The Planes
While endless adventure awaits out in the game—there are other worlds beyond these—other continents, other planets, other galaxies. Yet even beyond this existence of countless planets exist more worlds—entirely different dimensions of reality known as the planes of existence.
Except for rare linking points that allow travel between them, each plane is effectively its own universe with its own natural laws. Collectively, the entirety of these other dimensions and planes is known as the Great Beyond.
Although the number of planes is limited only by imagination, they can all be categorized into five general types: the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the countless demiplanes.
The Great Beyond
The planes are collectively known as the Great Beyond, and form a vast, nesting sphere. At the heart of the sphere lie the Material Plane and its twisted reflection, the Shadow Plane, bridged by the mists of the Ethereal Plane. The elemental planes of the Inner Sphere surround this heart. Farther out, beyond the void of the Astral Plane, sits the unimaginably vast Outer Sphere, which is itself surrounded and contained by the innumerable layers of the Abyss.
What is a Plane?
The planes of existence are different realities with interwoven connections. Except for rare linking points, each plane is effectively its own universe, with its own natural laws. The planes break down into a number of general types: the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the demiplanes.
Although the number of planes is limited only by imagination, they can all be categorized into five general types: the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the countless demiplanes.

The Fey Wild
The Feywild is a fantastical realm that exists adjacent to the natural world, often associated with magical landscapes, mystical creatures, and enchanting forests. Unlike traditional cosmological models, the Feywild is not necessarily aligned within a specific hierarchy or plane structure.
This mystical dimension is thought to be a parallel plane to the natural world, featuring vibrant and otherworldly landscapes. It is a place where time may flow differently, and the ordinary rules of reality are often suspended. Portals or hidden gateways can connect the Feywild to the natural world, allowing for seamless transitions between the two realms.
In various mythologies and fantasy narratives, the concept of a parallel fey realm is not uncommon. It represents a space where magical energies, ethereal creatures, and whimsical wonders coexist in harmony. While not adhering to the traditional cosmological structures, the Feywild remains an enchanting and mysterious dimension that captivates the imagination of those who explore its realms.
Inner Planes
These six planes are manifestations of the basic building blocks of the universe. Each is made up of a single type of energy or element that overwhelms all others. The natives of a particular Inner Plane are made of the same energy or element as the plane itself. The Negative Energy Plane, the Positive Energy Plane, the Plane of Air, the Plane of Earth, the Plane of Fire, and the Plane of Water are all Inner Planes.
The Inner Planes contain the building blocks of reality—it’s easiest to envision these planes as “containing” the Material Plane, but they do not overlap with the Material Plane as do the transitive planes. Each Inner Plane is made up of a single type of energy or element that overwhelms all others. The natives of a particular Inner Plane are made of the same energy or element as the plane itself. Example Inner Planes include the following.
Outer Planes
The Outer Planes constitute a complex and diverse multiverse. The planes are often organized into an alignment-based model, featuring different planes representing different moral and ethical principles. The list provided below covers some of the core Outer Planes in the Great Wheel cosmology:
- Lawful Good:
- Mount Celestia: The Seven Heavens, a realm of ultimate goodness and order.
- Bytopia: Twin paradises of Brightwater and Shurrock, embodying balance and harmony.
- Neutral Good:
- Elysium: The Blessed Fields, a plane of peace and perfect beauty.
- The Beastlands: Wilderness of the Beastlands, where primal spirits of all animals thrive.
- Chaotic Good:
- Arborea: Olympian Glades of Arborea, a realm of whimsical beauty and chaos. Locations; Mount Olympus
- Ysgard: Heroic Domains of Ysgard, a plane of eternal battle and heroism. Locations; Asgard
- Lawful Neutral:
- Arcadia: The Peaceable Kingdoms, a plane of strict order and discipline.
- Mechanus: Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, a plane of absolute law and precision.
- True Neutral:
- Outlands: Concordant Opposition, a hub connecting all other planes.
- Nirvana; embodying balance and harmony. It is a realm of ultimate peace and serenity.
- Chaotic Neutral:
- Limbo: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo, a plane of constant transformation.
- Pandemonium: Windswept Depths of Pandemonium, a chaotic and maddening realm.
- Lawful Evil:
- Nine Hells: Nine layers of infernal tyranny, each ruled by an Archduke.
- Acheron: Infinite Battlefield of Acheron, where order and strife collide.
- Neutral Evil:
- Gehenna: Bleak Eternity of Gehenna, a plane of industrial landscapes and corruption.
- Abaddon: Gray Waste of Hades, a plane of hopelessness and decay. Locations; The Realm of Hades, Niflheim,
- Chaotic Evil: