
Batman (originally referred to as the Bat-Man and still sometimes as the Batman) is a DC Comics fictional superhero who first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in May 1939. He has since become, along with Superman and Spider-Man, one of the world’s most recognized superheroes. Batman was co-created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, although only Kane receives official credit for the character. Batman’s secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire industrialist, playboy, and philanthropist. Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train himself to the peak of physical and intellectual perfection, don a costume, and fight crime. Unlike most superheroes, he does not possess any superhuman powers or abilities; he makes use of intellect, detective skills, science and technology, wealth, physical prowess, and intimidation in his war on crime.
Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks forums.
Bruce Wayne, The Batman | |
Medium humanoid | |
Wounds | 53 WP, 420 VP (30d8+180) |
Initiative | +15 |
Speed | 40 ft. |
AC | 32 (+16 defense, +6 Dexterity), touch 32, flat footed 26 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +30/+37 |
Attack | Unarmed strike +48 melee (2d10 + 18 /19-20) or batarang +40 ranged (1d4 + 7 /18-20) |
Full Attack | Flurry of blows +48/+48/+48/+43/+38/+33 melee (2d10 + 18 /19-20) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Counterattack, detective, frightful presence (DC 33), stun (30/day DC 32) |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 10/adamantine, defensive roll, evasion, fire resistance 20, hide in plain sight, light fortification, martial artist, obsession |
Saves | Fort +29, Ref +29, Will +30 |
Abilities | Strength 24, Dexterity 23, Constitution 23, Intelligence 25, Wisdom 24, Charisma 26 |
Skills | Balance +43, Bluff +46, Climb +40, Computer Use +27, Concentration +21, Craft (chemical) +27, Craft (mechanical) +27, Craft (pharmaceutical) +27, Decipher Script +27, Diplomacy +36, Disable Device +27, Disguise +46 (+50 acting), Drive +21, Escape Artist+39, Forgery +27, Gamble +27, Gather Information +50, Handle Animal +28, Hide +39, Intimidate +50, Investigate +45, Jump +48, Knowledge(Arcana) +27, Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +27, Knowledge (business) +27, Knowledge (civics) +27, Knowledge (current events) +27, Knowledge(earth and life science) +27, Knowledge (history) +27, Knowledge (physical science) +27, Knowledge (streetwise) +27, Knowledge (tactics) +45, Knowledge (technology) +27, Knowledge (theology) +27, Listen +45, Move Silently +39, Navigate +27, Open Lock+24, Pilot +21, Repair +27, Research +45, Search +27, Sense Motive +45, Sleight of Hand +25, Spot +27, Survival+27, Swim +22, Treat Injury +27, Tumble+43, Rope Use+21 (+25 bindings) |
Feats | Bounding Assault, Close-Quarters Fighting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cunning Evasion, Dodge, Endurance, Frightful Presence, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (unarmed), Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Improved Trip, Indomitable, Iron Will, lightning reflexes, Lunging Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Roundabout Kick, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist, Track, Whirlwind Attack |
Epic Feats | Epic Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Will, Superior Initiative |
Climate/Terrain | Gotham City |
Organization | Solitary (unique) or with cohort (Robin) or with JLA. |
Challenge Rating | 30 |
Treasure | Equipment |
Alignment | Chaotic Good |
Batman is a master of sizing up his opposition. He may make a Gather Information, Investigate or Research check against a DC equal to (10 + opponent’s hit die + opponent’s Intelligence modifier + opponent’s Wisdom modifier). If he is successful, he gains the following benefits.
- +1 insight bonus to AC against attacks made by that opponent for every point by which he exceeds the DC.
- +1 bonus to attack and damage against that opponent for every point by which he exceeds the DC.
- +1 resistance bonus to saves against attacks made by that opponent for every point by which he exceeds the DC.
- +1 competence bonus to initiative rolls against the opponent for every point by which he exceeds the DC.
- In addition, for every 5 points by which he exceeds the DC, he may gain one of the following advantages.
Intimate knowledge of one of the opponent’s special attacks, qualities, or vulnerabilities. For instance, if he made a successful check against the tarrasque, he could know of its vulnerability to wish magic.
Complete knowledge of opponent’s base AC, attack bonus or max hit points. This allows Batman to “metagame”, tailoring his use of Power Attack, Combat Expertise, and the like.
Due to his never ending quest for perfection, Batman has honed his skills to an edge that no human can
match. He has the following benefits:
- Knack
- +5 bonus on all mental based skill checks.
- Maximum vitality points.
Martial Artist
Batman is one of the finest trained martial artists in the world. He gains bonus fighter feats as a fighter of his hit die and unarmed damage and feats as a monk of his hit die.
- Batman is never considered flanked.
- Missing Batman with a melee attack provokes an attack of opportunity from him.
- Batman gains a +8 bonus to attack and damage rolls when fighting unarmed.
- Batman gains a +3 bonus to AC for every -1 penalty he takes to attack while using Combat Expertise.
- Batman’s unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage, as he sees fit. It is a free action to change the type of damage he deals.
Batman has an extraordinary amount of possessions, many of which he has designed and built himself, that function similar to magical items. The list here is not comprehensive, but includes some common equipment.
Note: The skill modifiers are not included in Batman’s skill block, above.
Neutralizes poison and restores 1d3 points of ability damage caused from poison.
+4 to attack, 1d4 damage, 18-20 critical threat. Martial weapon for Batman, exotic for others. Range increment of 30 feet. May be used to deal nonlethal damage at no penalty.
Bat rope and grapple
Similar to rope of Climbing, this shoots a grapple up to 200 feet long. This grants a +10 circumstance bonus to Climb checks when used.
+5 circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks. Batman has a sonic transmitter in the heel of his boot that will draw the attention and ire of any bats within a one mile radius. This attack typically draws 3d6 bat swarms to the location within 1d6 rounds.
Body armor
Damage reduction 10/adamantine.
+10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks, resistance to fire 20, +4 shield bonus to AC when fighting defensively. The cape also allows Batman to glide 20 feet forward for every 5 feet of downwards movement. The cape reduces falling damage by 50 feet.
+10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks, light fortification.
The cowl also holds night-vision lenses, giving Batman either Low-Light Vision or Darkvision (100 ft. range) as needed. There are visual enhancement devices as well, that can grant a +4 bonus to Search and Spot checks. Finally, a radio device is built into the cowl, allowing Batman communication with his allies.
The cowl may also be equipped with psi-blocking devices, which range in power. A standard psi-blocker gives a +5 bonus to Will saves and prevents telepathic means of detection.
First Aid kit
+4 circumstance bonus on Treat Injury checks.
Flash grenade
Reflex save DC 18 or dazed for 1d6 rounds. Success results in daze for 1 round only.
Forensic Kit
+4 circumstance bonus on Investigate checks. Includes a micro camera.
Gas mask
+6 circumstance bonus to saves against inhaled poisons if donned the same round as contact with poison. A Reflex save (DC10 + original poison DC) allows the mask to be donned in time to avoid a Fortitude save entirely.
Increase unarmed attack and damage by +3.
Halogen Flashlight
This produces bright light in a 100 foot cone, but only detectable by those with Darkvision.
Special reinforced manacles. Escape Artist DC 40, break DC 35.
Knockout gas capsules
Creates a 20 foot radius of poisonous vapors. The DC increases by 1 for every round spent within the vapors.
Knockout Gas; inhaled; Fortitude DC 18, initial damage: 1d6 nonlethal wound point damage, secondary damage: unconsciousness. Unlike typical poisons, the secondary save is made 1 round following the initial, and regardless of the success of the initial save.
Kryptonite Ring
Kryptonite. Allows Batman’s unarmed strikes to be treated as Kryptonite for the purposes of overcoming Kryptonian damage reduction.
Laser Torch
1d6 fire damage per round with a successful touch attack. Ignores hardness less than 20, is not halved as typical for fire damage to objects. Used for cutting.
Lock Picks
+5 competence bonus on Open Lock checks.
This device is equipped with a fax, modem, GPS and minidisk rewritable drive. It grants a +10 circumstance bonus on Knowledge and Research checks.
Remote Control
Allows remote piloting of Batmobile and Batjet.
Smoke Grenade
Creates 30 foot radius of obscuring smoke. Objects and creatures within
the mist have concealment within 5 feet of each other, farther away is total
Can be tracked as if discern location had been cast.
Utility belt
Batman’s utility belt carries most of the equipment listed above. Tampering with the belt deals 10d6 nonlethal electricity damage, unless a Disable Device check (DC 30) is made. Batman may take an item out of his utility belt as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Note that the First Aid kit and forensics kit are miniature field versions, more extensive (with larger competence bonuses) kits are stored in the Batmobile or the Batcave.
Originally Posted by
Jedi Steve-O of the Wizards Community forums.
On this Thread
Wayne Manor/Batcave
Spare uniforms/armor, Batmobile, laboratory (+10 Investigate, +10 Knowledge [physical science] checks), Bat-computer (+10 to Knowledge, Research checks).
The Batmobile is jet turbine-powered vehicle that requires high octane (97%) fuel. This vehicle features retractable armor and weapons systems (including dual retractable machine guns). The Batmobile is two squares wide and five squares long.
Crew: 1; Passenger(s): 1; Cargo Capacity: 150 lbs.; Initiative: -2; Maneuver: +1; Top Speed: 352 (35), Defense: 8; Hardness: 5 (15); Hit Points: 38l; Size: Huge; Purchase DC: 42; Restriction: Illegal (+4).