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Daoine Sidhe, Magician

By John Singer Sargent -, Public Domain,, Daoine Sidhe, Magician
By John Singer Sargent –, Public Domain,

Originally Posted by MythMage of the Dicefreaks forums.

On this Thread

Daoine Sidhe Magician (CR 20)
Often N Medium fey

Init +12; Senses Low-Light Vision, true seeing; Listen +39, Spot +39

Aura glamour (30 ft., DC 28, charm), stunning gaze (30 ft., DC 28, stun 2d4 rounds); Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan
AC 35, touch 30, flat-footed 23 (+12 Dexterity, +8 insight, +5 natural); Dodge, Mobility

hp 210 (20 HD), fast heal 20 DR 15/cold iron and magic

Immune disease, poison

SR 33 (CR + 13)

Fort +15 (preternatural metabolism), Ref +24, Will +20
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)

Melee +1 frost silver shortsword +31/+26 (1d6+15 plus 1d6 cold/19-20); or

Melee spell +30 touch

Ranged +1 seeking shock composite longbow (+7 Strength bonus) with silver arrows +31/+26 (1d8+15 plus 1d6 electricity/x3); or

Ranged +1 seeking shock composite longbow (+7 Strength bonus) with silver arrows +29/+29/+24 (1d8+15 plus 1d6 electricity/x3)

Base Atk +10; Grp +17

Atk Options Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run

Special Actions stunning gaze (30 ft., DC 28, stun 2d4 rounds)  

Spell-like Abilities (CL 20th)  

Always active – speak with animals, speak with plants  

At will – awaken, bestow curse (DC 21), charm monster (DC 22), command plants (DC 22), detect thoughts (DC 20), displacement, entangle (DC 19), dispel magic, greater, greater invisibility, greater teleport, haste (self only), knock, mass hold monster (DC 27), polymorph (self only), persistent image (DC 23), water breathing  

3/day – animate plants (DC 25)  

1/day – commune with nature, harm (DC 24), heal  

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 15th; DC 18 + spell level, enchantments 19 + spell level):  

5th (4/day) – dominate person  

4th (6/day) – confusion, enervation  

3rd (8/day) – fly, suggestion, vampiric touch  

2nd (8/day) – scorching ray, shatter, silence, hideous laughter  

1st (8/day) – expeditious retreat, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, true strike

0th (6/day) – dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic, touch of fatigue
Abilities Strength 24, Dexterity 34, Constitution 25, Intelligence 24, Wisdom 26, Charisma 26

SQ freedom of movement, mythic nature, otherworldly grace, true seeing, wild empathy +34

Feats Dodge (B), Empower Spell, Great Fortitude (B), Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shot on the Run, Spell Focus (enchantment), Weapon Finesse

Mythic Nature Abilities vital spellcasting

Skills Appraise +12, Balance +14, Bluff +31, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +35, Disguise +13 (+15 acting), Hide +35, Intimidate +13, Jump +13, Knowledge (Arcana) +30, Knowledge (nature) +30, Listen +39, Move Silently +35, Perform (any one) +31, Search +16, Sense Motive +31, Spellcraft +32 (+34 decipher scrolls), Spot +39, Survival +16 (+18 in aboveground natural areas), Tumble +17, Use Magic Device +13 (+15 scrolls)

Possessions +1 seeking shock composite longbow (+7 Strength bonus), +1 frost silver shortsword, 40 silver arrows
Special Abilities
Aptitude Focus This daoine sídhe has chosen the magic aptitude focus. The daoine sídhe has access to spells as a 10th-level sorcerer. Its caster level is 15th.  

Freedom of movement (Su) A daoine sídhe is difficult to hinder, as if warded by a freedom of movement effect with caster level 20th.  

Glamour (Su) Whenever a creature comes within 30 feet of a daoine sídhe, it must succeed on a Will save (DC 28) or become charmed with the daoine sídhe
as charm monster at caster level 20th. Once a creature saves successfully against this ability, it cannot be affected by the same daoine sídhe’s glamour for 24 hours.  

Sample Mythic Nature Ability: Vital Spellcasting (Ex) The daoine sídhe’s magical blood allows it to channel part of its life-force into its spells. As an immediate action, the daoine sídhe may choose to suffer 25 points of damage. If it does, the next spell it casts has its save DC increased by +5 as long as it casts the spell before the end of its turn.  

Otherworldly Grace (Su) A daoine sídhe receives an insight bonus to its Armor Class, attack rolls, and weapon damage rolls equal to its Wisdom bonus.
It is unaffected and undamaged by natural hazards of all sorts, including difficult terrain, natural magma, a forest fire, natural lightning, and
exposure to naturally cold or windy weather. This ability offers no protection against sentient-made hazards or the special abilities of creatures. Finally,
the Survival check DC to Track a daoine sídhe in natural environs is increased by +20.  

Preternatural Metabolism (Ex) A daoine sídhe’s body is a biological masterpiece, extremely resistent to disruption. Any time a daoine sídhe attempts a Fortitude save, it rolls 2d20 instead of 1d20 and ignores one die.  

Stunning Gaze (Su) Stunned for 2d4 round, 30 feet, Fortitude DC 28 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.  

True seeing (Ex) A daoine sídhe’s senses are extraordinarily powerful, granting it the benefits of a true seeing effect (as the spell, caster level 20th).  

Wild Empathy (Ex) A daoine sídhe can use wild empathy as a 20th-level druid. A daoine sídhe has a +6 racial bonus on wild empathy checks.

Skills A daoine sídhe receives a +8 racial bonus on Listen, Perform, Search, Spot, and Survival checks.
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