Osiris is the Egyptian god of the afterlife, death, and resurrection.

- Pantheon: Egyptian pantheon
- Deity Title: Osiris, God of the Afterlife, Death, and Resurrection
- Deity Symbol: Crook and flail, Atef crown, Djed pillar, Bennu bird
- Home Plane: The Duat, the Egyptian underworld
- Deity Level: Greater deity
- Alignment: Lawful Good
- Aliases: Asar, Wesir, Usir, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Asir, Oser, Asiris, Ousir
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Isis, Horus, Anubis, Thoth, Hathor
- Traditional Foes: Set, Apophis
- Divine Artifact: The crook and flail, Atef crown, Djed pillar
- Servants: The Four Sons of Horus (Imsety, Hapi, Duamutef, and Qebehsenuef), Khentiamentiu, Ma’at, Nephthys
- Servitor Creatures: Shabti, Ushabti, Ba-bird, Akh
- Sacred Animal: Bull, ram, crocodile, fish
- Manifestations: Appearances as a mummy or a pharaoh, glowing eyes, healing powers, control over vegetation and fertility, control over the Nile floods
- Signs of Favor: Blessings of fertility, bountiful harvests, protection against disease and evil spirits, safe passage through the afterlife
- Worshipers: Pharaohs, priests, farmers, artisans, the deceased and their families
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral
- Specialty Priests: Embalmer, farmers, healers, necromancers, scribes
- Holy Days: Festival of Osiris (Great Festival), Wag Festival, Navigium Isidis
- Portfolio: Afterlife, death, resurrection, fertility, agriculture, vegetation, Nile floods
- Domains: Death, Underworld Law, Plant, Repose
- Favored Weapon: Khopesh (a sickle-shaped sword)
- Favored Class: Cleric
- Favored Race: Human
- Duties of the Priesthood: Conduct funerary rites, maintain temples and shrines, care for the poor and sick, advise rulers and pharaohs, preserve knowledge and wisdom
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: Abydos, Memphis, Heliopolis, Busiris, Mendes, Thebes
- Benefits: Access to divine magic, protection from evil spirits and disease, guidance from the gods, blessings of fertility and bountiful harvests, assurance of a safe passage through the afterlife.
Osiris stands tall and regal, with skin as green as the fertile earth and a headdress of plumes and horns, symbolizing his divine power. His body is wrapped in the linen of the mummified dead, adorned with gold and lapis lazuli jewelry. His eyes, like the sun and moon, glow with the knowledge of all that is hidden and unknown. Osiris carries the crook and flail, symbols of his authority as king of the dead, and his throne is adorned with the sacred symbols of his power and dominion.
As the god of the afterlife, death, and resurrection, Osiris plays a crucial role in the Egyptian pantheon. He is the ruler of the underworld, presiding over the judgment of souls in the afterlife, and the bringer of rebirth and renewal. Osiris is the embodiment of resurrection and eternal life, as he himself was restored to life after being murdered and dismembered by his brother, Set.
Osiris represents the cyclical nature of life and death, and his actions aim to ensure that balance and order are maintained in the world. He teaches that death is not an end, but a necessary transformation that leads to new beginnings. Through his wisdom and guidance, Osiris hopes to guide his followers to a life of righteousness and eventual reward in the afterlife.
Duties of the Priesthood
Priests of Osiris must honor the dead and the places in which they rest. No priest of Osiris can ever take part in or condone the looting or violation of a grave, the removal of treasure from a fallen body (either friend or foe), or any similar action. Sacrilege of this type results in an instant loss of all powers and abilities. Priests who die while in such disgrace will become mummies (or some other form of undead, at the DM’s discretion)
The Lore of the Gods
Book 3 – The Egyptian Gods
Lead Designers Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal
Lord of the Underworld, Lord of Resurrection, God of Vegetation and Fertility, Judger of the Dead, the White Crown, Reaper of the Harvest
Osiris is considered one of the most important of all Egyptian deities. He plays a dual role both as a god of fertility and vegetation and as the god of the Underworld, the embodiment of resurrection and the dead. Osiris is the god of technology and taught the Egyptians how to make wheels and tools for farming. Farmers who pray for a good harvest also worship him.
Osiris ruled the world of men in the beginning, once Ra had abandoned the world to rule the skies. His brother Set murdered him, but
through the magic of Isis, he returned to life again.
His son Horus avenged his death and defeated Set.
As the first being to die, Osiris subsequently became lord of the dead. Ra, the father god, would not allow him to stay in the land of the living, but rather sent him to the Underworld to be the god and judge of the dead as they pass into the afterlife. He is sometimes referred to as the lord of Maat (otherwise known as divine law). This made him the most popular of gods, as people worshipped him for a favorable judgment in the afterlife.
Osiris is the first child of Nut and Geb and therefore the brother of Set, Nephthys, and Isis, who is also his wife. By Isis he fathered Horus, and according to some legends, Nephthys assumed the form of Isis and seduced him, thus giving rise to Anubis.
Osiris is depicted in human form wrapped up as a mummy, holding the crook and flail. He is often shown with green skin, alluding to his role as a god of vegetation. He wears a crown known as the ‘atef’, composed of the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt with red plumes on each side.
Atef, the White Crown (of Osiris)

This is a tall conical crown with red plumbs on each side.
Atef, the White Crown has the following properties:
- The wearer gains a +6 natural bonus to his Charisma score.
- If the wearer can turn or rebuke undead, he gains a +6 bonus to do so. If not, the wearer gains the ability to turn or rebuke undead as a cleric of 12 th level.
- When worn, the White Crown allows the wearer to instinctively know the direction and distance to the Book of the Ani.
- The wearer can cast the following spells at will; bless, Invisibility to Undead, Purify Food and Drink, and shield of faith.
- daylight 5/day.
- Meld into stone 5/day.
- Speak with dead 5/day.
- Speak with plants 5/day.
- Antilife Shell 3/day.
- control weather 2/day.
- resurrection 2/day.
- true resurrection 1/week.
All spells are equal in effect to those cast by a 20th level cleric.
Posted by
Tebryn14 of the Wizards Community forums.
On this Thread
Osiris | |
Cleric 18/Ranger 14/Wizard 8 | |
Medium-size outsider (Good, Law) | |
Divine Rank | 15 |
Hit Dice | 20d8+180 (outsider) + 18d8+162 (Clr) + 14d10+126 (Rgr) + 8d6+72 (Wiz) (1,032 hp) |
Initiative | +11 (+7 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed | 60 ft. |
AC | 80 (+17 Dexterity, +15 divine, +28 natural, +10 deflection) |
Attacks | +5 disruption, ghost touch, holy heavy flail +70/+65/+60/+55 melee; or spell +64 melee touch or +62 ranged touch. |
Damage | +5 disruption, ghost touch, holy heavy flail 1d10+14/17-20; or by spell. |
Face/Reach | 5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, turn undead 17/day. |
Special Qualities | Divine aura (1,500 ft., DC 35), divine immunities, DR 50/+4, familiars (hawks), favoured enemies (undead +3, evil outsiders +2, chaotic outsiders +1), fire resistance 35, godly realm (10 miles Outer Plane, 1,500 ft. Material Plane),plane shift at will, remote communication 15 miles, spontaneous casting of divine spells, SR 47, teleport without error at will, understand, speak and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 14 miles. |
Saves | Fort +57, Ref +54, Will +62 |
Abilities | Strength 29, Dexterity 24, Constitution 29, Intelligence 29, Wisdom 40, Charisma 31 |
Skills | Alchemy +64, Concentration +64, Diplomacy +67, Gather Information +65, Heal +70, Intimidate +65, Knowledge (arcana) +64, Knowledge (history) +64, Knowledge (nature) +64, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +64, Knowledge (religion) +66, Listen +72, Profession (embalmer) +70, Profession (herbalist) +70, Scry +64, Search +64, Spellcraft +64, Spot +72, Wilderness Lore +70. |
Feats | Alertness, Blind-Fight, Blindsight, Brew Potion, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Divine Might, Divine Vengeance, Extra Turning, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (heavy flail), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Power Critical (heavy flail), Reach Spell, Sacred Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration, Theocrat, Track, Weapon Focus (heavy flail). |
Divine Immunities | Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment. |
Salient Divine Abilities | Alter Form, Alter Size, Avatar, Command Plants, Divine Blast, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Storm (positive energy), Extra Domain (Good), Extra Domain (Retribution), Gift of Life, Hand of Death, Know Death, Life and Death, Mass Divine Blast, Power of Nature, Rejuvenation, Undead Mastery, Undead Qualities. |
Domain Powers | Cast good spells at +1 caster level; cast law spells at +1 caster level; 12/day rebuke or command plant creatures; 15/day death touch; 15/ retributive strike. |
Spell-like Abilities | Osiris uses these abilities as a 25th-level caster, except for good and law spells, which he uses as a 26th-level caster. The save DC’s are 35 + spell level. aid, banishment, barkskin, blade barrier, calm emotions, changestaff, command plants, control plants, death ward, deathwatch, destruction, dictum, discern location, dispel evil, dispel law, endurance, entangle, fire shield, gentle repose, hold monster, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, mark of justice, order’s wrath, plant growth, protection from chaos, protection from evil, repel wood, shambler, shield of faith, shield of law, slay living, speak with dead, spell turning, storm of vengeance, summon monster IX (as good or law spell only), surelife, undeath to death, wail of the banshee, wall of thorns. |
Cleric Spells/day | 6/10/10/10/9/8/8/7/6/5 (level 0-9); base DC 25 + spell level. |
Ranger Spells/day | 2/5/5/4 (level 1-4); base DC 25 + spell level |
Wizard Spells/day | 4/7/5/5/4; base DC 19 + spell level. |
Possessions Osiris attacks with Just Reward, a +5 heavy flail with the disruption, ghost touch and holy special abilities.
Other Divine Powers

As an intermediate god, Osiris automatically receives a 20 on any check. He treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure and is immortal.
Senses Osiris can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of fifteen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within fifteen miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to ten locations simultaneously. He can block the sensing powers of deities of up to his rank at two such remote locations at once for 15 hours.
Portfolio Sense Osiris automatically senses any death, mummification or any creation of undead, or any harvest or planting of seeds.
Automatic Actions Osiris can use Concentration , Heal, Knowledge (nature), Profession (embalmer) or Spellcraft, as a free action, if the DC for the check is 25 or less. He can perform up to ten such actions per round.
Create Magic Items Being the death god and one of its nature gods, Osiris can create any magical item that relates to death or the dead or opposes undead, or any item useable by rangers and druid specifically, as long as the item’s price does not exceed 200,000gp.
Avatars of Osiris appear in one of two forms. The first is a green-skinned, muscular warrior with totally black eyes. This is his martial form, the form he uses to attack hated foes, such as Set and his minions. The warrior appears clad in the regal robes and wearing the crown of the kings of Egypt. The second form is that of a great mummy, perfectly preserved, wearing regal tomb jewellery, one of which is an elaborate pectoral collar of a falcon holding an ankh in its claws. This is the form he prefers to use when Osiris acts as the god of death. He uses either form in his godhood over harvest and plants.
Avatar of Osiris As Osiris except as follows; divine rank 7; AC 67; Atk +62/+57/+52/47 (1d10+14/17-20; +5 disruption, ghost touch, holy heavy flail); spell +56 melee touch or +54 ranged touch; SQ Divine aura (700 ft., DC 27), DR 41/+4, fire resistance 27, SR 39; SV Fort +49, Ref + 46, Will +54; all skill modifiers are reduced by eight.
Salient Divine Abilities Alter Size, Command Plants, Divine Blast, Extra Domain (Good), Extra Domain (Retribution), Gift of Life, Hand of Death, Know Death, Undead Qualities.
Spell-like abilities Caster level 17th, saving throw DC 27 + spell level
Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
The Egyptian God of Life, Death and Rebirth.
He began as a God of the harvest, in particular corn. He is Brother to Set and Isis and husband to Isis. Set killed Osiris and cast away his dismembered body. Isis reunited his body parts and brought him back to life. He then became lord of the dead. He is also the God of the Nile and Law.
Alignment: LG
Areas of Influence: Good, Earth, Knowledge, Life and Death
Consort to: Isis
Currently in the World

In the beginning, Osiris emerged as a powerful and wise god, destined to rule over the afterlife, death, and resurrection. With his mighty scepter and the power of his divine magic, he created the first tomb and established the path to the afterlife for the souls of the dead.
As the centuries passed, Osiris continued to watch over his domain, guiding souls to their rightful place in the underworld and judging those who had led a life of sin. He was revered by the Egyptians and worshipped as the bringer of life after death.
But even the most powerful of gods have their weaknesses. Set, the god of chaos and disorder, envied Osiris and his power, and plotted to overthrow him. Set succeeded in his plot and Osiris was slain, his body dismembered and scattered across Egypt.
But even in death, Osiris was not defeated. His devoted wife Isis gathered his remains and used her own magic to bring him back to life. Osiris returned, but he was not the same as before. He had gained new abilities and a newfound strength, and his connection to the underworld had deepened.
Now, in the 1450s, Osiris remains as powerful as ever, with his eyes fixed firmly on the future. He is determined to ensure that the path to the afterlife remains open and that the souls of the dead are not led astray. His goal is to unite the gods of Egypt, to bring them together in a time of peace and prosperity.
But he knows that this will not be an easy task. Set still lurks in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity to strike again. And the other gods, with their own desires and motivations, are not always easy to persuade.
Yet Osiris persists, confident in his abilities and his divine power. He knows that he is not invincible, but he is determined to protect his domain and to ensure that the souls of the dead are given the afterlife that they deserve.
And so he watches, ever vigilant, always ready to defend his kingdom and to guide the souls of the departed to their final resting place. For he is Osiris, God of the Afterlife, Death, and Resurrection, and his power will never fade.