Lixer Prince of Hell

The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
The Overlord of Hell is a crafter of countless plans. Having waited in the infinite depths of darkness and infinite evil, Asmodeus has had an eternity to compose a myriad of plots and goals. While many of Asmodeus plans are singular and independent of each other, others are intimately entwined in a stately dance, spinning towards an end only The Overlord can see. Like a master architect, Asmodeus has created countless designs that will allow his plans to fall into place one at a time, plans so insidious and complex that not even the greatest gods of knowledge can easily piece them together. The Overlord shares his plans with none (save perhaps Aesmadeva). Not the other Lords of Perdition, his own Court, and not even with his own children. Indeed, some believe that the creation of his children are all part of some plot that will take shape in a future so dim that only gods of time can see possible outcomes. The creation of Lixer, the Prince of Hell, may well be one of the many keys Asmodeus has created to unlock the future he seeks to create.
Lixer, the Pale Prince of Hell, is the spawn of Asmodeus through a powerful mortal noblewoman. Relissa Trebonaris was a mighty infernal speaker and a baroness on a world known as Sharnth. At the pinnacle of her power as a dedicated servant of Hell, Relissa realized that her thirst for knowledge and rulership could not be accomplished through the strength of her own knowledge. Not even undeath would be good enough. So, in an act of desperation, Relissa considered and acquiesced to the unthinkable: she offered her body to The Overlord of Hell. It is believed that Relissa did what no other mortal in any world at any time dared to do: she summoned Asmodeus to the mortal coil of Sharnth. In an unspeakable ceremony and rite, before 27 cardinals of Asmodeus, vile blackguards, and other infernal speakers gathered from across her realm, Relissa gave herself to The Lord of the Nine. When the act was completed, Asmodeus promised Relissa that the knowledge gained would fulfill the great plans he had for her. As the dark seed within Relissa grew as a normal human child, so too did her knowledge and her command over the bodies and minds of her subjects strengthened. Her burgeoning power led her to overthrow rival baronies and lay waste to those in her barony who dared to challenge her. Yet, her dreams became more profound and dismal as time passed. By the end of her term, Relissa’s dreams had taken her into the depths of Hell, into the past that Time long since devoured, and into the future Asmodeus had planned. So depraved was this final vision that preyed on her soul – which occurred at the beginning of her nine hours of labor – that Relissa went mad. Her nursemaids and midwives were driven from their queen by a terrible fear, leaving Relissa alone in darkness. As she died, Relissa fully realized the horror of The Overlord and her quest was fulfilled as her soul was consumed by the father of her first and only child. As Relissa’s body died, so too did new life emerge from her fevered husk. Named Lixer by the disembodied voice of Asmodeus, the child was dubbed Prince of Hell by the sudden arrival of Martinet and Aesmadeva. Speaking for Asmodeus, Martinet granted custody of the preternaturally intelligent child to Relissa’s brother and adversary, Jarun, a powerful baron in a rival realm.
Lixer, Prince of Hell | |
Arch-Devil of the Undead | |
Archivist 15/Necromancer 3/True Necromancer 17 | |
Medium outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Evil, Extraplanar, Human, Lawful) | |
Divine Rank | 5 |
Symbol | A skull within a black pentagram on a purple field |
Portfolio | Knowledge, Negative Energy, Undead |
Cleric Alignments | LE, NE, LN |
Domains | Death, Deathbound, Knowledge, Undeath |
Favored Weapon | “Eikonoklastos” (rapier) |
Hit Dice | 10d8 + 32d6 + 3d4 + 405 (689 hp) |
Initiative | +11 |
Speed | 90 ft., Fly 200 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class | 68 (+12 deflection, +11 Dexterity, +5 divine, +24 natural, +6 profane), touch 44, flat-footed 57 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +28/+43 |
Attack | Eikonoklastos +52 melee (1d6 + 19 plus unholy power/15-20/x2 plus unholy power) |
Full Attack | Eikonoklastos +52/+47/+42 melee (1d6 + 19 plus unholy power /15-20/x2 plus unholy power) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Acidic blood, call devils, diabolical aura, domain powers, the Presence of Hell, rebuke undead, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, spells. |
Special Qualities | Arch-devil Qualities, damage reduction 30/epic, good and silver, dark knowledge 8/day, Diabolical Prowess, divine aura (50 ft., DC 36), divine qualities, divine immunities, fast healing 5, immunity to acid, fire and cold, lore mastery, necromantic prowess, regeneration 18, resistance to electricity 25, Spell Resistance 59, still mind, zone of desecration (major) |
Saves | Fort +40, Ref +34, Will +43 |
Abilities | Strength 30, Dexterity 33, Constitution 28, Intelligence 46, Wisdom 35, Charisma 35 |
Skills | Balance +24, Bluff +64, Concentration +62, Decipher Script +73, Diplomacy +83 (+89 with evil beings), Disguise +30 (+36 acting), Escape Artist +29, Gather Information +71, Heal +65, Hide +29, Intimidate +70 (+76 against evil beings), Jump +44, Knowledge (Arcana) +73, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +71, Knowledge (history) +71, Knowledge (local – Sharnth) +73, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +71, Knowledge (psionics) +71, Knowledge (religion) +73, Knowledge (the planes) +71, Listen +30, Move Silently +29, Ride (Dexterity)+46, Search +71 (+77 with secret doors), Sense Motive +65, Spellcraft +105, Spot +30, Survival +17 (+23 on other planes, +23 tracking), Tumble +29, Rope Use+16 (+18 bindings) |
Feats | Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell-like AbilityB, Craft Wondrous Item, Dark SpeechB, Extend spell, Extra TurningB, Fell Weaken, Fortify Spell, Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Improved critical (rapier), Persistent spell, Scribe ScrollB, Skill Focus (Spellcraft)B, Spell Penetration |
Epic Feats | Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Epic Evil BrandB, Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Epic Spell Focus (Necromancy), Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting |
Salient Divine Abilities | Arch-Devil of the Undead*, Automatic Metamagic (Fell Drain), Divine Corpsecrafter*, Divine Spellcasting, Extra Domain (Knowledge), Extra Domain (Undead) |
Environment | Gloomfire, the Negative Energy Plane or Malsheem, Nessus, the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) |
Challenge Rating | 49 |
Treasure | Quadruple standard plus The Eikonoklastos |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Lixer’s childhood is shrouded in darkness. It is known that he was evil from the moment he bled from his mothers cadaver. He saw through the small minds of mortals and outsiders. He could see into the very world of shadow and death. Lixer took to the study of magic – necromancy in particular – well and had power rivaling that of men twice his age by his 16th birthday. Before he was 18, Lixer had completely overpowered the minds and souls of his court. Jarun was spared domination by Lixer (probably due to Lixer’s intent), and was able to raise an army to take what he believed was rightfully his. Through ingenious strategy, a willingness to kill thousands, and his own personal power, Lixer decimated his uncle’s armies and captured his uncle alive. Lixer executed his uncle himself, using his magic to pull every single bone from Jarun’s body. Lixer then punished Jarun fully by turning him into the first of his Thirteen, undead warriors who cannot help but obey their dreaded master. Lixer assumed control of his uncle’s barony and his evil spread across Sharnth like a great, bloody cloak. In short order, as he wiped out adversaries (turning the greatest into the rest of his Thirteen), Lixer forged the mighty Narqian Empire (named after an ancient ancestor). For over 999 years now, Lixer the Scion-Emperor has ruled the empire, contesting the other lands of Sharnth throw his vile, organized evil. Many in Sharnth, including the powerful Lucent Hand and their leader, Athern, count Lixer as the most vile being in Creation.
It is unclear how long Lixer knew of his heritage. Most believe that he has been aware of his father ever since his conception. It is known that upon taking control of Narq that Lixer commanded all of his citizens to worship the Powers of Hell, Asmodeus above and beyond all others. So total is Lixer’s dedication to Hell that he weaved ancient and terrible magicks into the very soil, causing all who die in his empire to be condemned in Hell for 999 years after their deaths. Upon the completion of this act, Lixer was physically transported to Nessus wherein before the Gathering of Perdition he was recognized by Asmodeus as his only son and the Prince of Hell. Equal in rank to his half-sister, Glasya, Asmodeus announced that his two offspring would rule in his stead should anything ever happen to him. In a painful process, Asmodeus purged his son of his mortal physiology and remade his physical nature as a devil, finally allowing his external nature to match his decrepit soul. Still, Lixer is perceived by the Lords of the Nine and by Glasya as a mongrel and half-breed unworthy of his status; however, none are foolish enough to contest Asmodeus and all know that Lixer – in spite of his origins – is easily a match for them.
The Pale Prince is the mightiest necromancer in Hell. Indeed, he is ranked as one of the greatest powers over undeath in the Cosmos, his name often mentioned in the same breath as Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead. Lixer has found ways to bind negative energy to devils in a manner transcending that of even Mephistopheles. But undeath is just a means to an end to Lixer. Lixer knows that even beings such as himself can be destroyed and he seeks mastery over not just death, but over Oblivion. Lixer represents the desire of rulership and command that extends into the life beyond. In Lixer, tyrants see their rule lasting eternally, their beliefs and their power dragging on time like spiked chains. Lixer’s rule is dedicated
to an everlasting empire in which his law is Right and all those opposed to it are not just crushed, but forced to accept his rule if not in life, then in unlife.
Lixers is the way of war, intellect, and cold efficiency. He is not fond of subtlety and intrigue, tending to frown upon those too cowardly to confront
him directly. Still, Lixer is an expert plotter and, like his father, tends to have multiple plans working simultaneously. Lixer’s is one of the greatest minds in Hell and he is not modest about this fact. One of his greatest weaknesses is his arrogance; Lixer seems incapable of admitting when he is out of his depth. Still, Lixer learns quickly and believes that his arrogance actually serves as a shield, allowing him to lull his enemies into a false sense of security.
Lixer spends most his time in The Gloomfire in Nessus. He allows a simulacrum to rule his empire in most cases as his desires now transcend Sharnth. In Negation, his tertiary realm in the Plane of Oblivion, Lixer seeks to solidify his power over undeath. Indeed, this is his primary goal as he believes that he is destined to take command of undeath. Lixer counts Orcus as his primary adversary. It is unclear as to when Lixer came to this conclusion, although it is known that he has battled against the forces of The Goat since before his apotheosis. Lixer frowns upon the madness and blind hatred Orcus represents, believing that such power over negative energy belongs in the hands of one who knows how to manipulate it properly. So far, Lixer has demanded that he deal with the Demon Prince of the Undead on his own, ignoring offers from his father and other Peers of Perdition for aid. The war between Lixer and Orcus has become very personal for Lixer, who believes that his victory over a demon prince is a reflection of his own personal power. Orcus, for his part, feels a loathing for Lixer that rivals his hatred for Demogorgon and Grazzt.
In Hell, Lixer has historically been subtly ostracized by arch-devils and the Lords of the Nine. However, as his successes across the Cosmos have grown, all are forced to grudgingly admit his prowess. He has found himself invited to meet at court with both Mephistopheles and Dispater. This direction, from
two of the classic Lords, suggests that Lixer is perceived as a devil true rather than a mortal at this point. Of course, it is equally likely that both Lords wish to eventually subsume some – if not all – of Lixer’s portfolios. While Mephistopheles would value Lixer’s knowledge, Dispater could benefit from identification with eternal stability represented through undeath. Lixer is well aware of the risks he takes with the two oldest Lords, but knows that he needs allies and that these two are certainly powerful ones. On the other hand, Lixer has made the canny decision not to needlessly antagonize the Fallen. Beelzebub has been forced to react to Mephistopheles wooing of the Pale Prince and treats with him as opportunity allows. Belial has yet to open official channels, although he has sent Gazra on occasion to The Gloomfire. The other Lords tend to ignore Lixer
All but Bael. Bael and Lixer detest each other. Relative newcomers to their respective positions, each feels threatened by the other. Indeed, Bael has regularly questioned Lixer’s status in Hell. So far, Lixer has shrugged off Baels insolence, but has done much to sabotage the Warlord’s alliances with mortal agents across the Cosmos. Aside from the Lords, the only other alliances Lixer has established are those with Merorem and Glasya. Merorem, one of the oldest arch-devils and master of the Darkwinds of Time, seems to have an odd interest in Lixer that may stem from something the Grand Duke of the Ebon Gale has seen regarding Lixer’s possible future. Still, Merorem takes every opportunity remind Lixer the truth of Hell and has no qualms about embarrassing the Pale Prince so long as he does not anger The Overlord.
Lixer and Glasya seem to completely despise each other. Glasya perceives him as an unworthy ant, while Lixer views his sister as a worthless harlot. Their relationship is complex; Lixer represents the logical appeal of Law and Evil while Glasya the emotional. There is certainly no love shared between the two and their rivalry is fierce. However, the two have been know – for reasons inexplicable – to eliminate plots and threats to each other. For Lixer’s part, he believes that none but he should orchestrate the destruction of Glasya, thereby revealing to Asmodeus his right to be the sole heir to the Serpent’s Throne. Indeed, this rivalry has made both Lixer and Glasya very productive in Asmodeus eyes, ensuring that they both perform to their utmost in their attempt to impress him.
Lixer still considers the Lucent Hand, having ascended into the Realms Above as Kerubim, enemies of the highest order. In particularly, Lixer seeks the permanent removal of Athern, Seraph of the Celestial Moon. At one point in recent history, Lixer orchestrated the capture and decimation of the Lucent Hand and even had the pleasure of torturing Athern. Still, although Athern escaped and has fouled many of Lixer’s plans, the Scion- Emperor cannot help but respect the Seraph of the Celestial Moon – although he will not hesitate to kill him immediately if their next meeting allows.
Finally, Lixer has a very secret relationship with the Dark Prince of The Abyss, Grazzt. The depths of this alliance, known only to the Order of the Lie and Asmodeus in Hell, is unknown; however, it is likely that whatever bargain has been struck between these two monsters is based upon a mutual hatred for Orcus. Still, Lixer does not trust Grazzt in any sense of the word and looks forward to the day he can end their agreement and the demon prince’s existence.
Lixer is loyal to his father, but only to the extent that he realizes his own authority derives partially from that of Asmodeus. Unlike his sister, Lixer’s jaded heart is far too cold to feel any emotion so mortal as fear. Yet, at the same time, he is more than intelligent enough to realize the limitations of his freedoms and to observe them. The Overlord allows his son to test the limits of his chain; to Asmodeus, Lixer is his only other offspring and it is only fitting he should seek to rule. This should not be taken to convey any love of his son of the part of the King of Hell for Asmodeus is incapable of such an emotion; his children are only valued by him in terms of his own pride and lust for power.
Lixer appears as a tall, slender man with an incredibly regal bearing. His entire body is a glimmering marble with hints of violet. His large eyes glow a rich purple and his hair is dark and feathered. A pair of small horns adorn his forehead, and large feathered wings – black as night – spread from his broad back. Lixer tends to dress in stylish, black leather gowns with high collars. He rarely smiles, but it is known that he has a pair of small fangs and that his tongue is forked. Lixer’s angular face bears a look of perpetual contempt, and his voice is little better. In addition to various purple stones on his fingers, Lixer always wears an amethyst crown and carries a single weapon, a rapier that seems to be forged of pure darkness.
Assuming Lixer feels significantly threatened by his opposition, he will initiate combat with a barrage of five powerful necromantic spells, which can all be cast as free actions. If his opponents appear badly injured by this onslaught, the Prince of Hell will cast transformation and enter melee in preparation to make a full attack the next round.
If his opponents appear unfazed by this barrage of necromantic magic, the Arch-Devil of the Undead will cast hellball and then take to the air, ascending some 200 feet. If his opponents appear particularly vulnerable to a specific energy type, Lixer will use divine spells to target their weaknesses.
If his opponents continue to appear relatively intact, the Pale Prince will flee next round via his greater teleport, returning at a later date after researching his enemies weaknesses and preparing the appropriate spells. If prevented from fleeing either by greater teleport or by air, Lixer will call devils in an attempt to swarm his enemies and will seek to escape combat at the first opportunity.
Acidic Blood (Ex): When wounded by a piercing or slashing attack, Lixer’s blood sprays outward in a 5 foot cone, dealing 2d6 points of acid damage to all in range; there is no save against this ability. Creatures that do not spend a move equivalent action to get the blood off them suffer another 2d6 points of acid damage the following round.
Alter Reality: Lixer exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifested in a number of ways. Lixer can use limited wish when doing so could help him to command negative energy, break spirits, or gain knowledge. Note that in the situation where Lixer and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.
As a free action, Lixer can assume any size from Tiny to Huge. He also can change the size of up to 100 pounds of objects he touches. Lixers Strength, Armor Class, attack bonus, and damage dealt with weapons changes according to the size the deity assumes. Lixer’s Strength score can never be reduced to less than 1 through this ability. Also note that use of this divine ability does not affect all the Lixer’ characteristics.
Arch-Devil of the Undead (unique salient divine ability): In spite of his diabolical heritage, the Prince of Hell has taken it upon himself to draw on the potency of negative energy. More than any other devil in Hell, Lixer commands authority and respect over undeath, allowing him to rival the greatest gods associated with the curse of undeath, not to mention the infamous Demon Prince of the Undead, Orcus. Lixer can automatically command or destroy any undead creature with 49 or less hit dice, as desired, as a swift action up to nine times a day (this counts against his normal limit of swift actions per round). Lixer can command no more than 9 undead creatures at any one time in this manner. Lixer gains a +9 bonus on rank checks dealing with the control of undead.
In addition, Lixer possesses the ability to rebuke/ command undead as a 27th level evil cleric. He gains a +6 synergy bonus on turn/rebuke checks due to his ranks in Knowledge (religion).
Furthermore, Lixer’s study of negative energy and Undeath has brought him closer than any other Devil in known history to combining aspects of the diabolical with oblivion. Lixer has taken on a variety of undead traits. The Prince of Hell is immune to death effects and he is not subject to critical hits, non-lethal damage, or exhaustion and fatigue effects. Lixer is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. Finally, Lixer is never at risk of death from massive damage, but when he is reduced to 0 hit points or less, he is immediately dispersed (or, if in Nessus, destroyed). Because these immunities are derived from a negative energy source, rank checks are not effective against penetrating them, although special abilities that harm undead are.
Lixer’s immersion into the arts associated with negative energy did not come free, however. Especially powerful mortals (and mortals only for some reason likely associated with his heritage) can attempt to turn or rebuke him. Any good-aligned divine caster can attempt to turn Lixer as if he were undead. Any non-evil divine caster can attempt to rebuke Lixer as if he were undead. Lixer possesses a turn resistance of +9 and he is never at risk of being controlled or destroyed. In recent years, Lixer has found the means to ignore rebuke and command attempts by evil-aligned divine casters.
Call Devils (Sp): As a standard action Lixer can attempt to call devils. He may attempt to call up to six times a day, 3 pit fiends, 9 cornugons or gelugons, or 18 of any lesser type of devil. Since these devils are called, they have the ability to summon other devils as their descriptions allow. Lixer also commands more powerful devils than average; those called by Lixer possess double their normal HD. As the Prince of Hell, Lixer is not restricted in his ability to call devils, as outcasts are. No devil is stupid or crazy enough to risk offending him or his dreaded father. There are persistent rumors that Lixer has the ability to call on his father as well. Whether or not Asmodeus can (or will) actually to assist him is unknown, but to draw his attention in any fashion is probably fatal at best for those who offended or threatened his son.
Diabolical Aura (Ex): Lixer’s Diabolical Aura can be ignored on a successful Will save DC 48.
Divine Corpsecrafter (New Salient Divine Ability): undead raised or created by Lixer’s necromancy gain a +5 bonus to Strength and +5 hit points per hit die. They gain +5 natural armor, +5 turn resistance, +5 initiative, deal +5d6 points of cold damage with their natural weapons and have a +25 foot enhancement bonus to their movement speed. (Such undead when encountered without Lixer would have a CR of +1 or +2.)
Divine Immunities: Lixer is immune to ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, and transmutation. Interestingly, perhaps due to his diabolical heritage, Lixer is not immune to banishment or imprisonment.
Domain Powers: 5/day death touch (roll 5d6; if subject touched does not have at least that many hit points, it dies); improved limit for controlling spell animated undead; all knowledge spells are class skills; Extra Turning as a bonus feat; all divination, evil or law spells cast at +1 caster level.
Necromantic Prowess (Ex): Lixer has a +5 caster level bonus when casting necromancy spells or spell-like abilities.
The Presence of Hell (Su): Lixer’s Presence of Hell has a 1,350 foot radius, and all effects are as those cast by a 42nd level sorcerer.
Smite Good (Su): Once per day Lixer may make a normal melee attack that deals 45 points of additional damage to a good creature.
Spell-Like Abilities:
- At will – animate dead, avascular mass*, avasculate*, awaken undead*, blade of pain and fear*, blasphemy, calm emotions, cause fear, change self, charm monster, chill of the grave*, circle of death, clairaudience/clairvoyance, control undead, create greater undead, create undead, death knell, death ward, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, destruction, detect chaos, detect good, Detect Magic, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, Detect Undead, dictum, discern location, dispel chaos, Dispel Good, divination, energy drain, fangs of the vampire king*, find the path, flame strike, Foresight, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, Hold monster, Legend Lore, Magic Circle Against Chaos, magic circle against good, mass holy monster, mirage arcana, order’s wrath, persistent image, plane shift, polymorph, protection from chaos, protection from good, power word stun, raise dead, revive undead*, Shield of law, slay living, suggestion, summon monster IX (Lawful or Evil only), symbol
of pain, true seeing, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wail of the banshee, wall of fire, Wither Limb*; - 3/ day – destruction, devil’s eye**, firestorm, Hellfire Storm**, Liquid Pain**, meteor swarm, Soul Shackles**;
- 2/day – create greater undead, horrid wilting;
- 1/day – Bestow Greater Curse*, energy drain, evil weather**, hellball, wish;
- 1/month – Eternity of Torture.
Caster level 54th; DC 32 + spell level (Caster level 59th; DC 34 + spell level for Necromancy spells)
As a demigod, Lixer has access to the Death, Deathbound, Evil, Knowledge, Law and Undeath domains in addition to spell-likes granted by the Arch- Devil and marquis half-fiend templates.
Spells (archivist): Spells per day: (Levels 0-10) 4/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/2/2/2; caster level 46th; DC 38 + spell level (caster level 51st; DC 40 for necromantic spells).
Spells (necromancer): Spells per day: (Levels 0-18) 4/10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/5/4/4/4/4/3/3/3/3; caster level 34th; DC 38 + spell level (caster level 39th; DC 40 + spell level for necromantic spells).
Prohibited schools- Evocation and Illusion.
Typical spells prepared:
- 0th – arcane mark, mage hand, prestidigitation, Slash Tongue, touch of fatigue;
- 1st – alarm, ectoplasmic armor, identify, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement (x2), reduce person, seething eyebane, shield, Summon Undead I;
- 2nd – alter self, Fox’s Cunning, Ghoul Glyph, locate object, Sap Strength, Shriveling, Slow Consumption, Summon Undead II, Unheavened, touch of idiocy;
- 3rd – absorb mind, Blink , Eyes of the Zombie, Glimpse of Truth, love’s pain, nondetection, red fester, Summon Undead III, vampiric touch;
- 4th – assay resistance, bestow curse, Black Tentacles, burning blood, enervation (x2), Grim Revenge, Psychic Poison, Wrack;
- 5th – extended scrying, feeblemind, mind fog, night’s caress, power leech, Prying Eyes, Soul Shackles, vitriolic sphere (x2);
- 6th – circle of death, disintegrate, Fell Weaken vitriolic sphere, globe of invulnerability (x2), repulsion, revive undead, transfix, transformation;
- 7th – chain of sorrow, energy ebb, finger of death, Greater Scrying (x2), sequester, vision, waves of exhaustion;
- 8th – blackfire, greater anticipate teleportation, Gutwrench, flensing, horrid wilting (x2), moment of prescience, rapture of rupture;
- 9th – absorption, Foresight, Mindrape, programmed amnesia, Reaving Dispel, soul bind, time stop, vile death;
- 10th – extended dominate monster, extended Prismatic sphere, extended sphere of ultimate destruction;
- 11th – fortified (x3) Bestow Greater Curse (x2), extended fortified (x2) plague of nightmares (x2);
- 12th – fortified (x4) blackfire, fortified (x4) Gutwrench (x2), fortified (x7) refusal;
- 13th – fortified (x6) finger of death, fortified (x9) orb of cold, fortified (x9) orb of electricity, fortified (x9) orb of fire;
- 14th – fortified (x10) blast of flame, fortified (x6) flensing (x2), fortified (x5) Mindrape;
- 15th – fortified (x7) horrid wilting (x3);
- 16th – Fell Weaken fortified (x8) finger of death (x3);
- 17th – Fell Weaken fortified (x12) Orb of Force (x2), Fell Weaken fortified (x11) orb of sound;
- 18th – Fell Weaken fortified (x13) burning blood, Fell Weaken fortified (x9) horrid wilting, Fell Weaken fortified (x12) vitriolic sphere.
As Prince of Hell, Lixer’s prayerbooks and spellbooks collectively contain every spell in the Player’s Handbook, the Book of Vile Darkness, and the Spell Compendium, save those from his prohibited schools. He has invented several unique and personal spells as well, known only to him and a few of his favored subordinates.
Epic archivist spells per day: 4
Epic wizard spells per day: 4
Epic spells known: animus blizzard, eclipse, eidolon, epic spell turning, greater epic mage armor, greater ruin, momento mori, tyranny.
Zone of Desecration: An aura of negative energy surrounds Lixer with a radius of 150 feet. This produces the effects of a desecrate spell that only affects allied undead.
Other Divine Powers
As a demigod, Lixer treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal. The only way for him to die is through special circumstances, usually by being slain in magical or physical combat. Lixer risks permanent destruction only if slain on Nessus and provided the attacker succeeds at a rank check. Otherwise, he reforms within Gloomfire after 45 years.
Automatic Actions: Lixer can use any Intelligence based skill, or any skill that deals with arcane knowledge, as an immediate action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. Lixer can also cast any Necromancy spell as a swift action. To use a skill in this way, Lixer must have ranks in the skill, or the skill must be usable untrained. Lixer cannot do anything as an automatic action if the task would involve actual movement. Lixer can perform up to two swift actions each round.
Create Magic Items: Lixer can create any wondrous item with a necromantic effect so long as it does not exceed 4,500 gp.
Portfolio Sense: Lixer is aware of any act of callous evil motivated by a lust for knowledge that involves one thousand or more people. He is also aware of any organized effort to manipulate negative energy or undead beings if the effort involves one thousand or more people.
Senses: Lixer can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of five miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within five miles of his servants or worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to two locations at once. He can block the sensing powers of deities or cosmic entities at up to two remote locations at once for five hours with a successful rank check.
The Eikonoklastos (Major Artifact)
The Eikonoklastos is an ancient artifact of unknown origin. It was excavated from the Nessian rocks by Aesmadeva and The Ashmadia during the rule of Lucifer the Satan during the Days of Antiquity. It is somewhat of a misnomer to call The Eikonoklastos a blade; The Eikonoklastos is a made from pure, lawful energy that has the ability to transmute into any simple or martial weapon best suited to the current wielder. The likes of Leonar and Mephistopheles believe that it is older than the current configuration of the Cosmos, further suggesting that something existed in Hell before the arrival of the devils. One thing is certain: The Eikonoklastos is both Lawful and very Evil.
The Eikonoklastos is exceptionally powerful, especially when used against beings empowered by belief. Interestingly, it has no effect on the Circle of Three (The Overlord, The Progenitor, and The Supreme Virtue) and those who have gained divinity from them. However, gods and divine beings worshipped by mortals are susceptible to The Blade’s powers.
Regardless of its assumed shape, The Eikonoklastoss properties are always the same. It is a +9 soul-drinking, unholy weapon with the dread enhancement against divine spellcasters. According to Lixer, the dread effect does not extend to those that worship Lixer, Glasya, Asmodeus, or the Lords of the Nine; it is unclear if he has tested this theory.
When used against a god, The Eikonoklastos behaves as a +9 unholy power weapon with an additional +1 enhancement per divine rank of the divine target. Additionally, the wielder may invoke the following powers:
- Strike the Divine: 9/day, The Eikonoklastos may automatically penetrate a god’s damage reduction.
- Smite the Divine: 9/week, The Eikonoklastos may ignore a god’s divine bonus to armor and deflection bonus to armor class (this only applies to those bonuses accrued through divine rank).
- Sever the Divine: 9/year, a successful strike from The Eikonoklastos drains 1d6 divine ranks from a god; a successful opposed rank check (The Eikonoklastos has a +18 on this initial check, and neither the god nor it gains a bonus for divine strata) negates this effect. Twenty four hours later, an affected god must make a second opposed rank check (The Eikonoklastos has a +9 on this secondary check, and neither the god nor it gains a bonus for divine strata) or permanently lose the divine ranks.
Temporary loss of divine rank lowers a deity’s bonuses derived from that rank, may render some salient divine abilities unusable, and reduces the deity’s control over his portfolio, realm, and the like. If the deity permanently loses ranks, he must sacrifice surplus salient divine abilities. No god can be reduced to a divine rank below 0.
When wielded by the Pale Prince, The Eikonoklastos takes the shape of a rapier with a blade of pure darkness.
Summoning Lixer
The Prince of Hell is very particular about environment and sacrifices for his summons. The summoning must take place in a chamber within which have been placed the corpses of at least 13 sentient creatures. Lixer prefers chambers that are the tombs or mausoleums of nobles and kings and has been known to ignore summons not in such areas. Furthermore, an offering of ground black sapphires with a combined value of not less than 5000 gp must be placed in the center of the chamber. Finally, the ceremony must take place in total (including magical) darkness.
Upon successful completion of the summons, an icy wind will cut through the chamber, forcing the ground sapphires into the air where they combusts with a violet flame, illuminating the chamber. This purple fire will return to the center of the room, revealing the form of the Arch-Devil of the Undead.
The primary challenge with summoning the Scion- Emperor lies in the fact that Lixer refuses to deal with any mortal who does not possess what he deems to be the necessary intellect. Indeed, it is probable that establishing any agreement or arrangement with Lixer will require numerous summoning attempts. As far as the Prince of Hell is concerned, those who wish to parley with his person must be truly powerful individuals not only capable of showing more Intelligence than most mortal apes but also have the ability to afford his presence.
In the initial summons, Lixer will want the summoner to prove that his intellect is worthy of the Prince of Hell’s presence. The Scion-Emperor will make obscure references to subjects such as advanced necromancy, ancient history, and/or planar geography. The summoner must acquit himself well by succeeding in a DC 48 Intelligence check (the summoner receives a +2 bonus for every Knowledge skill in which he has 5 or more ranks, this bonus increasing by +2 for every additional 20 ranks the summoner has in any knowledge skill, as per epic synergy bonuses) on at least five questions related to one of the above topics. Lixer pointedly ignores any questions asked of or comments made to his person until his questions are answered. He is in no way conversational and offers his questions in a blunt manner, like that of a grave instructor before a pathetic student. If the summoner fails to accurately answer more than three questions, Lixer will end the summons immediately, uttering some scathing remark about the summoner’s existence in his wake. Each answer counts as five rounds worth of activity. In the time remaining during a successful summons, Lixer will bid the summoner to ask one question related to the business of the summons. Unless the summoner was able to answer every question accurately, Lixer will respond to the request with a long answer that reveals very little other than the summoner’s ignorance. Then Lixer will depart, suggesting that the summoner prepare himself appropriately for future summons.
If the summoner answered all questions satisfactorily and enters into bargaining with the Arch-Devil of the Undead, Lixer will offer curt answers, all the while observing the summoners reactions. Lixer will continue to tete a tete for the remainder of the summons, agreeing to nothing and requiring that at least one more summons takes place within nine days.
In the second summons, Lixer will again require accurate questions to at least five questions. If in the initial summons, the summoner missed one or two answers, Lixer will add one or two additional questions. These additional questions are always related to the summoner’s personal life and aspirations as the Prince of Hell begins to seek out bargaining chips. In any event, the summoner must successfully answer at least five questions. If he fails in any question, Lixer will immediately depart in a conflagration of purple flames, never to again respond to the summoner’s call.
If the summoner satisfies Lixer’s questions, the Prince of Hell will continue with the bargaining, although at this point, Lixer spends a lot of time asking questions to glean anything useful from the summoner. If Lixer discovers that there is nothing of value that the summoner can offer, he will allow the remainder of the summons to expire and will return to The Gloomfire, commanding the summoner to not attempt to parley with him for at least five years or suffer Hell’s wrath.
Based on his assessment of his summoner’s usefulness gleaned from the previous stage, Lixer will either work to secure his summoner more power in exchange for future unspecified “favors” or play for time in the hope of trading any information gained to the summoner’s rivals. His Infernal Highness will be more interested in quality than quantity of any souls gained, preferring those that are both intelligent and magically able. If offered neither favors nor souls, he may accept new epic necromancy spells as a substitute.
It takes a lot for Lixer to try tearing down the barriers around the summoning circle. Really, only a grave insult on his station (like suggesting that he is a bastard child of Asmodeus and not a true Heir of Hell) will prompt Lixer to bother. In the event that Lixer escapes the bindings, he will interrogate his summoner either before or after death in an attempt to extract any information that might recompense him for his inconvenience. In most cases, he will seek to return to his demesne with the souls of those who offended him.
When Lixer returns to Hell, his form will burst into heatless black flames and implode into the center of the summoning area where a gaping rift of negative energy will appear. The thirteen corpses will rise from their slumber and will march into the rift. Not only will the area of the summons be considered desecrated for the next nine hours, those who summoned Lixer must succeed a Will save DC 48 or feel emotionally deadened (suffering from the effects of calm).