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Garm, The Hound of Hel

Garm, The Hound of Hel
  • Pantheon: Norse Mythology
  • Title: The Hound of Hel
  • Symbol: A Fiery Howl
  • Home Plane: Hel (Niflheim)
  • Level: Unique Mystic Monster
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Aliases: Hel’s Watchdog, Guardian of the Underworld
  • Superior: Hel, the Goddess of the Underworld
  • Traditional Allies: None
  • Traditional Foes: Gods and Heroes seeking passage to the Afterlife
  • Divine Artifact: None
  • Servants: Undead Hounds and Fiends loyal to Hel
  • Servitor Creatures: Lesser Fiends and Undead
  • Sacred Animal: None
  • Manifestations: Fiery Embers, Chilling Howls, Darkness
  • Portfolio: Guardian of Hel’s Gates, Afterlife Protector
  • Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil
  • Favored Weapon: Bite and Claw Attacks
  • Favored Class: Warlock, Cleric
  • Favored Race: None
  • Gender: Male (Depicted as a monstrous hound)
  • Abode/ Base of operations: The Gates of Hel in the Underworld
  • Affiliation(s): Hel’s Domain
  • Significant Others: None Known

In Norse mythology, Garm is a terrifying and monstrous hound that guards the entrance to Hel, the realm of the dead. As a creature of the underworld, he embodies a fearsome and malevolent presence, exuding an aura of darkness and foreboding.

Garm is depicted as a massive and ferocious dog with eyes that blaze like fiery coals, instilling fear in all who behold him. His fur is dark and bristling, standing on end as a testament to his relentless aggression. His teeth are sharp and gnashing, ever eager to rend and tear any intruders who dare to approach the gates of Hel.

This monstrous hound is known for his unwavering vigilance, guarding the boundaries of the realm of the dead with unyielding determination. He remains ever watchful, ready to pounce upon any soul seeking to escape from Hel or disturb the peace of the underworld.

In the great final battle of Ragnarok, it is foretold that Garm will break free from his chains and join the forces of chaos, facing off against the god Tyr in a fierce duel. In this climactic battle, Garm’s ferocity and malevolence will be unleashed in full force, embodying the destructive power of the end times.

Garm’s presence in Norse mythology serves as a stark reminder of the unforgiving nature of death and the relentless guardianship of the afterlife. He symbolizes the inevitability of fate and the eternal cycle of life and death, instilling a sense of dread and respect for the forces that lie beyond mortal understanding.


Large Fiend, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class: 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points: 225 (18d12 + 126)

Speed: 50 ft.

24 (+7)18 (+4)24 (+7)6 (-2)12 (+1)10 (+0)

Saving Throws: Dex +9, Con +12
Skills: Perception +5, Intimidation +6
Damage Resistances: Necrotic
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Frightened, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 15
Languages: Abyssal

Challenge: 18 (20,000 XP)


Multiattack. Garm makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 7) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d6 + 7) slashing damage.

Fiery Howl (Recharge 5-6). Garm unleashes a terrifying howl, targeting all creatures within 30 feet. Each creature must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.


Vengeful Retribution. When a creature within 10 feet of Garm deals damage to him, Garm can use his reaction to make a Bite attack against that creature.


Garm can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Garm regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

  • Move. Garm moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Garm uses his Bite attack.
  • Claw (Costs 2 Actions). Garm uses his Claw attack.


Garm, The Hound of Hel, stands as a menacing and grotesque fiend with a body adorned in dark, smoldering fur, emanating a malevolent aura. His eyes burn like crimson embers, hinting at the infernal power dwelling within. The air around him crackles with dark energy, and his growl resonates with a chilling echo.

His role as the guardian of Hel’s gates manifests in his relentless and aggressive nature, showing no mercy to intruders who dare to approach the realm of the dead. He embodies the fearsome aspect of the afterlife, inflicting necrotic damage upon those who fall under his wrathful gaze.

Garm is known to guard the gates of Hel with fierce determination. Only the most daring and powerful beings would dare to approach its domain. Notable figures from myth and legend, including gods and heroic adventurers, have faced the daunting challenge of confronting Garm in their quests to the afterlife.

Garm’s presence in the abyssal depths of the underworld serves as a grim reminder of the consequences that await those who venture too close to the gates of Hel. As the fearsome guardian of Hel’s gates, Garm stands as a powerful and iconic figure in Norse mythology, embodying the eternal nature of death and the mysteries that lie beyond mortal understanding.

Combat Abilities:

Garm is a formidable combatant, utilizing its massive size and strength to overpower foes. Its bite inflicts both piercing and necrotic damage, while its claws deliver slashing blows. Its fiery howl can strike terror into the hearts of those who hear it, leaving them frightened and vulnerable. With exceptional speed and agility, Garm is a relentless pursuer, making it challenging for any creature to escape its pursuit.

Personality Traits:

Garm exudes malevolence and aggression, embodying the sinister aspect of the afterlife. As the guardian of Hel’s gates, it displays unwavering vigilance and hostility toward intruders. Its loyalty lies with Hel, the ruler of the underworld, and it carries out its duties with relentless determination. Though fearsome, Garm’s demeanor holds an eerie intelligence, as if it is aware of the inevitable fate that awaits those who approach the realm of the dead.

Society and Habitat:

Garm dwells at the gates of Hel, the realm of the dead in Norse mythology. Its domain is a desolate and ominous landscape, shrouded in perpetual darkness. Here, it guards the entrance to Hel, preventing the living from crossing into the realm of the deceased. Garm’s solitary existence aligns with its role as the hound of the underworld, as it stands watchful and alone in its sacred duty.

Religious Affiliations:

In Norse mythology, Garm is associated with Hel, the ruler of the underworld. As the guardian of her realm, it is both feared and revered, representing the fearsome aspect of death and the eternal cycle of life and afterlife.

Magical Abilities:

Garm’s fiery howl can strike terror into the hearts of those who hear it, causing them to be frightened for an extended period. In addition to its physical prowess, Garm’s necrotic-infused bite can poison its victims, causing lingering damage.

Historical Significance:

Garm plays a crucial role in Norse mythology, particularly in the prophesied events of Ragnarok, the great final battle. It is foretold that Garm will break free from its chains and engage in a fateful duel with the god Tyr, signaling the onset of chaos and the end times.

Notable Encounters:

Garm is known to guard the gates of Hel with fierce determination. Only the most daring and powerful beings would dare to approach its domain. Notable figures from myth and legend, including gods and heroic adventurers, have faced the daunting challenge of confronting Garm in their quests to the afterlife.

As the fearsome guardian of Hel’s gates, Garm stands as a powerful and iconic figure in Norse mythology, embodying the eternal nature of death and the mysteries that lie beyond mortal understanding. Its presence serves as a chilling reminder of the consequences that await those who challenge the boundaries between the realms of the living and the dead.

Garm, The Hound of Hel 3.5 Stat Block


Originally Posted by RAGNAROKISCOMING2007of the of the Wizards Community forums.

On this Thread

Garm is a huge dog which guards Hel, the land of the dead, alongside of Hræsvelgr and living in a cave called Gnipahellir. Garm was the greatest of all dogs (excluding the Fenris Wolf). During Ragnarök, Garm and Týr will kill each other. In Völuspá, the line Geyr Garmr mjök / fyr Gnipahelli (Garm howls loud / before the Gnipa-cave) is repeated three times. After the first occurrence, the Fimbulwinter is related; the second occurrence is succeeded by the invasion of giants in the world of gods; after the last occurrence, the rise of a new and better world is described. In some descriptions Garm is giant dog with a bloodstained breast.

Garm is a servant of the goddess Hel, and is responsible for guarding the gateway to her realm. Garm is a truly fearsome beast and looks like a gigantic dog with an enormous head too large for its body. Garm is appointed to guard the entrance to the cavern Gniper. This cavern opens up to Helvig, the long troublesome road to Hel’s realm, Nastrond. Beings must enter Gniper to enter the realm of the dead, and while Garm will allow anyone to enter the cave but he will not allow anyone to leave.

Garm has killed many, many heroes attempting to rescue loved ones from the realm of the dead over many centuries, and has an astounding collection of treasure stashed away inside Gniper. When Hel leaves her realm to collect the dead, she magically closes off Helvig and allows Garm to roam free. He has the power to travel to any realm in Ysgard freely and travels with his pack of Hel WarHounds.

Garm stands 25 ft. tall at the should and is 30 ft. long. He weighs close to 8 tons. He does not speak, but understands all languages, due to varieties of creatures who have entered and exited the gates of Hel’s Realm.

Garm, The Hound of Nilfheim
Huge outsider (extraplanar, evil)
HD50d8+1,000+100 (1,500 hp)
Speed140 ft., Climb 100 ft.
Armor Class60 (+14 Dexterity, +26 natural, +12 profane, -2 size) touch 34, flat-footed 46
Base Attack/ Grapple+50/+77
AttackBite +67 melee (8d6+19 plus disease/19-20/x2)
Full AttackBite +67 melee (8d6+19 plus disease/19-20/x2), and 2 claws +65 melee (4d8+9 plus disease)
Space/Reach15 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. bite)
Special AttacksBreath weapon, death gaze beam, disease, Garm’s blood, howl of the Nilfheim hound, pounce, skirmish, spell-like abilities
Special QualitiesDamage reduction 35/epic, good, and mithral, Darkvision 120 ft., energy resistance 35 to electricity and fire, immunity to acid, cold, disease, death effects, energy drain, nausea, Paralysis, poison, and sleep, regeneration 30, see in darkness, see invisibility, Spell Resistance 54, stench, true seeing
SavesFort +53, Ref +47, Will +37
AbilitiesStrength 48, Dexterity 38,Constitution 50, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 30, Charisma 34
SkillsBalance +67, Climb +72, Hide +59, Intimidate +65, Jump +116, Listen +63, Move Silently +67, Spot +63, Survival +63, Tumble +67
FeatsCleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Multi-Attack, Power Attack, Run, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Epic FeatsDire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness (x5), Improved Combat Reflexes, Superior Initiative
EnvironmentNilfheim (Hel)
OrganizationSolitary (unique) or troupe (Garm plus 2-20 Hel Warhounds)
AlignmentNeutral Evil


Garm loves to kill as many of his foes with his death gaze beam ability as possible before charging into melee combat. He will then attack his foes with his bite and claws, while relying on his blood for extra protection. If outnumbered Garm will result to using his breath weapon or howl to even the odds. If on the verge of defeat he will try to teleport his way out of the area, unless he·s defending the gates. If so, he·ll fight to the death.

Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds, Garm can spit forth his own blood in a 150 ft. line, or he could cough up his own blood in a 90 ft. cone. It deals 33d10 points of violated acid damage. Reflex save DC 55 halves damage. Those hit by the acid must succeed on Fortitude save DC 55 or become nauseated by the smell of it for 3d4 rounds, and slowed as the spell for 10 rounds, from the thickness of it. An extra Reflex save DC 55 negates the slow effect. The victim is allowed a Reflex save DC 55 each round for the next 10 rounds in order to wipe themselves clean of the blood, thus negating the slow effect. DCs are Constitution-based.

Death Gaze Beam (Su): Once every minute, Garm can produce a red beam of concentrated evil and death from his eyes and unleash it upon his foes. The beam is 10 ft. wide and 150 ft. long. All creatures within range must succeed a Fortitude save DC 47 or die instantly. If successful, the creatures still take 20d8 points of negative energy damage. They are allowed a Fortitude save DC 47 to half the damage. DCs are Charisma-based.

Disease (Ex): Injury, bite or claw; Fortitude DC 55, initial damage 3d6 Constitution, secondary damage 3d6 Constitution. DC is Constitution-based.

Garm’s Blood (Ex): Those attack Garm with piercing or slashing weapons cause his blood to spew forth from the wound dealing 6d8 points of violated acid damage. Reflex save DC 55 halves damage. Those who are hit by the blood must also succeed on a Fortitude save DC 55 or be sickened and slowed for 1 round. DCs are Constitution-based.

Howl of the Nilfheim Hound (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds, as a standard action, Garm can let out a numbingly cold howl that drains the life force of all who hear it. The howl is a 130 ft. radius centred on Garm. It deals 27d8 points of cold damage and all within range gain 3d6 negative levels. A Fortitude save DC 55 halves the cold damage, while a Will save DC 55 halves the amount of negative levels. DCs are Constitution-based.

Pounce (Ex): When Garm charges a target, he can make a full attack.

Regeneration (Ex): Garm takes normal damage from epic, good, and mithral weapons, as well as good spells.

Skirmish (Ex): Garm deals an extra 10d6 points of damage on all attacks made during a round in which it moves at least 10 ft. This attack applies only to attacks made on his turn and only affects living creatures with a discernable anatomy.

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 50; DC 24 +spell level

At will – animate dead, blur, cone of cold, create greater undead, detect chaos, detect good, detect law, desecrate, dispel good, ghoul touch, haste, obscuring mist, symbol of pain, unhallow, unholy aura

9/day –anti-life shield, blasphemy, energy drain, greater teleport (self plus 1000 pounds), inflict critical wounds (mass), power word kill, slay living, symbol of death, wail of the banshee

Stench (Ex): Garm reeks with the smell of dried up blood and decay. Those within 60 ft. of him must succeed a Fortitude save DC 55 or become nauseated while within range. If they managed to leave the range, they remain nauseated for 5 more rounds. Those grappling with Garm, must succeed a Fortitude save DC 55 or lose consciousness for 3d6 rounds

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