
The Dukes of Avernus clench their fists when they see him about on his master’s business. The Dukes of Cania refuse to speak with him, and ward their fiefs as best they can from his presence. The Dukes of Dis delight in what he leaves with them from time to time. The other Dukes of Cocytus (Maladomini)… those Dukes call him the Snitch, a little name for a little devil who slinks about watching, listening, and then returning to whisper in his master’s ear.
The Gates of Hell (Dice Freaks)
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
Surgat is the most trusted of Beelzebub’s servants; he has the ear of the Lord of the Flies, as he has had since before The Great Fall. Once an astral deva of mighty bearing, he walked nonetheless in the shadow of Beelzebul’s greatness, seeking always to please the mighty Angel. Even in Heaven there were rumors to be had, dissension amongst the ranks, and Surgat learnt to ferret such information out. When Beelzebul fell, he took with him Surgat, and promised him a place of power when all was set aright. The Snitch could not conceive of any place but in perfect Beelzebul’s shadow, for he had come to rely on the Angel; Heaven had long since shunned him for his secretive habits.
Having fallen into Hell, Surgat found himself quickly relegated to the retinue of Beelzebul, now called Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies. Surgat was given the same duties that he had taken on before: watching, listening, reporting – and even silencing, as appropriate. He quickly came to relish the power that he exercised over others in knowing secret knowledge about them, and began to use his knowledge as a threat. More and more often he started to hide secrets from his master – but only when he was sure that he could get away with doing so. Such knowledge he promised to keep secret from those who feared its consequences; in return, Surgat learned secrets even more damning.
The Snitch has no allies. He has only his master, Beelzebub, who treats him in a condescending fashion, and a myriad of creatures fearful of what he might know about them. For his part, Surgat bullies those he can, feeling pride over the look of fear and hate that he evokes in so many creatures. Surgat also operates as the Chamberlain of Cocytus (Maladomini), and all happenings in the Seventh Hell are recorded by him in the Ledger of Secrets. Perhaps most importantly, he keeps a record of all those souls that fall under the dominion of Beelzebub, and, as part of an unholy triumvirate with Byzine and Beelzebub himself, oversees the efforts of the Order of Flies. From time to time he has minor dealings with emissaries from Dis, selling morsels of information at high prices. Surgat has been instructed to step carefully in this area, and his actions are carefully choreographed and watched by the Lord of the Seventh. None can tell yet why Beelzebub allows these meetings to happen at all, but it is clear that it is part of some grand intrigue.
Surgat bears almost no resemblance to the angel that he once was. Though he stands six feet tall, he habitually stoops, as if trying to diminish his presence even further. His face is long, his nose almost absent, his lips thin and bloodless. Though his sense of hearing is extraordinary, he has no apparent ears. A thin, whiplike frame hides surprising strength, and hints at his incredible agility. Surgat bears a lizard-like tail that can act as a prehensile appendage, and his tongue is forked like that of a snake. Entirely hairless, the Duke of Secrets looks on the world with lidless eyes, never blinking, never missing a detail. His apparel changes to meet various situations, but when at court in Malodomini, he wears overlarge black robes that emphasize his emaciated frame.
SURGAT, Duke of Secrets | |
Duke of Hell | |
Medium outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Fallen, Lawful) | |
Symbol | A silvery web set over a black, inverted triangle. |
Assassin 15/Rogue 5/shadowdancer 10 | |
Hit Dice | 20d8 + 5d6 + 15d6 + 10d6 + 300 (640 hp) |
Initiative | +21 |
Speed | 60 ft., Climb 40 ft. |
Armor Class | 41 (+13 Dexterity, +15 natural, +3 profane), touch 26, flat-footed 41 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +35/+39 |
Attack | Leverage +52 (1d4+10 plus 1 Constitution/19- 20) |
Full Attack | Leverage +52/+47/+42/+37 (1d4+10 plus 1 Constitution/19-20) and Steel Whisper +52/+47/ +42/+37 (1d4+10 and silence/19-20) and Silhouette -+ 52/+47/+42/+37 (1d4+10) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./ 5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Call devils, death attack (Fortitude DC 34), Exposé , Infernal Presence, sneak attack +11d6, spell-like abilities, spells, stun, summon shadow |
Special Qualities | Cursed, Broker of Secrets, damage reduction 20/good and silver, Darkvision 60 ft., defensive roll, Duke of Hell qualities, evasion, hide in plain sight, immunity to fire and poison, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, Low-Light Vision, magic circle against good, Prehensile Tail, regeneration 6, resistance to acid 20 and cold 20, see in darkness, shadow illusion, shadow jump 160 ft. or at will, slippery mind, Spell Resistance 48, telepathy 500 ft., trap-finding, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge, Watching from the Wings |
Saves | Fort +33 (+37 vs petrification), Ref +40, Will +31 |
Abilities | Strength 18, Dexterity 37, Constitution 23, Intelligence 35, Wisdom 19, Charisma 22 |
Skills | Appraise +45, Balance +63, Bluff +31, Climb +55, Decipher Script + 50, Diplomacy +52 (+50 with good creatures, +58 with evil creatures), Disable Device +57, Disguise +59 (+63 acting), Escape Artist +66, Forgery +55, Gather Information +56, Hide +66, Intimidate +50 (+56 with evil creatures), Jump +38, Listen +59, Move Silently +66, Open Lock + 63, Perform (dance) +21, Search +67, Sense Motive +49, Sleight of Hand +70, Spot +61, Survival +4 (+10 tracking), Tumble +63 |
Feats | Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Corrupt Spell-like Ability B , Dodge, Greater Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Investigator, Jack of All Trades, Mobility, Multi-weapon Fighting, Nimble Fingers, Spring Attack Suspicious, Weapon Finesse |
Epic Feats | Epic Evil Brand B , Perfect Multiweapon Fighting, Polyglot, Superior Initiative, Trap Sense |
Environment | Cocytus (Maladomini), Seventh of the Nine Hells of Perdition |
Organization | Solitary or attaches (2 – 4 pit fiends, 2-16 Fiendish Ravens) |
Challenge Rating | 36 |
Alignment | Lawful Evil |
Treasure | Triple standard plus Leverage, Steel Whisper and Silhouette. |
Surgat prefers to avoid combat as much as possible, and so he will generally run from combat using his shadow jump ability, or greater teleport. However, in those few cases where it is in his best interests to fight, Surgat will begin combat by using Exposé on the most martial of his opponents. He will make liberal use of deeper darkness and existing shadows, looking to use his sneak attack a myriad of times in melee. If possible, he will start combat from a place of concealment, using his death attack on wizards or sorcerers as a preference.
Broker of Secrets (Su): Surgat is sought out by mortals in order to reveal secrets, or hide them permanently. As such, he is referred to as the Broker of Secrets. A prospective client can ask Surgat to do any of the following:
- Discover and reveal a secret known by a friend or rival of the client, or obtain the answer to a question or puzzle.
- Hide all evidence of some activity or deed performed by the client or an associate of the client.
- Organise for the removal of a rival of the client (generally by means of abduction or assassination). As part of the deal, Surgat guarantees that he will not reveal the client’s dealings with him for a period of time, generally between 7 weeks and 7 years. However, the client is thereafter beholden to Surgat, who can call in a favor at any time (treat this as a geas effect with no save). For each day that the client does not follow the terms of the geas, the usual penalties are tripled; after a reasonable period of time (as set by Surgat, but generally 7 days, 7 weeks or 7 years), if the favor has not been completed, Surgat claims the client’s soul as restitution. The Duke of Secrets will generally kill the client without delay, so that he can take possession of the soul. In the event that the favor is done within the time frame (and Surgat never calls in favors too difficult for the client to attempt, although the favor is always distasteful for the client), Surgat declares the deal finished, the client immediately shifts two degrees towards Lawful Evil, and thereafter takes a -3 penalty on saves against Surgat’s abilities.
However, the deal is never truly finished. At the end of the period of silence on the matter, Surgat will contact the client again and offer to make another deal. Surgat will perform a service as above, but the client will owe two favors to the Duke of Secrets. In the event that the client declines, Surgat will attempt to blackmail the client by threatening to disclose the previous dealings in a most embarrassing manner. The client is allowed a Will save DC 32 to avoid caving in and doing another favor for Surgat (the -3 penalty applies on this save). A successful save still inflicts the client with persistent nightmares (Will save DC 32 negates, one save per night) that his base dealings will be exposed.
After each deal, the client’s alignment shifts two degrees towards Lawful Evil and suffers an additional -3 penalty to all saves against Surgat’s abilities. After the completion of each deal, Surgat will once again approach the client to offer a new deal, and each new deal will require one more favor than the last time in return for Surgat’s services.
A client who has dealt with the Broker of Secrets can only escape this spiral of intrigue, offer and counter offer by confessing his deeds to a cleric of 21st level (or higher), who then casts miracle, break enchantment and Atonement. As part of the terms of Atonement, the client must abide by the lawful punishment for his crimes. No creature that makes a deal with Surgat as the Broker of Secrets is immune to any aspect of the ability.
Call Devils (Sp): Once per day, Surgat can automatically call 12 lemures, 8 barbazu or erinyes, 6 hamatulas or osyluths, 4 cornugons or gelugons, or 2 pit fiends. Since these devils are called rather than summoned, they have the ability to summon their own reinforcements if so ordered. Conversely, 3/day Surgat may summon 12 lemures, 8 barbazu or erinyes, 6 hamatulas or osyluths, 4 cornugons or gelugons, or 2 pit fiends. Surgat may either call or summon in a day; he may not do both. Surgat, if presented with a situation that he cannot slink away from, immediately calls pit fiends, and then instructs them to summon additional reinforcements. The Duke of Secrets will then try to disappear during the ensuing melee.
Exposé (Su): Seven times per day, Surgat may make an Exposé. Selecting one creature within 90 feet, he broadcasts that creature’s most embarrassing secret by means of a programmed image in the air directly above its head. The target creature is entitled to a Will save DC 32 to avoid the effect, but even a successful save leaves the target unnerved, taking a -2 penalty on attacks, damage, checks and saves with regards to Surgat for the next 24 hours. A failed save leaves the creature paralyzed with shame and fear for seven rounds, as the scene plays out. Other creatures in the area must succeed on a Will save DC 32 or be fascinated (as per the bard class ability). The creature thereafter takes a -4 penalty on attacks, damage, checks and saves with regards to Surgat for the next 24 hours. A creature cannot be affected by Exposé more than once per day. Only cosmic or divine beings, or beings with no Intelligence score, are immune to this ability. This is an enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting] effect.
Infernal Presence (Su): Surgat’s Infernal Presence has a Will save DC of 32. His caster level is 36th .
Prehensile Tail (Ex): Surgat’s tail, though lizardlike in appearance, is able to be manipulated as if it were a third hand, easily grasping all manner of tools (and weapons). It also grants him a +6 racial bonus on Balance and Jump checks, and allows him to Climb at a speed of 40 ft. (and thus granting him a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks). Using his tail and his natural ability at Climbing, Surgat scurries across walls and ceilings with as much ease as he does floors.
Spell-like Abilities:
- At will – aid, animate dead, bestow curse, blasphemy, cause fear, charm monster, continual flame, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, Detect Magic, discern lies, Dispel Good, fireball, flame strike, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 1,000 pounds), knock, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, plane shift, polymorph, power word stun, suggestion, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire;
- 7/day – inflict light wounds, see invisibility;
- 3/day – destruction;
- 1/day – blade barrier, harm, meteor swarm, symbol of pain;
- 1/week – wish.
Caster level 44th ; DC 26 + spell level.
Stun (Su): If Surgat strikes an opponent twice in one round with one of his Daggers, that creature must succeed on a DC 24 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.
Watching from the Wings (Sp): Surgat seeks out secrets constantly. Each day, Surgat is able to select up to seven keywords; anytime any one of these keywords is used, he is able to use scrying as a 36 th level caster centered on the creature who spoke or wrote the word (no save allowed, although Spell Resistance does apply). He has no limit on how often he can use scrying. This ability even works across planar boundaries, but it cannot penetrate Divine Shields or an area otherwise blocked by a deity or Cosmic Entity of at least intermediate status (Divine Rank 11 or higher). Watching from the Wings cannot be foiled by Misdirection or nondetection or similar spells, and it does not create a magical sensor that other creatures can detect (as the scrying spell does). Surgat can concentrate on up to seven different locations at once (one is always his own actual location). As part of his Watching from the Wings ability, Surgat retains the spell-like ability to discern lies and see invisibility that he possessed as an astral deva, even though such abilities are generally lost upon gaining the fallen angel template.
- Leverage is a +6 wounding Dagger that also casts fear on any creature that it successfully damages as a 20th level caster (Will save DC 20 negates).
- Steel whisper is a +6 Dagger of silence, casting a silence effect on a successful hit that affects only the creature damaged, rather than a radius of effect. Silence is as per the spell cast by a 20th level caster (Will save DC 20 negates).
- Silhouette is a +6 cold iron Dagger that allows Surgat to shadow jump (as the shadowdancers class ability) at will when it is drawn. This does not count against the maximum distance that Surgat can shadow jump due to his own levels in shadowdancer.
- Surgat also carries on his person the Ledger of Secrets, within which is kept notes on all the happenings with which Beelzebub would have Surgat concern himself with, including the names of all those who have made agreements with Cocytus (Maladomini), and the terms thereof. The Ledger of Secrets is a simple, unassuming, black leatherbound book of middling size.
Summoning Surgat
Surgat will accept the journal or memoirs of a still-living individual as a suitable sacrifice, so long as it has been illegally obtained. Additionally, he can only be summoned into a secret room, i.e. a room only accessible by a secret door.
When Surgat is successfully summoned, shadows shroud the area, and all lights (including magical light effects) go out. A myriad of whispers sound through the room, and the journal or book of memoirs opens as the pages turn rapidly. The shadows then coalesce into the form of Surgat.
Surgat, as one of the more intelligent Dukes of Hell, is particularly dangerous to deal with. He will not speak except in a whisper, and he takes careful note of any other individuals in the room, to whom he will offer other bargains by means of telepathy. If he is aware of previous activities of the client, he is very likely to use such knowledge to improve his bargaining position, happily resorting to blackmail should it be in his interests. At the end of the summoning, Surgat simply fades away into shadow. Disembodied whispers continue for seven minutes after he leaves.