Hephaestus (Lord of the Forges, Smith of the Gods)
“Discover the Divine Secrets of God Hephaestus – Master Craftsman of the Gods!”

- Pantheon: Greek Pantheon
- Deity Title: Hephaestus, God of the Forge
- Deity Symbol: Anvil and Hammer
- Home Plane: Mount Olympus
- Deity Level: Greater Deity
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Aliases: Vulcan, Mulciber
- Superior: Zeus
- Traditional Allies: Athena, Apollo, Dionysus
- Traditional Foes: Ares, Hera
- Divine Artifact: The Hammer of Hephaestus
- Servants: Cabeiroi, Cyclopes
- Servitor Creatures: Forge Guardians, Animated Objects, Colossi (Iron and Stone), Cyclopes, Dactyls, Dwarves, Effigy Creature, Golems ( Copper, Flesh, Iron, Stone)
- Sacred Animal: Quail
- Manifestations: Burst of celestial fire, echoing clang of a hammer striking an anvil
- Signs of Favor: Celestial symbols of artistry and craftsmanship appearing in the skies, miraculous advancements in metalworking
- Worshipers: Blacksmiths, artisans, craftsmen, inventors, engineers
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, True Neutral
- Specialty Priests: Master Artificers, Celestial Smiths
- Holy Days: Hephaestia – Festival of the Forge, celebrated on the summer solstice
- Portfolio: Artistry, craftsmanship, blacksmithing, metalworking, invention, innovation
- Domains: Forge, Knowledge, Artifice, Fire
- Favored Weapon: Warhammer
- Favored Class: Artificer
- Favored Race: Dwarves
- Duties of the Priesthood: Commune with the divine flame, create and bless magical artifacts, conduct sacred smithing rituals
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: Temple of Hephaestus in Athens, Forge of the Gods on Mount Etna
- Benefits: Blessed with divine inspiration in metalworking and crafting, ability to call upon celestial fire for protection or destruction, granted insight into the inner workings of the universe’s cosmic machinery
In the divine realm of Olympus, Hephaestus, the illustrious God of the Forge, stands with a commanding presence that exudes both power and wisdom. Towering above the other deities, he possesses a robust and muscular physique, shaped by countless hours spent laboring over his celestial anvil. Despite his imposing stature, Hephaestus bears a slight limp due to a club foot, a physical imperfection that does not diminish the brilliance of his craftsmanship.
His eyes, the color of molten gold, gleam with an inner fire that reflects the passion and creativity that drive his divine artistry. They hold the wisdom of eons, a testament to his keen observations of the mortal realm and the celestial heavens. Framed by a flowing mane of fiery red hair and a thick beard, his weathered and wise countenance commands respect and reverence.
Hephaestus’ attire befits his role as the master of the forge. He wears a finely woven tunic, adorned with intricate patterns that symbolize the celestial constellations. Over his broad shoulders rests a heavy, leather apron, embossed with ancient runes and symbols, attesting to the arcane knowledge he possesses. A celestial crown, adorned with gems that shimmer like stars, rests upon his brow, marking his divine station.
Within his divine forge, the air crackles with the scent of smoldering metal and the rhythmic clang of hammers striking anvils. The glow of celestial fire dances upon the walls, illuminating the vast array of celestial creations that surround him. It is a place of divine inspiration, where the raw elements of creation are forged into magnificent works of artistry and power.
As the divine patron of artisans and blacksmiths, Hephaestus’ purpose is two-fold. First, he guards the sacred flame that fuels the cosmic engine of creation, the divine spark that gives life to the universe. Second, he serves as the epitome of craftsmanship and ingenuity, inspiring mortals to pursue excellence in their own endeavors. His divine forge is not merely a place of metalworking; it symbolizes the transformative power of creativity and the boundless potential of the mortal spirit.
Despite his physical challenges, Hephaestus’ determination and skill have earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow gods. His goal is to ignite the flame of creativity in all beings, leaving an enduring legacy of artistry and innovation that will resonate throughout eternity. Through his divine craftsmanship, he shapes the destiny of the cosmos, crafting celestial wonders that inspire awe and wonder in both gods and mortals alike.
Hephaestus’ actions are driven by a desire to bring forth beauty and harmony through his creations, and he takes pride in the exquisite craftsmanship that sets him apart from his divine brethren. His divine artistry extends beyond mere metalworking; he has crafted magnificent weapons for the gods, enchanted artifacts of great power, and awe-inspiring celestial wonders that adorn the heavens.
In the grand tapestry of the divine pantheon, Hephaestus’ role as the master of the forge weaves an indelible thread, forever shaping the destiny of the cosmos and the aspirations of those who seek to create and innovate. As a god of both power and humility, he embodies the essence of transformation and the potential of the mortal spirit to rise above any perceived limitations. Through his divine artistry, Hephaestus imparts the belief that even imperfections can become sources of strength, and that creativity and craftsmanship hold the power to forge a better and more wondrous world for all.
Roleplaying Notes
Used with permissiom from Palindrome
As seen in Palindrome thread at Dicefreaks
Hephaestus | |
Transmuter 35/Effigy Master 5/Master Arcane Artisan 20 | |
Medium outsider (Extraplanar) | |
Divine Rank | 14 |
Hit Dice | 35d4 (transmuter) plus 5d4 (effigy master) plus 20d4 (master arcane artisan) plus 840 (1020 hp) |
Initiative | +18 (+10 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative *always goes first) |
Speed | 90 ft. |
Armor Class | 72 (+29 natural, +9 deflection, +14 divine, +10 Dexterity), touch 43, flat-footed 72 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +30/+44 |
Attack | Tekne melee +69 or +44 melee touch or +41 ranged touch |
Full Attack | Tekne melee +69/+64/+59 (2d6 plus +3d6 (fire) plus +20/19-20/x3 plus +9d6 (fire)) or +44 melee touch or +41 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spells, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | bonus items, cannibalize magic items, craft effigy, divine aura (1400 feet, DC 33), divine immunities, DR 25/epic and adamantine, effigy link, godly realm (10 miles outer plane, 1400 ft. Material Plane), greater teleport at will, improved effigy, item creation XP pool, plane shift at will, rapid item creation, remote communication, resistance (acid) 19, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings with 14 miles, SR 74 |
Saves | Fort +54 Ref +49 Will +58 |
Abilities | Strength 39, Dexterity 30, Constitution 38, Intelligence 38, Wisdom 34, Charisma 28 |
Skills | Appraise +88 (+96 armor, bows, jewelry, metalwork, weaponsmithing, +92 woodwork), Concentration +77, Craft (armorsmithing, bowmaking +88, jeweler +83, metalworking, weaponsmithing +112, woodworking +73), Decipher Script +58, Diplomacy +42, Disable Device +39, Gather Information +49, Intimidate +53, Jump +53, Knowledge +88, local-Olympus +88, the planes +78), Listen +46, Move Silently +44, Profession (smith) +110, Search +58 (+64 find secret doors/hidden compartments), Sense Motive +56, Spellcraft +62 (+68 spells on scrolls), Spot +39, Survival +36 (+40 extraplanar, find/follow tracks), Use Magic Device +83 (+91 scrolls) |
Feats | Craft Construct, Craft Contingent Spell, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Enlarge Spell, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Heighten Spell, Improved Critical (hammer), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Maximize Spell, Persistent spell, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge-arcana), Weapon Focus (hammer) |
Epic Feats | Craft Epic Magic Arms And Armor, Forge Epic Ring, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Efficient Item Creation (arms and armor), Efficient Item Creation (wondrous items), Efficient Item Creation (rings), Epic Prowess, Epic Spellcasting, Ignore Material Components, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic(x2), Intensify Spell, Mighty Sunder, Spontaneous Spell (repair critical damage), Superior Initiative |
Environment | The Bronze Palace, Olympus or Hephaestos’ Forge Lemnos |
Organization | Hephaestos and Aphrodite or Hephaestos and Assistants (4-6 Animated Objects or 2-3 Cyclopes) |
Challenge Rating | 55 |
Treasure | Tekne |
Alignment | True Neutral |
Advancement | — |
Level Adjustment | – |
Alter Reality Hephaestos can use the wish spell with regard to his portfolio, save for the replication of other spells. This ability costs Hephaestos no XP, and requires a standard action to implement.
14/day Hephaestos may add +14 to his effective caster level.
Hephaestus may alter his size between Tiny and Gargantuan.
Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, sonic, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment.
Divine Power Hephaestus is a living embodiment of power, and ancient divine magic flows through his veins. As such, mortal items are of virtually no use to him, being so much weaker than his own innate powers. Hephaestos gains no benefit from a deflection, enhancement, resistance, insight, sacred or profane bonus that is less than +14. Note that this only applies to bonuses that affect Hephaestos himself; weaponry and armor is unaffected by this.
Domain Powers: Gain Proficiency and Weapon Focus with 1 hammer of your choice; +1 caster level on Conjuration (creation) spells; +4 bonus on Craft checks and +1 caster level on Conjuration (creation) spells; Turn Water elementals and rebuke fire elementals 13/day.
Salient Divine Abilities Craft Artifact, Create Object, Create Greater Object, Creator’s Spark (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Curse Item (Unique Salient Divine Ability), Divine Fire Mastery, Control Creatures (Animated Objects), Control Creatures (Effigies), Divine Skill Focus (Craft-metalworking), Divine Skill Focus (Craft-weaponsmithing), Divine Skill Focus (Profession-smith), Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (warhammer), Energy Burst (140 feet, 14d8 fire damage, Ref save DC 31 for half), Irresistible Blows (Fort save DC 36), Master Crafter, Supreme Initiative
Spell-Like Abilities: At will: animate rope, blade barrier, burning hands, create food and water, create water, elemental swarm (fire elementals only), fabricate, fire shield, fire seeds, fire storm, hardening, heat metal, heroes’ feast, incendiary cloud, iron body, keen edge, magic weapon, major creation, minor creation, minor image, pavilion of grandeur, permanent image, prismatic sphere, produce flame, repel metal or stone, resist energy, rusting grasp, stone shape, transmute metal to wood, true creation, wall of fire, wall of iron, wood shape
Hephaestus uses these abilities as a 74rd level caster, except for conjuration spells, which he uses as a 75th-level caster. The save DCs are 43 + spell level.
Creator’s Spark (Unique Salient Divine Ability): Hephaestus may infuse any magical item which he creates with Intelligence in a manner similar to the 9th level Clerical spell awaken construct. Constructs and animated objects Awakened in this manner are always friendly to Hephaestos and will follow verbal commands given by him to the letter, unless he specifically orders them to follow the will of someone else instead.
Curse Item (Unique Salient Divine Ability): As a standard action, Hephaestus may curse any item that he has constructed for another being up to 14 times a day. Hephaestus’ curses are exceptionally difficult to recognize, requiring an Analyze Dweomer cast at 74th level or higher to detect, and they tend to be “creative” and vaguely humorous from his own perspective, such as the throne he constructed for Hera which is just intelligent enough to attempt to teleport out from under her whenever she tries to sit down in it. Hephaestus’ curses may only be lifted by a deity of higher divine rank than himself with the Artifice or Craft Domains.
Possessions: Hephaestus is legendary not only among the mortals on the worlds in which he worshipped, but also among the Olympians themselves for the incredible wide array of magical items and artifacts that he has created. As a result, Hephaestos may be assumed to have access to any magical item that is not incompatible with his alignment or status with the Olympians, even if such items are not on his person. Some of Hephaestos’ more famous magical items and artifacts include the following:
Hephaestus’ Golden Net is an exceptionally powerful artifact that he has used in order to contain the two intermediate deities Ares and Aphrodite when he caught the latter goddess cheating on him with Ares. When thrown, it casts the epic spell gilded cage upon any being caught within it’s strands, preventing even the gods themselves from either breaking the net or using any form of planar travel in order to escape from it’s confines.
Tekne is Hephaestus’ most prized tool and most powerful weapon. It is a +6 fiery burst and greater spellstoring warhammer. On one melee attack per round, he may channel a greater dispel magic spell through it against any magical item that it contacts, suppressing it’s magical power, and once a day, he may use an epic dispel magic through it in the same manner. Tekne is an Artifact.
Other Divine Powers
As an intermediate deity, Hephaestus does not fail checks on a natural 1 and receives a 20 on any check provided that he is required to make one at all. He is immortal.
Senses Hephaestus can see (using normal vision or Low-Light Vision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 14 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 14 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to five locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 8 hours.
Portfolio Sense Hephaestus senses whenever any artisan begins creating a new item, or the use of fire for such purposes up to 14 weeks in the past.
Automatic Actions Hephaestus can use Appraise , Decipher Script, or similar skills that can aid him in his responsibilities if the DC for such actions is 25 of lower, or Craft (metalworking, weaponsmithing), or Profession (smith) if the DC for such actions is 39 or lower. He can perform up to ten such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items Hephaestus can create any kind of weapon or magic item worth less than 200,000 gp if it can be used to create other magical items, assessing the powers of such, or can be used to create forges for such purposes.
Transmuter Spells (0th-14th level) 4/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/3/2/2/2 Hephaestus casts his Transmuter spells at 54th level. Saving throws against his Transmuter spells are DC 24 + spell level. The saving throw DCs are Intelligence-based, and Hephaestos may cast 6 epic spells/day with a maximal Spellcraft DC of 74. Hephaestos prohibited school is Evocation.
Typical Spells Prepared 0th level: arcane mark(x2), mending, read magic.
- 1st level: alarm, animate rope, feather fall, hold portal, shield(x2), true strike, unseen servant.
- 2nd level: arcane lock, glitterdust, invisibility, locate object, magic mouth, obscure object, pyrotechnics, resist energy.
- 3rd level: analyze portal, improved alarm, magic weapon (greater), maximized repair moderate damage, shrink item, slow, stony grasp
- 4th level: bestow curse, detect scrying, illusory wall, improved portal alarm, locate creature, maximized repair serious damage, stone shape
- 5th level: major creation, maximized repair critical damage(x2), telekinesis(x2), permanency, wall of stone
- 6th level analyze dweomer(x2), antimagic field, contingency, legend lore, seal portal, sign of sealing (greater).
- 7th level: arcane sight (greater), maximized disintegrate(x2), greater scrying, instant summons, teleport object
- 8th level: Bestow Greater Curse, elemental body (fire), iron body, moment of prescience, polymorph any object, sympathy.
- 9th level: gate, Genesis, timestop, transmute rock to lava, wish(x2)
- 10th level: heightened temporal stasis, maximized timestop, persistent true seeing
- 11th level: intensified disintegrate(x2),
- 12th level: heightened Bestow Greater Curse(x2)
- 13th level: persistent elemental body (fire), heightened temporal stasis
- 14th level: enlarged, intensified incendiary cloud(x2) epic spells known: create living vault, Disjunction shield, epic dispel magic, gates of Olympus, gilded cage, identify artifact
Craft Effigy (Su) Hephaestus can Craft effigies as a 49th level caster in order to determine the maximum HD of the effigy he can create. Crafting an effigy requires a body to be built from wood, leather, metal, and wire, requiring a DC 15 Craft (metalworking) check.
Improved Effigy (Ex) Hephaestus can improve upon his creations, granting them a permanent +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage, and saves. This requires one day of work and costs up to 100 gp of supplies per HD of the effigy to be improved.
‘Effigy Link (Su) Hephaestus can create a supernatural bond between himself and one of his creations. This requires a 1 hour ritual. Afterwards, he can sense the effigy’s condition (as if he had cast status on the effigy, and can scry on the effigy once a day. Hephaestus may be linked to only one effigy at any given time. If it is destroyed, or if Hephaestus wishes to establish a new link, he can create a link to another Effigy (and eliminate the old link) by performing the ritual with the new effigy.
Rapid Item Creation (Ex) When crafting any magic item for which Hephaestos has selected the Efficient Item Creation feat, he can Craft magic items at an accelerated rate of 110,000 gp/day. This has no effect on creation times for items that require feats for which he has not selected the Efficient Item Creation feat.
Item Creation XP Pool (Ex) Hephaestos possesses a 20,000 XP reservoir of magical energy that can be used to create magic items. These points can be spent only to create magic items, and once spent, the points are gone.
Bonus Items: Hephaestos possesses five additional bonus items worth no more than 500,000 gp that he is capable of manufacturing himself if he possessed the proper prerequisites.
Cannibalize Magic Items (Ex) Hephaestos has the power to cannibalize magic items to harvest the power held within. The process requires 1 day per 100,000 gp of the item (or fraction thereof), at the end of which he can add a number of points to his item creation XP pool equal to one-half the XP required to create the item.
Compared to the other Olympians, the appearance of Hephaestos’ Avatar is relatively straightforward, appearing much as he does; an incredibly muscular male wearing working clothes, carrying Tekne and still walking with the limp given to him by his parents. The smell of burnt metal and cinders constantly attends Hephaestos’ Avatar in any form, and should Hephaestos’ Avatar remain in any location, it begins to grow hotter. Hephaestos’ Avatar usually rides a donkey specially enchanted to be immune to Hephaestos’ Avatar’s fiery influence, and Hephaestos usually sends his Avatar to The Mortal Coil in order to satisfy his curiosity about a new magical item creation, to provide aid along similar lines, or when he is ordered to do so for one of Zeus’ purposes.
Hephaestos’ Avatar | |
Medium outsider (Extraplanar) | |
Divine Rank | 0 |
Hit Dice | 17d4 (transmuter) plus 5d4 (effigy master) plus 8d4 (master arcane artisan) plus 240 (360 hp) |
Initiative | +17 (+9 Dexterity, +8 Superior Initiative * always goes first) |
Speed | 90 ft. |
Armor Class | 41 (+15 natural, +7 deflection, +9 Dexterity), touch 28, flat-footed 32 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +20/+31 |
Attack | +42 Tekne or +31 melee touch or +29 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +42/+37/+32 Tekne (2d6 plus +3d6 (fire) plus +17/19-20/x3 plus +9d6 (fire)) or +31 melee touch or +29 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spells, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities | craft effigy, divine aura (1400 feet, DC 17), divine immunities, DR 10/epic, effigy link, greater teleport at will, improved effigy, plane shift at will, rapid item creation, resistance (acid) 5, SR 47 |
Saves | Fort +28 Ref +20 Will +16 |
Abilities | Strength 32, Dexterity 28, Constitution 26, Intelligence 34, Wisdom 28, Charisma 24 |
Skills | Appraise +36 (+38 armor, bows, jewelry, metalwork, weapons), Concentration +24, Craft (armorsmithing, bowmaking, jeweler, metalworking, weaponsmithing, woodworking +25), Decipher Script +39, Diplomacy +14, Disable Device +12, Gather Information +20, Intimidate +22, Jump +36, Knowledge (arcana +31, architecture and engineering +34, the planes +34), Listen +21, Move Silently +25, Profession (smith) +35, Ride +17, Search +26 (+28 find secret doors/hidden compartments), Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +34 (+38 spells on scrolls), Spot +24, Survival +19 (+21 extraplanar, find/follow tracks), Use Magic Device +28 (+30 spells on scrolls) |
Feats | Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Eschew Materials, Forge Ring, Heighten Spell, Improved Critical (hammer), Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge-arcana), Weapon Focus (hammer) |
Epic Feats | Craft Epic Magic Arms And Armor, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Efficient Item Creation (arms and armor), Ignore Material Components, Superior Initiative |
Environment | Any/underground |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 34 |
Treasure | Tekne |
Alignment | True neutral |
Advancement | — |
Level Adjustment | – |
Divine Immunities Ability damage, ability drain, mind-affecting effects.
Domain Powers Gain Proficiency and Weapon Focus with 1 hammer of your choice; +1 caster level on Conjuration (creation) spells; +4 bonus on Craft checks and +1 caster level on Conjuration (creation) spells; Turn Water elementals and rebuke fire elementals 11/day.
Salient Divine Abilities Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus, Superior Initiative
Spell-Like Abilities 3/day: animate rope, blade barrier, burning hands, create food and water, create water, elemental swarm (fire elementals only), fabricate, fire shield, fire seeds, fire storm, hardening, heat metal, heroes feast, incendiary cloud, iron body, keen edge, magic weapon, major creation, minor creation, minor image, pavilion of grandeur, permanent image, prismatic sphere, produce flame, repel metal or stone, resist energy, rusting grasp, stone shape, transmute metal to wood, true creation, wall of fire, wall of iron, wood shape Hephaestos Avatar uses these abilities as a 30th level caster, except for conjuration spells, which he uses as a 31st-level caster. The save DCs are 17 + spell level.
Transmuter Spells (0th-12th level) 4/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6/5/2/2/2 Hephaestos Avatar casts his Transmuter spells at 29th level. Saving throws against his Transmuter spells are DC 22 + spell level. The saving throw DCs are Intelligence-based, and Hephaestos Avatars prohibited school is Evocation.
Craft Effigy (Su) Hephaestos Avatar can Craft effigies as a 29th level caster in order to determine the maximum HD of the effigy he can create. Crafting an effigy requires a body to be built from wood, leather, metal, and wire, requiring a DC 15 Craft (metalworking) check.
Improved Effigy (Ex) Hephaestos Avatar can improve upon his creations, granting them a permanent +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage, and saves. This requires one day of work and costs up to 100 gp of supplies per HD of the effigy to be improved.
Effigy Link (Su) Hephaestos Avatar can create a supernatural bond between himself and one of his creations. This requires a 1 hour ritual. Afterwards, he can sense the effigys condition (as if he had cast status on the effigy, and can scry on the effigy once a day. Hephaestos may be linked to only one effigy at any given time. If it is destroyed, or if Hephaestos wishes to establish a new link, he can create a link to another Effigy (and eliminate the old link) by performing the ritual with the new effigy.
Rapid Item Creation (Ex) When crafting any magic item for which Hephaestos Avatar has selected the Efficient Item Creation feat, he can Craft magic items at an accelerated rate of 50,000 gp/day. This has no effect on creation times for items that require feats for which he has not selected the Efficient Item Creation feat.
New Epic Spells
Disjunction Shield
Spellcraft DC 62
Components V, S, XP
Casting Time 30 days, 11 minutes
Range Touch
Target One touched object
Duration Permanent
Saving Throw None
Spell Resistance Yes
To Develop 558,000 gp; 12 days; 22,320 XP. Seed: ward (DC 14) Factors: ward against disjunction (+16 DC), cast 20 levels higher (+40 DC), permanent (x5). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), burn 20,000 XP (-200 DC), increase casting time by 30 days (-60 DC), 8d6 backlash damage (-8 DC).
Disjunction is one of the most powerful spells in existence precisely because of its power to damage artifacts, although at significant risk to the caster of the spell. Hephaestos, as the creator of an incredibly wide array of artifacts, has no desire to see his creations destroyed easily, and so protects his creations through this epic spell. Upon the completion of its casting, any touched item is permanently warded against the spell disjunction. This epic spell is vulnerable to epic spells based on the dispel seed, but it is cast 20 levels higher in order to avoid its removal through such means.
Gilded Cage
Spellcraft DC 63
Components V, S, XP, Ritual
Casting Time 100 days, 11 minutes
Range Touched object
Target Touched object
Duration Permanent
Saving Throw None (harmless)
Spell Resistance None (harmless)
To Develop 567,000 gp; 12 days; 22,680 XP. Seed: ward (DC 17) Factors: ward against dimension door (+6 DC), ward against teleport (+8 DC), ward against greater teleport (+12 DC), ward against ethereal jaunt (+12 DC), ward against planeshift (+12 DC), ward against etherealness (+16 DC), ward against gate (+16 DC), ward against miracle (+16 DC), increase caster level by 20 (+40 DC), permanent (x5) Mitigating factors: burn 20,000 XP during casting (-200 DC), increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), increase casting time by 100 days (-200 DC), three additional participants using epic spell slots (-57 DC), three additional participants burn 7,500 XP during casting (-150 DC)
This powerful, but incredibly difficult to cast epic spell was applied to Hephaestos Gilded Net in order to create an Artifact that was completely unbreakable by the combined strength of both Ares and Aphrodite when he caught them in bed together. When the touched object is used to entangle another being, it renders them incapable of using dimension door, teleport, greater teleport, ethereal jaunt, planeshift, gate, or etherealness as means of escape, and it additionally prevents them from using miracle to simulate a planeshifting spell. For the purposes of evading dispelling, this spell is cast 20 levels higher, and so required a dispel check DC 90 in order to lift when Hephaestos cast it.
Gates of Olympus
Abjuration, Divination, Illusion
Spellcraft DC 63
Components V, S, XP, Ritual
Casting Time 11 minutes
Range 60 ft. radius, 180 ft. high
Target Centered on caster
Duration 30 days
Saving Throw None
Spell ResistanceYes
To Develop 567,000 gp; 12 days; 22,680 XP. Seeds: ward (DC 17), contact (DC 23), conceal (DC 17) Factors: block divinations and epic spells based on reveal (+6 DC), contact four additional creatures (+4 DC), contingency (+20 DC), change from touch to target (+4 DC), change from target to area (+10 DC), change area to cylinder (10-ft. radius, 30 ft. high) (+2 DC), increase area by 500% (+20 DC), cast 15 levels higher (+30 DC), increase caster level check against dispel by 15 levels (+30 DC), increase duration by 3000% (+60 DC) Mitigating factors: burn 2,700 XP during casting (-27 DC), increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), backlash 15d6 points of damage (-15 DC), three additional participants using 9th level spell slots (-57 DC), three additional participants take 21d6 points of backlash damage (-60 DC)
Hephaestos, as the architect of many of the palaces of his fellow Olympians, also serves as the deity responsible for the upkeep of their security. One of the epic spells that he uses for such purposes is the Gates of Olympus. Upon the completed casting of the spell, it creates a phenomenally powerful ward which is cast 15 levels higher than normal, and has a 15 level caster level bonus against dispelling. Furthermore, each time a being enters the warded area, a telepathic message is sent to four other creatures of Hephaestos choosing at the time of the casting, typically including Zeus. The Gates of Olympus is also protected against divinations and other spells intended to Detect Magic including spells based on the reveal seed. This prevents any being that attempts to breach an area warded with the Gates of Olympus from knowing about the defended area in advance.
The Gates of Olympus carries a high price in terms of its casting and requires Hephaestos himself to burn 5,000 XP and take 10d6 points of damage such is the power of the spell. The spell also requires the aid of several other casters using 9th level spells and contributing experience of their own, so Hephaestos will either have the aid of those Cyclopes which have chosen to aid him since their liberation, or the Cabeiroi which also assist him in the Forges of Hephaestos.
Identify Artifact
Spellcraft DC 61
Components V, S
Casting Time 11 minutes
Range Touch
Target One touched object
Duration Concentration (up to 10 rounds)
Saving Throw None
Spell ResistanceYes
To Develop 567,000 gp; 12 days; 22,680 XP. Seeds: foresee (DC 23), reveal (DC 19), Factors: cast 25 levels higher for the purposes of defeating Spell Resistance (+50 DC), change from personal to area (+15 DC), change area to touch (+4 DC). Mitigating factors: increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), burn 3,000 XP (-30 DC).
Artifacts, as the most powerful magical items in existence, are both a source of opportunity and danger. Hephaestos uses this epic spell in order to attempt to identify artifacts. After an 11 minute casting, Hephaestos may touch an item which he suspects to be an artifact, and then ask 10 questions concerning the item touched. These questions will be answered by unknown powers, which will provide him with one-word answers that are 90% likely to be correct. If one of the questions that Hephaestos asks concerns the creator of the Artifact, this spell is cast 25 levels higher for the purposes of penetrating the Spell Resistanceof the Artifact creator if they are protected through the use of epic spells based on the conceal seed. Such is the power of this spell that Hephaestos may only cast it once every five weeks, and he must spend 3,000 XP per casting.