God Enlil
“Meet Enlil, the Ancient Mesopotamian God of Storms and Supreme Ruler of the Pantheon!”

- Pantheon: Mesopotamian Pantheon
- Deity Title: Enlil, God of Wind, Air, Earth, and Storms
- Deity Symbol: A stylized depiction of a storm cloud with lightning bolts
- Home Plane: Unknown, possibly resides in the celestial realm or atop the cosmic mountain
- Deity Level: Greater deity
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Aliases: Lord of the Air, King of the Gods
- Superior: None (holds a prominent position within the pantheon)
- Traditional Allies: Anu (Sky Father), Enki (God of Water and Wisdom)
- Traditional Foes: Tiamat (Goddess of Chaos and the Sea), Kur (Underworld God)
- Divine Artifact: The Storm Scepter: A mighty scepter imbued with the power to command storms and control the winds.
- Servants: The Four Winds: Celestial beings tasked with carrying out Enlil’s commands and maintaining the balance of the elements.
- Servitor Creatures: Lamassu, Anzu Birds, Igigi
- Sacred Animal: The Eagle, symbolizing power and authority
- Manifestations: A roaring thunderstorm, a sudden gust of wind, or a trembling earthquake.
- Signs of Favor: Clear skies after a storm, favorable winds for sailors, and bountiful harvests.
- Worshipers: Farmers, sailors, kings, and rulers seeking divine guidance and protection.
- Cleric Alignments : Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good
- Specialty Priests: Stormcallers: Priests dedicated to invoking and controlling the forces of nature in Enlil’s name.
- Holy Days: The Festival of Tempests, celebrated during the height of the storm season to honor Enlil’s power over the elements.
- Portfolio: Weather, agriculture, kingship, divine authority
- Domains: Air, Earth, Weather, Protection, Law
- Favored Weapon: Thunderbolt, a mighty warhammer imbued with the power of lightning.
- Favored Class: Cleric
- Favored Race: Humans, as Enlil played a significant role in their creation according to myth.
- Duties of the Priesthood: Performing rituals to appease Enlil and ensure favorable weather conditions, offering sacrifices to maintain his favor, and enforcing divine law and order among the people.
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Great Ziggurat of Nippur, the Temple of Enlil in Babylon
- Benefits: Protection from natural disasters, increased agricultural yields, and guidance in matters of governance and kingship.
- Significant Others: Ninlil, Enlil’s consort and goddess of the air and fertility.
Enlil is the chief deity in Sumerian religion, the god of wind, air and space, separating earth and heaven.
Enlil, the ancient Mesopotamian deity, is a figure of immense power and authority. Known as the “Lord Wind” or “Lord Storm”, Enlil is the god of wind, air, earth, and storms. His name, derived from the ancient Sumerian words EN, meaning “lord”, and LÍL, signifying a spirit or phantom, reflects his ethereal and commanding nature.
Bio: Enlil, the chief deity of the Sumerian pantheon, later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Hurrians, holds a significant role in the creation and sustenance of the world. His primary center of worship was the Ekur temple in the city of Nippur, believed to have been built by Enlil himself. This temple was regarded as the “mooring-rope” of heaven and earth, symbolizing Enlil’s role as the binding force between the celestial and terrestrial realms.
Enlil’s actions are driven by his duty to maintain the balance of the world. In the Sumerian creation myth, it was Enlil who separated An (heaven) from Ki (earth), making the world habitable for humans. His intervention in the world is often aimed at preserving this balance. For instance, in the Sumerian flood myth, Enlil rewards Ziusudra with immortality for having survived the flood, thereby ensuring the continuity of human life.
As the inventor of the mattock and the patron of agriculture, Enlil’s purpose extends to fostering growth and prosperity on earth. His actions are guided by the desire to ensure the well-being of the world and its inhabitants.
In essence, Enlil embodies the primal forces of nature and the divine responsibility of sustaining the world. His actions, driven by duty and care, aim to maintain harmony and balance in the universe. His ultimate goal is the flourishing of life and the preservation of the cosmic order. Through his actions, Enlil hopes to achieve a world where nature and humanity coexist in harmony.
Originally Posted by Green Giant of the Wizards Community forums.
Ruler of Heaven
Greater Deity
Symbol: A pick-axe
Home Plane: Blessed Fields of Elysium/Eronia/Great Mountain of the East
Portfolio: Air, war
Worshipers: fighters, nobles, farmers
Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, CG
Domains: Air, Good, Nobility, War
Favored Weapon: Pick-axe (handaxe)
Enlil | |
fighter 20/Cleric 20 | |
Medium-Size outsider (Good) | |
Divine Rank | 17 |
Hit Dice | 20d8+200 (outsider) plus 20d10+200 (fighter) plus 20d8+200 (Cleric) (1,120 hp) |
Initiative | +12 (+8 Dexterity, +4 Improved Iniative) |
Speed | 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (perfect) |
AC | 77 (+8 Dexterity, +17 divine, +30 natural, +12 deflection) touch 47, flat-footed 69 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +40/+73 |
Attack | +5 holy, shocking burst, thundering handaxe +84 melee; or spell +73 melee touch or +65 ranged touch |
Full Attack | +5 holy, shocking burst, thundering handaxe +84/+79/+74/+69 melee; or spell +73 melee touch or +65 ranged touch |
Damage* | +5 holy, shocking burst, thundering handaxe 1d6+42 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20/x3; or by spell *Always does maximum damage (handaxe 54) |
Face/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Turn undead (+6 to turn checks) 13/day, Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, bypass damage reduction (good). |
Special Qualities | Divine immunities, DR 30/epic, fire resistance 22, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 17 miles, remote communication, godly realm, greater teleport at will, plane shift at will, SR 69, divine aura (17 miles, DC 37). |
Saves | Fort +59, Ref +57, Will +60 |
Abilities | Strength 42, Dexterity 26, Constitution 30, Intelligence 28, Wisdom 32, Charisma 30 |
Skills* | Climb +61, Concentration +62 (+66 casting defensively), Craft (armorsmithing) +71, Craft (weaponsmithing) +71, Diplomacy +72, Handle Animal +62, Heal +53, Intimidate +62, Jump +61, Knowledge (Arcana) +51, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +61, Knowledge (Geography) +51, Knowledge (history) +51, Knowledge (local) +51, Knowledge (nature) +51, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +71, Knowledge (religion) +71, Knowledge (the planes) +51, Listen +54, Profession (commander) +73, Ride (Dexterity) (horse) +64, Search +51 (+55 with hidden or secret doors), Sense Motive +53, Spellcraft+65, Spot +54, Swim +61. *Always receives a 20 on checks. |
Feats | Battlefield Inspiration, Blind-Fight, Chariot Archery, Chariot Charge, Chariot Combat, Chariot Sideswipe, Chariot Trample, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Divine Might, Dodge, Empower Spell, Endurance, Glorious Weapons, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (handaxe), greater weapon specialization (handaxe), Improved Critical (handaxe), Improved Iniative, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (handaxe) Weapon Specialization (handaxe), Whirlwind Strike |
Divine Immunities | Ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation, imprisonment, banishment. |
Salient Divine Abilities | Alter Reality, Alter Size, Annihilating Strike, Area Divine Shield, Avatar, Battlesense, Divine Air Mastery, Divine Battle Mastery, Divine Blast, Divine Fast Healing, Divine Shield, Divine Splendor, Divine Weapon Focus (handaxe), Divine Weapon Mastery, Divine Weapon Specialization (handaxe), Energy Storm (electricity), Extra Domain (Nobility), Hand of Death, Irresistible Blows (handaxe), Mass Divine Blast, Rejuvenation, Wound Enemy |
Domain Powers | 17/day turn or destroy earth creatures, or rebuke or command air creatures; cast good spells at +1 caster levels, 17/day inspire allies (+2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage for 10 rounds). |
Spell-like Abilities | Enlil uses these abilities as a 27th-level caster, except for good spells which he uses as a 28th-level caster. The save DCs are 37 + spell level. Aid, air walk, blade barrier, chain lightning, control weather, control winds, demand, discern lies, dispel evil, divine favor, divine power, elemental swarm (air only), enthrall, flame strike, gaseous form, geas/quest, greater command, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, magic circle against evil, magic vestment, magic weapon, obscuring mist, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, protection from evil, repulsion, Spiritual Weapon, storm of vengeance, summon monster IX (as good spell only), whirlwind, Wind Wall. |
Cleric Spells/Day | 6/9/9/9/8/8/7/7/6/6; base DC = 21 + spell level. |
Possessions: Enlil carries a +5 handaxe with the holy, shocking burst, and thundering ability in battle.
Other Divine Powers
As a greater deity, Enlil automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks and saves). He is immortal.
Senses: Enlil can see, hear, touch, and smell at a distance of seventeen miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within seventeen miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to twenty locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours.
Portfolio sense: Enlil senses any act of just war as well as anything that happens under the open sky seventeen weeks before it happens and retains the sensation for seventeen weeks after the event occurs.
Automatic actions: Enlil can use Craft (armorsmithing), Craft (weaponsmithing), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Knowledge (religion), Profession (commander), and Ride (Dexterity)(horse) as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can perform up to twenty such free actions each round.
Create Magic Items: Enlil can create magic weapons, armor, and items that can sustain the user through adversity. He also makes items that help the user remain morally and ethically steadfast.
Avatar of Enlil: As Enlil except divine rank 8; Spd 60 ft.; AC 59 (touch 38, flat-footed 51); Base Atk +40; Grp +64; Atk +75 melee (1d6+33 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20/x3, +5 holy, shocking burst, thundering handaxe) or spell +64 melee touch or +56 ranged touch; Full Atk +75/+70/+65/+60 melee (1d6+33 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20/x3, +5 holy, shocking burst, thundering handaxe) or spell +64 melee touch or +56 ranged touch; SQ DR 20/epic, fire resistance 13, SR 40, divine aura (800 ft., DC 28); SV Fort +50, Ref +48, Will +51; all skill modifiers reduced by 9.
Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Reality, Alter Size, Battlesense, Divine Air Mastery, Divine Blast, Divine Shield, Divine Weapon Focus (handaxe), Divine Weapon Specialization (handaxe), Extra Domain (Nobility), Hand of Death
Spell-like Abilities: Caster level 18th; saving throw DC 28 + spell level.
Sources: On Hallowed Ground (2E), PHB 3.5, DMG 3.5, MM 3.5, Players Guide to Faerun (3.5E), Deities and Demigods (3E), Complete Divine (3.5E), Complete Warrior (3.5E), Sword and Fist (3E), and Miniature’s Handbook (3.5E).
Originally posted by ripvanwormer
(Ruler of Heaven, Lord Wind, Sky Bull)
Intermediate Power of Mechanus, LN
Portfolio: Air, law, order
Domains: Air, Weather, Law
Aliases: Enlil, Kur-Gal
Realm: Nippur
Superior: None
Allies: Anu, Ninlil, Girru, Sin, Ramman, Gilgeam (dead)
Foes: Enlil, Ea
Symbol:] Pick-axe
Ellil was born from the Sumerian god Enlil. As Enlil’s worshippers became more urbanized and concerned with laws, the Babylonian pantheon was born from the Sumerian, and so Ellil was separated from his older aspect, becoming a completely separate entity. The Sumerian Enlil had been neutral good, mostly concerned with wind and war, but this new deity was more concerned with order than anything else.
In Babylonian/Akkadian myth, Ellil was born from the exhausted breath of Anu and the earth goddess Urash, shortly after their sexual union. Born from breath, he was wind itself, the firmament, the force that separated Earth from Heaven.
By his wife Ninlil, Ellil is the father of the moon-god Sin and the thunder-god Ramman. The fire-god Girru is his half-brother, the full brother of Ea, but Ellil does not hold this against him and Girru has no problem with Ellil.
It is commonly held, in some circles, that Ellil is the real leader of the Babylonian pantheon, that old Anu is merely a ceremonial figure at this point and everyone takes direction from his son. This has some truth to it, though few would ignore the advice of clever Ea. If Ellil is the power behind the throne, Ea is the power behind that power.
Ellil and Ea, however, are great rivals. Ea believes he should have been given rulership of the sky, since his mother Antu is older than her sister Urash. When Ellil sent a flood to wipe out mortals (disliking their violation of his laws), Ea saved some of them in an ark. When Ishtar defied the laws of the gods by entering the Underworld, Ea rescued her. When the pantheon allied itself with Druaga, Ea didn’t give Ellil any credit for the idea (not that he deserved any). Ellil thinks of Ea as a law-scoffing nuisance, while Ea thinks of Ellil as a usurper. Ea’s son Marduk, well-respected among the gods as the defeater of Tiamat, tends to side with his father, something that irks Ellil to no end. His grandaughter Ishtar, too, treats Enlil as the more favored of her two grandfathers. Despite Ellil’s efforts, Ea’s place as the power behind the power seems assured.
As their holdings elsewhere were being devoured by the Zoroastrian pantheon, Ellil was among those who sought worshippers on the world of Toril, where some of his faithful had been enslaved. Known by the older name Enlil there, Ellil managed to get an avatar passed the barrier mortals had made against his kind. The avatar ruled as a god-king, head of the pantheon called the Untherian by the locals, and even sired a semi-divine offspring, one Gilgeam. Though many of the other avatars were killed by members of the Orcish pantheon, Ellil survived. Ultimately, though, Ellil made the calculated decision that the cost of maintaining an avatar was using more of his divine power than he was gaining from the paltry few worshippers the nation of Unther had to offer. In a typically pragmatic move he abandoned the world, leaving Gilgeam to rule in his stead.
The older Enlil is infuriated by his inadvertent creation, so cold, so mechanical, and so willing to steal Enlil‘s own worshippers. More warlike than his Babylonian equivalent, Enlil seeks to destroy Ellil’s proxies whenever he can. Normally, he works through agents; he isn’t ready for a godswar. At least, not quite yet.
Ellil’s realm in Mechanus is a ziggurat on top of a mountainous cog. This cog adjoins Anu’s; it is of equal size, and the two wheels turn at the same rate.