dreams. Those along the path to dealing directly with the Dark Dreamer can sometimes be recognized by the way they live their lives: their waking hours are short, but taken up in fervent, single-minded pursuit of a particular thing, and dark circles ring around eyes that gleam with the spark of inspiration.
It is by dreams that these creatures learn how to summon Haagenti, sometimes by the apparition of Haagenti himself. The danger in this is that the Dark Dreamer does not teach those who seek him how to also protect themselves; such things must be discovered elsewhere.
Haagenti must be summoned during the quiet hours of the night. Incantations are whispered, never shouted, and the place of summons must be lit by lavender-scented candles. The inner of the two magic circles should be placed askew, smaller than usual and towards the west side of the outer magic circle. Those who have not been taught the protective aspects of summoning Haagenti will place the chief summoner on a bed in the center of the outer magic circle, close to the inner circle. At the height of the summoning, the summoner will fall into a deep sleep as Haagenti appears; the Arch-Devil of Inspiration will deal only with the sleeping creature. Since the chief summoner is within the outer magic circle, nothing prevents Haagenti from simply destroying the creature should he please and such a threat can be used as a bargaining chip should guile not sufficiently serve the Dark Dreamers purposes.
Better-prepared summoners will instead place a good aligned humanoid within the outer magic circle as a sacrifice. Should said sacrifice have more than 18 Hit Dice, the summoner gains a +5 bonus when determining the success of the incantation. In any case, the humanoid must be bound to the bed and either magically or alchemically induced to sleep.
At the height of the incantation, images begin to appear within the inner magic circle. Such images vary depending on the viewer, but invariably are a mix of people, places and events seen by the individual over the last nine days; those already steeped in evil will generally see horrible things, with a Will save DC 55 required to avoid becoming shaken. Non-evil summoners are more likely to see images that only enhance their desires to bargain with the Dark Dreamer. These images eventually shimmer and fade, so that Haagenti is revealed standing upon a swathe of vivid green lawn, while stars begin to appear and circle him. While most of the stars are blue-white, a single, malevolent red orb is the last to appear, and it moves swiftly to engulf and consume all the other stellar bodies. Haagenti watches this display, though he must have seen it many times before, with undisguised longing. Once the display is complete, the red star is about the size of Haagenti’s head, and it thereafter orbits him throughout the encounter.
Haagenti does not rush through any bargains made, nor does he use threats to reach the desired end. He makes liberal use of illusion not to deceive so much as to show possible futures for potential clients, awakening their greed and passion for the path he offers. Many times the bargain is not complete when the summons ends, though the Arch-Devil of Inspiration tells such clients that he will contact them in their dreams.
At the end of the summons, the clouds that appear to move across Haagenti’s skin begin to race as if before a furious wind. The light within the area flickers on and off, and the red star expands behind the Dark Dreamer, appearing soon thereafter to sink into the ground like a hellish sunset. Inky darkness fills the area, and Haagenti – along with the sleeping sacrifice – disappears in the midst of it. Those who summon Haagenti without a summoning sanctuary in place must make a Will save DC 55 or suffer nightmares every night from that time onwards. While evil creatures will generally dream of the consequences of crossing Haagenti (the Dark Dreamer has meted out some particularly exotic punishments over the eons), non-evil creatures merely dream and remember how much more vivid life was when Haagenti met with them, and will seek out narcotics in order to try and replicate the experience.