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Ponaturi (Sahuagin)

My Images (
  • a story of Ta-whaki. The Ponaturi kill Ta-whaki’s father Hema-, and carry his body away. They also capture Urutonga, Ta-whaki’s mother, whom they put to work as the doorkeeper of their house Manawa-Ta-ne. In revenge, Ta-whaki and Urutonga block up all the holes of the house to make the Ponaturi think that it is still night. They then suddenly let in the rays of the sun, and all the dreadful creatures are destroyed.
  • a story of the hero Ra-ta-. The Ponaturi carry off his father’s bones and use them to beat time when as they practice their magical arts. Ra-ta- hides himself, learns their incantations, and recites a more powerful spell called Titikura. He then attacks them, kills their priests, and recaptures his father’s bones. The Ponaturi regroup and chase Ra-ta-, but with the aid of his warriors and his powerful incantations he defeats and kills a thousand of them.

The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin

Author Andrew Boswell

Publisher Mongoose Publishing

Unlike many other creatures, the Ponaturi will rarely be encountered as single wandering monsters for they are a race with a rigidly lawful evil society, and they move in coordinated actions as integrated teams.

Incorporating the Ponaturi into your campaign will mean your players should have a close relationship with the sea and there is every chance that the Ponaturi will be the major foe the characters will meet. These monsters dwell in a light-less and airless place, hating all terrestrial life (and much of the sea life as well), and continually plotting to attack, destroy and eat those they meet.

Ponaturi Physiology

Their own spoken language is composed of clicks, whistles and hoots that are similar in many ways to the language of the whales and dolphins. This language has great carrying power in the sea and conversations can be conducted over dozens of miles – though it is worthwhile noting that over such distances the communication is almost invariably a poetic performance rather than an exchange. Above water it has the carrying power of only the normal human voice.

Ponaturi Languages

The comprehend languages spell allows the Ponaturi ’s natural language to be understood. Note that since the Ponaturi speaking must be touched to allow the spell caster to understand what they are saying, the long-range interpretation of the so-called “deep song” is not possible.

Some Ponaturi can learn to belch the words of air breathing creatures by expelling air from their swim bladder. This skill will be known only by priestesses and then only by those of Senior Priestess rank or higher. There is a one-in-ten chance that such a priestess will have this ability.

Blood Sense

Any Ponaturi within one mile of a scene where blood has found its way into the sea will smell it, and they will usually follow the scent if the blood comes from an air breathing creature. In this way, a great number of Ponaturi may arrive at the scene of a great sea battle in a comparatively short space of time.

Blood Frenzy

Once per day, a Ponaturi that takes damage in underwater combat may enter a blood frenzy on the following round, clawing and biting madly until it or its opponent is dead. A wounded Ponaturi must make a Will save at DC 5 to avoid going into the frenzy, if it wishes to resist its primal urges. This DC rises by +2 for every wounded enemy currently in the water.

The effect of the blood frenzy is to temporarily grant a +2 bonus to the Ponaturi ‘s Strength and Constitution, whilst inflicting a -2 penalty to its Armour Class until all opponents are slain. A Ponaturi will only go into blood frenzy whilst in seawater and may not end its frenzy voluntarily.


The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
Author Andrew Boswell
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Ponaturi Priestess Domains

Priestesses (clerics) may choose domains just as any other divine magic user. Priestesses are, by definition, representatives of the deity She Who Teaches, but many concentrate on other aspects of the great trinity formed by the Ponaturi gods.

Priestesses can choose any two of the following domains, but must choose two from the same deity;

He Who Eats – Destruction, Evil, Strength, War. It That Is Eaten – Animal, Death, Luck, Protection. She Who Teaches – Knowledge, Law, Travel, Water.

In addition, Ponaturi priestesses are known to wield powerful spells, utterly unknown to worshippers outside of their great trinity. Any priestess or female ranger of the Ponaturi , no matter which domains she has, may use the two following spells.

Natural Presence

Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]
Level: Cleric
2, ranger 3
Components: S, DF
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: All
living creatures within water and within area
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell has the effect of making other creatures swimming in the same area as Ponaturi remain calm and not flee, similar to the field sharks and many other great predators appear to naturally create when they can swim with a school of fish.

Any creature failing a Will save may not react to any Ponaturi present in any way – they may not talk to them, nor initiate combat, though they will be otherwise fully aware of the presence of the Ponaturi . If the Ponaturi attack whilst this spell is in effect, they will automatically catch affected opponents flat-footed. Thereafter, the effect of the spell is broken, and opponents may act as normal. Natural presence only works when the caster and her enemies are all under water.

Level: Cleric 2, ranger 3
Components: S, DF
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Many sharks can “thresh” the water with their tails to stun or confuse prey. Ponaturi use this spell to mimic and amplify this affect, allowing them to stun and confuse any creature within range. With the flick of the Ponaturi ‘s tail, an overpressured wave is directed outwards in a cone that grows to 10 ft. per caster level at its wide end. Any medium-sized creature or smaller within this cone of pressure must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Royal Guard

The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
Author Andrew Boswell
Publisher Mongoose Publishing

The Royal Guard are the exclusive bodyguard and senior warrior-class of the Ponaturi . Only males can ever aspire to be part of the Royal Guard and they are well respected throughout Ponaturi society, considered second only to Kings and a few very powerful Princes.

The Royal Guard
1+1+0+1+0Control Blood Frenzy
2+2+1+2+0Leaping Attack
3+3+1+3+1Bonus Feat
4+4+2+4+1Severing Jaws
5+5+2+5+2Bonus Feat

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become one of the Royal Guard, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.

Base Attack: +7
Feats: Leadership, Multiattack, Resist Drying
Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks
Special: Male Ponaturi

Class Skills

The royal guard’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Gather Information (Charisma), Hide (Dexterity), Intimidate (Charisma), Listen (Wisdom), Move Silently (Dexterity), Sense Motive (Wisdom), Spot (Wisdom), and Swim (Strength).
Skill points at each level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the royal guard prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Royal guard are proficient with any weapon and light armour. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.

Control Blood Frenzy: A royal guard quickly learns how to control the natural Ponaturi thirst for savagery, saving his energy for when it is most needed in battle. The royal guard receives a +2 competence bonus per class level when attempting to resist blood frenzy.

Leaping Attack: At 2nd level, the royal guard learns how to combine leaping out of the water with deadly trident attacks. The royal guard gains a +1 competence bonus per class level to all trident attacks made whilst leaping from the water.

Bonus Feat: On achieving 3rd and 5th level, the royal guard may select a bonus feat from the following list; AmbiDexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon ProficiencyImproved Initiative, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation.

Severing Jaws: At 4th level, the royal guard develops huge, rending jaws and learns how to use them in combat. Whenever the royal guard scores a successful critical hit with its bite attack, in addition to normal critical damage, it will sever a small body part from its enemy, normally a hand, foot or tentacle, as determined by the Games Master.

High Priestess

The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
Author Andrew Boswell
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
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The high priestess sits directly below the Royal High Priestess and above all other females. Only females may ever become a high priestess, for they are the spiritual leaders of the Ponaturi , the direct representatives of the great trinity.

The High Priestess
1+0+0+1+1Blood Frenzy of the Trinity
2+1+1+2+1Deep Song
3+1+1+3+2Divine Gift (Brew Potions)
4+2+2+4+2Divine Gift (Craft Wondrous Item)
5+2+2+5+3Divine Gift (Magic Arms and Armour)

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a high priestess, a character must fulfil all the following criteria.
Base Attack: +6
Feats: Leadership, Resist Drying
Skills: Intimidate 7 ranks
Spellcasting: Divine magic of 4th level or higher
Special: Female Ponaturi

Class Skills

The high priestess-  class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Hide (Dexterity), Intimidate (Charisma), Knowledge (religion), Listen (Wisdom), Move Silently (Dexterity),
Sense Motive (Wisdom), Spot (Wisdom), and Swim (Strength).

Skill points at each level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the high priestess prestige class.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: High priestesses gain no proficiency with any weapon or armour. Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.

Blood Frenzy of the Trinity: High priestesses are able to channel the power of the great trinity into their blood frenzy, making them fearsome combatants. A high priestess going into a blood frenzy suffers a -2 penalty to her Armour Class as normal, but will gain a bonus to her Strength and Constitution equal to her class level +1. In addition, she may continue to cast spells whilst in the throes of the frenzy, as she has now become the very hand of the great trinity itself. In all other respects, this blood frenzy is identical to that of other Ponaturi .

Deep Song: At 2nd level, the high priestess is able to draw upon the divine power of the trinity to boost the bass notes of her voice to incredible levels. She is now able to engage in the legendary deep song, projecting information across a number of miles equal to her class level multiplied by twelve. Each deep song lasts for 2d20 minutes, but the highpriestess is able to communicate a great amount of information in that time, including news of attackers, their numbers, race, etc- In this way, an entire Ponaturi kingdom can be warned of disaster in a very short amount of time, with high priestesses passing the information along to one another.

Divine Gifts: Starting at 3rd level, the high priestess, through communion with the great trinity, is able to enchant mundane weapons and other objects with great divine power. The high priestess automatically gains the bonus feats listed in parentheses.

Ponaturi Feats

The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
Author Andrew Boswell
Publisher Mongoose Publishing

Ponaturi are highly intelligent creatures, fully capable of developing their own unique skills and talents to better suit their physiology and habitat. The following feats may only be taken by Ponaturi who meet the prerequisites.

Leaping Attack (Ponaturi )

Ponaturi warriors often learn to perfect their attacks from the water, using their strong tails to propel themselves out of the sea to strike suddenly and without

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3

Benefits: A Ponaturi with this feat may make a special leaping attack. The Ponaturi uses the full attack option and may leap from the water to a maximum height of 10 ft. and a distance of 20 ft. At any point during this leap, the Ponaturi may make a single melee attack. No attack of opportunity is generated through the use of this feat, even if the leap carries the Ponaturi through an enemy’s threat area.

Resist Drying (Ponaturi )

Whilst death itself holds no particular fear for the Ponaturi , suffocating in the alien realm of the airfilled surface world is a terrible fate. Some Ponaturi learn or develop the capability to carry small amounts of water within their bodies to keep gills wet, thus prolonging their endurance when launching attacks on the surface world.

Prerequisites: Fort Save +4

Benefits: A Ponaturi with this feat may stay out of water for 1 hour per point of Constitution before beginning to drown.

Normal: Other Ponaturi may only stay out of water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution before they begin to drown.

Ponaturi Village

The Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
Author Andrew Boswell Publisher Mongoose Publishing License here

Ponaturi enjoy similar habitat preferences to predatory sharks such as the great white. This means they can be found in a great range of locations, ranging from temperate coastlines to tropical island chains. Naturally, where water is warmer they are more prevalent because it is here increased numbers of other species also thrive.

The only regions where they will not be found in any great numbers are in arctic seas where their metabolism is unsuited to keeping up a high body temperature. Within the preferred temperature zones their distribution follows the coastlines of the land. Despite their hatred of the land above the sea, they do not settle in areas far from the detested realm, even where the seabed is within their diving range, up to 2,000 feet down. To achieve this depth, the Ponaturi expel all air from their sacs and use their powerful tails to propel them down. Any Ponaturi at the extreme range of their depth tolerance would appear emaciated, their bones jutting out as the fleshy parts of their bodies became shrunken.

Siting the Village

The villages of Ponaturi barons occupy a central position in the baronial territory so scouting and raiding parties have equal timings in their explorations. Villages can be at any depth from 200 to 1,000 feet below the surface for only those far from any intelligent air breathers would be close to the surface, most being around 500 feet down to ensure the evil light from the sun cannot penetrate to their domain. In all cases, the Ponaturi baron will site the village to take advantage of any local topography such as sea trenches or the base of undersea volcanoes.

When establishing a village, a newly appointed baron will scout prospective territory to find a site that will allow good communication with the rest of the kingdom, adequate cover from swimming enemies, and a well-placed base for raids to the surface. All land has a so-called shelf where it starts to fall away at a faster rate away from the coastal shallows. Just over this shelf, a few hundred feet below the crest which is usually 20 to 70 feet deep, is a typical place to establish a village. At first, such villages concentrate on subjugating and mastering the surrounding sea space and breeding sufficient warriors to defend the location. Only when the baron can field at least one warband will he start to explore and raid the surface.

Other intelligent creatures of the sea such as dolphins, sea elves, merfolk, kuo-toa, and locathah survive only by keeping out of the way of the newly arrived Ponaturi . These enemies of the Ponaturi , foes by virtue of the fact they are not Ponaturi , may even move their settlements away from sea devil activity, preferably out of any baronial territory altogether (such as in and around the ports of humans who will be active in suppressing the sea devils) or far out to sea in areas around islands as yet unassimilated into a kingdom. When these other creatures are finally discovered, they know they must fight just to survive. Monsters such as sea lions, kracken, and rare visitors to this plane like the tojanida, are also automatically considered enemies. Any one of these monsters that is active in a baronial territory must be very tough or canny.

From the main village in a territory, the baron sends his chieftains and lieutenants with bands of various sizes to hunt and patrol. Patrolling routines are carefully considered and planned, with routes and times discussed and “logged” with the community before leaving. The patrol routes are designed to give good coverage of the surrounding territory whilst still maintaining sufficient warriors at home to protect against any external attack.

Exploring a Village

In the centre of this example village, baron Big-fellabloody-spear and his senior priestess Talking-talkingtalk-to-gods have their rudimentary palace. This is the hull of a sunken galleon that broke its back during a storm and settled years ago. It lies on its side but this presents no obstacle to the Ponaturi . The cabins have been cleared of most of the useless objects such as paper and bedding years ago, but the furniture has been placed about in decorative sculptures – the baron and his entourage having no practical use for them. Sharing the palace are three chieftains; Teeth-like six- sharks, Claws-ripping-entrails, Jumps-into-hell-and-brings-back-skulls, and three priestesses, Memory-for-long-songs, Beauty-like-a-dagger, and Clever-fins. This last priestess is the most junior and her name will grow as she does.

Radiating out in one direction is the main crèche where newly hatched young are herded and contained in, essentially, enormous pens. Each of the pens is differentiated by the age (or more accurately size) of the young contained therein, and each enclosure is up to fifty yards in diameter. There are six such pens with the one for the youngest Ponaturi containing up to a hundred biting little monsters. Selection through peer cannibalism and the ministrations of priestesses reduces the population of each pen by age until the last one contains only ten. The next step these youngsters will take is out to the arena where they must undergo the final challenge, a fight
to the death with their peers where only half are likely to survive to join the adult population.

In other directions are the shrines to the gods. These large structures are built from rock, coral and loot taken from the realm of air, then crafted or assembled to resemble the great gods. They appear, to the artistic eye, to resemble a giant jellyfish for It That Is Eaten, a giant shark for He Who Eats, and a reclining female Ponaturi for She Who Teaches. To the untrained they look like mounds of junk and treasure. Gold, jewellery, and other fine and expensive booty from the world above are laid here as tributes. At all times, Ponaturi are present at the shrines. In another area are large pens reminiscent of the crèche, but these are the holding cells where captives are imprisoned before they are forced to do battle, gladiator style, before the population. Scattered throughout the rest of the arc of the village covering roughly two hundred acres are the main residences of the Ponaturi . These are more often like halls where many will gather to talk, eat and sleep, rather than what might be defined as houses or dwellings.

Each “house” can be made of such diverse materials as woven seaweed, placed stone and coral, the bones from dead sea-behemoths and even available caves. Anything from one to ten Ponaturi may call one of these residences home.

In between these key features of the village lie the gardens. To the untrained eye it looks just like a sea-bed but, to the orderly mind of a Ponaturi , every starfish and sea slug, every trumpet coral and every writhing weed has its place. These are tended and harvested by both males and females when they are not performing their other duties, such as procreating and slaughtering their enemies.

In all, there are roughly 30 unranked females, 6 priestesses, 120 warriors, 3 chieftains, 6 lieutenants, and 14 sharks.

This population may seem small to surface dwellers but the Ponaturi can cover the distance around their village faster than any other race could on dry land. Further, given their cannibalistic tendencies, any closer proximity would be unbearable to them and infighting would become endemic. As it is, the Ponaturi spend most of the time ranging over the baronial territory, much like sharks, returning regularly to the village to pass on information and share in communal blood letting.


Male Ponaturi ranger 8: CR 8; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall);

HD 2d8+2 + 8d10+16; hp 86;

Init +6 (+2 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative);

Spd 30 ft., Swim 60 ft.;

AC 17 (+2 Dexterity, +5 natural);

Attacks: trident +12/+7/+2 melee, 2 rakes +10/+5 melee (or 2 rakes +12/+7/+2 melee, 2 claws +10/+5 melee), bite +10/+5 melee;

Fort+ 10, Ref +4, Will +4;


Strength 16, Dexterity 15, Constitution 13, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 11

Skills and feats: Animal Empathy +10, Hide +10*, Intuit Direction +11, Listen +12*, Profession (hunt) +7, Spot +14, Wilderness Lore +9*; Cleave, Favoured Enemy (Elves, Humans), Improved Initiative,
Multiattack, Power Attack, Track.

Spells: 1st Level: alarm, Resist Energy.


Female Ponaturi Cleric 7: CR 7;

Size M (5ft.,11 in. tall);

HD 9d8+9; hp 56;

Init +5 (+1 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative);

Spd 30 ft., Swim 60 ft.;

AC 16 (+1 Dexterity, +5 natural); Attacks: trident +8/+3 melee, 2 rakes +6/+1 melee (or 2 rakes +8/+3/ melee, 2 claws +6/+1 melee), bite +6/+1 melee;

Fort+ 9, Ref +3, Will +8; AL LE;

Strength 14, Dexterity 13, Constitution 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 13, Charisma 11

Skills and feats: Animal Empathy +4, Concentration +11, Hide +9*, Listen +10*, Profession (hunt) +4, Spot +11, Wilderness Lore +1*; Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack.

Spells (Destruction and Evil domains):

*Ponaturi receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen and Spot checks. Underwater, this bonus improves to +8. They receive a +8 bonus to Wilderness Lore and Profession (hunt) checks within fifty miles of their home.

Reference List
The  Slayer’s Guide to Sahuagin
Author Andrew Boswell
Publisher Mongoose Publishing

The following is a reference list describing many “typical” Ponaturi that adventurers are likely to come across as the delve into the domain of these terrible creatures. The Ponaturi presented here may be dropped into a campaign at a moment’s notice, should the players start exploring areas the Games Master has yet to fully detail. Alternatively, the Games Master is welcome to use them as a basis for his own created characters as he sees fit.

Ponaturi Prince

Ponaturi Prince
Medium-Size Humanoid (aquatic)
10th level ranger
Hit Dice2d8+8 + 10d10 + 80 (105 hp).
Initiative+8 (+4 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative). Speed: 20 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC25 (+9 Plate Armor of the Deep, +1 Dexterity,+5 natural).
Attackstrident of Warning +20 / +15 / +10 melee; 2 rakes +17 melee, bite +15 melee; or heavy crossbow +1:Sea Elf Bane +16 / +11 / +6 ranged.
Damagetrident of Warning 1d8+8, rake 1d4+6 (1d4+3 when a secondary attack), bite 1d4+3; or heavy crossbow +1: Sea Elf Bane 1d10+1.
Face/Reach5ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +16, Ref +9, Will +10.
AbilitiesStrength 23, Dexterity 19, Constitution 19, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 20, Charisma 10.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +3, Concentration +9, Handle Animal +5, Hide +18*, Intuit Direction +8, Knowledge (nature) +7, Listen +18*, Profession (Hunter) +15, Ride (Dexterity)+11, Search +7, Spot +18*, Swim +11, Wilderness Lore +16*
FeatsMultiattackAlertness, EnduranceLeadership, Weapon Focus (trident), Ambidexterity, Favored Enemy (Humanoid Aquatic), Favored Enemy (Aberrations), Favored Enemy (outsiders), Improved Initiative, Track.
Challenge Rating12.
TreasureAs listed.
AlignmentLawful Evil.

Spells: 3 / 2; Base DC 15 + spell level.

Equipment: cloak of resistance +2, gauntlets of ogre power, heavy crossbow +1- Bane (Sea Elf), Plate Armor of the Deep, Ring of Evasionring of mind shielding, Trident of Warning.

Ponaturi Royal Guard

Ponaturi Royal Guard
Medium-Size Humanoid (aquatic)
3rd level fighter, 4th Level ranger, 3rd level Royal Guard
Hit Dice2d8+4 +3d10+6 +4d6+8 +3d10+6 (75 hp).
Initiative+5 (Dexterity).
Speed30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC26 (+4 Mithril Shirt, +6 Dexterity,+5 natural, +1 ring of protection).
Attackstrident of Fish Command +17 /+12 melee; 2 rakes +15 melee, bite +13 melee; or heavy crossbow of Distance +17 / +11 ranged.
Damagetrident of Fish Command 1d8+8, rake 1d4+5 (1d4+2 when a secondary attack), bite 1d4+2; or heavy crossbow of Distance 1d10 +1.
Face/Reach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +13, Ref +15, Will +6.
AbilitiesStrength 20, Dexterity 22, Constitution 14, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 11, Charisma 13.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +4, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +16, Handle Animal +6, Hide +11*, Intimidate +18, Listen +19*, Move
+11, Profession (hunt) +5, Ride (Dexterity)+11, Spot +11*, Swim +18, Wilderness Lore +0*
FeatsMultiattackAlertness, Iron Will, Resist Drying, Weapon Focus (trident), Power Attack, CleaveWeapon Specialization (trident), Sneak Attack (2d6), Evasion, Uncanny Dodge (Dexterity bonus to AC).
Challenge Rating12.
AlignmentAlways lawful evil.

Equipment: cloak of resistance +1, Gloves of Dexterity +2, heavy crossbow +1 of Distance, Mithril Shirt, ring of protection +1, Ring of Swimming, trident of Fish Command.

Ponaturi Baron

Ponaturi Baron
Medium-Size Humanoid (aquatic)
8th level ranger
Hit Dice2d8+4 +8d10+16 (82 hp)
Initiative+4 (Dexterity).
Speed30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC23 (+3 Leather +1, +4 Dexterity,+5 natural, +1 ring of protection).
Attackstrident +1: +16 / +11 melee; 2 rakes +14 melee, bite +12 melee; or masterwork heavy crossbow +14 ranged.
Damagetrident +1: 1d8+6, rake 1d4+5 (1d4+2 when a secondary attack), bite 1d4+2; or heavy crossbow 1d10.
Face/Reach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +11, Ref +6, Will +5.
AbilitiesStrength 20, Dexterity 18, Constitution 15, Intelligence 17, Wisdom 12, Charisma 14.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +12, Hide +14*, Intuit Direction +6, Knowledge (nature) +8, Listen +17*, Move Silently +9, Profession (hunt) +7, Search +10, Spot +8*, Swim +3, Wilderness Lore +11*
FeatsMultiattackIron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (trident).
Challenge Rating10.
AlignmentAlways lawful evil.

Spells 2; DC 12. 1st Level: entangle, magic fang.

Equipment: Amulet of Health +2, circlet of persuasion +2, masterwork heavy crossbow, Leather +1, Potion (cure serious wounds), Potion (heroism), ring of protection +1, trident +1

Ponaturi High Priestess

Ponaturi High Priestess
Medium-Size Humanoid (aquatic)
9th level Cleric/3th level High Priestess (Destruction & Evil domains)
Hit Dice2d8+4 +9d8+18 +3d8+6 (94 hp).
Initiative+1 (Dexterity).
Speed30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC20 (+4 studded leather +1,+5 natural, +1 ring of protection).
Attackstrident +1: +12 / +7 melee; 2 rakes +11 melee, bite +9 melee; heavy crossbow +8 ranged, or Net of Entanglement +8 ranged.
Damagetrident 1d8+4, rake 1d4+3 (1d4+1 when a secondary attack), bite 1d4+1; heavy crossbow 1d10, or Net of Entanglement (special; see Rope
of Entanglement
Face/Reach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +12, Ref +6, Will +14.
AbilitiesStrength 16, Dexterity 11, Constitution 14, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 21, Charisma 10.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +3, Concentration +9, Diplomacy +7, Heal +7, Hide +5*, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (religion) +15, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Listen +15*, Profession (hunt) +8, Spot +11*, Swim -1, Wilderness Lore +5*
FeatsMultiattackCombat Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Net), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Focus.
Challenge Rating14.
TreasureAs listed.
AlignmentAlways lawful evil.

Spells: 6 / 7+1 / 5+1 / 5+1 / 4+1 / 4+1 / 2+1; Base DC 15 + spell level.

Equipment: Net of Entanglement, periapt of wisdom +2, Potion (Hiding), Potion (delay poison), Potion (detect thoughts), ring of protection +1, Ring of Counterspells (Bane), studded leather +1, trident+1 of Defending.

Ponaturi Chieftain

Ponaturi Chieftain
Medium-Size Humanoid (aquatic)
4th level ranger (four-armed)
Hit Dice2d8+4 + 4d10+8 (44 hp).
Initiative+3 (Dexterity).
Speed30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC21 (+3 Leather +1, +3 Dexterity,+5 natural).
Attackstrident +10 melee; 2 rakes +9 melee, 2 claws +7 melee, bite +7 melee; or heavy crossbow +9 ranged
Damagetrident 1d8+5, rake 1d4+4 (1d4+2 when a secondary attack), claw 1d2+4, bite 1d4+2; or heavy crossbow 1d10.
Face/Reach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +9, Ref +4, Will +2
AbilitiesStrength 19, Dexterity 17, Constitution 14, Intelligence 17, Wisdom 12, Charisma 10.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +5, Hide +12*, Listen +11*, Move Silently +7, Profession (hunt) +3, Spot +7*, Swim +3, Wilderness Lore +8*
FeatsMultiattack, Four Armed Combat, Power Attack, MultiDexterity, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Challenge Rating6.
AlignmentAlways lawful evil.

Equipment: Leather +1, trident +1, masterwork heavy crossbow, Potion (Cure serious wounds), Potion (Detect Lie), Potion (cure light wounds).

Ponaturi Warrior

Ponaturi Warrior
Medium-Size Humanoid (aquatic)
Hit Dice2d8+2 (11 hp).
Initiative+1 (Dexterity).
Speed30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC16 (+1 Dexterity,+5 natural).
Attackstrident +3 melee, 2 rakes +1 melee (or 2 rakes +3 melee, 2 claws +1 melee), bite +1 melee; or heavy crossbow +2 ranged.
Damagetrident 1d8+2, rake 1d4+2 (1d4+1 when a secondary attack), claw 1d2+1, bite 1d4+1; or heavy crossbow 1d10.
Face/Reach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +4, Ref +1, Will +1.
AbilitiesStrength 14, Dexterity 13, Constitution 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 13, Charisma 9.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +2, Hide +6*, Listen +7*, Profession (hunt) +2, Spot +7*, Wilderness Lore +1*
Challenge Rating2.
AlignmentAlways lawful evil.


Small-Size Humanoid (aquatic) – 1d8 HD creature
Hit Dice2d8+2 (11 hp).
Initiative+1 (Dexterity).
Speed30 ft., Swim 60 ft.
AC18 (+2 Dexterity,+5 natural, +1 size).
Attacks2 claws +1 melee, bite -1 melee.
Damageclaw 1d2, bite 1d4.
Face/Reach5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special AttacksBlood frenzy.
Special QualitiesSpeak with sharks, underwater sense, light blindness, amphibious, freshwater sensitivity.
SavesFort +2, Ref +2, Will +1.
AbilitiesStrength 10, Dexterity 15, Constitution 10, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 13, Charisma 9.
SkillsAnimal Empathy +1, Hide +11*, Listen +7*, Profession (hunt) +2, Spot +7*, Wilderness Lore +1*
Challenge Rating1.
AlignmentAlways lawful evil.

* All Ponaturi receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen and Spot checks. Underwater, the bonus improves to +8. They receive a +8 bonus to Wilderness Lore and Profession (hunt) checks within fifty miles of their homes.

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