
Apollo is especially known as the god of music. He is often depicted carrying a lyre, the beloved musical instrument with seven strings. Hermes, who invented this musical instrument, gave the lyre to Apollo. Apollo became a master in playing the lyre and he also taught mortals how to play it. Apollo was very proud of his musical talents. The satyr Marsyas once challenged him for a contest, saying the sounds of his flute were much more sweet than those of Apollo’s lyre. When the Muses, who were the judges, called Apollo as the winner, he had Marsyas skinned alive as punishment for his brutality. When Poseidon founded Troy, Apollo played such wonderful music that the city walls seemed to grow by the sound of his lyre.
As a master archer, he can hit any target with his bow, and as a master musician, his lyre sways even the gods. Additionally, he rules over prophecy and medicine.
To gain the love of the Trojan princess Cassandra, Apollo gave her the gift of prophecy. When she turned him down, he could not recall this, but as her punishment he made sure no one would ever believe her correct predictions. When Cassandra predictes during the Trojan War that the city would fall, the Trojans will declare her mad and take no notice of her warnings. He is swift to anger, just like his father Zeus, but also quick to forgive. He loves to laugh and sing. Apollo does not often enter battle directly; he prefers to loose arrows from high above.
Apollo was worshipped throughout the Roman Empire. In the Celtic lands he was most often seen as a healing and sun god called Apollo Belenus in parts of Gaul, Northern Italy and Noricum.
Originally Posted by Mercucio of the Dicefreaks forums.
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: The Sun, A golden lyre (a type of Musical instrument), the bow, and the chariot he drives across the sky daily, bow and arrow.
Home Plane: Olympus
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Traditional Allies: Artemis, Asclepius, Hermes, Zeus
Traditional Foes:Python
Servants Hector, Cassandra,
Servitor Creatures Phoenixes, Muses
Portfolio: Music, poetry, archery, prophecy, medicine, and the sun.
Worshipers: archers, bards, elves, healers, sages, sorcerers, sun-chosen, wizards
Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, N, NG
Domains: Archery, Healing, Knowledge, Music, Sun
Favored Weapon: longbow
Major Temple Sites The mountain town of Delphi
Clerical Training: Apollo’s priests are advisors, teachers, diplomats, and healers. They prefer peaceful solutions to conflict, and mediate disputes. They train in music, and can play instruments, sing, and recite poetry. They also train with the bow, for Apollo requires them to be good hunters.
Quests: Apollo may send his priests on quests to carry prophecies to people. They also bring joy, laughter, and song to troubled regions easing the people’s burdens with their music. Whenever someone claims to be a prophet, Apollo sends his priests to test him. If the person does have a genuine gift, he offers him a position within his priesthood, but if he is a false prophet, his priests denounce him publicly, and punish him for his presumption.
Prayers: Apollo receives prayers at dawn each day. Archers pray to him before every shot, and musicians and bards pray to him before each performance. Healers pray to him before working on a patient, and most prophets (though not seers) pray to him for guidance and prophetic vision.
Shrines: Apollo’s temples are bright, sunny places with open courtyards and fountains. In rural areas, they stand near to small streams or natural hot springs. His temples have sickrooms for patients and a divination chamber where his priests and oracles meditate upon the future.
Rites: As the god of poetry, music, and songs, his priest always plays a lyre to accompany the god’s rites. His priests perform his rituals outside in the sunlight, but the ceremonies are short, simple, and poetically worded.
Herald and Allies: The sun is Apollo’s ally; it burns anyone who offends him. The phoenixes are also his allies, and sometimes carries messages for him. All songbirds answer to Apollo.
Trojan War Attitude: Apollo supports the Trojans, both because they honor him and because their military commander, Hector, is one of his favorites. Apollo often appears on the field, protecting Hector and giving him courage and strength. He also answers the prayers of several archers, not only Pandarus and Paris from the Trojans, but also Teucer of the Achaeans.
Apollo | |
Ranger 15/Bard 20/Sublime Chord 25 | |
Medium outsider (Good) | |
Divine Rank | 15 |
Hit Dice | 15d8+165 plus 45d6+495 (1050 hp) |
Initiative | +16 (+16 Dexterity) |
Speed | 80 ft |
AC | 89 (+16 Dexterity, +15 divine, +30 natural, +18 deflection) |
BAB/Grapple | +38/+63 |
Attack | Yew wand +81 ranged touch (2d6+20 plus 2d6 holy and 3d6 fire/18-20 plus 6d6 holy and 9d6 fire); or unarmed strike +63 melee(1d4+10/x2); or melee touch +63 or ranged touch +69 |
Full Attack | Yew wand +81/+76/+71/+66 (2d6+20 plus 2d6 holy and 3d6 fire/18-20 plus 6d6 holy and 9d6 fire); or unarmed strike +63/+58/+53/+48 melee (1d4+10/x2); or melee touch +63 or ranged touch +69 |
Face/Reach | 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, spells |
Special Qualities | animal companion, bardic knowledge +59, bardic music 32/day, camouflage, divine aura (DC 43, 1500 ft.), divine immunities, DR 25/epic and silver, evasion, favor enemies (abominations +4, animals +2, evil outsiders +4, magical beasts +4), fire resistance 20, godly realm (10 miles outer plane, 1500 feet Material Plane), improved uncanny dodge, plane shift at will, remote communication, spontaneous casting of divine spells, SR 77, swift tracker, teleport w/out error at will, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles, wild empathy +33, woodland stride |
Saves | Fort +57, Ref +62, Will +55 |
Abilities | Strength 30, Dexterity 42, Constitution 32, Intelligence 38, Wisdom 32, Charisma 46 |
Skills | Bluff +85, Concentration +70, Craft (instruments) +70, Decipher Script +70, Diplomacy +90, Disguise +70, Gather Information +70, Heal +100, Hide +70, Intimidate+70, Knowledge (Arcana) +90, Knowledge (astrology) +60, Knowledge (History) +70, Knowledge (Nature) +70, Knowledge (The Planes) +70, Knowledge (Religion) +70, Listen +70, Move Silently +70, Perform (lyre) +106, Search +70, Sense Motive +85, Spellcraft +90, Spot +70, Survival +70, Use Magic Device +70 |
Feats | Combat Expertise, Dodge, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Deflect Arrows, Empower Spell, Endurance (B), Eschew Materials, Expeditious Metamagic x2, Far shot, Greater Weapon Focus (longbow), Heighten Spell, Improved Critical (all bows) (B), Improved Precise Shot (B), Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Multi-shot (B), Rapid Shot (B), Quicken Spell, Shot on the Run, Track (B), Weapon Focus (all bows) (B), Weapon Specialization (all bows) (B), Widen Spell |
Epic Feats | Epic Inspiration x2, Epic Skill Focus (Perform), Epic Spellcasting (bard), Group Inspiration, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Heighten Spell, Infinite Deflection, Multi-Spell |
Environment | Olympus |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 56 |
Treasure | Yew wand. |
Alignment | Chaotic Good |
Advancement | – |
Alter Reality: Apollo’s divine power grants him the following benefits:
- Apollo can use the wish spell with regard to his portfolio, save for the replication of other spells. This ability costs Apollo no XP, and requires a standard action to implement.
- Apollo can use Alter Reality to cast any cure spell at will as a standard action. Apollo can apply metamagic feats to the spells if desired, but doing so requires he to forego using Alter Reality for 1 round for each level the feat normally would add to the equivalent spell.
- Apollo applies his Charisma modifier twice to determine the save DCs of his bard spells (included in the entry below).
- 15/day Apollo may add +15 to his effective caster level.
- 15/day Apollo may add +15 to his damage roll.
- Apollo has full access to the Alter Size SDA.
Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, banishment, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, and transmutation
Divine Power: Apollo is a living embodiment of power, and ancient divine magic flows through his veins. As such, mortal items are of virtually no use to him, being so much weaker than his own innate powers. Apollo gains no benefit from a deflection, enhancement, resistance, insight, sacred or profane bonus that is less than +15. Note that this only applies to bonuses that affect Apollo himself; weaponry and armor are unaffected by this.
Domain Powers: Cast divination, Good, Healing, and Light spells at +1 caster level. Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell completion or spell trigger activation as a 7th wizard.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Form, Alter Reality (b), Alter Size (b), Avatar (b), Divine Archery, Divine Bard, Divine Shield, Divine Spellcaster, Eldritch Knowledge, Extra Domain (Good), Gift of Life, Instant Counterspell, Irresistable Blow (longbow, DC 36), Irresistable Performance, Master of Arrows, Oracular Mysteries, Patron of Physicians, Plague Arrows, Power of Truth, Shapechange, Solar Well.
Master of the Arrow: Apollo is reknown for his skill and mastery of the bow. When wielding a bow (but not crossbow) he receives the following benefits:
- Apollo receives the Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specializiation feats for the bow he is wielding.
- Apollo treats all exotic bows and exotic arrows as martial weapons.
- Any arrow fired by Apollo is treated as one size category larger for determining it’s base damage.
Oracular Mysteries (Unique Salient Ability): Apollo has the gift of prophecy. However, the truths he sees are couched in mystery. These revelations are always accurate and carry no cost in experience points or material components, but demand a price be paid -answer his’s riddle. A correct answer earns the querant the benefit of the specified divination spell, with no chance of failure. An incorrect answer, however, carries a penalty, which is more severe the more difficult the riddle becomes.
- Mystery: A correct answer earns the benefit of a divination spell, with no chance of failure. An incorrect answer causes rhe questioner to take 2 points of temporary damage to an ability score of the deity’s choice. Using mystery requires 1 daily of the deity’s oracular ability.
- Komi: A correct answer earns the benefit of a commune spell as cast by a cleric of the deity’s total character level. An incorrect answer causes the questioner to take 2 points of temporary damage to each ability score. Using komi requires 1 daily of the deity’s oracular ability.
- Enigma: A correct answer earns the benefit of a Legend Lore spell, but it requires only 1d4x10 rounds ro gain an answer about a person or item at hand. Detailed information about a person, place, or thing requires 1d4X10 minutes to retrieve, while rumors require 1d10 days to garner details. An incorrect answer causes rhe questioner to take 4 points of temporary damage to each ability score. Ability scores are not reduced below 1. Using this ability counts as two uses of the deity’s oracular ability.
- Apocrypha: A correct answer earns the benefit of a vision spell, but Apollo need not have come into contact with the person or thing sought. An incorrect answer bestows 2d6 negative levels on the questioner. Using this ability counts as two uses of the deity’s oracular ability.
Apollo can use these abilities 15 times per day. Creatures normally immune to the penalties bestowed by the use of this ability are rendered vulnerable to consequences should they choose to risk Apollos Wisdom.
Finally Apollo gains the benefit of Improved Uncanny Dodge rogue class ability, using his total character level as his effective rogue level.
Patron of Physicians (Unique Salient Ability): Apollo is known as a master of healing wounds, treating diseases, and easing pain. His vast skill and supernatural ability grant him the following benefits:
- Apollo applies twice his Wisdom bonus to any Heal checks he makes.
- Any spell or spell-like ability Apollo uses with the Healing descriptor is treated as if the Empower Spell feat was applied, without any change in the spell or spell-like ability’s level.
- Apollo’s healing powers are so potent that he can cure damage that normally has a limitation on how that damage can be healed, such as vile damage and frostburn damage.
Plague Arrows (Unique Salient Ability): Although Apollo was reknown for his ability to heal diseases, he is also quite capable of afflicting those who offend him with terrible maladies. This grants him the following benefits:
- Apollo can duplicate the effects of a mass Contagion (DC 45) spell once per round as swift action. Alternately, Apollo may instead cure a number of creatures equal to his divine rank of any diseases the suffer from, as per Remove Disease. Apollo can use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to his divine rank. This is an extraordinary ability.
- Apollo can imbue any weapon he wields with ability to inflict any non-supernatural disease on a successful strike. The Fortitude save DC to resist contracting this disease is 20 + Apollo’s divine rank + Apollo’s Charisma bonus (DC 53). This ability can even affect creatures normally immune to disease but they receive a +10 bonus to their save.
Solar Well (Unique Salient Ability): While not the chief sun god of the Greek pantheon, an honor held by Helios, Apollo is still strongly associated with the sun and it’s powers, granting him the following benefits:
- Apollo can shed light in a 1500 foot emanation from his body. This light counters and dispels all Darkness effects unless created by a higher ranked deity.
- Apollo receives a +15 bonus on Spellcrafts check to cast an epic spell that has the Fire or Light descriptors, or that deals with the sun.
- As a standard action Apollo can generate a ray of scorching light that extends for up to 15000 feet and inflicts 15d8 points of damage, half fire and half divine. As a full attack option he can generate up to three rays, but each ray only inflicts 7d8 points of damage.
- In place of generating the rays described above Apollo can grant any weapon he wields the fiery blast special ability. Unlike a fiery blast weapon , however, half the damage dealt by this ability is divine in nature.
Spell-like Abilities: Apollo uses these abilities as a 75th-level caster, except for Divination, Good, Healing, and Light spells which he uses as a 76th level caster. Save DCs are 53 + spell level.
Aid, antimagic field, apohelios, blade barrier, Celestial Brilliance, clairaudience/clairvoyance, Crown of Brilliance, cure critical wounds, cure critical wounds (mass), cure light wounds, cure light wounds (mass), cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, daylight, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, discern location, Dispel Evil, Dispel magic, divination, endure elements, find the path, flame strike, Foresight, heal, heal (mass), holy aura, holy smite, Holy word, identify, imbue with spell ability, Legend Lore, mage’s disjunction, magic aura, magic circle against evil, protection from evil, protection from spells, regenerate, searing light, Spell Resistance, spell turning, summon monster IX (good spell only), Sunbeam, sunburst, true seeing.
- As an intermediate deity, Apollo may take 10 on any check, provided he needs to make a check at all. He is immortal.
- Senses: Apollo can see (using normal vision or Low-Light Vision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 15 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 15 miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to ten locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 15 hours.
- Portfolio Sense: Apollo senses every act of prophecy, musical performance, healing, lying, telling the truth even though it does benefit the speaker, sunrise, and sunset up to 15 weeks in the past.
- Automatic Actions: Apollo can use any skill related to his portfolio, such as Sense Motive to tell if someone is lying, Heal, or Perform as free actions if the DC for the task is 25 or lower. He can perform up to ten such free actions each round.
- Create Magic Items: Apollo can create any kind of magic arrow or bow worth less than 200,000 gp, or any magical item that involves archery, healing, prophecy, or the sun.
Animal Companion (Ex): Apollo has the ability to acquire an animal companion as the level druid (half his ranger class level).
Bardic Knowledge: Apollo may make a special bardic knowledge check with a +59 bonus to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places.
Bardic Music: Apollo can use his bardic music abilities 32 times per day as a 32nd level bard with access to countersong, fascinate (20 targets), inspire courage (+10), inspire competence, suggestion, and inspire greatness (16 targets; +6HD, +6 to attack, +4 to Fort. saves).
bard Spells per Day: 4/9/9/9/8/8/8. Save DC is 28 + spell level. Caster level 45th, 60th for the purpose of overcoming Spell Resistance.
Camouflage (Ex): Apollo can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesnt grant cover or concealment.
Epic Spells Per Day: 6. Apollo has a maximal Spellcraft check of 110 (automatic 20 + 90), or 125 when casting spells with the Fire or Light descriptors or that deals with the sun. It is safe to assume Apollo has developed 12 epic spells with a maximum Spellcraft DC of 145 or less. Caster level 45th, 60th for the purpose of overcoming Spell Resistance, save DCs 38 + modifiers (if any).
Evasion (Ex): If Apollo makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if Apollo is wearing light armor or no armor and not helpless.
Favored Enemy (Ex): Apollo gains the following bonus on all Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures the listed type: abominations +4, animals +2, evil outsiders +4, magical beasts +4. Likewise, he gains this bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
ranger Spells Per Day: 5/4/4/4. Save DC is 21 + spell level. Caster level 7th, 22nd for the purpose of overcoming Spell Resistance.
Sublime Chord Spells per Day: 0/0/0/0/9/8/8/7/6/5 + 4/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2.
Save DCs are 28 + spell level, max spell level 18th. Caster level 45th, 60th for the purpose of overcoming Spell Resistance. Apollo’s Sublime Chord spellcasting ability as treated as part of his bardic spellcasting ability. This results his Divine Spellcasting SDA is only applied once, rather than twice.
If using the spell point system Apollo has 1153 spell points per day he use for his bard and sublime chord spellcasting, and 58 spell points per day for his ranger spells.
Song of Arcane Power (Su): Apollo can expend a daily use of his bardic music ability as a move action to agument his spells. The next spell he casts gains a bonus to its caster level based on the result of the his Perform check
Check Result | CL Increase |
9 or lower | +0 |
10 to 19 | +1 |
20 to 29 | +2 |
30+ | +4 |
The spell to be enhanced by the song of arcane power must be cast by the end of Apollo’s next turn, or else the song fades with no effect (other than consuming a bardic music use).
Song of Timelessness (Su): As a standard action, Apollo can envelop a single creature within 60 feet in a field of timelessness, provided he has line of effect to the target The subject is entitled to a Will save (DC 45) to negate the effect.
If the subject fails its save, it is frozen in a shimmering aura of timelessness and can take no actions. However, no force can affect itweapons cannot reach it, spells that target it automatically fail, and if the ground it is standing on is somehow taken away, it would not even begin to fall. Apollo can keep her target frozen in time for as long as she maintains the power by continuing to perform, up to a maximum of 23 minutes. When she stops performing, the subject immediately returns to normal. As far as trie creature is concerned, no time seems to have passed.
Song of Cosmic Fire (Su): By expending two daily uses of his bardic music ability Apollo can sing the song of cosmic fire, creating a 20-foot-radius spread of fire anywhere within 100 feet of Apollo (provided he has line of effect to the fire’s point of origin). Creatures in the area take damage equal his Perform check result (126). All affected creatures are entitled to a Reflex save (DC 45) for half damage.
Swift Tracker (Ex): Apollo can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal 5 penalty. He takes only a 10 penalty when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Apollo has +33 bonus to his wild empathy checks.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Apollo may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him.
Yew wand: Apollo’s bow is an holy flare speed longbow +10. Yew wand automatically adjusts it’s pull to match it’s wielder’s Strength bonus. Any arrow fired from yew wand has it’s threat range and critical multiplier increases by one.
Originally Posted by RAGNAROKISCOMING2007 of the Wizards Community forums.
Apollo’s Bow (Major Artifact): Apollo’s Bow is a beautifully crafted longbow made of silver and gold. It functions as a +8 Huge distant shot, keen composite longbow of disruption, holy power, speed, and unerring accuracy with a +14 Strength bonus. It fires +6 adamantine arrows. Living creatures hit by these arrows must succeed a Fortitude save DC 66 or contract Apollo’s Plague. Apollo’s quiver holds an infinite amount of arrows. Apollo’s Bow also grants the following abilities:
– Apollo can shoot arrows that don’t deal damage, but instead it cures the targeted creature of any disease.
– 30/day, once per round, Apollo can shoot searing beams of sunlight similar to the searing light spell. The beams replace the arrows, but function as if they were arrows. Each beam deals 8d6 points of light damage plus 20 points of damage (Apollo’s Charisma modifier). undead creatures, and creatures vulnerable to sunlight, take 15d12 points of light damage plus 20 points of damage (Apollo’s Charisma modifier). A successful Reflex save DC 75 halves damage and prevents blindness for 10 rounds. On a successful critical hit, the damage is not multiplied. Instead the beams produce a sunburst effect as the spell of the same name cast by a 20th level caster. Reflex save DC 75 halves damage and prevents blindness. DCs are Charisma-based.
Apollo’s Golden Lyre (Major Artifact): It is said that when Apollo was born, he held in his hands a golden lyre. However, some believe that Hephaestus crafted it for Apollo once he had grown to full size. Whatever the case, Apollo’s Golden Lyre remains a powerful tool. Apollo gains the following bonuses and abilities while using this item:
- – Apollo can Perform his bardic music 15 times more than usual.
- – His bardic music effects are doubled.
- – As a full-round action, Apollo can raise all of his companions’ ability scores by 6 points as long as they are within 1,500 ft of hearing him play. This bonus lasts for 15 minutes. He can use this ability multiple times but creatures already under the effects do not benefit from it.
- – As a ranged touch attack, Apollo can Bestow Greater Curse as the spell cast by a 70th level caster. Will save DC 75 negates. DC is Charisma-based
- – As a ranged touch attack, Apollo can produce a note so divine and powerful it can disintegrate any creature who hears it. A successful Fortitude save DC 75 prevents the creature from disintegrating, however they still take 15d8 points of sonic damage.
Summon Chariot (Su): 10/day, as a standard action, Apollo can summon his chariot that is carried by 2 immortal white horses. The chariot is white with golden designs and 4 golden wheels. It can carry up to 1 Huge, 4 Large, 8 Medium, or 16 Small creatures. On the ground, the chariot travels 150 ft. per round, and in the air it travels 300 ft. per round with perfect maneuverability. As a standard action, Apollo can overrun Huge or smaller creatures with his chariot, dealing 12d8+40 points of damage plus 15d8 points of light damage. The chariot can be destroyed after taking 350 points of damage (AC 50, hardness 25), though it is immune to fire. If the chariot is destroyed, the chariot and the horses disappear and cannot be summoned for 1 hour. If both horses are destroyed, they disappear while the chariot remains. At this point, the chariot can travel 75 ft. per round on the ground, and 150 ft. (good maneuverability) in the air. Apollo can still overrun, but only deals half the normal damage (6d8+20 points of damage plus 7d8 points of light damage). The horses cannot be summoned again for 1 whole hour.
Apollo’s Horses
Apollo’s Horses | |
Large magical beasts (chaotic, extraplanar, good) | |
Hit Dice | 36d10 + 396 (756 hp) |
Initiative | +21 |
Speed | 75 ft., fly 150 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 51 (+13 Dexterity, +29 natural, -1 size) touch 22, flat-footed 38 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +36/+55 |
Attack | Hoof +50 melee (2d6+15 plus 3d6 light/19-20/x2) |
Full Attack | 2 Hooves +50 melee (2d6+15 plus 3d6 light/19-20/x2), and bite+45 melee (1d8+7 plus 3d6 light) |
Space/Reach | 10ft./ 10ft. (15 ft. with bite) |
Special Attacks | spell-like abilities, trample |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 25/epic, evil, and cold iron, Darkvision 60 ft., energy resistance 30 to acid, cold, and electricity, fast healing 25, horses of sunlight, immunity to disease, fire, and poison, Scent, Spell Resistance 34 |
Saves | Fort +33, Ref +35, Will +23 |
Abilities | Strength 41, Dexterity 36, Constitution 33, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 17, Charisma 20 |
Skills | Balance +34, Escape Artist +34, Jump +75, Spot +24 |
Feats | Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (hoof), Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, lightning reflexes, Mobility, PowerAttack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (greater teleport), Run, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack |
Epic Feats | Blinding Speed (x4), Superior Initiative |
Environment | Sunshine, Mount Olympus; Arborea |
Organization | Duo or trio (Apollo and Apollo’s horses) |
CR | 26 |
Treasure | Nothing |
Alignment | Chaotic Good |

Two large white horses stand before you. Their hooves are seemingly made of sunlight, while their manes are golden. Their mouths radiate with intense light.
These two horses carry Apollo’s chariot wherever he needs to go.
They both stand 6 ft. tall at the shoulder and are 12 ft long. They each weigh close to 1,500 pounds. They do not speak, but understand all languages, having traveled throughout the planes for centuries.
Horses of Sunlight (Ex): Apollo’s horses are composed of sunlight and celestial goodness. They deal an extra 3d6 points of light damage with their natural attacks. undead creatures, and creatures vulnerable to sunlight, take double damage. If they are killed by the horses’ natural attacks, they are instantly disintegrated.
Spell-like Abilities: CL 36; DC 15 + spell level
At will – daylight, greater teleport (Both plus Agni and 1000 pounds), haste, plane shift (Both plus Apollo and 1000 pounds), searing light
3/day – quickened greater teleport, sunburst
Trample (Ex): Apollo’s horses deal 2d6 + 22 points of damage plus 6d6 light damage when trampling foes with their hooves. Reflex save DC 43 halves damage. DC is Strength-based.
Avatar of Apollo
Avatar of Apollo | |
ranger 8/bard 12/Sublime Chord 10 | |
Medium outsider (Good) | |
Divine Rank | 0 |
Hit Dice | 8d8+64 plus 22d6+176 (436 hp) |
Initiative | +13 (+13 Dexterity) |
Speed | 80 ft |
AC | 53 (+13 Dexterity, +15 natural, +15 deflection) |
BAB/Grapple | +22/+63 |
Attack | sunfury +41 ranged (2d6+14 plus 2d6 fire/19-20 plus 4d6 fire); or unarmed strike +29 melee(1d4+7/x2); or melee touch +29 or ranged touch +35 |
Full Attack | sunfury +41/+36/+31/+26 ranged (2d6+14 plus 2d6 fire/19-20 plus 4d6 fire); or unarmed strike +29 melee(1d4+7/x2); or melee touch +29 or ranged touch +35 |
Face/Reach | 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, favored enemies, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, spells |
Special Qualities | animal companion, bardic knowledge +33, bardic music 17/day, divine aura (DC 25, 150 t.), divine immunities, DR 10/epic and silver, fire resistance 5, plane shift at will, spontaneous casting of divine spells, SR 47, swift tracker, teleport w/out error at will, wild empathy +23, woodland stride |
Saves | Fort +22, Ref +30, Will +23 |
Abilities | Strength 24, Dexterity 36, Constitution 26, Intelligence 32, Wisdom 26, Charisma 40 |
Skills | Bluff +40, Concentration +40, Craft (instruments) +30, Diplomacy +40, Disguise +40, Gather Information +40, Heal +51, Hide +40, Intmidate +40, Knowledge (Arcana) +44, Knowledge (astrology) +30, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (nature) +30, Listen +40, Move Silently +40, Perform (lyre) +58, Search +30, Sense Motive +41, Spellcraft +44, Spot +40, Survival +40. |
Feats | Dodge, Empower Spell, Endurance (B), Eschew Materials, Farshot, Improved Critical (all bows), Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Multi-shot (B), Rapid Shot (B), Shot on the Run, Track (B), Weapon Focus (all bows) (B), Weapon Specialization (all bows) (B) |
Epic Feats | Epic Skill Focus (Heal), Epic Skill Focus (Perform), Epic Spellcasting (bard), Group Inspiration |
Environment | Olympus |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 30 |
Treasure | Sunfury |
Alignment | Chaotic Good |
Advancement | – |

Divine Immunities: Ability damage, ability drain, mind-affecting effects.
Domain Powers: Cast divination, Good, Healing, and Light spells at +1 caster level.
Salient Divine Abilities: Divine Bard, Gift of Life, Master of Arrows.
Spell-like Abilities: Apollo’s avatar uses these abilities as a 30th-level caster, except for Divination, Good, Healing, and Light spells which he uses as a 31st level caster. Save DCs are 25 + spell level
3/dayAid, antimagic field, apohelios, blade barrier, Celestial Brilliance, clairaudience/clairvoyance, Crown of Brilliance, cure critical wounds, cure critical wounds (mass), cure light wounds, cure light wounds (mass), cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, daylight, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, discern location, Dispel Evil, Dispel magic, divination, endure elements, find the path, flame strike, Foresight, heal, heal (mass), holy aura, holy smite, Holy word, identify, imbue with spell ability, Legend Lore, mage’s disjunction, magic aura, magic circle against evil, protection from evil, protection from spells, regenerate, searing light, Spell Resistance, spell turning, summon monster IX (good spell only), Sunbeam, sunburst, true seeing.
Bardic Knowledge: Apollo’s avatar may make a special bardic knowledge check with a +33 bonus to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places.
Bardic Music: Apollo’s avatar can use his bardic music abilities 17 times per day as a 22nd level bard with access to countersong, fascinate (14 targets), inspire courage (+8), inspire competence, suggestion, and inspire greatness (10 targets; +4HD, +4 to attack, +2 to Fort. saves).
bard Spells per Day: 4/8/8/8/7/7/7. Save DC is 25 + spell level. Caster level 22nd.
Epic Spells Per Day: 3. Apollos avatar knows the following epic spells: contingent true resurrection, +2 more. Caster level 22nd, save DCs 35 + modifiers (if any).
Favored Enemy (Ex): Apollo gains the following bonus on all Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures the listed type: abominations +2, magical beasts +4. Likewise, he gains this bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
ranger Spells Per Day: 3/2. Save DC is 18 + spell level. Caster level 4th.
Sublime Chord Spells per Day: 0/0/0/0/8/7/7/6/5/4. Save DCs are 25 + spell level. Caster level 22nd. The avatars Sublime Chord spellcasting ability as treated as part of his bardic spellcasting ability.
If using the spell point system the avatar has 550 spell points per day he use for his bard and sublime chord spells, and 9 spell points per day for his ranger spells.
Song of Timelessness (Su): As a standard action, Apollo can envelop a single creature within 60 feet in a field of timelessness, provided he has line of effect to the target The subject is entitled to a Will save (DC 35) to negate the effect.
Song of Cosmic Fire (Su): By expending two daily uses of his bardic music ability Apollo can sing the song of cosmic fire, creating a 20-foot-radius spread of fire anywhere within 100 feet of Apollo (provided he has line of effect to the fire’s point of origin). Creatures in the area take damage equal his Perform check result. All affected creatures are entitled to a Reflex save (DC 35) for half damage.
Wild Empathy (Ex): Apollo has +23 bonus to his wild empathy checks.
Sunfury: Apollo’s avatar wields a fiery flare sure-striking longbow +5.
Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Full netbook can be found on the followng website
Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.
God of light, prophecy, music and the sun. He is twin brother to Artemis. Witches that honor him are given the gift of prophecy.
Consort to: Artemis
Belenus (Apollo)
Originally written by Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.

Belenus is a god of the sun and of fire, a patron of the druids. He has the ability to control the heat and light from fires and from the sun, bringing them into focus to destroy or blocking them off to freeze when he wishes. In spring his followers drive cattle through special Beltain fires while Belenus watches with favour and raises the overall quality of the livestock.
Belenus represents the light who destroys “the evil lurking in the dark”, and as such is often called upon Belenus is otherwise a god of beauty and harmony, and as such also acts as a patron of arts (typically goldsmithing). He is depicted as a warrior wearing armors, weapons, and a round shield of gold, and driving a fire chariot across the sky for protection.
Belenus encourages the construction of standing stones to measure the progress of his sun and sacred groves where his druid may meet and build great bonfires to him. He is the husband of Danu.
Belenus visits the world of men frequently to visit with chieftains and court the ladies of the nobility. He can look unfavourably upon a particular village and cause the sun to stand still or never come up for some period of time. With such powers, he can easily bring otherwise powerful chieftains in line with his thinking.
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Domains: Fire, Protection, Sun.
- Symbol: Solar disc. The filidh of Belenus wear a necklace with the holy-symbol of their god made of gold.
- Favored Weapon: None.
- Area of control: Fire, light, purification.
- Typical worshippers: Anyone.
Duties of priesthood: Filidh of Belenus are before all expected to preside over religious ceremonies that involve purifying fires (such as Beltaine fires). Then, they must oppose all evil things of darkness, such as shadow creatures. Lastly, it is they who are in charge of the Celtic calendar, counting the passing of days, months, seasons, and years in looking at the position of the sun in the sky, as related to circles of standing stones.
At least once in their lives they are required to take part in the construction of a stone structure in honour of their god and his sun. This usually takes at least a year.