Cardinal Richelieu

Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu “Cardinal Richelieu”, clergyman, noble, statesman, Asmodeus‘ hand, a powerful ruler, more powerful than even the King himself.
Known as “The Blue Eminence” controlling both the Church and the government, both Cardinal and the King’s chief minister. A power-hungry, unscrupulous, and avaricious man that starts wars to make himself seem indispensable. By restraining the power of the nobility, he has consolidated his power and crushed domestic factions transforming France into the centralized power he now controls. Always seeing himself as the crucial reformer he doesn’t hesitate to make alliances with anyone to achieve his
Earlier, the nation’s political structure was largely feudal, with powerful nobles and a wide variety of laws in different regions. Parts of the nobility periodically conspired against the King, raised private armies, and allied themselves with foreign powers. Richelieu uses authoritarian measures to maintain power. Censoring the press he has also ensured his political security by establishing a large network of spies in France as well as in other European countries. Whilst forbidding the discussion of political matters in public assemblies, any who dares to conspire against him are executed.
Under Richelieu exploration has increased in Canada to develop Viceroyalty of New France in North America.
If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.
Early life
Born in Paris at five years old his father, a soldier and courtier died leaving the family in debt. Young Richelieu began to train for a military career.
However the king rewarded Richelieu’s service by granting his family a bishopric. The family appropriated most of the revenues of the bishopric for their use until challenged by clergymen. In order to protect the important source of revenue it became necessary that the younger Richelieu join the clergy. Having strong academic interests he threw himself into studying for his new post and was heralded as a reformer.
At about this time, Richelieu became a friend and close confidant of Claude Frollo, a friar, and secretly a cardinal of Asmodeus. He spoke to young Richelieu for hours convincing him to sell his soul for power. Because of his closeness to Richelieu he was often used him as an agent during diplomatic negotiations.
Rise to power
Richelieu became one of the clergys representatives at court. There, he was a vigorous advocate of the Church, arguing that it should be exempt from taxes and that bishops should have more political power. Soon after Richelieu entered the service of the King’s wife, Anne of Austria.
Richelieu advanced politically by faithfully serving the queen‘s favourite, the most powerful minister in the kingdom. Richelieu was made Secretary of State, and was given responsibility for foreign affairs. He was also an adviser to the kings mother, Marie de Médicis. Who had become Regent of France when her nine-year old Louis ascended the throne; although her son reached the legal age of majority, she remained the effective ruler of the realm. However, her policies, proved unpopular with many in France. As a result, both Marie and her ministers became the targets of intrigues at court.
Eventually the King executed her cheif minister and had Marie de Médicis overthrown. His patron having died, Richelieu also lost power, dismissed as Secretary of State, and banished from court.
When Marie de Médicis escaped from her confinement she became the leader of an aristocratic rebellion. The King recalled Richelieu, believing that he would be able to reason with the her. Richelieu was successful in this endeavour, mediating between her and her son.
Richelieu began to rise to power quickly. Next year, the King nominated Richelieu for a cardinalate. Crises in France, including a rebellion, rendered Richelieu a nearly indispensable advisor to the King. After he was appointed to the royal council of ministers, he intrigued against the chief minister, who was executed on false charges of corruption. Cardinal Richelieu took his place as the King’s principal minister the following day, next he was officially appointed as president.
Cardinal Richelieu’s policy involved two primary goals: centralization of power in France and opposition to foreign nations. In order to further consolidate power in France, Richelieu suppresses the influence of the feudal nobility. He ordered all fortified castles to be razed, excepting only those needed to defend against invaders. Thus, he stripped the princes, dukes, and lesser aristocrats of important defences that could have been used against the King’s armies during rebellions. As a result, Richelieu is hated by most of the nobility.
Another obstacle to the centralization of power was religious division in France. One of the largest political and religious factions in the country, controlled a significant military force and were in rebellion. Moreover, the King of England, declared war on France in an attempt to aid the faction. Richelieu ordered the army to besiege their stronghold of La Rochelle; he personally commanded the besieging troops. English troops under the Duke of Buckingham led an expedition to help the citizens of La Rochelle, but failed abysmally. The city, however, remained firm for over a year before capitulating.
Spain exploited the French conflict to extend its influence, it funded the rebels in order to keep the French army occupied, meanwhile expanding its Italian dominions. Richelieu, however, responded aggressively; after La Rochelle capitulated, he personally led the French army to northern Italy to restrain Spain.
In the next year, Richelieu’s position was seriously threatened by his former patron, Marie de Médicis. Who believed that the Cardinal had robbed her of her political influence; thus, she demanded that her son dismiss the chief minister. The king was not, at first, averse to such a course of action, as he personally disliked Richelieu. The persuasive statesman convinced his master of the wisdom in his plans, however. Marie de Médicis, secured the King’s agreement for the dismissal. Richelieu, however, was aware of the plan, and quickly convinced the King to repent. Thereafter, the King was unwavering in his political support for him; Richelieu was made a Peer of France. Meanwhile, Marie de Médicis was exiled, she continued to conspire against Richelieu, the nobility, also, remained powerless. Richelieu’s harsh measures were designed to intimidate his enemies.
Military expenses put a considerable strain on the King’s revenues in response, Richelieu raised taxes. The clergy and nobility were exempt, so the burden fell on the poorest segment of the nation. To collect taxes more efficiently, and to keep corruption to a minimum, Richelieu bypassed local tax officials, replacing them with his blue guard. Richelieu’s financial scheme, however, caused unrest among the peasants; there were several uprisings, which he has crushed violently, and dealt with the rebels harshly.
To consolidate his power has secretly kidnapped the king and replaced him with a sentient wax golem under his control. The real king is held in the Bastille in the custody of a single jailer. No one has ever seen the prisoners face, which is hidden by a mask of black velvet cloth. He has also disbanded the kings Musketeers of the Guard replacing them with his Blue Guard.
Armand Jean du Plessis – Epic Cardinal of Asmodeus
Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal-duc de Richelieu et de Fronsac | |
Cleric 10, Cardinal of Asmodeus 19 | |
Medium humanoid (Sapien) | |
Hit Dice | 10d8+19d6+58 (173 hp) |
Initiative | +3 (+3 Dexterity) |
Speed | 30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class | 31 (+3 Dexterity, +8 armor, +5 deflection, +5 natural), touch 18, flat-footed 28 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +19/+23 |
Attack | Scepter of the Dark Cardinal +27 melee (1d8+8 plus 2d6 axiomatic plus 1d6 hellfire plus 2d6 unholy/19- 20); or spell +23 melee touch or +22 ranged touch. |
Full Attack | Scepter of the Dark Cardinal+27/+22/+17 melee (1d8+8 plus 2d6 axiomatic plus 1d6 hellfire plus 2d6 unholy/19-20); or spell +23 melee touch or +22 ranged touch. |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Art of Hell, benediction of Hell, hegemony of Hell, lure of Hell, rebuke undead 12/day (+4 synergy bonus), spells, voice of Hell |
Special Qualities | Favored of Hell, Rite of the Diabolical See |
Saves | Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +27 |
Abilities | Strength 18, Dexterity 17, Constitution 15, Intelligence 22, Wisdom 29, Charisma 28 |
Skills | Bluff +57, Concentration +30, Craft (sculpture) +21, Decipher Script +20, Diplomacy +28 (+30 against evil creatures), Disguise +22 (+26 when acting in character), Gather Information +21, Intimidate +43 (+45 against evil creatures), Knowledge (Arcana) +16, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +19, Knowledge (religion) +38, Knowledge (the planes) +28, Perform (oratory) +30, Profession (composer) +24, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +38, Survival +9 (+11 on other planes) |
Feats | Dark Speech, Devotee of Darkness (Asmodeus), Eschew Materials, Evil Brand, Leadership, Maximize Spell, Persuasive, Quicken Spell, Sacrificial Mastery, Twin Spell |
Epic Feats | Epic Leadership (40), Epic Reputation, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Metamagic |
Environment | Any land or underground |
Organization | Solitary (unique) |
Challenge Rating | 29 |
Treasure | 333 gp, amulet of natural armor +5, belt pouch (with 200 sp), bracers of armor +8, circlet of persuasion, cloak of charisma +6, gem of seeing, gloves of arrow snaring, jewelry (200 gp), noble’s outfit, periapt of wisdom +6, ring of mindblank, ring of protection +5, Scepter of the Dark Cardinal (+4 axiomatic hellfire unholy Light Mace with the abilities of a rod of epic rulership), signet ring, silver Unholy Symbol (Asmodeus), unholy water font (100 gp), waterskin, winged boots |
Alignment | Lawful evil |
Richelieu has received a +5 inherent bonus to all of his ability scores.
The Art of Hell (Su):
Three times per day, Richelieu may select to enhance the power of spells bearing the Evil or Lawful descriptors, or spells from the school of Enchantment, as a free action. Evil and Lawful spells find all of their variable modifiers improved as per the Empower Spell feat; Enchantment spells receive a +2 bonus to the DC (this bonus stacks with any other bonus).
Benediction of Hell (Su):
Once per day, Richelieu may grant a blessing to any willing to treat with Hell in the form of a limited wish. The results of the limited wish occur ‘naturally’ over the course of three days and always to the benefit of Lawful Evil. When Richelieu grants his Benediction to another, he pays no experience cost; if, however, he uses the Benediction for himself, he pays the appropriate cost as described. Those who take advantage of a Benediction of Hell always end up ‘owing’ Richelieu. Within nine days of the Benediction, he will demand a quest upon the client who receives no save against the request and suffers double penalties until the quest is fulfilled.
Once per day, Richelieu can call upon the aid of Asmodeus, granting him a +3 profane bonus to any one roll. Against chaotic or good foes, Richelieu gains a +1 profane bonus to Armor Class, and once per day can gain a +2 profane bonus on saving throws against a spell with the chaotic or good descriptor. He also gains Spell Resistance 29 against chaotic and good spells and spell-like abilities. Whenever dealing with a higher-ranking servant of Asmodeus (or the Overlord of Hell himself), Richelieu takes a 2 penalty on attacks, checks, and other rolls, a 3 penalty to Armor Class, and a -6 penalty to saving throws. In addition, no Spell Resistance Richelieu obtains is ever effective against such creatures.
Favored of Hell (Ex):
Richelieu is a dark beacon of evil and villainy, a reflection of his favored status in Hell. He has received Evil Brand as a bonus feat. Additionally, Richelieu has an imp which serves him loyally.
Hegemony of Hell (Su):
Once per day, Richelieu can impose the ordered might of Hell against all tainted by evil within 90 feet of his person, forcing them to obey him as though struck by mass charm monster. All evil aligned aberrations, giants, humanoids, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, and undead possessing fewer than 19 HD can be affected, and must succeed at a Will save (DC 33). Chaotic Evil beings receive a +4 modifier to their Will saves, while Neutral Evil beings receive neither a bonus nor a penalty. Lawful Evil beings suffer a -4 penalty to their save; furthermore, if the Lawful Evil being fails by more than 9 points, it becomes a permanent thrall to Richelieu as though under the effects of dominate monster. Otherwise, the Hegemony of Hell persists for 24 hours, after which those under its power receive another saving throw with a +1 bonus; this cycle continues until a save is made. Once released from the Hegemony of Hell, the victims perceive Richelieu in a friendly fashion. Richelieu may have up to five thralls (including any thralls gained by means of the Lure of Hell ability); he has the ability to release a thrall at any time, although doing so is treated as the daily use of Hegemony of Hell.
Lure of Hell (Su):
Once per day, Richelieu can proselytize to those not of his alignment. If he can speak to a single victim for at least one full round with no interruption, Richelieu can force it to succeed at a Will save (DC 41) or become subject to one suggestion offered by him and move a step closer to lawful evil. Should the victim become lawful evil due to a suggestion offered by Richelieu, the victim must make another Will saving throw or become one of his thralls. Richelieu may have up to five thralls at a time.
Rite of the Diabolical See:
Having performed the Rite of the Diabolical See and been found worthy by The Overlord of Hell, Richelieu has exchanged his immortal soul in exchange for rich diabolical rewards. He can see in darkness (even that created by deeperdarkness spells) and can engage in telepathic communication with any creature within 100 feet. When casting corrupt spells, Richelieu is treated as a devil (and thus does not pay the corrupt cost). Finally, he receives a +9 bonus to all checks related to summoning a power of Hell (Duke of Hell, arch-devil, or Lord of the Nine); this bonus stacks with those of other cardinals during cooperative or ritual magic.
Voice of Hell (Su): Richelieus voice commands attention and respect. He receives a +14 profane bonus on any Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perform (oratory) check, and a +6 bonus to language-dependant enchantment spell DCs (but not cardinal powers).
Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/7+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/4+1; save DC 19 + spell level):
- 0 – create water, detect magic, detect poison, mending, purify food and drink, read magic;
- 1st – bane, cause fear, command, comprehend languages, deathwatch, disguise self*, obscuring mist, protection from good, sanctuary;
- 2nd – calm emotions, darkness, desecrate, detect thoughts*, hold person, shatter, silence, zone of truth;
- 3rd – bestow curse, blindness/deafness, contagion, clairaudience/ clairvoyance*, deeper darkness, locate object, protection from energy, speak with dead;
- 4th – cure critical wounds, death ward, divination*, divine power, freedom of movement, poison, sending, tongues;
- 5th – commune, death knell (quickened), greater command, false vision*, righteous might, slay living, spell resistance, unhallow;
- 6th – blade barrier, greater dispel magic, harm, heal, mislead*, word of recall;
- 7th – blasphemy, dictum, greater restoration, greater scrying, legend lore*, mass inflict serious wounds;
- 8th – dimensional lock, discern location, fire storm, flame strike (twinned), polymorph any object*, unholy aura;
- 9th – energy drain, harm (twinned), implosion, miracle, storm of vengeance, time stop*.
*Domain spell.
Domains: Knowledge (all Knowledge skills are cleric class skills; cast divination spells at +1 caster level), Overlord (prestige domain),
Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are cleric class skills).
Epic Spells Known (3 per day; save DC 29): epic mage armor, let go of me, ruin, spell worm.