Devil, Leviathan

Eternity. Infinity. Immensity. Who can hope to understand and know all that there is to know within the Cosmos? Who can fathom all that has been, all that is, and all that will be? A thousand thousand prime worlds, each with different laws, different expectations. A greeting in one tongue may be the cruelest of insults on the far side of a globe. A single step kills scores or more of tiny creatures; does that make the typical traveler a terrible murderer? Is there any action at all which is not a sin somewhere, someplace, sometime? It is too great for the mind to comprehend, and there are many, a great many, that recognize that there is simply too much to learn, and too much to consider, to even begin to attempt the task. Ignorance, therefore, is bliss.
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Full netbook can be found on the following website
Instead of trying to look at the bigger picture, the secret to the enjoyment of life is to work in smaller and smaller circles. Was the meat for sale at a local inn slaughtered in a humane manner? Surely that is something for the slaughterer to worry about, not the eater. Did children die in the deeps of the world to mine the diamond adorning a finger? Let the mine operator examine his own soul; the jewelry should be worn untarnished and not worried about. And for the mine operator himself, should not the children be responsible for their own safety? Never mind the fact that they have been enslaved the blame in that lies, obviously, with the parents. The finger-pointing and blame-shifting goes on and on, although all have dirtied their hands along the way. There is no foundation for evil in any creatures life; the river of sin merely flows on, whilst mortals cool their feet in it, pretending not to notice the stains left on the soul.
LEVIATHAN, Lord of the Fifth | |
The Prince of Stygia | |
Tekepath 30 | |
Colossal outsider (Abomination, Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) | |
Symbol | Many, but the best known and most recent is a black viper in a block of ice on a blue, inverted triangle. |
Cosmic Rank | 13 (16 in Stygia) |
Hit Dice | 48d8 + 30d4 + 1248 (1,752 hp) |
Initiative | +6 (+6 Dexterity) |
Speed | 120 ft., Swim 120 ft., Fly 250 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 78 (+6 Dexterity, -8 size, +46 natural, +15 deflection, +9 profane), touch 32, flat-footed 72 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +63/+100 |
Attack | Bite +76 melee (16d8+21); or spell (or psionic power) +76 melee touch or +61 ranged touch |
Full Attack | Bite +76 melee (16d8+21), 2 claws +71 melee (12d6+10) and tail +71 melee (12d8+31); or spell (or psionic power) +76 melee touch or +61 ranged touch |
Space/Reach | 90 ft. / 45 ft. |
Special Attacks | Aura of Hell, call devils, Confer Ignorance, Hells Fire, improved grab, the Might of Hell, psionic powers, spell-like abilities, Subvert the Senses, swallow whole |
Special Qualities | Abomination traits, Blindsight 500 ft., Damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver (damage reduction 15/-), Darkvision 60 ft., Diabolical Decree, Diabolical Empowerment, Diabolical Prowess, Eternal Traitor, Forget the Flesh, immunity to fire and poison, Imprisoned, Infernal Nobility, The Leviathan, Lord of the Nine, regeneration 32, resistance to acid 40 and cold 40, see in darkness, Spell Resistance 74, Strip the Memory, telepathy 1,000 ft. |
Saves | Fort +57, Ref +47, Will +56 |
Abilities | Strength 52, Dexterity 22, Constitution 42, Intelligence 44, Wisdom 28, Charisma 40 |
Skills | Appraise +17 (+25 with gems, +23 with sculptures), Balance +10, Bluff Bluff +108, Concentration +97, Craft (gemcutting) +95, Craft (sculpting) +60, Diplomacy +112 (+118 with evil creatures), Disable Device+57, Disguise +96 (+120* when acting in character), Escape Artist +47, Forgery +83, Gather Information +96, Hide +10, Intimidate +106 (+112 against evil creatures), Jump +49, Knowledge (arcana) +98, Knowledge (psionics) +98, Knowledge (religion) +98, Knowledge (the planes) +98, Listen +90, Move Silently +57, Psicraft +119, Search +68, Sense Motive +90, Sleight of Hand +54, Spellcraft +76 (+80 deciphering scrolls), Spot +90, Survival+39 (+47 on other planes), Swim +80, Tumble +36, Use Magic Device +56 (+62 using scrolls), Use Rope +6 (+12 when binding someone) *Includes bonus from Eternal Traitor |
Feats | Burrowing Power, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B , Craft Universal Item, Dark Speech B , Enlarge Power, Greater Psionic Endowment, Iron Will, Overchannel, Persuasive, Power Attack, Psionic Endowment, Psionic Meditation, Quicken Power, Skill Focus (Psicraft), Spell Focus (Enchantment) B |
Epic Feats | Craft Epic Universal Item, Epic Evil Brand B , Epic Manifestation, Epic Psionic Endowment, Epic Psionic Focus (x2), Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Epic Skill Focus (Psicraft), Epic Will, Focused Metapsionics (Quicken Power), Improved Metapsionics (x2), Multipower, Polyglot, Tenacious Magic (unhallow) |
Environment | Stygia, Fifth of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary |
Challenge Rating | 62 |
Treasure | The Diadem of Amnesia plus quintuple standard |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Some believe that there is a literal River of Sin somewhere in the Cosmos. If there is such a place it continues to be a subject of much debate. However, the learned know of the River Styx, the great cesspool of choking nightmares and forgotten dreams that flows eternally through the Depths Below. It is said that its headwaters are found in Stygia, the Fifth Perdition of Hell. Many believe that its foul power is strongest near the diabolical city of Tantlin where one can see a colossal iceberg thrice the size of the city. The few mortals that have passed near this iceberg hear echoes of long forgotten crimes they committed in their minds or else relive painful memories they thought they had long since escaped. Few dares go any closer to that green and black edifice than necessary; those that have say that one can travel for miles within the structure, navigating numerous slippery, freezing paths, caverns, and recesses that throb with pasts long forgotten, joys long eroded. All stories agree that those who do not yield to the overwhelming whispers in their minds and strive forward will eventually find themselves in the center of the iceberg. There is a massive, almost opaque pillar of ice consumes the center of the monstrous, frozen floe. And within that pillar of ice is a dark smear, like a painful memory bruised on the soul. This colossal blur, this great welt at the center of the iceberg, is said to be Leviathan, the Prince of Stygia and Lord of the Fifth. And he cannot recall a time that ignorance has not been to his favor.
Leviathan is the master of exoneration through ignorance. He sees the moral struggles that all creatures face and preaches to them the simplest of solutions: shift the blame and ignore evidence to the contrary. Actively seek to put from the mind those thoughts that condemn and avoid the difficult questions; they are someone elses responsibility. When faced with difficult situations, those who follow his philosophy will speak to their subordinates, saying, Take care of it. I don’t care how, and I don’t want to know anything about it, so long as the problem is taken care of. Willful ignorance in the face of evil is a kind of orderly complacency that promotes forgetfulness, and he trusts that eventually all will forget his past indiscretions, most likely with a little help, and then his rulership will be absolute. This is true not only of Stygia (where he benefits from the ability to demote loyal barregons who have come to know him too well back into nupperibos, thus washing away past memories as such creatures eventually return to the status of gate devils), but, he believes, of Perdition as a whole. Whole nations in the Prime already subscribe to this approach, using propaganda, fear, and works in darkness to hide the means used to create the ordered state. Those who try to stand up against such institutions are merely swept away by the dark undertow of government, which, having dirtied its hands, manages nonetheless to hide such evidence from the populace at large. In such places, only those at the top benefit from the system as they consume the rewards of this ignorance gluttonously. This pleases Leviathan immensely. There is no evil, he says, if it is not seen. Laws are there to benefit those under their yoke, and Leviathan sees himself as providing the ideal state, where all are prevented from disrupting order because they are kept from the knowledge of anything else. Since the beginning the Prince has been prepared to do whatever was necessary to create an ordered Hell and, with that accomplished, an ordered Cosmos. The consequences along the way may seem regrettable to some, but they are missing the bigger picture. Leviathan, the Lord of Oblivion, calls himself a patriot, championing the cause of order. His order.
Promoting such things, many have lost sight of Leviathans true interest. The original and current Lord of the Fifth has a profound interest in souls and their memories. When the wicked first arrive in Phlegethon (Phlegethos), their memories are burned from them in the Lake of Fire. These memories, though, are not lost, for such a thing smacks of inefficiency. At least some of these memories trickle further down in the Pit and find their way into the mighty Styx. Before his imprisonment, it was memories rather than souls on which Leviathan gorged; one might argue that the real purpose behind the Princes imprisonment was not so much his traitorous intentions (of which Mephistopheles is arguably just as guilty) and the murder of Bensozia, but rather the fact that these memories were intended as a source of power for the King of Hell himself, and Leviathan perhaps ignorant of this fact was stealing it. Trapped within his icy jail, Leviathan hungers for the memory-laden waters of the Styx, but they are forever just out of his reach.
Some have suggested that Leviathan, with his gluttonous capitalization on the ignorance of others, has never been a true exemplar of Lawful Evil. Such creatures point to his close association with the River Styx, the lower planes-spanning waterway with its threefold sources, and which has an extremely strong undercurrent of pure evil (Neutral Evil), suggesting that the influence of the Styx is greater on the current Lord of the Fifth than that of Hell itself. Likewise, Leviathan has taken water as one of his symbols, water which flows and changes constantly, more appropriate perhaps for a demon prince or even a scion of anarchy. What they do not understand is that water, when contained, is defined by the shape it has been contained within. The River Styx is contained by Stygia, and controlled by Leviathan and his loyal barregons, and it flows as the Lord of the Fifth commands. Unlike Sammael and Lilith, associates of Leviathans since before the coming of Lucifer, Leviathan has never allowed himself to become tainted by Chaos or even Neutrality. Though he betrays the current order of Hell at every turn, there is nonetheless predictability in his actions; such actions have actually forced others among the Lords of the Nine to tighten their own rules and regulations in order to prevent Leviathan from lasting success in his plottings.
When Lucifer first appeared, Leviathan was already close to absolute power in Stygia. He had managed this feat by means of backstabbings, double-crossings and general underhanded conspiracies. Having seen firsthand the extent of Lucifers power, when the Satan went through Stygia like a storm of light and terror, he did not hesitate to bow his knee to the new power in Hell; but even as he knelt and swore fealty, being raised to the position of Lord of the Fifth, Leviathan was already plotting how he might overthrow the Satan and thus come to rule all of Perdition. This attitude did not change with the coming of Asmodeus, whom he both admired and hated for the masterful coup that overthrew the Satan; on the one hand, he envied the brilliance with which all had been executed, but on the other hand this new upstart had used tactics of which Leviathan was the undisputed master to steal the place which the Prince rightly deserved. Also chagrined that he had been kept from the conspiracy, when those less crafty (such as Mephistopheles) had been initiated into the secret combination, Leviathan immediately transferred his aspirations of usurpation to Asmodeus. Unlike several other Lords of the Nine, Leviathan does not underestimate the power of the current King of Hell, and believes that he is more powerful than he has been given credit for. While he has entertained the thought that Asmodeus and Lucifer might be the same creature, or at least allies that deliberately engineered the course-change in Hellish politics and power, generally he chooses to ignore such possibilities, believing that none but he could come up with such a cunning stratagem. Believing that if he could but find the secret to Asmodeus’ power, Leviathan moved too quickly too soon, abducting the consort of Asmodeus, Bensozia, and interrogating her with the aid of Geryon, with whom he had entrusted more and more over the centuries. When the Queen of Hell was about to betray the ultimate secret in Hell, Duke Geryon blew his horn, and Leviathan realized his folly: he had placed too much trust in another being, and that trust had now been betrayed. In a cold rage and fear, Leviathan slew Bensozia, knowing that his fate was sealed if she were allowed to speak of all he had done. The truth was best hidden, and he began to consume the Queen’s essence, already planning out how to do the same to Geryon and any other whom he did not trust. In truth, Leviathan was prepared to erase the existence of his entire court, and to let events there disappear forever, save for those half-truths he would need to use as an explanation to the King of Hell himself. Unfortunately for the Prince, Asmodeus appeared at that moment, catching the Eternal Traitor red-handed. In an apparent fury, Asmodeus sealed Leviathan in an iceberg, stripped him of his Lordship, and exiled him to the deepest, darkest depths of the River Styx.
Curiously enough, these events only strengthened Leviathans, treacherous ways. Upon the exile of Geryon and Leviathan’s reinstatement as Lord of the Fifth, his plotting continued more or less where it had left off. Furthermore, during his exile Leviathan arranged an alliance with Verrier, the greatest of the hellspawn, whom the Prince had assumed destroyed in battles with Lucifer, in which he gained the absolute loyalty of the barregon. Leviathan now openly declares that he will topple Asmodeus from the Serpent’s Throne, and that he will consume the essences of the rest of the Lords of the Nine. He will then rewrite the history of Perdition so that all believe that he has ruled from eternity to eternity, with one Lord, not nine. This open defiance of the King of Hell and the status quo has alarmed even Mephistopheles, who is otherwise the most vocal Lord over his own claims to the Serpent’s Throne. Though still confined to his iceberg, Leviathan’s true isolation is political, not physical.
In some ways, Leviathan is similar to Beelzebub, although he would never admit as much. Like the Lord of the Flies, he sees an ideal Hell with himself at the helm, or more precisely, the Serpent’s Throne. Like Beelzebub, he came to power in Hell through intrigue and conspiracy, though he did so eons before the current Lord of the Seventh Fell from Heaven. And like Beelzebub he has altered the annals of Hell to erase names and events so as to further his ultimate political ends. However, such alterations were not of his enemies and their exploits, but rather a systematic removal of almost all of his own past. Some things, like the events that led to Asmodeus stripping the Prince of his Lordship, remain; the ripples in the water from such actions could not be hidden. But other things, like his ancient names and his original form, have long since been hidden. Those who have been in Hell since the beginning Mephistopheles, Dispater and Verrier chief among them, are perhaps best qualified to speak of the Lord of Stygia. The records of Mephistopheles in particular suggest that Leviathan may have been only a minor player in Hell initially, but that through flattery, deception and conspiracy he grew in might until, when the war with Lucifer the Satan began, he was one of the mighty ones. Although all three of them have shared alliances with him in the past, only Verrier does so now, and that is borne of desperation. Ultimately, they know the value of his words, which are always chosen so that meanings can be shifted as the undercurrents of politics and power in Hell shift: Leviathan is the Eternal Traitor. It is no wonder, therefore, that the annals have been changed. To betray an ally, Leviathan first requires an ally, and as things stand, he is in a very short supply of such things.
For his part, the Prince of Stygia (a title that he took to himself during his first stint as Lord of the Fifth, and that he has used ever since) has often remarked that with great power comes great responsibility. He recognizes that Mephistopheles’ attempts to gain greater and greater knowledge, and the corruption of that knowledge into purposes that suit Hell, are useful, but ultimately a distraction from the task of truly ordering Hell into a cohesive state. Leviathan campaigns only irregularly against Mephistopheles, striving to put him off balance, seeking to steal and erase knowledge vital to the Lord of Loss cause; however, the true level of contempt that the prince holds for Mephistopheles is seen in his having taken ice as a symbol, an act for which the Lord of the Eighth has never forgiven Leviathan. Bael, meanwhile, is a warmongering fool to the prince’s mind, better suited to taking orders and fighting demons than to offer any vision for a unified, single Hell. Dispater he views as cowardly, unwilling to take risks in the name of what he believes; the two otherwise operate somewhat similarly, a fact which Leviathan consistently tries to ignore. Belial and Beelzebub he hates, as he does all of the Fallen, for he believes that they represent a risk to his desires in Hell; though he has betrayed them many a time, the Lord of the Fifth still believes himself a champion of the devils true, and the malefircareim in particular. He envies Beelzebub, and hates the Lord of Flies for that reason, greatly desiring to consume the Lord of the Seventh’s powers and influences, controlling the ordered realm of Cocytus (Maladomini), and spring boarding from there into the rest of Hell. First, though, he knows that he needs to overrun a weaker realm; Phlegethon (Phlegethos) has long been a target. He believes that the Lake of Fire and Brimstone will grant him great strength in the form of newly formed lemures and, perhaps more importantly, nupperibos; simultaneously, he knows that his control of the Lake may grant him another Lordship: Avernus. Bael, facing continued blood war casualties, will come to rely on the Prince for more troops, eventually rescinding the mantle of Lordship to Leviathan. The Prince has grown mildly concerned with the Countess of Malbolge of late. Although she was reinstated as a Lord at the same time he was, Lilith, due to her freedom, has been quicker in reestablishing control over the entirety of her domain. Further-more, Leviathan would rather that Lilith did not discover Verrier’s continued existence as it could threaten his plans with Hell’s Pawn should the two forge a new alliance. However, Leviathan knows that Verrier’s hatred of the other Lords would make such an alliance unlikely and is doing all he can to ensure that Verrier would go to war with the Queen of Desolation if discovered. Leviathan would love little else but to consume Malbolge, valuing the ties between storms and water but has considered forging a temporary alliance with her to overthrow one of The Fallen.
Set has realms within Stygia, and faces constant encroachments (successful and attempted) from the current Lord of the Fifth. In treating with Set, Leviathan acts himself; the crafty deity is used to dealing with powerful entities, though, and his realm is quite different and far removed from the waters of the Styx where Leviathan’s power runs deepest. Thus far, Leviathan’s gains have been minimal at best; his purpose in this is borne of a desire to control the entire layer himself, as well as a petty attack on Asmodeus decrees. For his part, Asmodeus has remained silent on the matter, which can be nothing less than disquieting for the deify embroiled in the conflict. In his own court, Leviathan has long since killed every official and courtier from the time of Geryon, and a good deal that survived from his original stint as Lord of the Fifth. Dukes Dagon and Caarcrinolaas are two of the few who remain; Leviathan periodically allows other courtiers to attempt to move up in the hierarchy, testing the cunning and mettle of his two greatest servants, whilst keeping them too occupied in looking over their own shoulders to even think of challenging him. In terms of Geryon himself, demoted to arch-devil status at the end of the Dies Irae, Leviathan continues to expend resources in order to attempt to find him, although the protections of Asmodeus himself have prevented the Prince of Stygia’s efforts from being successful. Leviathan has come to suspect that another Lord of the Nine may be responsible along these lines although the truth has yet to occur to him, that his greatest enemy may be his most proximate enemy as well.
Outside of Hell, Leviathan maintains no known alliances; indeed, he has few enemies beyond Perdition either. Because his efforts have largely centered on events within the Pit, non-hellish entities generally ignore his presence. The exception to this is Behemoth, the Demon Prince of Gluttony, whom Leviathan hates with a passion. When Leviathan has set Hell under his heel, it is expected that his first attentions will be given to his demonic counterpart, believing that gluttonous souls and memories will be solely his own to consume. Legend has it that they have met in the past, but both have grown in power and stature since then; another meeting would be cataclysmic.
Prior to his imprisonment, Leviathan frequently changed his form as the situation demanded. Favorites were a 12-foot tall malefircarim with subtle fishlike features, including webbing between his claws and a fluke-like tail his eyes were overlarge and never appeared to blink in that form and a second form, the most immense of all the malefircareim, fully one hundred and eighty feet in length. In this form his head was lean and smooth, his glittering black eyes situated on either side of a bullet-shaped head. He lacked an external nose and ears, though he could both hear and smell incredibly well, and a smoke constantly issued from the nostrils set directly into his head. His wide mouth was filled with nine rows of razor-sharp teeth. His torso was almost humanoid in appearance, though covered in scales of black and gray, and two immense arms sprouted from his sides. His clawed hands were similar enough to those of a typical malefircarim, though they were webbed, like that of his smaller form. Leviathan lacked legs, his body resembling that of a large whale from below his torso to the end of his massive, spiked tail. While his physical appearance is now obscured due to his prison, it appears that Asmodeus has confined him to his colossal form. It is said that his immense mental and psionic powers are not at all restricted by his prison, and though the memories of the Styx are not accessible to him, there are few that come into contact with him that do not lose at least a part of themselves.
Those reputed to have met with the Lord of the Fifth account these things as no longer accurate of Leviathan, stating that he has changed. They suggest that past misdemeanors should be allowed to sink into the past and be forgotten, like water under a bridge.
Leviathan, being imprisoned, is unlikely to face anyone in combat. Such a combat would require the foes to either successfully summon him away from the harbor at Tantlin, or else face him from within or upon the dark waters of the Styx. Leviathan, in such a situation, uses the benefits conferred by his Forget the Flesh ability to bring combat to his foes, calling a myriad of barregon for him to do his will. His opponents, on the other hand, do not have line of sight or effect to him, but obviously can enter combat with creatures controlled by the Prince.
To truly enter combat with Leviathan requires that he first be freed from his imprisonment. While an unlikely event, such a thing is possible. In such circumstances, Leviathan will always seek to fight in places where he has an edge such as within the River Styx. Against foes he has determined are weak, such as those he recognizes do not have protection from his awesome mind-affecting powers, Leviathan utilizes his psionic powers to subdue foes before subjecting them to Confer Ignorance preferably after swallowing them whole, as this does not count against his daily limit for that ability. More powerful foes may be targeted first by Subvert the Senses. Leviathan ultimately tries to consume all foes, body, mind and soul.
Aura of Hell (Ex): Leviathan’s aura can affect all creatures within 900 feet of him, with a Will save DC 60 allowed to negate the effect.
Call Devils (Sp): As a move equivalent action Leviathan can call, up to nine times a day, one Duke of Hell, 9 pit fiends, or 18 of any other sort of devil;
devils so called have triple standard Hit Dice, to a maximum of 45 Hit Dice. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their Monster Manual or template descriptions allow. Leviathan generally calls barregons to do his bidding, as they are the most loyal of his servants, and having them present bolsters his own combat effectiveness while he is imprisoned. He can call devils normally despite his imprisonment.
Confer Ignorance (Su): Five times per day as a free action, Leviathan can Confer Ignorance. A wave of smoke issues from his nostrils, and a flaming liquid pours from his mouth. If used underwater, the effect appears as an ink cloud instead. This fills five 50-foot cubes (the effect is shapable), obscuring sight within (20% miss chance within 5 feet, 50% miss chance beyond). Those caught in the effect are drained of 5000 experience points each round unless they succeed on a Will save DC 60, as the flaming liquid burns away memories. A successful save halves the XP damage. Confer Ignorance lasts for 9 rounds. The effect is static after the first round, but can be dispersed by magical winds (or magical currents) originating from a deity or cosmic entity that succeeds on a rank check versus the Prince.
Leviathan can consume these memories as a standard action (he must spend a standard action in each round that he desires to consume memories). Doing so allows him to steal one-fifth of the XP burnt away in memory loss; these experience points last up to one hour and can only be used in conjunction with psionic powers (including epic powers) in offsetting XP costs.
Diabolical Empowerment: The Prince of Stygia uses his Intelligence score in place of his Charisma score as a modifier for his special attacks and special qualities.
Eternal Traitor (Ex): Leviathan has been a traitor from the beginning. Like the water he has taken as his totem, he has always had the ability to change his form to fit the situation. This is similar to the effects of alter self, save that Leviathan can take on the aspect of any creature he has seen or can imagine.
Refer to alter self for further details on this ability; note that Leviathan retains his own natural armor class and natural attack damage in whatever form he takes.
The form that Leviathan takes is actually treated as his true form; true seeing and the like do not penetrate it, although a deity or cosmic entity with Know Secrets or similar abilities can determine that the creature is Leviathan with a successful rank check. Leviathan gains a +3 bonus on such a check.
Finally, Leviathan gains a +16 bonus on Disguise checks when using a form not recognized as one of his own.
Forget the Flesh (Ex): Trapped as he is, Leviathan nonetheless is not entirely prevented from acting. Firstly, any willing barregon can act as a vessel for his mind to act from. Leviathan does not actually leave his entrapped body, but he is able to treat the barregon as the starting point when determining line of effect and line of sight, using his own senses from that point. barregons that have started their metamorphosis are never willing and cannot be possessed in this way. This requires Concentration as a move-equivalent action in each round that Leviathan uses it, and the barregon‘s own actions are subsumed by Leviathan’s. If a barregon used as a focal point for Leviathan is slain, the Prince of Stygia must make a Will save against a DC equal to the damage dealt to slay the barregon or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. A barregon that Leviathan is using as his vessel in this manner is immune to most forms of magical detection against beings that are possessed.
For powers of the telepathy discipline or the enchantment school,Leviathan is treated as having line of sight and effect from within the iceberg; his incredible telepathic powers coupled with the might bestowed upon him as a Lord of the Nine effectively give him typical senses even while he is locked away. Some of his special abilities can likewise be used normally despite his imprisonment; this has been noted in each case.
Hells Fire (Su): Leviathan may use Hell’s Fire 20/ day, a ten-foot wide line of diabolical energy dealing 20d12 points of damage, up to 1,700 feet away. Victims caught in the blast may Reflex save DC 60 for half damage. Leviathan’s Hell’s Fire appears as a tsunami of black ice and liquid oblivion.
Imprisoned (Ex): Leviathan is encased in thick ice within which he cannot move. While so imprisoned, his Dexterity score is effectively 0 and he suffers all the associated effects with that condition. He uses his Intelligence modifier for any Initiative rolls he may have to make, as well as for ranged attacks with spell-like abilities, spells, psionic powers and similar effects. He cannot make physical attacks, and cannot be physically or magically attacked. The iceberg is immune to all known damage, and exists simultaneously on the ethereal and shadow planes where appropriate. Leviathan cannot use teleportative or plane shift-like spells, spell-like abilities, powers or psi-like abilities to move the iceberg from its location in the middle of the harbor at Tantlin; he can, however, still be summoned or called by means of powerful magic as per normal. On occasion, Leviathan finds himself temporarily freed from the prison of the iceberg when he is summoned; generally this is not the case, and such freedom always ends with the cessation of the summons. In the case of the Processions of Perdition, Leviathan never appears freed in even the smallest degree, but Asmodeus does allow him to take a smaller form within the ice throughout such a summons.
Whilst imprisoned, Leviathan’s stats change as follows: Initiative: +17 (+6 Intelligence); Speed: 0 ft.; Armor Class: N/A; Attack: spell or psionic power +87 ranged touch; Space/Reach: 90 ft. / 0 ft.; Saves: Ref ; Abilities: Dexterity 0
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Leviathan must hit with his bite attack. He can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If he wins the grapple check, he establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.
Infernal Nobility (Ex): As the Lord of the Fifth, Leviathan has a status equivalent to that of the gods. Leviathan possesses a cosmic rank of 13. While in Stygia (and anywhere else on Hell that Asmodeus allows), Leviathan functions as a greater god with a cosmic rank of 16.
The Leviathan (Ex): Though Leviathan can take on many forms his most recognized is that of a Colossal aquatic malefircareim. His teeth are terrible round about, as those who have been swallowed whole can attest. His scales are his pride, so close and hard it is as if they were sealed with adamantine. When not imprisoned, a hellish glow emits from his mouth and eyes, whilst a deep, brooding vapor issues constantly from his nostrils.
Consequentially, while in this form, he enjoys certain benefits. His bite is treated as one size larger, as if affected by the Improved Natural Attack feat. He posses Damage Reduction 15/- and is immune to vorpal weaponry and similar effects. The clouds of vapor which are different to those specifically emitted when he Confers Ignorance, grant him partial concealment (20% miss chance).
In addition, it is said that Leviathan’s heart is a stone. He has a cosmic rank of 20 with respect to mind-affecting effects.
The Might of Hell (Su): Leviathan’s Might of Hell affects an area with a 1,440-foot radius (caster level 72 nd , save DC 60). This functions normally despite his imprisonment.
Psionic Powers: Leviathan manifests powers as a 75th level Telepath. Power points/day: Powers known:
- 1st —attraction, conceal thoughts, crystal shard, empty mind, psionic charm;
- 2nd —brain lock, concussion blast, id insinuation, read thoughts;
- 3rd —dispel psionics, energy burst, false sensory input, telekinetic force;
- 4th — correspond, mindwipe, psionic modify memory, telekinetic maneuver;
- 5th —catapsi, mind probe, psychic crush, shatter mind blank;
- 6th —aura alteration, co-opt Concentration , temporal acceleration;
- 7th —crisis of life, decerebrate, insanity;
- 8th —bend reality, mind seed, recall death;
- 9th —apopsi, assimilate, microcosm, psychic chirurgery, reality revision.
Spell-like Abilities:
- At will: animate dead, baleful polymorph, blasphemy, charm monster EN , deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, detect chaos, detect good, detect magic, dominate monster EN , flame strike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mass hold monster EN , mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, restoration, resurrection, suggestion EN , symbol of pain, unhallow, unholy aura, wall of fire.
- 9/day: command EN , destruction, dominate person EN ,enthrall EN , firestorm, geas/quest EN , greater command EN , greater restoration, Mass suggestion EN , meteor swarm, monstrous thrall CD EN , true domination CD EN , true resurrection.
- 6/day: accursed, hellball, oppress, tyranny.
- 3/day: damnation EN , wish.
Caster level 72 nd ; save DC 36 + spell level, 37 + spell level for spells of the Enchantment school. Leviathan gains the granted power of the Domination domain.
Epic Psionic Powers: Leviathan can manifest an epic power up to nine times per day.
Powers known: greater epic psionic armor*, long arm of the treacher, spell worm (psionic)*, Trojan curse.
*As per greater epic mage armor and spell worm, except as epic psionic powers.
Strip the Memory (Ex): In order to perpetuate his own order (and ultimately to feed his immense hunger for souls and memories), Leviathan willingly offers aid to those who seek and summon him. Five times per day he (in person or through a barregon) can offer to Strip the Memory. He does this in one of two ways.
First of all, he can offer to Strip the Memory of another individual or individuals. This is typically done to cover the actions of the summoner or supplicant, such as to remove the memory from those who saw him murder an important official or the like. Leviathan can erase up to 5 hours of events from an individual’s memory, or a total of 5 hours of events from any number of creatures, so long as it encompasses the same event. Thus a murder in the middle of a royal ball with 300 people would qualify for 1 minute of erasure for each person present at the time. Memories
can be altered rather than erased if the supplicant wishes. Each creature so affected gets a Will save against DC 60 to avoid the alteration; this recurs daily until successful for five days. Affected creatures that successfully save are not aware that an attempt to alter their memories has been made. Where creatures have immunity to mind-affecting effects, whether mundane or magical, this can be breached by a successful rank check (they are treated as having divine or cosmic rank 0 for this purpose). Should the supplicant require a greater degree of memory manipulation, Leviathan can offer additional uses of Strip the Memory, but usually only does so if he is summoned additional times.
Secondly, Leviathan can Strip the Memory of the supplicant himself. In this case, Leviathan can maintain an ongoing link with the supplicant. The Prince first erases up to 5 separate events, of any length, from the supplicant’s mind. The benefit of this, of course, is that no manner of magical investigation can detect these memories ever again; additionally, it acts as a universal Atonement spell, also counting as having fulfilled a quest of some sort. For those who contact Leviathan specifically to find an easy way to atone, Strip the Memory is boon enough at this juncture.
Whether the first or second version of Strip the Memory is enacted, the supplicant moves one step towards Lawful Evil each time he benefits from the boon. Additionally, each week he takes a 3 penalty to Will saves, and must make a Will save DC 60 or be compelled to repeat the events stricken from either his own or others minds. Such reenactments will not be exactly the same as the original event (such a thing may not be possible), but will have similar circumstances and repercussions. Note that the penalty on Will saves applies only against Leviathan and his servants.
The Atonement effect, granted in the second version of Strip the Memory, continues its efficacy at Leviathan’s option, allowing a supplicant to indulge in inappropriate appetites (usually at the compulsion of this effect) and still appear, on the surface, to be on the right path. Leviathan often removes this benefit at the most damning of times, hoping to drive his clients to more desperate acts. A client who uses Strip the Memory five times or more automatically becomes Lawful Evil; when he dies, his soul is consigned to Stygia, where Leviathan consumes his soul and lingers over his memories.
Subvert the Senses (Su): Leviathan knows that the perceptions can be fooled, and that through such chicanery that a creature can come to be dominated. Five times per day, the Prince can Subvert the Senses. Any one creature that he can see can be targeted with a use of this ability, for which the creature is entitled to five saving throws against DC 60. With each failure, one of that creature’s senses is repressed and replaced by perceptions directly controlled by Leviathan; the order of senses so affected is touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. Because this is a direct manipulation of the creature’s body, as opposed to merely an illusion, true seeing or similar does not counter the effect, nor does immunity to mind-influencing effects protect the creature. Once a creature’s senses have been subverted, the effect can only be removed by a successful rank check followed by a successful caster level check against DC 71. Where a creature fails all or most of the saving throws, she may be totally unaware of the subversion of her senses and as such may not seek help in removing the effect. If all five senses are subverted, the creature is permanently helpless and will die of starvation, thirst, or exposure as appropriate. Leviathan can concentrate as a move action on a creature so subverted and effectively possess the creature, using spell-like abilities, manifesting powers, or using special abilities as he deems appropriate
with the creature as a conduit. Concentration must continue each round or else the possession ends. This otherwise works as per the barregon possession effect of Forget the Flesh.
Subvert the Senses is a mind-affecting effect; Leviathan can penetrate mind-affecting immunity with a successful rank check. In this case, creatures with no Intelligence score are treated as having divine rank 0.
Swallow Whole (Ex): While in his colossal form, Leviathan can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge size or smaller by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 4d8+10 points of crushing damage and is exposed to a permanent confer ignorance effect (Will DC 60 half). A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to Leviathan’s digestive tract (AC 72). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. Leviathan’s gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures.
The Diadem of Amnesia: This fist-sized jewel, cut so that it does not gleam even in the brightest of lights, is the only item supposed to be on Leviathan’s person in his icy prison. The Diadem is held in place in the middle of his forehead by a chain made of myriad links of gold, inlaid with ninety-nine pieces of black opal.
Those who make physical or mental contact with the bearer of the Diadem are stuck with a horrible mind-wiping affliction unless they succeed on a Will save DC 60. The victim immediately loses access to all special class abilities, skill ranks, feats, and racial abilities that require active effort (a drow would retain Spell Resistance, but not be capable of using spell-like abilities).
They may only apply one half of their base attack and save bonuses to appropriate rolls. They have no recollection of anything or anyone, and act as if confused. Those with natural immunity to mind-affecting effects are entitled to a rank check to determine whether a Will save is required, and are treated as Divine Rank 0 for this purpose. Magical or psionic immunity is stripped away on a successful opposed caster level check (the diadem is treated as a 72 nd level caster).
A wish or miracle can restore a level’s worth of special class abilities or skill points, one racial ability, or one feat. miracles always require an experience point cost when used in this manner. Gods using divine abilities to heal may restore one of the above mentioned per two divine ranks per day, so long as they succeed on an opposed rank check.
After five weeks, the victim must make another Will save DC 60. If successful, the victim recovers completely within five days. If failed, the victim reverts to a first level commoner (or loses all class levels if the victim possesses racial HD) and retains no memory of his past life. For every unit of restoration mentioned above, the victim receives a +1 bonus on his final Will save. For every close friend who spends a week of time with the victim sharing memories, the victim gains a +2 bonus on his final Will save.
Summoning Leviathan

The summoning of Leviathan is generally done in response to a perceived need to erase memories of a particular event. The Prince tests the devotion of invocants by means of onerous requirements; note that while a successful invocants may be able to replicate the experience at a later date, it is often the case that written records of the specifics of summoning Leviathan are soon lost or erased.
The magic circles for the invocation must be carved into blocks of ice; these blocks must then be set so that they float within a pool or body of water at least 15 feet deep. Silver is still required for the sigils, though they cannot easily form a full circle; dusting should happen directly into the carved grooves of the symbols. As these symbols must retain their shape, the chief invocant must ensure that the room is sufficiently cold to prevent the ice blocks from melting even in the slightest.
To this place, the invocant must bring 15 humanoids whose minds have been wiped (suffering total amnesia is acceptable, so long as the invocant was responsible for the malady); these wretches should be placed so that they are standing or swimming over the innermost magic circle. Physical bonds cannot be used to hold them in place, and thus compulsion magicks are expected. The blank canvasses of their minds are needed to channel the third aspect of the incantation: a purely mental litany, complex and mind-numbing, and unable to be uttered aloud without causing the utterer to go insane. Only those willing can learn it; the chief invocant actually transmits the wording to the effectively mindless humanoids that form part of the circle, and these creatures forget the litany the instant that the invocation ends. Although no memory of the experience remains in the mind of humanoids used in the incantation in this manner, the body remembers after a fashion, being affected by a recurrent frostbite effect every new moon thereafter (Fort save DC 60 negates the effects, although a heal or greater restoration spell will end the effect; if the creature is not tended to, each month she loses 1d4 points of Constitution after 24 hours of the frostbite, as well as 1d4 digits or a similar amount of degeneration to extremities. The frostbite disappears on its own after 24 hours).
A shadow, immense and brooding, appears in the water once the incantation is complete. A heavy weight descends on all in the area; cracks appear in walls and ceilings, though the ice remains intact, and the water begins to swirl as it forms a maelstrom. At the center of this, the tip of an iceberg is revealed, which then rises and engulfs the maelstrom. Though only the tip remains, the dim form of a creature can be seen within. At times, Leviathan is able to break his upper body free of the iceberg when he is summoned to the Prime; in such a case he generally appears in his non-colossal form, though his shadow is always too large for him. Most of the time, though, the iceberg remains intact, and Leviathan deals with potential clients either through an illusion or telepathically.
Leviathan is generally keen to offer to Strip the Memory of his clients, or of others at the clients behest. Being the eternal traitor, he loves to organize things so that his clients are eventually haunted by their own words and desires, twisted and changed from their original intent, but still strictly the same. He knows that his gifts will never bring true solace, but never mentions this fact – indeed, any issue that might work against him is conveniently ignored in the deliberations.
At the end of the audience, should Leviathan have managed allowed to treat with his clients partially freed, he draws himself up imperiously; whether partially freed or not, a fierce wind begins, howling through the room, and piercing to the very marrow with cold. The waters rise so that they reach well above Leviathan’s head, black and inky; any creature that swallows any of this water suffers the same mind-wiping affliction as that bestowed by the Diadem of Amnesia (Fort save DC 60 negates). A successful Swim check (DC 25) allows the creature to ignore the chance of swallowing any water; creatures that do not have to breath at all are likewise unaffected. The waters recede back to their original levels then, Leviathan gone, so too the fifteen humanoids used in the magic circle.
The ice upon which the symbols for the circles were carved does not easily melt; indeed, it ignores 30 points of fire damage each round, before taking damage as if it had hardness 0 (against fire). Otherwise, it is treated as steel, allowing weapons, armor, and magic items to be formed from it. A magical item made of this Stygian ice increases spell DCs by 1 where the spell utilized in the item is from the school of Enchantment; this increase stacks with Spell Focus (enchantment) and similar. Any item created from the Stygian ice grants its wielder a +2 profane bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects. Any creature wearing or using such items automatically fails saves against mind-affecting effects when dealing with Leviathan or his servants.