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Demon Apollyon (Abaddon)

Demon Apollyon (Abaddon)

Title: The Destroyer, King of Locusts, Minister of Death and Havoc
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Death, Catastrophe
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Apollyon looms as an immense, nightmarish figure, standing eighteen feet tall, his presence a palpable weight that bends the air with dread. His scaled body glistens with a slimy, iridescent sheen, like the underbelly of a deep-sea predator. The dark, dusky gray of his skin is broken by jagged fissures that glow faintly with the embers of internal fires, exhaling acrid smoke through the holes in his belly. His head is crowned with a mane of flowing, jet-black hair that cascades down his back, stark against his monstrous visage.

His face is dominated by two sets of razor-sharp mandibles that twitch with each low, guttural breath. Above them, his segmented, insectile eyes burn with a red-orange hue, the sickly light of a dying sun, staring without empathy or mercy. His wings, vast and draconic, arch from his back in jagged, clawed formations, their leathery membranes riddled with scars and tears, each one a testament to his ancient battles. His three scorpion-like tails lash and writhe violently behind him, dripping venom that sizzles upon contact with the ground.

Apollyon’s limbs are thick and corded with muscle, his clawed hands capable of crushing stone with ease. His feet resemble those of a great bear, their hooked claws raking deep furrows into the earth as he walks. The faint jangle of his iron breastplate—the blackened metal engraved with depictions of apocalyptic ruin—adds a cruel rhythm to his movements. Smoke and ash seem to follow him, swirling in his wake, an unholy miasma that stifles light and chokes the breath of those who stand too close.

Apollyon, also known as Abaddon, is an ancient demon prince whose very existence is an embodiment of calamity. As the ruler of the Bottomless Pit, he presides over an endless chasm filled with his insectoid locust demons, a realm that serves as the crucible of destruction for mortal and immortal alike. Apollyon is a cosmic force, a primal entity who views creation as a disease that must be purged through utter annihilation.

Role and Purpose:
Apollyon thrives on destruction, orchestrating apocalyptic events to unravel the fabric of existence. He sows discord and despair through plagues, famines, and catastrophic upheavals, feeding on the chaos left in his wake. His followers, driven by despair or nihilistic fervor, act as agents of decay, accelerating the collapse of societies and ecosystems in preparation for the prophesied End Times.

Unlike many demons, Apollyon does not act out of a desire for personal power or revenge. Instead, his purpose is deeply rooted in a belief that creation is an aberration, a temporary and flawed construct that must be undone. He views himself not merely as a destroyer but as a purifier, restoring the cosmos to its original, undisturbed void. His philosophy is one of ultimate nihilism: only through the annihilation of all things can true order be achieved.

Apollyon seeks to unleash the apocalypse, bringing forth his locust legions to scour the Material Plane. His ultimate aim is to collapse the boundaries between realms, allowing the Abyss to consume all existence. He envisions a universe reduced to silence and darkness, a return to the void from which all things emerged.

For Apollyon, his actions are not driven by anger or hatred but by a cold, unfeeling sense of purpose. He sees himself as a harbinger of inevitability, the embodiment of entropy itself. To him, resistance is futile, and survival is a fleeting illusion.

  • Apollyon (Abaddon) 5e
  • Apollyon (Abaddon) 3.5
Apollyon (Abaddon)

Gargantuan Fiend (Demon), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 26 (Natural Armor, Profane Crown)
Hit Points 955 (50d20 + 350)
Speed 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (hover)

34 (+12)18 (+4)28 (+9)25 (+7)22 (+6)30 (+10)

Saving Throws Str +19, Dex +11, Con +16, Int +14, Wis +13, Cha +17
Skills Intimidation +17, Arcana +14, Religion +14, Perception +13
Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison, Necrotic
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
Senses Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 23
Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common; Telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 40 (155,000 XP)


Aura of Ruin.
Apollyon exudes an aura of entropy in a 300-foot radius. Creatures of his choice within the aura take 10 necrotic damage at the start of each turn and cannot regain hit points. Non-good creatures in the aura are surrounded by a 10-foot unhallowed effect (as per the Hallow spell).

Legendary Resistance (3/Day).
If Apollyon fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.

Smoking Body.
Apollyon is surrounded by a choking, acrid smoke that grants him total concealment within 20 feet and partial concealment up to 60 feet. Living creatures within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn or gain one level of exhaustion. A gust of wind disperses the smoke for 1d4 rounds.

Vile Strike.
All of Apollyon’s attacks deal damage considered magical, chaotic, and evil. Damage dealt by him cannot be healed unless by a Wish spell or divine intervention.

Sapping Spell Resistance.
Any spellcaster who fails to overcome Apollyon’s spell resistance (DC 25) immediately loses 1d4 spell slots, starting with the lowest level.


Apollyon makes four attacks: one with his bite, two with his claws, and one with his stinger.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 40 (6d8 + 12) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 30 (4d8 + 12) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 21).

Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 45 (6d10 + 12) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 36 (8d8) poison damage and be paralyzed for 1 minute.

Breath of Cataclysm (Recharge 5-6).
Apollyon exhales a torrent of locusts, fire, and abyssal energy in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) fire and necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Creatures who fail the saving throw are also blinded for 1 minute.

Summon Demonic Swarms (1/Day).
Apollyon summons 6d6 Abyssal Locust Swarms or 2d6 Locust Demons in unoccupied spaces within 120 feet of him. They remain for 1 hour or until killed.

Legendary Actions

Apollyon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Apollyon regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Dispelling Gaze. Apollyon targets a creature within 120 feet. The target must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 18 (4d8) necrotic damage for each spell affecting it.

Wing Sweep. Apollyon beats his wings. Each creature within 20 feet must succeed on a DC 25 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and take 22 (4d6 + 12) bludgeoning damage.

Unholy Smite (Costs 2 Actions). Apollyon makes a melee attack with his stinger or claw.

Locust Eruption (Costs 3 Actions). Apollyon summons a storm of locusts in a 60-foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 45 (10d8) necrotic damage and be blinded for 1 minute.

Apollyon’s Spellcasting

Apollyon is a powerful, ancient demon with mastery over the dark, destructive forces of the Abyss. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 27, +19 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following spells prepared, though he can cast these only once per day (with the exception of cantrips, which he can cast at will):

Cantrips (at will): Thaumaturgy, Toll the Dead (Necrotic), Chill Touch (Necrotic), Minor Illusion

1st Level (4 slots): Hellish Rebuke, Disguise Self, Cause Fear

2nd Level (3 slots): Mirror Image, Hold Person, Misty Step

3rd Level (3 slots): Counterspell, Bestow Curse, Fly

4th Level (3 slots): Blight, Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer

5th Level (2 slots): Cloudkill, Dominate Person

6th Level (2 slots): Harm, Disintegrate

7th Level (1 slot): Finger of Death, Teleport

8th Level (1 slot): Power Word Stun, Dominate Monster

9th Level (1 slot): Wish, Meteor Swarm

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Apollyon can use a lair action to cause one of the following effects:

  • Choking Smog. The area within 300 feet of Apollyon becomes heavily obscured. The smog lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round.
  • Abyssal Rift. A 20-foot-wide rift opens within 120 feet, pulling creatures within 20 feet of it 10 feet closer. Creatures must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or fall in, taking 55 (10d10) necrotic damage and being teleported to the Bottomless Pit.
  • Locust Swarm. Apollyon summons a swarm of locusts (as per the Insect Plague spell, DC 25) in a 60-foot radius centered on a point within 120 feet.

Regional Effects

The region within 6 miles of Apollyon’s lair is corrupted by his presence, which creates the following effects:

  • Crops wither, animals become sickly, and water becomes foul and undrinkable.
  • Swarms of locusts gather unnaturally, blotting out the sun in the area.
  • Mortals experience vivid nightmares of apocalyptic destruction, sapping their willpower (disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws).

If Apollyon is defeated, these effects fade over 1d10 days.

Magic Items

  • Crown of Unholy Dominion. Grants +6 to Apollyon’s AC and saving throws and emits a Symbol of Death (DC 27) when seen.
  • Breastplate of Abyssal Might. Provides immunity to critical hits and reflects any spell of 3rd level or lower targeting Apollyon back to its caster.

Apollyon is the harbinger of annihilation, a living catastrophe driven by an insatiable hunger to reduce the multiverse to nothingness. He serves as a climactic threat in any campaign, where his emergence signals the end of all things unless stopped.

William Blake – John Bunyan Plate 20 The Christian Fights Apollyon

The Destroyer, Minister of Death and Havoc, Lord of the Bottomless Pit, King of Locusts

Orginally from The Book of Fiends

Designed By Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J. Schwalb

  • Layer: The Bottomless Pit
  • Areas of Concern: Anarchy, locusts, havoc, famine
  • Domains: Catastrophe, Chaos, Death, Evil
  • Favored Weapon: Longsword

One day soon, all existence will end in a great multiversal apocalypse. When the final angelic trumpets sound out the death knell of the mortal world,untold legions of locust demons will boil forth from the depths of the Abyss, ravaging everything in their path and laying ruin to the great works of humanity. Abaddon, demon prince of the apocalypse, will stand at the vanguard of this unthinkable army. Laughing.

Students of the occult arts know Abaddon as one of the oldest demons, a being of such incalculable power that even his demonic contemporaries work to ensure that he never leaves his home layer, a chilling void known simply as the Bottomless Pit. Abaddon is destruction personified, a completely amoral, unfeeling agent of calamity who has a hand in most of the great natural catastrophes of the mortal realm.
While Anarazel gives violent life to the cold ground in the form of terrible earthquakes, and Vepar encourages great floods and waves, learned occultists see the grim smile of Abaddon in thecorpses left after these tragedies. His handiwork reveals itself in the famines and blights that follow natural disasters. Though his insectoid legions thrum with demonic blood, few doubt Abaddon’s dominion over ordinary locusts and grasshoppers, who honor him by plaguing crops in a metaphorical mirror of the destruction that soon will be visited upon all the world. In some lands, Abaddon is known as Apollyon.

Abaddon has not been seen in the mortal realm since shortly after the demons defeated the ghaeles occupying the Abyss. The few remaining accounts describe a towering, hideous figure with scales like a fish, draconic ‘hooked’ wings, and great feet and paws like those of a bear. Segmented, insectoid eyes dominate the demon prince’s cruel face, set just above a double set of razor-sharp mandibles. Fire peeks through the rotten holes in his belly, casting off acrid, cloying smoke.

The Bottomless Pit forms a great maw nearly three miles wide near the geographic center of the Howling Threshold. Rumors suggest that the rentformed in the earliest days of the qlippoth’ ghaele conflict, when some unknowable horror unleashed by the plane’s original masters backfired and tore a hole in the Abyss. Eventually, the plane fused its own infernal energy with the nullspace in the void, in a sense ‘adopting’ its own wound as a full-blown Abyssal layer. Shortly thereafter, Abaddon constructed the great palace of Gulthrax as an homage to himself and cast the structure, himself, andhis entire demonic entourage into the chasm. The lore of demon and angel alike claims that Gulthrax eventually will pass out of the pit to land upon the Material Plane, at which point the prophesied apocalypse will begin in earnest and Abaddon’s locust demons will flood the world.

Gulthrax maintains its own gravity and sense of stability, though it constantly spins and bounces off the layer’s walls. The fortress contains a large variety of demons, most of whom look forward to the End Times with utter devotion to their liege. Locust demons dominate nearly every part of the shaft – seldom will a traveler falling or flying down the Bottomless Pit come across a spot where she cannot see at least a dozen of the creatures. Perhaps ahundred brave vrocks fly throughout the chasm, dining on the souls who fallor are thrown into the pit (the locust
demons ignore such provender).

Mortal followers of Abaddon generally believe that the apocalypse will occur within their lifetimes, and go about fomenting anarchy and unrest in anattempt to speed along the decay of the world. End Times-obsessed nihilists, cultists, and especially thaumaturges of Abaddon believe that by doing the work of the Minister of Death and Havoc they will be spared the consuming fury of the coming locust legions. Not all
who follow Abaddon do so with such calculation, however. Common among those who honor him is the competitive farmer who, coveting the harvest of his neighbor, sends a small sacrifice to Abaddon to befoul the greater crop.


For one hour each day, a thaumaturge in service to Abaddon must whisper to a live locust an account of all that he has done to speed along the course of multiversal decay within the last 24 hours. These reports include updates on the status of the thaumaturge’s enemies (often excusesfor why they have not yet been killed), details on recently discovered magical secrets or ancient lore, and the thaumaturge’s plans
for the day ahead. At the end of the ritual, the thaumaturge consumes the locust, which mystically transmits all it has heard to the mind of the Lord of the Bottomless Pit. Thereafter, the thaumaturge’s daily allotment of spells is replenished.

Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks d20 Community.

On this Thread

Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Cosmic, Evil, Fallen)
Hit Dice66d8 + 1,122 (1,650 hp)
Speed90 ft., Fly 600 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class77 (+15 armor, +15 deflection, +3 Dexterity, +8 insight, +22 natural, +6 profane, -2 size), touch 30, flat-footed 66
Base Attack/Grapple+66/+97
AttackStinger +87 melee (6d8 + 34 and poison /19-20/x2)
Full Attack3 stingers +87 (6d8 + 34 and poison /19-20/x2) and 6 wings +85 melee (2d8 + 11) and 2 slams +85 melee (4d8 + 23) and bite +85 melee (4d6 + 11)
Space/Reach15 ft./15 ft.
Special AttacksAura of ruin, dispelling gaze, poison, sapping Spell Resistance, smoking body, spell-like abilities, spells, summon abyssal swarms
Special QualitiesBlindsight 600 ft., damage reduction 40/epic, adamantine and good, Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, immunity to electricity, fire, negative energy and poison, regeneration 15, resistance to acid 30 and cold 30, Spell Resistance 64, vile strike
SavesFort +56, Ref +48, Will +49
AbilitiesStrength 57, Dexterity 25, Constitution 40, Intelligence 39, Wisdom 27, Charisma 41
SkillsBalance +84, Bluff +84, Concentration +84, Craft (armor) +40, Craft (weapons) +40, Diplomacy +55, Escape Artist +45, Handle Animal +50, Heal +40, Hide +68, Intimidate +92, Jump +55, Knowledge (Arcana) +83, Knowledge (history) +83, Knowledge (nature) +45, Knowledge (the planes) +83, Knowledge (religion) +60, Listen +77, Move Silently +70, Perform (sing) +40, Ride (Dexterity)+45, Search +83, Sense Motive +75, Spellcraft +91, Spot +77, Survival +50 (+54 above ground, +58 on other planes), Truespeech +83, Tumble +84, Use Magic Device +80
FeatsCleave, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell, Dark Speech, Empower Spell, Extend spell, Fly-by Attack, Great Cleave, Improved critical (stinger), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Maximize Spell, Multiattack, Persistent spell, Power Attack, Widen Spell
Epic FeatsEpic Spellcasting, Epic Toughness, Improved Metamagic (x3), Intensify Spell, Superior Initiative
EnvironmentAn Evil Plane
OrganizationSolitary (unique)
TreasureQuadruple standard
AlignmentQuadruple Evil
Apollyon (Abaddon)

The few remaining accounts describe a towering, eighteen feet tall, hideous figure with scales like a fish, draconic ‘hooked’ wings, and great feet and paws like those of a bear as three scorpion tails lash violently behind. Segmented, insectoid eyes coloured the red-orange of a dying sun dominate the demon prince’s cruel face, set just above a double set of razor-sharp mandibles. Long jet black hair flows from its head down to its waist, contrasting with the dusky grey skin of its body. A breastplate of cold iron adorns its powerfully muscled chest and its lower regions are covered in acrid, cloying smoke. An ancient prophecy sounds within your mind and you know despair.

-The fifth angel sounded its trumpet, and I saw that a star had fallen to earth. The star was given the key to shaft of the Abyss. When the Abyss was opened, smoke rose from it, darkening the sun and sky, and out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth. They had as king over them the angel of The Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek, Apollyon

Aura of Ruin (Su): Apollyon is surrounded by a destructive aura which he can extend out to a 600 foot radius, or withdraw to a range of personal. Within the aura, fast healing is reduced to 0, regeneration rates are cut in half, cure spells require a caster level check (DC 66) to function and every creature save Apollyon takes 10 points of damage per round. (Apollyons stats already reflect his regeneration
within this aura) Non-good creatures suffering damage from the aura of ruin gain an unhallowed effect (Caster level 66th) around them with a radius of 10 feet.

Dispelling Gaze (Su): Apollyon may dispel magic with his gaze, at a range of 90 feet. This functions as the targeted version of dispel magic, but is a free action for him to use. Apollyon has a +66 bonus on his dispel check. Apollyon may target any number of creatures per round with this ability. For each spell dispelled by Apollyons gaze, a creature takes 1d10 points of damage per spell level. (No save)

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fort DC 58, 1d10 Constitution initial and secondary

Sapping Spell Resistance (Su): Any creature failing to penetrate Apollyons Spell Resistance with a spell triggers a siphoning effect. A number of spells equal to the amount of failure are immediately lost. The lowest level spell slots are affected first. Thus, if a spell caster managed a caster level check of 44 against Apollyon, the caster would lose twenty spells beginning with their lowest level spells.

Smoking Body (Ex): Apollyons body constantly gives off a foul, choking smoke. All creatures within 20 feet of Apollyon, including him, gain total concealment. All creatures within 60 feet of him gain partial concealment. Any living creature within 60 feet must hold its breath or begin choking on the fumes, suffocating within 3 rounds. Apollyon can suppress this ability partially (causing himself and creatures within 20 feet to have partial concealment) or totally as a free action. He can resume the ability as a swift action.

A Gust of wind or similar effect disperses the smoke for 1d4 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always active –deathward, detect good, detect magic, detect snares and pits, discern lies, mind blank, read and comprehend languages, see invisibility, tongues, true seeing;

at will- aid, animate objects, bestow curse (DC 29), cause fear (DC 30), contagion (DC 29), continual flame, dimensional anchor, enervation, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, imprisonment (DC 34), invisibility, polymorph, resist energy, scrying, speak with dead, summon monster VII, symbol of pain (DC 32), unholy blight (DC 29), waves of fatigue;

3/day- blade barrier (DC 31), destruction (DC 32), disintegration (DC 31), Earthquake (DC 33), harm (DC 31), mage’s disjunction (DC 34), waves of exhaustion;

1/day—gate, energy drain, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic spray (DC 32), ruin (DC 35), wish (DC 34).

Caster level 49th; DC 25+spell level

Spells: Apollyon casts spells as a 50th level cleric. He has access to the Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil and War domains.

Spells per day: 6/7/7/7/7/6/6/6/6/5; Caster level 50th, DC 18 + spell level

Epic Spells per day: 6

Summon Abyssal Swarms (Sp): At will, Apollyon can summon 6d10 abyssal locust swarms. These swarms have a poison special attack (DC 11, 1d3 Constitution initial and secondary) in additional to their normal stats.

6/day, Apollyon can summon 4d8 locust demons or a ruin swarm.

Cosmic Entity: Apollyon has a +6 bonus on rank checks.

Regeneration Ex): Apollyon takes normal damage from epic good-aligned weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

Vile Strike (Ex): All damage dealt by Apollyon is considered vile.


  • Apollyon wears a +10 breastplate of weapon shattering. Any weapon that strikes him must make a Fortitude save (DC 32) or break.
  • Apollyon wears a golden crown that grants evil creatures who wear it a +6 profane bonus to Armour Class and saves. It is engraved with a permanent symbol of death (Caster level 40th, DC 33) that affects any creatures with less than 200 hit points. The symbol triggers whenever anyone looks at it, although it is usually obscured by Apollyon’s smoking cloud.

The Eternal Shadow of Apollyon

Demon Apollyon (Abaddon)

In the depths of the Abyss, the Bottomless Pit churns with unholy energy. The air is thick with the hum of locust demons, their myriad wings vibrating in chaotic harmony. At the center of this eternal void sits Apollyon, the Destroyer, his massive frame shrouded in smoke that writhes like living shadows. His insectoid eyes glimmer faintly, gazing not at the darkness of his realm but at the mortal world beyond. Every so often, he tilts his head, as if listening to some distant lament carried through the fabric of reality. For him, time is not a river but a stagnant pool, and every ripple marks a moment of suffering or collapse—a pleasure and a promise.

In the early centuries, Apollyon’s influence is subtle, a whisper in the ears of ambitious kings and desperate farmers. The plagues that ravage Europe, the famines that blacken fields, and the wars that leave lands desolate are all shadows cast by his will. Locusts descend upon crops in numbers unseen, their thrumming wings a harbinger of ruin. Few recognize these as his works, dismissing them as misfortunes or acts of vengeful gods, but those who delve too deeply into forbidden texts come to know his name. Some summon him in desperation, seeking his power to exact vengeance or to destroy their enemies. Apollyon always answers, though the cost is unimaginable.

Interactions with the Mortal World

In the chaos of the Black Death, Apollyon finds joy. As the bubonic plague ravages Europe in the 14th century, he watches with quiet satisfaction. Priests cry out for divine mercy, their voices drowned by the moans of the dying. Apollyon whispers into the ears of the desperate, urging them to abandon hope and surrender to despair. Some listen, forming secret cults devoted to him, spreading his influence through their whispered prayers and heinous rituals. His locust demons feast upon the chaos, drawing power from the fear and suffering that grip the mortal plane.

By the 15th century, the Age of Exploration begins to dawn. Apollyon watches as ships set sail across uncharted waters, carrying with them dreams of conquest and wealth. He sees not promise but opportunity. Whispers in the minds of captains lead to violent clashes with indigenous peoples, the looting of sacred lands, and the spread of diseases that decimate entire populations. Apollyon’s influence weaves through these events, not as their creator but as an amplifier, magnifying humanity’s worst impulses. His motivation is simple: to accelerate the unraveling of civilizations, bringing the mortal realm closer to the end.

Even as the Renaissance ignites a spark of hope and rebirth, Apollyon is there. He targets the brilliant and the bold, sowing discord among artists, thinkers, and inventors. To those who dream of utopias, he offers visions of their inevitable collapse. Some succumb to his whispers, turning their creativity toward instruments of war and tools of oppression.

Goals, Desires, and Motivations

Apollyon’s ultimate goal is the apocalypse, the moment when his Bottomless Pit will erupt, and his legions will devour the world. Yet, he does not act with impatience. For him, destruction is not merely an end but an art. Each tragedy, every collapse, and all suffering are brushstrokes in his masterpiece. He desires not a sudden cataclysm but a slow, inevitable decay, a collapse that reveals the futility of hope and the fragility of existence.

Motivated by an unshakable belief that the cosmos is a flawed experiment, Apollyon views his actions as necessary and righteous. To him, the world’s beauty is a fragile illusion, masking its inherent corruption. By tearing it apart, he believes he is restoring the multiverse to its true state: silence, darkness, and void.

Apollyon’s Vision

In his mind’s eye, Apollyon sees the End Times as a moment of sublime purity. He imagines the sky darkened by smoke, the ground trembling beneath the march of his locust legions. Humanity’s monuments lie in ruins, their ashes carried on winds that whisper his name. Above it all, Apollyon stands at the center of the desolation, his laughter echoing through the emptiness. To him, this is not horror but perfection—a return to the primordial nothingness from which all things were born.

For Apollyon, the 1450s are but another chapter in the slow march toward this destiny. The mortal world teeters on the edge of chaos, and he is there, nudging it ever closer to the abyss. His interactions are never direct, for he prefers to watch his seeds of ruin grow. Yet, the impact of his hand can be felt in every shattered kingdom, every blighted harvest, and every plague-ridden village.

As centuries pass, Apollyon waits, patient as the void itself. He knows that one day, his Bottomless Pit will overflow, and the final act of his grand design will unfold. Until then, he works in shadows, the whisper of doom that haunts the edges of the mortal mind.

Apollyon’s Grand Plan: The End of All Things

Apollyon, the Minister of Death and Havoc, does not intend for the end of the world to arrive as a singular, abrupt event. Instead, he envisions a gradual unraveling of reality, culminating in a cataclysmic apocalypse where the boundaries between planes are shattered, and his dominion spills over into the mortal realm. His plan is meticulous, multi-faceted, and spans eons, capitalizing on humanity’s own weaknesses, the instability of the cosmos, and the inherent entropy of existence.

Key Phases of Apollyon’s Plan

1. Sowing Seeds of Anarchy

Apollyon begins by subtly influencing the mortal world to foster division, chaos, and decay. Through his mortal cultists and demonic agents:

  • Wars and Conflict: He fans the flames of war, whispering into the minds of leaders to instigate conflict over resources, ideology, and power. Every battlefield becomes a testament to his influence.
  • Cultural Collapse: He manipulates societal leaders to prioritize greed and corruption, eroding trust and unity. Civilizations crumble under the weight of internal strife.
  • Ecological Devastation: Apollyon encourages the exploitation of nature, leading to widespread famine, drought, and ecological collapse, which weaken mortal resilience and instill despair.

2. Natural and Supernatural Disasters

Apollyon works to weaken the world’s foundation by manifesting large-scale disasters:

  • Plagues and Famines: Drawing on his dominion over locusts and blight, he orchestrates crop failures and pestilence, leaving populations desperate and vulnerable.
  • Earthquakes and Catastrophes: He uses his influence to trigger earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters that disrupt life and destroy infrastructure.
  • Prophecies of Doom: Cultists in his service spread apocalyptic rhetoric, creating fear and fanaticism that destabilize societies.

3. Locust Demon Swarms

The next phase of Apollyon’s plan involves the unleashing of his most loyal minions: the locust demons. These creatures:

  • Swarm across the world, consuming crops, livestock, and anything living.
  • Spread despair by leaving entire regions barren and uninhabitable.
  • Act as precursors to the larger invasion, softening resistance and breaking mortal spirits.

4. The Opening of the Bottomless Pit

Apollyon’s ultimate act of destruction begins with the full release of his layer of the Abyss, the Bottomless Pit:

  • The Pit Overflows: The chasm that houses his fortress, Gulthrax, will rupture the planar boundaries, spilling demonic energy and legions into the Material Plane.
  • Gulthrax Descends: The palace of Gulthrax itself will emerge as a flying citadel of destruction, raining death and ruin upon the world.
  • Locust Legions Unleashed: Untold millions of abyssal locust swarms, augmented by Apollyon’s demonic generals, will pour forth to devour every last trace of life.

5. Cosmic Unraveling

As the mortal world succumbs to ruin, Apollyon will turn his attention to the planes themselves:

  • The Planar Collapse: Using his immense power, Apollyon intends to sever the connections between planes, leaving the mortal realm isolated and vulnerable to his full wrath.
  • Corruption of the Heavens: He schemes to corrupt angelic forces, either by breaking their spirits or twisting them into his servants. This demoralizes remaining pockets of resistance and cuts off divine intervention.

6. The Final Apocalypse

The culmination of Apollyon’s plan sees all existence reduced to chaos and void:

  • Eternal Darkness: The sun and stars will be darkened by the smoke of destruction, and the world will become a barren wasteland where nothing grows or thrives.
  • Reign of Despair: Apollyon envisions a reality where all hope is extinguished, and the multiverse exists in a state of eternal decay and silence, ruled by his unchallenged will.
  • The Great Collapse: Finally, he aims to trigger a cosmic implosion, collapsing all planes of existence into a singular, endless void akin to the Bottomless Pit.

Apollyon’s Motivation

Apollyon’s actions stem from a deeply rooted belief that existence is a flawed construct, an accident born of light and order that disrupts the natural state of void and chaos. In his mind, the apocalypse is not merely a goal but a necessity—a correction of the multiverse’s inherent imbalance. To him:

  • Life is fleeting and fragile, a mockery of the eternal void.
  • Order and creation are illusions that must be dismantled.
  • By restoring all to darkness and silence, he fulfills the multiverse’s true purpose.

The Role of Mortals in His Plan

Apollyon’s mortal cultists are both tools and pawns. He manipulates them with promises of power, immortality, or salvation, though he has no intention of sparing them when the end comes. Their purpose is to:

  • Sow discord and undermine societal structures.
  • Perform rituals that hasten the opening of the Bottomless Pit.
  • Spread despair and nihilism, ensuring humanity welcomes its destruction.

Apollyon does not rush his plan. He thrives on the slow decay of hope, the creeping realization that resistance is futile. For him, the end is not a moment but a journey—a symphony of suffering that crescendos into perfect oblivion.

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